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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 Nov 1950, p. 9

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?HU~RSDAy, NOV~ 2Oth, 1950 TH~ CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVTLLE. ONTARTO PAO! NINE AnEvening of Neighhourliness Enjoyed ai Durham Club-Wilh Addresses, Music and Guiz Contesi (BR. Accu Aked) "Neihbolinss"was the theme le, the Durham Club's November mneetinig held ini Toronto Thurs- d ay, Nov. 23, at .O.D.E. Head- Quarters. The neighborly keynote was an a-ld-faahioned Quiz Contest, smart- rD1conducted by Mr. W. E. Aus- Iwhose forty-six brain-teasing questions pertaining to Durham County occasionally caught the contestants off guard. Represent- ing a West Durham and East GIFT STATIONERY The Lasfing Gifi IDersanal and attractive Attractively boxed - a variety of colours from which ta choose. Navelty Boxes which are useful and prelty when contents are gone. For Lifle Folks Ruled and Decarated Paeer For Adulis Different sizes and different calours. Select your personal Christmas Cards now while ail numbers are available. 3, . W. JEWELL I "BIG 4120"1 27 KlngSt. W., Bowmanville PHONE 556 Durham team were Mrs. Alex Morrison, Miss Gladys Jacksoa and Mr. W. Spicer and the win- ning leam o! Miss Helen Baker, Mc. A. W. McLeod and Mr. Reg. Lovekin. Some o! the questions shot st the contestants included: "Havi many towns and incorporated vil- lages are there in ahl Durham Counly?" <Towns-Bowmanville and Part Hope, incorporaled vill- ages-Newcastle and Millbcook>; "What place in Manvers fias a Biblical name?" (Belhany), "Most Irish name?" (Enniskillen and Tyrone); "Ducham's M.P.'s for the Federal and Provincial House?" <Johnnie James and Major Foote);- "Name the newspapecs o! Baw- manville and Part Hope«?" (The Canadian Statesman and The Daily Guide). Many limes the audience (who seeme d la enjay il mnore than the contestants) were warned not la answec the questions which bcought 50 many memocies back ta tbem. Mc. Orville K. Osborne o! Pro- vidence, accompanied by Mc. Bruce Madden, sang the bceezy, salty "Sbipmates O' Mine"; the deep, zoaming "Big Base Viol"; the binging, singing old melody "Belîs o! the Sea,"and then down ta "When Big Profundo Sang Low C." Mr. Osborne's deep, cich vaice was gceatly appreciat- ed. The speaker, Mrs. Sidney Ste- phens, Town Councillor of Ca- bourg, came as a friend, a good neigbboc but flot as an official fromn the TQwn of Cobourg. Hc -a-, se-sid, was without sub- ject and like a feed o! soda biscuits-if it didn't do you much gaod it wouldn'l do yau much bacm. She read a most amusing newspaper clipping entitled "Aft- er Dinner Mint," ridiculingspeak- ers as a whole, sbowing bow we had become worsbippers of the public speaker when almosi any- one wilh a pet peeve would do, flot ta talk, but ta "titillate." Sa conlinuing la "tilillate," Mrs. Stephens said Durham broughi back childhoad memocies, like faded pbotogcaphs were streams where hec father fished, straw- berry festivals, the brilliant green o! faîl wbeal, sunsets and mem- ories of abundanl fruit orchards. Dwelling an the gootl points and lrying ta hide the bad as one does wilfi the people one loves. Mrs. Stephens spoke o! aur neighbor- ing Town o! Cobourg with uts fine Town Hall, lelling amusing inci- dents a! ils construction and ils opening by the Prince o! Wales in 1860. She concluded with Henry Van Dyke's poem "Recipe foc Neighi- bocliness," showing the gladness of life with lime ta play, work and look at the stars, ta covet nothing Ihat is your neigbbor's and ta spend as much time as yau can in Gad's outdoors. ,Each yeac in Bowmanville an ocatorical contest is beld for young folk in Public Schools. The win- Left f0 right - Mllady, Coronation Lady Hamilton, Morning Star, Evening Star, OPEN STOCK PRICES Caffee Spoons 5 o'clack Teas Teaspoons--____ Dessert Spoons-- ----- Table Spoons - .