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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Nov 1950, p. 15

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IIAMPTON * Mr. and Mis. Ron McDonald, ]MwznativiUe, viere visitons with Mr. and Mrs. Lorenzo Truili. Mr. and Mns. Norman Clemens and daughicr Marilyn, Toronto, Mpent Sunday wih Mr. and Mrs. *-Laverne Clemnens. Mrs. Waiiy Hockin, Markdale, 18 sPending -a week with Mrs. Lor- enzo 1Trui. MAPLE GROVE > A gaOdly nurmben turned ont On Sunday ta vielcome aur ncw Pastor and vufe. HoPe ta sec as large a congregatuon cveny Sun- day, and even maorc. A. bus load ai Institute mcm- bers vient ta Taronto Thunsday ta attend the Institute Convention In the Royal York Hoiel. The evening Auxiliary and the W.M.S. will hold a joint meeting on Wednesday evening, Nov. 15, when MissIBessie Snovden, R.N., Will give a talk on hen year's work ai Bala-Bala. Courtice Circuit Broiherhood A rouilooh-base Wall point that covors in one coati Can be washed easily-painted over without streaking. Don't compare it with short-lived sub- stitutes. Pittsburgh's nevi won- der-working Wallhide cames ini 34 attractive colors -in MFat, Semu-Glass, and Glass inishes. J. B. Ahernethy Paint & Wallpaper Store 85 King Street West BOWMANVILLE wul hold their finsi meeting on Thursday cvcning in the base- ment of Maple Greve church. W. M. S. met at 2 p.m. Nov. lst in onder ta attend Uic Evening Auxiliary bazaar held in Uic basemeni at 3 p.m. President led in %rayer. Mrs. L. Collacot and Mis. Mabel Grecnham vicre chosen as a Naminaiing Com- mittee ta bring in a siate af off i- cens for nexi ycar. It was decid- cd, taonden two snbscriptions ai World Priends with anecocpy fan each oom in the school. A card of thailrs vas reýd inam Mn. and Mis. M. Munday for card ai sym- pathy li the passing af his broth- er. Treasuren reportcd proceed.s from Presbytcnial dinnen $67.10, half af vhich vas given ta thc eveninig Auxiliary as their shane for Sa villingly assisting with the dinner. Mrs. C. Snowden gave thc Bible reading, the vanship service theme being "One in Christ." Mns. Snovden rcad Kag- awa's poem "The Living Christ" and Mis. Ross Stevens ead se- lections ai poems viitten by lep- ens in a government hospital Mns. Norman Wright gave a reading ta show how in Christ even former enemies may find feilowship and then led in prayen for peace. Mis. H. Brooks gave the programme theme and ,called on Mrs. Ivison Munday and Mns. H. Foley ta compare the United Chnrch ai Canada anj the Unit- ed Church af Christ in Japan. Mns. F. Swallow rcad a letten ai- thanks for parcel af Klim sent ta Japan. Number present, 17. The offening, $4.81. NesfIlon Sfation Mr. George Malcolm leu ta spcnd the winten in Toronto. Mn. and Mrs. Tampkins and Jimmie, Toronto, visited Mn. Noon and Mms. Ementon. Mi. and Mrs. Kenneth Lamnb, Ciamkson, visited Sunday wth Mi. and Mmc. Wm. Lamb and Mr. and Mns. C. Wilson. Miss Ethel Hicks,. Toronto, vis- ied Mis. Gea. Hicks and family. Rev. Kaye, Peterborough, con- dncted service in the Presbyteri- an Church Sunday aiternoon. Mis. R. Soniey. Port Penny, visited Mm. and Mis. J. Harris. Mrs. A. Fonder spent a day in Lindsay. Mrs. J. Fonder visited Mm. and Mis. goy Taylor. Sevemai local folk attended the funenal ai Rev. R. J. Bick, Bob- caygeon, on Tuesday. Nestietan Women's Institute heid a Haiiove'en party ln Noria Nesileton hall. As a resultit was quite quiet in the village. Many South Nestîcton folk en- joyed the grand tunkey sappen ai the United Chnrcb Friday even- ing. A