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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 Nov 1950, p. 17

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1~ I THURSDAY, NOV. SOth. 1950 * 4~~~~~us uAnowiAn ý A zÂYAN, .J wwLfwlx .L, UI'TAIU AMRV!EVOA . ~ . ~AW*~ V'I PubicUtilities Coinmmission Siate tW ec Cilizens Nusi Practise Great Care la Ci Every Day Use ai Water & Electricity W PC Ex-Mayor Milton J. Elliott was that eventually watcr used by 0L re-elected by acclamation ta a Bowmanville will have ta ,b. sa :firther two-ycar termi on the brought up £rom Lake Ontaricd. BOwmanvile Public Utilities Com- The present pump house can mission at the nomination meeting handie appraximately 500 gallons Fniday evening. In his eccept- a minute, but if Bowmanvilie con- ance address, Mr. Elliott said. tnues ta expand, this wili nat "The. electricity situation, tense be adequate. f some years, rnay continue ta "During the ycar w. raised W, Stense in the future wheh we water rates in arder ta (1) take 'o an Standard Time." He opin- care of the tank we built, and (2) ed that the situation, relative ta defer part af the expense af the ex water supply, is flot in a healthy sewege disposal systemi taken a state either. over by the commission." Sum-fa In order ta give thase attending ming up this end of his report, b'e the nomination meeting an insight Mr. Elliott said, "I think you will into increased water cansump- agree with me that water rates tion in Bowmanville, Mr. Elliatt are reesonable in comparison with J quated relative figures for the other towns." a. perioa 1945 ta 1950. Consumption Council Commended fan per dlay and the number ai coný When rising ta speak at the à sumers is as follows: 1945- close ai the. nomination meeting, 326,000 gais., 1,070 consumers; W. Ross Strike, K.C., Chairman da 1946-382,000 gais., 1,102 con- ai the. Public Utilities Commission, Hi sumera; 1947-473,000 gais., 1,191 said, "I have been closely con- C consumers; 1948 -613,000 gais., nected with the Bowmanville le: 1,582 consumers, and 1949-4~33,- Council for twa years, and in my vil QOO.gàls. with 1,627 consumers. experience, there hasn't been a m Using -the abave figures as a better Council than the anc w. Mc basis for calculetian, the total had this ycar." He inferred the Mr coriatumption ai water in Bow- Council had tackled many diffi-! manville during the year 1945 was cuit problems and invariably ar- fro ê &j883,000 gallons. In 1949 the rived et a solution. ii nisumption had increased ta Mr. Strike expresscd pleesure Ni( 30,214,000. Mr. Elliott consider- with the acclamation af Mr. El- tex ed this risc a tremendous in- liott ta the Public Utilities Board et crease. He said that during July af Directors. "Mr. Elliott is doilng 1 and August ai this year, 855,000 this tawn a real service in this fax gallons of water werc coeeumed field," he seid. .1eni daily. "We naw have a storage On the clectrical side ai the' ter capacity ai ane milliafis gallons," picture, Mr. Strike said rcceipts axw h. said, "but by Fridey evening for this yeer would approach xI July and August, the starage $164 000, and wvhile -$140,000 will was completely depleted." In bis 1eset 1srlsa $400wl estimation, the storage af weter b. realized. However, he told gai was the only thing that saved the nomination meeting tiiet 'lestse Bowmnvile frm a rippingyear we spent $24,000 in rehabil- water shortage.1 itations ai the systemn and we ex-- Expansion Demands Water pect ta spcnd mare this year." Roferring ta the newly con- He seid Public Utilities pey as structed storege tank; thc return- they go and ta date have paid ed Public Utilities board-member over $72,000 on the new sub- said it was doing a marvelous station. kccping the tawn's water pressure1 present shartage ai power was duc up to par.' H. belpveF' however, ta caxnpanies