~br t4te~nÏ~nr "<Durham Count-'s Great Familv i Jurnal'. VOLUME 96 BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 23rd, 1950 6c PER COPYNUBR4 I - mmmmaloaul U amaà mm411*igbla&aIUIKDIi Durham County citizens gn The naw Ministar of Raform arally, expressad considarabie Institutions won the Victoria Cross pleasure and prida in the an- at Dieppe on August 19, 1942. He nouincement made by Premier1 was captured there and spant the Frost on Tbursday that Major 1 balance o! the war un a German John W. Foote, mamber o! the prsner-of- war camp. Major Legislature for Durham and win- Foote is 46. ner o! the Victoria Cross as a Can- "Major Foota is, I baliave, the adian Army Chapiain at Dieppe, fîrst bolder o! the Victoria Cross had baen eievatad to the Ontario to be an Ontario Cabinet. Min- Cabinet as Ministar o! Reform istar," Mr. Frost said. "Major Institutions. Foota brings to this port!olia, This appontmant was made which is so vitaily concarnad with nacessary due to tbe resignation the rebabilitation o! men and o! Hon. W. E. Hamilton, as Min- women, great qualities o! haart istar o! Ra!orm Institutions to be- and mind and a waalth o! buman coma Vice-President and Ganeral understanding." Manager for Canada o! the Paul Ontario is pionearing Iu the Rayera Lifa Insuranca Company work o! rehabilitating alcoholics o! the Unitad States. The Comp- and Major Foota will continue any wiil establisb a Canadian with it, the Premier said. baad office at Hamilton about De- "Major Foote and bis assist- cembar lst. Premier Frost said ants," hae said, "have engaged iu Mr. Hamilton will ramain in the a great deal o! study o! this prob- Cabinet as a Minister without lam and much o! the research portfolio and will continue to rap- dona bas been original, but he rasent the riding o! Wellington bas taken advantage o! informa- South. tion !rom anywhare, includîng the Major Foote is rasigning as work doue at Yale University." Daputy Chie! Commissioner o! the Major Foote xvas born May th, Ontario Liquor Control Board. 1904, at Madoc, and was educat- ed at the University o! Western Continua W'ork Ontario, London; Queen's Uni- Mr. Frost said that Major Foote,; versity, Kingston, and McGillj altbougb retiring as Daputy Li- 1 University, Montreai. quor Commissionar, "will continue Ha was married in 1929 to the' to do the important work in which former Edith Sheridan o! Brock- ha is praseutly engaged reiating to villa. Ha was eiected to the Lag- the cura and rehabilitation o! ai- isiature in the 1948 general alec- coholics." ton.j Women Should Voice More Opinion In Public Affairs States Speaker Importance o! wornen's voices in 1miess, for wornen do so much buy- goverifiments at ail levels was ex-i ing, both for thernselves and for pressed by Miss Nazla L. Dane of their husbands and families; why, ,,noronto, who was guest speaker then. shouldn't our national qWethe dinner meeting of the Bowv- housekeeping-our government- "---ianville Business and Profession-j be run by men AND women-131 al Women's Club on Thursday, of each?" November 16. 1 Turning to Canada as a ]and of Miss Dane. who is President o! opportunity, Miss Dane said: the Business and Professional "Canada is a wonderful coun- Womens Club of Toronto, 15 lin try. Some seem to think no new charge ot the educational andi opportunities rernain . .. but they the women's division of the Ca-' are everywhere ... in science, in adian Life. Insurance Officers' industry, in medicine, in schools. Association. "o long ago the Canadian Introduced by Mrs. H. Jeffreys, Chamber of Commerce made a she pointed out that more thaii survey of the top men ànd wom- 1,000,000 women are gainfully! en in business and industry. They' employed and drew pay checks in1 found that neariy ahl of thein Canada; that 85 per cent of &il1 started at the bottom and work- estates left by Canadians is in ife ed their way up. So I did a sur- insurance and that women are the vey o! my own in the life insur- beneficiaries of ail life insurance ance business and found the same purcha.sed in Canada; that wo.m- pattern rui-ning through it. Ai- en purchase 20 per cent of ail life most wîthout exception the top insurance sold in a year and that; men and women in the life insur- G e women's vote in the last Fed- ance business are the product of ai