- -. m.... ..STATEMwAN, - BOWMEANVILLE? ?U14TYflARIU HRDANV Ot,15 A TRIP TO ENGLAND By amev. . l' Umme Newcnale This latter "Queen of the Waters" Aruèe ILlater looked heiplessiy on when the demon master fire virtuaily '<Cruising Down the River on consumed the ill-fated Noronic. a Sunday Afternoon" - the St. Before the Kingston docks, al Lawrence River-how awful' It passengers Quebec bound are mnuat be all right,. for - one littie safely aboard the Rapids Prince, ÉIrl said, "It must be a good song having been wheeled out into th ulng on God'a day, since the midstreamn to. make way for the word 'Sunday' is in it' western visitor. The transfer of The relde o te ateroonpassengers completed, courtesies TheIovel m ornngth arnd"byway of sirens are exchanged & ohrvemrnsimmrihn a by the sister boats and the sights Slow of a July sun. Lying lan. are ie reue be a in gidly at the pier, the S.S. Rap- tewritrrmembersf a min-p Lds Pridce awaiting the, arrivai sei h omayo ru of her sister ship the twin-fun- of young people, opining thus: nelled S.S. Kingston, the_ mag- ,Why» is it that so often in quest nificent bows of which were for one's lifemate one journeys breaking the perimetér, of the f ar. whercas perhaps next door horizon. mnoving sedatly east. the peari of great price is waiting to be claimed?" How pertinently true this is of G~ our'Dominion! The St. Lawrence River is flanked by scenery most FU IS -L cxquisite-little isies about which eddy the waters of this majestic river ini times of calm, often emu- lating "Peel Castie in a Storm" :iv when the elements are more boisterous. As sentinels o! peace and honourabie indiistry, towns and cities interspersed with lovely hamiets line both shores, indica- tive not of separation but of un- Sity. GENERAL E LECTR 1 C FEloor Polisher you simply guide it! Two counter-rotat- Ing brÏshes do ail the work. Higsm Eloci tic 4KIg St. E. PhoneM Dowmamle, California Sweet Red Emporor Grapes Golden Yellow Ffrm Ripe Dananas Sweet, Thin Skinned Florida Oranges Weekend Special Caban Pineapples Canada No. J Nf.B. ]Potatoos BLUE & SOLD-PANCY-GOLDEN--CUtf WAX BEANS 8"Minlster for Peace" In the Governinents or Cab- inets o! nations, an important post is that o! "Minister o! War." Wc in Canada give tbis portfolio thej cuphoniaus tithe 'Minister fori Defence"-mucb less belligerent. Why can't provision be made for a "Minister for Peace"? Here fhanking this great river twa great nations live in concord and amity. Let the MinisteÉ for Peace o! the Cébinets o! the nations o! the wold begin here. Let us tbank God for this state o! things. Mgy the Dove o! Peace foreven find lodgnient here. "Sbooting the Rapids"-wbat a tense anticipatcd thrill-this rel- atively gigantic work o! man, the Rapids Prince, the modern suc- cessor ta the rcd man's canoe, gliding frorn level ta lower level witb the'grace o! a ballet dancer. Dreamihy the hours pass, night $ucceedi ng day, until ultimatehy a massive suspension bridge across the river mutely announ- ces the un!ohding o! Old Quebec City ta the view. On the north, as this modemn leviathan nases ber way ta ber desired and directed haven, snug- 1v neposing in ber dock is ta ho seen thc Cunnard White Star lin- er o! the sea lanes, Uic Franconia. Disembarking froni the river craft, a taxi speeds up ta the "Franconia" dock, wbere, upon arrivai. everytbing is as quiet as the proverbial tomb. It is scarcely 7:00 a.m., the only sound break- ing the silence, a few sailors en- gaged In Uic monning dip. Fur- 2 2lbs. 25c . - uILb19C Sie 250's m a doz.2! Suze 24'o -% m ea.1 - - -50-h. 91 's.1 5c CLVMU88-CHoIUC GOLDEN CORN 1 i8C CULYUNOUS"-HOIC&-UNGIAIUD GREEN PEAS no&"1 7c .I*H"S-CHfOICge umnII HALVESIN SYRUP té> 20c UwT>lMITuM HARD MIlX &'. 