-- Round Bowl Saups Cream Soups - __ Forks, Diriner or Dessert Salad Forks Qyster Yacks - Individual Butter Knives Hollow Handie Imd. Butter Knives ý--- Knives, Dinner or Dessert, De Luxe Stainless --- Serraled Steak Knives, De Luxe Slainless -___ Set of Sel of Each 8 12 $.75 $ 6.00 $ 9.00 .75 6.00 9.00 .75 6.00 9.00 1.50 12.00 18.00 1.50 12.00 18.00) 1.50 12.00 18.00 1.50 12.00 18.00 1.50 12.00 18.00 1.50 12.00 18.00 1.50 12.00 18.00 1.50 12.00 18.00 2.42 2.67 2.67 Sugar Spoon -_ _ Butter Knife- Bent Baby Spoon (Milady) 2 pièce Foodmaster Sel (Lady Hamilton) 3 piece H.H. Child Set (Lady Hamilton)- Gravy Spoon Cold Meat Fark_____ Pickle Fark Pierced Pastry Server Hollow Handie Pie Knife -__ Berry Spoon - - -- -_-_ 2 piece Small Carving Set------- 3 piece Small Carving Sel 19.33 29.00 21.33 32.00 21.33 32.00 $2.00 2.00 1.25 2.50 4.75 3.00 3.00 2.00 4.00 5.00 3.00 14.00 19.50 ca ch each each each each each each each each each each each each Christmas Delivery. MARRIS Jewellery 43 KING ST. W. PHONE 463 BOWMANVILLE ner for Durham wins the sbield given by the Durham Club, said President D. Linden, inlroducing lilile Miss Brenda Wakely from Port Hope, Ibis year's winnec, who had especially come ta give the same speech ta the members. "William Lyon Mackenzie King, great Canadian Statesman," was the tapie of her talk. Hec sub- ject must bave appeakd gceatly ta the judges as well as ber sn- cere, eacnest manner o! delivecy. On behalf o! the Durham Club, litle Miss Brenda was presented by Mc. O. J. Henderson with the Durham Club Sbield. and also with a lackel and chain by Miss Aked as a momento o! hec suc- cess. The ceai neighborly bouc tookc place when cefreshments were secved. At the coffee urns werc Mrs. L. B. Williams and Mrs. James Spicer. HAMPTON Hampton C.G.I.T. met at the home o! Lorcene Warrack on Nov. 22 and Grace Kersey read 'the minutes. Worsbxp .secvice was in charge o! Grace Kersey and Patsy Pingle. Aftec the opening by Evelyn Randal, a hymn was sung. Mary Lau Widdecombe, Nancy Coutîs and Grace Kecsey read parts of the scipture. Cacol Chant led in prayer. Carol Chant and Beverley Smale bad charge of the program. Lucle Bcadley favoured with a poem, and Aud- rey McNab gave a piano solo. Avcil Damant read a stacy. Màr- ilyn Warrack and Evelyn Randle had charge o! recreation. Mrs. E. Cale opened ber home for the October meeting o! the Woman's Missionary Society. Meeting was in charge o! Mrs. Niddery, Vice-President, wbo opened the meeting with prayer.i Final arrangements wece made for Oshawa Salvation Army Band Cancert in the Church on Dec.1 2nd. Arrangements wece made foc quiltîng quilts. Mrs. Warrack and Mrs. Horn were appointed a nominaling committee foc newx slate o! officers foc 1951. Several visiting calîs wece repocted. The theme o! worsbip was "One in Christ," with calla worship bv' Mrs. Niddery. Mrs. Truil read the wocsbip service. Program was in charge o! Miss L. Reyn- olds featuring United Church of Christ in Canada and United Cburch o! Christ in Japan which was introduced by Miss Reynolds, with Mrs. H. Salter, Mcs. Adcock and Mrs. Niddery laking part. Hampton Home and School met in the school flouse with a very goad attendance. Sauina Home and School Club were aur guesis. Mrs. Tom Woodlock, President, conducted the meeting. Secre- tary John Warcack read the minutes. Thcee young gentle- men, Franklin TrulI oga White and Bruce Caverleyfv ored with some popular sangs which were much appceciated. Miss Mary Niddery accompanied them on the piano, and also gave a bumorous monologue. Mc. John M. James, M.P., gave us a real instructive address an "Citizen- ship." Mc. James was given a heacty vote of thanks. A de- liciaus lunch was served and Mr. Arthur Pascae, Sauina, thanked the Hamptan gcoup foc a nice evening. Mrs. Dick Widdecombe was in charge of-the programme. Next meeting in charge of Mc. Harold Quacry. Mc. and Mrs. Keith Billett and Mary Jean visited bis brother, Mc. and Mrs, Fred Bîllett ai Scarboro Bluffs. Mc. and Mrs. Anson Balson, Richmond Hill, visited