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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Nov 1950, p. 7

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PAGE SEVEIý V~ A 1'AT>TA .? A -C?.Afl' BWMANVT'JTT. ONTARI UV, [NU .EMBER 91 1950 TUE --"M.--' fi lait a 1Mrs. Frankc AIexandee lhas been, Ylating Mr. and Mrs. VanDusen "nd famiiiy at Madoc. Mrs. L. H. Bucknell visited her daughter, Mrs. H. Meincka, Ham- filon, aven the weekend. Mns. Gea. E. Pritchard visited her daughters, Mrs. Frederick *t.Jiughes -and Mrs. E., R. Hanna, i1Y!oronto. 'Mrs. McMahon, Wes. and Ted- die, Pbntypool. visited Mrs. Clif- fond Colwifl and Ruby Sunday evefllng. Dr. and Mrs. C. W. Siemon, and Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Billett vislted Mr. and Mrs F. C. Virtue, Buriington, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Clkapp and daughter Dianne, Lamaroux Cor- ners, visited Mr. and Mrs. Dan Sullivan, Scugog St., on Sunday. Mrs. M. G. Bridges, Elm Creek, Man., is visiting her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Byron Bridges and David. In its No- 6th weekly report the Counties Health Unit lists Bowmanvilie wîtb the following communicable diseases: Chieken- pox 1, Polio 1, Whooping Cough , ,Mr. and Mrs. Roy Jackson and Brenda Jean, Havelock, visited Misses Florence and Leta Jackson. Miss Florence Jackson accom- panied them ta Toronto on Thursday. Mrs. A. D. Wbeeier bas moved ta Brantford this week where The Scout Mothera' Auxiiiary will meet Wednesday, Nov. 15 at 7 'clock at the home af Mrs. Keith Jackson, Queen St. Al scout mothers klndly accept this invitation. Bowmanvilie Nurses' Associa- tion have planned a night af de- lightful entertainment for their annuai dance at the B.H.S. aud- itorium for to-morrow night (Fiday). Sa make it a date and dance ta the fascinating music of The Famous Sevenaires. Bowmanville Ski Club draw for a Drum Majorette Doîl was made Wednesday marning by 'Bill James. The lucky winner is Ricky Connaghan, son ai Mr. and Mrs. Mandy Connaghan, 1 Scugog St. Proceeds from the draw are for the Ski Club Building Fund. Mrs. Fred C. Hoar, Miss Ida Hoskin, Mrs. Ear1 Byam, Bow- manvilie; Mrs. Walter Snyder, Courtice, and Mrs. Ross Stevens, Maple Grave, attended the funer- al ai Christopher LaPlain in Lindsay on Nov. 3. Mr. LaPlain was busband af Myrtle Cale, formerly ai Bowmanvilie. Miss Jean Noble, District Home Eeonomist, is at Campbellford, coaching the girls who cameý first In the Ontario competitions in the Girls' Homemaking Club unit on Clathing, in preparation for the Dominion competitions ta be held at the Royai Winter Fair, Nov. 141 ta 22. The girls are Freda Mc- Cullough, and Gwen McCullough from West Seymour Unit. 1 she W'i be nearrbeInuhtr. l ur Hallowe'en story ai last Mrs. Norman Grandiield, and week we erroneously credited the sister, Mrs. Arthù Wynn, wbo wrong duet as staging a tap lived in Brantford. dance. The item should read: Pat Bagneli and Lynda Colwell, The editor received a picture darkies, "reparted ta be ail the pastcard this week f rom Reg. way from Alabama" tapped their Harding from England showing way inta the heants ai the aduit a view ai Gloriaus Devon. Reg. crowd ta the strains of aur aid says be's baving a grand visit friend, "Goodnigbt, Irene." and expects ta be back ta Bow- manville before this card arrives Dr. and Mrs. Carl Clemence, as be made the trip bath ways Toranto; Mr. and Mrs. Ewart across the Atlantic by plane. Clemence, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. _____________________Archie Glenney and Edward, ---- - N =. ff~ Wla- Mr n.. A U .z nr.DL UL Ross, Jimmie and Shirley, Gaît, attended a family dinner party on Sunday at the home af their parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Clemence, Queen St., given by Miss Marjorle Clemence in hon- ai their mather's 5tb birth- day. Mrs. Ensley 'Hodgins was in Toronto on Friday ta attend the funeral service ai ber