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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Nov 1950, p. 14

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I A -li Vnmm'u'~ H AAINSAEMN OMNILOT~OTUSANVME ,is .L ~ SELI 0 *TRAVE B BIN G YO0UR A ASBN MESSAGE BEFORE SV-IIU 12,000 READERS4'4 ThsQetin£o BIRTHS 'AWKER - George and Mary :awker (nee McAllister) are tappy to announce the arrivai of heir son Michael Edward, Mon- Iay, Oct. 30th, 1950, at Bowman- ille Hospital. 44-1* VIILLSON-Mr. and Mrs. Howard Wvillson are very happy to an- îounce the arrivai of their baby laughter, Margaret Elizabeth, on :)ctober l8th, 1950, at Bowman- jille Hospital. 44-1* ;HAW-Mr. and Mrs. Raymond 3haw, Newtonville, are happy to announce the birth of their Jaughter, Joanne Idella, in Port 'lope Hospital, on Oct. 25th, 1950, a sister for Crystal. 44-1 ENGAGEMENTS Douglas and Millie Curi wish to aniounce the engagement of their Dnly daughter, Reta Mary, to Harry Thomas Brown, son of Mrs. Robt. Brown and the late Mr. Brown, Port Perry. Marriage to take place early in November. 44-1* DEATHS BALL., George Edward -At the residence of his daughter, Mrs. Henry Pearce, 56 Concession St., Bowmanviile, Sunday, October 29, 1950, George E. Bahl, aged 79 year§, beloved husband of Ada Aberta White and dear father of Roy, Arthur, Dorothy and Stan- ley. The service was held at the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bow- manville, on Tuesday, Oct. 3lst. Interment Orono Cemetery. 44-1 IN MEMOIRIAM FALLIS-In loving tribute to the memory of a dear husbànd and. father, Charles H. Fallis, who departed this life November 3rd, 1945. -Wife and family. 441* COMING EVENTS B. H. S. will present "H. M. S. Pînafore" at the annual Com - mencement on November 27,' 28, 29, 30, and December lst. 42-6 A dance will be held in Tyrone Community Hall on Nov. 4th at 8:30 p.m. Sponsored by the L.O.L. Lau Dewell and his orchestra. Admission 50c. 0 44-1 Clarke United Church will hold their Annual Thank-Offening Ser- vices, Sunday, Nov. th. Service at 2:30 and 7:30 p.m. Rev. T. Lan- caster of Newtonville will be the guest speaker. Special music at bath services. 44-1 Newtonville United Chunch An- niversary Services will be held an Sunday, November l2th at 2:30 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. Standardi Time. Speaker, Rev. D. T. Lan- caster, special music by Hircock Trio o! Cobourg. 44-2 Rummage sale and afternoon tea at St. Andrew's Church, Fri- day, Nov. 3rd' at 3 o'clock. Bazaar -Ladies o! St. Andrew's Presby- tenian Church are holding their annual bazaar Friday afternoon, Nov. l7th at 3 o'clock. Homne- cooking table, afternoon tea ser- ved. 44-1' CARDL"JS 0F THANKS I would like ta thank most sinceneiy my relatives, friends and neighbouns for cards, flowers, kindly inquinies and many help- ful acts during my recent iilness. Mns. John BeacoC!k. 44-1* I wish to express thanks and appreciatian ta the many relatives, fiends and neighbouns for cards, flowens and fruit receîved duning my illness in Oshawa General Hospital; also Dr. Maroosis and Dr. Russell. Harold King. 44-1* I wish to express my sincere thanks to my many fiends who s0 kindly remembercd me with flowers, cards, letters, gifts and ta 'those who visited me during My stay in Oshawa Hospital, and whiie convaiescing at home. Ed. Doidge. 44.1* The Women's Auxîliary Mem- anial Park wish to thank the fol- lowing for prizes they donated ta the cuchre: Mn. Buckspafl a! Royal Theatre, McGrego's Dnug Store, Maher Shoe Store, Mns. Diliing, Mns. H. Cowan, F. F. Morris Ca., Mrs. E. Passant, Mrs. Bill Bates. 