bis par- ents Mc. and Mcs. J. W. Balson. Mr. and Mrs. David Beath, Kathleen and Joan, Kedron, visit- ed bis cousin, Mc. and Mcs. J. C. MacNab. Mc. and Mrs. Leslie Hoskin, Thocnton's Corners; Mc. and Mrs. Chas. Fergusan, Mc. and Mcs. Harvey Balson, Glenn, Douglas and Betty Ann, Oshawa, visited their parents, Mc. and Mrs. Bal- son. STARK VILLE Mr. and Mrs. John Stark and son visited Mr. and Mrs. Logan, Bethany. Miss Shirley Farrow, Bow- manville, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Percy Farrow. Mrs. Morley Robinson and daughter with Mr. and Mrs. W. Prouse, Osaca. Mr. Llew HallowelI is driving a new Chev. car. Mr. and Mrs. Gratin Curtis, Fenelon Fals, with Mr. and Mrs. Orme Falls last week. Mr. and Mrs. Richards, Bow- manville, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Warren Carson. Miss Norma Hallowell is spend- ing a few weeks in 'Toronto. Miss Helen Carson entertain- ed Miss Nancy Smythe, Bowman- ville, and Miss Mary Lou Dob- son on her birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Llew Hallowell and sons in Toronto on Thurs- day. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Rowe, Bow- manville. with Mr. and Mrs. Hw-l ard Farrow. Miss Helena Hallowell, Toron- to. visited at home. Mrs. M. Bennett and Mrs. H. Harrington. Toronto, visited Mr. and Mrs. Jake Hallowell. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Westheuser on the birth of a son. Stafford Bras. Monumental Works1 Phone Wh.itby 552 318 Dundas St.E.., Vhitby FINE QUALITY MONUMENTS AND MARKERS Precise workmnansh4-p and careful attention to detail are your assurance when yau choose fromn the wide selection of imported and domnestic Granites and Marbies ini stock. .1 ~,r South Af ricans for Korea O S R It's interesting ta look back and Wrigh àtrace the development of the con- servait: servation movement and in par- named ticular of conservation clubs. The get it? first clubs that I remember were I had composed of sportsmen who band- this g] ed together simply and selfishly and s) in the înterests of good sport. librar3 Their object was to maintain a the wà good supply of game, and so they thy sti would re-stock their favourite There lakes and streamns, perhaps, or togeth 1build up a marsh by planting wild about 1rice or other food suitable for keep Iducks and geese. At the end o! with t] the year they might hold a ban- on th~ Men of the "«Flylag Cheetahs,"1 a Union of South Africa fighter squad- quet, enjoy a good feed, and list- that I ron, arrive in Yokohama, Japan, enroute to join the United Nations en to progress reports on their ting u forces in Korea. Leit to right: Commander S. V. B. Theron; Squad- efforts. cheerf ron Captain P. A. LeGeorge; Major BiaauW, Deputy Commander; Things are very diffecent to- family and Major H. C. Enslin, Medical Officer oil the "'Flying Cheetahs." day. It's my observation that con- mcs J servation clubs are much more Ms serious and a lot less exclusive burgh TYOEof the business. Rowlie Coombes ta they used to brSotme, 10.h ______by John Coombes; Seripture by bone of the membecship, but citi- tion, Mr. and Mrs J. Oliver and Lacry Rosevear and the tapie on zens of ail ages and occupations- built cbildren, Fenelon, visited Mc. and Missions was given by Rowlie and not necessarily sporting types fhid Mr. . cCy.Coombes. Rev. Lute led in somne -are enthusiastically rnvolved. also t Mr. and Mrs. Howard Wonna- games and contests. AIl of which brings me to the Galbe cott and Ross, Dixie; Miss Veca Tycone Women's Institutde wiil Hagersville Club, winner of the and c( Carr, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. meet Friday, Dec. lst at 2 p.m. in Mary Pickfocd Trophy. Thîs witb Archie Virtue. the Tyrone Community Hall. group is engaged in a project Of and si Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wright and Mrs. W. A. Goodfellow, Codring- reforestation of the Grand River spread cbldren, Bowmanville, visited Mr. ton. will be the guest speaker. watershed