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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 Nov 1950, p. 4

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1PA= M~UR TI CAKADIAN STATESMAX, 2IOMANVMlLE, ONTAMO -u agree te become responibs for 0r eryCo m W H s i d h shares, and subject to the' approval of the Ontario Dept. of. £ H1ealth and Ontario Dept. of Mu- ~ su es Siatemmentof Finances and nicipal Affairs. We are -lot waiting for the final . Aid ecisions of the other municipal!i-.. iAppeaIs Io Adjoining Twps. forAi is The_________ nialposition '. of the Hospital is approximately . 4ýAs there are xnany subseribers ed at the end of 1948 severaj. as follows: -te The Statesman living in Cart- meetings were held with a view Assets -wright Township who look upon to financing either the old hos- Old Hospital otPerry as their shopping cen- pital or a new one. Building,------ $9,000 ,te ehave been requested to The Ontario Dept. of Health Less depreciation, .pbshthe following statement ýwas consulted several times by 6% 540 pertaining to the proposed Coin- delegations and a visit was made ,munity Hospital at Port Perry: to Seaforth te see a 27 bed Hos- $ 8,480.00 .. '. In order to advise the pub- pîtal there which was recently Equipment, .lie of the situation in regard to erected mostly by the use of ma- old hospital 5,024 . ;the proposed new haspital in Port teriais obtained from a small Mil- Less depreciation 1,018 *Perry, it has been decided by the itary Hospital purchased from the .3oard te publish the following Dominion Government and with 4,006.00 tacts. fina*ncial assistance from the On- Inventory cf sup., Aiter the old hospital was clos- tarie Government, County and etc ---- ---- 800 ri Ivi unicipalities. Less depreciation 300 This undertaking appeared to 500 E FUDADR EI E O be a very successful one, and as it 500 ETUDADR ER E O was learned soon after the above (Subscriptions pledged. Newfoundland'à waters are the happy fishing gromdc visit that the Central Mortgage flot paid $1200) -- No Valuation for thousands of sportsmen yearly, which means there isaa and Housing Corporation was of- New hospital building ferng orsal atAjx anumer (cost $14,000) -- No Valuation demand for good equipment. On <bis demand ia based one ofering forgesale-atoAjaxuianmbe Cash in bank fromn of the rehabilitation projects financed by the~ sale of Christ- anf d l argeonserey sbldns Lions draw for mas Seals in Newfoundland. Pictured above ia- a group of al ndwa consdiersaed an susta- hospital - -___ 589.56 ex-tuberculosis patients receiving expert instruction lin fly-. af tee builgs arrngmet shorin aact,____ 185.59 tying from F. W. Rickard, of Moncton, N.B., standing at of tesebuiling, arangmens odinay act.extreme upper Ieft. Mr. Rickard gave a month's course were made, with the approval of$174.5 poordb ti.N funln uecoiaAscto. the Ontario Dept. of Health to $1,4.1_______.teNefudln ubruossAocain purchase one for $400. Liabilities Miefr. a ent hdonpattgoo Owing to bank $ 175.00 Stork Inaugurates Speaker Does Not sitenorf newhospiandatthe Loan from Allan This je one of a series northe of our lngtwn, and h Goode-------- 2,500.0 Sit Down Stik at Encourage ("raf t fwordsand expressions buoldiefa levellin teond, Interest on lban, apuishe iandtheainrs ing the building from Ajax to A.L oe----- --- - 35 Bowmnanville Hospital As Means of Profit orepublised n te iterst place on this foundation, also a aoan fromn Business of a better underst.anding, large amount of work by carpen- Men's Assoc., $560 -_ Cancelled The stork, that long legged, The Bowmanville Handicraf t * use and knowledge of ters and wonkmen to close in the by Donation wide winged, alleged carrier et Guild beld a second tea on Nov. the English language. building, etc., was proceeded with Owing