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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Nov 1950, p. 13

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THUR DAY, NOV MBER 2.19 0 . ~ ... ~ ~ ~ J ZLK'.JPAGE THITE j1The Newcasill Mis$ Ma Mr. Neil Bitton, Toronto, and Mn. and Mrs. D. Giffiths, Hamil- ton, spent the Weekeçd with Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Britton, Mill St. Mrs. R. G. Wright, Toronto, spent the weekend with her sist- er, Mns. Gordon Ash and family. Miss Louise Tnenwith left with her niece. Miss Donothy Tnenwith, ~pspen d the coming winter. r!. and Mrs. Percy Hare have 'Wéurned fromn a veny delightful znoton trip, first spending a few days i St. Thomas visiting their son and daughter-in-law, Dr. and Mrs. J. H. Hane. While there Mn. and Mrs. Hare attended the St. Thomas ffirst United Chunch and the christening off their granddaughter, Susan Jane, affter which a dinner party. with a num- ber of guests was held at the resi- dence off Susan's gnandparents, Dr. and Mrs. N. A. Munro. * Mn. and Mns. Hare then mot- ored ta Loweîî, Mich., where they were guests off Mn. and Mrs. L. A. Bongenson. Mr. Bangenson is Deputy Mînisten off Education for the State off Michigan. Fnom Lowell, thcy motorerd ta Grande Rapids afid returncd home via Port Huron and the Blue Waten Jjighwayý. iss . 5 Mary Tufff and her broth- Ferry,, Toronto, spent Sun- day with thein aunt, Mns. Frank Branton. * The entire cammunity was sad- dened by the passing away off a Very papular persan in the death off Harry Couch last Wedncsday. * Although Mn. Cauch had been * 111 off and on for some time, his 'j EARLE GREI prese] TWELFTI Saturday, fN< Curtain goes up prompt: NEWCASTLE COIN ADULTS - 50e Tickets may be purchaseda k-4 I OILO - NAGIC and how! If disaster tempor- Of arlly closes your business, 011 Oi Heating you can loac proPerty dollars slMAKES TOUR PRESENT1 ... YOU can loue income too HEATING EQUIPMENT durlnt the perlod of repaira! r itTWICF AS GOOD But we' can provide y'ou with Insurance protection Saves FOU Mono>' on Tour against such louses. Cal on Fuel Costa us today. Phone or Consuit si - JIN IOOIAK JACK ILD SOIE UIHIB ROU G H Stuart R. James# Trmnand MacArthur. PLUMBING - BEATING [NSURANCE - REAL ESTATE of Quebec is Consecrated Division St. S. Bo'w! 'Phone: Office 681 Res, 493 ry R.allv ... Sight-Sking New Phone Office,615 VYork . and More. Bouse Phone 2384 Kn tet omnll death every day off the ycar. senting of the operetta entitled. Dinking drivers kill five *imes1 "Miss Polly's Patchwork Quilt." Irnep nde t as many Canadians as are murd- Under the auspices as well as à b d pen entered, and are a social menace six uxider the direction off Mns. Perey tmes deadiier than polio. In Brown's Group of the Women's argaret Ash ISweden police have authority to Association, this presentation w2s Ius e the blood-alcohol liait at any wellreceived. The dialogue w&s lime and the accident rate there excellent, portraying the simplici- death and the realization off the is now among the lowest in the lies of pioneer days as well as the. loss off a very jovial personality world--only 43 persons per mnil- intricacies of romanticism. Poor gave a distinct sense off sincere lion population. -In Canada, the Aunt Polly the Thnely spinster for regret. The sympathy of ahl is figure is 127 deaths per million whom the whole community was extended his widow, Mrs. Couch population. Surveys taken in genuinely sorry almost lost her and family. Sweden's second largest city, Go- spinsterhood. At the hat1. m W. C. T. V. (Newcastle) thenburg, show after the new ent a cruel hoax