..~ Tv4VC~ AJa~ ~U1 ZLf~JPAGE Tiu TYRONE Mr. and Mms. Horace Hall and Rois visited Stewart Hall at Iso- lation Hospital, Toronto. We are gIad to report he is somewhat im- Proved. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Beech and son Gerald, Enniskillen, visited Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Hall. Mr. Jack Colbary, David and Skip, Brooklin, visited Mr. Carl Côlbary. Mn. Carl Colbary and Frank 0 Pek ptorhewith gy happy shades of Pittsburgh S Waterspar Ename!. Flows out e essily to a smooth gloss, dries qukckly, ca h washed te. ti peatedly and resists wear and Z abrasion. For interior and ex- terior une on wood and metal trim and J. H. Abernethy C Paint & Wallpaper ex Store i 85 King Street West e] BOWMANVILLE r p. CR* I TER visited ini Toronto and attendf the Santa Claus parade. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Yellowle 1and children visited Mr. and Mr Stanley Sharpe at Ida. Mr. and Mrs. Eari Masters an Gail, Enniskillen with Mr. an Mrs. E. A. Virtue. Rev. and Mrs. R. B. Harriso and Mr. Allun, Blackstock, wer tea guests of M--. and Mrs. Evei ton White on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Staintoi and family visited Mr. and Mn Russell Law, Port Hope. Mr. and Mrs.> Henry Stainto and family visited her aunt, Mr G. A. Speight, Oshawa. Mr. William Virtue, Orono,i visiting Mr. Milton Virtue. C.G.I.T. met Friday evenin with 14 present. After the devu tional and business a short ser vice was held to welcome the ne% members. Lunch was served ani meeting closed with taps. Mrs. R. Hatherly is spending few days at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Scott sper Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Har aid Martyn, Blackstock, and at tended anniversary services. Mrs. Hughson is visiting Mr. aný Mrs. G. Arnold, Gormley. Mr. and Mrs. Melbourne Phil lips, Essex, and Mr. and Mr: Harry Collacott, Bowmanvillh were tea guests of Mr. and Mrs C. W. Woodley Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Ewart Bragg anc family visited Mr. and Mrs. Lloyc Skinner. Mrs. Harold Skinner spent th( weekend with Miss Dorothy Skiný ner, Toronto, and attended thf Royal Winter Fair. Mr. and Mrs. Lamne Annis ant children visited Mr. and Mrs. Har. ris Little at Dunbarton. Mr. and Mrs. William Macdon- ald and Bruce visited Miss Min- nie Macdonald, Sunday, who is very ili in Cobourg Hospital. Mrs. J. A. Rosevear has return- ed home after canvalescing with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. 1. W. Larmar, Millbrook. Mr. and Mrs. T. Albert Findlay, Thornhill, visited Mr. and Mrs. Otto Virtue. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Rabson, Vemnonville, with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Miller. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Virtue visit- ed Mr. and Mrs. Hammy Fraser, Omono. Mms. V. Milîson, Toronto; Mr. Fred Moore, Bowmanville, with Mr. and Mms. Leon Moore. Mm. and Mrs. Harry Hatherly and children, Dixie, visited Mrs. R. Hatherly. Several from here chamtered Taylor's bus and attended the Santa Claus parade in Toronto Saturday mnorning. A great many fmom here attend- ed the Royal Winter Fair. W.M.S. ladies wish ta thank ahl those who helped make their ba- aar a success. Miss Helen Cale was guest of Mliss Grace Blackburn Salem. Miss Winnifred Cole, R.N., Miss Edna Gilbert, Mr. W. Gilbert, To- rnto, called on Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Cale. Salem Church was comfortably lled on Sunday afternoan ta ear speakers Rev. Frederico russili and Rev. Theadome Tuck- ýr of Angola,, Africa, who gave a iery intemesting talk on wark be- ng done there. Mrs. Douglas Cale, Misses Hel- ?n and Lillian Cale were in To- onto and enjayed the Ice Ca- )ades. Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Byamn and To Live in Bowmanvile MR. AND MRS. ROY GERRARD TRUDEAU principals in recent ceremony performed in St. Gregori Roman Catholic Church, Oshawa. The bride, the forn Miss Mary Margaret (Betty) Powers, is the daughter Mrs. Leo F. Powers, of Oshawa, and the late Mr. Powei and the bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Josel Trudeau, of Bowmanville. -Courtesy Oshawa Times-Gazet Grenville visited Mms. J. Lilli- cap, Cannington on Sunday, who was celebrating hem birthday. First meeting af Tyrane Junior Young People was held in the Sunday School on Monday night, NOV. 13. Rawlie Coombes had Icharge of the business period. It was decided ta give $200.00 ta the church fund and also make a payment of $20.001 for the Gestet- ner. Meetings will be held every Monday night. These officers were elected: President-Doris Park; Vice-Pres.-Wesley Hills; Secretary-Velma Taylor; Treas- urer-Patsy Phillips; Group Lead- ers: Fellowship-Bessie Yeo; Mis- sions-Rowlie Coombes; Culture -Veronica Friend; Citizenship- Ran Philp; Pianist-Doreen Rahm and Social Com.-Bessie Yeo, Vel- ma Taylor, Doris Park. Bessie took charge of the programme. Theme: "Our influence on oth- ers." Scripture by Danis and poem by Patsy. A very interest- ing talk an St. Luke, by Bessie; poemn by Doris. Rev. Lute led Ini a short sing-sang. (Intended for last week) Long Sault Home and Schaol £ ±bme iucay evening witn good attendance. Rev. R. M. Seyý MARR'S Jewellery KING ST. W. PHONE 463 ys ner of rs, ýph ýtte jmour Enniskillen, was guest speaker and Mrs. Seymour enter- tained with some humomous num- bers, also Janie McClure, John and Lorraine Cook, and with some local talent we spent a vemy enjoyable evening. Lunch was served. Next meeting Dec 8th. Ladies of the Long Sault held a quilting at the home af Mrs. H. Murphy. Sorry ta hase Mm. and Mms. Han- old DeMille and little son who have moved ta Bumketon. Mm. and Mms. Harry Sheldan, Toronto, visited Mm. and Mms. Har- vey Partner and Mm. and Mrs. Stan Gable. Mm. and Mrs. Fred Partnem vis- ited Mm. and Mrs. Herb Powell, Bawmanville. On Sunday evening, Nov. 19, a short service was held in Ty- rane Sunday Schoal raom when ]Rev. Lute shawed slides af the Muncey Indian Reserve and also gave a talk an same which was very i.nteresting. Nesfleion Sfafion Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gist at- -tended the lO3rd annivemsary of St. Paul's Pmesbyteian Chumch in Part Hope on Sunday. Sunday visitors with Mm. and Mrs. Jas. Harmis were: Miss Dom- athy Harris, Mm. and Mrs. W. Jackman, Mm. Russell Jackman, al of Toronto, and Mm. Henry Jackman, Pickering College, New- market. Mm. and Mmxs. Norman Malcolm, Blackstock, called on Mrs. John Proutt and Miss Ruth Pmautt. Mm. and Mrs. Donald Thompson celebrated their wedding anniver- sary an Satumday. Mrs. Geo. Bowen and Mms. Fred Dayes attended a funemal in Oro- na on Monday. Mrs. Gea. Hicks was a business visitor in Port Permy. We welcame Mm. and Mrs. Royý Taylar ta the village. They moved this past week ta ive with Mms. Jas. Fonder. Mms. Rosvenor and son, Toron- ta, visited Sunday with Mm. and Mms. L. Hyland. Mrs. James Fermier, Perth, is visiting hem parents, Mm. and Mrs. N. C. Marlow. We are indeed pleased ta re- port Mm. Jas. Noon has ecover- ed enaugh ta lie out again since his recent illness. Congratulations ta Mr. and Mms. Gea. Johns who this week celebrate their silver weddingi anniversary. We are sorry ta report Mm. Wm. C. Thampson has not been sa well this past week. He is staying with Mm. and Mms. Donald Thompson. Mm. Ernie White has his new house in Part Pemry alnîost cam- pleted and he and his mother hope ta mave by the first of the manth. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Bradley have purchased a home in Bow- manville. Miss Helen Bowers is boarding with them. Mr. and Mms. Grant Thompsan weme in Peffemlaw and Beaverton an Sunday. Mrs. Thompsan visit- ed hem gand-aurit Mrs. Wood- ward, who was one of the elderly ladies rescued fromn the ecent fine in the nursing home there. A number fmam Nestietan at- tended the Anglican pot luck sup- per an Friday evening also a gaodly number were present at the United Chumch anniversary on Sunday. Mn. and Mrs. James Naylar, Pefferlaw, visited Mr. and Mrs. Grant Thompson. Messrs. Gea. Bawers and Ivan Thompson took two bus loads af school students ta the Winter Faim on Satumday. Master Stewart Hedge netumn- ed ta school today fallowing his illness and David Hedge is im- praving alsa. The senior High School stud- ents have very little leisure as much time Is being spent prac- tising their Commencement play "T7ons of Fun." ENFIELD Mr. and Mns. Earl Prescott, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hardy and Gemald Tyrone, at . W. Pres- Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Webster Jr., Mrs, J. C. Webster Sr., Mr. and Mrs. B. Comby, Toronto, at M. Samms'. Mrs. W. J. Oniniston with Mr. and Mrs. E. Ommiston, Bowman- ville., Mrs. W. Pascoe, Misses Marion and Evelyn and Miss Mary Hèlen Bowman with friends at Brant- ford. Mrs. T. Taylor, Allan and Keith witlh the Johnsons and Siths, Toirqsto. Xk and Mrs. Milton Sarnis m wili soon be feeling better. Mr. and Mns. Clare Falli To- ronto spent the weekend at Cad- MUS. Several from this vicinity at- tended the Royal Winter Faim. Mrs. Lamne McKee and Audrey attended a demonstration on Mon- day night at Mrs. Magiil's, Janet- ville. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Vivian and family. Miss Marie Hanna, Bow- manville, with Mr. and Mrs. A.- thur Hanna. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Philp and Merlin visited Mm. Norman Philp, Whîtby, who hasn't been very weil. vibitcu wLakeriShoren Clarke and attended the Royal Winter Mrs. M. Dean. Omono, visited Fair. Mm. and Mrs. Ken Dean. Miss Margabt Smith, who was Mm. and Mms. Robin Aildread stricken suddenly with appendi- and family, Mr. and Mns. Chas. citis, is recovering fromn an aper- Alldmead and family and Mrs. A. atian in Bowmanville Hospital. E. Hotson spent Sunday in To- Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Stevens and ronto with Mr. and Mrs. Reg Linda, Haydon, at R. Cachmane's. Waodhams. Mm. and Mrs. Glen Martin, Mr. Mm. and Mms. Fred Glover and Harry Stephenson, Mrs. J. Ste- Mr. and Mrs. Don Glover and phenson, Whitby, at Lew Ste- Darleen visited Mr. and Mrs. Bey. phenson's. Jaynes. K. S. & C. Club held its meet- ing at the home of Mrs. Ken CADMUS Dean. Socks'n stuff much in Bill Lake's. The paty at Devitt's hall Fmi- Mm. and Mrs. Bey. Jaynes and day night as vemy weil attended. Mm. and Mms. Chas. Alldred rep- There will be another euchre resented the Lake Shore at the pamty and dance in two weeks. Vegetable Growers' turkey ban-,; Proceeds go towards paying for quet Fiday night. No. 9 commun-; decomating the hall. ity catered and they are ta be Cadmus W. A. met at the home congmatulated. The food and the of Mms. Gardon Stinson last service were marvelaus. Tuesday night. It was well at- Mr. and Mrs. Gea. Sheldfing! tended. Next meeting is at Mrs. visited Mns. 0. Merideth, Maple W. D. Ferguson's the second Gmove.1 Tuesday of December. Mm. and Mrs. Jack Cragg visit- Mm. and Mrs. Edgar McKee and ed Mm. and Mrs. S. Powell. Shirley, Midland, spent weekend Mm. and Mms. Ken Neal and' with Mr. and Mrs. James Mc- family, Bowmanville, and Mm. and Kee. Mms. E. Brown, Omano, visited We are ail glad ta hear that Mm. and Mrs. Bill Lake. Don