44-1 I wouid like ta sincereiy thank my friends and neighbouns, espec- ially Mrs. Jack Maguire and Mrs. Percy Porter, the nursing staff o! Bowmanvilie Hospital, my special nurses, Mrs. WoInik, Mns. Bates and Mrs. Squair; also Dr. H. B. Rundie fan their many kindnesses ta me and for gift», !iowens, cards and letters during my ili- ness at home and at the hospital. Mrs. Hugh McDonald. 44-1 Personcal HYGIENIC SUWJLIES - (rubber goods) maiied postpaid in plain sealed envelape with price list. Six sampies 25c, 24 samples $1.00. Mail Order Dept. T-28, Nov-Rub- ber Ca., Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. 36-8 ,TNNY MEN, WOMEN! Gain 5 ti 15 lbs. New pep, too. Try - mis Ostrex Tonic Tabiets for ",iet results; new healthy f!ýsh; new vigor. New "get ac- à uainted" size oniy 60c. AIL m uts. d«-1 Real- Estcrte For Sale SIX-roomed bouse, ail heated, hardwood floors upstairs andi down, insulated, storm windows, immediate possession. Phone 3368. 44-1* MODERN six-room bungalow, $8,000, rubber tiled hall, kitchen and bath, beautiful oak floors, ail painted throughout. Many extras including electric fixtures, storm windows, air-conditioning, etc. Appiy owner, J. Scott, No. 6 Mea-: dowvîew Drive, Bowmanville. 44-1 HOUSE for gale - New 5 & M2z room bungalow, brick and frame, large living-dining room, 3 bed- rooms, 4-pce. tiled bath, tiled kitchen; oak floors, ail heat, de- corated, iandscaped. Ideal loca- tion for chiidnen. $2,200 down, $43 znonthly. Phone 3682. 4- IN OSHAWA $1,000-Lot 45' x 150'; water, sew- er, electricity and paved walk. $2,000-Lot 100 x 100, water, sew-, er, electric, paved walk. $3,000-/2 -acre, water and elec- tricity, industrial, wîth barn, 56' x 34'. Barn may be sold for re- moval. Reply ta P.O. BOX 59, OSHAWA 43-2 NIXON REAL ESTATE Frame house, 8 rooms, full base- ment, water, hydro, double gar- age, large lot. $5,000. Terms. 150 acres, frame house and barn, suitable for Christmas trees, gravel pît. $4,000. James Nixon, Broker 160 Liberty St. N., Bowmanville Phone 682 44-1* COOKE REAL ESTATE $11,000-near Orono, 100 acres exceptionally good land, 1/2 -mile from No. 35 Highway. Good ten- room brick house. "L" shaped, all- steel hip-roofed barns, 95 x 40, and 60 x 35. Good stabling, can tie up 40 cattie. Hen house, sheep pen, -silo. Owner retiring. Poss- ession 30 days. Fîrst time adver- tised. $5,000 - in Orono. Six-roomed frame house, new furnace, good basement, centrally located, close1 to church and stores. Possession1 15 days. Contact W. C. Evans, Orono 84r8, representing Evelyn E. Cooke, Reaitor Phone Clarke A2621, Newcastle 44-1 BOWMANVILLE REAL ESTATE 50-acre farm, hydro, barn, six- room house, near Tyrone. Terms. Immediate possession. $3,500. Lot on Highway No. 2 at Maple1 Grove, foundation dug, new well, small shack, lot 80 x 285. Price $400. No less. 5-room bungalow, lot 70 x 165, taxes $12.00; 3-pce. bath, fireplace. Price $4,RO0 with $1,000 down. East Beach. 15-room brick house, suitable for tourist or convalescent home. Price $10,000 with $4,000 down. Located in best part o! Bowman- ville. Barber, pool, tobaccos and sun-. dries, etc., equipped with building In Hampton. Price $3,500. Terms. 