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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Nov 1950, p. 17

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?!TU'UbAY, WOVEMBEfl, 1950 OE Â InÂN STATESLL, '..> W ±YfXV IL.LEL ONTLAIOI AESEET m DO WNAN VILLE, OSHAWA, KIN GSTONI ORILLIA Shoppes ----- Presen ts 57 King St. W., Dowmanville SENSATIONAL SAVINGS -FOR ECQNOMY SUJITS Our corTnplete Fal stock of suitS in woOlsl,lds, gab- ariechecks, corduroys, etc- -s, a grand Collection fromn which ta choase. P-l rd C dfor yaur shopping ¶ aur!SizeS 10-20. pleasure.a fe11 e/0 P / A great opportunity for the ladies of Bowmanville and area to gjain extra savings in their Christmas shopping as we cut our stock at drastically rectuced prices. This sale is store wide with the exception of certain price protected articles. For the choice of our complete stock shop early. SKIRTS Plaids, gabardines, wols, corduroys,etc. . .. ail t.'rI s of style and color. Your skirt is here aI gî'eatly re- duced pnices as aur nom- plete collection is on sale. Sizes 10 - 20. ALL REDUCED STATION WAGON COATS A wonderful oppartunity ta gel outfitted for winler at special savings. Al aur coats are on sale this week. Plenty of shades, sizes from 12 ta 20, styled ta suit you. Came early for the best choice. A Sensational Saving SALE STARTS 9:00 A.M. I THURSDAY, NOV. 9th sshvP G L ORY NYLON HOSE First quality nylon hase at greatly educed prices. A complete range of 7 ail shades. Sizes frorn 91/2ta 11. FIRST QUALITY HOSE 42-gauge, Reg. $1.50 $1.00 per pair --- - - -- 2 pair $1.94 45-gauge, Reg. $ 1.65 $1.09 per pair - 2 pair $2.10 51-gauge (20 denier), Reg. $1.95 $129 per pair --- -- 2 pair $2.49 FACTORY SECONDS A grand callectian af Fali shades in 42 and 45-gauge factory secands. Sizes 91/2ta 11. 97e per pair --------- - 2 pair $ 1.85 ALL WEATHER, CO ATS In corduroy, checks, consul cloth, in navy, green, gray, brown, rust, etc. In belted or swing styles. Sizes 10 la 20. ALL RE1DUCED TO CLEAIR ANN SHOPPEý Our compGGW Nsc on sale at drasicaly reucedprices. Strapless or with straps, * straight and bias cut, lace trimmed or plain. f~ Al Reduced to Clear PANTIES in rayon and nylon, in briefs or loase leg styles. DRASSIERES Cotton, satin,"nylon. A com- plete selection of bust sizes for' the daily shoçpper. M The Newcu, MIb Monthly meeting of the W.1 was held on Nov. 2nd when chair was taken by 2nd Vice-] MVrs. Hare. In apening the m ing Mrs. Hare read a beaut poem -Today is Mine." Suppiy Se'y Mrs. Hoar rea letteî' in acknowledgement of gits sent for the -Shower of]E fax" assuring the members of organization off the deep gr turue off the D.P.'s who recei theni. Lifterature Sec'y. Mrs. Ho riinded ail that the time, getting short for the reading the two books that haveb circulating among the 'memb as thev have to be returnec Nov. 15. In her message on Chrisi Stewardship, Mrs. J. C. Hanc said that for us every day sh. be a Thanksgiving Day, andt thanksgiving is sharing. Inv off the rich blessings that areo wve were asked to remember M. & M. Fund Of Oui' chîîrch .Assisting Mrs. N. Rickarc li er mes'sage on Temperance, 1V (ý%Geo. Allun read -My Declarat off Purpose" as adopted by General Council off the Uni Church off Canada, calling ul ail its members to recognize t TIC K ET S TO EVERYWHERE Air, Rail or Steamnship Consuit JURY& LOVELL Bowman ville 15 King St. W. Phono 778 RUTTER GRANITE CON Port Hope - Phone 3216 MONUMENTS .