on war production Westinglio u se and tegal bcatytl 140 Ti.magnificent new *'Regency" is cquwppedwixh the new fully auto- m'auc, 3-speed record changr-play& ail 78, 45, and 33-1/3 R.P.M. records simply and efficieedy with the. fuil- rnetonal perfection of exclusive W'eueghouse Poiyp/»wsc Reproduc- tion. MURPHY'APPUIA 52 King St. W. l.wmaaviIe , who had "unintennuptable con- racts." This is a major neasan nhy clcctnicity usens are requcst- ci ta conserve power. He id 'anada must kecp pâce with !onld de<'elopments, and that :orea and the United Nations »-relgn policy le using at least !50,000 addltional kilowatts ai ewer. "Nov. 15 ta Dec. 15 1 >r peak* cansumption p-%od îid Mr. Strike. eld Lake Shore, Clarke Mr. and Mrs. A. Wilkins and îmily, Oshawa, were visitons vith Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Bedwin. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Gibson id Bevcrly, Na. 9, visited Mr. id Mrs. W. Adams. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Dean and amily visitcd Mr. and Mrs. Her- ert Ogden, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Ahf. Brown end ack with Mr. andi Mrs. Bill Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Alldred and mily spent Sunday with Mn. id Mrs. Gardon McKnight, Osh- va. Mrs. W. Holmes spent a fcw lys in Oshawa with Miss E. llmes. Miss Jean Perrin, ?e. Bihl Mor- !y. Brown's; Mr. and Mrs. Or- ilie OsbQrne andi Helen, Bow- ianville, and Mr. Harold Ham- mod wcre Sunday visitars with- r. and Mrs. Gardon Martin. Miss Joyce Martin was homne îmr Port Hope for the. weekend. U.N. Blood Rlank in Korea Members of the UJnited Nations "Secretariat; ln Korea were among the first ta contribute t. U.N. Blood Bank No. 406, operated by led'Cross volunteers. Two U.N. donors are shown bore with Red Cross nu'rses watching their colleagxe make her contribution. The Biood Bank was erganized iast July ln the space ' ' six haurs by 36 wamen of seven different nationalities t. ztxeet emergpicy needs. NE WTON VILLE Miss K'. isches vistcd Mrs. W. chais, Port Hope, andi aiso eat: ,Mms. Pattersan, Orano, visited îded the Teachers' Convention Mr. and Mms. Clinton Brown lestl Belleville. week. Mm. andi Mrs. Chas. Alldred endi Mr. Stanley Rowe bas resignc-d uvl had dinner Satumday ev- as truste. on the School Board. iing with Mr. and Mrs. M. Wai- Mr. Earl Walkcy has been eicctcd rand Mrs. Narman Allun, Osh- t a te. is place., va. Mrs: Stella Rogers and iamily moved ta Janctville on Saturday. In 1948 vessels engageci in sea- Mr. andi Mrs. Jack Glover and ing and inlanci international famiiy St. Thomas, who spent 'vice entered Canadien ports the weekcnd et their cottage here the rate af 600 ships per week. returned on Wednesdey. I Mr, and Mrs. Wilis Farrow andi Mme. Fred Nesbitt attcndcd the funerel ai Mms. Wm. Harris at Bowmanvilie on Sunday. Mrs. Willis Joncs visiteci ber mather, Mrs. David Merrill, Wark- worth, on Saturday. i. A number ai ladies attendcd a Plastic demonstration et Mrs. Wm. Milligan's an Tuesday ey- ening. Mns.. Clinton FarroW won the 'tdoor prize. Mr. and Mms. Clintan Brown spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Ray McKay, Brant,. There was no school an Fridey. Most ai aur local teachers attend- cd Teechers' Institut. helci et the. Ontario School for the. Deai, et Belleville. Mr. and Mrs. Clerence Peedon and daughter, Flint, Mich., have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Carl Misses Beryle and Caroline Rcichrath spent Sunday with hi1 grandperents, Mr. andi Mrs. An- drew Reichlfatb. Tii. weckcnd srm was baci but compareci with other places, we came off hucky. Tii. tehe- phone men were out hate Setur- day night and again an Sundey, mepairing some breaks. :4 Congratulations ta MYr. and -Mme. Clîifor4 Jones (nes Miss Cheeseman) who were marmied ett Ottaweaon Saturday, Nov. 25. Mm. Lenson