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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Nov 1950, p. 9

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TERDAY, NOVEMBER 2,1950 TECNDA TTSA.EWAVLWfMr~r Only One Contestant Appear.d for Public Speakling Contest It was annaunced as a campe- titilon. it was supposed to be a cOzmPetition, but was it? If so, it certainly was a small one. The Public Speaking Campetition for PUPlla attending the Darlington Township achools was held on Wednesday evening, October 25, ini Hampton Sunday School, %ýîth ~ onecontestant, three judges, Ïma a mail audience with Garnet MA.ckard presiding. Last year it Was reported there were over a dOZen contestants. The one contestant was Chris- tixia Lamnb, Shaw's, who tald the story of "Canada's Coat o! Anms," With a picture, sa that she could elplain it. Christina is a pupil of Mrs. L. Atchison. The three judges were Miss Jean Cunningham, and Miss Leila Carr, of the Bowmanville High Sehool staff, -and Mrs. D. Barnet, a former teacher at Providence. It was disappointing for every- one ta see 50 few interested, be- cause the Lions Club cf Bowman- ville had promised ta donate prizes, and a nice evening had been planned. As it was, Chris- tina will get firat prize anyway. Talks given by contestants are udged on the basis o! material, ~.Iwhich there is 15 points, style qJ7 whlch combines coherence and force; language 10 points, deliv- ery 60 points, cambining general effectiveness and voice. A few points mentioned at this competition for othen prospective speakers ta remember, are: speakers ta remember, are: Look at yaur audience, and talk ta theni. If you are nervous, don't show it, at least try not ta. Watch pronunciation. Make sure the talk la at least the required length. Padding is generally dis- couraged in a speech. Group words together well, sa that the talk ia smooth and sounda nal. ural.1 Winners, or rather the winner of. the township competition wil compete for the county prize county winners compete for thE district prize, and winners of thai compete at Easter in Toronto foi the Provincial prize, The next competition will be on Fniday, Nov. 3rd, at Black< stock. Here's hoping the young aratars in Cartwright Township will turn out in larger numberý than appeared at Hamipton and show what they cari do' in the way of public speaking. OBITUAIRY HNYCOUCH A life-long resident of Clark£ Township and Newcastle, Henrý (Harry) Couch, passed away ir the Oshawa Genenal Hospital ir fris 72nd year. Althaugh ill fai sanie tume, Mr. Couch had been canfined ta hospital for only twc weeks. A member o! United Church, Mn. Cauch was a well-knowr trucker in Newcastle and dist- rict. He was the son o! the late Mn. and Mrs. Richard Couch. Surviving bçsides hip wife, the former Sadîq.. Brown, are three daughters, Mrs. Stanley Corden, Mrs. Sidney Luxtan, Bowman- ville and Mrs. Ralph Shortt of Newastle. Also surviving are four sons, Harold, Stanley anc Fred a! Newcastle and Harry of Oshawa. The funeral service was held in the United Church at New- castle an Friday afternoon. rI- tenment was in Bond Head Cerne- tery. At July 1, 1950, industrial em- ployment and industnial earnings reached an al-tume high in Can- ada. Average weekly earnings moved up ta $45.20 frorn $42.96 the year previously. 1 - --. -- -,-- -..-.