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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Nov 1950, p. 1

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I "Durham County's Great Family Journal" VOLUME 96 BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 9th, 1950 6c PER COPY NUMBER 45 Remembrance Day Ceremony to be Held dSaturday Mo rning 1 ~*PldXiis for tne Armistice Day ceremony in Bowmanville on Nov. 11, have already been laid, but at the Town Council meeting Monday nîght the controversial question of whether Remem- brance Day should be set aside as a legal holiday was raised. According to present plans, a Remembrance Day Service will be held in the Opera House, as usual, on Saturday at il a.m. It la expected that most business concerns will suspend operations from 10:45 a.m. to 12 o'clock noon in order that their employees may be present at the 1l o'clock ser- vice. But whetber attending the service or flot everyone is re- quested to observe two minutes of silence at il o'clock in memn- ory of those who made the su- preme sacrifice for their coun- There are those in Bowmar- ville who believé that Armistice Day should be set aside each year and declared a statutory holiday. Others believe Remem- brance Day should be observed on the Sunday closest to Nov. Il. Reeve Norman Allison tod Council the Canadian Legion is advocating Remembrance Day asý a legal holiday. H4e suggested that Council write a létter to the Federal Government recommend- ing such a move. Other Coun- cillors were of the opinion that the Sunday nearest the day dedi- cated to the memory of the faîl- en would prove more feasible. Driver Faces Charge 0f Manslaughter Driv er of the car xwbuch Nvas in- volved in a two-car collision at Prestonivale. w'est of Courtice, on No. 2 Higbway. Sept. 2nd, Gilbert Garbutt, 26, London, has been charged witb manslaughter and will appear in Magistrate's Court in Bowmanville. Nov. 7. H4e is at present locfged in the County jail at Cobourg. The accident resulted in the deatb of Mrs. Winnifred Fox, To- ronto and West Beach, Bowman- ville, a passenger in the other car. James White, driver of the car, was also seriously injured in the crash and bas just been released from hospital. Income Tax Expert Invites Ouestions There's a Story of Colour ini Literature, Music and Personality Claims Speaker at the Rotary Cluh If a person looks closely, b e can ascertain colour in many thig according to Dr. Stanley L. Os- borne, B.A., B.D., Mus. D oc., Prin- cipal and Governor of the On- tario Ladies' College, Whitb. speaking ta tbe Bowmanville R-- tary Club at their Weekly lun- cheon Friday, Nov. 3, at the Bal- moral Hotel, the speaker said, -There's a story o! colour in mus- ic, in literature and in a person's personality." In a novel address hie inferred that colour could be stimulating and restful, inviting or repellant. Introduced by Higb School classmate Mel Dale, Dr. Osborne chose the subject 'Colour and Life" for bis address. -We Can- adians are uising colour, in its general sense, without fear and without shame," the speaker said, and he inferred that the time was not far distant when staid olds- ters migbt be seco wearing bright yellow jackets on town streets. The use of drab, dark colours bas been primarily dictated bv convention, and Dr. Osborne told Rotanians iA was difficult ta get away from ancient customs. "For sorne people." he said, "to be dari, gray and gloomY, is to bc safe."; This being gener al, be stated th at "We are afraid of colour, although colour is emotion made visible." mands changes. and an important change experienced in recent centuries is a new and deserved emphiasis on colour. In l9th Century England. the emphasis was on bronze and black, evern "the Queen herseif dressed in. black." in the words of the Col- lege Principal. But people w!io1 are continually growing up have become aware of Nature andth discoveries of science and gaily dressed women are no longer thought immoral as colourfuii-y suited men are not thougbt drunk- ards or cardplayers. Dr. Osborne, who graduated front the University of Toronto and who, at one time, was assis>-î ant Minister at Timothy Eaton Memorial Church, Toronto, told Rotarians he was not particularlv keen on wearing black as a daily habit though convention insisted that cloth denoting an absence of colour be worn by the clergv. "Wh.v black" he asked himseif on countless occasion; but h's question xvas neyer answvered. (Continued on Page Six) B.