shattered her Themonhlymeeingof helaw came into force traffic ac- dreams. WTe.was heing the adcidents and criminal cases too The choral, duet and trio num- room of the Ulnited Church, Tues- wn u Y2 e et bers were well executed provid- day, October 24 with the Presi- Mrs. Lew Hallowell and Norma,I ing a balance to a cultural as well dent, Miss E. M. Blackburn pre- Starkville, spent Thursday with as an entertaining evening. siding. After the opening exer- Mrs. George Smith. Miss Mignon Maynard, eminent cises and the business period, we Mrs. Tom Cowan, Orono, is now whistler from. Peterborough, sup-j wene favouned with two fine so- staying with Mrs. Herb Brown, ported the cast, which was as los by Grace Marie Turner. The Mill St., for a period of conval- follows: Mrs. Minerva Sprague, worship service consîsted off Scrip- escence. Grace Turner, Mn. Jonas. Sprague, turc reading by Mrs. C. R. Car- Newcastle United Church in1 Stan Allun; Tommy Sprague, Glen veth, prayer led by Mrs. W. E. fitting style celebrated the 126th Prout, Mrs. Elmira Bascom, Vi-1 Bemon and a poem read by tfie anniversary of its founding with ola Brown; Mr. Nathaniel Bas- President. Rev. J. V. Milîs, B.Th., Toronto, com, H_ýpward Aluin; Mary Morris,o "The Listening Post'l presentcd as guest preachen. Rèv. Milîs is Lenore Hoar; Mrs. Susan Pratt,1 by Mrs. Beman gave Harry Laud- a brother-in-law off the resident Olive Allun; Mr. Ehi Pratt, Ross1 er's fine personal testimony "No mînisten. Rev. Launence H. Tur- Allun: Elien Pratt, Eiîcen Allin; one can be successful and drink. ner. Accompanying Mr. Milis Mrs. Lizzie Betts. Ednla Allin; Mn. Il does not matter who he is, were: Mrs. Milîs, Ronald,' Joan Daniel Betts, Bill Allin; Charlie soldier or civilian." Also, the and Mr. Colin Woodyer and Miss Betts, Norman Eddy, Miss Polly stricter law enforcement advo- Beryl Connell, al of Toronto. Penrose, Viola Cowan; Roger( cated at the recent annual con- They were guests at the Massey Warren, Glen Allun; Alexander( vention in Toronto. The clip Memonial parsonage and also visi- Tubbs. Austin.Turner. sheet "Why not the blood test for tors at the home off Mn. and Mrs. Pianists, Majorie -TonMs, Huel- drivers invoived in hîghway ac- Cecil Carveth, off the village. en Allin. Younger Added Chor- cidents?" was conducted hy Mrs. The rite off infant baptism was us. Donna Brunt, Helen Turner, Carveth. Il was reveaied fromn dispensed, the recipients being Eileen Fisk, Jack Allin. Older the responses that 45 per cent off David John, son off Mn. and Mrs Added Chorus, Edith Carveth,E aIl major autombbile accidents in- Dave Geddes, Toronto; Beverly Gladys Bonathan: Florence Fer- volve either a drunken driver or Joan, daughter off Mn. and Mrs. guson. Nora Colwill, Audrey Tur-E a drunken pedestrian. Last year Cynli jonn Avery; Neil Stanley, ner. Betty Allin.% there wene 1800 killed on Can- son of Mn. and Mrs. Stanley Gor-E adian roads, and 830 kilied bY don Allin; Frances Hope, daugh- highway traffic accidents in On- ter off Mn. and Mns. Wm. Frank Newcastle to Becomne tario. If we accept the percent- Hoar; Judith Anne, daughter off Big Traffic Junction age off 45 a alcohol-caused that Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Erie Powell; means more than one unnecessary John Henry Crawford, son off Mn. According New Plan ________________________and Mrs. Donald William Jose; Leigh Thomas, son off Mn. and Resîdents off Newcastle who Mrs. Thomas Wilson; Olive Jane, have been looking forward to the daughter off Mr. and Mrs. Morley completion off the new four lane Y PLAYERS Allun, ail off Newcastle. The highway to relieve the noise