39c YSnTAWZUD French CREAMS u. 42c céFORNA-iN Smai WALN UTS Lage sine&à. 45C Rosi wANrnO W. pa' Migbest Mrket prices for tous. ShMppiSg taei avalable t Mr dtom.. So affger fer datails. Ret. fgndfg st- til.. 04f Villes, Effective Tur#.., Fi.. Sot., INov. lotb, Dec. sf à 20d la graupi.. ther along Uic dock a sieek French mian o' war. intent on a courtcsy call, basn't as yet thrown of! the slumber imposed by the night. Nothing to do but await Uic ad- vent o! officialdom as a prelude to the boarding of this greybound o! Uic Atlantic. Tbanks ta the courtesy and equal eficiency o! the C.N.R . and its officiais the stearner trunks arc there ready to meet and ul- timately pass the scrutiny o! the customs officiais. Aý Young English Athlete Wbat an interesting world this is! In the quiet o! that eariy morning hour, within thc pre- cincts o! the customns offices, a bright young fellow is engaged in conversation. He is sorting his currency, a mixture o! Yankee and Canadian dollars with pound sterling as an added attraction. Heigbt about 6 feet 1 inch-age twenty years-complcxion fair with blond hair. Name, R. G. Bannister, captain o! the Oxford- Cambridge tnack and field teain which had just cnded a coin- petitive tour of the northern Unit- cd States. This iboy's photograph was featured in "Life" magazine, revealing the interesting and unique achievement o! breaking the mile record in 4 minutes and ilu seconds. Princeton was sec- ond with 4 minutes il 1/10 sec- onds with Harvard requiring 8/10 seconds more. This young man as captain of the teain as carry- ing back this record ta bis native England. In the collective events this young undergraduate medico bad led bis teain to a series o! victories, toppling sucb highly rated aggregations as Harvard and Yale, only ultimately ta came a cropper before a combination o! Princeton and Cornell. Young Bannister was amazed ta discover the "sbammateurizing" of ama- teur sport on this side o! the At- lantic. Paid coaches at Oxford, Cambridge and other British seats of learning were unknawn. "Why," said he, "should every- tbing be rcduced ta the comman denaminatar o! the malign or oth- erwise influence o! the dollar?" However, this bright young Englishman paid glowing tribute ta the unalloyed hospitalitv ac- corded him and his team d uring their competitive stay in Uncle Sam's country.. Having a few hours ta sparc, we, Bannister and a young couple f rom the "blue grass country" o! Kentucky essayed ta explore the commercial sights o! Old Quebec. Hilîs, cobblestone streets, stores well furnished greeted aur eyes, with the language o! "Evangeline" arresting our ears. Relatively littie or no commotion such as a modemn city indulges. The wri- ter is tempted ta opine: 4"May it remain s. The central question, wbat ought the final purchases ta be? Young Bannister was seeking twa things, meat and nylons, botb on the category o! luxury on the other side. In bath aspects o! bis search ho solicted and pro- AUSTRLIAN-SEEDLESS-SULTANA RAISINS 160 CL <320. Pkg.*l8 PIig.33 11C AUSTRALIAN-RECLEANED CURRANTS 1 7c SAXONIA--CUT 1C MIXED FRUITS W.. 23c SAXONIA-RES GLACE 'cCHERRIES 31lc DALONS-CUT = MIXED PEEL - 15 c SHELLZO PIEES WALNUTS Pk. 3 9c pg.22C FOR PIES-PASTRY-CAKES 24L.$1.53 7 Lb. A .Monarch Flour sus47 CLAKS-OLD LONDON TOWN MINCEMEAT ao-29c HILLTOP ALMOND ICING o:, 45c HORSY-SWUETNED-FLOIDA-CITRUS-ORANG- ILIMBEO OR GRAMPRUIT JUICES_-u)-37, 2 mL- 3 lc Sweet Pickles mitiéo.