~-PAG E ?WM 1 1 t- PO Y OO of pool, a good meal, conifortabie PONT POOLbedfree shin heat, a chat wlth r, your fellow farmers. If there In reviewing the most intereat- was an auction sale or box social .e; ing happenings around here dur- In the neighbourhood, an an- ie 1flz October, we find that Wilfred flouncement 'vould be hung up at Richardson gat himself married in the "pub." It amn't like that or ta a young lady living near Frank. now. Since the Jewish tourists ford, named Loshaw, whose sister went back to their homes it is be is Mrs. Tony Richardson and closed. At present no one seenis k-whose brother is George Loshaw, ta be willing ta rent and aperate ýg an attendant in Richardson's Gar- It for the winter manths. Ponty- IP age. We presume this young pool is fast becoming a ghost town. rs couple will reside in Pontypool as Not more than one hundred Id moat of the Richardson business people àtay here permanently. Ie interests are located there. On the saine day that Wilfred decided ta chuck away his free- IdsrosB ae dom, Ora Cain went off the deep Id srosBa e end with Charley Palmer of Beth- Busv uidig a an.We understand Charley Buidin -r Ora have purchased a house in an Durhazm County leBethany and are commuting to - and fromn Peterborough where (By Nick Nickels in 'y they have jobs that pay wages. The Peterborough Examiner) in In fact, Charley is stili working at in the saine place where hie has A large beaver pond in the )r been for the last ten years-an north-east corner of Durham ýn enviable record. County has been a source of de- ro Although Harry Carter is def- light to nature loyers for the past àinitely getting better, his improve- several months. And no one nment in health is very slow. knaws it better than a. retired t- Dr. McNeiI is stili in a Peter- railroader, Hughie Blair, who :eoýrough hospital. He is improv- has watched the large bush en- ing, but flot ready to corne home gineering project froni the very ýyet. His heart has been trouble- beginning. A reporter visited it SOMe for some years. We hope a few days ago with Hughie in his the rest in hospital wîll fixhirm ancient jalopy that grunted and up sufficiently to resume his prac- ground over the rugged bush )f tice. trails. It was a fairly long drive, ,e.We notice where the Doctor is that-a-way * ' dadvertising a reward for the re- Near the source of one of Dur- ofturn of his dog. So, if you notice ham's spring-fed creeks, Hughie a strange tan and white Scotch ierked fris ancient car to a stop at dcollie, with a long pointeci nose, the edge of a hardwood grove, not standing about two and a haîf more than 50 feet froni where the feet high, answering to the name first beaver cuttings start. Per- of Shep, you can get yaurself one haps it would be better to eall it hundred bucks by turning the the beavers' logging graund. pooch over to its rightful awner. Eighteen and 20-inch poplars We know the aId Dc? has the were felled alI over the place, Èmoney, too, because since we've good straight tumber about 40 ýknown each other he has done a feet taîl. thriving business with the Young- A very short distance froni the ýmani family. What with babies jogging, the high ground was 6arrivîng with monotonous regu- soggy and in sanie places fresh- larity, the kids breakinig their -bonies, pickingc up ail sorts of dis- eases. having tonsils yanked out, etc. Bill Rennie, aur- local hard- ware merchant, suffered some dreadful pain a few days ago. He was rushed to Oshawa Hospital where an aperation dlsclosed that an old hernia was busiiy twisting itself ara ind an arter3 , cutting off the blood supply. The......... latest word is that Bill is doing O.K. We hope hie continues thus. During October a head-on col. lision occurred in front of the . . Kirk farm, east of McCrea's ~ Church. A new DeSoto car was ~ traveling west, up the hili, sup- posedly in low gear. A two-ton truck, lightly loaded, supposedly going 35 miles per hour, was travelling east. As the two vehicles topped the sharp knoll, bath pretty welI in the centre of the road, they met with a crash. A lot af damage was noticeable ta botil machines. The truck driv- er did flot appear ta be hurt. The car driver had a cut on the left side o! his face and limped quite noticeably on his left hind leg. ' - He was given f