election accounted for 51 per smail towns and farms and corne t of the total. fromn families of modest means. Miss Dane continued: Many of thern had to work their "Women have about 51 per cent way through college, univ'ersity, of the votq in this country. If some through business coilege. they wanted to, they could throw They started as clerks and juniors a government right out of office.1 in the companies for which they Apparently we didn't get behindt now work or in some othar... the womnen candidates in the lasti1 one girl started as a switchboard eiect.ion, for there are no womeR operator and is now the Man- in the House o! Commons. My' aging Director of her company. ambition is -to see 131 women Through their own efforts thesej there. Why 131? people have corne up the steep "Sortie months ago one of th path of accomplishment to pos- life insurance companhes, a mem- ition.. of great responsibiiity and ber of the Association for which prestige." 1 work, sent me a littie booklet Urging women to accept great- entitled "Men and Women Belong, er responsibilities in public life,É Togeter.»Of cursethe Miss Dane said:a Togthe."0! ourethe wee Women are doing things which thinking of famîlies,' protection, wilgi o hr xeinei lite 4nsurance and such. But Isee.wl gi orte epren1~ î it mnuch more than that. We ail various kinds and knowledge of acknwlege tat en ad wrn-business and finance. They are, belong oge the n thehome delving into national and inter-c en belonai affairsr lnhetheihomeno for greatest happiness and secur- ainl far s hywilko 1ty; they belong togethor in bus- (Continued on page six) Extra Hour's Sleep Turn Clock Back Confusion Ends At long last the welrd con- fusion wrought by the diffar- anca in Daylight Savlng Time and Standard Tima will be brought to an end this Sun- day morning. The Town of Bowmanvilla along wlth oth- er municipalities that have beau on Daylight S&vlig.Time since early spring wili offlel. aiiy revart to Standard Time on Sunday, Novembar 26. Tha officiai time that this happy avent is to take place is at 2 a.m., but it won't be breaking any rulas if you turn your wateh and dlocks back one hour bafora you go to bad. Retiring Manager Feted by Staff of Bank of Commerce The staff o! the Canadian Bank o! Commerce, Bowmanvilla, beld a dinner at the Idalia in Port Hope, Thursday, Nov. 16, to bon- o ur R..L. Mitchell and bis wife oi the formar's ratiremant !rom the active bauking world. Foiiowing a dinner anjoyed by Commerce staff membars and wivas o! staff mambars, C. W. ýStewart, as spokesman for the gathering, presented Mr. Mitchell with a Ronson table lighter and a novel jet pipa iightar. In a short impromptu speech dalivarad in the lounga o! the Idalia, tha ratiring bank manager raiated a part o! bis axperience in the banking world. If anything, he touchad on the humour to be found in life, and the humour n banking. Mr. Mitchell said ha w.as sorry to leava such a ganial and co-operativa staff as that prasently arnployad at the Can- idian Bank o! Commerce, Bow- nanvilie. ir Former Assessor Receives $350 In Settiement of Claim Wa ara informed that Town- ship o! Darlington Council bas made sattiamant with J. R. Reyn- olds, former Assessor, for $350.00. The aboya settlement was made out o! court with Mr. Reynolds who was Assessor for the aboya Township over a pariod o!f ive yaars. Mr. Reynolds was ap- pointad Assessor in 1945 and con- tinuad to ba Assassor until ha was paramptoriiy dismissad as such Assassor without auy just or su!- ficient causa or any notice what- soavar. The manner in wbicb the notice o! this dismissal appeared in the press as rapresentiug the min- utes o! the Counicil suggastad that the Assassor had also coutrived with the Reeva, Mr. Arthur Mill- son, to have a note signad involv- ing the Municipality. Aftar in- vestigation it was !ouud to ba ab- solutely faise. Howavar the dam- age to the nama o! the Assassor as weil as the Reeve had beeu lona. As a rasuit the only racoursa to the Assassor f0 bava bis nama :iearad was f0 sua for damagesj and wrong!ui dismissal, with the above sattiemant out o! court ba- izg muade.i Contract Awarded Io H. M. Brooks Coe. For Four-Boom Addition Io School Bowmanville Board of Educa- tion has awarded the contract for the building of the new four- room addition