«32c SPANISH Pimento OLIVES 16 0- 29c lita ., 1"' cured Uic expert advicc o! the fair sex. Armed with his pur- chases, two pairs o! nylons and a ten-pound canned bain, we al made our way back to the lo- cale o! the S. S. Franconia. Poor boy wondcred if his mother rnight think him extravagant, making such a costly purchase as a ham. This is an indication of the aus- tcrity to whlch our fellow-citizens arc exposed in Britain. Off to the Atlantic With littie or no delay the ne- quirements o! thc customns au- thonities were met and wc were ushcred Into thce plendor of this floating castie. Over two million pounds had been spent by the Cunard Company reconditioning from a troopship in war service to that o! a luxury liner plying the Atlantic ses. lanes. Clean- liness-orderllness at the heart of cverything-carc and courtesy not overlooked. The a!ternoon hours had now been chased away' by the cvcning and Uic hour of sail- ing, 9 p.m., fast approaching. Two pugnosed littie tugboats were busy goading this mammoth o! the deep inte action, much the saine as a Boston terrier would seek to arouse a Great Dane. Slowly yct surcly distance be- tween the Franconia and the dock was beginning to manifest itself, whilst periodically whistie blasts from the littie harbour terriers shrilly' announced that they were succeeding in their task. Passengers galore lined the rail whilst friends from the dock were waving handkerchiefs in token o! "bon voyage." Could one have read the minds of ahl, both those on board and those flanking the dock, what a mix- ture o! sorrow and joy, tears and sunshine. That is life, howcver. The lights froin both shore lines were now stabbing the darkness with sha!ts o! light, whilst the dutiful tugboats were rctiring, their work. weli donc. Upon the wings o! the night air came the pleasant cadences of "Allouette, Gentille Allouette."' How thosc Frencb-Canadians can sîng this immortal ode! Their leader, a man of sinali stature with a cranîum almost totally bereft of thatcb, cntered inta the singing of it with such might and main that it would be easy to guess that falling to sleep would be an easy matter. Down the river this floating City gocs,êpossessed of a precious human cargo of approximately eleven hundred souls. The lights recede, finally aId Quebec is lost to sight, and the mantle of night assumes authority. Next week-Life at Sea. Y.P.U. Week Is Held ini Newcastle "Young People's Union Week" was fittingly acknowledged by the United Cburch, Newcastle, wben, sponsored by Uic Young Peopie themnscives, Mr. Donald Hooker, B.A.. second-year student in Tbeoiogy of Emmanuel Coilege, Toronto, occupicd Uic pulpit. Associatcd with Uic minister o! the church, Rcv. Lawrence H. Turner, were Mr. Harvey Yellow- lees, Vice-President o! the Osh- awa Presbytcry Young People's Union, who directed the respon- sive neading; Francis Jose, Treas- urer o! the Bay o! Quinte Con- ference, Young People's Union, who read the lesson and Glenn Ailin, President o! the local union who took part in thc opcning ex- ercises. A splendid congregation greet- cd these young Ambassadors of the Cross- - a tribute to the Church's faith in and adminis- tation o! its young people. The choir, under the leadership of!*Mr. Neil Stewart with Mrs. Eari Fisher at the console o! the organ rcndered superbly the an- thcm "O Love o! God."1 Mn. Hooker rclated some of bis experiences as a student minister out on Uic Prairies. Paying trib- utc to these people he opened wîth: "IThcy are -an apprcciating people and welcome the student minister wholeheartedly" illu- strating this by relating that upon arriving in a Swedish settiement in Alberta tbcy acknowicdged the dlaims o! the anniversary o! his birtbday and asserted themselves. WhenYour flK soins t. Ache maOi FOiR IECAUSE- DCace bis sf1. am.Io llýyM qpw kihy coldi- 6lu.; aa 1f« ove6H a ea c Den us Kiday F&a ba" e bh ing rae u rm backacwh y trading Ith kaeys.Gel Do 's ±.