Joe Harrison for heavenly bundles went on a sit- 23, at the Lions Community until late in Novemben 1949. moving building --- 3,800.00 down strîke last week. Strange A grant of $5,000 was obtained* Estimated fees due things happen, but this is one of Centre with Joseph Banigan, De- during this time, from the County Architect-------------3,000.00 the strangest to ever hît Bow- partment of Education, Commun- of Ontario, aise a donation of $560 Owing local merchants manville. For five days, from ity Programmes Branch, Toronto, frem Port Perry Business Men te and others for sup- Nov. 1l to 15 inclusive, no happy as guest speaker, and Don Shay, pay a part et the cost of the plies, materials and laugli, ne childish gurgle, no Recreatien Director, as chairman. above. Equipment from the build- machine work-------- 2,739.00 typical scream emerged from the Eighteen ladies were present. muing purchased is valued at $3,000 Estimated liability for nursery at the Bowmanville Hos- Mr. Bannigan, in discussing Jl Ate Port Perry and stored at prac an increasing rumeur - there bringing people together was net tialynecotbylca bsnes$13,099.00 weren't any babies there. quite enough. The aim ef the tallpublcmting lo at thsies NOT!-Butstimaorilgnthe total mu A!eBu anodforlongdid hisGovernment is net te train skill- At a pbli men and oa he NTEI etmaigthers.ta situation nemain extant. No Siree! ed leaders, but it is interested in Library in March, 1950, the Board cost et the hospital at $97,000 this On Thursday afternoon, Nov. 16, promoting c o m munit i es, and fo te ewyerwa apontddoes net include a nurses' resi- peopewohvancadvep and the constitution was nevised. dence as it was considered thetundhmbdonnBo a- a craf t thein ewn. The Gev- ville's Hospital, a baby boy was 1ý ý»The a urter ffot ws mde cst oul betoohig fo buld-born. And what a boy lie was! ernment belps provide leaders in tofnancee prejectadi in, equipment,an maintaining crafts and gives exhibitions, and finllydecdedtehav a irmof t.son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles crafts free of charge, providing architects draw up plans and spe- Piper, and all fine pounds of him teasmldgepnpeet cifications. then called fer tenders aedigwl.Hsmte steasmldgoprpeet te find eut the approximate cost. Old Bethel Church retdin eellenHiscontirni several communities, net just one. From the tenders neceived and H____rpre nexeln odto,~ e aise saici net te look tee ail other information obtained it (By Rev. G. N. Hambly) Hospital Superintendent Gert- bopefully on the idea of selling Most auffiorities was estimated that the total cost rude Dewell in cenjunction with crat ts. Nine times as many craf ts would be about $97,000 or after This spot l'il long nemember Nurse Grace Parker dlaimi that as are seld remain in the homes egre. that the titi. '"King" lu allowing for Government grantsT Wherever I may neam: at one time the local hespital's of the makers. Handicratts can $44,000. Ceunty grant $5,000 te- The dimnibue hilîs of Scugeg, nursery held 15 levable little be sold te tourists, providing fremi the Ang!o.Saxon cyning gethen with wbat moneys it is Whene was my father's home. levelies. they have sometbing distinctive ef whc i ndeu o h lod expected will be receieved tramTeltteCuc o ehl Since the sit-down stnike -%as the district about tbem, but nel- present assets and donations, the Teltl hrhc ehl broken by young Douglas, two atively few people earn a living cyn nmoaning a nation or tribe cest te the municipalities would Stands where my grancisire other yeungsters have put in an atit, and those that do find it a be $36,000. came. appeanance, and leave it te the bard job. If a persen is stanting ond the s fflx -ing, rneaning After a careful audit et the ne- Teday upon the tembstone woman te be last. A girl