san-in-law, Dr. Austin Birreli Schinbein, O.B.E., F.A.C.S., ai Vancouver. Dr. Scbinbein died on Nov. lst in Boston where he had gone ta attend a meeting of the Amenican College ai Surgeons, of wbich he was a Regent. Miss McDougall and Miss Hadgins also attended the service. Mayor Lawrence Mason was given authority at the Council meeting Monday nigbt ta pro- dlaim a change in tîme (Daylight ta Standard) wben he saw fit. It was suggested that the Mayor govern bimseli by the action taken by the Mayor af Toronto and City Council. It is expected tbat Toronto will revert ta Stan- dard Time on Sunday, Nov. 26. ilflilllI 1 K - AT - TRINITY UNITED CHURCH 11:00 A.M. - REMEMBRANCE SERVICE 12:15 P.M. - SUNDAY SCHOOL AT 7 P.M. REV. W. S. GODFREY, B.A., D.D. Superintendent cf Home Missions on Canada's East Coast will preach. St. Paul's United Church SUNDAY, NOV. 12 Il a.m. - Remembrance Service The Bowmanville Branch of the Canadian Legion will worship with us. 7 p.m.- Evening Worship SUNDAYI NoV. 19 ANNIVERSARY SERVICES Il a.m. - The Very Rev. George C. Pidgeon, M.A., D.D., LL.D. 7 p.m. - The Rev. Gordon W. Porter, i4.A, B.D., of St. Paul's Avenue ]Road U.iited Church, Toronto. ----- -Woa BuirwPo YOUNGSTERS WILL LOVE THIS - Sunburst pleated uspender akirt and matching, double-breasted jacket. In finely checked tone-on-toflo ail wool tweed. Two patch pockets and pointed collar. A Goosey Gander model from Fine Children's Wear, Montreal. Guests from Bowmanville at the Trudeau-Powers wcdding on Oct. 28th at St. George's Roman Catbolic Cburch, Osbawa, in- cluded: Mr. and Mrs. Gea. Young, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Cox and Miss Arlene Cox, Mn. and Mns. R. V. Gallaghcr and son Bob, Mn. and Mns. Joseph Trudeau, Rev. Fathen S. J. Coifey and Mr. Wbite. Galaxy of Canadian Musicians at Next Lions Concert Nov. 15 On Wcdnesday, Nov. 15, anoth- er prognamn in the current series sponsored -by tbe Board of Edu- cation and the Lions Club, is be- ing prescnted in the Higb School Auditorium. The talent for this second concert is ail-Canadian and features Eva Sylvester. plan- ist; Jon S. Vickers, tenon; Walter Prystawski, violinist, and Vin- ginia Lippert, soprano. Eva Sylvester, Winnipeg-bon pianist, rcccived ber training at the Royal Conservatory of Mus- ie. She is a C.N.E. Medallist, bas done many recitals, broadcasts, and mucb teaching in Canada; is married ta Fred Sylvester, anc ai Canada's lcading organists. Saskatchewan -barn tenon, Jon S. Viekers. studied in Winnipeg under Roberto Wood, was a church soloist in that city. He bas been soloist in Gilbert and Sulli- van operas and in Victon Henh- ert's "Naughty Marietta." He was winner af the Royal Conser- vatory Schoiarship in 1950, and is a student of George Lambert in Toronto. Walter Prystawski, young via- linist, was born 1933 in Tononto, began bis studies at the age of nine with Elie Spivak af the Roy- al Conservatany of Music. lie won'silven medals for highest ex- amination marks in Ontario in 1943 and 1945; was winnen of Kiwanis Festival Scholarship in 1950. He is a memben of the Roy- al Consetvatory Symphony Or- chestra under Dr. Ettore Mazzo- leni. Virginia Lippcrt, soprano, bas been a mpmber of bath the pop- ular Bell and Mendelssohn Chairs, bas won sevenal scbolanships as well as having sung an "The Sing- ing Stars af Tomonrow," and cther radia pnograms. At present she is a student of the Royal Con- servatary ai Music and a pupil ai Dr. Ernesta Vinci. Her main in- terest is in opera and the con- cert stage. Reserved seat tickets will bc on sale at McGregar's Drug Store. Monday, Nov. 13. This concert promises ta be another outstand- ing musical treat wbich you should nat miss. Maple Grove Soccer And Softball Teams Honored at Banquet On Saturday evening the Bal- moral Hotel was the setting ai ai banquet, with Lloyd Snowden Rs hast, for the Maple Grave Girls' Saftball, Boys' Softball teams and Maple Grave Soccer team. The evening opened with