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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Oct 1950, p. 17

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?RfURSDA'Y, OCTOBER 9-6, 195n H AAINSAEMN OMNVLE NAT AG EETE KENDAL. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Robinson, Newtonville. spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Robinson. -Mr. and Mrs. Chas. V. Cooper. Orono, with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Stapleton. Mrs. Sam Smith, Newtonville: Mr. and Mrs. George Smith, New- castle, and Mrs. Annie Evans, Orono, visited Mr. and Mrs. Cecil GlAss on Sunday. Mrs. S. Smith stayed for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Coatham and Cherryli, Orono, with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. W. Mercer. M.and Mrs. Miton Dunbar and WET WEATHER I AHEAD! HAVE YOUR RUDDER FOOT WEAR READY We now have a complete stock of Men's, Women's and Children's RTJBBER FOOTWEAR Our stock of Winter Overshoes is. now ready for your inspection. LLOYD ELLIS Shoe Repair, King St. W. BOWMANVILLE 110 King St. E. ElliaIt, Perrytown,, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Elliott. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Stapleton and Dorolhy. Newtonville. and Rev. Eudell. Canton, were anni- versary guests of Mr. L. Bell and Hilda. Mrs. Hattie Langstaff. Mrs. Ag- nes Darlington and Mr. Bill Dar-, lington visited Mr. and Mrs. Mil- ton Robinson. Apple picking and Christmas tree cutting are the chief occupa- tions now and anyone requiring an extra hand for threshing finds themn very hard to locale. Kendal is on the dividing line in this "time" situation and folk find il a real mixup. Many f rom here work at points west which are al on fast lime. while all to the east are on Standard Time. In this localily sc -ne are on one lime, some on the other, with some meetings called for one time and some for the oliser. We hope il won't lasI much longer. The anniversary services of Kendal United Churvh were held on Sunday, October 22nd, a lovelIv aulumn day. We hiad the pleas- ure of hearing Rev. Eudell, Can-. ton. preach splendid sermons, morning and everting. Special music was provided in the morn- ing by Kendal Chcsir, under the able supervision a(f Mr. Swar- brick, while in the evening the singing by the U'nited Church Choir, Orono, was xnuch appreci- aled. The church was tastefully decoraled wilh baskets of flowers for the occasion. The W. I. meeting was held in the Sunday Scilol roomn on Wednesday, October 18, with the President. Mrs. F. Stoker in charge. Our community would be much improved if we would carry ouI ail the ideas suggesled in answering the roll call-a wo- man's duty as a good citizen. Il was noted thal oçir Ontario W. V.s had donated a grand total of $23,995.00 in aid of the Mani- toba Relief Fund. The Toronto W. I. convention is being he]d Nov. 1, 2 and 3 aI the Royal York. While no one feit aI liberty to take in the full three days, a number would like to go for one day. We understalid Burley's bus will ibe available. Mrs. Luxon who attended the Leaders' Train- Bowmanville ing Course in Bowmanville, gave an account of the Girls' Home- making Club work for the com- 'Ing year. Five dollars was donat- ed te assist the.-CÇlub.. We wert very pleased te have our District President' Mrs. Roîpti wilh us and found her talk oni Citizenship enlightening a n di thought-provoking., The 'close unity linking the subjects undrr each of the stindingk commiltees was shown. Educalion and C!tU- zenship she considered Most im- portant and lbought il wiser td leach our childreh te discrimin- ate belween the gooçd and the bad than -te endei'vour te put àil the bad beyond their reach. An- other idea was. if wve. in our littie groups or comniunilies have nal the ability 10 lîve pe aceably how can countries be exçlected te ive peaceably together. Mrs. W. Jackson favoured wiqi a Piano solo and, after a period of current events, conducled a tune-naming quiz on popuilar and old lime favouriles. Mrs. R. Mer- -cer