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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Nov 1950, p. 18

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PAGE !YGHTUN THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO SELL t01*4 ADE BRIN G YOUR PYCS N MESSAGE BEFORE /W~f*#./ SV-IIU 12,000 READERS - OT5cPRA c c.q A a. Sas av tO U 1 BIRTHS CHANT - Sherry Chant, Hamp- ton. wishes ta announce the birth of her baby brother, Ricky War- ren, at Bowmanville' Hospital an Sunday, November 5th, 1950. 45-1 COUSINS-At Bowmanville Hos- pital on Wednesday, October 25, 1950, ta Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Cousins, a son, Keith William. 45-1 JOHNSON - Mr. and Mrs. Les. Johnson, Toronto (nec Jean Tay- lor) are happy ta announce the birth of their daughter, Pamela June, on Sunday, Oct. 29th, 1950, at Toronto Hospital. 45-1 LANGFELD-Mr. and Mrs. Philip Langfeld, Nestleton, are happy to announce the birth of their daughter, Heather Evelyn, on Thursday, October 26th, 1950, at Oshawa General Hospital. Bath well. 45-1 YARDLEY - To Rev. and Mrs. Frank Yardley of Embro, Ont., (nee Jean Widdowson) at Wood- stock General Hospital, Nov. 2nd, 1950, a son, Paul Quintin, a bro- ther for Ruth Ann and Peter. 45-1* ENGAGEMENT The engagement is announced of Helen Irene, daughter of Mrs. F. T. Tighe, and the late Dr. Tighe, of Bowmanville, to Char- les Anthony Cassin, son of Mr.1 R. E. Cassin, and the late Mrs.1 Cassin, of Bolton. The marriagei to take place very quietly an1 Saturday, Dec. 2nd, 1950, in St. Joseph's R.C. Church, Bowman- ville, Ontario. 45-1* DEATHS ALLDREAD, Sherry Lynn - At r Minden, Ont., on Tuesday, Nov. 7th, 1950, Sherry Lynn Alldread, belaved infant daughter of Mr.j -and Mrs. Donald Alldread, New- castle, age 3 months, 19 days. Restîng at the Morris Funeral Chapel. Service in the Chapel on Tbursday, Nov. 9th at 4 p.m. D.S.T. Ïnterment St. George's Cemetery. 45-1 DEVITT-At the Toronto West- ern Hospital, on Monday, Noveni- ber 6th, 1950, Dr. James Carrl Devitt, husband of the late Annie Maude Walters. Resting at the Marris Funcral Chapel, Bowman- ville, until Thursday noon. Ser- vice in Trinity United Church at 2:30 p. ni. (D.S.T.). Internient Bowmanville Cemetery. 45-1 ELLIOT - In the General Hos- pitl, St. John, N.B., Sunday, Nov. 5th, Alex Elliot, belaved' busband of Margaret Girven, and dear father of Doug., Ted and Ross, aged 65 years, formerly a jeweller in Bowmanvillc. Funcral and interment were beld in St. John on Nov. 7th. METCALF-At rest in Darling- ton, on Tucsday, November 7th, 1950, Margaret Grace Melcaif, beloved wife of the late Erastus J. Burk, age 87 ycars. Rcsting at Northcutt & Smith's Funcral Chapel, Bowmanville, for service Thursdav, Nov. 9tb at 1 p.m. Interment Bowmanville Cemetery. 45-1 WOOD-At rcst in Darlington, on Sunday, Nôvember th, 1950, Elizabeth May Martin, beloved wife of the late William H. Wood, in ber 76th ycar. Funeral from the Northcutt & Smith Funeral Chapel, Bowmanville, Tuesday, November 7th at 1:30 p.m. Inter- ment Union Cemetery, Oshawa. F'uneral private. Harrison please copy. 45-1 IN MEMORIAM STAPLETON-In Ioving memory of our dear son and brother, Elgin Milton, who passed away Nov. 8th. 1940: What would we give, bis band to clasp; His bappY face ta see, To hear his voice, to sec bis smule, As in the days that used ta be. -Lovingly remembered by mother and father, brothers and sisters. 