in the neighbouchood neigb' and Mrs. Neil Yeîîowlees. Orono and Solina Institute ladies o! Hagersville. It has sold farm- Constr Ms. ar Clbay ndare invited and a cordial invita- ers and landowners on the value ers, ai Mr. nd rs. arlColbry nd ion is extended to all the ladies of re-forestation, and on weekends Frank, Mr. and Mrs. E. Doonan of the communrit.y. the members themselves turn out intecei visited rk. adMs akCl C.G.I.T. m~et Nov. 24 in the ta help plant trees. That's con-aia bar, room with Patsy Phillips servation in action for you! future Mrs. I. J. Keowvn, Mrs. E. A. in the chair. Bessie Yeo had Up at the A. V. Roe plant, home Delaney, Powassan, are spending charge of worship service, the ftenwjt'lns ur a couple of weeks with Mr. and theme being 'The Highways ofleeof lafo the B pans uritsh Big Mrs. J. Delaney. Life." The Christmas vesper ser- tte flds cNeeltheGoriNe-swh Mr. and Mrs. Jam'~es AIldread vice was discussed. Lillian an d Isles-Ed.MNey odNw h and Mr. and Mrs. George Alldread Helen Cole gavte talks on their bold, Bill Turnbull and Bill grow visited Mr. and Mrs. Hacvey camp experience. A short sing- Stcong, Salem. song and some games were en-- Mrs. G. Alldread and Mrs. W. joyed. A very nice lunch was Rahm attended a banquet for the provided by Helen Cale, Gloria Blind in St. John's Church, Bow- ýBrent and Jane McClure. Several fcam here attended the Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Rahm and Santa Claus parade in Oshawa on children, Blackstock, with hils M0nday. r.G eo ahen parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur ta ehv eu Mr. adMs .Ye, tle'Rahm. hiw haescr Billie and Lynn, visited relatives The wind storm on Saturdav in Toronto. blew off some roofs, upcooted Mc. and Mrs. Dave Park and trees and some Hydro poles were children, Bowmanville, visited down. Mc. and Mrs. Walter Park Jr. Reports fcom the Area Con- Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hatherly vention held in Toronto highlight-1 PH ILLIPS 1 and children, Downsview, visited ed the November meeting of the Mcs. R. Hatherly. Tyrone Women's Institute heldHo Mc. Gardon Stephens, Balcar- at the home of Mrs. Henry Stain- of MajorHo ces, Sask., visited Mr. and Mrs. ton. Mrs. S. E. White, 151 Vice- Frank Werry and Mc. Percy President, presided over the bus- Werry. iness. Roll Caîl was answeced bv Mc. and Mrs. Frank Werry and "A Promninent Canadian an i E R GE A OR Mr. Percy Wecry visited Mc. and Why?" The Secretacy, Mrs. J.RE R G R T R Mrs. Clarence Rowan, Bethany. C. Cook read letters of thanks. Sincere sympathy is extended Mrs. Goodman displayed the to Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Miller in scrap book to be used in compil- the suddeni passing of Mrs. Mill- ing the Tweedsmuir History. er's sister, Miss Jessie Robson, Business included: Ask Mis. A very limited number ol of Vernonville. Saturday. Fun- Friend ta decorate church for are now available for deliv eral was on Monday with burial Christmas; Mrs. Glaspeli to send at Vernonville Cemetery. Christmas cards to aged and shut.-1 Mc. and Mrs. George White mns fcom the Institute. Plans PHILLIPS' and chîldren, Bowmanville, visit- were made foc our December ed Mc. and Mrs. A. Hoar. meeting ta be beld in Tyrone Hall REFRIGERATORS Miss Dorothy Skinner, ot, on Dec. Ist with Mrs. W. A. Good- spent the weekend at hec home. fellow as guest speaker, with 9cucfot Mc. and Mrs. Otto Virtue at- Solina and Orono Institutes as 9Standardoo- tended a fowl supper and bWit- our guests. Sadr day Party in Brooklin Hall on Mcs. N. Woodley gave the De- 9 cubic foot, Satucday evening, given by Mr. votional. Mrs. Art Richards, and Mrs. Chaclie Pilkey, the oc-Cneer rsde vcth r- Deluxe-- - - - - casion being Mc. Pilkey's 70'h gram which included reports of birthday. those attending the convention, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Philp, by Mrs. F. McRoberts, Mcs. J. C. Ron and Marilyn, and Miss Jean Cook, Mcs. S. E. White, Mrs. O. Philp