1~ fi T*UR8DAY, NOVEM~ER 2,1950 is no report. Look in next we' BE W Snews for particulars. U.N. Fighis Dù - Sorry to report Mr. J. Hiler piettpatJIY ls-extended to Mr. underwent an operation in To- Mra. Stan Couch on -the pass. ronto General Hospital on Mon- In 1àL aather in. -Oshawa Hou.. day. We hope for a speedy re- ofM Don't forget Home and $chool an' Clu onNov.. Let's see a good Aver, -.were chisteed Wtèhfor particulars of Brown's 'n-ýkwutà, UÙte-. hurh- n Hmeand School Dance. This isusually wl tedds eo »iëlVW-3Bwy ees.met t th thelook-out, fls Waserved by ivrsovEdy.lunh NESTLETON Ê4;reptn -i to be held at the____ e .Of Mrs. G. Stephenson onl Anniversary services in the * United Church last Sunday were SiK'4t i ~tnddt r well attended and much enjoyed. R*~0 G'aha O~thepasing~3f Mr. and Mrs. Stanley'Malcolm, hi&,ýrt4er, Mr. Melville Graham, Bowmanville; Mr. and Mrs. Neil A:- HalQç.we'en Iparty was held Malcolm, Blackstock; Mrs. Mar- on,,, i igt, but.as.yet there vin Nesbitt and Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Ford, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Malcolm. klD 0o R0 Rev. Harry Atkinson, Mrs. At- kinson, Richard and David, Osh- rrrp pesawa, called on Mr. and r.Go Johns and Mr. and Mrs. L. Job- lin. j0- Mr. and Mrs. Wilton Cread, Barrie; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Em- erson, Toronto, visited Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Emerson. To avoid the threat of epidemica Mr, and Mrs. L. Joblin visited a mass Inoculation eampaign Ina Mr. and Mrs. Victor Malcolm. pox of the populations of Inchon ar Mrs. Wm. Steele visitedý Mr. by the end of October. UN. is aai Richard Rowan and family, En- against typhus, typhoid and chole niskillen,. and helped with the supervision of the Unlfied Comi -3 ad up Mrs. George Johns and Mrs. L. Joblîn called on Mrs. Florence Mrs. Wilbert McKinstry, Oshawa, Tripp. visited Mrs. R. W. Marlow. Ms. John Bond and Archer Mr. and Mrs. Rae Malcolm and FreR tspn a few days with friends in Mr. Harvey Malcolm, Yelvertoil; Toronto. aM r. Leslie Wright, Toronto, visit- IT C 9 ÀT 1 Z rs.Wesley Campbell spent a cd Mr. and Mrs. Victor Malcolmn. few days in Detroit visiting Miss Margaret. Steele, R.N., We avea cmplte friends. 1 Sunnybrook, visited ber parents, t6ck 11 Caadian Nola, Port- Perry, visited Mrs. W i Jonn Proutt and Miss Ruth Proutt. Walpapers The W. I. sponsored another lits Select Engtish, ahd euchre party which was quite aT A.;Mri cati'Imhported a success. Plans were made for TYRONE Papers. another one on Nov. 15. Don't forget the W. I. meeting Mr. and Mrs. Ian Lute and son, .n.-brighten _your at the home of Mrs. Stanley Mal- Graham. visited Rev. and Mrs. D. ns wt e vl- colin, Bowmanville. on Nov. 8th, J. Lute on Saturday. twith Mrs. 0. Brown's group in Mr. and Mrs. A:- Wood, Mr. and -iae o charge. Mrs. R. Wood and Wayne, Osh- ~"r. 9 ,.Mr. Marwood Veale, Hamilton; awa; Mr. and Mrs. John Brown For 9 lma*eS M.JhnVae Trno Mr. and and family, Mr. Clarence Wood, Mrs. John Grieves, Yvonne and Oshawa; Miss Jacqueline Naylor, Jimmy, Blackstock, with Mr. A. Toronto, visited Mrs. Lillian i'~ Phone 2417H. Veale and Mr. and Mrs. Chas.Wod Fallis.Mr. and Mrs. S. Patterson, To- Mr. and Mrs. Lockyer, Brook-rooitMranMs.udy lin visited, Mr. and Mrs. Alan Deeîey. . rate ton Wison. ot wtMranMs.Dde ' iMrs. Robert, Jackson, Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Don Stainton and Son rs. Allan Gordon, Oshawa, with sOn visited Mr. and Mrs. C. O. ,Mr. and Mrs. Wilford Jackson. Windover, Rockcroft. éïMr. and