rwmSDY, Nov1mBm2, 1950 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVTLLE. ONTARIO rIVE AI I I jI"*I III A1 Two re- Great BaRgain Days uma.a DO WMdANVILLE und WHITDY RIDAT aund q * e fr~ 't Di. 4 ci * r M '4 r' 0 t BRESLI 's SATUIRD.AT Reduced for Friday and Saturday! BOYS' BREEKS! 0f goed quolity wool meiten cloth in navy only. Have double knees, and laced to onkle. Sizes 24 te 32. $ 2 m2 7 Our regular price $2.98. On sale Fridey end Saturday anly Yom wil save dollars buying your overcoot at H reslin's Frdoy or Saturday. These coats are all 9 carefully tailored te Breslin's specificotions and ore cf ail wool moterials that are seiiing else- where ut rnuch higher thon our reguler price of 39.50. Buy thern on Fridoy end Soturday et only 2 Men's $39.50 and $19.50 SUITS - Reduced to $29.97! Agil wool worsteds in cluster stripe patterns, alilw acl novy English serges. Suits that we can't buyz9 ourselves -et this low price. Broken suxes and styles. Reguler 39.50 and 49.50. Cleoring et 2 En-o-LneClearance! YOUNG MEN'S SUITS $19.97197 Frorn our reguler stock of gobardines and wersteds thot sold reguiarly et 29.95. Young men's doublez9 breosted models in sizes 34 te 37. Cleorlng Fridoy and .Soturday at 1 Standout Reduction for BOYS' PARKAS! Sizes 30 and 32 onlyl Woter repellent poplin with ail wool lining ond matching detochable hood. Origin- $ 9 9 7 elly priced t $14.95. Reduced for Friday end Saturday.9 VSave Friday and Saturday on BOYS' SATIN BOMBER JACKETS!!z9 This is ane cf aur outstanding values! 0f heavy quaiity rayon satin with quiited linings for extra wormth. ýKnitted cuffs ond waistband. Has imitation fur coller and cornes in populer bright shodes. Sizes srmail, $ 79 medium and large. Friday end Saturdoy Save on MEN'S TWO-TONE WINDBREAKERS! Mede from tough wearing wool melton cloth wlth eonstrasting wool plaid trim. Full length xipper fasten. $ 3 9 7 ers. Size 36 ta 42. Fridoy ond Saturday oniy Men's All-Wool GABARDINE SUITS with Extra Trousers $39.97 V Only Breslin's have the nerve te reduce prices an rnen's clothlng when prices ore rising ail over the country. Here is an oppartunlty te compare Breslin velues with values offered eisewhere. 39 7 Ail wool gabardine suits in populer double breasted models. With extra trousers free! Sizes 35 te 38. Fridey and Seturdoy 3 Boys'and Youths' TWEED LONGS - $2.67 Of domestic woel tweeds in gray, brown or navy. Sizes 28 te 34. Buy two or three pairs et this low @ price. Friday end Seturday2 Men's finger tip jackets of cotton poplin and belted bock. Nos quilted iinings ond mouton sheared lamb) coller. Full iength zipper fosteners. Coma in beige, brown, wine and green. Suxes 36 te 44.z9 Reguior 19.95. Friday and Saturdeyeua114 Another Bargain on MEN'S OVERCOATS! Corne in and se. these coats. You'ii be amazed et the wenderful quality and workmanship for-z9 this iow price. 0f al wooi moiten cloth in suzes 35 ta 38 anly. Originoily priced et 29.95. r Reduced fer Fridey and Seturdey oniy 1 "Where Every, Day- Is Dhrgain iDay" 121 Brock St. West, Whitby S7 King St. West, Bowmanville 29 King St. East, Bowmanville o Sensational Value in LADIES' COATS Smart fitted styles-cosual stipon loase back models, ail wool matériels, rayon linings- withM8 chamois lnterlining for extra warmth. Alil this season's newest styles. From our reguler $2995 $ 1 98 range! Reduced for Friday end Soturdoy 1 Ne ver Have We Off ered Such DRESS VALUES! At cost and less thon cost! Popuior styles in Misses' and women's sixes! Rayon crepe, 2-piece woal jersey,M8 carduroys, rayon worsteds, pick and picks, duco prints. An extramely large selection f rom our regular stock 58 thot were priced as high as $14.95-Fridoy and Saturdoy only6 Knockout Value in ALL-PLJRPOSE COATS! Buy Now! These coots are one cf the best bargains we have ever offered since we're in business!Alil weather 8 s w tl 395 to y. e sa only p ce fo Frd y a d tracovert cloth ladies' cocts - with il round tie bet. Nos ail wool lining th t is reversibl. This co t $18 Buy Your Furs Friday and Saturday! You'll Save Dollars! The reslin guarantee bocks these fur coots ove, though they're reduced in price! Deauti- fui black'seal (dyed robbit> in three end four fiared bock styles. Full length models in wo- 1 5 70 0 rnen's sizes 38 to 44. Our regulor price $198.00 ta $24900. Fridoy and Saturday only1 6 Save at Lea8t $10 on ALL-WEATHER COATS Friday & Saturday 2.ureglrpie2.5ad3.0Reuefo idyadStroGabardines,. corduroys glen check patterns and solid shodes in 1950 feli styles. Misses' sizes 12 te z18 7 Save up to $12.18 on LADIES' COATS wit'h Zipped-in Linings! Fine quelity ail weol suedes ond twill: with [cse fitting bocks thet odd that extra swish te yourz7 figure. Have full length rayon sotin linings with extra lining thot con be zipped out or in when $ 3 77 the weother colis for it. Reguior 45.00 ond 49.50. Friday end Soturday'3 Clearing! AUl LADIES' FALL SUITS! Here is your opportunity te buy thot new suit et cost and less thon cost. A choice of gabordines, milatenes and ail wool moteriais. Styles for business or doting. Ail 1950 styles end shodes, $ 2 49 Originally priced et 29.95 te 49.50. Friday end Soturdey 2 Bug Children's SLEEPING CLOTHES Friday & Saturday and Save! Worm snug fitting cotton interleck 2-piece Children's pyjemos in the ever increesing populor Ski Style. Coma in blue and pink, pink ond biue, moize and blue, blue ond moize. Sizes 2, , 6 yrs. Our regularz4 price $1.98. Fridey ond Sturday oniy STATION WAGON COATS Reduced for Friday & Saturday! Coma in fine quolity Cetton ond rayon poplin wth quilted rayon inings. Nos cilieround tie boIt with mouton (sheered iornb) coller. Pepular feul and winter shades. Sizes 7 te 10x yrs. Speciaily $ 1 Q9 7 reduced for Friday and Saturdoy only I o Full-Lengt STATION WAGON COATS at Reduced Prices.' 0f exceptienaiiy good quelity cavalry twil with q uilted inings end large mouton (sheered larnb)z9 collers. Coma in grey, beige, navy and yod. Our regular prico 35.00. Reduced for Fridoy and s759 Saturday only 2 6 ON SALE FRIDAY MORNJNG ONLY! Con you weer sizo 14? If you cen, pet bore early for this eutstending bergein. Ladies' prlnted cetton frocks.c Rogular ta 2.69. Sizo 14 oniy. On Sale Frlday Morning 9 i p THE CANADIAN STATEMAN, BOMWANVII.LE, ONTARIO ibaillie c 1 a rÎL YI