Lammer is up and feeling On Thursday last the childmen better, aftem being in bed two of the Lake Shore school and* weeks with the mumps. their teacher, Miss Riches, along Mm. and Mrs. Lamne McKee, with some pupils fmamn Newton- 1 Calvin, Leah and Maxine spent ville and Crooked Creek joumney- j Sunday with Mm. and Mrs. Wm. ed to Toronto via Burley's Bus. j Henry and Mm. and Mms. Jack They spent the mamning at the! Wilson. museum and the afternaan at the Mm. and Mrs. I,ewis Stinson had Royal Winter Faim, and from ail a narmow escape last Thursday reports had a wonderful day. nlght when their pipes and chim- Messrs. Ross Adams and Bill ney caught fime. Jaynes each shot a deer at Aps- Mms. Edgar Gibsan has had a ley. very bad arm. We ail. hope she -Mm. and Mrs. W. Adams and farnily spent Sunday with Mr. vince. Clima ewll Iai 1s jAlbert Souch and Mr. and Mrs. rag1f co i bc a Harold Souch, Shiloh. grown. "The greatest hope for growýh VMWERE WILL .FARMING i our agriultural production lis EXPAND? in the more intensive use of sons _______in the aider areas wher. the coots Teeare few great new areas of land clearing and rm esab-. b e e x p e c te d t a d e v e lo p , s a y s D r . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ E. S. Archibald, head of the Do-. miniopm Experimental Farms. He ~e ~ J writeý.: "Actually these areas are few and flot vast. Undoubtedly the largest is in Northern Alberta and in Central and Western Brit- ish Columbia, and almost ali are 1*S in the northern parts of each pro-_______________ WALKER STORES PRE-CHRISTMAS VALUES Walker Stores Offer An Exceptional Value FALL DRESSES Styled by Leading Manufacturers - Regular $15.95 ON$119 SALE $1 ,9 You save $4.00 on each dress. A splendid selection ln wool jersey, corduroy, rayon failles and rayon crepes in compiete colour range of wine, brown, navy, green, red, grey, blue or black. Sizes 12 to 48 SPECIAL PURCHASE A LARGE SELECTION 0F LADIES' 100% PURE WOOL GLOVES Regular $1.19 Pair SPECIAL O98Ç VALUE Ail colours - Ail sizes Decoratè Your Home for the Festive Season With New Drapes Prior ta stock-taking we are clearing several pieces of fine drapery materials and some marquisette curtains. Satin Surfaced SCREEN PRINTS 50 inches wide, bright satin surfaced scneen prints with overail floral pattern. Regular $3.75 yard $2.75 yd. Lightweight RAYON SLUB drapery fabric, 54 inches wide in colours of grey or fawn. Regular $1,59 yard TO . CLEAR i79c yp. Scotch Rayon NET CURTAINS 35 inches by 2¼/ yards Regular $3,25 pair TO CLEAR ,$27. r Marquisette CRISS CROSS CURTAINS 60 inch heading, full length Regular $5,50 pair TO CLEAR $3.98 pr. Many other outstanding drap- One Piece Oniy CELANESE VOILE 54 inches wide in ecru colour only. Regular $1.10 a .yard TO CLEAR 79c yd. TO CLEAR We have a large stock of CONGOLEUN GOLD SEAL RUGS Sizes 6x9, 71/x9, 9x9, 101/2x9, 12x9 at Popular Prices CONGOLEUN FLOOR COVERINGS 2 and 3 yards wide 3 yards wide 2 yards wide 75c 70c ""Truly a Pleasant Place to Shop" BOWMANVILLE RING ST. E. i M How Lovely GENERAL (* ELECTPU APPLUANCES STURDY, economical General Electmic Appliances to make I short work of housework - are buiît for lasting usefulness in S quality matenials, and assembled wihfamous G-E "Know-How". Tey are proven appliances, craftsman-built to give you de- pendable, troubIe-free service. r, Corne in to aur showrooms and Slearn ail about these great new S G-E Appliancep ID-34 H iggon Electric b Your Gxeneral Electria Appliance Dealer Phn 'ne 438 Bowmnanville 42 King St.E - -~ -~------ -~ - - - - - -~------w - - - --.------ Et 1 PHONE 451 Sq. yard ery and curtain values S1o4&L £ #fl J , 0" TumtsDAY, Nov. 23rd, 1950 THE CAMADT" qlrATrllqmAmý IRMWMAMM.T.P. MMAIRM sq. yard sq. yard ilkt KING SM Fm