Mrs. Mervin Bird and Mrs. Ace Abbott, Oshawa, visit- .family, Brooklin, visited Mr. and ed her sisters, Mrs. K. Hardy and Decëoraiors for Mrs. Malcolm Emerson. Mrs. E. Prescott. ' Thre Gen~afon Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Cole, Osh- Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Youngman, i Thee.qenýatons awa, visited ber mother, Mrs. Ernie and Bob, Pontypool, visited Wele Beacock. Mr. and Mrs. Art onm. Miss Marie Marlow, Mr. and Vivian and Joy Chamberlain spent the weekend in Toronto. Joe, Marie, Bob and Margaret A W U~au. ~Wood, Oshawa. spent the ek ~rn W F 1'I ~end with Mr. and Mrs. Roy My ýý-5rVTUA VSAEIAAInrd Mr. and Mrs. Everton White were dinner guests of Mr. and i 40 s en DresesMrs. W. S. Staples, Bowmanville, ï geenwine or Sand'. - vie ".t ýTinity Urited: Church. ity United Church, Bowmanville, $10.5 lastSaturday afternoon. Among the guests attending were Mr. ~ '~and Mrs. R. J. Hodgson, Mr. and ~K 1 U DER EARMrs. E. A. Virtue and John, Mr. Marie Taylor, Mrs. W. Rahm and ~ fs andh iwers garment $2.25 Mrs. W. Miller. ~~1 ----------n- $3.75 Mr:nVMs . Hall and Mrs. K. Colbary visited Stewart Hall >iIXieo on Sunday at Isolation Hospital. UNDEWEARMr. and Mrs. H. Wood, Osh- -. awa; Mr. Jack Bird and Jac(ýue- 4~M~t1 ~ 2-piece garments. line, Miss Ruby Aldworth, Bow- - manvile were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. R. Maynard. ~ Mr. and Mrs. W. Rahm and KENNED Master Jr. Perger with Mr. and Mrs. John Griffin, Yelverton. e ùccessor to Couch, Johnston & Cryderman The Blackstock ladies, present-4 King St. W. JBowmanville Phone 836 ed their play 'Swcct Saily Brown" , à in the community hall on Mon-1 day evening, Oct. 23. to a large1 , ',.'*,'. THE CANADIAN STATESMAIf. BOWMANV!LLE, ONTAMO the United Nations ls carrying ont Korea. Inoculations agaig~t small and Seoul wlll have been completed [so carrylng vaccination campaigns lera with native doctors under the inand whlch supplies equipment. audience, each one taking theij part splendidly. Mrs. Lloyd Skinner and Mrs W. Jewell wene hostesses ati linen showcr at the home of Mrs L. Skinner last Wednesday ev ening. A chair was beautifull. deconated for the bride-to-be, Mis; Yvonne Byam. Little Tedd) Skinner pulled his deconatec wagon which was filled with gift over, to Yvonne. An enjoyabl. evening was spent with contes-: and games and a dainty lunch wa! senved. Congratulations to Mn. Mclvir Sears and Miss Marion Jones wh( were marnced at th~e manse lasý Saturday afternoon. A receptior was beld at the home of thý bride's mother, Mns. L. Jones. A miscellaneous shower wa! given Miss Marion Hayward oý Bowmanville, formerly of TynonE last Tuesday eveningat the hom( of Mns. W. Miller when aboui thinty ladies wene present. Mari. on received many beautiful gifts including an electric dlock anc a corn flowcr plate. Gamnes wcn( playcd and a ]ovely lunch senved Mrs. W. F. Park spent Sundaý with relatives at Sutton anc Jackson's Point. Mns. W. T. Wonden spent thE wetikend with Mr. and Mrs. Bil- lic Sinclair, Toronto. Mn. William Macdonald speni the weekend in Cobourg and visit- ed bis' sister, Miss Minnie Mac- donald at the Cobourg Hospital. Mr. and Mns. R. J. Hodgson at- tendcd the Thank Offering ser- vice at Hampton on Sunday anc were guests of Mrs. E. Cole. Mr. and Mrs. Stan Mahoney, Sutton, recently visited Mn, anc Mrs. W. F. Park. Mn. D. Alldrcad, Mn. J. Welsh, Bowmanvillc; Mn. Russep Ail. dnead, Toronto, with Mn. ant Mrs. Jas. Alldread. Sympathy to Mr. Albert Haw- key in the passing