to the Ontario Street School to H. M. Brooks Co., Oshawa. This contract for. the, actual construction is at a fixed price o! $51,250 but is subject tq the ýapproval o! the Municipal Board, Toronto. I This construction company Is the same firm that built the ne\v Ontario Street School which was officialiy opened a year ago. The Board has requested in the con- tract that as many local sub-con- tractors ba used as is possible. Hig~ gon Elactric will ba reciving tkl electrical sub-contract. In addition to this construction axpenditure it is astimated that approximately another $8,500 wil be raquired to furnisb the rooms, pay architect's feas, and other ASniaii items. Town Council at a spaciai meet- ing Tuasday night passad the first two raadings o! the By-Law authorizing the axpanditure o! $60,000 on this addition. The By- Law now goas to the. Municipal Board for their approval. Union Turns Down Goodyear Offer Want Several Changes in Contraci Considerable exciternent was granting any major amendrnents noticeable in town Friday after- or "fringe" issues to the contract, noon when the blare of The Radio a decision which the Union feit Shop sound car announced a it couid not accept. Apparently, shutdown at the Goodyear Plant. had the contract been signed A meeting of ail members of Local without adjustrnent of the issues 189, United Rubber Workers, had other than the wage clause, neg- been called at the Town Hall for otiations would have been ciosed the purpose of confirming or re- until February, 1952.' The Uniop jecting the Goodyear Cornpany's felt that certain changes in the offer of a general wage increase.1 contract should be deait with at According to Union sources, i this time. over 500 were present at the meet- In the meantirne, Mr. Jones ing and after considerable dis- stated, every effort is being made cussion led by Union Presîdent to have the cornpany re-open Ivan Hobbs, and International negotiations on an altered con- District Director Norman Allison, tract. the members were unanimous in rejecting the Company's offer. In an interview with E. A. W M Jones, Union Publicity Director,W m it was learned that negotiations on amendments and revisions to the current contract as well as the general wage increase, have been under discussion for some tirne. Some of the points at issue were union demands for additionarl paid legal holidays, ad- ditional vacation periods for long service empioyees, seni or it y clauses and pensions. Mr. Jones suggested that the '. company felt they could not go along with the bargaining unit in -- Mike"s Imperials Play First Game Port Hope, Sat. The hockey season ls at hand. At ieast, that's what Mike Osborne says, and he should know, consldering that Friday night Mlke's li- perlais wili be hack-checking the Cobourg team, last seas- oa's runners-up, at Cobourg. Game time lu 8:30 p.m. Saturday wvlI1 see the same two teamns vleing for honours at 8:30 (Standard Tîme> on Bowmanville's home ica at the Port Hope Arena. Next Wednesday, the Imperials wlIl taka on Lindsay and this game, too, will be played lu Port Hope, same time, same place. Specili busses ieaving IMke Osborne's Service Sta- tion on King Street at 7:30 (Standard Time> will ferry you to the Port Hope game aud "get you in" for $1.50. This amount covers the cost of the transportation and the hockey ticket. People rld- ing busses to the game get la the game frc& DMinister of Reform Institutions Two Accidentq, Large Congregations At St. Paul's On Church S, In One Day 1161h Anniversary Services Featurel Tuesday was accident day on D Bowmanviiie's Church Street. y T oC aln iu iso re At approximately 7:55 a.m. ,aUY T o C ain ig D so re car driven by Bonisiaw Wolnik came into contac< with a Brown's A day of inspiration and rededi- "The naw note in the Chur( Bread truck, driven by Wm. cation to the work o! God 's King- today" said Dr. Pidgeon, 'lis tl Overy, at the corner o! Church dom marked the 1 l6th Anniver. power o! the iayman." Each or and Silvar Streets. There is no sary o! St. Paul's United Church, o! us has a contribution to mal traffic sign at this intersection. when large congregations had the which no one aise can make.1 Mr. Wolnik was on his way to privilega o! hearing in the morn- the excuse which most peop the Memorial Hospital, his place