10-room brick house on Church Street. Special price $5,275. Cash for quick sale. Possession ar- ranged. Bowmanviile Real Estate 78 King St. West J. Shehyn D. Maclachlan Phone Bowmanville 3326 Phone Oshawa 689 44-1 Voiers' List Posied Clerk's Notice of Flrst Posting of Voters' List VOTERS' LIST, 1950 Municipality of Bowmanville County of Durham NOTICE is hereby given that I have complied with Section 10 of the Voters' List Act and that I have posted up in my office at Bowmanville on the 26th day o! October, 1950, the list o! ail pen- sons entitied to vote in the said Municipality at Municipal Elec- tions, and that such list remains there for inspection. AND I hereby cail upon alI voters ta take immediate proceed- ings ta have any errors or omis- sions corrected according ta law, the iast day o! appeal *being Tuesday, November l4th, 1950. A. J. LYLE, Clerk o! the Town of Bowmanville. Dated this 24th day 1 of October, 1950. 4- Wanted BOOKKEEPER-Typist for small hospital east of Toronto. Good wages and working conditions. Reply to Box 493, c/o Statesman Office, stating qualifications, age, salary expected and when avail- able. 43-2 Music Instruètion POPULAR piano playing - Learn ta Play popular music in 20 les- sons. Advanced or begrinners. Articles For Sale FINDLAY Quebec heater. Phone 833. 44-1* 1942 CHEVROLET Panel Truck. Phone 3183. 44-1 ROUND oak extension table. Phone 2226. 44-1 ENGLISH baby carniage, $12.00. Phone 2762. 44-1* 40 BUSHELS buckwheat, Phone Oshawa 180r2. 44-1 GIRL'S wînter coat, brown tweed, size 16. Phone 453. 44-1 NEW Ford tractor at a big ne- duction. Phone 2226. 44-1 199 PONTIAC Coach. Phone 776 between 5 and 7 p.m. 44-1* '34 DODGE Four Door, runs weii. Phone.2686 evenings. 44-1 MAN'S overcoat, size 40, like new. Before Saturday. Phone 872. 44-1 ONE three-quarter bed an d springs. Apply 198 Church St. 44-1 * APPLE trees to give away for firewood. For particulars Phone 805. 44-1 CARROTS - Appiy after 59 p'm. Mrs. R. Olesen, Haydon, Phone 2768. 44-1 STUDIO couch with anms, back and bedding box, good condition. Phone 3498. 44-1* BOY'S station wagon coat, size 12; also boy's overcoat, size 12. Phone 3155. 44-1 PIANO, Morris mahogany;, good tone and condition, medium size. Telephone 492. 44-1* VENETIAN Binds-We measune and instali. Phone Morris Co. for free estimates. 40-tf 1938 CHEV. Coach, good condi- tion. Phone evenings or Satun- days, Clarke 1204. 44-1 BLACK and tan hound, maie, 2 years old, good on fox or deen. Phone Oshawa 578J. 44-1* ACME coal and wood annex, deep firebox, good condition. Phone Clarke 3314. 44-1 PIANO, Dominion upright, in good condition. Apply Mns. James T. Brown, Newcastle. 44-1 CHEST of drawers, antique wal- nut table, iady's brown taiiored suit, size 36. Phone 2287. 44-1 '35 FORD Sedan, good car, rea- sonable; 2-wheei trailer: girl's parka, size 18. Phone 3426. 44-if NEW shipments of Congoleum Rugs, Yard Goods, and new in- laid patterns at Morris Co. 40-tf AUTOMOBILES insured and fin- anced, low-cost plan. Roy Lun- ney, 48 King St. W. Phone 565. 40-tf SET of dining-noom chairs, per- fect condition; aiso roll of wire fencing, cheap. Phone 2602. 44-1 LARGE quantity of firewood.! Apply Brookdale-Kingsway Nur- series, Duke St., Bowmanviile. 44-1 1931 CHRYSLER Sedan1 four new tires and tubes. May be seen at 82 Church St. or Phone 843. 44-1 * GURNEY coal and wood range, practicaiiy new, white porcelain; kitchen buffet, neariy new. Phone 2256. . 44-l'e '47 DODGE, '/.-ton truck, top condition, privately owned, low mileage. Phone 682, Bowman- ville. 44-1* '34 FORD Coach, good condition, radio and South Wind heater. Reasonable for quick sale. Phone 2805.441 WASHING Machines - Sec the new 1951 models in stock for immediate delivery at Morris Co. Easy terms. 