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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Oct 1950, p. 14

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' Cada'sChupin 1wmeâIo. Nake Sk ixWeek Tour of: Greati ritlit 'Canada's champion, plowmen. tors; and-Albert Dickie, Jersey. wwzners" in thé Esso Trang- vile, horses. Each recaivad sil- Aflantic classes at the 37t4~ Inter- ver niedals and $150 in cash. S national Plowing Match recently There were, twelve ather cash S concluded at Allistan, Ont.. willprzsi each ciass. have V., C. Porteous, former For il membars o! the over-" 'omember of parliament and promn- seas team Ilt will-ha the f irst visit. f ment Grey County agrîculturallst, ta the British Islas although all- ', as team manager on their over- ara o! Oid Country stock. They. sartour, it is announced by ROY hope ta taka timae off fromn their Saepresident o! -the Ontario extensive itinerary ta look up dis- 1 Plowmen's Association, tant relatives and visit places fa-i Tha champions are Hugh A. miiar ta their ancestors. ~ ele 8of Georgetown, Ont., Herbert Jarvis. winn:r in the1 Scourt, Ont., gaid medal winnàers Country for his grandfather was1 in the tractor and horse piowing the !lrst in his famiiy ta settie. ini classas respectively. Accompanied Canada. Hugh Leslie is warkingt Sby their teamn manager they wi]l a farnu that has been in the fam- ~; spend six weeks touring the Bri- ily for four ganeratidns. V i c tish Isles with ail expenses paid Porteous is also the fourth gen-j Sas gu'ests o! Imperial Oil. During eratian ta wark bis !arm antd his the tour they will compata in son, who is assaciatad with hlmn,f F, matches and observe agriculturai miakes the fifth generation an the. methods.inEngiand, Scotiand and sam!g land. Northern Ireland. An out-and-out harse piowmano Runners up in the same classes is Herbert Jarvis. He has neverd y were J. G. Trýan, ClaneMont, trac- Plowad with a tracton althoulj Af ter ail is said and done, how does àt tas te in the cup? That is what counts! .SALADA"ý TEA 'BAGS yield the. perfect flavour. I I I i i i I. j: r I NATIVE GROWN CONCORD , i APPLES FOR S14ELL.OUT8.-Excen.~t Eaêing NO SFin cy rade 64*45< ORAGESFancy Gracie DoL 39 NEW BRUNSWICK, WHITE TABLE STOCK -.Canada No. 1 Grade 50-lb. POïATM B&79 FRESH JUMBO ROASTED, for Hallowe'en SfielI.outs PEANUTS---------12-ox. . FR5514 WELL TRIMMED, SHORT CUT CHOICE SLICED RIELAM CH FSlb 170- Bu& KAST ]DACU RIB AMB ROPSMAPL.E LEAF RINDLE48 STEAKS OR IOAÀSTS ">MALELEAF, SMOKEI,' CUT PROM CAIqADA'5 TOP GRAD US CfTAGE ROLLS 9F .BEEiý' - R ED AND LUE BRAND SWIrS PREMIUM, SWEET CURED SIRLOIN - BON=LISROUND- FRESH SHANKLESS P@1Jn SHOULDERS ib. 550 f b. 57% ~.33e 69%6.6 ib. 599 . lb. 270 - Y3Pt. r 634 9-oz. Jar iJI M ADAJ«ASTATESMAM ha works. in a farm. machinery faÇtorY. in lus tinme off Herbert helps his fltiher, 'John Jarvis, work his 100 acre farm. Ai- though twice champion in the horse-drawn plow classes at the East York matches this was lus fIrst International match. Ne drove a team.borrowad frorxia neighbour. Herbert is the second youngest of the '"seven piowing Jarvis bro- thers" of Agincourt. Two years ago ail seven brothers took part 'n the East York match. His bro- ther Norman won and he camne fourth. Herbert is the father of twin girls, Linda and Donna, ag- ed thrae years. For Hugh Leslie it- was the fi! th International match but 'the -first-big