andE ceebrant xvas the Minister, Rev. congestion caused on the main1 L. H. Turner. street, had their hopes dashed hastN rting The choir rendered the follow- week &ith the announcement that ing anthem and solo superbly: the super highway would end at *Ave Maria Arcadeit," the trio; Newcastle where a new bnanch *'The Hilltop off Praver" rendered highway from Peterborough and "A U RA Mrs. Ted Hoar, iVis. James T. the Trans-Canada Highway, No. 7 Brown and Mrs. Howard Allun. from Ottawa would connect with Anthem, *Praise Ye The Lord," the four-lane.f by Adamson. Evening sacred mu- Il was announced hast spning ' sic included the anthem "Sing thatothe new highway would end r Alleluia Forth" by Thiman; solo at Newcastle temporarily and "he Holy City" nendereij by Mn. that this other route was planned evem b r 4th Glenn Allin and the anthem "O in the near future, but it was Love off God," Thiman. generally undenstood that the0 Rev. Milis scaled the heights new route would piot be built un-9 iy at 8:15 p.m. (D.S.T.) in termns of inspiration leading the tii after the four-lane had con-F large congregation in the morn- tiflued past Newcastle.F iing to a consideration off the sub- Il is expected the new four-F ject "Close the Gate Behind You.", lane highway wihl end at the t HA LCiting Paul in the great Apostle's Newcastle Chovenleaf on Mill, MU NITY lffà%LL 1letter to the Philipians 'Forgetting Street, just north offTrnt those things which are behind, 1 Street and ail traffir will beF press forward.' Paul designedly channeiled north on Miil Street, h STUDENTS - 35e forgot the things which ought to to Nos. 2 and 35 highwavs, mak-M be forgotten. carnying over with ing Newcastle's main intersectiona at McGregor's Drug Store him the things that ought to be a three-way highway junction. s remembered. No. 35 Highway is expected ta 0 > "Our past sins ought to be for- be rebuilt north off Newcastle, i gotten if through the gate off peni- joining the new section built threeb tence we are possessed off the sav- years ago north off Orqno. pass- ri ing forgiveness off the Merciful ing to the east off Orono fair Father. "Shut the gate behind grounds. The section south of I you" urged the speaker, "and face Pontypool will be straightened b the future with radiancy off spirit and widened and from Ponty- b and courage off soul." pool the highway will go across9 Then, tooi, the Pastor opencd country on an angle to join No. 7a "Shut the gate behind you in at the east end off Peterborough.b past sorrows and bereavement. With these changes, Mill St. as Take with you, off course, those weli as King St. at NewcastleJ elements off such expeniences that wili become routes for heavy traf- W M A N V1LLE4 bear religious values, that they fic through the village. at may have meaning in the future until the 4-lane route is contin- NO .but close the gate on the tragedies ued on through Ito Port Hope. A Y ]R Y 2- themseîves and live in the light The construction off these two off God's counitenance.-' new routes will shorten the trav- ____________________Funther close the gate behind elling time considerably to both you in past successes, extracting Toronto and Peterborough and from them oniy that meaning put Newcastle on the rnap as theg 9,which will have value for the junction point for travel between future. Said the Minister. "the Peterborough and Toronto. Meriofgydap .1m firmanent off human endeavour is littered with the derelicts off *. past successes who made the er- TO EVERYWHERE non off resting upon their laurels- Air, Rail or Steamship coasting when drive and contin-Cnst ued initiative wene