-.- MARKERS ... -.-CORNER POSTS ... INSCRIPTIONS Reasonable Prices er, Mr. Asa Clarke, Church St. Once again the Rinkettes are ~u ..a ..splanning big things for the wîn- Presenlation of Tw iile IneU pendent ter as a means of riigmre for the Memorial Arena. The fîr.,tG e ly r Th i s Margaret Ash of these is a dance and bingo i the Community Hall tomorrowZ night, Fni., Nov. 10. The bingo Whoever didn 't go to the Comn- MS. total abstinence from the persan- starts at 8 p.m. and the dance, munity Hall Saturday night to kthe ai use of alcoholic beverages, and with Challice's Orchestra from sec the Earle Gray Players off Pres. from offfering them to others is Millbrook in attendance, at 9:30 Toronto present Shakespeare's 'teet- a Christian duty and priviiege. p.m. AIl times Daylight Saving. -Twelfth Night" certainly missed tiful Mrs. Rickard also spoke briefly. At the tirne of writing two the ultimate in good entertain- Mrs. Hare made feeling reffer- trusses have been crected on the ment. The portrayal off one af ýad a ence to the passing off a beloved new Memoriai Arena site. this famous man's achievemrents fthe member. Miss Annie Drummon:i Mrs. Lillian Windwick, Toron- was superb. The costumes were Hali- and asked that a stanza of Abide to, spent a few dàys last week wonderftfl. foar With Me" be sung in her mcmt- with liez cousins, Mr. and Mrs. We dont profess to be theatrical rrati- orvy. Jack Wade and Dougie. critins and even if we were it ivcd In the woî'ship period Mrs. F. The communi'ty was shocked would be bard to find flaws in Wight read a passage from St. iast week withi the sudden pass- so excellent a performance. These )ncy John. Chap. 17 and prayer was ing of Mr. Melvin Graham of players brought the Shakesperian was offcred bv' Mrs. L. Toms. Mrs. Newcastle R.R. 2. The sympathy actors ta lite rîght before Our ýg Off Perey Brown contributed a de- off the entire community is ex- very eyes. The large audience been votional solo "Abide with Us, tended ta bis family. warmed to their efforts immedi- bers, Thou Son off God Tonight" with Mir. and Mrs. 1. J. McCulloughl ately. The time was the year 1 bY Mrs. C. A. Cowan accompan.'îng. spent last Sunday in Oillia visit- 1600 with the play taking place Reports off the Eastern Section ing Mr. McCullough's sister, Mrs. in Orsino's Court and Olivia's ;tiain W.M.S. Autumn Raily held in Bernard Clarke, who bas been bouse. The costumes werc by cock Maple Grove were given. These ill. Little Barbara Clarke returul- Earle Grev Pla îvers and Mallabar ýould wei'csa comprehensîve and sa ex- cd with th cm to spend a few days Costume *Co. and most off the that cellent it would be diffictîlt to hei-e. music for the production was DI even touch on the many fine The Young ladies Bridge Club especially written. The iack off tepoints brought out. Mrs. Honey off Newcastle held their usuial scenery may present a puzzle but tesummarized the address at the Thursday evening bridge at the this was presented after the -h. morning session off Miss Susan honme of Mrs. James Wright, Port Elizahethani manner-scene fol- ' i Smith and Mrs. F. Riekard that Perry, a former member. During lowing scene with no lapse off lime ktios off Mrs. Aubrey Love, also the ne- ing the evening a lovely baby or change off location. ton rt off the Prebyterial President, bianket was pnesented ta iMrs. The gay spirit. of the twelfth the