45-1* Mc REYNOLDS-In loving mem- cry of a dear father, William, who, fpassed away Nov. 8th. 1941; also a oving mother, Lillian, who passed away June l2th, 1948;, and a loving sister, A'edra. who pass- ed away July lth, r933: DeaX God, please take a message To aur loved ones up above; Tell them how we miss them And give thern al aur love. Please, God. forgive a sulent tear, A longing wish for theni, s0 dear. There are others in this world we know, But they were ours and we loved them so. -Sadly missed by Myrtle and Wili.45-1* COLVILLE-In proud and lovîng Memaory 'of my dear sans. Alex, Bill and Sandy, (F.O. Alex Col- ville, F.O. W. F. Colville, F.O. J. S. Colville), R.C.A.F., killed in action: There in a mother who misses you -Adsadly Adfinds the tirne long since yau went, ,And I tbinlc cf you daily and hourly, But try to be brave and content, ]tut the tears that I shed are in silence And breathe a sigh of regret, For you were mine, and I remember Though ail the wvorld forget. .-Sadly missed by Mother, sister Catherine, Coaràe and George. 45-1, CARDS 0F THANKS 1 Articles For Sale Mr. Wesley Bradburn, Black- stock, expresses his sinccre thanks to bis relatives, friends and the church associations for the cards, fruit and flowers received during his illness and operation at the Toronto Western Hospital. 45-1* Mrs. George Bail and family wish to express their sincere thanks and appreciation to their many relatives, friends and neigh- bours for their kind expressions of sympathy and floral tributes extended during their recent sad bereavement. 45-1 * Wc wish ta express our deep gratitude to aur many friends and relatives, also to Dr. Marosis of Oshawa and nurses of Oshawa General Hospital for their kind- ness and sympathy in the death of our brother, Melvin Graham.' 45-1-1 The Women's Auxiliary, Mem- orial Park, wish to thank the fol- lowing for prizes they donated: Carter Family, Weber's Fabric, Walker Stores, Mrs. M. Edmond- stone, Watkins Products, Mrs. F. Armstronig and Mrs. E. Large.' 45-4* 1 would like ta thank ail my friends, neighboürs and my spec- il nurses, Mrs. Hanna. Mrs. Witherspoon and Miss Dorotbv Evans, and the nursing staff of Bowmanviile Hospital: also Dr. H. B. Rundle for their many kindnesses ta me and for tbe gifts, fiowers and cards during my illness at home and at the'bas- pital. Wm. H. NichaIs. 45-1*1 Notices '34 DODGE Sedan, in good con- dition. Phone 642. 45-1 TWO Gold Seal Congoleum rugs, 9' x 12'. Phone 3148. 45-1 LARGE steel crib. 71 King St. W., Apt. 1, Phone 578. 45-1* 1939 CHEV. Coach, good running, condition. Phone 2628. 45-1* ELECTRIC stove, good condition. Apply Gerald Balson, Phone 2733. 45-1* FINDLAY cook stove. Good con- dition. Allan Brown, 12 Scugog St. 45-1* 1931 PONTIAC Sedan, good con- dition, winterized. Phone Orono 17r8. 45-2* QUANTITY of dry, birch wood, 4 f t. lengths, $16 per cord. Phone 2341. 45-1 GIRL'S winter coat, brown, size 12 - 14, good condition. Phone 2418. 45-1 ONE comp1ete wolf cub's uniforin, size 10. Mrs. Cecil Alldread, Phone 800. 45-4* 1938 CHEV. Coach, good con- dilion, heater, Prestone. Phone 1204 Clarke. 45-1 GUERNEY coal and wood range, white porcelain, practically new. Phone 2256. 45-4*1 800 BUSHELS carrots, 25c a bus. Apply Nick Bonk, or Phone 2167 after 6 p.m. 45-1* OAK library table, and small table; table carrots, $1.00 a bus. 57 Centre St. 45-1* VENETIAN Blinds-We measure and instaîl. Phone Morris Ca. for free estimates. 40-tf Harvey Dance Academy - Re- DOUBLE bcd and spring; day bcd gister Friday afternoon for Ballet with mattress, skiis, cheap for and Tap classes, Union Hall,1 quick sale. Phone 758. 45.1* Bowmanville. Irenie Harvey. 45-tf NEW shipmcnts of Congaleu-1m Rugs, Yard Goods, and new in- Tyrone W.M.S. will hold a laid patterns at Morris Ca. 40-tf bazaar and afternoon tea in the Communîty Hall on Thursday, BEATTY porcelain tub washer, Navember l6th framn 3 to 6. fully rebuilt, special price for 45-1. quick sale. Phone 408. 45-i1 Special buses ta Rayai Winter Fair and Ice Capades an Wednes- day, Nov. lSth. For tickets and information phone Bowmanvile 2666. 