40-tf EGG MASH - For cconomy use Vanstone's Egg Mash, $4.00 per cwt. Vanstone's Flour & Feed Mill, Phone 777. 44-1* FOUR white kitchen chairs with plastic seats; boy's overcoat, 8;- parka, 5: girl's winter coats, 9, 6. 25 Brown Street. 44-1* BODY hardwood, hardwood slabs, softwodd slabs and kindling, 4 foot and foot.- Deiivcred. Box 494, c/o Statesman Office. 434* POTATOES, Ontario No. l's, or- der now to ensure good quality. Free delivery in Bowmanvillc. Doug Cur, 5 Nelson St. 443* '39 PLYMOUTH, good condition, radio, heater; '47 Fargo "2ý-ton pick-up, excellent condition. Ap- ply R. C. Graham, 71 King St. W. 44-1*~ Articles For Sale HOOVER va-cuum cleanr-new, low-cost, powerful suction, tank type cicaner, with exclusive dint disposai. feature. Phone Hydro Shop for free home demonstra- tion or service. Dial 471. .41-4* IMMEDIATE delivery, Faîîbanks Morse space heaters. Heat youn home the safe, clean economical way. Pay only $11.45 down at Bradley's Furniture and Appli- ance Co., 40 King St. W., Oshawa. 2-t! 1932 MODEL B Ford Sedan, good condition throughout. Bcst cash offer takes it; also one Link janoe, 14 ft., 6 i. Only in water once. Bcst cash offer. Apply A. Hardy, 69 Concession St., Bow- manville. 44.1* PLUMBING, Heating and Oul Bunnens installed anywhene in Durham County. Reasonable rates and hîghcst quality. For free estimates caîl S. Blain Eiiott, Hcating, Plumbing & Tinsmithing, Phone 3348. 29-tf OIL burners instalicd, complete with anc year guarantee, $350.00 and up-for as littie as 20% down and 18 months ta pay. S. Blain Eliiott, Piumbing, Hcating and Sheet Metai, Bowmanviile. Phone 3348. 29-tf SPECIAL Introductory Offer - Ladies' Home Journal, 30 months, $500. Readers Digest, 1 year, $2.75. Ordens given careful at- tention through local representa- tive, P. D. Waikcn, 46 Ward St., Port Hope, Ont. 43-3 ATTENTION - Turkcy, chickcn and dog raisers. Seiiing out 451 strong 6x6x9 all heavy gauge xire fox cages with wooden ken- nels, 2x4 frames. $10 each at farm. Also softwood, $8 cord, at farm, and cedar posts. Mangwili Fur Farm, Phone 2679. 39-tf ALL kinds of meat, good quality vlieners, bologna, cookcd hams, smoked hams and bacon, sausage and hamburger, Darlington Abat- toir, Hampton. Phone 3243; also pîcklîng, smoking and sausage making. During the summer months - hog killing on Tues- days and cattie at any time. 34-tf TRADE-INS - Eiectric refniger- ator, 9 '/2 cu. f.. 5 year guarantce, been in use one week, owner paid $399.50, will seli for $325, easy tcrms, owncr lcaving for overseas; coal heater, circulator type; Quebec style, medium size, heater, like new, $10.00; one davcnport bcd, new, bangain at $69.50; Norge space heaters, $89.50. Murphy's, Phone 811. 441* TEN - Pc. Living-room groups. Many colours and style combin- ations ta choose from. Groups include: 2-pc. Vebour Chester- field Suite, 2 Satin Cushions, 1 Walnut Coffee Table, 2 Walnut End Tables, 1 Attractive Table Lamp, 1 Metal Smoker, 1 'Alum- inumn Serving Tray. 10-pc. Spec- ial $169.00 only at Bradley's, 40 King St. W., Oshawa. Terms ta suit. Many other suites to, choose !rom. 2-tf BRADLEY Furniture Co., 40 King St. W., Oshawa, Phone 271-3-pc. bedrooni suites, $69.00; steel bed outfits, complete, $26.95; feit base floor covering, 49e a square yd.; chrome chairs, $6.95, ahl colors; 3 pc. aliover velour chesterfield suites, $149.00; 6-pc. naturai finish breakfast suites. $66.00; spring- filled mattresses. $24.95: tni-light iamps, complete, $12.95: rangettes, ranges from $59.00; 3-pc. allover velour bed chesterfieid suites, $119.00;, 9 x 6 Axminsten carpets, green on wine oriental designs, $49.50; chenille bed spreads, $6.95; table lamps. $6.75. Everything for the borne at Bradley's. 40 King St. W.. Oshawa. Phone 271. 