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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Nov 1950, p. 16

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7-1 ~ v~ ~mm I I -'c'C. H.- TUCK Optometrist in GngerAiesDisney Bdg. Oshawa, Phone 1516 AU No. 125 The patient being well advanced in ycars may oftcn fear that the vision is sciously endangcmcd. While la a few cases thîs may be I truc, the majarity of cases respond ta the correction and many even do so better than ini young people. GINhiER ALES -p It is sad indced, ta etwihta P COLEII. case i the very advanced life 3OUNCE BOTTLES 44bBzl where the patient expects ta have %a Ào vision normal or better and xill DOTTL insist that if glasses arc warn BOTTLEtbey miust be guaranteed ta suit thcm ia every way. I may say Goverament Tax Included that nathing can be done for this Uufaidé Poimis Slighify Hidher C f type unless they change their way of thinking. "There la none sa blind as Se wha will flot sec." (.Copyrlghted) _________________________________________ Â ~J .E.YLtiS UAA) aeidntrioeMdicaI sservicen' PI ia n eiclSrie o plan. polnted out that this was U CAS the first tine in Canada that two C m ined la Heallh Protection Plan non-pfit health poecns "ak il10age"l providing comprehensite THA - coverage against the cost of un- The Oitaria Medical Associ- plan will be offered ta industrial expected ilîneas. étion and the Ontario Hospital organizations beginnîngý in No- The subscription rates for the Association have announced that vember for protection effective joint plan are low and designed ta they had completed negotiations on or after the first of January, provide camprebensive coverage for the joint Presentatian of a 1951. for the family at a cost of $60.00 health protection plan providing In making the announcement a year. The great advantage of- - aurgical, abstetrical. and medical D. W. Ogilvie, Director of Blue fered by the "package" plan is care in bospital in addition ta Cross Plan for Hospital Care. and the ."service" benefits- feature. BlUe Cross Hospitalization bene. W. S. Major. General Manager of Both plans pay the rates charged lits. The jolnt health prepayment Physicians' Services Ineorporatd by doctor or hospital for the ser- vices covered. It is flot an insur- ance or indemnity contract. Standard. (Publie) Ward Single persan, $1.95 per month; Subscribèr *and one dependant, $4.15- per montb; Family, $5,00 per montb. Semi-Private Contract Single persan $2.30 per month; *"4--- Subscriber and one dependant, THAÉE OWMANVILLE z$4.85 per month; Family, $5.70oper THURSDAY FRIDAY NO . 9- 10 rnonth. l eelgbl or he n MATCLESSWARNR EXITEMNT! ge plan," stated Mr. Ogil- MAT HL SS WAR ER EX IT MEN I i: 1providing the required per- ," i centage of employees enroîl. The .l" percentagé of enrolment requir- -.o. ed will vary according ta the .-c number of employees." be went > on. '"ranging frdm 100% frorn a staff o!1dont6%frmaf0f 200. For example, if there> this number ta make application A modern passenger train rall- before a group cauld be formed. ing along at 70 ta 80 miles an Should teeb 200 or more em- bour is a 1500-ton projectile of ployees 60% would be required." tremendous momentum and vel- new lan Mr.W. . Mjor f seedcannot be stopped witbin Physcias' ervcesIncrpoat-theshort distance necessary ta cal nd ntaio osptalAssci-whomay have decided ta indulge ation. through their own plans in ane of the many bazardous were joining banda ta bridge the practices whicb brought death ta . . . .gap between the average family 140 and injuries ta 549 others la A TECHNICOLOR CARTOON amie conditions and modemn sci- SATURDAY ]NOV, il of the sick. had created afinancial without some form of protection. A w y