Milîson is on the. sick list. Mm. Arnold Wede is S looking aiter uis mail route. Mm. and Mms. Gea. Hendersonfi and son Mr. Cecil Henderson, Mr. t andi Mrs. Arnohd Wad, andi sanI Grant spent Sundey with Mr. and t Mrs. P. Beaudrie, Springbraok. d Mrs. Samuel Smith is visiting v Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Glass, Kendai. ... Mr. and Mrs. Wilbcrt Hancock, 1 Peterborough, visiteci Mm. Tupper IJahnston. usMm. and Mrs. Don Vinki, visit- C ed Mm. and Mms. John Vinkl, in Belleville over the wekend.E S KENDAL a& ___ C Mm. andi Mme. Ah Stevens andL sons visitd bis parents in To- rnofor the wcekend.M Mm. and Mrs. Ray Hughes spenM Sundey with Mrs. Mary Luxa ni and Mn. andi Mrs. John Thamp- son. Mm. and Mrs. Aylward Little, Barry andi Diane, Mamkham, spent M Sunday with bis mathe.r, Mrs. a Neiva Little. a Mr. end Mrs. Eddie Couroux ar and iamiiy spent hast weekend in N Namth Bay. His parents, Mm. endI an Mrs. A. Cauroux, sister, Mrs. M. L Campbiell, and nriphew, WilliamM Cauroux, came home with them M for e week's visit. Mr. P. Hall, Torontn, visited ga Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Robinson. an Miss Christine Jilisen, Peter-m borough, spent the. ;eekend with- Mr. and Mrs. Joe Jilisen. Mm. and Mms. Art Mercer and I femiiy were .Sunday vîsitars with Mm. R. Wilson and Ada. We regret ta ieemn that Mms. Roy Mercer is ihI, and under the doctor's came. We hope she will soon b. ieiling fit egain. Mm. Jas. Martinîll metumneci f from Oshawe Hospital Saturday I evening aiter a iew deys' stay. Cohds, many ai a severe type, >.g are prevalent throughout the community. The deer bunters have ail r,- tumneci and report vamying suc- 1 cess. We hear Roy Sheep le ail amiies over bis Iluck. Mm. Cecil Carveth put on a splendid collection a films in Kendal Sundey Scbool moam on *Thursday, Nov. 16, aiternoan and A eveningZ. y Work is pmogressing an strip- ing] ping the tobecea for shipmcnt ta ing tbe vamiaus companies. No oneio in tbe Kendal district managed loss 1 U C. B. TUCR Optonietrist Dsney Bldg. (Opp. P.O.), Oshawa, Phone 1516 No. 128 persan eccustomeci ta goad an in early lii. docs flot wili- ly give it up, yct it is surpris- haw many gmaduelly lase vis- and neyer seem ta note the sIt so graduel and tnded aver so long a period.î en egain e how emmar thet cen' avercome is mare likciy ta me e noticeable strein than a i xem fault that cennat be over- ne by strain. Many ai the. nmon symptams ai cycatrain aing on et this time ai iii. are en laidi ta samething else, aven- kdor misintemprcted. Many ymany cennot give a definite ,n'nt ai their trouble. Many ers will flot. (Copyrighted) Judy and Beth, Lindsay, witn Mr. and Mns. A. Sharp. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Bradley and Brian, Maple Grave; Mrs. Etta Page, Miss Joyce McGilU with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Erunt. Mr. and Mrs. Roy McGiUl and Reva visited Mr. and Mrs. Rus- sell Gimbiett, Mapie Grave. Mrs. O. C. Ashton, Lois and Charles paid' a visit ta Old Saint Nick li Toronto. A pleasant time was enjoycd Thurgday evening when abou.t 6(j friends and neighbors gathered ,at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Adam Sharp ta bid adieu to Mr. and Mrs. Bert Johnstoxi and Jack who -have moved to Tyrone. E. A. Werry abiy acted as chairman and called on Ted McLaughlin wha read the address and Roy Werry and Carl McLaughlin presented themn with an eiectric table lamp and a hassock, following which Mr. and Mrs. A. Oke and Mr. and Mrs. Russell McLaughlin who have moved inta the village, were presented with an electric tablel iamp cach by Cecil Rehm and Ross Sharp, on behaîf af the Union Section. Words of thanks were spoken and regrets by neighbors at losing the Johnstani family from aur niidst. Rest of .evening was spent playirxg cards and lunch was served. The Service Club