6-tf .For Rent FOUR-room sel! contained apart- ment. Apply 31 Liberty St. 44-1 * A LARGE weii heated, weil fur- nishied room, with large clothes closet combined. Modern bath- room, suitable for either lady or gentleman. Phone 3658. 44-1 Classified Advertising Rates Effective July 28th, 1950 NOTICES, ARTICLES FOR SALE, LIVESTOCK FOR SALE, FOR RENT, HELP WANTED, ETC. Cash Rate - - - 30~ per word with a minimum 8f 500 Must be paid by date of insertion. If charged, an additlonal 250 wiil be added A' charge o! *250 wilI be made for ail replies directed to this office. CO'MING EVENTS AND CARDS 0F THAITKS 30 a word with a minimum éf $1.00 - for 33 words or less. BIRTHS, DEATHS, ENGAGEMENTS, MARRIAGES $1,00 per Insertion. IN MEMORIAMS - - - $1.00 plus 100 a line for verse. Display Ciassified at 800 per inch with a minimum of one inch Additionai insertion at the same rates. Ail Classified Ads. must be in this office not later than 12 o'ciock noon, Wednesday. -Send cash, stamps or money order and save monev - (Clip This Out For Handy Refenence) Livestock For Sale 18 PIGS, six weeks old. Phone 2566. 4441*8 MILKING Jersey cow. R. Sten- ger, Enniskilen, Phone 2824. . 44-1"' SOW, 350 pounds; also 5 pigs, weeks aid. Phone 1523 Clanke. 44-if PURE BREE Shropshire ram iamb, 3 x's. Gondon Brent, Phone 2274. .44-1 PUREBRED Leicester ram iambs for sale. A. D. McMaster, Lot 29, Con. 5, Dariington. Phone Oshawa 2921J3. 43-2 Lost BEAGLE hound, bnown with black and white, iost two weeks. Kindly phone Lamne Hoskin, Port Perry 193r12. 44-1 $100.00 REWARD LARGE Scotch Collie, with long nose, sable and white. Pnonounc- cd white ruff, four white feet. Approxîmateiy 2 ½ ft. high. An- swers ta the name of "Shep." Contact or telephone Dr. George MacNeill Pontypoal Telephone Orono 81 ring 3 $100.00 reward for its return. 43-31 Help Wanted WAITRESS wanted. Apply Cow- an's Restaurant. 44-1 MEN and boys wanted -Apply Brookdale - Kingsway Nursenies, near C.N.R. Station. 44-1 FARM hclp wantcd. Expenienced single man for tractar and team- ster work and to assist in dairy barn. James T. Brown, New- castle. 44-1 YOUNG men, 17 ta 29, wanted for Canadian Army Active Force, Capt. J. P. MacDoweil, Recnuiting Officer, will be in the Council Room, Bowmanville Town Hall, Monday, November 6th, ta inter- view applicants. 43-2 Work Wanted DRESSMAKING, alterations, but- ton holes also made. Phone 2043, Dorothy Brooks, 29 Silver St. 44-4 FOR dependable garbage collec- tion eveny Tuesday or Friday. John Bannett, 57 Liberty St. S., Phone 2096. 44-1* BRAKE DRUMS! Lathing, Honing and Grindlng We specialize in complete brake overhauls. BOB STOCKER'S GARAGE Phone 804 Bowmanville 32-tf Wanted To Rent ROOM, for one gentleman. Apply George Sharpe, Tyrone. 441* Ngotice ta Creditors AND OTHERS IN THE ESTATE 0F EVELYN J. MANNING, late o! the Town o! Bowmanville, in the County o! Durham, Province a! Ontario, Spinster, deceased, who died at Bowmanville, on or about the 9th day o! October, 1950. THE TRUSTEE ACT, R.S.O., 1937, Ch. 165, Sec. .51. Creditors and others having dlaims against the above estate are nequired ta send particulars and full proof theneof ta the un- dcrsigned on or before the lst day o! December, 1950, after which date the assets o! the estate will be distributed, according to the law, having fegard ta the hat have then been received. DATED at Bowmanville, On- .aria, the 23nd day o! October, 15. Lawrence C. "Mason, Barnister, etc., 30 King Street, West, Bowmanvilie, Ontanio, Solicitor for tho> .Administrator. The Canadian Statesman erators, domestic and commercial;, milking coolers. Higgon Elec- tric, 42 St. E., Phone 438. 