< Plrb"'od:y at amy ému L Y <u~caun m ODia. 15 The Newcastle Iudepeudeml many missed a grand evening's entertaininent. Rev. Lute acted as chairman. A duet on the org- an and piano and also piano du- ets were given by Mrs. Billctt and Miss Niddcry, Hampton. Mrs. Lloyd Ashton rendered a couple o! vocal solos. Readings wcre given by Rev. Lute and Mr. Cecil Siemon. Mrs. L. T. McLaughlin, Bojwmanville, gave a very inter- esting and vivid description o! ber trip to the South Pacific. Lunch was served. A vote o! thanks is tcndered those taking part in the program. Sympathy is extended to Mr. and Mrs. Harold Gay in the sud- den passing o! bis father. We have two new pupils at our school. Garnet Hilton in Grade 2 and Douglas Hilton in Grade i. W. A. will be held at Mrs. Wm. Trewin's next Thursday with a special collection and the Christmas draw. The high winds last wcekend damaged several roofs in our vicinity. Miss June Andrews attended Mr. and Mrs. Chaddock and Mr. and Mrs. Clarke, Buffalo, N.Y., called on Miss Meda Couchi at Sunnylea Lodgc anc day last wcck. Mn. Chaddock is an ex- ecutive o! the Marine Trust Co. o! New York. Wc are very sorry ta learn that George (Sandy) Grahain bas been ill. Hope ta sec you out agamn soan, Sandy! Came ta the W. A. Bazaar in thc U. C. Sunday School hall Fni- day Dec. 8tb at 3:30 p.m. Home- Cooking, Country Store and Mis- celiancous Bootbs. Don't miss thc Picture Gallery. Supper served froin 4:30 p.m. 48-1 Mr. Harvey Ycllowlees, Sa- lina; Mn. Donald Hooker, Toronto; Miss Eileen Allun, Shaw's; Mr. Francis Jase , 'Newcastle, were Sunday guests o! Mr. and Mrs. Howard and Glenn. Miss Odie Warren bas return- cd froin a pleasant visit with ber sister, Miss M. E. Warren, Bu!- falo, N.Y. At the annual meeting o! the Woman's Auxiliary o! St. George's Churcb, Newcastle, the following officers were elected for 1951: Hon. Pres., Mrs. J. S. Howard; 1Pres., Miss B. Mclntosh; Scc'y, Mrs. W. H. Gibson; Treas., Miss C. Butler; Dorcas Sec'y, Mrs. J. "The desire might be made real" -ultimately a surge o! soul-satis- faction took possession o! hum and be knew that there was only anc vocation open ta him-'To follow where the Saints bave trod." A lovely duet entitlcd "Wbisp- ering Hope" was rcndered by Misses Jean Raincy and Betty Chatian o! Orono. The comforts o! Mr. Hooker were well attend- cd ta by the young people thein- selves. Saturday cvening Seldon Park- er together with bis parents wcre admirable hasts, shanîng with hlm their evcning meal. Francis Jase and bis family provided hum a refuge from the storin on Sat- urday, and Sunday evening he shared the festive boards with Glenn Allin and bis family; at the mid-day meal with Miss Ail- een Allun and family. A vcry happy climax ta the wcekend festivities nýanifested itself in the inviting o! t he young people after the evening service ta the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. 0. Parker. Here the singing of hymns were indulged in with Glenn Allin rendering that im- montai composition "Blcss This House." Mr. Hooker expresscd bis ap- preciation for ahI the kindnesses, expressed feeling that "Now I know I ar nen with you." Led by the minister o! the church, the congregation bowcd its bead in neverent silence in tnibute ta the late George Fred- cnick Kingston, M.A., Ph.D., D.D., Primate o! the sisten Communion the Cburcb o! England in Canada and by way o! expressing condol- Garrod; the Evening Branch Con- vener, Mns. D. R. Dewdney; So- cial Service Convener, Mrs. P. F. LcGrcsley; Library Sec'y, Miss McIntosh; Little Helpers' Conveb- er, Mns. F. marnas; Extra-Cent- A-Day Convener; Mns. P. LeGres- ley; Living Message Convener, Mrs. J. Garrod. Plans werc made for another sucécssful ycar. At the annual Newcastle Horti- cultural Society Meeting thc fol- lowing officers were appointed for the coming ycar: President, Mrs. Percy Brown; lat Vice-Pres., Mrs. H. Jase; 2nd Vice-Pres., Johri Rickard. The Directars for one year arc Mrs. I. Colwill, Mrs. George Walton, MMrs. W. Milli- gan, Mrs., C. Brown, Mn. B. Rlck- ard. For a two-year pcniod Miss O. Warren, Mrs. S. Johnson, Mr. J. Wade, Mn. R. S. Grahain, Mrs. Fred Adair; Secretary, Mns. Cecil Fergusan. Treasurer ta be ap- pointed at a later date. The Audi- tors are F. McMulien and L. Tur- ner. Mn. Neil Britton and George Tanton, Toronto, werc weekcnd guests o! Mr. and Mns. H. S. Bnit- ton. Don't forget thc Newcastle Ladies' Softbail Club big Home- baking Sale on Saturday, Dec. 2. mhis is ta be held in the vacant store east o! the Queen's Hotel at 2 p.m. Came along and sup- port the girls. 