win althaugh ha ha. won trophies .in many local -and caunty matches including tha Peel Coun- ty championship ini the open sod (tractor) class. JUst >the opposite of Herbert Jarvis, Hugh states ha has aIwgys. used a tractor for piowing and feèels that it would ha- next ta. im- possible to farm. his 400 acre farm without one. Hugh is the father of a four. year old daughtar, Lyn- daAnn. Plowlng matches and agricul- tural problerns are aId .stuff ta .Vic Porteaus, team manager. Past Pre;sident and a'director for 'nany years of the Ontario Plow- rnen's Association, -which, sponi- sors the big matches, Vie oparatas Grey Mapie Farm. near Owen, Sound and other farm properties. He has taken active part in many provincial and caunty farm or- ganizations including the Milk Producars Association, the Agri- culture Society, the Cheese Co- e operative and the Grey FarmersE Ço-Op ç, f Owen Sound. district, He was a member of! Parliament I tr Grey North during th? Ben-C nett administration,.lHe -is alsa Ih aPast, president of the Owen a0und ýKiwanîs Club and a for- ner member of *the.-Derby Town- Y~ ip council and is: the father of - mo boys and twao girls. r S( G s B Pl g. fo nE a Sc mi si t' VELVEETA MAPLE LEAF A&P CHOICE PITTEb RED JUNI<ET STRAWVBEHY MO UDES -2 " HEINZ KETCUP - Dl A&P CHOICE PIKIII - i- I 3V' 234 234 I<ALOWEIKENDY. KiD]DY Peon 4 B15,. Ie POP COIN 120L 10 mmSESCANDY 'lb.4< JELY 'EAJ Ib . g YORK BRAND 1 DOLOGTi" YORK - IN BEAS WJJR 20.oL. W NERS - DOLE PINEAPPLE QUAKERTi' flICE KISPIES - 2 P'o APPLE-M ITCHDLL'S JMRz - -î A&P CHOC. COATED Ti - 5-oz.d CONCENTRATED sui~ lJ~5 Largo Pka. 31< 391 .140 114 229 I 011 OIT r-I er&-cranky with miaerable, dent Tehd.aMay be oteledr-for y,~~UvJ, fadW.asa.tfavi b.-a. Imea a. e cleda MW kidaeysWé.gpupoey-we ai-b' Im lJis a m ea.lcd «-haed. anmd ot aad dé KIdWMY IlS r;BOWMAIqVILLt, ONTARO __________ TUSA.OT0~28,1 lug 1 * TYONE Mr. Chgies and MW Helen Brown., Peterborough, vusted Mr. and Mrs. R. B.- Scott. M.E.Stonle, Orono, 'vlsltad Mrs. R« Burgesa. Ming Lillian Mcfloberts, Ta- ronta, visitad with. Miss . Yvqnné Byam.« Mr. and Mns. Theô Down, Billie and Carolyn, Lakafield; Mr. and Mrs. Hanry Met-cen, Orono,'visit- ed wlth"Mr. and Mrs. Ruzssell Vir- tue. Mr. and Mrs. H. Hall and M. W. T. Wordan vlsitad Stewart Hall at the Isolation Hospital -and Mr. A. Scott at St. JDseph's HUospital* and were tea ouestî of Mr. and Mrs. L. Gamble, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. John-Oke, Ennis- killen, vihitad Mr. and Mx.. Neil Yellowlees. Mr. and Mn.. Ralph Glaspeil and children vislted Mr.- and Mns. Alax MeMa ter, ZMon. Wecréta Mr. an d -Mi,. Bert Johnson and son Jack from. Ennis- killen ta aur comminity who have maved ta the late Wallace Miller farm. .i Mrs. T. Aked and Miss- Aleen t Aked are leaving their summer E home this week ta spend the win- 'te in Toronto.. Mr. and Mrs. Raymand Crapp 1 visited Mr. and Mrs. Dave Hoop- t er, Orono; Mrs. E. Stonia retunn- ni home ta Orono with them. a Mr. and Mn.. Bert Fîndlay, t, Mrs. T. Findlay, Thorxuhill, and 2 ittle Gail Walkar. Langstaff, ivisited wîth Mr. and Mns. Otto ti Virtue..V Mn. and Mns. Otto Vintue visit-' 1( ed Mr. and Mrs. Lance Plain, Bowmanville. 1. .. .e, . r and --Mn.. Jabez. Wrighti Misses Anna and Effa *Wright,. )shawa, visited with Mr.: and Ns. Frank Werry. Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Goodman ,ere tea guests o! Mr. and Mrns. Will Williams on Sunday. . Mr. and Mn.. E. G. Boyd, To- t ,nto, with Mn. andMrs. R. Bur- st ýffl . , , . . - ý - ci Mr. and Mrs. Theo Down, and fa ildren, Lakeflald; Mr. and Mrs. arnm Kilty and. Mrs. V. Millson, h. ýoronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Leon. ca 4oore QnSunday. p Mrs. Bob Banson and little son, it. Ling, and Mn.. Ai!. Brown, New- astle, visited with Mr. and Mrs. -al I. Skinner and. Mr. and Mrs. L. Pa cinner, . 1 be Mr. and Mn.. A. Little, Barry. id Dianne, Markham, visited t ith Mr. and Mns. Trewin Scottst i-SUJIdeaY. qu Misses Edith and Joyce Wood- de >y, Bowmanville, spent the pu reekend with their parents,14r. ha d Mrs. C. W. Woodley. h Mr. and Mrs. A. Crof! andth jîldren. Brampton; Mr. and L55a11 Philp, Peterborough, wcrc nday visitors with Mr. and Mr. l Philp. fai MN/r. and Mrs. Albert Wood'and, wh ildren visited Mr. and Mrs. R. nec rewen, Oshawa, on Sunday. * 1*An Mir. and Mrs. G. Perfect and To. nily, Bowmanville; Mr. and en( re. W. Gibbs, Oshawa, wera tuaý ent ýçets a! Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gibb,.r i!ns. M.' Hughson is spending w days with Mir. and M#s G. -fou rnold, Garmley. î4 jý p- Mrs. Douglas Tait, Mr. V1ct Iller, Castieton, visited wi 4rhil d Mrs. W. J. Miller. the Mns. Lamne Annis spent b7qýà.bj ýkend with Mr*'* anid Mns. Fred. arfd nali, Toronto. - ing] .r. and Mrs. Har o e,~o.t ta, visitad Mr.,and'Mrs. J. A. rnaj evean on Sunday. -yau Ur. and«.Mns. Howard Brent, N and Mns. A. H. Brent visited shal and Mns. Jim Clark, Agin- has rt, on Sunday. this ir. and Mra. R. J. Cassidy, To-, ting ita. visitedi with Mn. and Mrs. pari ward Brent. b- by àr. and Mns. H. k B 4prgess'and com Idran visi tad Mr. and Mrs. Mac- I Tannant, Salem. i nrs.- Trewin. Scott entertained pare umben o! ladies last Thunsday all ýrnoon -in :honour -o! Miss vl )nne Byam, "a bride-to-be, at andt -p and, sapcer Ir, and , Mrs. C. W. Rahm, ston;' Mrs. H. Rahm, Burke- Wlih I&.'and Mrs. W. Rahm. 'v. and Mns. Thomas Smith famiiy, Týroy, wera guasts of and Mrs. Lute last week. Irw and Mrs. Neil Yeliowlees, 2ompany with Mr. and Mrs. ening day. when a thunder storm followed by gl pesi of de«efning seemis imminent,.fthunder. At the very minute the sermon Carnmented one of the moujn- concluded the sky was aplit by a' ers dryly, "She must have arrfved tremendo-è flash of lightning there allright!" Joi Melh.sauds of MR Who am prWvdiug for fiu cla odty wh.u thoir workiq days ire ever lieqh Roflruu.eut luoin Poikin wi... home of Doreen Rahm an Friday evenmngi Oct. 20 with 15- mambers present. 'The meeting was open- ed with the C.G.I.T. hymn and Pledge, followed by the Lord's Prayer. The worshlp service was takan by Helen Cola and Jane McClure and was based on the 23rd Psalm. A box a! fruit and candy was -packed for Stewart Hall. Plans were made for a sale and tea ta ha hald Saturday after- noon, Nov. 4th in Tyrane Schooî. A- tasty lunch was served and the meeting clased with tha singinig o! Taps. Glad ta know that Mr. Léon Moore is up and around again. Wa hope he, will soaon ha feeling fine again.7 Miss Doris Millington, Toronto, ,spent the weèkend with Mr. and 'Mrs.,Vferton White. Long Sault Home and School Club met Friday evaning at the school for thea first meeting a! the semsoir. A short pragram was given and the election of afficers haid after wh!chLlûnch was sarv- ed. Next meeting Nov. loth. I Mr. Ronald Shirk, Mr. and Mrs. Bazil Shirk, Orillia, have moved ao Tyrana in part a! Mr. O. Beck- ett's hause. 