&P.W. Club Plan To Raise Money Towards a Projeci Emphasis Is On Colour Bowrnanville Business and Pro- There is stili hope, however. fessional Women*s Club held a that wve may eventually live in a business meeting at the Lions colourful world. Evolution d-c- Community Centre Tbursday ev- cning, Nov. 2nd. The main reas- TownCounil G antst onfor the meeting was ta decide TownCounil G ants oinisome means of raising money $250 for Santa Claus towards a project. Suggestions of sponsoring a Parade and Party play. or putting on a children's tashion show and tea, something Town Council were alrnost different than usual. were made. unanimous in making a $250 grant For a fashion show of this sort, to the Santa Claus Party Con- each Club member would make' mittee, as their part in making sornething and a local child would the event planned for early De- model it. Afterwards articles cember a huge success. wouldbe sold. Since only a doz- The Christmas Party Committec en members were present, none expect ta entertain some 2,000 of the suggestions were brought children with a Santa Clatis Par- to a vote. ade and gï1ï. concert planned for The next Club dinner meeting the Memo.-J I Arena on either will be Thursday. Nov. 16 and the Saturday, iec. 2nd or 9th. The Club plans to visit the Oshawa exact date has not been set. B. & P. W. Club on Nov. 20 at Speaking o! the proposed 8 o'clock. Those wisbing ta go Christmas Party, Count. Nelsoil are asked to notify Miss Helen Osborne said, 1,1 think it is an Weddell bv Nov. 15. excellent thing and I think Coun- B. & P. Speaker 1 Nazla L. Dane President of the Toronto Bus- iness and Professional Women's Club. will be guest speaker at the dinner meeting of the Bowman- ville Business and Prof essional Women's Club, November 16 Miss Dane is in charge of the women's and the educational di- visions of the Canadian Life In- surance Officers Association She is also a director o! the Public Relations Association of Ontario and member at large of Local Councîl of Women of Toronto. The subject o! Miss Dane's ad- dress will be "Woren-Pantners or Prattlens?" Trinity Y.P. Hear Convention Reports 0f Lindsay Meeting Christian 'Culture' Conveners. Audrey Northcutt and Joyce Cox were in charge of the Monday night meeting. Following the worship servire Joyce McGill gave a detailed ne- count of the Conference Conven- tion at Lindsay. Rev. S. R. Henderson led in a short sing-song after whicb Relia Mutton gave an account of Su.n- day's activities at Lindsay. It was based main]i-y on the sermon by Rex'. Morris, "Stewardship Io The Chuncb." Relia stated some of the most imnportant things young people could do for the church. Programme concluded Four-Lane Paving To Start in Spring Thru Bowmanville Gnading between Bowmanville and Newcastle. naw under way, wil have ta be completed befone paving commences on the new four-lanie highway between To- ronto and that point, officiais o! the Ontario High«rays Depart- ment said. Grading fromi Toronto ta Bowmanville, via Oshawa, will be completed soan. Final stage o! paving likely ,will stand aven until the botter weather o! early spring. Ontario Hydra Commission bas the wonk o! nelocating transmis- sion and rural distribution cir- cuits well under way. Sidewalk Repairs Nearing Completion To Cost $6,500 Frank L. Calver, Secretany o! Fine Brigade, request fan "Na Parking" sigrus on Cbunch