ing the Very Rev. Geo. C. Pid- give, that they have not tha abi o! work, when the accident oc- geon, M.A.,D.D. LL.D., first ity or the training to promote t] curred. Travelling east on Church Moderator o! the United Church work o! the Church, Dr. Pidgec Street, he came to the intersec- o! Canada, and in the evening answered that Jesus called unedt tion and is alleged to have slowed Rev. Gordon W. Porter, M.A., cated fishermen to be full tinr bis car. The Brown's Bread B.D., o! St. Paul's-Avenue Road workers for hirn, and with on] truck was coming north on Silvar Church, Toronto. Before enlist- three years' training sent thei Street. in s a Chaplain in the Army in on the greatest mission in th It wouid appear that both truck the Second Worid War, Mr. Por- world. Jesus works in the worl andcarariva atth inersc-ter was minister o! the Garden through persons, and before t], tio atthesam tie ad wreHill circuit, and many friands organization, that is the Churcl momentari]y hesitant as to whoditct erprst must corne the organisme. a lil! had the right o! way. Evidantyfo ha thabred tucwasinthe yro-to hear him. giving force, the zeai o! th cesso! rosingthe ntesecion Rev. H. A. Turner, minister nf people. TeCuc utny whe te Wlnk cr ameinSt. Paul's, conducted both ser- rarnain static, but continue t contact with it. vices and' introduced the dis-grw "Jesus gave Hi& lifa," Di Chuchan Otaie tinguishad speakers. Rev. S. R. Pidgeon said, "so there must b. Shrty efrenon n heHenderson o! Trinity United no limit to His paopie's love fo same dayanaccie ntoccurr ea Church was aiso to have taken the worid He came to save."l Church aîîd Ontario Streets when part in the evening service but At the avaning service, Re' a 1948 Dodge driven by Norrnan was called away by a bereave,- Gordon W. Porter spoka on thi Plummar came in contact with a ment in his famlly. subject, "Are You A Blood Dor car belonging to Edward's Gar- In expressîng his pleasura In or," takîng hîs inspiration ali age, and driven by Francis Lee. baing in St. Paul's on its 1l6th from the Gospel o! St. John. G From reports, the Plummar car Anniversary, Dr. Pidgeon said gave Himsaif to the worl was travelling north on Ontario that he was last hera in 1902,j through Jesus; what response ai- Street when it came to the inter- when Rev. James Turnbuii was we making? Mr. Porter cha1g section o! Church. The Lee driv- minister o! St. Paui'îj. There will enged. The power o! God's lom en car was proceeding west on be some who no doubt rernember is great and capable o! ail things Church Street when the accident this occasion.j if we wouid only have faith in it happned Chhooingas hs sbjet, TheToday we live in fear o! the ator happened. Choosing s bisosubthctpowTr Hon. the Rav. and Major John W. Foote, V.C. Whila no astimata of tha dam- Curch" Dr. Pidgeon told o'bmi ero h oe . Member of the Ontario Legisiature for Durham County, who age is available, the Lee drivan the constituting o! tha Church by evil, but do wa 'stop to think o: has been appointed to the portfolio of Minister of Reform. car sustained a cut tira, a badly Jesus. as given in St. John's Gos- the power o! love, o! kindness anc Institutions. dîsplaced front wheel and a pel, Chapter 20; o! what Jesus ex- o! prayar, if given the opportun. _______________________________________________smashed fendar. The Plummer' pected o! the disciples in estab- 'ity? DO we believe that Go' car had its fendars dinted, bumper lishing t ha Church, and the trans- can save us from parishing, as nE ben, og]igt roan nditISfarenca o! His power, authority prnmised to whosoever bellaved Majo Jo n F oterMP fo Duham zh~atrecetl instailed andthe breathing of the Holy Hirn? We are putting ou. blajo JohnFool, KPP for D cim nti-feeze eake out nto te Sprit itotham ttenafaithemttodayitin thain te ell-madd street. achieve His goal. Than ha told i plans o! men, but aven man', Elev iedIo O taro Ca ine asAs far as it is known, no charge what ha baliaves Jesus expectsj highest genius is inadequata and Elvae t ntri abn t shas been laid in aither case. of the Church today, and of aach a (Cot ginu e Paetwe Mini;çtp-rnf i Ronu'm !ncrlfiiilniseidvda nteCuuh Cniudo aeS on's Club Presented With Charter I Thursday, Nov. 16, was an important date in the ;Toronto, guest speaker; Miss Doris