irst aid at the Andy Sutch farm. We saw the wrecked car and wonder that its occupant came out alive. Police investi. gated. Neither driver was heid. rWe don't knaw whether any char- ges were laid. fMrs. Andy Sutch is recovering roni her attack o! phlebitis. Her mather-in-law is visiting at the Sutch fan .at present. We have had plenty of visitons I l here lately, but none more wei- corne than Mr. and Mrs. Ai! Rich- ards. their daughter, son-in-law and two of the cutest littie grand- daughters onecould wish. ta meet. We redeived a nice long letter last week frani Miss Margaret Syer and hier sister, Mrs. Lottie Lane in which they intirnate they are jogging along nicely. They tell o! eight houses being built on their street. Too bad! It wil spoil the rural atmosphere of at , Wood Street, Lexington, Mass. We also received a mnuch appreci- ated card. fromi a fellow tawns. womnan o! the Syer sisters, Mrs. Thelma Mather, who before lier marriage was a Fergusan. It ap- pears the Fergusons and the Mathers came ta America froin TPo eoFetieSre.Ao the British Isles, about 300 yearsTwOoSda.FitlnSri. v ago in the sam- 1-+ 4Whe -theend Spécial Modol,. fallen, lea;es covered? pools that wet halfway te the knee. And before one realized it, he was walking along a solid ramp cf saplings and mud, the dam, about 100 feet long. The single beaver ladge was well embedded in thet dam. Hughie thauight it might house six or eight animais. But they were flot te be seen at any time during the inspection., Trout To Be Found Eîght acres or s0 0f the sur- rounding býush was well flooded and in the dlean water pond creat- ed by the dam, several.traut flash- ed ta the caver of the banks and low hanging cedars. Traut? Say, Hughie Blair says there is no time in season when he is nat able ta take a full creel lumit, dandies, tao. This was not idle boast. He was able ta walk nean the bank o! this brook bath above and below the dam, and Point out the wily f îsh at will. This IS a trout streani. Where is it? That cannat be published in ail fairness ta fish- erman Hughie wha Was. kind enough ta guide the press an this teresting little jaunt. It is true that the menits of this streani are well known ta a select few traut f ishennien but none of thern wishes ta let the public ravage it like Cavan Brook. They want the'I busy beaver le!t alone and the trout. tao. "There's no use people button- lboling me for the location a! it"I tvarned Hughie Blair. I agreed with hini and sware ta keep fris trust. Bride of Saturday To Live in Bow'vill e Showered by Friends Miss Mary Margaret (Betty) Powers whose manrage taok place ta Mr. Roy Trudeau of Bowman- ville, in St. Gregory's Roman Catholic Church, Oshawa, Satur- day morning has been guest o! honoun at several pre-nuptial parties. Mrs. Leo. F. Powers entertained at a trousseau tea for her daugh- ter on Tuesday afternoon and ev- ening. Mrs. William Clark open- ed the door ta the guests. To receive the guests Mrs. Powers ware a black crepe dress and corsage of yellow chrysanthe- munis. Mrs. Joseph Trudeau, Bowmanvie, mother of the future bridegrooni, was weanlng !lower blue crepe and harmoniz- ing corsage. The future bride was wearing linen blue velvet with aj baiera of white bengaline and a Tea was served in the dining- rooni. Pauring tea in the after- noan was Mrs. George Young o! Bowmanville, serving was Miss Edith Brooks. In 'the evening ,Mrs. Lea Karnath and Mrs. Arthur Doran presided at the tea table. Those serving were Mrs. Kenneth Toms, Mrs. Charles Gra- hami, Miss Marion O'Dwyer,,'Miss Mary Fitzgerald,.Miss Teresa Mc- Gurri, Mrs. Lea Hambly and Miss Edith Brooks. Mrs. William Power&,.wyas in charge o! the roonis conitaining the future bride's trou§seau, wed- ding and shower gifts and the bride's linens, in the a!ternoon, and in the evening Mrs. Powens