and Mrs. Norman Patton, host- esses, provided a dainty lunch. Mrs. Stoker exlended a vote of thqnks 10 Mrs. Rolph and also te Mrs. Jacksoh. The November meeting will be in the charge of Home Economics Convener, Mrs. R. Mercer, when demonsîrations and instruction on knitling, cro- chefing and tatling will be given. Miss Stewart's group will be the hostesses. NE WTON VILLE Mrs. James,. Adams. Toronto, spent Sunday with bher parents, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Reichrath. Mrs. Lennox Vasey, Port Mc- Nicol, \vas called home on account of the illness of'her moîher, Mrs. Wm. Stapleton. Miss Bradshaw, Toronto. spent a few days with Miis Annie Nes- bitt. Mr.. and Mrs. Wm. Gibbie and daughi'er. Oshawa, were Sunday guesîs with Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Jones. Mrs. Frank Gilmer and son Jim, also Mrs. Stanley Rowe and daughler. Florence, spent a few DRAPES-. a. ga Phone 3121 Bethany Defeated in Durham League Basebail Finals This photo of the Bethany runners-up ln the Durham League Basebali Finals was taken before the last game when Kendal opened the battie with a bad first inning for .Bethany. Several runs were scored before the n.orth Dur- hamites came to bat and they were neyer able to overcome the early offset. But, they had had almost enough baseball for any one Aeason, starting late in the spring and playing a game or two a week ail summer. However-, there is littie doubt that tTiy would have been a much happier group of players hadt they been able to retur.-a to Bethany with the championship. They are, front row, lef t to'right: Robert Sisson, Bert Ginn, Bobby Rvley, Bob Reynolds, Bruce Ryley and Wilfred Reynolds; back rôw: Chris Commiskey, Mgrr.; Harry Ryley, Gord Smith, Reg. Edmunds, Hubert Lowes and Ray Stewart. ~days with reatives at Niagara Falls. Mrs. C. J. Dix, Toronto, hias been visiting bier friend, Mrs. Geo. Ovens. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Stark ani family spent Sunday witti her fa- ther, Mr. Moore, Castleton. Mrs. Wm. Lahe bias returned homne alter spending a couple of weeks with hier son and daughter- in-law. Mr. and Mrs. Harrv Lane, Plattsville-. Mrs. Lane is 'not en- jo.ying very good bealth. Mr. Wibert Hancock lias sold bis borne here and will sbortly be moving 10 Peterborough. Congratulations 10 Mrs. Jane Arnott who was 89 years young on Sunday, October 22nd. Mrs. Cecil Robinson spent a few days with ±riends in Toronto lasI week. Mr. Jack Williams, Toronto, called on some of his schoul chums over the weekend. ' Mrs. Agnes Darlington, Bow- manville; Mr. Bill Darlington, Kingston, and Mrs. Hattie Lang- staff were Sunday guests witb Mrs. Milton Robinson, Kendal. On Thursday nigbt the Presby- terians held a social evening at the church to bld adieu 10 Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Hlancock wbo are leaving for Peterborough. Tbey presented Wilberl with a pipe and tobacco and Mrs. Han- cock with an umbre]la. after wbich the evening was spent s0- cially with sing-song and lunch. Evening services will be re- the United Church on Sunday, Oclober 29. Make in- quiries about the time. On Monday night the Bridge Club met aI the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gilmer wben Mr. and Mrs. Hancock were presented with a vdry nice bridge set in a leather case. The evening was spent very pleasantly, with bVidge and lunch. HOMEý- OWNERS New or Old Houses your IDecorating Headquarters offers you 1. Complete Uine of mat- erials such as paints, wallpaper, varnishes, enamels, f loor f inishes, window blinds, etc. 2. Free advice ...if vou are doing your own decorating we will be glad to offer free ad- vice from our years of practical e xp er- ience. 