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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Nov 1950, p. 12

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THURSDAY, NOV. 23rd, 1050 PAGE TWELVE Darling ton Council Changes Wardens To Commission Darlington Council met on Nov. 3 with members ail present and Reeve A. Milison presiding. Harold Milis was authorized to have necessary repairs made to maintainer and also have snow plow instailed to he satisfactory for snow ploughing. Council will advertise for a. mani with truck of flot less than 3 tons (four-wheel drive pre- ferred) with or without snow plow attached. Applicant to sup- piy men to operate the equip- ment. .4pplicant to state price by hour or otherwise. W. A. Theisburger addresed the Council regarding brush that had been cut and flot cleaned up, also that the public had been using his land as a garbage dump. The Canadian Oit Co. is advis- ed if it does not dig up the gas tank and put it in shape to keep out the xater, we change to Imperial Oul. The Assessor presented his report and assessment roll for 1951, which was accepted and he xvas paid. It was moved that the body of men now acting as Deputy Game Wardens in the Township be de- clared a Game Commission. that there must be a representative from the Township Council on the Commission, that the Com- mission have a proper siate of officers elected. D. J. Kean presented bis report on the survev of water and land levels between Lots 26 and 27, B.F. Concession. Letter wvas read from D. Bar- ton re: road condition. Council granted the Junior Farmers a grant of $25.00. Road Supt. presented bis report and vouchers for October which ivere accepted and vouchers ord- ered paid. Following bis were paid: Customers' Corner Because they want your A&P to h-ecome a better Place ta shop. our loyal employees are neyer completely satisfied with the job thcy are doing. That is why ail of us at A&P are constantly checking up on ourselves ta be sure of three things: Our prices are rîght. Our quality is high. Our Service is gooci. WiII you help the men women in your A&P by le us know how we rate on points? Please write: RelationsDi A&P FOOD STORES, 135 LA~UGHTON AVE TORONTO, ONT. .&P2Dmifi & u -,--a Valencla-22O's Oranges 1' I'foriiia Emperor, Grapes Fresh, No. 1 jCramberries THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. B'OWMANVILLE. ONTA1110 Stuart R. James, Employees' 1 Hampton Ladies Liabiiity PolicY ------------ $22.50 Hott1inWA Bell Telephone Co.,1 otoM nW. Service charges -----7.6'-0 Mrs. Rolph Speaker G. F. Annis, Sheep Inspection 2.50 Grant Bennett, 1 November meeting of Hampton Sheep damages 25.00 Women*s Institute was heid in N. J. Woodley, the Sunday Schooi roomn Nov. 16 Sheep Inspection 2.50 I with Zion W. A. ladies as guests. Richard Rowan,I Mrs. E. Cole, President, was in Sheep damages.------ 35.001 charge. After reading the min- Counties' Treas., utes and roll cail a business period Hospitalizatioti - .-.., -23.00 was conducted. Proceeds of ba- i James Publishing Co.,l zarr $143.00. Twenty dollars was Printing - _ ---- 68.53 voted to the Boy Scouts, $10.00 ..o Northcutt & Smith,1 the Homemakirig Club, $ 10.00 to Buriai fees - --- ------ --- -- 50-00 the Navy League. It was decid- Hampton Cemetery, ed to quiît quiîts, make pyjamas Plot, etc. -_- --- 27.00 and sleeping bags for Red Cross. Thos. Whillier and Co., Printing. etc..-.------------..80.961 North Group had charge of the, Neil C. Fraser, programme. The motto was read1 Fees, etc., ---------------118.95 by Mrs. A. E. Billett. A nuniber' J. D. Hgarth.of interesting current events were J.ct og ar.......,50 given by Mrs. H. Truli. Mrs. J. D. Hogarth, Mrs. Keith Billett favoured with Excise and Postage........---40.00 a piano solo. Gordon Wilbur. Mrs. Rolph * Orono, District Oul Stove and Oil.----- 94.60 President, was guest speaker and Canadian Oil Co., gave a very interesting and help- Stove Oil.............------ 19.26 ful talk on "Ail Standing Com-I Wm. Lycett, mittees of the W. I." One thing Assessor.............