Robinson, Presidenr, history of the Bowmanville ,Business and Professional shown rcceiving the charter from Mrs. Pewtris, Coboup,, Women's Club formed last spring. It was the evening on 'President of ail the clubs in District No. 5; Mrs. Ethel Ar-. fwhich the club's charter 'was presented. Shown here are stronsg Collins, Toronto; Miss Isobel Davis, and Mrs. R4tft I the executive of the club and t-uests of theevening, left to lIobbs. right. Miss Violet MeFeeters, Treas.; Miss N"zi L. Dane, Kinsmeni Plan Monte BigoIncome Tax Expert at Orono»,"e ýdTo-morrow Night iGvs eale xlaaip Weed sorne extra cash to halp C v sD t ie x l n to sl' dafray Christmnas gîft expenses9 I Coul1d you put up with a lîttie extra money in your pocket? Do C Farmers' tax Problems -ch you like to play Bingo? h.,. If any or ail o! the aboya three e questions relates to you, why flot (By Dan Sullivan) art and Chairman M. H. Stapl keattend the Kinsmen Monster Bin- Durham farmers, although eag- toid the iathering o! !armn foli Tgo Friday, Nov. 24, at the Bad- er and willing to pay their own that like-maetings hava been haie ase m inllCAH. a ame priz-j way through the medium of in. l cos Canada. "We find theiW il- e ilb AH coma tax. have been sornewhat a great heip to the Departmeht on If you have neyer attended a ignorant of the wvays and means as weii as to taxpayers," he said. ýu- Kinsmen Bingo, you want to an- o! complying with Ottawa dic - om ints stiggest different nesure attandanca this Friday night tates relative to the proper mcth- ways o! handling alxy ona partic- Jywhen the winner of the speciai od of computinc personal incofie ular problem," he added. Jack-Pot game will racaive the i1tax With this in mi, and in ThOtaa xert nfre heunpracedented sum o! $30.a Other order to promote a better -un- that ilicome tax was a "fair tax"l Idgarnes wiil be piayed on aSplit- derstanding o! common problerns, based on a person's abiiity to pay. tha iggr th prze. he urhm Feeraion ! Ari:"A large incoma merits a large hthe-pbasis th oe p laying culture througîi its senior part- tax," lýe said, and converseiy, "A ~. lan fortomrro, tday i-ai, the Canadian Feclaration. ar- srnall income mecrits a small t,%x." h2 Make sure you play bingo at the ranged for, and heid, a two hour, Ha informed the audience that the P~r Badminton Club Friday evening income tax query session xith 1 Income Tax Dcpartment %vas toand avail yoursaif of the oppor- Ottawa tax expert, D. J. Gi. powcriess to change the stipula. r. tunitv o! adding to your Christ- R. A. Stewart, past president itions o! theincorne Tax Act. >~ ascah.Neediess to say, all of the Ontario Faderation of Agri "That is a prarogative o! P#»- or proces o! the Bingo wiii -)c culture, and present Chairman ofimn, h ttd M.Gi~ used for Kinsmen Club Commun- the Income Tax Committea o! the seèrtad that the Dapartment woo Vity Service. Canadian Federation, said tîhe anxious to zee that averyone paM1 ie meeting, held ini the Town Hal' a fair tax, but that thay were not j Orono, Tuesday avening, was ari (Continuad on Page Six) Queued Cutir's ranged "to discuss this very vax- rz Nih Aw ds' SDesire Ducats stated that this would be accomp At B.T.S. Fridard e lished in two ways: The explan- Cutias In thea queue In front ation of income tax, as such, bv > Ce of McGragor's Drug Store on D. J. Gill, Director of the Prini- 1Ban S, ednsda afernon ere ary Proclucers Division of the In- 1 raw. younig athietes at tht ~, Wdnesay ftaroon ara corne Tax Departrnent, and the 1Ontario Training School for Boýî t. lot lntarestad, as British privilaga of interrogation opan to will ba bonoured a aqe nMa aqe )f woman once ware, in bring- ail 250 people present. Nov. 24, when cups, medais, tabs, )f ing home tha bacon. Instaad, Should further questions arisa: wli est add.Tse anquets d they had as thair goal an up- during perusal of the following: will bea aded Th e ba1nol. - right, pigeon-holed structura e pot Di'frmr.hv anda a s d Al x M G a o access to the Ilnco rne T ax D ep,. i, . A ccorcir u.