Street ici the Fine Hall area, was ne- ferred ta the Police Committee with power toacat at the Town Counril meeting, Nov. 6th. Requests were nereived framn A. M. Hardy, Mrs. Harry Smith, Arnold Lobb, Wm. Quick and Harold Carpenter ta have trees removed adjacent ta their pre- mises. Referned ta the Public Property Cornmittee with power ta art. Reeve Allison suggested that young trees be planted ici their place, but Coun. Carruthers ex- plaîned the trees were unterfer- ing with telephone wines and ifj others are planted ini their stead, they too, would eventually be- corne a nuisance. Reex'e Allison moved that the Public Pnoperty Committee ini- vestigate and recomrnend suiit - able action relative ta the plant- ing o! trees whene other trees bave been nemoved. Deputy Reove Frank Jamieson annouinced sidewalk nepains near- ing campletioi. 14e said only thé, essential nepairs were being made at this time and that workers xxere presently employed on Higb Street. Wýhen this street is rompleted, they will move ta Duke Street for the final opera- tion. The Deputy Reeve request- ed an additional $500 ta rom- plete the repair projert which totalled $6,500. Counril apprav- ed. Lif e of Dr. 1. C. Devitt Was Devoted To Unselfish Comniunity Service Many hearts in Bowmanville and Durham Cou nty were sad- dened when it was learned that Dr. J. C. Devitt had passed away Monday afternoon. Nov. 6th in Toronto Western Hospital where he had undergone an operation two weeks previous. H4e was son of the late James Devitt and Mary Evans. pioneer farmers of Cartwright Township in Durham County. After attend- ing the little red school house -in his native County he attended the Jarvis St.' Collegiate, Toronto, and University of Toronto where Dr. J. C. Devitt hie graduated in dental surgery. In the late 90's he came to Bowmanville to enter partner- ship witb the late Dr. J. M. Brin- acombe, whilùh partnership con- tinued until the death o! the senior partner. Later Dr. Devitt formed a partnensbip with bis nephew Dr. E. W. Sisson. When this terminated five years ago Dr. W. M. Rudeil of Guelph becamne a partner with Dr. Devitt. Our older citizens will recal when Dr. Devitt first came to this town after graduating, a tail, handsome athletic figure, who almost iostantly acquired a, great cincle o! friends and continued to wideo that circle and hold the Children Bewarel ab&&&Oflcl oul i gve tflem a lot of sup- 1wJItn aULL rtquiz, tiLu e nc~iUhiIp krui i ax J.K t are., From Lodal Farmners port' Later he added, I m a Kinsm en LC.lub Circle and Taps. T.B. Chest Clinics ___ eitedubious about a parade, how- Attends Inter-Club Next Monday evening at 8 AndIn u ain Due to re-surfacing opera- Durham farmers will be offer- Con. MlDlCara fM eiga sa c o'clock the Young People wil] m unzto tions on King Street, et ed n oporuniy t seurede- Cou. el ale Chirmn o Metin atOsh wa meet with Christian Missions Help Manu Cases budtifebsbe ot ted anfopormtn ito ecrese-t the Civic Committee, was whole _____Conx'eoers, Betty'Sisson and d abon t rafe bStbeenùut tale ifomaio wthrepet eartedly bebînd the proposed . Gladys Brooks. arranging the I eet ttsia rpr donrSt. huich t. t Scux- bot ernaat a eeing o e tbeld in party. While some suggested a On Nov. 3rd Bowrnanville programme. Corne, bring yaîr reneae yCenM. Honnilert., pected to lbe In operation for lemsrontametnship beHl atn parade be excluded tram thne Kinsmen Club, 18 strong, and in- fniends and meet new fniends. Wp el aH ed yCalM. offcn o ealth sevral w-eeks, and during th. e .D.S.oTownTsd all Nov. day's events, be was of the opinion cluding three guests, tnavelled ta wiîl be seeing you! ton tHe UnedCalounies of Nortb-th at er iod it is possible that 2.M.D. J. Gill of the Farm Li that a parade should be consid- cshawa to taepar then ainpotr-uberland-Dunham, a total ofl' tragie accidents may occur. 