large crawd, bountiful meal and proceeds vere gratify- iag. Another cottage was destmoyed by fine ai St. Chistopher's Beach1 this past week. Congratulations ta John Law- rence who bagged a big black1 bear while buating. He bas a hiad quarter and fine bear skia as evidence ai bis good mankernan- ship. John is the youngest son1 af Mi. and Mmc. Walter Lawrence. Sympathy is extendcd ta Mmc. A. Leal and Mrs. I. Howe la the loss af ibein store stock, furnitune and pensonal possessions by fine eariy Tnesday morniag. Scene of the annual ]Rayai Ag- icuturai Wiatem Faim ai Toron ta Nov. 14-22 the Coiseum wili accommadate 1,200 hanses, 2,200 E cattie,. 1,200 sheep, 1,000 swiae,1 8,000 ponltny and other exhibits. DI E & LIDFUT DATES -____ lb. 30e Currants- lb. 18e SAssorted GLACE FRUIT pkg. 20c GLACE CHERRIES - Gr een 'or Red à-OZ. 15C - 7-az. 30e Seedless RAISINS ____lb.. 18e WHITE RAISINS - lb. 32c Maple Leaf MqINCEMqEAT 2-lb. Tin 28c Assorted PEEL _____ 7-az. 15e IPV A!-centre ai inte-esiiis veek I 9the vindow ai Sayveii's store T vhich Is dnessed ta nepresent Uic mring O.N.O. Club Dance Fmi- EK ly nigbt ta vhich evenyone lis V 'elcome. The prizes anc also M splayed. S Mn. Wesley Bradbun n l home b rom the Western Hospital, To- hi onia and pragnessing satisfact- rily. While in the hospital he ec ilebrated bis 72nd birthday and B, 7as very pieased vith a binthday ake which the hospital present- M d ta hlm. He vas giad ta have M iss Marlon Thampson, Nesile- ta )n, as anc af his nurses.,vibo took - tu icn 'f A. TEE CA1NADIAN STATESMAN, EOWMIVILLF, ONTARlIO BLÂCKSTOCK Durham Public School Spcak- ing Contesi drevi a large ai- tendance in the Community Hall last Friday evening. The Presi- dent, Mn. C. R. Carveth, New- castle, was chairman. The sing- ing ai "O Canada" apened the meeting. Cartvright schoois then gave tva numbers with UicMus iç Teacher, Mrs. Lamne Thompson, dinecting. Thmee teachens fnom thc Oshawa achools veme-the jmd- ges fan Uiecocntesi. Pnizes viene avandcd as follows: ist-Wanda McFarlane, Bovimanville; subjci "Advantagcs ai Living in Boy- marnvilie." 2nd-Joan Vcnning, Blackstock--ý'Paper"; 3rd-Ron- ald Munnoe, Bowmanville B.T.S. -"Atomic Energy"l; 4th-Bever- ley Coviling, Bowmanville-"Prin- cess Elizabeth"; 5th-Ruth Miller, Manicnrs-"Queen Mary." The speeches wene ail excellent and greatly enjoyed. The final contesi is ai the Boys' Training School. Bovimanville, Friday ev- ening, Nov. 10. The matran, Miss Denson, extcnded a cordial invi- tation toalal ta attend and ne- main fon lunch aften Uic contesi. Mi. Jack Smith is visiting frieiids ai Si. Joseph's Island. Many ladies in the cammnnity iook advantage ai the chartered bus ta Toronto lasi Thursday ta attend the Institue Convention and do a bit ai shopping. Mn. and Mis. Stephen Saywell, Margaret and Mns. W. A. Van Camp have motored ta Union City ta spend a few days with Rev. Fred Riding, Mns. Riding and famiiy. Mis. Oakley Canley and Anne, Cavan, visited Mn. and Mms. Clan- ence Marlow. Mrs. Ross Curtis and Helen, Mn. and Mrs. Bruce Curtis, Orillia; Mms. Gardon Strong and child- nen vith Mis. Robert Bruce and Miss Mae King on Snnday. Miss Ida Dempsey, Alton, with Dr. J. A. McArthun and Mis. Mc- Arthur. Misses Mabel VanCamp, Wilma VanCamp, Toronto; Jessie Van Camp, Alton, and Helen Van Camp, Oshawa. with Mrs. Wm. Van Camp. Mrs. John Barman, Bowman- ville, with Mm. and Mrs. Tam Smith. Mn. and Mrs. Lamne Bradburn, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Wes- ley Bradburn. Mi. and Mrs. Sidney Martyn, Oshawa, with Mr. and