---- 1176.50 Mrs. Rolph stressed was the re- Frances Jose,. sponsibility of mothers to make Grant Jr. Farmers -- --- 2500' aur homes what they should be, Relief ..- - . ----- --- 147.25 provide good healthful food and Roads and Bridges ------ 5892.78 to have a loving, understanding __________ heart. Always live up to what you tell your children. We must Thle Siaiesman Sold 'try to make our homes the heal- ing place of the soul, not only for Ai Following Stores our own family but also for u ________ riends. Dyer's Drug Store, Newvcastle. A bountiful lunch wvas served Walto's. ewcatle. by the North Group. Next meet- D. Dec. 7th. Roll call, gift ex- Wilson & Brown, Nextonville. change, value 25c. T. M. Siemon. Ennîskillen. F. L. Byam, Tyrone. G. A. Barnon. Hampton. T 1 C K E T S Newton Taylor's, Burketon. TO EVERYWVHERE .Wm. Hackwood. Pontypool. Air. Rail or Steamshlp H. T. Sayweli. Blackstock.Cosi C. B. Tyrreil,,Orono. osl LH. K. Reynolds, Kendal. JURY & LOVELL .W. J. Bagneil, Jury & Loveil BowmaflVille J. W. Jewell, W. J. Berry and 15 King S t. -W. Phone 778 The State-man Office.% n and ,etting these *11* doi 49< fanes' 2 Ibs 25c clla box 19e Prices on Hundreds of Items Every Day- Will Save You More Money on Your Total Food Bill Than Just a Few One-Day or Week-End "Specials"!1 What a big help it would be if you could buy every- thing you need for every meal in one store . . . and save money, too! Weil, you CAN . . . at your A&P Super Market. Because A&P's policy of storewide low prices every day on hundreds of tems makes it unnecessary to trudge from store to tore. Thanks to this policy, you can make savings on hundreds of good things. rather than on just a few. And it stands to reason that such storewide savings will add up ta much more than those you might made by getting a few one-day or week-end "specials". Bokar Coffee Custom Ground lb 91c Milk Bread Ano Page Iced whi te or brown 24-oz loaf 13c MAincemleat Mapie Leut 2-lb tin 39c Christie's Sodas Premîium 1lb pkg 27c Miracle Whip Salsd Dresî,ing 16'az ar 47c Ogilvie Flour 5-lb bag 35c Choice Tomames 'A & tins 35c Olii Cheeç,e Fine Canadien lb 43c Red or Blue Brand Beef, Canada's Finest Grade, Wall trimmed ta give you more meast with lots watts. Steaks or RoasaIs lb 79c b 67c lb 25 Po 47c I Fancy, washod, ready ta coole Spinach clla pkg 19C Mclntosh, crisp, jucy, fancy grade Apples 3 Ibs 29e Floride marsh eedle, No. 19' Grapefruit 10 for 49C Quaker Oats Red glace Cherries Cut mix Peel s.lected pieces Walmuts Quaker 48-ai pkg 35e 7-oz pkg 29C 7-ai pkg 17C 8'oz pkg 39C Ç;irlà.à*e' rRamijac R udam Muffets '13, aB oa mt Faney > i 2 P r 'ud r Pin.k Salin.'f c P@kShuds Aylmor Kid.ey Suset Chl Sauce 2 9- wibs 33c Buig Fowl JUST REDUCEO Cam"L.m Wu 2 §-x m 21c 1 ous Lard r. 21c blacis bone out fresI, ahanklese chopped chaice grade A THE GREAT ATLANTIC & PACIFIC TEA COMPANY LIMITED Wed in King St. United Church, Oshawa MR AND MRS. JOSEPH ERNEST POTIPCOE whose marriage »'as solemnized recently at King Street United Church, Oshawa. Formerly Miss Wilhelmina Veen- h'of,.the bride is the daughter of MVr. and Mrs. John Veenhof, of Bowmanville, and the bridegroom is the son of the Rev. and Mrs. Ernest Potipcoe, of Toronto. -Courtesy Oshawa Times-Gazette Ava Rd_,,-Toronto barrister. who died Sunday, Nov. 19, at Toronto Western Hospital after several months' illness. Interment was in Mount Pleasant Cemetery. A member o! the Firm of Tilley, I ('n Morlock and McCrim- Hermorn. Hastings County. nTPTA VTri I1888 she was united in mar- UJJITUARY i niage to Eli T. Lumb who pre- JMe deceased her in 1946. After their GEORGE W. WEBB- marriage they kept a general. George W. 'Webb, 68, of Beth- Store at Fort Stewart until 1915 3any. died in hospital Sunday, Nov.