met et the home of Mrs. H. Milis Nov. 21 with ten present. The cvening wes Épcnt sewing for the Bow- manville Hospital Nursery. Re- frcshmcnts wcrc served by Mrs. E. Trcwin, Mrs. F. Beckett, Mrs 0. C. Ashton. Next meeting 7't home of Mrs. L. Wearn, Dcc. 4tii at 8 p.m. Harry Collacott, Bowmanville: Melbourne Phillips, Essex, at Gor: don Yco's. Mrs. Harry Jardine, Kingston, wýith her brother, Mr. Hugh An- One said, musingly: 'Ppar aid Herb seems ta b. living in the past." gales which disrupted aur hydro and some telephone lines, w. de- cided the. wcatherman bidb right for once By Sunday ia we thought we were bedly hit by the blizzard driven narthward by the strong south wind. Hawevem on Monday when the ncwspapcrs errived and Hydro service re- sumed we iinelly dccided that, in compamisan With many'other pla- ces, we had not much ta com- plain about ibut we had had a good demonsti-ation that they were not ail balmy breezes that came from the south. The Kendal W. A. held a suc- cesstul bazear in tJie Sunday Schooh raom a n Wedncsdey, Nov. 22. Rev. Lancaster apenec the. afternaon's activities. There wecre fine displays in the booths, ai vegetables, caoking, dolîs, eprans, fancy work, etc. After- noon tee was also served. Lateri in tl4c evening Mm. Burns Hoy! auctiond off the thrce quilts and thec remaining articles ta bring the ladies in a grand total of' nery $140.00. As the President Mrs. R. Mercer was unable toaet:- tend an eccaunt af ilinessetteiî Vice-Presidents, Mrs. R. Elliot and Mrs. Jack Stapletan werc in1 charge, ENNISKILLEN Saturday cvening, Nov. 25, choir inembers and iriends met et the hiome ai Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Wright for choir practice and a social eveningZ which consisted af progressive crokinale and con- tests. The. beanguessing con- test was won by Marie Ashton. HIighest lady and gentleman in :rokinole werc Shirley Steven- son and Jo. McGill. A bearty Vbte af thanks was. extendeci ta the hast and hostess by Mms. L. Aishton for their kind hospitality and bountiful lunch which thry ervcd. Mr. and Mrs. Howard 0ke, Oshawa visited Mr. and Mrs. Wal- ter 0k. A very large crowd attended the Werry Brothers' sale on Mon. [ay whcn everything sald quit. wci]. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ashton, Haydon, accompanied Mr. and NIrs. Russell Ormiston, visiting Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Tamblyxi, ambray. Mr. Eaml Bottreli and sister Ilsie, Newcastle; Mr. Edmond eandercock, Orono, visitcd Mr. ind Mrs. Carl Ferguson. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Lamb,i lerkson, with Mr. end Mrs. ,orne Lamb. Mr. and Mrs. L. Stainton and amily with Mr. and Mrs. C. dluis and Mr. and Mrs. R. Hope, lrt Perry. Mr. and~ Mrs. A. Leadheatcr, r, and Mrs. L. Leadbeater and durray, Toronito, et Mn. and Mrs. Leadbeater's. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Rahm, vrane, were Sunday callers at. r. and Mrs. Russeli Griiiin'E. Mr. and Mrs. L. Adams, Donald 1 id Sharon, Bowmanville; Mi-., id Mrs. David Gray and Carol,! rwcastle, with Mrs. J. Adams id Ruth. Mm. and Mrs. O. C. Ashton.' ,s and Charles, witli Mr. and' frs. Harold Ashton. Mis S. Deweii, Mme. Jas. Ho- rth,#~Hampton: Miss L. Orch- rd andi Mrs. M. Peson, Bow- mavili., visited Mr. Gea Mr. andi Mrs. A. MHenryj rOUR ETAES and vision, Rewrxtteni -from previaub m'jcopyrights af Meaty SmaH Prunes 2 Ibi 3l Fruit Cake 1 ancy Red Sockeye leat Clark's OdLp of Evaporated Milk Anm Page 24-oz fin 29c 2 tail t ns25c 3-lb ring 1.39 ENFIELD ~day ev.nlng: with nn aui ENFIELDplay. Mrm. Brooking and Mfr. De« Vinkie were first prize innenaý M~ iss Joan Roberts, Mr. George Mrs. Edgar Bartowciough and Page, Mr. and Mrs.