of bis sister, Mrs. J. H. Mutton, Bowmanville, last Tuesday cvening. Sevenal fnom here attended the funeral last Thursday from Morris Fun- eral Home to Bcthcsda Cemeteny. Mn. and Mrs. Herbent Burgess, Onono visited with Mn. and, Mrs. R. Burgess on Sunday. Mn. and Mns. Ralph Glaspeil and childnen visited Mn. and Mrs, W. E. Lewis, Welcome, on Sun- day. Mns. M. Langmaid, Oshawa, visited Mn. and Mrs. R. B. Scott on Saturday. Mn. and Mrs. Howard Bracken- ridge, Leona and Norman, South Monaghan, visited Mn. and Mrs. J. A. Rosevear. Mr. and Mrs. A. Marsball, Charles and Jimmie, Mimico; Mr. and Mrs. Ron Joncs, New Toron. to, visited Mn. and Mrs.,Trewin Scott. Mrs. H. T. Cosens. Coîborne, spent the weckend with Mn. and Mrs. W. J. Miller. Mn. and Mrs. Harold Trivett, Weston, spent the weekend with Mn. and Mrs. H. Cameron and Mie. and Mns. A. Wood. Mn. and Mns. Dave Hicks, Han- niston. àre visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Norman Woodley. Mn. and Mrs. Van Geleurve. Rochester, N.Y., spent a few da.ys hast week with Mn. and Mrs. W. J. Woodley. The Tynone C.G.I.T. held a Hal- lowe'cn panty in the school last Friday cvenîng, Oct. 27. Aftcr the costumes had been judged the girls cnjoycd a lengthy game pcniod. A tasty lunch was served and the meeting closed with the singing of taps. Congratulations to Mn. George YOUR EYES and Rewnctten rom previouÈ copyrights of C. H. TCK Optometrist Disney BIdg. (Opp. P.O.) Oshawa, I1hone 1516 No. 124 Those premature conditions, howe'.er, may be dvencome, but those conditions due to age can only find relief with the assist- ance of the necessary glasses and arc neyer cured. Relief with tbe glasses howeven, is vcry valuable belp because the proper correc- tion will make the eyes normal with their use. This permits the penson to gnow old gnacefully and with eye comfont.*1 C Copyrighted) James on celebrating hi. 64th Jean, Purple Hill, were Sunday Cigar ashes make a good silveir Chain stores iocated in small birthday last Saturday. callers at Mr. Russell Gniffin's. cleaner. Apply with a damp centres help dcvelop the coin-- We would also offer congrat- Mr. and Mrs. George Irwin and cloth. munities by keeping the shoppers ulations ta Mrs. H. Barrabail, Or- fjamily visited. Mr. and Mrs. Ern- Only one out of every 10,000 from visiting bigger cities. ono, who celebrated her 99th ést Irwin, Bobcaygcon. beef steers sent to American mar- Few men know the sleeve birthday on Oct. 31. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ferguson, kets is graded as "'prime." length of their shirts. Mrs. G. Arnold and Master Tom Bowmanville; Miss Elsie Bottreli, and Miss Mary Arnold, Gormnley, Newcastle; Mr-. Edmund Sander- with Mrs. M. Hughson who re- cock, Orono, with Mr. and Mrs. turned home on Monday. Carl Ferguson. Mr. and Mrs. George Alldread M n r.E .Foy i A Hallowe'en party was heid at gr-oth Lk;M.ad rs the Long Sault School on Mon- AgaCran on onthe-Lake; e Mr. and!s day evening with a good attend- Ar. CrainMTore.istdMn n ance. A good timne was enjoyed Wear 5,»c.e rpot r by ail. We replese alreortMi Miss Helen Partner, Oshawa; Howard Stevens is able to be back Mr. and Mrs. L. Slewelling, To- to work after being home with a' William Lycett, says* ronto; Mr. and Mrs. Sid Morris, very sore leg for two months. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Cowll, Bow- Mr. and Mrs. J. Osborne, Cour- T h a h as-"oebc rnanville, were guests of Mr. and tice; Mr. and Mrs. R.