ZMON (Hope Twp.) When the vivaciaus blond an-i (Intended for last week) swering ta the name, Betty Daw-I Thank offering services con- son, began bher well rehearsed ducted by Rev. H. A. Mellow, speech, she was as confident as a Oshawa, were held in Zion Unit- mouse in a ladies' louage. [t 'IL ~ed Church recent]y, when inspir- wsamte fpicpe sa PERON ing messages were heard, after- only cbild it was her duty ta en- 1010E MARIE. ",,)U noon and evening. The local tranle ahrsjno at Ullrmmanu*.... choir under the direction of Mrs. ner even at the expense of break- MONTGOUMERY CAMERON- WINDSOR, Roy Best, was augmented in the, ing a date with Chuck Ryan. But AN ASON PRODUCTION - IELASED THROUGH tWENTIETH CENTUIrY FOX aiternoon by the plcasing duets at its conclusion, after she heard af Mr. and Mrs. Faster Russellbrsedsa,"h.sOK.y Cobourg, and in the evening by me. ll take Mary Lau ta the "F11 SHORTS COLOR CARTOON the beautiful solos of Mrs. Car- Drake shindig," the blond was ri NichaIs, Wesleyville. Tail more vexed than vivaciaus andt muua.~uu ~baskets of mixed flawers decor- more troubîed than calm. - UESBAY - NOV. 13 -14 ated the altar front. "You mena you'd take that nom The fallowîng Friday the an- crumb?" she flared. n. . . rni,,lIo~~inual bazaar was held, with the "Certainly," Chuck Ryan an- .%SuOf R HwPresident of Ziàn Women's As- swercd, picking up the box of ki UdIn MWois sociation, Mrs. M. Irwin ini charge. chacolates he'd braught as a peace, Tables of home cooking, home- offering for beîng late. "Be- made cindies, knitting and sewn sidesIl Se continued, "Mary Lau uj~ 7r H ~ oogoods were quickly --disposed of, isn't la crumb, she's a nice girl." wbile the ever-popular fish pond The "Fatal Apple" lip rouge on bad a steady stream af customers. the lower bal! o! the blond's at- '80J.a »YFreshly popped corn did a brisk tractive mouth felt the bite of trade and kept the "caoks" busy. sharp white teeth as the girl tried JObA programn was arranged for the ta quell the tears that surged ta M balance of the evening. This her eyes. "Tbat's just fine," she DERk* YNNopened witb cammunity singing managed ta whisper, "I hope you led by Rev. D. C. Oke. Films on bath bave fun."f "A Tour Through Europe" with Chuck threw the chacolates at flUMMCA - ma M NIE Mr. Ross, President of the Eldor- a green laz-y-bay. "Let's notd lu yO M-VU 1=»U-Pll tM ado Mining and Refining Camp- have an argument, Bet.," heo MARCH 0F TIME SHORT TECHNICOLOR CARTOON any, Llmited, as aperatar and pleaded, "Yau go your way andc commentatar, was much cnjoyed. l'Il go mine. Wc'1l farget tanightc MOVIETONE NEWS The audience visited with their ever bappened." t guide beauty and historie spots "If that's the way you want it," i of England, Scotland, France and Betty said, eluding the encircling WEDNESDAY - THURSDAY - NOV. 15- 16' films weme bemng'vement of a tweed..coated am cbanged. musical selectians were more." She bandcd Chuck bis affered. Master Ross Todd, Os- college pin. aca, pleaaed the crawd by bis "Now look .. mastery of the accordion in sev- 'I'm sarry," the girl interrupt-J eral numbers. Mrs. Morley Rab- ed, "Tbat's the way I feel." inson, StarkviUle, favoured with For a long moment Chuck several much applauded solos. starcd at the little blue pin la the The evening came ta a close palm af bis ieft hand, then meet- UNIVRSAWTERNTIONLpiiwith tasty refrcsbmentsand 'caf- ing Betty's misty gaze with bisC UNItRALITENAI0NI.m~fee. awn sharp, detcrmincd eycs SeA The thanks of tbe community said, "Sec you aound sometime."lr is due aIl voluntary amtists, bath He pickcd up bis bat and made for p for the Thank offering services the door, "Wouldn't want ta miss -Ando he- za 4orm1wt-tatpry1-esi ae i &Oe)cee ea fieystone of Mainb Streeti The towns of Canada are friendly places. There's the drug store, the post office... and your bank, where you meet your friends anid excbange a neighbourly word with the people who serve you. Your Commerce manager is a man ta knaw .., a man wbo wants to know you. Yau can trust him ta keep your confidence. You can trust the men and women who work with him.. they are trained ta be discreet about your business. Yes, our Canadian towns are friendly places .