baby eut te earn money, Mn. Banigan CoMs by representatives frem the I read again his name. was bern te Mrs. Elton Stevenson advised that crafts don't bolci a * P0f'& SInce, ln Anglo-Saxon vanieus municipalities it was es- Nov. 21. Prier te that, andi sub- promising outlook. timsth Ingwa eecedby tablisheci that the percentage et The courage et -the pianeers. sequent te the Piper appeanance, One good reason fer xnaklng IlmstheIdg ws lecedby patient days during the two and Would make us think again, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Westheuser things for home use, according te li. Jltooemtorpepe's a halt yeans the old hespital was 0f how with marks ef toil anci became parents et a bouncing the speaker, is that the matenials ei ltngmoo ep perating was as follews: strife, baby bey, are ef a chanacter flot mass pro- Hilgh Council, ho was therefoe Village et Port Penny _ 40% They conquereci aven pain. According to the latest news duced. The higli cost et living Townhipet eac-- 5% elease - things are back te induces peeple te work with their h.coiead odofte Township o et atniht----- -17% Five mighty staid od cedars normal again in the nursery at hancis. th hieedhu fte Township efCtw g----% Are standing bravely stili Bowmanvwille Hospital. It is gooci te ferm a Guild and flotion.ý These municipalities have now Near wbere my grandsine built been asked te agree te become bis house, responsible fon thein share et the On lovely Purple Hi1l DAWESestimated net cest of $36.000. DAWES Sme ef the Townships have There stili acress the ridges cet dvied hattheywoud nt aree The crows are sailing high; te issue debentures for thîs pur- Hr a e bu eggle pose and bave suggested that hr h lmn alsle Port Penny shoulci issue these de- The blood-red nowan bernies, BREWERy bentunes fer the full amount. Adallcte hî ae The Council et Port Penny bas Adallcte hl ae agreed te assume nesponsibility Where yeu c an see dim Scugag for their 40 % and te issue the Acrass my grandsire's grave. necessary debentures providing We cleared the weeds abave it, all the ethen municipalities wil And left them lyîng there On the Purple Hill near Scugeg, ,~ Ail in Ged's leving cane. 'V dFS ro '«& OFS /September 19 50. IDon t borrow unnecessarily, but when a a ban is ound get CASH PLUS nt Rev. G. N. Hambly recently P4wmt, wbere it's "Ye)s" te 4 out of visited in this district andi upon 5.S Phone for one-visit loa. Or corne fl . is return te bis home in Relandi, EXMLE F ON Man., sent us the above poem, ta- I EXAPLES0F LANS ethen with gneetings tram other S Cah 150. 2N0. 4M0.native sens and daugliters wbe You Loos sso * w resîd in Manitoba. Mn. .- ns.Greer, teacher of Grade I bad seyeral ef ber pupils show those present hew well they had pnogressed in such a short time. Miss Jane Minott, Health Con- vener of Oshawa Home and E Scboel Council, was intnoduced and outlîned Public Health work and mention etfrnany things et for VA LU car ad cecingofcommun- ,ît icable diseases. Mns. Courtice tanked the speaker. n. ~ ~ G.4I>.Mn. Hobbs, senior teacher and planning of a new course et w study te be announceci in the nea-r LAO" future. ~ Refresbments wene senved by ..... .....committee in charge. RERSH!DRN TEtRSDAY, lI0V. SMh.1950 encourage and teach one another. source that the Thomias car was woulc If the Gevennment can help, it proceeding east on No. 2 bighway car cc will be glad ta do soit but only when the accident occurned at a ton ui provlding the Guild la associated point about hait' a mile tram A 1 with the Recreation Council and Bowmapaville. As third car in Mrs.1 requests for aid cerne thnough a line, Mn. Thomas bnought bis MzDo Don Shay, the Recreation Direct- vebicle te a stop on wet pave- East1 on. Mn. Banigan aise pointed out ment when car number- one at- Interr that people have ta leann a alcili tempted te make a right (south) etery. by domng it. tunn. Car nuniber two was me- Sur- tionless, immediately in front et Willia the Thomas vehicle. et (MV B.T.S.