«Brown, Ar- T h a h as"oebc Mrs. Fred Partner. lene and Bobby, Toronto, with i it as"Isy I o'enthr spent the weekend with Mr. and Mn. and Mrs. A. Leadbeater and when I corne back, for whom shaîl I ask?" Mrs. Kenneth Lamb, Clarkson. Mr: Geo. Reid. About 95 relatives and friends Mrs. Edgar Wright and Gloria LTSTL HSOE gathered at the home of Mr. and attended the birthday party for LTSTL HSOE Mrs. Francis Hall, Salem, In hon- Mr. Frank Wright, Meadowvale. our of ber mothýer, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Murray Mustard* Norman Boslcy, who were niar- and family, Uxbridgc, with Mr. XVilam L Lycett ricd rccently. Thcy were pre- John Dorlands and. Mr. Frenk BW AVLEPOE28 scnited with money and lovclv Dorlands. BW AVLEPOE28 gifts.' Friends were present from Port Coîborne., To ttenham, To- Mr. and Mrs. George Hubbard ronto, Bowmanville, Salem, Ty and Ronniie, Raglan, visited Mr. rone. Stra and Mrs. Walter Oke. Last audr evcning thef Mrs. W. A. VanCamp, Black- werc bonored at ber son's ho me, stock; Mr. and Mrs. N. S. Van Mr. and Mms Cameron Ernburgh, Camp and Jim, Listowel, were Toronto, whcre they received Saturday evening tea guests at many useful gifts and money. Mr. Francis Werry's. -Mr. and Mrs. Francis Hall, Sa- Mr. and Mrs. H{arold Miii anid lem. spent the wcekend with her Shirley spent the weekend at -brother, Mr. and Mrs. C. Eni- Rochester. . burgh and attendcd the celc- Mr. and Mrs. J. Fallis and Ln ir bration. da, Cadmus, with ber mnoth Tyrone W. 1. Mrs. J. Adams and Ruth. er S. Agriculture was the theme of Miss Helen Turner, Oshawa, a the October meeting of Tyrone spent the weekend with Mr. and s-Women's Institute at the home of Mrs. Frank Dorland. hae " -Mrs. Douglas Cole. Mrs. Norman Mns. Frank Spry and Roy hae - y Woodley, Convener of- Agricul- retunned home from visiting with........... 33 ture and Canadian Industries, ar- her sister, Mrs. Edgar Wright. y ranged thie following 'papers: Mrs. Mrs. Minerva Trewin spent a Why waste time shopping a 'c Ralph Glaspeli, on Ontario;,Mrs. few days with Mrs. Sulas Trewin, for a loan? Just phone ýS Harold Skinner-Quebec, Mrs. Toronto. >,»fgieuafe- e Olver ecket-Pairi Proin- Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Griffin, 'ces, and Mrs. Neil Yellowlees- attended the Hayward-West wed- necessary facts, and upon ts Newfoundland. The speakers ding at Bowmanville on Saturday. approval, corne in to sign deat with the main industries, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Beckett I i methods of farming and way of and family with Mr. and Mrs and pick up cash. ýlife in these vanlous provinces of Earl Luke, Hampton. Men or women-single 3t Canada. Mn. and Mns. Roy McGill and or marred-are weicome Il Mrs. Howard Brent playcd in- Reva, with Mr. and Mns. Fred ýe strumental music. Mrs. Henry Billett, Scarboro Bluffs. at Pé4onaf. Outsiders are LOANS YOUR WAY-AND FAST! >ý Stanton gave a reading by Edgar Mr. and Mrs. A. Tamblyn, Cam- not asked how good you .l« is Guest. "The Layman." bray, spent the weekend with ae n o eetbs Don't borrow unnecessar- )f Mrs. Rosevear, the President, Mn. and Mrs. R. J. Ormiston. îly, but. Uga ban to, pay bills, ,e conducted the business.. The roll Mr. and Mrs. F. Dorland at Mr. PaYnetdaeadaont for medical expenses, rer (e cali was well answered by "A and Mrs. Wilfred Sanderson 'pisec wî oîeyu it bot supper dish." It was decided Columbus. a'i, wl sveyu -to seil tickets on tbe blanket pre- Mr. and Mrs. Ross Page and , EAPE FLAS pi*oblem, phone Pez&onat ýi Ssented by the President to oui' family, Newcas.tle; Mr. and Mrs. today, where it's '<yes" to 41 i d Institute. Gordon Beckett, Mr. Ed. KeysI * 15Mo. 24 Mo. 24 MO. out of.