- .and the men andi womer, at your Commerce branch are good people to know. The Canadian Bank of Commerce "The ommece 140-30A D.M. Housio,0 .SAL (t THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. IROWMANVMLLP. nNTARTM PrUTTIptznav wnvviýmrlp a 1«9% iu Ring loneliness, a ser jous burdeln The funeial service was held In aged to figure out a way to keep in aid age, by establishing a feel- Grace Church, Scugog Island, hungry rockbass -fromntkn h STO Pr r> ISoE R ing of belonging. Our new build. Tuesday, conducted by members inw which the angler intend- ing, of. which 35 are- ultimately of Oshawa Presbytery of the Unit- tefv on lc as p l a n e d t h r u g h u t h e o n u n i - e d h u r h . n t e m e n w a i T h e m in n o w s u p p ly i s p a r ti e A N14 THIE B IG opla n e ntgho rte in i; dCuch nemetWularly lowinSuhrOtao objective,. and are, perhaps, of Bobcaygeon Cemetery. waters anid Departmnent officiais greater benefit to the aged blind I feel there 1'just might" be an op- FELLOW ! than oayhrgo DiiYOOuHow Would You Like partunity for an etrrsn n "Thenewcentes rovie e- 0 iviualta start Up a minnow in- onamie security, when ede ToCgç Into Raising dustry. Mr. Magili stated. "4They offer. What would be needed? "A social companionship-they pre- Minnows for Sale? source of supply of water, ter- sent recreational activities and _____ramn suitabie for minnow ponds. part-tirne employment, if desired. Possibllity of private propaga- The right type of rninnows, per- The new centres are the tools by tion of minnows suitable for baît, haps golden shiners, or black- which C.NI.B.'s staff can do a is seen by officiais of the Fish and heads, or bluntnoses." Some more effective job for ail the Wildlife Division, Ontario De- minnows are more suitable for blind of Canada, and the aged partment of Lands and Forests, pond raising; others prefer blind in particular,"1 Mr. Magill because of the shortage of min- streams," the biologists say. concluded. . nows in some parts of the Pro- There are provisions in the fish The Home Teachers' Confer- vince.& and game regulations prohibitinig «ence is regional, being limited ta Actually, officiais say, min- the placing of minnows in waters workers operating in the Eastern nows are plentiful in same areas other thân those from which the3r States., Eighty blind teachers but labor ta obtain and market came. Officiais say this applies registered for the meetings, and them is scarce. On occasion, ang- particularly to carp. smelt and S another thirty from other phases lers have paid up ta 50 centsa similar types of fish which may of work for the blind, took part. dozen for the higbly-prized bait become predators an the young --one which is taken by prac- of game fish. p',vv wv~vvticaliy every type of game fish in Meanwhile the Division bas col- U.U11UARY ~ the Province, not ta mention a lected from its own and other lot of coarse fish wvhich, fisher- sources masses of information men say, are just plain greedy relative ta the possible raising of REV. 3. ROLAND BICK, B.A. bait-snatchers. minnows as a commercial ven- For instance. no on& bas man- ture. A former minister of Hampton circuit and minister of Scugog United Church for the past year, Rev. J. Roland Bîck, B.A., passed away at the