-Frank Well- Mr. Wallace Rollett toak the. con. in Bonnie and Frankie. West Isol4tlan prizes. HJa .W. Prescott's. Mr. and Mrs. Bob EUli Laurel Mr. and Mn. H. Weir, Londan;- and Danya, Port Hope, visited Mr. and Mrs. T. I. Bowman, with Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Barrow. Blackstock; Mr. and Mrs H. clough this weec. Grass, Columbus, and Mr. and Mrs. Toppin visited In Toron- Mrs. W. Bowman attended a ta Sunjay. birthday celebration for Mr. T. Mr. and Mrs. Murray Payne R. Bowman at the home of Mr. attended the teachers' banquet and Mrs. G. Bowman. hcld at Orono Wednesday even- ing. The Young People attended the Junior Farmers' Banquet in New- WESLE VILLE castle Wednesday evening. Mr. Ronald Morrison, Green Shields, Alberta, visited his cous- Canadiens own more than twe in. Mrs. Toppin, Thursday. Mr. million mnotar vehicles of ail and Mrs. Tappin and Mr. Morri- kinds, according ta thîs year's son rnatored ta Bloomfield taking v'ehicle registrations. Mrs. Edgar Barrawclough to Wel- Of Canada's labor force of five lington where she visited with million people, slightly more thau Mrs. A. A. Morton. a million are members of trades A euchre party was hcld Thurs- unions. The Bowmanville Business & Professional is sponlsoring ""THE WJND AND THE RAIN#" produced by the YORKE-SADLIER TÎHEATRE GROUP Salurday, December 161h 8: 15 p.m. in THE OPERA HOUSE. Admission - -- - 75e Tickets may De procured fram any member of the club Seating plan opens in the ROTARY ROOM, BALMORAL MOTEL Wednesday, Decembeir l3th - at 4 p.m. Procceds for the Hospital, Fund (Most JVomen Are Âsking Tise Day. 1New Ca. 1 Lower Trhe FamiIy Food Bill? %CUqt0mews korner Are there any employets in 70Ev A&P that 70E have fouad particularly efficient or courteeuis? If me, we wish yonid , let us 1mev. W. vant te bear about the. enployees who do the bout job, so we can keep theu in mimd for better job$. If there's somebody in your A&P tkat 70E consider an eutstanding peorm ner, you wlD be doimg hime and et a laver if 70E wmite to:ý CUSTOMER RELATIONS DEPARTMENT A&P Food Stores 136 Laughton Ave., 'Toronto, Ontario r (more Thau 1,000,0M0 Cutoner Have Fouad!Oi Shop at A&P Where Yeu Get Storewide Iow Prices Every Baya. I6 tadet Just a Few One-Bay or Week-End «Specials"te Wha.t's mare-A&P guerantees anl advertisecl pu!ces for a full week, even though market puices go up. Sa buy a week's supply cf food and househald néeds at A&P. (It makes no difierence what day or days you do sa.) At the end of the weck, compare yaur total food bill with what you might have spent eime- where. WC think you'iI agree that you can Save more . . . more easily by doing ail your marketing at A&P. (Pricos shova hon. guaranteed Thorsday, Nov. 30, tbreugh Weduesday, Dec. 6) BOkar Coffee I.t.Gn MiIk Bread Sic.d - White ot Brown lbaf 13c p. 94 Californie Empoer, Ne. 1C ¶ omte 28o is5 Giapei 2 Ibi25 ChieIna es A&P 28.ztn35 Florida Marsh Soedls, No. I-N'as Choice Coin Stckevys Cream style 2 15.oz tins 29c Grapefruit 10 for 49c Clark's SOUPS Tomafo or, V.easble 2 1o-cz tins 1 7c Floride, exccellent for juice,-260's Oranges dcx 29c OId Cheese fine Cansdlan White lb 43c Sirloin O orBneloe.Round Steaks or Roasts lb 79c 'S per-Right"BaeBn u Meat ValuesBlade Bo Ot b7 Meat Valuesxtrade a t 6 Te a big diflerence bHanhraStaklb59 ."Super-RIghl.' ,tBcdorinry Hm/1 Sea I, 9 metabeaiq eey 'Opr-R1ghv" cut Frosh ya sgca3 elrctOd ta, give Yoitender, med te Rive you more of ih for your Pork S ieSlb39 MrY. y. et A&P prices theae famnotis n'eata &B108 osi le. fine quality Fresh cansldered. TrY themn once. . . .o'iPr uisl 1 OaÙ nada'a ftnest beef-Bed o, Pr usl 1 BIUI Bratndi handied.. Choîce Smoked Fuets i39c THIE GREAT ATLANTIC a PACIFIC TEA COMPANY LI MITED 1 30th, 1950 Freah Cap* Cod, No. 1¶ ,alo CranberrieS 1kîb ceilo bag j9c alo A&P Fancy Soeçlea Mincean Raisins 15-oz pkg 28Ca - - A &P -7,11h P. 91C - n'ffl, alter a aay 01 howling east' e quw ý --. M.%Iý A&P El

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