requisite." osl Rev. Mils' subjectffor the ev- 3URY & LOVELL A ening service was 'Plowing to Bowmanville ECNOLOR the End off the Row,"I stnessing 15 King st. W. Phone 778 the virtues in terms off Christian ------ 'BRENN 2ANip ul-o Endeavour off that basic quality, perseverance. Many ffiends off Rev. Milis were present at the COLO CAROON evening service, particularly from neihbunig entesTBoOa-NW 1 The Radio Shop Phono 573 38 King St. E. Bowmanvilbe a WEDDINGS POTTER - KENNEDY Gladioli and 'mums decorated St. Andrew's Preshytenian Church when Anlene Ann. Kennedy, daughter off Mrs. James Kennedy and the late James Kennedy, be- came the bride off Howard L. Pot- ter, son off Mn. and Mrs. L. Pot- ter, aIl off Bowmanville. Rev. F. Meredith offficiatcd in the double ring ceremony. Given in marriage by her brother, James Kennedy Jr., the bride wore a gown off white satin fashioned with a fitted bodice and the full skirt felh in a slight train from a bustle, The sweetheart neckline was euibnoidered with seed pearîs. The full length veil was gathered to a tiana off seed pearîs and she cannied a white Bible with streamers off white car- nations. Maid off honoun was Miss Kath- erine Potter who wore a gownl off blue lace with overskirt off nylon net, hen shouhden-lengthi veil was gathered to a matching braid. She carried a cascade off pink 'mumis. Miss BerniceFinn was bridesmaid and wore a gown off mauve lace with nylon net overskirt with shoulder veil gath- ered to matching braid. She car- ried a cascade off yellow mums. The best man was Walter Con- nelly and ushers were David Kennedy and Geo. Potten, broth- ens off the bride and groom.. At her home the bride's moth- er received wearing wine velvet with grey accessonies and corsage off white carnations. The groomn's mother assisted weaning grey siik with grey accessonies and corsage off pink carnations. They wiil reside in Bowman- ville. CURTIS - DAVIS A pnetty wedding was solemniz- ed on Thursday, Octoben sth, ini Trinity United Church, Cobourg, when Dorothy Jean <Peggy) Warner, daughter off Mrs. Her- bent Lawson Davies, was united in marri*e vith Bruce Dalton Curtis, son off Mn. and Mrs. H. Ross Curtis, Onillia. The church was decorated with ferns, paims, pink and white Imums. The wedding music was played by Mns. G. E. Garnet. Mns. Margaret Guy sang "Fon You Alone," and "O Promise Me." The wedding was penformed on the 23rd annîvensary off the groom's parents, Mn. and Mrs. H. R. Curtis, by the saine clergyman, Rev. J. E. Griffith, Castleton. Rev. E. G. Kelioway assisted with the double-ring cenemony. ,The bride was escorted ta the altar by lier brothen-în-law, Ross Parr, and given in marniage Py her niother. She wore a gown with train off white slipper satini and a French lace hodice over satin with tapered sleeves.' A cor- onet held her fingentip veil edgcd in French lace. She cannied a bouquet off white gardenias and roses and a white Bible. The matron off honor was Mrs. Mfarion. Parr, eldest sister off the bride, who wore a gown off ire blue slipper satin with matching gloves and Juliet cap and carried a bouquet off roses, yellow and bronze 'munis. The bridesmnaids were Mrs June Buliock, sister off the bride; If-S .RE-STATEMENT 0F A & Ps LOW PRUCE POLI CY.. See if YOU don't agree that this policy helps you te save more on .your total weekly food bill. W'hat's more ... anl advertised prices are guaranteed Thursday through Wed- nesday, even though market prices go up. *e A&P gives you storewNide low priCes Or 'hun- dreds of itemns everY day . . . instead 01f a eW -0A&P'5 advertised pricear- .'-.