Chair- man Stan Snawden welcoming the teams, their wives andi friends. Rev. T. M. Somerville, Maple Grave, gave the blessing and a bounteaus supper was en- joyed by ail. Following the banquet the chairman tbanked the hast and introduced "The Roving Ramb- lers," Don McKinnon, Dan Lil- iow and Mickey Jarvis, af B.T.S., who ententained tbe gathering with these selections: guitar sala. "Shortin' Bread" by Don Lillaw; Mickey Jarviâ, sang "La Vie En Rose"; Don McKinnon a, vocal and guitar solo "Wedding Belîs"; Dan Lillow, guitar solo, "My Blue Heaven." Howard Foley, Maple .Grove recited a parody on '-Tlie Charge ai The Light Brigade." Cal Braun, District Organizer af the C.O.F., in bis remarks ex- piained the grawth ai the girls' softball league in Bawmanville. He congnatuiated Maple Grave Rackets on winning the cham- pionship and called on Captain cf, Nancy Hagerman c, Norma Hagerman lb. Sylvia Bucknell, pitcher; 19velyn Finncy 3b, Ther- esa Finney f. Audrey Richards ss. Unfortunately Greta Snow- den, second base, was misscd and the manager would like ber ta accept bis apologies. Lois Stock- er rf, andi Jean Phame rf, were absent. Lloyd Preston, manager of the Soccer team, was introduced and congratulated the Rackets and expressed the hope that ncxt year the soccer team would also win a trophy. Ken Summersford con- gratulated the Rackets and said that by next year he boped the girls would be able ta sit down and sec the boys presented with the trophy for their league. Mr. Foley gave another humoraus reading o n "T he Insurance Agent." The Ramblers again entertain- cd with Don McKinnon doing a vocal and guitar solo of "Mar- riage Vows," followed by Mickey Jarvis singing "Rudolpb the Red Nase Reindeer" acco'mpanied by Don McCrimmon an the guitar. Don Lillow gave a vocal and gui- tar solo "On Top of Old Smokey." They finislied with a vocal trio of "Goodnigbt Irene." Rev. T. M. Somervilie,' the new minister, was introduced and he tao congratulated the Rack- ets and wished ail the teams luck next year. The evening was enjoyed throughout and ail looked for an- other get-together in the near future. WEDDING SEARS - JONES On Saturday afternoon, Oct. 28 in Tyrone manse, Marion May Jones, daughter of Mrs. Jones and the late Mr. W. Jones became the bride of Melvin Sears, son of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Sears, Bow- manville, R. R. 6. Rev. Donald Lute, Tyrone, was the officiating clergyman. The bride wore a black and WALLPAPER DESIGNED FORi COMPLIMENTS SOCIAL AID PERSONAL Phono 0Us CHILDUEN- A Pie Complet. 0 '110- WHEMICAL" FOOD TONIC leont Tasting, mnd Ecanomical VITAMIN and MINERAL ., FOOD SUPPLEMENT 1 mom Sf135 'Li 2.95 4>S45 30c rail and Up Your choice af many patterns for every room in your hause. ye have a complete stock af all Canadian Wallpapers Plus Select English and American Imported Papers. We can bighten your rooms with new wall- paper ncw. For Estimaies Phone 2417 S. Preston &Son Decorators for Three Generations Ale x. We Deliver white checked gabardine suit with matching accessories and corsage af red roses. Mrs. Joseph Riddle, sister af the bride, was brides- maid and wore a lîght blue wool suit with brown accesories and a corsage of pink carnations. Mr. David Burieigh, brotber-in-lawv af the groom. was best man. The reception was held at the home af the bride. To receive the guests the bride's mother wore a flowered navy blue dress with black accessories and corsage of white 'mums. The groom's moth- er was gowned ln a green dress with black accessories and a cor- sage af white and yeliow mums. Mr. and Mrs. Sears left on a honeymoon trip ta Niagara and plan ta reside at Enniskillen. Take Photo of Town From Aircraf t for Survey Purposes The Town of Bowmanvilie Is going ta have its picture taken- irorn an aircraft. At the meeting of Town Coun- cil Monday evening, Councillor Mel Dale said a survey of Bow- manville was badly needed and that conditions, relative ta