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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 Nov 1950, p. 3

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?HU~SDT, NO. SOth 1950TE CANADIAN STATESMAW, 1EOWMIlVff.L. OTARMOe i Shaiw's H. & S. Club' communaty for their gif t. His «LThe Orono News Enjoy Talk on StaÂ~pB ir:fendsan n gborsfor ilF tler Coffey After inglng tie Nationil An- Mm.IL E. Loga them., a nice lunch was served Shaw's Home and Sehool Club and a social hour enjoyed. Next met Friday evening Nov. 24 at the meeting of -Home a;d School Mr. Murray Paterson, Brad- a most lnteresting programme. school with the usual good at. Club wiU be Jan. 5th. fard, spent the weekend with his Reports of the sectional meeting tendance. The President, Mr. parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Pat- held recently at Maple Grove Lewis Wood conducted a brief erson. were well given by- Mrs. R. E. business peid atrwhc i l eyn of 0aI ct Mr.May Johns, Tyrone, la Logan and Mrs. Chas. Wood. complimented Harold Haninond D0.e .. peJ Visiting with Mrs. Jas. Dickson. Mrs. R. Best, Christian Citizen- on behaif of the Club, on his re- Presbytery Har & élâ Guests with Mr. and Mrs. N. P. ship Secretary, interested the cent achievement at thc Royal On Stewardship Porter over the weekend were members in the pledge recently Winter Fair in Junior Fariner Miss Shirley Porter and Miss advocated by thc new Moderat- Work.- Laura Begley, Oshawa, and Miss or of the Church; Mrs. N. F. Por- Mr. Jos. Trudeau was chairman Laymen of Oshawa Presbytery Aéudrey Billings, Orono. ter told of different books in the for thc followingprga: r heard an Inspiring address 'on SMiss Jean Buchanan, Toronto, W.M.S. Library available-to any- Otto Bragg favourcd Wt w Christian Étewardship" by A.%T. 'visited her sister, Mrs. A. A. one who cares toread. Mrs. Stutt voa oo, PlO ine"atW hitehead, K.C.. Toronto, at Oqh- Drumnmond and family, over Uic reported that Missionary Month- "Let Us Have Peace." awa Rally on Nov. 23. Je Weekend. ly had been ordered for next year. Mrs. Garnet Rickard intro. speaker painted a picture of the Mrs. Milford Sherwin has been The worship period was In charge duced the ,speaker, a memb:er of United Church at yvork Uirough- confined to bed for the last two of 'Miss Edith Sherwin, at the Uic clergy of Bowmnanvile, Fath- out our vast Dominion, stressihg weeks wîth plcurisy. We hope close o! which Mrs. Geo. Carson er Coffey. His subject was a coin the great opportunity for wàrk she will soon be feeling better. sang d'Living For Jesus." A paratîveîy new one to *Us: alang missionary lmes, and thc. Another on the sick list is Mr. nominating Committee, composed ',Stamnps.", He stressed Uic im- very great need o! meeting thec Wes. Wood. We hope heftoo will of Mrs. W. S. Cobbledick, Miss portance of cach of us having a Church objectives in the Mission- have a speedy recovery. M. Davy and Mrs. N. F. Porter hobby. It tendecj to relievo the aryr and Maintenance Fund for Mrs. Wilson, Ottawa, spent a was named to brintr in a slate o! strain of modern living. He 1950. few days last week visiting her officers for 1951. soepriual fcletn The speaker was lntroduced nýy brothers, Mr. Wm. and Mr. John Mission Band Leaders, Mrs. Ray Canadian stamps. He said there D.C .SeoBwavle Armstrong and their families. Goode and Mrs. Herh Duvall were weme collectors who chose only y Fred Ormiston, Brooklin, Presi- Judge Frank A. E. Hamilton present and told of the objectives type, that is, stamps which picX dent o! Oshawa Lay Association, visited