21.Mr.ered an important part. "The idca clubutisbtaheltatcthe airport came Tax Department at Ottawio. of the panade," be said, "is ta An estimated 250 Kinsmen croxx-d- Mike's of thl 06 eop auilt ! tending a through town usually travel wilI be present ta answver bring people ino t axn, and if ed the hall ta enjoy the Kinship oitempra sto 06 prn avfaildthemselvesa utsadtuk as questions and offer explanations children xant ta see a parade, tbe sponsored b.) the Oshaw.xa Kins- Open Season at chest clinic in the Counties. in fast. relative ta incarne tax difficul- paet ili corne aloîng, too." men Club. Clubs from Bobca y- T,1N v ' the mass s;unveys conducted in The intersection at Church pareCons esnObon oe e i eebrogCbug. Lindsay,No.1 the district, 16.534 pensons had and Silver SI.s. has become The meeting will be sponsored tCoun. Nelon$25bo rnerod eaii. Petedrbru ooumewretheir lungs photognaphed. a dangenous corner. (hild- by the Durham Fedieration of Ag-1 Christmas Party Cornrittee, and represented. Mike Osborne's Imperials willInb the nine month period from ren CroSS the "temporaýy rilted iandsiiart th ocdue fa Coun. Mel Dale. seconded the mio- The dininer began at 8 p.m. and bit the ice at Lindsay Fridav, Jan. lst ta Sept. 30, 41 newv iha"aths arcur loedxii b imla a ha m- tion, which carried. was follovçed by an entertaini, Nv07 ntb nta ae !tco .. eerpre nd 18 point oni their way -to and ploedatlik metngsinoter Deputv Reeve Frank Jarnieson prograin. Two Oshawa youth' five-team Intermediate *'A" bac- Uie onisrsdnswr fromn Central Public School. parts o! the province. Any far- S ntdCuiisrsdnswr mer wishing ta question Mr ÇÇîH suggcsted the monev hc graoîedi reported ta have appeared en key league. Newx players have admitted to Sanatoria. Ten w'ere Signs requesting motorists to wilh the restriction that it be au- WBEN-TV. rendered their inter benaddtteloltamsichgdfon Sanatoria. n-ic'atch F o hiden r n ionrequied tfapwrends uesin pied ta purchase candy, gihis, pretation o! Spike Jones, the man i-aster and according ta Manager ahl, Public Health Nur-ses made dctn lwrt fsed ed on adiec o aper nd futhgo or used solelv for the concert in who ru-ns the City Slickers. in ar- Mike Osborne, tbe team sbould 565 visits ta bornes in which there or a full stop, should be erect- redfornd it ta ei.The o nt- the Anena. H4e did nat want anv lion. Master o! Ceremonies, jlack be tops. -This team bas quite were sigos o! tuberculosis. ed as a safety precaution. came Tax represeotative wii en- part o! the grant used ini building McClelland !rom the Downtown ai- edge over last vear's," be said, In the dipbtheria section. 36-d Pie ad hurchlepSteet deavour to aoswer these witten parade floats.! Toronto Kiosmen Club. added co-j- and v-e expert big things." lie clinirs were beld and 2,345 peuple dunind th pe riowen qusin.adtruhteueo nOther Cotinrillors xvere stroi,4;rmcd' Nta an aîready hilarious int edtbe 150Iperiasthe ded voungstear o thewa ithe belief that M. E. Atkins show. huskier and faster than their pre- dies. *unrdan o y o nd ftroschreon. eglect- teabove meborad. ury oeand bis cornmittee xvere capable Pe etJack Lander o! the decessors. two persans were irnimunized ti nd fi, raffisio.gns soul Sheed be embave as e tinl-oftilizing the imonev ta the best ocPrCusîdnt members o! bis Final plans for the league which tagainst diphtbenîa and whooping erected tand madens chlea ready prepared. it is suggested onildcia-daganization xvere cornplimrented includes Cobourg, Lakefield, cougb cornbiîîed. A total o! 742 evident. This is a maten o theyettbmai-prinsoi bhot ac Riboouhfr Lindsay, Port Hope ai-d Baw- were immunized against diph- a il'Ifead ssuh thet it be aile usge)tab e-tdtaterypaed t havinggri-sich a fine turnout at the manville, were drawn up ini Pet- theria, ,'hooping cougb and ttc- so be looked into imme- culture, 111 Sparks Street, Otta-foth erborough Nov. 7. Each team us anus, ai-d 285 were irnrunized daey wa. before Nov. 12. Tbe National sceue oPa 0gie.K- gis ihhraadttns