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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Nov 1950, p. 11

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?IMRfAV r;o vv uêiBr 'mim7TflA 'AI»MN OMIVIL.OTRO AEEEE a- loge ..da C Hello Homemakers! Homc-coak- Ing and Christmas-at-bome are syflafymous. It is now time ro inake up two lists--one for the Ingredienta of Christmas baking Èýýthe other for presents. Hall- e' fmenus and the decoration k'tUld aiso be given some thaught too. Altbougb a bomemaker bas two hands there is a limited time to attend ta sa many jobs. Cen YOU solicit the family's help? In a co-aperative spirit, bere are our recipes and tips for the occasion. MINCEMEAT 3 lbs. lean beef 6 lbs. saur appies ½lb. suet ½lb. citron 4 Ibs. scedless raisins 2 lbs. sugar 2 cups cider vinegar 2 cups molasses 1 tap. graund claves 1 tsp. cinnaman 2 tsps. mace 2 tbsp. eait Stew the beef in a littie water until tender. Cool it, then chop the meat, the apples, raisins, suet and citron. Mix and add remain- ing ingredients. Scaid. If too dry, add a littie warm water et time of using. CIIRIS"IAS FRUIT CAKE 1 lb. butter 5 cups brown sugar 6 cups pastry flour 10 eggs 1 cup molasses 1 cup strang coffee Juice and grated rind of 2 oranges Juice and grated rind af 1 lemon 1 cup tart jelly 1/4 lb. aimonds 3 lbs. raisins 2 Ibs. currants 1 lb. citron 1 lb. dates 2 tsps. nutmeg 1 tsp. mace 1 tsp. claves à TH IE Row MU R pHBy S FURNITURE AND lowmanvîile Phone 811 To Wed in November 2 tsps. cinnamon 1 tsp. soda 3 tops. baking-powder Creamn the butter and sugar. Add molasses, coffee, lemon, or- ange and jeiiy. Ileserve twa cupa ai flour in which ta rail the fruit. Mix and su t dry ingredi- ents, add ta mixture, mix Wel and add well-beaten eggs. Add the fioured fruit and mix thor- oughly. Beke in 2 greased paper lined pans. Over the top af the cakes sprinkle the blancbed shred- ded elmonds. Caver the cakes with beavy waxed paper. Steam them two bours. then bake in an electric aven (300 degrees) for one hour. CIIRISTMAS COOKIE DOUGII 112 cup butter Ilî cup brown sugar 1/2 cup white sugar 1 egg %i tsp. baking soda '/, tsp. sait 1 % cups flour ", cup chopped nuts " top. vanille Cream the butter and sugar, add beaten egg; beat ail until ligbt. Suft flour. saît and soda tbree times. Add flour mixture ta first mixture. Stir in the vanille and nuts. Pack dough together. Wrap in aiumiùnumn foul and store in deec- tric refrigerator. When ready ta bake before Christmas turn out on a board and slice. Or let warm then roll out and cut with coakie cutters. Bake in bot electric av- en for 8 ta 10 minutes. TAKE A TIF 1 Place a soup tin (or some- thing similar) containing ý- cup water on the oven sheif wbile the fruit cakes are baking. 2. Place five or six merbies in the lower part of the steamer while the pluma puddings are be- ing cooked. If the water boils awey the marbies begin ta rattie as a danger signal. 3.3 When a fruit cake celîs for jam the consistency of it should be firmn and the better the jam the better the cake. 4. Prevent "blisters" in tart sheils by piacing egg cups on top of pastry in the tins. 5. To bold up the biscuit top- ping on top af a casserole of chicken pot pie place an egg cup in the stew. (This is aiso used in apple or rhubarb pudding). 6. Bake a Crumb Spice Cake to accomeny applesauce or stcw- cd epples. By the way, ever omit the spices from the cake batter and put them ail in the topping? 