45-1 The Salina Football Club !i holding a dance in the Solina Schaol on Frîday, November l7th. Staintan's Orchestra will pravide dance miusic. 45-2 ATTENTION Fuel and stove ail users-For îmniediate and regular deliveries of fuel ail and stove ail Phone Oshawa 2015, or write your Cities Service agent at 294 Court St., Oshawa, Ont. 45-4 Interested in bandicrafîs? Plan ta attend the Bowmanville Handi- i craft Guild afternoon tea at the Lions Cammunity Centre, Thurs- day. November l6th, 2:30 ta 4:30 p.m. Anyone needing transpor- tation Phone 3692 or Community Centre. 45-1 SPECIAL .... CHICKEN-ON-A-BUN *Drap in and have one. Bring yaur fniends and have lots of fun. This Saturday night up uintil anc. at Beech's Snack Bar Maple Grave 45-1 CITIZENS 0F BOWMANVILLE AND DISTRICT The Bowmanville Lions Club have this year postponed their annual Auction Sale until the spring. Those wishing ta donate articles for this sale, please con- tact anc of the Lion members. 45-2 TOUR CITIES SERVICE FARM AGENT 294 Court St.- Oshawa. Ont. Phone 2015 (rev.erse charges) C an now suppiy' vou with Cities Service guaranteed products at regular whoiesale prices of Preni- ium No. i gas and Regular No. 2 gas. Ail grades motor ails, greases, fuel and stave ail; tires, tubes, batteries and live stock sprays; car, truck and tractor accessories, [from OshaNva town line ta New- tonville, froni Lake Ontario ta Little Britain. Ask us about 250 gallon portable tanks. Write or phone your Cities Service Fanm Dealer, Bob Green. 45-4 Notice to Creditors AND OTHERS 37 PLYMOUTH Coach, gaod motor, good rubber, South Wind heater, $350. Phone 2344. 45-1* AUTOMOBILES insured and f in- anced, low-cost plan. Roy Lun- ney, 48 King St. W. Phone 565. 40-tf 1938 INDIAN motorcycle, anc nàew tire and hattery, saddle bags and windshield. $100. Phone 2712. 45-1* 1936 OLDSMOBILE Coach, $325 or best cash offer. Apply il Ontario St. North, or Phone 671. 45-1 2 REGISTERED fox and coon hounds, black and tan. Priced reasonable. Phone 2129 Bowman- ville. 45-1* 1942 PONTIAC Sedan Delivery; Gem oat follers and Viking ham- mer milis. Virtue's Garage, Phone 2882. 45-1* 50 BARRED Rocks and New- hampshire crossed pullets, start- ing to lay. Phone 2313 after 5:30 p.m. 45-1 WASHING Machines - Sec the nexv 1951 models in stock for immediate delivery at Morris Ca. Easy terms. 40-tf ELECTRIC Janitor, used anly a few months, in perfect condition, complete with ail controls. Tele- phone 794. 45-1* 13 YORKSHIRE pigs, 6 wecks aid; anc double barrel gun. Ap- ply William Greenwood, Kendal, Phone 23r18. 45-1 GAS stove, Moffat: Princess Beth wood or coal stove, perfect con- dition: Mi nister rug, 711,i x 9, new. 36 Liberty St. 45-1v $400.00 - CUSTOM 1936 Dodge Sedan, beater, defroster: also youths gabardine suit, size 36. 101 Scugog St. 45-1* ONE cernent mixer, motor at- tached and one cernent block making machine, $70. Apply H. Balson, Hampton. 45-1 CHRYSANTHEMUMS, cut or in designs, are better than ever thisi year. Graham's Florist, Phone Bowmanville 2468. 45-3* GIRL'S navy bluc pin stripe suit, size 16-18, brown winter coat, size 18, good as new. 26 Liberty St. N., Phone 3504. 45-1* BODY hardwood, bardwood slabs, softiun'ood slab ,and-l idline- IN THE ESTATE 0F EVELYN 1 foot and foot. Delivered. Box J. MANNING, late of the Town f1494, c/o Statesm-an Office. 43-4v of Bowmanviile, in the Caunty of Durhami, Province of Ontario, POTATOES, Ontario No. V~s, or- Spinster, deceased, wbo died aI der now ta ensure good quality. Bowmanville, on or about the 9th Free delivery in Bowmanville. day of October. 1950. ogCr,5NlnSt 4-* THE TRUSTEE ACT, R.S.O., Du o,5Nla t 43 1937, Ch. 165, Sec. 51. 11936 BUICK. srnaIl 44 senies. Creditors and others having1 Motor overhauled, 4 ncw tires dlaims against the above estate and heater. Real good condition. are nequired ta send particulars Wintenhzed. Phone 2732. 