last week with Mr. and and some o! the work enca-trbids.ho wh faces of very ably conduicted the meeting. Mrs. Leroy Hamilton and accomp- ried on by the Mission Band children, some of royalty, and Two vocal solos were rendered anied them on a visit to their which meets at present In the others of scenes. animaîs and by Glen Prout, Shaw's, accomp- sister, Mrs. Wm. Irwin, Stratford. Orange Hall the 3rd Monday in trees. anied by Leslie Collacutt, Mapfle A piano recital was given i each month. Thrce littie Mission He spoke in detail of the pro- Grove. Rev. Lute,.Tyrone, after Oshawa on Saturday evening, Band members demonstrated gress of issues of stamps, the first telline of his pmevious work on Xov. 25 by the pupils of the dis- some o! their work. Shirley Dun- is being in 1840 i England. the Muncey Reserve showed sev- trict who obtained thc highest can repeated the pledge and Bar- TeqU .hdagvrmn su eral slides on the sceen, thus O marks in their music examination bara Eustace, Marjorie Tyrrel Of 1845 and Canada in 1851. rounding out a very enjoyable in the summer. Among the pup- and Shirley sang . the Mission FahrCfewntotom - evening. Mr. Charles Carruthers, ils taking part were Marilyni Band song. A social time was tion particular stamp issues, suchBomnietakdtesa- Cobbledick, daughtem of Mm. and spent at the close of the meeting as one of Qucen Victoria by Sir S. er. Mrs. Harold Cobbledick, Orono, and a silver collection taken to Fleming; Confederation stamps, and Margaret Cunningham, Bow- help with Mission Band expenses. when B.C. and Manitoba jained Outtan ing* M si inanville. Both these girls arc the Union; a Diamond Jubilee Is- .fusaIAn .ijSC pupils of Mrs. W. E. C. Work-OB TT V sue (1837-1897) a famous set now Students Receive 2nan and we wish ta congratulate O IU R quite scarce; an issue of the map them and also their teacher. Bath MRS. E. J. BURK o! the world, one o! Christmas Awardis at Recital pupils received lst class honours On Tucsday, Nov. 7th, Margaret Day, one with King George V and the highest marks in their Grace Metcalf, widow af the late and Queen Mary, anc a! King In spite a! thc inclement wea- particular grade. Erastus J. Burk, passed away at George VI and Qucen Elizabeth, ther a large and appreciative au- The Women's Institute catered the home of her daughter, Mrs. G. ane o! Princess Elizabeth (the 'dience filled St. Andrew's United at a banquet for the school teach- Symons, Lake Front, South Dar- only royal child ta be shown on a Church Sunday School room, Osh- crs of this area on Wednesday lington. She was in bier 88th stamp); anc of Alexander Gra- awa, on Saturday evening when ip evenmng, Nov. 22, in Uic town hall ycar. and had been confined to ham Bell, and one ta honour New- thc Rcgistered Music Teachers in heme. A deliciaus turkey dinner bet for several weeks previaus foundland joining Uic Union o! Oshawa and District presented was served. The guest speaker ta ber dcath. t the Provinces and sa on. their annual prize recital of pu- for the occasion was Mr. Mustard, Thc daugîter o! thc late Isaac He also told ushow ta go about pils who lad gained thc highest Normal School Master, Toronto. and Anin Metcalf, sIc was born getting stamps for a collection. marks-'in Oshawa and District In Mrs. W. J. Riddle visited inl on the farm where Mr. Bruce Catalogues are available ta assist their respective grades. Peterboroughi on Friday with hier Metcal! now lives. She moved us in choosing and learning Uic Mr. Leon Nash, first vice-presi- daughter, Mrs. J. H. Leslie. ta Uic farmn whcrc lier