Mrs. Han- aid Martyn. f Mn. and Mrs. N. S. McNally, Coiborne, attended the Fonder- Howsam wedding ai Manchester on SatÙrday; spent the weekend with Mn. and Mis. Wallace Mar- iow and attended the-Dedication I Service ai the United Chnrch on I Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. George Chant and famiiy, Mi. and Mrs. Wm. Keiser and famiiy, have moved ta thein new homes. We àre sorry ta lose them from aur community. Mn. and Mms. Luke McLaugh- lin and baby son have moved ta their farm and ve are pleasediao weicame them back ta Cari- wright. Mr. and Mrs. Rupert Byers, Bowmanvilie, spent Sunday with Mfr. and Mrs. Leith Byers. Mmc. T. A. Bailey spent Sun- day in EFi.tiskillen with Mr. and MIrs. R. M4cLaughlin. Mis. James M'cLanghlin sufiened a stroke. c Congratulations ta Mn. and Mvrs. Howard Farder (nec Dora- ;hy -Hovsam), Manchester, who werc married lasi Saturday. .t We vieme sorry ta hear af the death ai Rev. J. R. Bick, a form- er pastor, who has been preach-e ng recently ai Scugog Island.* Rev. C. W. Hutton and Rev. R. B. Harrison attended the fun- eral on Tuesday. Miss Clara Marlow and ýMr ' Neil Bailey, Peterborough Nor- nal students. vere home for theV weekend. Miss Beryl Larmer, nunse-In- raininig ai Peterborough Civic 3' Hospital, spent a day ai home last t week. :. Sympatby of the community Is extended ta Mrs. Luther Mount- oy on the death afilhem sister, Mis. Alice Chapman, Winnipeg. Mrs. George Fovilen has ne- tuned home aiten spending a Dr. Ruddiael and Scatty, Bow- nanville, with Mr. and Mrs. 7rewin Scott. 14r. Milton Virtue and Mrs. tva Beckett visited Mr. William irtue at the home ai Mr. and &rs. Bull Cochrane, Kirby, on ;nday, viho celebrated his 87 th rthday. Congratulations fram s Tyrone friends. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gibbs visit- [ Mr. and Mrs. George Perfect, Mr. and Mms. W. Rahm, and r. Ronald Rahm visited Mr. and Irs. Gardon Whittaken, Hamil- >n. Master Alex Perger re- irned home with them. Mn. and Mrs. Ross Pooley en- ýrtained at dinrier at their home iOshawia Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. ýH. Brent, Mr. and Mns. GardonI rent. Gloria and David, Mr. and Irs Haward Brent and Mrs. S. J. ourtice viere guests in hanour !Mrs. A. H. Brent's birthday iNov. 5th. --- excellent care af him. He was also glad to see Miss Doris Ham- ilton, nurse-in-training, and had several visits from Jack Marlow, viho is studylng to be a doctor, as vieil as visita 'from his ovin i amily and Mr. and Mrs. D. N. Wotten, Toronto. Woman's Association The Woman's Association of the United' Church held the Oc- tober meeting at the home af thé President, Mrs. Russell Mount- joy. Meeting opened with the W. A. Theme Sang. Scripture reading, lst Corinthians,.chap. 12, and the worship theme "Now there are diversities af gifts, but the csame Spirit" was taken by Mrs. Hutton. A.iter the readlng ai the minutes and rall cail, sev- eral matters af business were dis- cussed. Aiter a short program. arranged by Graup Leader Mrs. Frank Hoskin, lunch vias served and a social tinie enjoyed. TYRONE Mr. and Mrs. John Beckett, Columbus, with Mr. and Mrs. 0. Beckett. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Lamb with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. Beckett before leaving for Marrisburg vihere they expect ta remain idr several weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Basil Shirk spent the weekend at Orilia.. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Maynard, Vivian, and Joy Chamberlain and Mrs. J. McRoberts and Miss Phyllis YlIaynard visited Mr. and Mrs. H. Efford. Agincourt. Mr. Roy Prescott, Bowmanvi.le, visited Mr. and Mrs. Earl Pres- cott. Mrs. H. C. Mclntyre, Miss Jean McIntyre, Brampton, with Mr. and Mirs. J. C. Cookc. Miss Grace Smith with Mr. and Mrs. Ted McBride, Brampton. 1 Mr. Dawson Beckett *and Miss Arvilla Beckett attended the sil- ver wedding celebration ai Mr. and. Mrs. Leslie Fawett, Meaford, on Saturday. Miss Edith White, Miss Dor-s Millington, Toronto, visited Mr. and Mrs. Evertan White. Mrs. J. Lillicrapp, Canning- ton, with her daughter, Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Byam and attended the Murdoch-Byam wedding. Mr. and Mrs. Albert His, Miss Bessie His visited Mr. and Mrs. Gardon Hilis, Hamiltan; Mr. Ralph HUis at O.A.C.. Guelph, and Rev. and Mrs. A. W. March, Iburham. Mr. and Mrs. Simon McCoy were guests ai Mr. and Mrs. A. Poulter, Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. M. Wootton, Ajax, were tea guests ai Mr. and Mz-s. Walter Parks an Saturday. Mr. N. BiciçeIl, Bowmanville, With Mr. and Mrs. J. Gibbs. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Davenport and David, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. H{enry Stainton. Mr. Jack Calbary, Skip and Victor, Broaklixi, at K. Colbary's. Mr. and «.*trs. Delbert Carr and chiIdren, C¶drington, visited Mr. and Mrs. E. Doonan. Patricia and Doreen remained for a holiday. C.G.I.T. bazaar and tea an Sat- urday was well attended in spite of very disagreeable weather. Praceeds approximately $30.00. Congratulations ta Mr. and drs. Peter Murdock, nee Yvonne Byam, wha were married on Fr1- day evening. A large number of mothers, grandmothers and small children ttended the Hallowe'en party at the schoal when games, contests and music viere enjoyed, also a grand lunch was served by teach- er arnd children. Mrs. Wallace Griffin, Ennis- kiilen, was hostess at a party hovier Friday evening at the Lame ai Mr. and Mrs. W. Rahm in honour ai Mrs. Ray West, <nee MIarion Hayward). The house was nicely decorated and Master Junior Perger presented the bride with a bouquet ai flowers. flrs. P. Hayward also attendedl the shovier. A dainty lunch vias served. Mrs. W. Miller visited Mrs. Ed. Dean and other friends at Orono. Miss Florence Werry, Mrs. Jen- :ins, Bovimanville; Mrs. May >earce, East Orange, N.J. ;Rev. A. E. Cresswell, Lindsay, were v:uests ai Mr- and Mrs- Frank LMATwovnmlm 0. iose S A very large gathcring ai rel- and iamily back ta the commun- -atives and, friends assembled in ity. ithe Community Hall last Tues- Mn. Harold Reynolds, Toronto, day evening to honour Miss at Ralph Davis'. Yvonne Byam and Mn. Peter Mur- Mr. and Mrs. Ian Smith. To- idock at a miscellaneous shawcr. ranto, at Stan Millson's. As the bride and groom-ta-be en- Misses Ethel and Lillie Gilbert, tered the hall they viere escortcd Toronto, at Russell Gilbert's. ta seats at the front by Mrs. Ar- Mn. and Mrs.. Charles Allun, tthur Richards and Mr. Haward Bowmanville, at Wes Yellovilees'. .Philp, ta the strains. af the vied- Mrs. S. E. Wenry viith Mr. and eding march played by Mrs. Don- Mrs. H. E. Grooms, Toronto. -ald Davey. Aiter the many bask- Mn. and Mrs. Lamne Kellett and iets ai gits had been opcned iamily with relatives at Mfi- 3Yvonne and Peter thanked their brook. ,many friends for the lovely gits. Miss Muriel Langmnald, Peter- rCarda were played and a social borough, at home. tevening spent. Mn. and Mis. Wes Wermy and F Several ladies of Tyrans Insti- iamily at Mr. N. Metcalf's, Osh- 9tute attended thc Area