1Miss Minnie Pearce, Toronto, spent the weekend witb ber mother, Mns. H. R. Pearce and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Pearce and famihy. Mn. and Mrs. Phil Williams spent a few days visiting Mr. and Mrs. Frank Williams and Mr. and Mrs. Cooke, Ottawa, last week. Mrs. Ross Emblcy bas joined the Post Office staff while the Postinaster, Mn. Jack Wade, en- joys a week's holidays. Mrs. Charles Finley and her sister visited Oshawa on Saturday and attended the Santa Claus Par- ade. I IThe Bowmanville Surplus Store I Once again as the gay F'estive Season approaches you are being asked ta help wipe aut T.B. frain this district and f rom our country by purchasing and using T.B. Seals. You have already received your letter containing yaur Seals. By sending your contribution in the return envelope you are helping to continue the job of wiping out T.B. that was started in this county five years aga. This work must still be carried on and yaur co-operation will assist in making this a heaithier place in which to live. The Seals are again "One Dollar" per sheet and con-, tributions of any size are welcome. A receipt will be sent upon request. Cheques should be made payable to the Christmas Seal Treasurer, D. W. Allun. If yau didn't receive T.B. Christmas Seals contact any miember of the Lions Club. 24 DIVISION STREET SPECIALS Men's Parkas - - Men's Satin Bomber Jackets Air Force Nelton Cloth Pants Army Batie Dress Pants, slightly used - - - Heavy Noleskin Pants - Heavy Plaid Doeskin Shirts Men's Dress Shirts - Men's Winter Weight Combinations - Ail Wool Work Socks -- Ail WooIlRed Indian Blankets - Air Force Flying Boots - -i a $13.95 - $12.95 - $5.95 - $3.50 - $3.75 - $3.25 - $2.95 *$2.98 * * 49C pr. $14.50 new $11.95 E = iPhone 55-r-i Orono I FAIM AND BOUSE WIRING iREPAIRS AND* ALTERATIONS . *... POLE LINES A SPECIALTY -FREE ESTIMATES - --------------.........=.................................... HAYDON Miss Helen Liptay bas accepted a position as Secrctary at Bow- manville Hospital. W. A. held a quilting at Mrs. Chas. Garrard's on Tuesday. A deliciaus pot-luck dinner was served. The Bible Study group met at the home o! Mr. and MnMs. Chas. Garrard on Wednesday evening. A dainty lunch was served by Uic bostess. Many iaround here are sick witb colds. Congratulations ta Mr. and Mrs. Bill Stevens on the birth o! a daugbter. Congratulations are also in order ta Mn. and Mrs. Jack Joncs and Mr. and Mrs. Glen Thomp- son. Bath are girls. The Stewards o!f the cburch sponsored a prograin on Fnidayr evening. On account o! so much GIVE Fora HEALTHY CHRISTMAS thc teachers' meeting at Oshawa on Thursday. I Bible Class meeting will b4 held at Mr. Jack Potts' on Tueî-ý day. The Siatesman Seld Ai Following Stores Dyer's Drug Store, Newcastle. D. G. Walton's, Newcastle. Wilson & Brown, Newtonville. T. M. Siemon, Enniskiflen. F. L. £3yam, Tyrone. G. A. Barron. Hampton. e Newton Taylor's, Burketon. Wm. Hackwood. PontypooL. H. T. Sayweil, Blackstock. C. B. Tyrreil, Orono. H. K. Reynolds, Kendal. W. J. Bagneil, Jury & Loveil, J. W. Jcweil, W. J. Berry and The Statesman Office. New Classified Ads appear--old ads disappcar-reasol---quick re. suits. _________ L)I f I ~i Buy TUB@ Christmas Seals Sponsored by The Bowmanville Lions Club With the Assistance of Newcastle Lions Club and Co-operating i the 24th National Campaign of The Canadian Tuberculosis Associalton - ----------------- rices. . 1 THURSDAY, NOV. 30th, 1950r . Mil" rWMAMM PHONE 3211 eni