'Miss Bérnice* Brown, Toronto; M!r. L. Tabb, Oshawa; .Mr. R. Prescott. Bowmanville, were visi- tors with Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Tabb. Fire of unknown origin destroy- ed the large barn on what used to ha the late Elias Strutt farm, 2% miles north o! Tyrone earlyi Manday manning. A large quan- ty a! hay, grain, a rubber-tired wagon and a set o! scales were lst in the fine. MURPHfY PAINTS FOR EXTEkiÛRS The autside of your home wil1.reflec-t the beauty of the interior with lastdug loveliness that heats the weather year afte r year.' Smaoth flowing Murphy Paints are eair to app y.. It- lainger. PETAL TONE FOR WALLS Transform roonus and halls inta dneam aof loveliness wl thy iow selection fnom 14 charming. pasýtel shiades. Pe tal Tone is the finest af washiable wall paints -fltsemni-gloss fatnd glass. ~'~ NARVO FOR WOODWORK AND FURNITURE Add rich and glowing beauty3vith a Canadags smartest Wbigloè enamel. O NARVÔ is easy spréadig, gives greater coverage and longer wear, is available in. 25 delightful colitirs. ImLjphyPints:M LANDER HARDWARE'. Blaming the Parents Federàl"Grant of (Christian Science, Monýito) $56,600 ta Hospital Most enlightened thinkers tack- 0f ficially ùAnnounced ing the problem of juvanile de--___ inquentey agree that, broadly, Just to keep the records straiglit he solution is in doing two things: and flot creata any false impres- trengthening the character of sions ragarding the dispatch in hildren, and weakening the evil the Toronto papers on Saturday orces i 'n the commUnity. f stating that a grant of $56,600 had There is fia shortcut. It is a been made ta the naw Bowman- ard and denuanding task and ville Memorial Hospital by the alis on, every citizen, whather a Faderai Health Department, we erent:or not, ta take a shara in, f at an explanation should je made. -Wéanà't shift ail o! it ta thc This grant had already been Irady *burÈdened shoulders o!, included in the financial state- arents and -thinik the, answer has ment racently presented showing een found. that a.t least $50,000 more is re- It is esy ta accept. the glib, quired ta meet the stimated ex- atement: "There are no deli- penditures of erecting the new uent children; there are nly hospita. So don't hold back that elnquent parents, pass a aw donation you intended ta give, hishing- thearents in cases of and which is badly neaded in or- linquency, *and- dust off ur der that tha hospital may ha op- ands, in the shaiow confidence ened debt free. it the-1 juvenile delinq 1uency The dispatch referred ta above 7bem -has been disposed of. reads in part: Ottawa, Oct. 20 (CP),-The A nation-wîde study of juven- Health Department announced ',delinquency, recently made, today new Faderai Health grants iled ta disclose a single instance totailing $137,400 ta haspitals in, here juvenile misbehavior was the Ontario centres of Bowman- luced by punishing parents. ville, Niagara-on-the-Lake, Es- nd a juvenile court iudge inl panola. Parry Sound and Port ledo found out from experi- AMthur. ce that imprisonmient of par- In Bowmanviile, a Faderai ts does nothing mare than grant of $56,600 will go towards a pk up -the. family and deprive new. memorial hospital - being pf just iso.much*sustenançé. Hé built ta replace ona which has nd fhat wheh' yau pu4ish the become o olate. Cantaining