Conven- avia. "tion at the Royal York at Toron- Mr. and Mns. Narval Wottcn "ta. viuth Dr. and Mis. L. B. Williams, L Mission Band'meets next Sun- Toronto. day mtorning. Children are asked 1ta bring something which May be sent as a git ta some little In- S.S. No. 9 Clarke dian boy or girl an the Muncey Reservation. Thene vill be a s~ervice af in- Visitons viith Mr. and Mns. Aus- fant .baptism next 'Sunday. Any tin Turner viere Mn. and Mrs. Lew parents viho desire ta have thein Hailowel.l and family, Starkville; chlldren baptized at ibis time Mrs. Cowan, Orono. should get in tauch with the min- Mr. and Mis. Chas. Fisk and ister. family with Mr. and Mns. Bert Finney at Claremont. Miss Anna Marie Shervin, Ononô, with MissHelen Turner. 1SOLINA. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Young- blutt and famiiy, St. Catharines, The ews f Rv. J R.Bick's _with Mr. and Mns. H. Pedwell and dethe nehtsor tis ai ev J R Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Pedwell. fdt brugt sr ahis mniyany Mn. and Mis. M. Pcdvil and frieds n tis cmmuityandBarry spent Tuesday in Toronto. deepest sympathy is extended ta Mrs. John Fisk visited her son Mis. Bick. Among those viho at- r avr acadadMs tended his uneral service at Part BaBarchard and Mns Penny o Tuesday vere Mn. A. 1,. Mn. and Mrs. Bill Barchard and Pascae, Mrs. Harold Pascoe, Mrs. Mns. Henry Bowen visited their' Isaac Hardy, Mrs. Ed. Milîson, mothen, Mrs. E. Hooper. Mis. Stan Millsan and Mis. A. J. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Fisk and Balsan. iwo girls, Pontypool, with Mn. The nelghbours and friends fr' and Mns. J. Fisk. and Mr, and Baker's and Bradley's school sec~- Mns. C. Fisk. tions assembled at the home of Miss V. Holmes visited at home Mr. and Mis. Ken Buison, Mrs. on Sunday. J. Butson and June, Tuesday ev- Sonry ta hean Genald Gibsan ening ta express best wishes be- had his eye hurt on the way home fane they leave fon their newv inom school. Hope ut will sadn home near Enniskillen. As a tok- be betten., en oifniendship and with wishes Mn. and Mrs. Jack Gibson have for future happiness, they were moved ta Oshawa. We wish them pnesented wuth iwo table lamps. good luck in their new home. Y.P.U. resumed meetings fan The Sileni Sisters met Thuns- the vinier season on Monday ev- day evening at Mrs. C. Malley's ening with Pearl Leach, Fellaw- with 16 present. The amounts of ship convenen, in charge af the woollens ta be sent for the hlank- program. Olive Cryderman as- ets waý discussed. Woollens ta sisied the convener in the service he left with Mis. M. Pedweîl. af vorship and Jean Montgom- Miss Holmes suggested having ery gave the story. Entertain- bingo game some afternoon at the ment includeti a humourous read- school. To be decided laten. A ing by Donald Taylor and ac- special meeting was held aften- cordian music by Peter Voss. It wards with ail the executive ai was encauraging ta the leaders the H. and S. Club present. Lunch ta have such a good attendance was served by Mrs. Malley, Mrs. ai this opening meeting and it is Bowen and Mns. Barchard. Next sincereiy hoped such co-aperation meeting at Mrs. F. Bowcn's in will continue. Followîng the December. meeting %~social evening was en- Haliowe'en party held ai the jaycd at the home ai Mr. and school was a big success with 100 Mrs. Joe Snowden. old and young dressed in every- About 20 membens af the Wom- thing from angels and witches ta en's Institute chartered a bus ta teddy bears and robbers. The attend the W. I. convention in children put on two dances and Toranto