As a further precaution it Office will forwand tbem ta Mr. n Summerloi-d, Sec'y-Treas. o! tiio One thousand and sixty-one lias been suggested that wh'ile Gil. t i fnthr eqestd hatS "~"10a ilion Bowinanviile hockey club, and pensons were vaccinated against Church St. is being used as a questions flot sent to Ottawa be ~S p otBbHcs sitn ocatn-snlpx detour street cars should fowre oFdrto er-ed the meeting. only be allow~ed ta park on tary H. E. Milison, Orano. AO Fo r Rooms Io Ontario St. School To dte. t e'nae fPlans Undeerwayf te tret It is expected that Mnr.R.Acoc adigtelneashs1P nsU er y %_Y S tewart, Chairman a! the On- u i lot been released, but it is under- tani Fedratin Icarn TaxOmm uaieuemaia1 stood that a coah wiil put il, ani To LYake B.T.. Committee, will attend the meet- appearance ver.y shortly. UntlC -d cto a o eT a 3 ing whîch should prove extremely O C W .5 such turne as natural ice coim C .EdctoalM r ha 3 helpful ta farmers ini tbis and Eleclion turne us draxx ng tclas future. Nevertbeless, the cas ta tbe Memoî-ial Arena here, the i.:g F r' neigbourng dstrits.i4i Bowmanville, and one of the ioornsare needed. The addition Imperials wiii use Pont Hope -as Ontario Goverrnent is stud',- QIualif For25 AY -egbuigdsrcs major issues ta be bîouglit beforel should provîde enough accommo- their home ire. ing possîbîlîty o! establishing a the x-ting public. is tbe addition dation for the next 5 or 6 years. A returo garne xith Lindsay r o-edurational prograr nic thc 2,000 Tons of Rock of four roorns to the Ontario St. 1 I Bowmanville keeps graxx-- on Nov. 22. will be played iipîovince's boys' and girls' train- Attend Party Givi Schol. s aresut. lexMc- ing, eventuallv another public- Port Hope and it is expccted Gar- ing srbools, which includes the As Breakwater Gregor took advantage o! the srboonl ray have ta be built. The_ ton, Coach Linos will run a fewx Boys' Training School at Bow- More than 430 employees o! the2 AtVetB ahgood assembix-aat, Home and Townî Counicil sax-s a vote is need- speciî-l buIsses ta accammodate manville, Hon. William G. Ham- Goodyear Tire and Rubber Co. AtWet eahSchool Clubs Father s Niglit on cd, sa Mn. McGregor urged the Boxvmanville hockey fans. ilton, Minister o! Refonm bnsti- o! Canada Ltd., starkcd up their Nov. lst Ia elaborate ai- the reas- people ta vote for tbe lnev. ad-1 tutions. stated on Monday. yeau-s o! serv-ice -ith the finin The Federal Governrnent h3s ans for the propased addition. the dition, or it xiii rosI tbemn moire , Addi-essing aven 500 women during the l3th annual 25-year transported an estimated 2.000 rost, and the situation if there ýs in the long run. berause it %viiî Just f or the Record delegates ta the annual caon- I- service pin dinner at the Royal tons af rock from Queenston no addition made. have ta be but eventual\ tion ici Torontao! the Progessive IYork Hotel, Toronto, Saturdax' Quarries at Niagara Falls ta 'fuil Mr. McGregor said that the Ou- Januar *v lst, 1951, ti1e Boxx- Snow Came Nov. 4th Coriservative Association a! On- night, and foui-id they totalled i.n the river mouth" at Bowman- Board o! Education is glad 'o manvie Board o! Education wul -.-- taiaMn.Hamlto sad agrop 1,97tyers vlesWest Beach. The linger- bave an upstanding group o! rit- be replared by a District Hîglil Just foc the record, snmw camenc o! fixe rcresentatives o! bis de-[Te ile'sr that project.s out in*o izens at any furiction, anv,-turne. School Board,- and a Board for- ta Bowýmanvijlle ai- Nov. 4, ici the partrnent leit this xveek fo; r oup lasduarter-n turyi the cold water of Lake Ontaria on at the school built for gathei-in,ý,s Public Scbnols - Astrong Publie - ear 19501. Was it nat a welrome Louisville, Kv.. ta study co-edu tory o! the rompany xvas bonor- the west side of the river mouth a! people ini tbe conimunitv. Srhool Board is needed. and the sight? Dud it bigliten your das? cational artivities at a boys' and ed bx- it