45-1* and full proof thereof ta the un- dersigned on or before the Ist day FRIGIDAIRE refnigerator, 25 cu. of December, 1950. after xvhich ft.. 60 cycle, in gaod condition. date the assets of the estate will Apply Harold Martvn. Blackstock. be distributed, according to the Phone Port Perry 72r24. 45-1* law, having regard ta the dlaims that have then been received. CUT flowers, chrysanthemnums, DATED at Bawmanville, On- variety of colours, reasonable tario, the 23rd day of October. prices. Apply George Petty, cor- 1950. ner Hunt St. and Base Line. Lawrence C. Mason, 45-1* Barnîster, etc., 30 King Street, West, ITABLE Rangette, small dining Bowmanviile, Ontario, table, buffet, waînut chair and Solicitor for the1 other chairs, tables: aiso rug A~dmministrator. .9' x 9'. Phone 2657, 30 Liberty N. 43-3 45-1* The Canadian Statesman Classified Adverlising Rates Effective July 28th, 1950 NOTICES, ARTICLES FOR SALE, LIVESTOCK FOR SALE, FOR RENT, HELP WANTED, ETC. Cash Rate - - - 30 per word with a minimum of 500 Must be paid by date of insertion. If charged, an aàlditional 250 will be added A charge of 250 will be made for ail replies directed to this office. COMING EVENTS AND CARDS 0F THANKS 3e~ a word with a minimum of $1.00 - for 33 words or less. BIRTHS, DEATHS, ENGAGEMENTS, MARRIAGES $1.00 pcr Insertion. IN MEMORIAMS - - - $1.00 plus 100~ a Une for verse. Display Classified at 80e' per inch with a minimum of oile inch Additional insertion at the same rates. Ail Classified Ads. must be in this office not later than 12 o'clock noon, Wednesday. -Send cash, stamps or money order and save money - (Clip This Out For Handy Reference) Articles For Sale FURNITURE and bedding for sale -Contents of my bouse at Long Sault, Tyrone. Apply after 7 at night. Phone 2056. Bert Pleas- ance. 45-1* GIRL'S brown coat, size 14: two winter coats, size 14 and 16, in excellent condition. will seli cheap. Mrs. Ken Nicks, Phone 2708. 45-if CONGOLEUM Gold Seai Rugs, yard goods and hall runners; Rex- oleum Deluxe 2 and 3 yards wîde, yard goods at budget prices. Phone 451, Walker Stores. 23-tf BODY hardwood, hardwood siabs, softwaod slabs and kindling, four foot and foot. Delivered. Geo. Heaslip, Janetville, Phone Beth- any 18r33. Write Box 494 c/o Statesman Office. 45-2* DINETTE jack koife extension table, in natural finished maple: also buffet ta match with glass doors, excellent condition. Apply Mrs. Raymond Bennett, R.R 3, Bowmanville, Phone 2923. 45._1* LINOLEUM headquarters in Osh- awa and district. Rexoleurns, Congoleums, Printed and Inlaid Linoleum. Every pattern that's made, is available at Bradley's, 40 King St. W., Oshawa. 2-tf HOOVER vacuum cleaner-new, low-cost, powcrful suction, tank type cleaner, with exclusive dirt disposai feature. Phone Hydro Shop for free home demonstra- tion or service. Dial 471, 41-4* IMMEDIATE delivery, Fairbanks Morse space heaters. Heat your home the safe, dlean economical way. Pay only $11.45 down at Bradley's Furniture and Appli- ance Co., 40 King St. W., Oshawa. 2-tf PLUMBING, Heating and Oil Burners installed anywhere in Durham County. Reasonable rates and highest quality. For f ree estimates caîl S. Blain Elliott, Hcating, Plumbing & Tinsmithing, Phone 3348. 29-tf OIL burners installed, complete with anc year guarantee, $350.00 and up-rý-for as little as 20% down and 18 months to pay. S. Blain Elliott, Plumhing, Heating and Sheet Metal, Bowmanville. Phone 3348. 29-tf SPECIAL Introductory Offer - Ladies' Home Journal, 30 months, $5.00. Readers Digest, 1 year, $2.75. Orders given careful at- tention through local representa- tive, P. D, Walker, 46 Ward St., Port Hope, Ont. 43-3 Livestock For Sale 45 PULLETS, five and a baîf months oId. Phone 2496. 