daughter, prices. Those o! us wha lad dent, presided and introduced the Miss Gladys Gamsby 'S a Mrs. G. Symons, now lives, as a slight knowledge o! the subject students as follows: Grade 1, patient in Oshawa Hospital fol- bride, in 1883, and spent the rcst were lndeed well informed and piano, Marilyn Cobbledick, pupil ]owing an aperatian. We wish for o! hem life there. interested in the presentation o! a! Mrs. W. E. C. Workman, Bow-_ liem a speedy recovery. Mrs. Burk was predcceased by this subject. manville. Prize presented by the Mm. and Mrs. Carl Billings hem husband in 1921, and by two Our new school teacher, Mrs. Music Study a f Bowmanville; spent several days last week in sons, Frank, wha died in in!ancy, Aitchison moved a vote o! thanks Grade I, vocal. Dawn McLeod, Toronto attending the Royal Win- and George, who passed away at ta Father Coffey for his fine talk. pupil o! Mr. R. G. Geen. Prize ter age of 21. She is survivcd by This part of thc program clased preseated by Mrs. O. G. Milîs. Owariîaay evenn.v. Yi2 twa daughters, Mrs. B. Short, with Orville Osborne singing Grade I and II piano, Janith townalayrers iea the (Birdie), and Mrs. G. Symons "Ship Mates 0 ie and "Big Jobb, pupil o! Jean Ramsay Little. tonhl ee rsne y(Florence); anc brother, John Bass Viol." Prize peseated by Mrs. Rita Dud- Newcastle plavers and sponsered Metcal! o! Bowmaaville, as well Mm. Gamnet Rickard then taok lcy, Bowmanville. Grade II, piano, by thc W.C.T.U., Oono. Miss as thrce grandchîldren and two charge and Mr. and Mrs. ROY Bette Stroud, pupil o! Miss Ida Po7ly's Patchwork Quilt was wcll great grandchildrcn. Trudeau, recent bride and groom, Arnott. Prize presented by Mrs. received and enjoycd by a large The funeral was hcld fmom the were called ta the platform. In a L. W. Parrott. Mrsenc.J.JMeoristdM Northcutt & Smith Funemal Chap- few well closen words they wcrc Grade III, piano, Elizabeth Mrs.J. . MllorvistedMr.el an Nov. 9th, conducted by Rev. a'dvised as ta wly they werc be- White, pupil o! Miss Olive French, an d Mms. J. C. Collins in Toron: S. R. Henderson. Interment was ing honoured. Oreville Osborne prize presentcd by Oshawa ta last week. in Bowmanville ccmetery. sang "Because." Mm. Rickard Branch, College a! Oganis ts; Afternoon Auxlllary Meeting The beautiful floral tributes read an address o! good wishcs Grade IV, piano, Margaret Cun- At the November meeting o! testificd ta the high esteem la frorn the Club and Mrs. Alex ningham, pupil a!fIVrs. W. E. C. the Aftcmnoon Auxiliary o! thc which deccased was hcld. Pall- Prout and Mrs. Austi Wood pre- Workman. Bowmanville. Prize Woman's Missionary Society o! bearers wcre thrce nephews, sented them, on behaîf o! the prcscnted by Lions Club. Bow- Orona United Church the Presi- Bruce, Roy and Norman Metcalf, Club, with a silver tea service and manville. Grade IV, piano, Joan dent. Mrs. M. H. Staples in James Abernethy, Wilmer Fitzc, tray. Roy expressed lis surprise Aker, pupil o! Ida Arnott. Prize charge. About 45 ladies enjoyed and Gardon Van Camp. and pleasure and thaakcd thc prcscntcd by Mrs. J. L. Beaton. Grade V, piano, Simone Gimb- 41 lctt, pupil o! St. Joseph's Con- - 5 vent. Prize presented by Mrs. J. ~ 5 P. Mangan. Grade VI, Joanne Every ody WMosienko, piano, pupil o! St. E v r b d Josepî's Convent. Prize present- 5' d by thc Sisters of St. Josepî's SConvent. Grade VII, piano, Lu- cille Lick, pupil of Mrs. L. W. Z >. Parrott. Prize presented by Mr. Read It~ 'RGradenVII piano, Max Lycctt, W- -pupilofMs Rita Dudley, Bow- manville. Prize presented by thc SRotary Club o! Bowmanville. W Grade IX, vocal, Mrs. Marian -3tone, pupil of Mr. R. G. Geen. 2rize presented by Mrs. Evelyn Bateman. Grade IX, Evangeline T hat' 1 ,cRoberts, pupil of Miss Olive VV 5 piano, Joan Conroy, pupil of St. Joseph's Convent, prize presented W X, piano, Jean Kolodzie, pupil of Wr St. Josepî's Convent. Prize pre- sented by Wilson and Lee Music ~ S Store. 