v-hon 76 received pins. wili be built high with huge Since the room at the O;rtar.a peopie are asked to nominate meni It rame on Saturday mai-int., girls* training srhool at Anchor- 1;Ini1925 Goodvear. Canada. cm- Spieces of atone in an effort ta pre- Street School has ta o uLsed as ai- womon x-ho wxili rnake xisenoci school. and youngsters scr-aped z:ge. -They will spend a week at pla','ed 2,400 persans and today 19 Dvent aand shifting into the riy- a ciassroom, it is flot axailable ,,) and capable administrators of the x-erx- earth in their efforts ta the training srboal and return per cent are still with thue finin. ens channel. The job is expected ah aorganizations. The classr-oa:rîscbooi affairs. i-oil the visible mc isture ino snoxv- With a full report whicb ill be O! this groiup or 478, five haxe to laat a month. situation is going ta get w-anse Sorne o! those prescrit aithIe halls. Parkas rýl-me out o! hid- arted upon imrnediatcly." run u p 40 years or more servire. The tone used in this opera- and quite rapîdly '. Next \car i-, Homo and Scbooi meeting xere ing and marc thaux a fexx- ve:e. The group incluides A. R. Vur- R. 'C. Berkinisbaxv. Vice-Pre- tion was transported ta Bowman- the kinderganten alone. there xt iii askeai ta conisdeî- aliowing tlic:ir knox-o t don oîber vinter %veagi-i. Director a! Reforrn Institu- dent and Generai Mianager, pni- ville via C.N.R. and trucks, some be from 90 la 95 chidren andiî>în;unicsta go on1 tbe ballot. Soir The cauiitiv..-s;de sccned ta slurn- lions: Miss Isabel MNleNil. Super- posed the toast ta the graduatinug local, were used ta haul it down 1952. around 130. Th~e schoil Board o! Eduration mcurnbe:-s ber undei- a bianket o! vhitcee -. intendieol at Cobourg: Miss Don-1 rlass. and T. Frisb '- responded. A. to the East Beach. A huge barge thenefore muLst have more romn1. ma\- continue on. some m-a,.- go o thie like a!fxxhich rna soap could othv Barrass. Assistant Supeniin- G. Partridge. President, presonted and a giant green crane are emr- A thorougb stud '-vo! the pri- 11th nexv District lligh Srhoou ox-oî dupirate. tendent ai Coboturg W. J. Eas- the long service groups, and D. pioyed ta ferry the atone ta ils lemn o! -bat ta do xitb the extra Board, xvile others may be r2- Of course. thore vere those v-ho taugb. Supeintendent at Boxv- C. Carlisle, Treasurer, was chail.- resting place onUbthe III" arnci nee o! th ae nd o t6etr ng. MGeo iihdb a-could 001 fi-idtheur rubbers and manville. and W. J. Littlo, Assist- man. anddatagtug le called IV'ere forcedf th tax trood tverau1gMr NIantgo Supeliintonde ote at0 Gaît.eriThiset vearltsThisraduatesuats tbos.c- as a motivating farce. - atiiipaied. It w as found that in- that ho boped the citizeius slusby streets to work. And v-hile Mnvi. Hamilton said a plan for compieting 25 years serv-ice sno Rosa McArthur, Port Elgin, ýs the cheapest, most econornicai and wero ail as coocorrned about adi- thev 'ere awav, busy bousewix-es Ontario might include co-educa- the last banquet. wvere bonoured forernan of the project and Eanl satisfactory arrangement xxould quate srluaol facilities as ho xxas. searched and. found the mlissinàa tional pragnam with girls betweeo guests at the dinner. In this cate- Moftatt, Vinemouth, operatea the- be the addition o! four roorns It xvas urgecd that aIl those w-l'o t footwear. and bad il ready, anly eigbt ta 13 at Gaît with boys o! gary, Frank Bottrell. Richar-d cnane wîth Isidore DeKleyn as nax':. The cosi is estimated at caoi. exercrie thei. priviioge a!; ta dîscoxer that the first snaxv1 the saine age. Girls 13 years an-i Clark. George Forsevy, Harold fireman. Neil Smith. Flesheiton, $56.000. but v.:111th 1wri-ni' "0 votinr'. c~ vote ici fax-aur o! 1h:-- ncver stavs. It tomns inoa ain, axer wauld be placed in the Train- Heoniog. Lester Highfield, Mikýý and Alan &amp.qon, Duntroon. are af! matenial.; t s Ilable tuta ne':. fqv-"n addition ta the, tbcn xanishes