Mrs. T. Norton. Wright. Aften bridge a daintY nigbt after Christmas, from ited Mrs. C. Avery, Joan and Lloyd ilunch was senved by the hostess. which the play gets its name. thtspent Thursdav in Courtice visit- Those present were Mrs. D. Cun- fuis the comedy. It tells the ad- tha ing ber sister, Mrs. McGregor. nngham, Mrs. S. Graham, Mns. ventures off the twins, Sebastiarn Mn.andMns Stn Cu 1hand . McCullough. Mrs. Dora and Viola. who become separat- Li. nda spent the eekend ndo Brooks. Mrs. P. Williams, Mrs. J. ed in a sbipwreck. In a seaport Bidas entthe w e ed o Dyer, Mns. G. Porter and Mrs. S. ciîx off Illyia, Viola. dressed as rot iiighrsse.Brown. a page. enlers the service off the Miss et Stephenson has We sec the front sleps off the Duke Orsino. co mpletied ber nurses training at Community Hall are having their He sends ber to plead his suit Civîc Hospital, Ottawa. and lit faces iifted at time off writinc. before the wealthy Olivia, but preentis oldayng t hr ome Wachyoun step while this is un- the lady faIts in love, wilb the B Sevenal from here attended the der way. 'î CT funeral off the late Mr. Melvin MrGegeWghspnTu- page, cacld Cesaîxo. The page ue-meanwhilc. learns to love Orsino. Grhmis.yn tphno.etr day in town looking up oid Comme scenes wcrc provided b.y, Mis Lyne tepeoff.en'ite-fiiends prior to going ta Trenton Olivials uncle Sir Toby Bclch; S'r tained eighteen o e l to t spcnd saime time there with Mr. Andnew Aguecheeck; MalvoliO. fî'iends on Friday evening, the and Mrs. Douglas Wright. thue pompous steward. and other occasion beîng her 1 lth birthday. Mr. and Mns. Armstrong and servants. Sir Toby, Sir Andnew, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Porter' and son.,fformcnly off Pontypool ba,.e Fabian and Mania, Olivia's maid. Bobby spent the weekend visiling taken up residence beî'e in towflcueMloi 1 aeafo f frind 1wStuffvile in part off Keith Aikcn*s house himself bv sending hlm a love Mrs. John Hart and Cecil spent on North St. letter containing ridiculous di- ; Sunday in Toronto as guests off Mr. _________ and Mrs. E. W. Hart. rections which hie thinks Olivia Mr. Clarence Clarke, Trenton, On the average. Canadiaaz has written. He follows these spent the ý' . "."... ifnth- spe il $5.00 per persan on going reuains so conscientiously ta1 the movies in 1947 and $7.00 in that Olivia has hlm shul up as a 1948. madman Sir Andrew, who de- sires Olivia for himself. is dis- DOtuDbe"Ib y the lady's attentions to the page. and unged on by the SRuny nin, w men fun-toving Sir Tobv and Fabian. KID N Echallenges Viola to a duel. gan5ýj ý 5ILS The combat is ridiculous be- U, cause off the terror off bath flic g eNew 5 ,« T 15 uug . entra nce off Captain Antonio, w'hoi WhaOt l SnyI ms al ~ ~II~has come ta fllyria with Sebas-j -rM iup; ody jue s« ii>bs l o ok. tian. Captain Antonio supposes 'rond praiseOd a5.apel te ites wt, as tood tc. tobe Sebastian bimself who is $es 0u mure pep cnour ihment, pus ft e. oin trouble, and interferes. Viola ýi ýfe oncs o't arC!etin d0 o. S Phfruns awav and the ffight ik contin- 60,C.'l,. tÉ rxTon i, abcs for nc w po n:i%, L'Cd hv the real Sebastian who Dow pep. vsmsia ILU4IY At au w. "irtvdrives off Sir Andrew Ob1via presently marries Sebasti- ' relfth Nîght by ils Audience .an (thinking him the page) an othere is a subsequent tnix-u] when Olivia calls Viola her hue band. The appearance of Sebae tian and expianations