lasi week. sangs, ater which there was a Mr. Jack Baker Is assistlng costume parade with the judges with the livestock exhibits at the Mr~. C. Carveth and Mrs. Hinman Royal Winter Fair. having a job ta pick the vinners. Mn. and Mis. S. E. Werry ai- Prize for: best coMic woman, iended the chnistening of their Mrs. Hancock, as Beulah; Chinese grandson, Donald Wermy, at Sim- couple, Mrs. C. Fisk and Bob coe St. Church, Oshawa, last Sun- Mantyn; Mrs. Dave Gray as a day. witch; Canal Gray as Teddy Bear; We welcom M. and Mrs. Voss Peggy Hancock as Dutch Girl; We are pleased to, Announce that we have been appointed as REPRESENTATIVES FOR TRANS - CANADAMAILINES SERVICES at HOME and ABROAD. This new addition to our agencies now allows us to furnish you with tickets on AIR, LAND ? SEA. to any place in the world JURY &LOV 15 King Street West Bowmanville Look at these Prices! 41 KART SISSONS RAS REDUCED EVERY CAR $50.00 to $200.00 TRIS WEEK ONLY So if pou plan ta buy a befter car this Fail now is your chance. 1948 Dodge Sedan - - $1550.00 Immaculate, custom radio, heater, sun visor, etc. New list price $2300.00. 1948 Pontiac Sedan HMater, def msters. u e 1948 Chevrolet Sedan *-- Buiît-in radio,- heater, defrosters. m $145000 $ 1450.00 "FAS IS" TRADE -IEFS 1940 Plymouth hall-ton Pickup Good mater and tires. 1936 Chevrolet Coach -- Cheap transportation. )M . - e ' 1948 Chevrolet Sedan . . . $1395.00 1937 Ford Cabriolet . - Only 22,000 miles. Vcry dlean. Goad niotor, transmission, etc. Bodys 1948 Dodge Special Deluxe Coach - $1395.00 1938 Chevrolet halflton Pickup Heater, spotlight. 1947 Chevrolet Coach c $1295.00 1937 Ford Coach - - - Outstanding, 21,000 miles, custom radio, heater. Clean body, motor rough. 1947 Chevrolet Coach Popular mode!. 1946 Nercury Sedan One owner. 1946 Chovrolet Coach - - - $1050.00 Popular mode!, average condition. 1941 Chevrolet Panel .Good, average condition. 1940 Plymouth Coa New motor, 194 1937 Chevrolet One owner, ver a m $450.00 *$1250.00 1935 Oldsmobile Sedan 1Not running. s * * $1095.00 1935 Dîdiniobile Cabriolet us$5' Not running. 1934 Dodge Sedan - -. Needs a battery, body rough. ach . . . $795.00 1934 Plymouth Sedan - - a $150.00 49, good. 3 new tires, body immaculate, needsaa $595.00motor job.I uv <lvan. -THE ABOVE CARS WIbITERIZED- AND RECONDITIONED TRADES Sisons 01010 1932 Pontiac Sedan *... New tires, running conditi. - LIDERAL TEIS Garage PROIE: 010! ¶ Ut YOURMeCormalck's New Style .Se6tTf Very Thin %muiPu DJ=xc« SALTINES - 1-lb. 32e IKLIK 12-oi. Tin s' A Full Lino of FRESH FROZEN FISH Swans Down CAU VLOU t CAKE FLOUR 23/-1b. pkg. 41c Sirloin,sRound or T-Bone STEAKS or ROASTS _________ lb. 75e Milk Fed, B04STING CHICKENS_______ lb. 55e Kolled PLATE ROAST __________ lb. 55e Burns' BREAKFAST BACON________ lb. 57e m Free Delivery Service * ALLIN'S Quality Meats and Grocerles K. A. "Pat" Yeo, Propriator 9 ]KING ST. E. BOWMANVILLE PHONE 3387 0 $50.0b wishes to congratulate JURY and LGVELL TRAVEL AG"ENCY 15 KING ST. WEST BOWMANVILLE, ONT. upon their recent appointment to represehf al TCA SERVICES at HOME and ABROAD il - --- 1 m ,MÀPLE LEAF hi @4 q:3r-E5 ____________________PAGE ILj Mr. Merlin as a negro conilc man. Miss V. Holmes for ail the wo~ The xnasks viere rcmnoved and she had gone ta, maklng the pat bobbing for apples, and apples an a success. A bountiful lunch wa4 a string was enjoyed. Mr. Os- semvcd, aiso Hallovie'en candUes borne môved a vote ai thanks ta and pDeanuts. Trans- Canada Air LUnes ýl 16 53C

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