parsanage. Scugog ts H r o S a Island, on Nov. 4th. Mr. Bick was confined ta bis bed since October Iduring the 12 month period end_ 3rd due ta a heart condition. ned June 3th. Cars stalling 'n the A minister of the Methodist S o tH iT a -s ing ta beat the train ta the cross- deceased was son of the late M' ýYU-H I H RT digand misjudging the distance, and Mrs. George Bick. Born at S Y U RA S ËT. rmotorists who drove into the Bobcaygeon in 1880, he receiv- osides of moving or stationary ed his primary education there Short hair takes top ranking in the fali fashion parade. ,trains apparently as the resuit of and later attended Albert College [V's high fashion but slicker, dressed in more highly eimpaired visibility or misjudg- at Belleville from 1902 ta 1904. plse ista th rfe hoi fsu m . sment of speed and distance, ail Graduating from Victoria Coli oihe-ns ha h aefe hrieo umr icontributed ta the mounting cross- ege, Toronto, he was ordained ln FOR THAT FALL FASHION LOOK - you'1l need a ýing accident toli Remember, a 1908. new* PROFESSIONAL PERMANENT wave as the 9car can stop qu,.iker than a train. Prior ta bis retirement from basis for chic hairdos to wear with the elegant clothes -Give the big fellow tbe rigbt of the active ministry two years ago, away! Mr. Bick served as minister at of the new -season. ________________________Ivanhoe, Blackstock, W o o le r. ait-a o oreris ponmn Hampton, Whitevale, Seymour alt-a foyurelisap inm t and Janetville. After bis retire- ment he had served as minister A Winner ~~~~of the Scugog Island charge. onsBat ete Besides bis wife, the former J nSullivan) M. Elsa McCartney, be is sur- vived by three sisters, Mrs. L. PHONE: Business 455 Residence 2951 Anderson, Bowmanville; Mrs. D. as a muscular young body stepped Kimble, Bobcaygeon and Mvrs. You are invited to corne in and see aur lovely out of the porch shadoWs. Ross Williams, Peterborough, CrsmsGfsnwo ae His sudden appearance startled and a brother, Samuel, Bobcay-ChstasGts ow nsle ber. "Ye-s-ss," she stumbled, geon. then regamning a slight resemb- lance of composure added, "You forgot your chocolates." "Didn't forget them," Chuck said, "I figured they'd be a good excuse ta came iback just in case yau didn't came after me." "And like a sîlly fool I did."OW R I TRU TN "Yep," Chuck smiled. 'Here's the pin, where does it go?" Betty P WR I T R U T O pointed ta the collar of her navy jacket and the smile creasing Chuck's face widened as he pin- ned it on. "Stili mad, honey?" he queried. SUNDAY, NOVEMBER l2th "Just a littie," Betty answered. "You stili jealous?" she pouted. "I neyer . . . " he began but catching himself said, "Just a rm20 Io :0p. B yihSa ngT e littie." The girl's arms circled fo :0l :0pm alglSvn un his neck. "I don't mmnd you stepping out with someone else once in awhile, sweetheart," C h u c k sootheai, This power cul-off will effeci ail consumers of the "Can't have peolé saying I didn't give you a chance ta play the fe"h hc, et urd Bowmanville Rural Operaiing Area North of Highway drawing his lips down toward her own in a physical demonstration No. 2. of a strange new sense of se- curity rising within ber. If 1 tell you a secret will you kiss me in truce?" "Might," Chuck said, moving in. The ahove interruption is necessarv Io make repairs "He's married," she whispered.r r Program Aims to Io hydro lines and sub-sialion. Expel Loneliness for 1 .Blind Canadians Youfe co-operallon is respecifully soliciied. Speaking before the Eastern Conferencie of Home Teachers in Atlantic City, Mr. A. N. Magil], recently appointed Ontario Su- perintendent for The Canadian BW A VLEP BI TLTE O NSO NainlIsiuefor the Blind, DW A VLEPBI TLTE O MSO

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