45-1 30 PULLETS, six months old. R. D. Preston, Maple Grave, Phone 2493. 45-1 21 ROCK pullets, -ready to lay. Alex Walker, R.R. 4, Bowman- ville, c/o R. K. Bragg. 45-1* FIVE-month-old Rock and Leg- harn pullets for sale. H. J. Brooks, Phone 2636 Bowmanvilie. 45-1 HOLSTEIN bull, 9 months aid, Dams, R.O.P., 13,277 lbs. mik, testing 4.5 >.40ý pure bred Hol- stein cow,. fresh in 2 weeks.4-1 Help Wanted WAITRESS wanted. Applv Cow4- an's Restaurant. 45-tf PIN bv hx' va~nie -A * iv 1ur- Articles For Sale ATTENTION - Turkey, chicken and dog raisers. Selling out 45 strong 6x6x9 ail heavy gauge wire fox cages with wooden ken- nels, 2x4 frames. $1 0 each at fanm. Also softwood, $8 cord, at fanm, and cedar posts. Margwil For Fanm, Phone 2679. 39-tf ALL kinds of meat, good quality wîcners, bologna, cooked hanis, smoked hams and bacon, sausage and hamburger, Darlington Abat- toir, Hampton. Phone 3243; also pickling, smoking and sausage making. Duning the summer nonths - bog killing on Tues- days and cattle at any time. 34-tf WE have in stock Acro (Jet) deep well and shallow welI Pressure Svstems. Used Fard tractor, on new rubber, with piow, cultivator and bock rake, aIl hydraulic. Used 102 M.H. Jr. tractar. Uscd Fanmail A tractor. New 71 tan- dem disc, special pnice $180. New cernent mixers, strong and dur- able. S. S. Marton & Son, Mas- sey-Harris. Phone 781. 45.1* TEN - Pc. Living-room groups. Many calours and style combin- ations ta choose from. Groupsý include: 2-pc. Velour Chester- field Suite, 2 Satin Cushions, 1 Walnut Coffce Table, 2 Walnut End Tables, 1 Attractive Table Lamp, 1 Metal Smoker, 1 Aluni- inum Serving Tray. 10-pc. Spec- ial $169.00 only at Bradley's, 40 King St. W., Oshawa. Terms to suit. Many other suites ta choose from. 2-tf BRAD)LEY Furniture Co., 40 King St. W., Oshawa, Phone 271-3-pc. bedroorn suites, $69.00; steel bcd outfith. completi-, $26.95-, felt base floor covering, 49e a square yd.; chrome chairs. $6.95, al] colors; 3 pc. allover velour chestcrfield suites, $149.00; 6-pc. natura] finish breakfast suites, $66.00; sprirpg- filled mattresses. $24.95; tri- light lamps, complete, $12.95: rangettes, ranges froni $59.00; 3-pc. allover velour bcd chesterfield suites, $1 19.00; 9 x E Axminster carpets, green or winp oriental designs, $49.50, chenille bcd sprcads, $6.95: table lamps. $6.75. Everything for the home at Bradlcy's. 40 King St. W.. Oshawa. Phone 271. 6-tf Wanted ROOM and board by gentleman. Bank clerk, Canadian Bank of Commerce. 45-1* BOARD for anc horse for winter months. Apply Brookdale-Kings- way Nurseries. 45-1 COMING EVENTS Euchre at the South Ward School, Tuesday night, for the Memorial Park. Good prizes. 45-1 Reserve Friday, December lst, for St. Paul's W.A. Bazaar. Home cooking sale and afternoon tea. 45-1 * Dance at Tyrone Hall on Satur- day, Nov. llth, at 9 o'clock. Lau Dewell's Orchestra. Admission 50c each. 45-1 B. H. S. wilI present "H. M.S. Pinafore" at the annual Com- mencement on November 27, 28, 29, 30, and December lst. 42-6 Durham County public speak- îng contest finals at Ontario Train- ing School for Boys, Friday, Nov. lOth at 8 p.m. Ten confestants from ail over Durham County. 45-1 St. John's Guild are having a sale in the Parish Hall on Friday, Nov. 24th, from 3 to 6 p.m. Home cooking, fancy wark, rummage, touch and take, afternoon tea. 45-1* Reserve Friday evening, Nov- ember 241h for another Giant Kinsmen Bingo at the Badminton Club. Plans are beîng made ta make this the biggest bingo yet. 45-1 The Bowmanville Nurse's As- sociation is having a dance on Friday, Nov. lOtb, at the High School. The orchestra will be the Sevenaires from Peterbor- ough. 45-1 Cartwright High Schoal Com- mencement, Community H all, Blackstock, featuring the comedy "Tons of Fun," November 3Oth, December 151. Admission 25c and 50c. 8 p.m. (S.T.). 