7. A chocolate cake made witb white sugar insteed of brown keeps exceptionally rnoist. THIE QUESTION BOX Mrs. A. B. asks for a recipe for sharp sausege mixture in pastry roll to serve with saiad. Answer: Liver Sausage Tidbit. Rail pastry dough into a rec- tangular sh ape about 6 inches long and 'a inch thickness. Spread with mashed liver sausage which may be seasoned with prepared mu stard or horseradish. Rail up tû form a roll i inches in di - ameter. ChilI. Cut in 114 inch slices and bake on a beking sheet in electric overi of 425 degrees for 8 to 101 minutes. Serve bot or lcold as appetizers or as a-salad DURBAN CGUNTY Public Speaking Contest FINALS will be held at the ONTARIO TRAINING SCHGGL FOR B*OYS on FRIDAY, NOVEIER 10I at 8 p.m. (D.S.T.) Ten Contestants £rom ail over Durham County will participate. Il Ki stI W. WEDDINGS WILLOUGHBY - RAINE At Holy Trinity Anglican Church, Oshawa, Saturday after- noon, Oct. 28, William Harry Willoughby, son of Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Willoughby, Oshawa, took as his bride, June Ruth Raine, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Raine, R. R. 2, Nestieton. Chrysanthemums formed the setting for the cerernony performi- ed by Rev. E. H. McLellan. Mr. James Smart presided at the org- an and Mrs. Thomas Anderson, Sr., was the soloist. Given in marriage by hier f ath- er, the bride wvas gowned in white satin with a long veil flowing from a headdress of pearis and carried white carnations and red roses. Her jewellery was a rhine- stone necklace. Mrs. Kenneth Beelby, sister of the bride, was matron-of-honor wearmng a mauve crepe over taf- feta. The bridesmaids were Miss Edith Mason and Miss Shirley Hilliker. Miss Mason was in peach and Miss Hilliker in blue. Ail wore halos of net with shoul- der-ength veils to match their gowns and carried nosegays of chrysanthemums in contrasting hues. The best man was Mr. Kendel Wemp, Hamilton, and the ushers were Mr. Leonard Pipher. Toron- to, and Mr. Herbert Prout, Osh- awa. A reception was held at the home of the bridegroom's parents. The bride's mother received wear- ing grey and pink flowered silk. She was assisted by the bride- groom's mother wbo was in navy blue crepe. Both wore corsages of pink carnations and yellow chrysanthemums. Also in the re- ceiving line was Mrs. Alice Brown, Nestîcton, grandmotber of the bridegroom. During the recep- tion, Mrs. Harry Brown, contrib- uted vocal solos. For the wedding trip to Niagara Falls and other points west. the bride chose a navy blue suit with wine accessories. Mr. and Mr's. Willoughby will reside in Hamil- ton. TRUDEAU - POWERS Yellow and white chrysanthe- rmunis on the candie lighted altars and in the chancel banked with taîl palms with white ribbons dec- orating the pews formed an ef- fective setting in St. Gregory's Roman Catholic Church, Oshawa, for a wedding at eleven o'clock Saturday morning, Oct. 28, when Mary Margaret (Betty) Powers, daughter of Mrs. Leo F. Powers, Oshawa and the late Mr. Powers was united in marriage with Roy Gerrard Trudeau, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Trudeau, Bowman- ville. Rev. Fr. Neil McKinnon performed the ceremony and said the nuptial mass. Present in the sanctuary were Rev. Fr. Phillip Coffey of Holy Cross Parish, Osh- awa; Rev. S. J. Coffey of St. Joseph's Parish, Bowmanville. and Mrs. R. M. asks: Is it advisable to cool cookies on the pan they are baked? Answer: No. Transfer coi- kies to cake racks and cool. Mrs. C. D. asks: How can the children make Taffy Apples? Answer: For 6 medium apples -heat i, cup water and 1 cup brown sugar until a sample of syrup dropped in a cup of cold water turns brittie. Stick a wood- en skewer in each apple, dip apple in syrup, and cool on bak- ing sheet. Anne Allan invites you to write to her c/b The Statesman. Send in your suggestions on homemak- ing problems and watch this colunmn for replies. SIPECIAL LOW RAIL FARES TrO ROYAL AGRICULTURAL Rev. Fr. Francis Smytbe. Mr. Jack Driscoil presided at the or- gan consoles and accompanied Miss Janet Spratt of Wbitby who sang "On This Day O Beautiful Mother," "Ave Maria," "Panis Angelicus" and "The Wedding Prayer." Escorted tip the white carpeted aisie by ber uncle, Mr. Harold