25-tf Onrons contain an oil, similar to that &sed in tear gas bombs. In Belgium, pigeon racing com- pares with our baseball as a na- tional sport. Custom Work CUSTOM work for corn pickng Anyone requiring corn picking donc contact Garnet Rickard, Phone 2813. 44-1 notices The Harvey Dýance Academy. Register Friday afternoon (3 - 7) for classes in Ballet and Tap; Union Hall, Bowmanville. Irenie Harvey. 43-tf Any person knowing the where- abouts of 2 rubber-tired wagon whels anid reach taken from the' premises of C. J. Rundle onr Hallowe'en, kindly phone 2103.1 f 44-1, Vour Cities Service farm agent can now give you immediate' delivery of fuel and stove cil,; gasoline, cils, car and truck ac- cessories. The territory is fromi Oshawa town to Newcastle, from, Lake Ontario to Little Britain. Inquire about 250 skid tanks for farm trade. Reverse charge to Oshawa 2015 or write 294 Court St., Oshawa. 43-4 Wcrnted To Buy 1 STANDARD typewriter, not too expensive. Phone 682. 44-1* BEST prices for scrap iron and batteries, $1.5Q. Phone Clarke 2530. 40-tf MANURE Wanted - Telephone 3345, Brookdale-Kingsway Nur- 'series. 43-2 LARGE or small straw stack for bedding. R. Stenger, Enniskillen, Phone 2824. 44-1* APPLES Wanted-All varieties. Dave's Farm Products, 205 Arling- ton Ave., Toronto. 43-tf SCRAP batteries, any condit ion. jHighest prices paid. Telephone 467 for pick-up. G. F. Jamieson, Tire Shop. 43-tf BEFORE selling your tive poultry Itry u8. Our prîces are hîgher M Flatt, R.R. 1, Bethany phone 7 r 13. reverse charges 17-tf POWER rip saw with electrîc motor, 60-cyclc, horse or- horse and a haif. Phone or write Sam1 Manetta, Pontypool. 43-3* FARM Wanted - Paved road lo- cation, soil, sandy loamn; strcam, river or lake frontage preferred; 50 to 200 acres; some bush. State price and location in first letter. Apply Box 495, The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville. 44-1* 'Auction Sales WOOD SALE-The undersigned will seil by public auction on Lot 21, Con. 9, Darlington Twp., on Saturday, Nov. 4th, fîve acres of standing timber and five acres of cut timber, the property of Bert Johnson. Good road for trucks. Terms cash. Sale at 1:30. Clif- ford Pethick, auctioneer. 44-1 Roy Lavis, Lot 4, Con. 3, Town- ship o! East Whitby, near Max- well's School, will seil by public auction on Friday, November 3rd, at 1:30 p.m., 40 head of cattle, consisting of cows, springers, Hol- stein heifers and stockers. Terms cash. No reserve. H. Mackie, clerk; Ted Jackson, auctioneer. 44-1 Dispersai Sale of Hackney, Hunter, Commercial Horses, Pon- ies, Show Horse Equipment, Cat- tie, Feed, Real Estate, 1946 Chev- rolet Car, the Estate of the late S. S. Staples to be soid by public auction on Saturday, November 4th, at 1 p.m., at his late resid- ence, Wayside Farm, Lot 23, Con. il, Cavan Twp., 5 miles southwest of Peterborough on No. 28 High- way. For catalogue or sale bil regarding this large sale, contact Jack Reid, auctioneer, * Phone 5r18 Orono. 