displayed the wedding gifts. Mrs. Ralph Houstoni was in charge o! the rooni containing the shower gi!ts and Miss Helen Hanibly pre. sided in the rooni containing the trousseau. Othens entertaining fan Miss TAXSom 24-IIUIVICE!IC Phone: Day 561 - Nighis 561 -707 -922 SIX MODERN CARS .... ALL PASSENGERS INSURE». PROMPT EFFICIENT SERVICE. Operaied by Laihangue Bros. KINGD'1 RADI Only Chevrolet offers such a ,and at the Iowest prices, too! niable in DeLuxe widely different, !dans - both of ier standard or The Fleetline [n (above) fea- ne which is one Ycr with ail irs ik room are flot ceries, illustrated Fwo-Daor Sedtan, ,g-car look, with tyling - and it's 1 hrough! Imm m un Imm om Talk about Choice! Just listen te this: Chevro- let gives you yw~r choice of eleven surpassingly beautiful body styles ini any one of twelve gleaming new colons - for more than 100 da'f- ferent selections! And variety is just one of Chevrolet's plus features. No less than nino major features qualify Chevrolet as the leader. And the leader it is - in value, in popularity, in sales! Just check off these big reasons why: 1. LOW FIRST COST - awoy bolow ony comparable cor. 2. MION REPUTATION - praferred by more Canadians thon ony othar car at any prical1 3. ECONOMY - Worid's Champion volve-in.hoed engin* wlth naw carburotor ta stop up efficiencyl Costs lis ta mointain. 4. STYLING - The style star wth the quolity look of a big, im p rssive cari1 5. PERFORMANCE - Clearly out.perforns it's rivais on super. highwoys, bock concessions and In stop-dotaro rffic. 6. DUPENDABILITY - Suparb engineering for Cainadian con. ditions keeps costs clown, dapendabiiity upi 7. SAFETY - Longeit, heaviast car i its field, powarfui choiss, Carti-Safe Brokesi 8. RO0MINESS - Room acpienty for six grownups ... end a bigger-Ihain-aver Irunk. 9. TRADII.lN VALUE - Renownad long tif.t mokas Chevrolet the favorite among buyers - earns you a highar value 1 M a n M. M s E M us M M ourDoor SWdn, Flooline Serie«. AvolUble ln DLuxr and Specil Models In Four-Door Sedans yôu take your choie' of the Fleetline, with its sweeping "fast back", (above) or the long-looking Style. line (belaw). And there are two Styleline Sports Coupes and a dignffied Business Coupe. Besicles ail Chevrolet's model choice, there's a big range of Factory. Approved accessories - grand conveni- ence features especially designcd to make mororing more fun for a Chevrolet owner - and off ered exclusively by your Chevro- let dealer. c- 12508 On.e af thrée 19,50 Chevrolet Coupe Mode!,. Avoutable in DeLuze and Spécial Modals. Consumer (redit Regulations Z FECTIVE NOVEMBER 1, 1950, instalment sales of consumer goods at retail and ceons for the purchase of consumer goods ut retail wil be sublect te new Consumer Credif Regulations. This action has been taken under the. Consumer Credif (Temporary Provisions) »ct as passed by Parliament. The Regulatiens apply te ev.ry persan engaged in the. business cf selling consumer geods at retail on credif, in the. business of making boans, or ofherwise engaged in finanicing the purchase cf consumer goods. The following requirements will be in effecf when rotail sales are made on the instalment plan on und efter November 1, 1950.: Minimulm MexIM "ew pyment lme te . Mol., voh ices eg. passen- ger automobiles and moorcycles)......... 331/3% 18 months Alil other consumer goods. 20% 18 menthe In no case shall the clown paymenl be Iess thon $3.00. INSTALMENT PAYAMTS are ta ho in rogular, approximotely equol, amounts of net loisthan $500 montlIy or $1 .25 wo.