as though it had ing School at Vowmanviile with Vesna and Frank Wood repre- deckhands arzkin oa the. job. closez' ta $70,000 in the very neaï à PtbLic School. . neyer been. boys 14 and avez'. . sented Bow-manvi.le. affection of ail who now mou rn his passing. Dr. Devitt first took up resi- dence in the MeCready home. opposite the Public Sehool, and he soon came to know and take an interest in the pupils whom he met daily. As a pupil at that time the present editor acquired a sort of hero-worship of the youthful dentist and as the years passed and friendship became more intimate the genial Doctor became in truth an eider broth- er to the editor. Successfully established in practice the Doctor was naturally public-spirited and chose a field that embraced the realm of youth. He was elected to the High School Board and later the Board of Education, serving this brancb for over 25 years, part of the time as Chairman. In church circles Dr. Devitt Iwas Recording Steward of Trin- ity United Church and Superin- tendent of the Sunday School for many years until his deatb. He was one of the early direct- ors of Bowmanville Hospital, be- ing President for several years. Other societies in which he ren- dered outstanding service were the Canadian Club and Rotary Club, being a charter member and past president of both org- anizations. H4e was also an offi- cer and active member of the old Board of Trade and later a mem- ber of the present Chamber of Commerce. <Continued on Page Six) Fire Completely Guts Local Store At Nestleton Station Early Tuesday morning the village of Nestieton was awaken- ed by f ire in the grocery store and residence of Mrs. A. Leal and Mrs. la Howe, (formerly the J. J. Bruce store). At 12:30 when they retired there was littie fire in the stove and everything was in order. Baby Sharon Leal was restless and awakened Mrs. Leal and Mrs. Howe who had only time to escape in their nightclothes and ,grab coats from the hall as they ran. At 3 a.m. most of the store was on fire and a coal oil drum on the side verandah exploded, rous- ing the neighbourhood. Then cans of paint in the window caught fire and the huge front windows were blown out with glass faliing across the streets and flames shooting to the op. posite bouse. A hose was thrown on the Grant Thompson home as the heat was intense, 9îlen what wind there was changed and fly- ing shingles began'falling on the roof of Elmer Nesbitt's house. Neigbbours were controlling most of the f ires by bucket bri- gadle when the Port Perry fire truck responded to the caîl. It was a relief to know no more louses would faîl prey to the flames and the fire-fighters de- serve the highest credit for their tireless efforts. Everything was a total loss, store stock, furniture and pers- onal possessions swept away in an hour. When the hydro failed it cuit off the supply of water from the pressure pumps and the sit- uation could have been more serious if the Port Perry truck had not been available. The huge brick veneer building burned fiercelv. y Men pushed in the' walls and chimney and watched the rest of the night for any fur- ther outbreak. Neighbours took in the familY and served bot drinks ta the men wbo laboured so bard to save the nearest buildings. Had there been a high wind the story might have been verx' different and we are so grateful to report no loss -)f tife which could easily have been the case.1 oodyearites ears' Service Pins u n iTheir Honor Other Good *vear emplovees who make their home in Bowmanville and wbo attended the 25 Year iBanquet were: R. Alder, J. E. An- .derson. D. Armistead, G. Bagne:l, 1R. Bate, C. Cattran, J. A. Cole, 1E. W. Crawford, H. V. Cryder- tman, H. Dadson, J. L. Darch, F. A. Dilling, R. Fry, L. D. Goddard, T. Gould, R. Harding, A. M. Hardy. T. Hayes, A. Jones, E. Jones, S. Little, and E. Mitche.l (Petiredl. Accompanying the above men Iwas another batch of 25 year men ail of whom are stili