43-2 1 have received instructions from Mrs. Mable Thickson, 110 Ontario St., Bowmanville, to sel by public auction on Saturday, Nov. lfth, at 1 p.m. her house- hold effects including a 3-piece chesterfield suite, 9-piece oak dining-room suite, Findlay gas ,ange, Findlay Oval cook stove with oil burners, bedroom furni- ture, dishes, glassware, linen, floor covering, washing machine and many other items. Terms cash. No reserve. Jack Reid, auctioneer. * 44-2 Handicraf t ricîlo Homemakers! 'Îhere is samething about the weather this month that makes soup more tempting at this seasan than any othen. Saup is anc of those nev- er-fail dishes since the consist- ency may be thin an thick, the flavour may be mild on pungerit and yct it is well received. About the only possible mistakes are the usual ones that even a profes- sional should guard against in any food pnepanation-scorching, too much or too littie saît and oth- en seasoning, gray colour, or net sufficient iquid. Every time you open a can of condensed soup, tasfe befone senving and notice the deliciaus blend of flavouring and the con- sistency. In saup canning plants thene is constant inspection o! evenything from the raw matenial ta the proccssed soup. In each manufactunen's pnoduct there is a slight diffenence in colour and flavour. Your famiiy will be the judge as to the favourite in cach kind o! soup-unless, however, you combine two vanieties in the ine-up o! canncd saups. Have you tnied a tin o! creamedl chick- en and one o! dlam chowden; a tin a! condensed mushroom and anc o! creamed tomato soup; condens- cd cclery and cream of chieken; condenscd consomme and vege- table soup; condensed bec! nood- le and tomato soup? Such com- binations o! canned, soups are very good. Always be fair with canned soups to the extent a! diluting them with the exact amount o! milk or waten, using the empty tin as your measure. Canned soups should nat be boiled-only heatcd until hot. Mix a can of soup with left- avens o! gravy, minced stew, bail- cd vegetables or cooked diced 'beets to make the left-overs taste better. Only by experience will you be able ta make a good soup using the right proportions o! le!t-ovens and stock. When you add a haîf teaspooni o! that new vegetable protein for accent, the flavoun is intensified and sustaincd. If you fonget to add the monosodium glutamate whilc cooking, place the shaker on the table. Rememben, too, thene are numenous spices and flavourings to use in saup. Do nat forget celcry seed, onion sait, nutmcg, bay lea!, curry, a gnavy concentrate, or canned vegetabie juices. Gannish for the soup is as important as stuf!ing for tl'.q chickcn. Just before serving, top tomato soup with thin slices o! orange. Othen garnishes anc crou- tons, minccd parsley, grated old cheese, on salted whipped cream. Onion Soup 5 small onions, thinly sliccd 3 tablespoons butter 6 cups Brown Stock 3 tablespoons grated Parmes- an cheese 6 slces toast, pre!erabiy from French boa! Cook onions in butter until 'soft. Add stock and sait ta taste Sim- mer 30 minutes. Place slice o! toast in each soup plate or pottery bowl, sprinkie with cheese, and pour soup over it or pass cheese separateiy. Serves 6. Salmon Sou» 1 cup salmon 1 quart scalded milk 2 tablespoons butter 4 tablespoons flour 11/2, teaspoons saît Few grains pepper Drain ail from saimon and rub through seive. Add mjlk gradu- ally, season. and bind wit~h butter and floun cooked together. Serv- es 4 ta 6. Cream Cern Soup 1 No. 2 can cream Corn 3/2 cup diccd celery i medium size onion, sliced 2 cups water 3 tablespoons butter 2. 