ail aroun clear up matters. The Duke die covers his page is a woman an realizes that he loves her. Mal volio is released and swears re venge on the "whole pack"c them. The Players Orsino, Duke of Illyria, Doý Sinclair; Valentine, Sandy Weh ster; Curio, Anthony Grey; Se Captain. Louis Negin; Antonic Colin Eaton; Sebastian, brother tý Viola, John Douglas;, Maivolio. steward, Earle Grey; Sir Tob, Beich, David Nasmith; Fabiai Jonathan White; Sir Andrew Aq uecheek, Norman Green; Priesi Fraser Macdonald; Foste, a jester Harvev Cronier: First Officer 1 C TURBE S A new shipment of Framed Pictures just received. Ahl sizes from large floral.and scenic ta small piclures in pairs. New antique ivorv frames ta blend with anyv colour scheme. Special Nursery Prints and Baby Pictures J. W. JEWELL "BIG 6420" 27 King St. WV.. Bowmanville PHONE 556 Louis Negin; Second Officer, Roy ing five children for eye examin- Mrs. Clifford Davison; Viola, Mary Godwin; ation. Glasses will be provided Quade) homi Olivia, Adrian Walsh: Maria, where found nccessary. for the WlntE Alice Mather; Gentlewomen, Lion Doug Wallon bas securcd Litle Ma. Roemy McKay, L. Graham; five sets off tickets in the "blues,' poigfo Gentlemen, Tif Findlay, Jules for future Maple Leaf hockey cough. Shaw; Stage Dineclon, Charles games, and these will be raffled Mr. Lloyd id Palmer; Stage Managqçs, Jonath- with a limitation on sale. Better with Mr. anc ip an White, Tiff Findlay. start looking for them. The nexl Miss AudrE S"meeting, Nov. 17, will be at the urday night 5- Elmhurst Hotel as usual. but the fi'iends at id District Governor meeting off Dec. 7tb has been can- wood. At '~ '~ ions celled in favoun off a joint meet- A N wcastlLion ing wilb the Bowmanville Club More kinc -in that town on Dcc. 1l. wear are mý e- Lion "Ab" Lent, Port Hope, was are made in Of the speaker at the regutar meez-C in the Elmburst Hotei, Tbunsday, in Nov. 3rd. Lion Ab was making Last week's Farm Forum, b-. his officiai visil ta the local club heid at the home off Mn. and Mis. ýas Governor off District A3 off George Black. Mn. Leonard¶ owhich ther Newcastle Club is a Harman was the speaker, accomp- t0 part. anied by Mr. and Mrs. Howe, To- a The speaker dwelt upon the ronto. The discussion for the )y Lions Code off Ethins which is ne- evening was 'Can we farm on ný produced here and his enlarge- Shonter Hours." There was a l-ment off same proved bighly in- good attendance and a veny en- it, teresting. joyable evening spent. Next r, Code of Ethici meeting at Mns. Dave Wilson's. r, To show my faith in the wor- Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Montgom- M -thiness off my vocation by indus- ery, Solina; Mr. and Mrs. Morris là trious application ta the end tbat Sameils and Sharon, Peter- Po 1 may menit a reputalion for quai- borough, visited Mr. and Mrs. ity off service. . Tinny Samelis. To seck success and to demand Miss Dawn Black, Toronto, CE ail fair remuneration or profit as spent the weekend wilb bier par-CE PI.Ofit due, but lu accept no ents.PA poiorsuccess at the pnice off Congratulations ta Mn. and A 1my own self respect lost because Mrs. Ronald Stnong (nee Ruth J off unfair advanlage taken or be- Milton), on their manriage on cause off questionable acts on my Saturday. Withi part. Mn. Arnold Williams, Oshawa, Cemeni Tp emember Ibal in building spent the weekend witb parents pan lu tear down anolber's; ta be loy- A number from this community interioi ai ta my clients or customners and attended the tunkey supper al true to myselff. 