bads e~t ~yu pnalze hechild. for 50 patients 'anda 20-bassinet (t has.also been discavered that nursary, it will ba completed next iLd ren cateh on very quickly ta sumxner. afact that their 'wrongdoing is Under the haalth plan, the Fed- ing blained QW their- parents, eral Government matchaç Provin- t thy -fa 'llow suit* unhésitat- clal contributions toward- -haspit- [Y. Youxrigsters have turnad on ai building up ta a ceiiing of ir- parents with the retort: "1 $1,000 a bed for activa traatment y ha deinquent, but it's ail hospitals, provided the Federai r fault." grant, doaa flot excead one-third qo. the child has ta stand his o! the total cast. e o! solving the problam. Ha ta learn self -discipline-and BER ARRIVAL NOTED! .is done partly thraugh get- We have always liked the story gdiscipiined by his parants, about the good woman who han- 7tIy through the disciplining pecked her husband marciiessly. the law enforcement af lus She carriad her bad temper be- munity. yond'the home taa, and was a fwe weaken the, prestige o! tarror ta all ber neighbours. As it ents by saying deiinquancy is must ta all,'hovaer, death camîe their !ault, we weaken ana one daY ta the good lady,. and ilsource -0f disciplina that saveraI days l>ter hèr funeral was [id be urpheld and fasterad held. improved.I It was na f those dark threat-,iL A& P« SUPER RIGNI QUALITY MEATS lb. 79% GENUINIE sfSCOTH9KMUES FRESH lb. 45< GYSTEI WED.DING FEATREIR - SPANNER Sgt Clement's Anglican Church, Toronto, dacorated with standards Of 'Intis and candlabra, was thue setting for the wedding o! Gloria Barbara Spanne, daughten Of Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Spannen and Harry Edward Feather, son o! Mr. and.Mn.. Edward Feather. Givn in mariage by her eldest brother, the brida was gawned In whita French lace aven shahl satin, with fitted bodice and long pointed slaevas. The skirt was full, falling ta a bort train. Han !ingprtip Veil was o! tuile illu- sion caught ta a bal! bonnet o! lace." She canriad stephanotis and bouvardia. Mrs. W. Somenville, in gold failla ta!! eta was matron o! hon- our. The bridasmaids, Mrs. J. Adams and Shirley Feathan woca similar gawns in shades of ruz;t and green with matching hait bonnets: Tluy carriad croton leavas and gladioli. Beat man wau William Somntr- villa and the ushers wera Jartes Adams and Rager Feather. At Glendala Manon, the bride's mthr rceived in plum vevet with matching plumed veivet hat and corsage of pale yallow rases. The graom's mother assisted ini Powder blue crape with black ac- cesonias and corsage af pink roses. For a wedding trip ta Quebec City and Boston, the bride chose as han travelling costume, a suit of bnown bnoadcîoth, velvat trirn with hat ta match and corsage of y'ellow orQthids. Anew hoe tSPaA OTAI ANN PAGE- VITAMIN "B" - WHITE or EMOW14, MIJK IEAD SL1CED 24-ez loaf13 CUSTOM GROUND BORASR COFFEE -lb 93c AYLMER..CHCIt TOMATOES. 28-oz r18c LIBV'S TENPER>KING GiKEN PUAS 22oz ônu 3lc IONA (Pectin Addod) AMSTRAWBERRY "24-az'i <w42C FANCV RED PA RAMOUNT SALMON SOCKEYE I matm39 TOMATO or VEGETABLE CLARK'S SOMF 2 io.oz ins 17C BREAKFAST CEREAL PURITY GATS 2'/z-1b po23i TASTV CHRISTIE ETZ 14 bpkg 34c TIL.BEST-CHOC. or WH4ITE CAKE MIX ,k. 3-5c m prov o 7 King St. E. BOWMANVTLLE - 1'hou~ 774 BRANCH OFFICE OSHAWA, ONTARIO 67 KING ST. E. 7 Ki ng St. E. BOWMANVILLE Pbbn4,-774

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