3. If x'ou want a decor- ating job done by our owvn professional painters we will be glad to give you a f ree estimate. Cail in to-day la . Abernethy 85 King St. W. Phone 431 Bride-to-be Showered With- weding belis flot too far distant Miss Barbara Saunders was' guest of honour at a mis- cellaneous shower beld at the home of herfriend, Miss Fae Jones, on Satuî{lay evening. The home was taslefully decorated in pink and white by Fae and th-3 gifl basket was prepared by Mrs. Harold Burley. Many attractive and useful guits were received by the bride-to-be for which she thanked ber friends in a few weil chosen words. The social get-to- gether came to a close with a very dainty lunch conlributed and served by a number of Barbara's friends. 1Newtonvllle W. 1. The regular meeting of the Women's Institute was held on Wednesday evening, Oct. 18 at the. hlome of Mrs. Stan Rowe,' witrî - ýan attendance of 25. The Presi- dent. Mrs. S. Johnston. opened the meeting Iwith the Institute Ode and Lord's Prayer. The Secre- tary réported a balance on hand of $36.86. A few tips were pass- ed on to the meeting from Miss Gardiner's, helalh talk at Orono, whicb some of the members at- tended. It was decided to give $5.00 to the "Save the Cbildren' EL ECTRUC OUTL B-TS SHOULD NEVIR 86I TOCoî. ID W141LE- STANING IN WATC-R OR ON A DAMP FLOOR. Glen Rae's Milk.. Always ai Ifs Besi Glen Rae's miIk la one food tha t's always at its best. every day of the year, winter and summer - and lt's as rood for oldsters as chiIdren. Many over 50 have found it helplul as a rnealtime beverage because It la easy to digest and dees not interfere wlth sleep. Order Glen Rae's mllk to- day. Phone 4 u4 4l:I fund, and to apply for the gov- ernment grant of $3.00. Mrs. Rowe, leader of the group, then took charge of the meeting and called on Mrs. Lancaster fo a reading. Mrs. Willis Jones.gave a very inleresting talk on the subject of Ontario's . ndustries. She bold of the abundance of raw material, lumber, fisb, minerais, and agricultural products. Theni, beginning aI the Twin Cities. Fort William and Port Arthur, with their papermaking and sbipbuild- ing. we travelled lu imagination down lhrough SaulI St. Marie, with the largest newsprint facto-v in the world. Sudbury, with its ni<'kle, Windsor with its sait sudc automobiles, through the busy cities ofý the Garden of Ontario, 10 Toronto, a hive of induslry; Oshawa with the "General Mo- lors, and finally Ottawa, with paper, matches and furniture. Ii truth, Ontario is a land of which we may well be proud. NexI, Mrs..Pearce told of some interesting current events. The roIl cali was "My Pet Hobby," sewing, knilting and gardening ?ippearing most often. Mrs. Mel- ville Jones was leader in a con- test based *on Ontario's industries. Afler Gxod Save The King, tbe bostess and bier group. served lunch, and the social lime xvas enjoyed bv al]. Mrs. Holman ex-1 pressed the feelings of all in fecw well chosen words of fari well to Mrs. Hancock who' moving to Peterborough vel Betris the frugal inteiiectt4 repast with contentment and výr- tue. Ihan the luxury of learning wilh egotism and vice.-Mary Baker Eddy. YOUR FIRST LINE'ý 0F DEFENSE? OH, PLEASE, Tra that kind of protection ;i;hi bave been ail right for the. cavemen BUT you've got' a lot more te loue and moe ways of losing it. Better put down that -war' club and get yourself good, sound, up-to-the-minute I. surance coverage. We have It for you. Better stop in and get it NOW bel ore trouble strikes. Stuart R. James' INSURANCE - REAL ESTAT# el ai Styled for your Home Give your windows and your roorns a fresh, new air with new drapes. We have the colours and fabrics to fit every decorating scheme and at budget prices. Corne in or give us a4call - we will ho glad to measure your windows and instali your drapes free of charge within a 30 mile radius of Bowmanville. TRIS WEEK'S SPECIAL! 100% ALL WOOL PLAID MOTOR RUGS $ 4n95 - Venelian Blinds Measured and Installed Weber-'s Fabric Cnr 'Phone: Office 681 Ring Street, Bowmanville Reg. 498 50 PAIR ONLY Ibex FLANNELETTE SHEETS 70" x 90" Pink or Blue Boders $5.25 Pair GENUINE MADEIRA PILLGW CASES Boxed ----------- - - $4.50 Pair OTHER PILLOW CASES front 98c. Pair- and up a fruit & Peoe -THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOMIAINTIMLE, ONITARIO PAGE SEVENTEEN

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