45-3 Afternoon tea. fancy work, home-made cooking, bingo and rummage sale under the auspices of the C.W.L. of 'St. Joseph's Church, Community Centre, Fni- day, Nov. lOth, 3 p.m. ta 6 pari. 45-1 * Newtonville United Church An- niversary Services will be held on Sunday, November 121h at 2:30 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. Standard Tume. Speaker, Rev. D. T. Lan- caster, special music by Hircock Trio of Cobourg. 44-2 FARMERS:- Durhamn County Federatian of Agriculture invites you ta attend a meeting in con- nection with incarne tax prablenis at Township Hall, Orono, on Tuesday, Nov. 2lst, 8 p.m. D.S.T. D. J. Gi, Dept. National Revenue and others will answer questions. 45-i Court of Revision COURT 0F REVISION AND APPEAL NOTICE is hereby given that the first sittings of the COURT 0F REVISION for the Township of Darlington will be held in thej Township Hall, in the Village of Hampton, on TUESDAY, NOV- EMBER lsth, 1950-, at the hour of 2:30 p.m., ta hear and determine the several complaints and omis- sions in the Assessment Roll for the said Municipality for the year 1951. ALL persons having business at the Court are requested ta attend as aforesaid. J. D. HOGARTH, Township Clcrk. Hampton, November 2, 1950. 45-1 Court of Revision Town of Bowmanville \Vanted To Buy NOTICE is hereby given that the first sitting of the COURT 0F QUANTITY of turnips for fecd- REVISION for the Town of, ing purposes. Phone 2714. 45.1* Bowmanville wiil be held in the - Council Roorrn in the said Town OUTSIDE door, good condition, on Tuesday, November 2lst, 1950, prefenably with window. Phone at 7:30 p.m., 10 hear and deter- 3352. 45-1 mine the several complaints of errors and omissions in the Assess- BEST prices for scrap ira n and ment Rail of the said Municipality batteries, $1.50. Phone Clanrke for the year, 1951. 2530. 40-tf And further take notice that all APPLES Wanted-AIl vanieties. ratepayers who deci themselves Dave's Fanm Products, 205 Arling- overcharged or otherwise impro- ton Ave., Toronto. 43tf perly assessed may natify the1 -Clerk of the Municipality in USED tricycle or doll's buggy for wniting of such avercharge or 5-yea r-aid child, in gond candi- improper assessment on or before tion. Write Box 498 c/o States- !the 2lst day of November, 1950, man Office. 45-1 * and your complaint shahl be tried 1 __by the said Court of Revision. SCRAP batteries, any condition. ALL pensons having business Highest pnices paid. Telephone aI the Court are requested toata- 467 for pick-up. G. F. Jamieson. tend as aforesaid. Tii-e Shiop. 43-tf A. J. LYLE, Clerk of the BEFQ)RE selling your live roultr Town of Bowrnanville. try us. Our prices are highcr M.l Dated this 7th day of Fiait, R.R. 1, Bethany. Phone 7 rNoebr190 , .s-- auci -ip)v a- 1. reverIse chiarges. 17j-tf [tyns Eo%,.]NnzAcacle:ii v. 45-14 - - - -POWER rip saw with electric ELDEIRLY lo"~e re'iniddie motar, 60-cycle, hanse or hanse aged waman ta take change of and a haif. Phone or write Sam smail home, sleep in. Apply P.O. Manetta, Pontypool. 43-3"' Box 46, Bowmanvilie. 45-1* Music Instruction Personal HYGIENIC SUPPLIES - (rubber POPULAR piano playing - Learn goods) maîled postpaid in plain ta play popular music in 20 les-i sealed envelope with pnice list. sans. Advan.ced an beginners. 'Six samples 21c, 24 samples 81.00. For infanmaton and demonstra- Mail Order Dept. T-28, Nov-Rub- tion contact Bert Payne, Ha-- ber Ca., Box 91, Hamillon, Ont. ton, Phone 2091. 40-tf - 4"-R 45-2 Work Wc DRESSMAKING, aIt, ton hales also made. Dorothy Brooks, 29 BRAKE DR Lathing, Honing ar We specialize in brake ovenlh BOB STOCKER'S Phone 804 For Rent GARAGE off King St. Keith Billett, 74 King St. W., Phone 3252. 