exact delineation af tawn lots are ter- rible. "If the town doesn't do somethlng about it," the Councill- or said, "it's quite possible the Provincial Governmcnt might or- der It donc." He explained that the survey- ing firm of Donovan and Richi- ards met with a committee ap- pointed by Council and they were hesitant i setting a price. They bazarded a guess at the cost of surveying Bowmanville when they rendered an estimate of $16,- 000 but they added that this f ig- ure might run as high as $25,000 depending. upon delaying situa- tions that might crop up. Coun. IDale quoted the surveying camp- any as saying, "No firm will give a fixed price." Donovan and Richards sug- gested an aerial photograph of town be taken to facilitate the survey and reduce expense. Counicil was unanimous in pass- ing a motion to this effect estimated cost of $400. Court. Dale also said that the Provincial Government m1ght pay 25 per cent of the cost of a survey, and it is possible the Unit- ed Counties migbt add to Ithat arnount. The aerial photograph7 will en- able surveyors to plan operations in advance which in the long run will mean a financial saving. The photograph must be taken in the near future observing that the ideal time is when the leaves are off the trees and before snow is on the ground. Mayor Mason told Councîl they would not be obligated to con- tinue the survey even though a preliminary stcp will be made in having an acrial picture taken. "If it (the survey) is forced upon us," he said, "then it has to be donc." Immediate plans in this respect includes the photographinjg of Bowmanviiie. Further activity will be left ta the 1951 Council. Sign on Water Tower Attracis Attention 0f Passing Tourists The first time "BOWMAN- VILLE" was painted on the al- uminum colored water tower, the two and a haif foot letters looked rather small. Now, at five feet, they are eye-catching and directed south in order to attract the attention of tourists travell- ing on the new 4-lane highway. Sixty-five-year-old Gea. Kemp- thorne the man usually found at the disposal plant, is responsible for the neat work on the aide af the tower. It takes a great deal af nerve and courage ta work at such a height under steeple-, jack conditions and many lesser men would flot attempt such a project. But Mr. Kempthorn is used ta great heights. In his younger days he clinfibed the rig- gin' on many a windjammer that plied the Great Lakes, and he bas painted such towers and church steeples in the past. According ta George Chase of the Bowmanviile Public Utilities. the new tower will be painted every four years. Some towns do not adhere ta this practice, but Bowmanvilie will "paint for pro- tection" as the saying goes. The Final Contesi In Public Speczking At B.T.S. Friday The semi-final contests in Pub- lic Speaking sponsored by the Trustees' and Ratepayers' Asso- ciation were held in Blackstock and Millbrook on Friday everi- ing, Nov. 3rd. At Blackstock, Mr. C. R. Car- veth, Newcastle, President of the Association, was chairman. with Mrs. F. W. Bowen as Sec'y, and eigh young people who had won contests in their own townshio or town trying for their chance to speak at the County finals tb be held at the Boys' Training Scbool. Bowmanville. Each contestant was a credit to bis sehool, in the manner in which he spoke, and handled his subject, and judges had a diffi- cuit task in deciding winners. Listed are the five winners and their topics: Wanda McFarlanc, Bowmanville, "My Home Town": Joan Venning, Cartwright, "Wood in the Life of Canada"; Ronald Munroe, B.T.S., "The Control of Atomic Energy"; Beverley owl- You sacrificed a lile For Freedom from want, Hunger,' strife. Our future is gone; Now, I pray for yau, Armistice Day. My Son. -Dan Sull!vané hd.indentCOMPETITIVE PRICES PLUS PERSONAL SERVICE les en 1, 1én SPECIAL VALUES AND REMINDERS FOR THURSDAY FRIDAY AND SATURDAY SEIDLITZ POWDERS, Package of 7's, reg. 29c - 23e SODA BICARBONATE, 4, 8, 16-oz., reg. 10c, 15c, 25c ---- -- 7c, llc, 19c WILD STRAWBERRY, I.D.A. Brand, reg. 35e - 27e SAVE 20% on ail cosmetics! Croama, uosnrntlci, colognes and everythlng mse ta mako you Vit-Rdiant . .. they're ail on sale of a wond.m-ful 20%7 savlng 1 Vritarnin Creamn................... Reg. $1,50 Cleansing Cream ................. Reg. 1.10 Vitalescence Cream ............... Reg. 3.50 Dermaskin....................... Reg. 3.75 Deodarant Cream ................ Reg. .75 Smoathskin Lotion................ Reg. 1.10 Vidafilm ........................ Reg. 2.00 Lipstick ................. ....... Reg. 1.25 Cream Rouge............. :....... Reg. 1.00 Cake Rouge ..................... Reg. 1.10 Face Powder de Luxe.............. Reg. 1.50 Face Powder, box ................ Reg. 1.15 Sale prlced $1.20 Sale prlced .88 Sale priced 2.80 Sale prlced 3.00 Sale prlced ,.60 Sale prlced .88 Sale prlced 1.60 Sale priced 1.00 Sale priced .80 Sale prlced .8 Sale prlced 1.20 Sale priced .92 AROMATIC CASCAÈA, 3 & 6-oz., reg. 30c, 58ec ---- - --- ---- - - 22c, 39c WHITE EMBROCATION, 4 & 8-oz., reg. 29c, 48e - - ----- -- 22c, 33e MOUTH WASH, 4 & 16-oz., reg. 23c, 69e 18c, 54c SYRUP of FIGS & SENNA, 3-oz., reg. 33c - --23e One-A-Day Multiple Vitamins -- 1.25, 2.50, 4.25~ Kepler'5 Malt and Cod I Frosst's Liquid - 1.35, 2.95, 4.95 Ledre Vi-Delta EmlSiOn $1.25, $2.25 Vae t $1.15, $2.70 Vitaýîee r Oi 75c, $1.75 10-b bD Cod Li'e 60c, $1.29 Squibb od Liver 011 .$2.00,---7.00 Vacagen Tablets -------------$1250, $32 ,helcm Avicaps--- ---- $1.25 32 BrokBlood Bitters 60c,.$1.20 ýMe i CodLive Oil$1.1g, $1.98 Idamalt, 1I -)A. Malt ard CodcLîver 0,$18 1, 2z and 4 lbs. - 5,$.918c Cre-O-Tofleq I.D.A. Tonic ------------8 IdfrI.D.A. Iron and Vitarnin B Compufld$37 Capsules, 60'sq 2409s -- $1.25) $1.25 IdfrLiquid------------- - -- -- - ---- $1.00 Idaphos I.D.A. Nerve Tonie $.0 WarnPole's Extract Cod Lîver 011 -- $1.00 Ayerst Aiphafiettes .-... $1.00, $1.85, $3.50, $15-00 Parke-Davis Ahdol with Varnn ---- $2.70, $4.95, $11.50 Ovaltile ------ --- -------- 3 5.0098 Wyeth'5 VituleS Capsules, 100' --- 50 MERCOLIZED WAX Cream 87c PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY MeGoregor, Your Local I.D.A. Drug Store HFII1DS-UP Drugs Phone 792 ing, Bowmanville, "Princesi El-. izabeth"; Ruth Miller, S. S. Nd. 4, Manvers. "Queen Mary," In- spectar McEwen spoke while the judges, Mr. Savery, Principal of King St. School. Oshawa, and twý) teachers from Oshawa, drew tup the scores. Mrs. W. Clarke, Bow- manville, announced the names of the winning contestants. At Millbrok, Mr. W. H. Jordan, Port Hope, lst Vice-President, was chairman, where out af ten contestants, the first f ive werè Brenda Wakely, Port Hope; Lau- rie Stapieton, Newtonviile; Di- ana Scott, S.S. 11, Hope; HeIeri Ingram, Miiibrook and Bernard Brinklow, S.S. 5, Cavan. The five Blackstock winnersý and five from Millbrook. will eacil receive a silver cup. The winneý of each school in the county will receive a crest. The County Finals will be held Friday. Nov. 10, at the Boys* Training School, and an invità- tion is extended ta everyarie th corne out and give support ta the§. junior orators. * t e- a. I DO WMAN VILLE SAPTIST MISSION Nelson Street between Ontario and Liberty Pastor, Paul T. Holliday Sunday, Nov. 12th 7:00 - Speaker: ROBERT HOLMES Special music by Ladies' Trio 2:50 - Bible School 8:15 - Fireside Hour A one hour programa of special interest to young people. Hearty singing, vocal and instrumental numbers and a power- packed message from Bob Holmes, athiete and gospel preacher. Mauy merseitems ut the susaie saving - ses sur dlsplayl FIME lfwih svery Vite Ray purchase: The Vifa'Ray 5kin. Awakening Course ... a complete guide to home beauty care. REMEMBRANCE My Son: 1 gave you ta Freedom, And you fought for lt; I remember. We saw a future af Peae It neyer came. What ai Korea? You said it would corne; 1 remember. -Kimuz&m

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