- one weelC, even though Market prices g0 p. .N&P believes this policy helps its custonr'ers save maore aofley. - *With the correct price mare r sl evry,,item, plus an itemnized cash regitrs p.* y Uk O what YOU save at A&P. (Prices sliown here guaranteed Thursday, Nov. 2. through Wednesday. Nov. 8). Customers'~> Corner lee It takes teamwork among a lot of people to operate your A&P store. First, there are the farmers and maitufac- turers who grow and process the foods ive seil, and our skilled buyers who purchase them. Then there are- the thousands of peo ple be- hind the scenes ivho op- erate our warehousinçi and delivery facilities. And finally, there are the fine, loyal men' and women in our stores who, day in and day out,I are striving to mnake your A&P a better place ta shop. You car' help this team serve you by telling us tiow you think we can improve your A&P, Please write: CUSTOMER RELATIOS DEPARIMENT A&P Food Stores 136 Laughton Avenue Toronto, Ontario I. I Pota toes stock No i Canada's flnest grades of beef, Red and Blue1 trimmed, are a daily feaure at your A&P. Blade Roast Pork Spare Ribs Boiling FowI Premium Wieners Side Bacon Mari ANN PAGE BOSTON STYLE BEANS......... 5-oz. tini Se OLD WHITE CHEESE ............ lb. 43e RiED SOCKEYR SALMON .......1/'s tin 39c [ONA PEACHES .... 20-oz. tin 20c SOAP <GRANULES NEW LUX .......Pkg. 38c ANN PAGE FRUIT CAKE 3-lb. ring 1.39 Blade bone out Meaty Choice grade A Switt's base rpe Leaf riridiess Choice No 1 Brand, properly lb7l c n 49c lb 47c b45c '/a-lb pkg 33c lb48c CUSTOM fGROUNO 8 O'CLOCK COFFEE IL 90c ANN PAG-White or Brown SLICED MIkK BREAD 24-oz. loaf 13c TASTY-CHRISTIES RITZ.........-b.pkg. 34c BREAKFAST CEREAL,-PUrity OATS....22-1b. bag 23e LIBBY'S TENDER KING Green Peau 2 15-oz. tins 31c CAMPBELL'S TOMATO SOUP... 2 1O-ar. tins 21c 1. FRUITS & VEGETABLES j Grapes Oranges 1Grapefru it Californie Emperor, fancy table stock No.. t Florida. best for ice, new crop No 1, 250's Florida Marsh Seediess new crop No 1 96't 2oîbs25C dz29e C ape Cod Ir .e,.ba Cranbrrie tomn 9C Celery Stalks Sradford Pescal Ige erusp No, 1 N. B Caladin, ',Nintaç Sc-lb bag 79c Irynne Harris and Helen Curtis, marniage by her father, chose a sister off the groom. Thcy woîre floor length gown off white val- similan gowns off bhue slipper sat- enciennes lace -over satin. It waF in, matching gloves and Juliet designed with a Queen Anne col- caps and cannied pink, yellow and ian, long sleeves ending in points bronze 'mums. over the hands, and a full skirt The flower girls. Gayhe Parr, with a short train. Her finger- niece off the bride and Catherine tip veil was held in place by a Garnet were in similar dresses off coronet off white satin and seed blu e sipper satin with flowered pearis, and she cannied a shower coronets off Pink and white bouquet off Bettentime roses and 'mums. houvardia. The bcst man was Donald Cur- She was attended by hen sist- tis, brother off the groom. The ter, Miss Norma Bradley as maid ushers were Gordon Moore, Ron- off honor, and Miss Frances Wall aid Warnen, cousin off the bride and Miss Elizabeth Bobien as and'Allan Curtis, cousin off the bridesmaids. Little Miss Anne groom. Tedhan was ffower girl. The reception was held at the Mn. Douglas McGee, Bowman- Fielding House. The bride's ville was bcst man for his broth- mother received in a dress off navy er, and the ushers were Edgar taffeta, matching hat with pinîc Hutchinson off North Gowen and ostrich plumes and a corsage off Carmen Cornish, 'Orono. cream roses. The groom's mother Following the ceremony. a re- assisted, wearing French blue ception was held at the home off crepe, navy hat with navy ostnîch the bride's