45-1* FOUR rooms and bathroom, adults, garden, central location. Phone 2433. 45-4* FOR two months only, anc furn- ished duplex. Apply Box 499, c/o Statesman Office. 45-1 LIVING accommodation for win- ter, in country home, for middle aged couple. Road kept open. Reasonable terms. Write Box 497, c/o Statesman Office. '45-1 Lost BLACK knitting bag between Ontario and Temperance. Phone 2855. 45-1* $100.00 REIVARD LARGE Scotch Collie, with long nase, sable arid white. Pronounc- ed white ruff, four white feet. Approximately 212à ft. high. An- swers ta the name of "Shep." Contact or telephone Dr. George MacNeill Pontypool Telephone Orono 81 rin g 3 $100.00 reward for its return. Real Estate Wanted PAY up ta five hundred dollars rent for from 25 ta 100 acres within 25 miles of Oshawa. Pos- session by April lst, hydro pre- ferred. Write Box 496, c/o The Statesman Office. 45-2* Real Estate For Sale SEMI-DETACHED brick cottage, insulated; 5 rooms, bathroom, furnace, garden. Immediate pos- session. Terms. Phone 2433. 45-1 * NIXON REAL ESTATE Frame bouse, 8 roonis, full base- i ment, wrater, hydro, double gar- I age, large lot, $5,000. Ternis. 30 acres. 7-roomed frame bouse, barn, stone stable, 4 acres bush. $1,300. 150 acres sandy ioam, 2 haros, frame house, furnace, 2 weils, creek. Approximately 70,000 trees, pine and spnuce. 100 acres; 7-roomed frame bouse, built-in cuphoards, hydro: barn, water bowls, garage. implement shed; 20 acres bush. $8,800. 100 acres, near .15 Higbway, day loam, hip roof baril, hen bouse, garage, 9-noom frame bouse. $5,500. 200 acres, sandy loam, 140 work- able, 60 bush; hîp roof barn. 36 x 65, full basement, implement shed: 110 acres ry* e planted; foundation for bouse. Ternis. $5,50(L~ Suitable for Christmas trees. 100 acres, near Kendal; dlay loani; 9-roam frame bouse, bio roof barn 32 x 80, impflement shed, good stables: bydro, heavy wiring; 10 acres bush. James Nixon, Braker 160 Libcrty- St. N. Phone' 682 Bowmanville 45-1* COOKE REAL ESTATE Are Vn Looking for à Homne Site? $l,iOO-Corner lot in Newcastle, on No. 35 Highxvav, ¾I acre. roll- ing terrain, wonderfui drainage, beautifuîly treed, small barn in good condition, worth $4,500. Everything in readiness for im- mediate bouse construction. 90% Believe it or not there is a 90%ý, chance that we have just the fanm x'ou are looking for with immed- iate or spring possession. Cali and chicck us up on abave state- ment. Evelyn E. Cooke, Realtor Phone Clarke A2621 45-1 BOWMANVILLE REAL ESTATE 7-roorn brick bouse, barn, garage; hvdro, gas, 2-pre. bath downstairs, also 3-pce. bath upstairs; on cor- ner property with -34-acre of land, Ontario St.. near school. Immred- late possession. Prired for quick sale. $5,500. This is worth sec- ing. 15-roomn brick bouse, suitabie for tourist or convalescent home. Pricr .l0,000 with $4.000 down. Located in best part of Bowman- ville. A real good buy. 10-roomn brick house on Cburch St.. sperial pricp for quick sale. $5,275 cash. Possession arranged. Lots for sale in ail parts of town and country. Bowmnanville Real Estate 78 King St. W. J. Shehyn D. Maclachlan Phone Bowmanville 3326 Phone Oshawa 689 Auction Sales I have received instructions mted gronirs Mabe Thickson, 110 teratians, but- by public auction on Saturday, Phone 2043ý Nov. 1Ilth, at 1 p.m. hem house- Silver St. hold effects hncluding a 3-piece 44- chesterfield suite, 9-piece oak dining-roarn suite, Findlay gas .UMS! range, Findlay Oval cook stove id Grlnding with ail burners, bedromr furni- tcomplete ture, dishes, glassware, linen, auls. floor cavering. washing machine GARAGE ýand mrny other 'items. Terrns Bowmanvillu cash. No reserve. Jack Reid. 32-ti auctioneer. 