«io ' -w m î ' r . e ad arase Alx cGrgo iment at Ottawa through the Can- caix'ed,. iiuýni~4 activi't3 d and Miss Novelda'Barry. adian Federation o! Agriculture. is intendied as a climax to a vi. r Seems the High Sehool la Tax Expert Introduced orous summer and fali athleU e hodin Comenemet E- Otawas D J.Gil, flloingprogram. Earl Cunningharn whu S holdingntCommencement Ex-A OtaSs .J ui eolwngwas first physical director at tC& d ercises naxt waak and 40 cent bi!itoutosb .A tw B.T.S., and presently is Directôt ticket holdars wara trying to o! Physical Training and Racra- S exehange thair orange du- Local Painter ation for the ,Departrnent o! Re- catsfor hosepreiouspast- Qform Institutions, will ba guest coasfrthotsell racosF stE- Sustains Concussion speaker. SEAT. I a A cdn Dava Preston o! S. G. Pres- N w Badminton Champs ton & Son, sustainaj a concus- N w uperintendent Preentd V ithsion in an automobile accident Bowmanville Hospitcd Preseted W th Pne mile west o! Weicoma at il Dale Racquets p.m. Sunday evening. In a head- A optlBadmeii on collision with an aast-bound AtaHsiaBor eti vehicie, Mr. Preston was knocked Nov. 16, Miss, Gertrude Dewell, Ail the birds havaeflot gonc unconscious and bis wife, Nor- R.N., wbo bas been AsitatSu- south this wintar and there are ma, was badly shaken uýp. -Dave perintendent for several years, quite a numbar o! them flying Preston is prasently in Bowman- was app'ointed Superintandant'ot around thé Bowmanvilie Badmin- ville Hospital. Nurses' o! Bowmanville Hospital. ton Club. Returning from the. home o! hl She bas been Acting Superintan- _Plenty o! activity bas been go- wife's mothar at Belleville, Mr. dent since Misg Lenore Harding >ing on at the club and they iost Preston was driving, at moder- rasignad last month.. their first inter-club maat*at Co- ata speed, in a westerly direction 1Miss 1 DawelI is davgbter of Mr' bourg but evened the score iast on1 No. 2 Highway. From rç-1 and Mrs. Alfread Daweil, ChuiîcI Tuesday night when they defeat- ports. it is alieged tha a St., Bowm aiivilia, and spént ber ed Cobourg 19 games to 14. travellin.g east eut out of a ni early chiidhood on a !arm. She The main avent at the Club o! east-bound traffic in an at. attended, Leskard and Bowman. lately bas been the special match tempt to pass. The east-bound ville Public Schools and Bowmgn. single tournament when Mal Dale lina was soiid and the passing ville High School. A!tar gradu. donated a racquet for the winner vehicle continued down the centre ation from Higb School, sha an- o! thea ladies' single and another o! the road to coilida with the tered training for a nurse at for the winner of the ifen's Preston car. According to an in- Nichois Hospital, Peterborough, singles. !ormed source, Mr. Preston at- frorn wbich, she graduated hi In the man's singles Ernie Niel- tempted to pull bis car to the 1941. Since than she continued son de!eated Bill Burges 1511, right shoulder o! the road in the nursing profession in Peter. 15-8 and Roy Swindels dafeated hope that three cars couid pass borough Civic Hospital and bas Gary Tighe 15-9, 11-15, 15-10 li simultanaously. Evidently, thay bean on the staff at Bowmanville the sami-finals. In the finals a!- couîd not. Hospital for about four yaars. ter Roy Swindells had a 14-7 From the appearance o! the She bas two brothars, Lou and lead, Ernia Nielson de!aatad him Preston car, presently parkad at Larry Daweii. botb o! Bowman- 17-14 and took the next game the City Service Station, Bow- ville. 15-9. manvilla, the aast-bound vahicle Miss Dewaii Is wail qualified Mai Dale made tha presantation struck it with great impact on the through training and axparience o! the badminton racquat to Er- le! t front. The fander, wheel and to f iii the administrative raspon- nia Nielson and congratulatad hîm le!t side o! the bood are com- sibilitias o! har naw position. She on a good showing. Ip letely ruined and the angine is: is a capable and popular nurse In the finals Ruth Thompson probably -in the sama condition. and is gifted with a pleasing pers- took straight games !rom Bett.Y The other car, it is said, had the onality which makes ber a fav- Batias11-, 1-8.motr shoved back undar the ourita with both the staff and Mr. d. oopr, apaeewasfront seat and this apparentl y patients. The Statasman joijâs Mr.Ed.HooerNapnea wa ,saved the occupants from injur I with her many friands and !orm- in town last weak visiting friands It is flot know if a charge is er patients in wishing bar con. and relatives. to be laid in this connaction. tinuad success as Suparintandant.