-5 promptly. ýe It was decided to go with the Oshawa, Mrs. Elva Beckett, Bow - Cash J.Hampton ladies to the Area Con- manville, with Mr. and Mrs. Floyd YaGt149525v766 Oronei-ansa vention on Thursday, Nov. 2nd Beckett. fl Repay $12 $28. $40 Io yourself whyP/'zoxa Sand that the niembers attending Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Lamb and Mnh served so many satisfied cus- bring back reports. The Presi- Ruth at Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Stain Er1emon oen proporin.betwe.nt yar dent announced that the Vice- ton's. Onono. muliO.nproron fnJ tmesasya. Presîdent. Mrs, S. E. Wbite would Las$0t.$20o intrFrntr rAt -take charge for the ncxt three Las$0t 10 nSgaue unte rAt montbs.T6SYV» t Mrs. Gordon Brent gave a fine N'TA IE ÔSVVW -devotional on the Institut e "Mary -Stuart Frayer." Afternoon teui F INANCE CO. was enjoyed. The. .program was 2nd FI.,ilV12 SIMCOE ST., N. (Over ianlc of Nova Scotia) -under the convcnership of Mrs. Phone: 5690 0 F. Elton Anderson, YES MANager Don Stainton and Mrs. Neil Ycl- tabons mode Io rce dents oftoi surrounding lowns Personot Finance Company of Concd. d lowlees._______________________ ______________ ENNISKILLEN Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Bycrs and Allan, Mn. and Mrs. S. H. >.May and Bill, Toronto; Mrs. E. C. Ashton, Maple Grove; Mr. and Mns. W. J. Bragg, Providence. with Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Ashton. j Mrs. E. Strutt, Mr. and Mrs. 1Clif ford Pethick and Ruth. at Mn. - and Mrs. Hanry Stnutt's, Oshawa. * Mr. and Mrs. Albert Oke visit- cd Mrs. James Brown, Lotus. The Service Club will meet at the borne of Mrs. F. Becketts at 18 p.m. Nov. 7th. Mn. and Mrs. L. Stainton and family with Mr. and Mns. C.- Milîs, Port Penny. Mn. and Mrs. A. L. Wearn and tfamily at Earle Parrott's, Chalk % 1> Lake and also vîsited Helen Par- rott at the East Gencral Hospital, iToronto. Mrs. E. Stnutt, Mrs. C. Pethick and Mrs. P. Avery at Mr. Grant ...... Wiison's, Oshawa. Mrs. L. Pearce, Mn. J. Pearce, Port Penny, with Mn. Geo. Reid. 1 Mr. and Mns. Walter Ferguson wenc Sunday visitors at Mr. andi THE ELECTRUC RANGE WITH TH You, toc, will find the Monitor informative, with complete world news . .. and as neces- sary 4s your HOME TOWN paper. Use this coupon for a Special Introductory subscription - 26 ISSUES FOR ONLY $i-And liston Tuesday nughxs ovèr ABC stations t. "Mhe Chuistian Scýence Monitor Views the N"~ TIb. Christian Science.binaient O..e. Nowey St, Eeto 15. Ma., .S.A. Pioesenmd me an lfauodicnory sub- eriptioan S1h. Christian Science Moao-26 iesues. 1niense 1. P9 Extra Large Coo&Ing Top Four Corel Surise uM& wil rive outrolled Nuits Futt-nth Iurfaw Liglut tys-levai Ceutrol Pinel Tsi-alensymkwrishstr Amieamtie Tiim AppliamceCollt luif-.. Minute Miaar Maau-maatr kla Largo Warmiug Oempurtaum Tw uy UIIDrawen Neyer before bas any electric range, . . . any type of cooking equpment ... made so many Vital contribu- tions to cooking ease and perfect -resuits as this BIG, NEW~ Westinghouse. Only ini Westinghouse can you enjoy the advantages. of the Super-Size "~Miracle Oven" with its Even-Flo heat distribution no drafts, no "hot-spots." Only in Westinghouse do you get the extra capacity cooking surface with 4 higb.speed COROX units (two giant, two reguIarY. Seeing is believing! Corne in and inspect thîs great new Westinghouse for yourself! MqU R pH yI S FURNITURE AND 52 Ring St. W. lownmanville Ph one 811 t: .11 PAOE ELEVEN