Brasiey, the bride wore an orig- inal gown af beavy white slipper satin desîgned witb a moulded bodice buttoned at the back and very full skirt padded et the hip- line and flowing into a long cir- culer train. The bodice was fashioned witb a high round neck- line inset with a yoke af delicate marquisette applîqued with mo- tifs ai white chantilly lace ex- tending down into the bodice. Appliques of the same lace en- banced the skirt which was f in-1 ished with scaliops centered with ,appiiqued lace medallions. The long sheath siceves were pointed aver the band and finished with lace. A satin juliet cap with lace ac- cents crested ber veil ai tuile illu- sion scalioped et the edge and fiowing beyond the train oi ber gawn, and she carried a long cas- cade of large white chrysanthe- mums with heather from Irelend and leaves from St. Theresa's Sbrine in France sent by the bride's aunt, Mrs. William Hemb-, cd bats -with shirred brims made of the same material as their gowns and accented with an ast- rich plume, designed and made by the bridegroamn's mother. They each wore a strand of pearîs. The flowers carried by the brides- maids were yeliow and branze chrysanthemums wîth yellow and talisman roses and Kroton leaves tied with satin ribbon in the three colors af the attendants' gowns. Mr. Robert Powers, brother of the bride, was beat man. The ushers were Mr. William Powers and Mr. Edward Powers, brothers of the bride; Mr. Vernon Thomp- son, Toronto, and Mr. William Wilson, Port Credit. The receptian was held in the Piccadiliy Room of Hotel Gen- osha. To receive the gucsts the bride's mother wore a formai gown, steel grey silk crepe with a bodice of matchîng French lace. and crepe bolero. She wore mink furs and a corsage of carnations and roses in shades of pink with grey satin ribbon bow. Mush- room pink velvet and matcbing fan feathers fashioned ber small off the face bat. The bride- groom's mother who assisted was wearing a f loor length gown of naturel beige crepe witb bronze beading on the bodice. Her bat was a smali mode ai black vel- aur with polka dot veiling. Mink furs and a corsage af roses in shades af pink completed ber cos- tume. Also grceting the guests was the bridegroom's grandmoth- er, Mrs. R. Constantereau, Sault Ste. Marie, Ont., in a long gown of silver grey crepe, matcbing bat and accessories and a harmoniz- ing corsage. ADMISSION for this Great Show ADMISSION wilh Chance on Car For the Go-Ahead Farmer- There's Noney ai "NMy Dank" There are times when the farmer f inds that the efficient running of his farm calis for more ready cash than he can immedi4tely lay hands on. He may want the money for the purchase of seed, or feed and fertilizer. He may need some new machinery, for which he will get better terms if he pays cash. He may wish to make improvements to the farmhouse and farm-buildings. If you have a financing problem of this sort, pay a cail on George Moody, Manager of the Bank of Montreal at Bowmanville. B of M loans to farmers carry an agree- ably low rate of interest, and are repayable on terms especially suited to the seasonal nature of f armn income. Get the best out of your farma by using a B of M Farm Loan to provide needed equipment and supplies. y.The matron of honor was Miss Teresa Duck, Toronto, in rose beige silk velvet and carrying a cascade of rust chrysanthemums FDO/CVAT91gO'T/ with roses in yellow and talis- man and shaded caladiumn leaves William Lycett, says: tied with ribbon shading fromn'o hudarag o orL green to bronze. The bridesmaids Yusol rag o orLf wvere Mrs. William Powers, sister- Insurance at the earliest possible date, sa in-law of the bride and Mrs. Ralphtattcnbepcudonhemt Houston, a cousin of the bride, in deepepning tones of rust, also Mrs. advantageous terms. Kenneth Toms and Miss Helen Hambly, the bride's cousins, In LET'S TALK THIS OVER