parents, and laten the plumes and corsage off red roses, couple left on a wedding trip ta The couple tnavehled to Bas- the New England States. The ton, the bride wearing a taiioned bride wore a gney suit with black cocoa brown suit, white shortie velvet hat and black accessonies. coat. dank brown accessonies and Her Scottish tweed top coat was a corsage off red roses. On thein in raspberny tones. retunn they will reside on Cedar Upon their return Mn. and Mrs. Street. Orillia. McGee will hîve in Onono. Among the out-off-town guests MOGEE - BRADLEY were Mn. and Mns. G. Leslie Mc- Gee. Orano; the bnide's grand- A wedding off wide interest took mother, Mrs. Hattie Pattenson, place Saturday, Oct. 28 at one Orono; Mn. and Mns. Douglas Mc- o'clock whcn Miss Barbara Ann Gec, Mrs. Manson Comstock, off Bradley, daughter off Mn. and Bowmanville; Mn. and Mns. Wm. Mrs. J. Clifffond Bradley off Hazel- D. Lough, Fort Coulogne; Col. and dean became the bride off Don- Mrs. J. C. Gamey, Mn. and Mns. ald George McGee, son off Mn. and Wm. Carman, Mr. and Mns. Bd- Mns. G. Leslie McGee, Onono, for- wand Wilson, Mn. and Mns. Milton meriy off Ottawa. Tamblyn, Orano; Miss Joan Rev, H. C. Vaughan officiated Black, Toronto. at the cenemony in St. Paul's Anglican Chunch, Hazeldean, as- Many textile companies give sîsted by Rev. H. A. lIrwin. four-year bunsanies to promising The chunch was deconated with young men ta train as technicians chnysanthemums and ferns. Mrs. in Canada's two textile schools. Emma Free, Ottawa, played the Headache pill. manufacturens wedding music, and the sohoist say the people off th e United was Miss Frances McDonald, States have 7,500,000,000 head- Pembroke. aches a year. Nobody has count- The bride who was given in ed Canadian headaches. WESLEY VILLE, The November meeting of, the W. A. wvill be held on theStb of Nov. at the home of Mrs. Archie Ford, under the convenership of Mrs. Ford. Miss Shea spent the weekenid at her home in Omemee. Mr. J. A. Thorndyke and his sister, Mrs. Ethel Meeking, Port Hope, left Sunday mornihg for a motor trip to visit their sisters, Mrs. Frank -Byrne, Niagara Falls, Ont., and Mrs. George Vierhele, Rochester. N.Y. Mesdames Holdaway, B. Snell, T. Austin, A. Austin, H. Reeve, E. Barrowclough, G. Tufford, K. Ashby, R. Best, and Miss B. Best attended the W.M.S. Thankoffer- ing meeting held at Welcomne on Thursday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Murray Payne at- tended anniversary services at Myrtie, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Thorn- dyke and family visited with Mr. and Mrs. Carlton Payne, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Nicholls attended anniversary services at Mount Pleasant on Sunday. They attended the Agriculture Ban- quet at Canton Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Wadsworth and family, Detroit, Mich., visited Mrs. Bill Ashby, Saturday. Visitons with Mr. and Mrs. How. ard Payne on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Allan Peters and Mild- red Jane off Morrish, and Mr. Ed- ward King, Peterborough. Mr. and Mrs. F. Clarke, Port Hope, have moved into the house formerly occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester. The Sylvesters moved to Toronto at the bègin- ning of the week and Mr. and Mrs. Clarke moved intie their new home on Saturday. Chain stores in a shopping dis- trict help rather than harm the adjacent independent stores by attracting.more shoppers. AY. ?;OVnMErt 2,195o AME CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVn.'r.r njr,&,Plre% r q Smeits Potatoes

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