&Iy. Instaimont payments may bo varied te meet the. crcumstances of persans such as formers and commercial fishermen wh.oe incarnes are subject ta soasonal fluctuations. Simlar terms apply ta loans grantod by bonki or baon companies for the. purpase of purchasing consumer foods et retail. SPUCAL PROVISIONS ARE INCLUDID WITH REGARD 70 RU VOL VINO CRE917 ACCOUNTS, permanent budget accounts, CUront budget accaunts, and similar plans invoMvng. payment for goods by regular instalments. ORDENANT CHARGE ACCO UN 75ARE MOT DIRI7Y APMCT1D by Ith. prosent Regulations, but stops will b. takon. if necessary, ta se. liat charge accounts are net usod ta evado 1h.e regulatians relatirsg ta instalment sales. TM R RILAT1ONS REQUIRE MLUS, LONOUS AND MNAN@R COMPANES eta minnrecords of transactions, te maoie u avallable for Inspection, and ta frnish information an roquoit te ouuorzed ropresontatives of the. Goyernment of Canada. CONSUM 00005 iclude ail goods wilh certain exceplions À fuli list cf lte exceptions wNi b. fqiind in lie Ilegulallans. Fer exemple, th. e guluIh.s Do MOT ApnPIte & des of r*W astate, stocks, bonds, socurities, goods for professionai or ' business use, buses, trucks, building materials, implonmnhon equipmnent used exclus.vely in farming and ftuh4ng Pu*issare provided fo« vmisim o 1 fse R.g.éV. For " i coniwnieneof h» plkic, copies of %h Con- suiner Credif (Temporcry Provisions) Act ond Coll- sumer Credif Regulafiontwi b. avaikab u t brand, of PM. Boelc hioughout faç.asa end toquaetefor aed*fho- oeM à@ efésemi t 40Sussex SN",otOUw44 011111" Four-Door Sedan, Stylline Sries. Avoulable in DLuia ond Speciol Modal. BUILT IN CANADA PRO VED IN CANADA . . eFOR CANADIANS NICRL DO WMAN VILLE lit Stafford Bros. Monumeutal Works Phone Wbltby 552 318 Dundas St. E., Whtby FINE QUALfTY MONUMENTS AND MAEKERS Precise workmanshlp and careful attention to detail are your assurance when you choose from the wide selection of lmported and doineste Granites and Marbles ln stock. Two-Door Sedon, Sly$olina Series. Avaiuable i Detyxe end Speceol Modets. CANADA'S BEST SELLER.e 'JANADA'S BEST BUYI ROY COURTICE W . bly, Mrs. Kenneth Toms, Mrs. Ralph Houston and Miss Helen Hambly who were hostesses at a miscellaneaus shawer. On arrivai o! the future bride at the Hambly home she was seated in a bridal chair under a canopy o! yellow and white streamers and present- ed wlth a corsage o! gladioli. The many gifts overflowed a decorated basket. Flowers. in pastel tones and lighted tapens graced the tea table, also a decorated bride's cake. Miss Dawn Steckley pre- sided at the piano during the ev- ening. The girls froni the Pedian People office staff entertained their former co-worker at a din- nr and shower at the Cadillac Hotel. Mns. Arthur Doran arranged a brush demonstration, the brushes being presented ta the future bride. Refreshments were senved Mrs. Frank Laycoe, Ajax, was hostess at a shower, the gita be. ing contained in a wheelbarrow decorated in yellow and white. The guests were the girls from the office of Hayden MacDonald Wholesale of Oshawa. The staff of Hayden MacDonald Wholesale entertained at a dinner at the Commercial Hotel when a presentation was made to the prospective bride with Mr. Merv. Cryderman doing the honors. Mrs. Herbert Lyons and Miss Mary Fitzgerald were co-hostesses at a kitchen shower. Followlng the unwrapplng of the many giits for the future bride's kitchen, re- freshments were served. Mrs. William Clark enterta.lned at a shower for the prospective bride, the party was held at Adelçiide House, Oshawa. A hair breadth sa one forty. by the hostesa. eighth of an inch. At the beginning o! 1950 in- vestments in Canada by nan-resi- dents tatalled $7,977 mîlian cani- pared ta $6,913 million in 1939. Better than 9 out o! 10 Can- adian hauseholds have a radia and in 1948 radia licence !ee was paid by 1,944,027 set awners. 'owers were Mrs. William Hani- A Genarai motors Voi» wk=*:Lq" Mý i M THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWi4ANVILLE. ONTAinn m BOWMANVILLE

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