44-2 Repairs FOR prompt, efficient, guarante*- service, dyeing and custom woill try the Neat-Way Shoe Rep' Shop, opposite Garton Bus Ter- minal. 31-tf CHESTERFIELDS completely re- built and re-upholstered. Satis- faction guaranteed. Have aur consultant caîl at no obligation. Enquire at Weber's Fabric Cen- tre, 10 King St. E. 39-tf REPAIRS toalal makes'of refrig- erators, domestic and commercial; milking coolers. Higgon Elec- tric, 42 King St. E., Phone 438. 25-tf Farmers Attention 1 WE wil] be pleascd to pick up dead or crippled farm animaIs and pay highest prevailing prices. For immediate service Telephone Collect, Toronto Adelaide 3636 oL Cobourg 1266W. Gordon Yoatid Ltd. 2teL A Tip of The, Hat A friend writes that the Cana. dian people are in a saving mood; and he is concerned aver the dan- ger that we might carry aur fru- gality too far and bring on a de- pression by taking tao much mo- ney out of circulation. In support of bis o'pinion he points ta the popular deniand for old age pensions for everybody, and ta the unprecedented amount of maney in the savings banks. It is difficult ta sec how the de- mand for aId age pensions for ev- eryonecon be a sign that the pea-. pie are in the niaod for saving. To same of us it seems ta be the very opposite. It looks as if we don't want ta save anything; but prefer ta spend everythîng as wre get it; and hopDe ta be able ta make the next generation take care of us when aur earning days are over. How we propose ta make the next generation do this, after they find out how much it is go- ing ta cost theni, is a pirobien few of us have considered. But thoie who bave given it seriaus thought are of the opinion that that kind of security xviii rest on a very flirnsy foundation. It is true, that- the Canadiart people are saving more manevý than ever they did before, But this mikh1 be because there ire more of us than ever there w~ before, that a larger nercentRre of us are gai nfully employed tli'ru ever befare. and that aur n)ýr capita earningq are greater thb'îl ever before. And there is. al'i, the "eaqy money" policy of go-,,. e rn me n t There is also the fart that the Canadian dollar bas less value than ever, before and il requires more of them ta support a person. The Rural Scene wishes it could be sure that aur friend is right about aur neople ibeing in a sav- ine mood, for saving is ane of the virtues we stand in need of Ioda. Inflation is hecoming a real threat: and the best wav ta com.- bat it is by withdrawin'g surplus cash from circulation. Volurtary spving is the best wa.) ta do this. It docsn't burt like coninulsar.v saving or heavy tax- es. becaun e it is voluntary an-I is neyer greater thon the capacity of the saver ta hear. Sa, if the people are saving their money let us take off aur bats ta them.-The Rural Scene. It will be found that be who is mast charitable in bis judgment is gcnerally the least unjust. -Southey. There are about 126,000 In., dians in Canada today; their re- serves occupy five and a haîf million acres, of which about 200,. 000 acres are cultivated. 1950 FORD % -ton PICKUP Demonstrator a New Guarantee Wlaterized - Heater - Make Offer - 1945 CHEV. 3-ton Grain Box Rebuilt Mechanicaily Guaranteed - $995.00 1950 FORD Custom 4-DOOR Blue, Denionstrator New Guarantee Radio - Alr-Conditionlng Outslde Viser Loaded with Extras Priced for Quick Sale 1949 PLYMOUTH Specil Deluxe Coach Blue Showroom condition Low mileage - $1595.00 1946 -FORD Super Deluxe Tudor Custom Radio & Ileater Perfect Tires & Mater $1195.00 1939 PLYMOUTH SEDAN Customn Radio & Heater Moter Rebuilt - $595.00 1936 DODGE SEDAN New Motor - Good Tires A weii kept car - $495.00 For a Good Deal Phone 1q. G. ""Stew"" STEWART - 3263

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