Ç whenthe moed t Bacrot, 9th, following a lengthy illness. S Ont. He was born in Pontypool, son ofi Mr. and Mr. Lumb spent 19 the late James Webb and Eliza1 wmters in Tampa, Florida, Jane Cartrijîl, and has spent ai where Mr. Lumb. was active ini lifetime as a farm laborer in the' real estate business. They re- Pontypo6l and Bethany districts. turned to Canada for tl!e sumn- He was an adherent of the Unitedw mers* which were spent ini Ban- Church. fl croft. He leaves three brothers. Alex- E Mrs. Lumb was an active mem- andler of Pontypool. and Samuel siv 'ber of the United "Church until and Edward H. of late years. She had a very keen The funeral was held Tuesday én mmd which she retained to, ber with Rev. Dr. D. Bruce Gordon of ~ Ideath. Her body aged but her _________ mind remained active. She had a fieChristian character and al who knew her respected her and E 1eived an inspiration from her. AR W O The funeral service was con- Î R W O ducted by Rev. S. R. Henderson of Trinity United Church, Bow- LAID - SANDED manvilie, with Rev. Albert Hie, Toronito, conducting the commit- tai rites at St. James' Cemnetery i ort. unbybrsn FLOOR SANDER in. Too. u Bancroft; Dr. J. u lo~ lnlurb C. Lumb. Miami Beach, Fa.; Mrs. Tl loç ioem ub T. B. Lebeau, Calgary, and Mr-,. linoleum in yard goods. P W. J. Leask, Bowmanville. A and bathn son, W. E. Lumb, B.Sc., D. & O.FreEtm L.S., of Kingston, died in Junere Est Cn iee of this year. "tn ihCniec The ibeautiful floral tributes testified to the high esteem in which the deceased was held. M e LE G C Pailbearerswere ber six grand- .sons',,Yroid, Jack and Stead R.R 1, OSHAWA Lumb, William, Robert and Don- aid Leask. OBITUARY .;. E. PHILP TILLE Y Funeral service was heid Tues- GETTE PHONE 3744W, me 'I cannot think of a single rea- mon, Mr. Tilley was borti in Bow- S.S.No. , Clrke son xvhy 1 should smoke at all."' manville. son of the late Dr. and _______1 sold tobacco for years and Mrs. A. S. Tilley. After attend- Mr. and Mrs. W. Gibson and smoked foi' fifteen years, and quit in omie schoolshe gri- ,family spent the weekend in To- what I thought was a dirty habit, uated i cnmc rmteUi ronto with Mr. and Mrs. Hen- ai-d did me no good. versity of Toronto in 1925 and i ng and saw the Santa Claus ln parts of U.S.A. the regula- v as admitted to the Ontario bar parade. tion on travel I beliex'e ne "No after graduation from Osgoode Smoking" is really enforced, and I Hall in 1928. In 1942 he became farnuly w r and Mrs. Biskeand ldsame could be well tried out a partner of the Itw firm he had Fisk, oth Mi. adMs rc here, as a measure of greater trav- entered as a student, which w&as Pontpooi el comfort. then headed by' bis uncie, the laie jMr. and Mrs. Bob Kent and Thanking you foi' xour space, W. N. Ti]ley, K.C. j fmil vsitd Ms.Holbs'niAil Old Curmudgeon. During bis university years, Mr. Port Perry, the occasion being Tilley \vas actix'e in swimming Mrs. Holtby's 84th birthday. an aepo.Hetasaem Bob Kent, Chas. Fisk, MarieOBTU Y ber of Grace Churchon-the-Hill. Kent and Fred Fîsk attendedth the TorntoClb, he ornto Roya WiterFairon ondx'.Lawyers' Club and the Vaiety Miss Sharon Kent. Oshawa, MRS. E. T. LUMB Club. with Mr. and Mrs. Bob Kent.Suvinarbs doJn Mr. D. B. Stockdale and Miss After a year f ili health Jan- C. Harper TiIley: a daughter. Car- Doris, Toronto, xith Mrs. F. Bow- nett Mather, bciovedi wife of the ai Jean; to sons. Edward Ross en on Sunday. 1 late F11 T. Lumb passed axxay at and Ian Harper Tilley. and one Mrs. Roy Branch and Betty and the home of her dauglhter, Mrs. rterD.A.osTieT- I Mr. and Mrs. C. Glernney and W. J. Leask, Boxymanville, onl ronto. family were in Toronto Satuî'da., Sunday night, Nov. 12. _________ to the Santa Claus Parade and à ni nrkCut n153 attended the Royal Winter Fair'. of Scottish parents, she resided The charities that soothe, anc' Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. there until 15 years of age xvhe.î heal. and bless, lie scattered a Calvert Barchard. formerly of No. she i*oved with her family to the feet of men like flowers. 9, on the birth of a son, Kenneih - Edward. in Oshawa Hospital Fni- day morning. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Budd. Dale, with Mr. and Mrs. Bill f 1 1 1 Barchard on Thursday. In the Editor's Mail, November 15, 1950 Dear Mr. Editor: 1The habit of smoking on trains. and on busses more particuiarý.v has become a nuisance to many folks, and in hav fever seasoa, and again now when busses are, closed because of colder air, ita brings great discomfort, and evcn travel sickness. At suggestion of Conductor on a recent train trip, I moved into air conditioned coach for greatcr comfort, only to find on one side of coach a clergyman, and on th.-, other a number of women reallY burning At up with the tobacco weed. jOn busses, ex-en after the driv'- er has suggested "smoking in~ three rear seats only," I find very commonly teen age girls and nid- er ones. as well as some men art- ing as tho' special privileges were theirs. I have also seen bus driv'- ers returning from work, (two or three at a tire) sitting in front seats, and settîng the amazingly bad exampie of smoking freely. Where people gather together in conventions, are also becoming very smoky affairs. I have asked jmany fo]ks why they smoke, ju.t for information, and the common answer "because others do." One prominent man who smoked toid YOUR EYES and Rewritten from previous 1copyrights of Optometrist Disney BIdg. (Opp. P.O.) Oshawa, Phone 1516 No. 127 When it is found that certain strain is feit at this time in the distant seeing as well as in thç close range, two pairs of glasses or the double vision lens is nec- essary and for certain forms of work even three pairs of glasses or a trifocal lens is used. Those cases, accustomed to good distant vision, 'having low hyper- opia or astigmatismn that neyer caused eyestrain in early ie. may cause it when the accommodation is lowered to only a littie more than the error of refraction. (Copyrighted) UI1IVL fora H1EALTHY CHRISTMAS Buy T.B. Christmas Seals wlAT Yo'UR 00l SIIED 11AVEN 1946 4,654 perSo t 0e1' inav West par 1jran CountS. t- 1941Y 2,700 nersons ,,,ere d cornpeting et -I:Layed~ the CoufltY- 1948 - a PartIV paid 10or ait Xu-RY acine f or Durl'arnçut useh... nd X.Bayed 06persofls. 3ished pe dXrsoti Mchine an 1950 Re.urvyedtheCountY and R S00 persans the XRayed There were a t tersn y,.Rayed at h 'iŽealth 'Unit Clinics. Once again as the gay Festive Season approaches you are beiîîg asked ta heip wipe out T.B. from this district and frui!t cur country by purchasing and using T.B. Seals. During this week through the mails you wvi1l receive your letter containing your Christmas Seals and a return en- velope. By sending your contribution in the return envelope you. are helping ta continue the job of wiping out T.B. that was started in this county f ive years ago. This work rnust stili be carried on and your co-operation will assist in making this a heaithier place in which to live. The Seals are again "One Dollar" per sheet and con- tributions of any size are weicome, A receipt wi]l be sent upon 'equest. Cheques should be made payable ta the Christmas Seal Treasurer, D. W. Al1in.. Sponsored by The Bowmanvîlle Lions Club With the Assistance of Newcastle Lions Club and Co-operating in the 24th National' Campaign of Tbe Canadian Tube rculosis Association i A & P Price Polie y Storewîde Iow prices on hundreds of îtenms everyva' . . . instead of a few ane-day or week-end "specials." Adx'ertised prices are guaranteed for anc week, even though market prices go up. \Vc 1elieve this policy helps our customners save mare morley. M'ith the correct price marked on everv' item, plus an itemized cash regis- ter slip .- you knaw what yau save at A &P. 1 :Crea's Ccmetery, Pontypool. Skinnymenywonen' gain 59,10,15 Ibs, cet Now=pp, Viun, irigor- 'bt. atil!sony Iimbs CI u: tyblov rousands p kas " Ostre.htbuIiding tomec. Enrices blond; aIdl appet'. dig on. $0 food ,,,es ou norepetp, urishmfltpula l 1b o ireboes Do'tter ett n 0 at. Stop when 0urabwih o desire. Introductory size oni7p I. Try Osre T nic Tablets for new potnd S. nw pep, vim and vitatitY, today. At &U drusu.ta IFLOORS IS FOR RENT ýoomsd es Given on a Leggette Floor"

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