active ini the local plant: W. Mitchell A. Moffatt, D. Morrison, R. Me- Grath. J. R. Nichais, L. Nichais. J. Nickerson, F. Oke, M. H. Ok, E. L. Oliver., J. O'Neill. W. J. E. Ormiston. W. G. Pascoe, A. Pip- 1er and O. J. Presson. There were quite a few retirre.l men rningled among those stull employed by the Goodyear as the following wiil substantiate: I. Purdy (retiredî, W. F. Purdy, 1A. Richards (retired). H. Rich- Iards. C. Robinson, J. C. Samis, 1W. H. Thickson <retired), E. S. 1Varcoe, George Vine, R. Watt, H. MIstriutt (retired), F. Williarnç. C. .Wod ward, T. Wright and,. Geoiga oUA& ---- _ - Flag at Haîf Mast To Respect Passing - 0f Dr. J. C. Devitt The flag at Bowmanville Higli Schoolisl flying at half-mast this week ini respect for the late Dr. J. C. Devitt, long time member o! the Board of Ediication and staunch advocate of the modern High School addition wbich in- cludes a gymnasium, an assembly and six ciass rooms. At the school assembly Wed- nesday morning, Principal L. W. Dippell acquainted the students with the wonderful work done in the past by Dr. Devitt in connec- tion with B.H.S. Referning to Dr. Devitt as being "a real friend ta ail of us," he requeste4 assembled students ta stand and observe a minute of silence in hi& memony. H4e will long tue remembered by local High School students for his friendly, *'Heiio boys"~ greet- ing, for Dr. Devitt was tnuly a friend ta all. Orono Orphans Plan Ice Extravaganza At Oshawa Arenai They bill themselx'es as the "Orono Orphans" and as such want company at a gala Ice Ext- travagaciza ta be held in the Osh- awa Anena, Monday Nov. 13. A challenge Junior '"D' hockey game featuring the Lynden Rack- ets Western Ontanios popular pucksters and Ontario serni-fin- alists for the past thnee years, and the mach talked about pnide of Eastern Ontario, the 1948 and '49 champions and 1950 semi-fin- alists. the Orono Orpbans. Other attractions will bý o! fer. ed on this evening o! skating en- tertaiciment. Extracts f rom the Orano Skating Club's 1950 pro- duction, "The Carnival o! Months" will be iced for the entertain- ment o! Extravagaciza attendens. Reported ta be one o! Ontanio's outstanding Ice Carnivals, the cuntain rings up on their part of the programme at 8:15 p.m. (E. D.S.T.) For an enjoyable evening and a chance ta win a brand new two- doon Chev. sedan. plan ta attend the Orono ice spectacle at the Oshawa Arena, Monday, Nov. 13. New Minister la Inducted at Ebenezer Circuit Rev. L. M. Somervilie, B.A., B.D., Spencenville, was welcomed by Oshawa Presbytery o! the Un- ited Chunch o! Canada and the congregatians o! Courtice, Eben- ezen and Maple Grave United Churches at an impresaive induc- tion service in Ebenezer United Churrh an Fniday night last. Rex'. M. C. Fisher, Brookîbin, was chairman, while Rev. George C. R. McQuade, Whitby, Secretary af Presbytery, related the steps leading ta the raIl and appoint- ment. Rev. S. C. H. Atkinson, minister o! Albert Street United Church, Oshawa, preacbed the sermon. while Rex'. E. J. Robent- son. minister a! King Street Unit- ed Church, Oshawa, addîessed the congregation and the new min- ister. Following the service the ladies of the onagregation served ne- freshments and the new ministen was introduced ta bis congrega- tion. Tennis Club Winds Up Successful Season With Balance Bowmanville Tennis Club hai taken down nets and put away equiprnent, and officiallY closed the season with an e xecutive meeting at the home o! President Jack Duon. The executive feit that the year had been a good one. A new dlay St. Paul's C.G.I.T. was held in the lecture noamn Nov. lat at 7:30 p.rn. Meeting opened with C.G. I.T. hymn and purpose. A sing- sang was enjoyed. The girls wha were absent laat week pianted buiha while the others mended choir music. Miss Creasser con- ducted a contest and then formed the curcle for Tape. Ae .oyed a ,Diflat * tan, 11

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