moss green. The gowns worn by ail the attendants were styled on identical lines of silk velvet with W li m L L ct fitted bodices and heavily gath- ered skirts with which they wore BOWMANVILLE, PHONE 2382 matching buttoned boleros with shawl collars and long matching mittens. They wore open crown- ORONO' S ICE EXTRA VAGANZA m M SOC - - - $1.00 the buffet supper. Before leaving the bride pre- sented the attendants wvith gold compacts and the bridegroom's gifts to the best man and ushers were gold cuff links. There are primary textile mills in each of the ten provinces. h - - - - White tulle with Pink roses and white poma poms formed the set- ting for the three tier wedding cake with silver pillars with white tapers in silver hold- ers which centered the bride's table. Arrangements af white chrysanthemums aiso contributed to the bridai theme. Mr. Leo Karnath was xuaster of cere- manies. Father Phillip Coffey of- fered prayer and later proposed a toast ta the bride which was respon.ded to by the bridegroom. Father S. J. Coffey Bowman- ville also voîced his good wishes ta the newly married couple. The toast ta the bride's attendants was proposed by Mr. Robert Pow- ers. During the reception a cable of congratulations was received from the bride's aunt and uncle. Mr. and Mrs. William Hambly, London, England. In the late afternoon, Mr. and Mrs. Trudeau left for their boney- Moon; they will visit Sault Ste. Marie, and points in United States, returning by way- of Que- bec and Montreal. For the honey- moon trip the bride donned a navy gabardine suit, a white blouse, navy velour hat with a white ostrich plume, a grey top- coat with grey lamb trimming, white gloves and navy accessaries with an orcbid corsage completed ber costume. On their return they will reside in Bowmanvilie. Foliowing the reception the guests were entertained at the home of the bride's mather, Roy- al Street, which was colorful with arrangements of Autumn flow- ers. White cbrysanthemums in a crystal bowl centered the tee table which was laid with an eye- let embroidered linen cloth for BTA Druddad j(MADE FROM 100%?1 WHOLE WHEAT> ... and here's whole wheat in its mast popular form! Yes, whole wheat is the basic food you necd in your diet - heaith authorities say. It con- tains vital food elements. And NABISCO SURE DDED WHEAT is made Irore 100% wbole u'betstl Tomorraw, serve deliciaus, taasty NABISCO SHREDDED WHEAT with 1: ota syrup 1 12 one oz. Biscuits ln Every son Stafford- Bros. Monumental Worku Phoneo1Whitby 552 318 Dundas St. E., %Vhttby FINE QUALITY MONUMENTS AND MARKERS Precise workmanship and careful attention to detail are vour assurance when vou choose fromn the wide selection of imported and domestic Granites and Marbies in stock. t,, preseniing Extracts f romn the Orono Skating Club's 1950 Production THE CARNI VAL 0F MONTHS One of Eastern Ontario's Outstanding Ice Carnivals. This Club has made a name for itself second to none. OSHAWA ARENA ON THE EVENING 0F M4onday, November 13 commencing ai 8:15 p.m. (E.D.ST.) FEATURING OU.A. JUNIOR #"D"y HOCKEY LYNDEN ROCKETS Westerni Ontario's Popular Sextet, 1948-49-50 Ontario Semi-Finallsts. VS. ORONO ORPRANS Eastern Ontario's Pride and Joy, 1948-49 Champions, 1950 Semi-Finaliats. THIS IS A CHALLENGE GAME AND PROMISES TO PRODUCE AMATEUR HOCKEY AT ITS BEST. FREE -1950 Chev. 2 Door Sedan To be given away to Lucky Ticket Holder PAGE ELEVEN t t The engagement is announced of Miss Mary Alice Cheesman, Ottawa, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. R. B. Chees- man, to Mr. Clifford Patterson Jones, son of Mrs. Giddus Jones and the late Mr. Jones, Bowmanville, Ontario.. The marriage wilI take place in Southminster United Church on November 25th at 3 p.m. TRE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTAIRIO

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