- Students A truck operating eut et Vine- bara ~ Muscaleland, Ontario, approached the £.njoy Muialnear of the Thomas car. and when Rus By oun Atiss. brakes were aPPlied, skidded in- bind t ___oun ____ss. te the parked vehicle pushing it use bi forward into the rear of motion- The *A fine musicale featuring vio- less vehicle number twe. At this sists linist Walter Prystawski; mezzo time. Mn. Thomas complainecj of Lord soprano, Virginia Lippert; pianist, a sone back, and lus wife et a se- The Eva Silvester and Tenon Jon Vick- verel headache. The daughten well. ers was beld at the Ontario Train- registened no complaint. It big th ing Scbool for Boys, Wednesday evening, Nov. 15. The artists were obtalned for this Concert through the co-ope.- ation et the Lions Club et Bow- manville and the Department cf Education, Toronto, te whom great credit is due for their efforts Mr. Prystawski opened the pro- gram wîth Sarasate's colourful "Gypsy Airs" which established this young antist as having a f lu-Yon ma frof ency et technique equal te this difficuit wank as well as good musical taste* in interpretation. Apply stating qualifications, il Miss Lippent, well known To- rente mezzo soprano pleased her fant yeung audience with "'When Love I nt is Kind"-Thomas Moore; "Car- mine ý-H. Lorne Wilson andNihlo "Oliver Cromwell" - BenjaminNchlo Britain. PORT Ann Silvester, leader ef this greup, wbo accampanied the art- ists aise contnibuted two piano werks "Waltz in C Miner" by Chopin; "Ritual Fine Dance"ý-De Falla. the latter number being done most effectively. Jon Vicker'W e uong cllartAn or voice showed fine training and J 'UV i)I I'£4)A i control in "Go Levely Rose"-Ro- ger Quilter; "La Donne Mobile" THAT ANY -Verdi; "A Little Bit otf Heaven" -Mason. This artist's fine stage manner and lovely voice would I - indicate great promise. W A S lI N G M A The roupwere shown arounci the school groundis and atter bav- ing dinner with members et the S O E staff, ýwene introduced in cen- O E cent by the Supenintendent, W. J.E £U Eastaugb. R E RIGrE A Trenton Woman FURNITURE Dies of Injuries From Accident - Boih New and Injuries sustained in an accident which occurned a hait-mile east Purchased at this store on tir' et Bowmanville in a drizzling ayitrs rcryn nain at il p.m. Sunday, Octoberan inretocrrn 9th, resuited in the death at St. YOU PAY JUST THE SAME Michaei's Hospital, Tenante, of Mrs. Gwendoline Thomas, 107 V.L ' Byron Street, Trenton. 18 Moflns £0 Reported te complain et a sevene headache subsequent te the smnash-up, the late Mrs. Thomas was taken te hospital wben com- Mf ]a p plications set in. William Thom- as, driver et the ill-fated vehicle, wnencbed bis back in the acci-L untr & A i dent, but their daugliter.wh was aIse sitting in the front seat, KING ST. E. escapeci unharmeci. It was learned tram a reliable .d appear that the Thorv >ntinued its journey to Tren- inder its own power. former resident of Tôýontn, Thomas was buried from the ougall and Brown Chapel, Danforth, Toronto. Nov. 22. nent was at Pine Hill Ce-n- rviving are her husband, im, two daughters, Margar- Irs. H. Hemphill), and Bar- and one son, Trevor. ssia obscures everything be- the Iron Curtain. Americans :iliboards. ereligion of some people con- largely of praying that the will provide. eman who does littie things is always ready to do the ;ings better. TED Elice work age and experlence File Company, ) CHOPE, ONTARIO n I L ne g A Pi flou nce CHINES ýADIOS TORS -ETC. [Jsed does net carry charges. £S WITH CASH ýai - "s iance PHONE 811 1) iL[ <k n. 40 t, g e e

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