2', tablespoans flour 3 cups milk b teaspoan saIt 1/4 teaspoon white pepper Combine corn, ceiery and onion wtih the water. Caver and sim-i mernr together for 10 minutes. Rub MNEX T W E E K 'S PAPER HOOPER'S JEWELLERY\AND GIFT SHOF Phone 747 28 Kint St. W. Bowmanvllle N[iss B. B. asks: What kincl of soup banc do you buy anck t' much water is used te mîÙ a good soup stock? Answer: For a serving o! six we -buy about 3 lbs. a! bec! shanki The meat and bone are covered with cold water in proportion of one pint ta each pound. Heat te boiling point then simmer for -5' or 6 houns on electric element turned ta simmer. Anonymous a-.;s: Whene do you obtain a paste for cleaning rugs?. Answer: We do not know o! -a paste. There are several kinds of iiqiuds. Then, there is the new'i powden which can be rubbed on and removed by vacuum cleanep.. Note: Thank you, Mrs. C. F. Hi for your recipes. Anne Allan invitesvtou to write ta her c/o The Canadian States-, man. Send in yaur suggestions or% homemaking pnoblems and; l this coiumn for replies. Easy and Automatic Way to Save Money- During the yeans when Canada was busy gnowing up, thri!ty people o!ten had to do thein own saving by pretty sketchy meth- ods. Grandma hid her egg moneY in the cracked teapot, tin cookie canister and the toc o! gnandpa's wonn sock. For extra big savings she tucked the family fortune into the horse-hair wadding o! the al- neady lumpy mattness. This was the hard way. It took a lot of seîf-denial and stern resolution ta collect mhuch in this maanner. What is more, thievcs, fire or other hazards could wipe out the savings o! a lifetime in a jiffy. Fortunately savings methbds have developed and improved a good deal since then. The teapot, the cookie jar and the mattress no longer need ta bear the re- sponsibility for guanding the famiiy's savings. Today the Pay- roll Savings Plan for buying Cani- ada Savings Bonds has become an easy, sure and popular way to save. With this simple, easy plan you put aside regularlyl every pay day, part o! what you cann-bcfone you have a chance ta %pend it-and it goes ta work for you eanning interest. Last year many Bowmanville and district residents boughi thousands o! dollars wonth o! the Fourth Series Canada Savings Bonds-this is the easy and auto- matic way ta saý,' money. The Fifth Senies o! Canada's Savings Bonds is now on sale at your local bank. And they are available ta everyone with a limit o! $ 1,000 Per persan. Population Nears 14 Million Mark Canada's population - ten pro- vinces - is given as o! July 1 al 13,87 1,000 by the Dominion Bur- eau o! Statîstica. This figure compares with 13,728,000 o! Jan- uary 1, an increase in the six months o! 143,000. The increase in the previaui hal! year was 149,000, making an estimated gain o! 292,000 during the 12 months ending July 1 last. Reporting on construction ai new dwclling units, the Bureau reports that the number on which construction was started in the first half af the year was 42,149 compared with 40,199 in the sanlu 1949 periad. 'Compietions total- led 35,968 as against 39,726, aný the carryover of uncompleted un, its was 63,634 against 56,787. Total an "stants" in Ontario was 13,221; completions wvere 12,249, and the uncompleted dweliing units at the end o! June wene 23,320. HUNTING LICENSES On Sale at WILBUR'S 7SERVICE STATION HAMPTONO E V EN T te be anneunced' TRURSDAY. NOVEMM 2, lb»' THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTAItIO

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