with Mr. and Mcs. G. Phiip, Beckett. Mrs. D. Stainton, Mrs.VsiOrNe Castleton. G. Brent. Mrs. . Goodman, Mrs. itOu Ne Mc. and Mrs. Jack Smith, Mr. R. Glaspeli. Mrs. G. Brent laught Leslie Smith aÇid Miss Ruth us a round, and Mrs. A. Harvey an Wheeler, Torontn. visited Mc. and gave a readine. Aftecnoon tea Ms rwnScott. was served with Mrs. A. Rich- Tm E1< Mc. Ewart McLaugblin, Mrs. ard and Mrs. G. Aldcead in T O U O A I Milton Werry and Mr. Jack Ford- charge. er, Oshawa, called on Mc. and _ _ _ _ _ HL O . Mrý. R. J. Hodgson. P IC Club 49 quilted a ciuilt at the Temnwohs eu olv Beckett home last week.Thma ohsbeut lv Mc. and Mrs. R. B. Scott and more seciously within, begins la Mcs. W. Macdonald attended the live more simply without. funecal o! Miss Jessie Robson at Graf ton on Monday. Mc. W. Macdonald was in Co- bourglasiSatucav. eVII If the knocking at the door ls prolonged. and unusually ldtjd, lt izn't opportunity-it's relatives. iECRETARY of the ERVATION CLUB il-have ocganized a con- tion group which they've L J Id Waneecha. ("One each"- ýTbat's one o! Iheir aims).N 1the pleasure o! talking ta roup aI one of Iheir meetings with v ;hawing lbem films fcom my and tri ry. Olhec meetings are on vay, and il looks like a heal- light tart foc the Waneecha Club. S eare many groups banding her these days, and as I move t he province, MI try la yau posted on whal's hewv the conservation clubs. While ....... -.. he subjecl, here's an item ,,- b ave no hesitation in put- under the beading of really ' ' .ul news. It's about a one- ýy conservation club with a >ersbip o! four-Mr. and Hlarold H. Norris o! 294 Jed-E h Road, Toronto, their son LE 112, and daughlec Kathy, 'Jndec their parents' direc- S L the Nocris childcen have a number o! bird feeders in mac hpermit them not orily tt, sheari the !eatheced migrants bul to study lhem aI close range. ering and drying wild fruits cones. and augmenling Ibese' sunflower seeds, peanuts,i s' suet. the young Norrises id an appetizing feast foc the ibourhood birds. They bave $ ;ucted several types o! feed- r'id are looking focward ta an ver happy augury for the Llo a! o conservation. Shi ,jobs generally go ta men BOl ,prove Iheir abiliiy ta out-BO ABD1ES# 1U L ES white fur liniri -immed in win( blue or black. izes 4 to 9 2.95 pair AUTHER IPPERS ccasin style wil ling sheep wao linings MEN'S é6.95 pair WVOMEN'S L.50 pair yd Elli oe Repair .ing St. W. WMAN VILLE smaller lo>bs. eased to Announce md the DOWMANVILLE AGENCY for the famous INDUSTRIES LINES Lsehold Appliances including ,AND ELECTRIC STOVES f Phillips' Refrigerators and Electrie Stovel very before Christmas at the following prices. PHILLIPS' ELE~IICSTOVES 364.00 our Burner,$545 1379QQ our Burner, ___ 345 P79.00Deluxe Model - --.37.4.5 wly Equipped SHQWROOM nd see our display of IC WASHERS AND GLADIRONS RN PHILLIPS RADIOS MORRIS CARS knt and AutomotiveCo lowmanvill. Your grandfather would be amazed at modern methods of travel. The trains, planes, buses, cars and boats of today provide speed and comfort undreamed oif before the ".Machine Age!-or the "Chemical Era'.. as it is sometimes called. For no matter how or where you go, your path is eased by the magic of Chemistry ... a scien ce that contributes ta travel comfort in countless ways. Plastics in many focms, Paints and Varnishes, Nylon,' Chemicals, "Fabrikoid" and "l'abrilite'! (luxurious yet practical upholstering materials) ail play an important part in the building, equipping and maintenance of aIl types of modern transportation. 1Yes, Chemistry, as identified by the C-1-L Oval, is a symbol of pro- gress in the transportation industry, an example of C-!,L "Ssrving Canadians Through Chemisfry". CANADUAN INDUSTRIES LIMITED - MONTREAL w e e e 4 s e i s * e w m s w s s s a s w B a s I g s i s B a i I s s I i 'N-go-, ie, ith >1 TRUMDA'T, NOV. 30th, 1050 TEE CANADIAN STATESMAN, IBOVnMVrLTE, ONTARIO ----------- PACZ Nm 1

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