1 171S THE O E L Y W A.«R.C-T.-Piaino, soloMiss Dui- aoa ek's illness. . a Bora in Clarke Township he $2.5 a Y ar 3.00a Yer i theU.S was son o! thc late M. and Mrs. W George Graham and lad lived Here is a Gift that will be appreciated 'every wcek cf the year all bis life on the farm owned by his father and which bas been by your friends at home or abroad. owned by the Graham famîly for An attractive CHRISTMAS GIFT'CARD with each subscription Thoe 100 erars. lda islt zubscr:ti:noThesatesrn.sin eymen on yOct. 31 was largely --viin arc th.rce sisters and _____________________________________The________________ werc six ne- NAME phews, Messrs Alfred, George, Stanley and Melvin Graham Jr., ADDRES and Cecil and Stanley Payne. IInterment took place in the ______________________________________family plot in Newtonville Cem- SIGNED ___________________ tery. ____________________________S A Statesman Want Ad will sel ADDRES 5 aricles no longer needed, and passibly pay for a month«s hydro M 'Nor a load cf coai. i WALKoER -STORES r ~1AJI?~ GORDON MACKAY Misses' Pure Boiany WooI CARDIGANS New two-way collar effect- Extra fine quality Sizes 34 - 36 - 38 only Colours of wine, grey, powder blue, hindu, green, black and navy. $5.50 each SII4KNIT WONEN'S SLIPS SULETTE-tailored for action, elastic back. PACEMAKER-divided bust lines and long torso midriff. FORMULA-designed for youth.. ful distinction, straight cut, eyelet trimmed. In White only - Sizes 32 to 40 ALL ONE PRICE $2.98 each CHENILLE BEDSPREADS With rope chain borders and lovely floral motif designs on a durable cotton backing. Full double bcd size- 90 x 100 inches Backgrounds of blue, white or rose Wonderful Value at $10.95 each CHILDREN'S PRINTED JIANDKERCHIEFS from in colours of green, pink blue or gold. OUR PRICE lOc each Special Value ! Cotton and Rayon Woven DANAqàSK TABLECLO THS Made in Ireland Size 52 x52 Beautiful designs in colours of pink, blue, gold and greenié ONLY $2.98 each A high quality gif t at a low price. SPECIAL! . . SATIN GUILTED CUSHIO Sleepwell filled- Size 19 x 19 Colours of blue, rose, green or wine $2.50 each Gaît Finger Ti] TOWEL SE Christmas Boxe. Extra fine qualityq terry weave, fringed in a riot of lovely cc 12 x18 inches 3 TO A SET $1.25 sel Walker Stores Offer An Exceptional Value d - FALL DRESSES Styled by Leading Manufacturers - Regular $15.95 ON SALE $1 195 You save $4.00 on each dress. A splendid selection ln wool jersey, corduroy, rayon failles and rayon crepes in complete colour range of wine, brown, navy, green, red, grey, blue or blackc. Sizes 12 to 48 WOMEN'S PURE WOOL PLAIN KNIT GLOVES Heavy quality with contrasting designs on back and palm of gloves in colours of scarlet, paddy green, brown grey and blue. Sizes Medium and Large Regular Price - $1.19 pair PRICE 9C pair PHONE 451 ""Truly a Pleasant Place to Shop" BOWMANVILLE KING STI DISH CLOTH SETS Cellophane Gif t Wrapped' This Dish Cloth Set makes a very.'usefuI gif t. Gay multi-coloured woven cotton dish cloths. Two in a package, each 17 x 17 inchâm Regular Retail 59c Set OUR PRICE49C Set 1! YNSar p TS A' cotton 1ends, olours, k.F Mu MDAT, IrOV. Soffi, lose ibArm wam" ,0

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