1% North Nestieton last Friday nigbt. mason. Whenever a doubt arises as to Mn. Clare Fallis and Mn. Allun, ...1 the rigbt or etbics off my position Blackstock, put on moving pic- Iasting i or action towards my fellow meni, tures at Cadmus Church Satur- ta resolve sucb doubl against my- day night. agairîsi self. Mn. and Mrs. Bob Vivian and ae To hold as an end and not a Marilyn. Bowm'anvillc, visitedwte means. To hold that truc fniend- Mn. and Mrs. Arthur Hanna. Lower ship exisîs nul on account off tbe Mns. Leal and Sharon, Mrs. . .. ec_1 service performed by one la an- Howc and Joanne, Mn. Elmer Nes- un other, but that friendship de- bitt spent Sunday with Mn. and mands nothing but accepîs ser- Mns. Manvin Nesbitt. No c vice in the spirit in wbich it is Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Nesbitt uet gîven. attcndcd the funenai pff Rev. Rick Always ta bean in mind my un Tuesday. Interment was at with wi obligations as a citizen to my na- Bobcaygeon. 1 n poq lion, my state and my commun- Everyone was sorry lu hear off ity and to give them my unswerv- the fine whicb completely destroY_1 Beautifi ing loyalty in word. act and ed the home and store off MrF. deed. To give them fneely off my Leal and Mns. Howe, Nestietoxu. lime, labor and rneans. Everytbing was burned, even lu mode Il To aid mv fellow men by giving Ibeir elotbing. They were fortun- my ympthyta those in distreas, ate taget out lhemnselves in thein ED S stance ta the needy. Misses Velma Graham, Joyce To be carefful witb mx' cniti- Lannner and Donnie wene home cimand liberal with my praise ta for the weekend. build up and not destroy. Misses Audrey and Joyce Lar- The report off the chairman Art mer. Velma Graham and Nina D i Randail on the Hallowe'en party Jobnston attended the Melton- was received and it was general]y Strong wedding. They also B r agreed that thîs party was an helped serve. outstanding success and i, serv- Mr. and Mrs. Bill Robinson and SHIELF & Hi ing a very useful purpose in the Gay,, Toronto, spent the weekend Phone 386 community. Lion Keith Aiken with parents. Mr. and Mns. Ed - oi ineportcd, as chairman off Sight gar Gibson. iConservation Committee, on send- Everyon. welcomes Mr. and d Kerr (nee Leah Me. ne from Fort Williarp ter. ixine. McKee is imi- n flu and whooping Henry spent Sunday id Mrs. Lamne McKee. 7ey McKee spent Sat- t and Sunday with Omemee and Fleet- ds of knilted ouler- iade in Canada tbart ianY' other countr. Beauty for 'I Stucco, Brick and Concret* DUSA RTLAND MENT' INI its Portland nt base, t.his ceys ini with r or exterior nry surfaces forais hard, ;protection idamaging penetration. lin first cost ïminates fie. repainting. ostly ohl or tine. Mlxed rater. Cornes iwder form. fui colors. ln Cenuda by PRODUCTS NecGregor Iware Co. ýAVY HARDWARE 59 King St. W. w'manville m MINDED SHOPPERS I1I ' HOUSECOATS Satin, wools, seersucker, long and short sleeves, in a host of styles and colours. A Christmas gif t opportun- ity. Sizes f rom 12 ta 20. Ail Reduced Io Clear SLACKS In ail shades and styles and ail re- duced. Gabardines, wools, corduroys. Sizes from 12-20. 25 Io 75 o/o Reductions (4 6 Soti caron 3 L a IMU MAT, IqOVEMBEit 9, 19-50 1 IRIR. rAWAMAW elrAmvqwffAlw #%%Tmàlsvà% Glory 1 6

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