t'fflh1tST~Ay, DECEMn~ 21, 1950 THE CANADIAN STATESMA!f, EOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE FIFTEEN raned y te Shoal's academic staff and carried out by the boys Fay oo f MusicalChita rt Annu l Ifsit o Bo s Te musical treat got off to an a eerie start with a 12-man ren- And ring San a Cl us ith.The song, "The Thing," which was fol- _________lowed b re recitation which lPoliticai men and service club The boys courit themn as friends introduced the main production I of the evening entitled, 1111l Be Stogether with head and a good many corne back to sec Home for Chr tmaS." Each num- 11gesswillingly stepped out staff members after they grad- ber in this Prlgramasý stagcd e? tleSPotlight at the BOYS' uate." before a b utiful backdrop Triig.>School Monday even- Lloyd Moore, President of the with pîne boughs and accurately I '9t l ake room for the arriv- Toronto Rotary Club, responsible illustrating the proposed meaning &I Of- that ail-important fellow, for the wonderful gifts in San- of the songs sung. "We Three taên Clauis. The annual Christ- ta's pack. was very brief in his Kings of the- Orient Are,"~ was party 'was a terrific sccess address. "I hope You have a rendered by a trio, one tali, one rX~the estimation of boyswho re- grand evening," he said. "Merry short and one middlin' in height. Xc'Jd gifts ranging from foot- Christmas to ail and a good year Scene two produced "SUlent à1als ad football helmets to ne'ct ycar." Night," and the next offering, hockey'gloves, pads and pucks, and'tenisracuet, boksand Auditorium Weli Decorated the old favourite. "Jinale Belîs.". choclates. The Christmas party was staged Asso s.igl ell ea Eac yer he orotoRotryin the auditorium and a candy- fiîîîng the hall, tables fulli'of Club sponsors a Christmas tree land scene, reputedly a Christmas yugtr rndterncst at the Training School adi a dream the school's woodworking peer toward the back of the room through their generous efforts in instructor gets each year, was .ntehp ht at ol u the gift department that the local complete with mountains of in his appearance now. He schol-bys eceied uchwon cherry-topped ice cream painted in didn't. The finale of this act achol-bys eceied uch~ al deiclus lavors aîlimjportrayed twob soldiers in war deflpresents fromn the red-coat- t.incnycae eemd equipment wishing fervently that ed ld enlemn.from drain pipes decorated wîtn thev could be home for Christ- New Minister Present red and white crepe paper and mas and the skit title. "Ilh Be Newly appointed Minister of attached to several posta in the Home for Christmas," crescend- Reform Institutions, Major John hall. Poinsettias and Jerusaîem oed and then died as the curtains W. Foote, V.C., M.P.P., inm- cherries added colour to the long were pulled. any with Mr. A. R. Virgin, broughti rows of tables at which the boys The twelve man crew who ap- a Christmas message from the sat. peared carlier in the program Department and told the boys, "I Mr. Eastaugh complimented the again taok the stage and. this hope I can get to know you better boys belonging to the "Key Club" time "The Tennessee Waltz" was A&days ta corne.", Mr. Virgin ex- who had made this a happy the first number with "Rudolph" f"le mcd the reasons behind the Christmas for needy people in close on its heels. wbsignabon of the former Min- their toy repair work. He also Somehow or other, the stage ister, William E. Hamilton. spoke highly of the Band which xvas transformed into a middle Superintendent Jack Eastaugh, led the Oshawa and Bowman- class living roomn complete with acting as chairman of the dinner ville Santa Claus Parades. Then "clothes horse." Behind this said, 11 can't praise the staff of the highlight of the evenîng arriv- "clothes horse" two. youngsters the Training Schoal too highlIy. ed-a Christmas pragram ar- found Santa Claus sleeping. ___________ --- rz rr: When they brought their parents - .~- 4ta the room, the sly old St. Nick had made his escape and the Syoungst'ers were censured. But IMomma found a sack (usually found on Santa's back) on the hearth and on it were painted the red initials, "S. C." Ail of which just goes ta prove that there is a Santa Claus. Every boy present was a movie Agladsome Yuletidc e star onay cvening for as a special treat, school authorities a Happy New Year . howeda 10-minute movie takeîî gl throughout the course of the 25th cverything' good in plentiful anniversary celebration at the Boys' Training School last faîl. bounty. That is ouï wish And when this concluded... Santa Claus ran into the room for you. jingling detachable sleigh belîs. IWhat happens ncxt is an hi!- ariaus confusion. Instructors shouting namnes, boys scrambling over chairs ta reach their out- jstretched gif t, the sound of paper DO W AN ILL AU O P RTSripping and happy shrieks of joy E KE CAERLY Prp. ootball or some like present KEN CAERLYProp.that only a boys boy could ap- 5 preciate. They had their Christ- s.:mu i- :.. .:i~.:ui: i. ~.u.i - .:. *~mas early at the Training Schoal. ____________________________________ _____________ but they certainly had their fun. Cares and trouble vanish for a brief time in the joyous spirit of Christmas fellowship. May yourlove one beclose ta yo thi Crsms-may the . .. .. . . .. Sar f eac shneo'er your AND A VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR! A? DON MCGREGOR HARDWARE Levili's Team Captures Second Place In.Forester's Weekly Bowling Tussle Some 26 C.O.F. bowlers turned out last Thursday for anc of the best nights to date. 'Jim Levett's team is now rall- ing in high gear. Last week they captured 5 points poff Schwarz team and this week took 5 from the league leading Griffinites. In the first game Lcvett's 206 and Kitson's 194 were the big noises. In the second game Jean Haynes came through in splendid style with 198 which resulted in a dlean sweep for the night. Nice going fellows and girls, it shows they can be beat for we wem-e be- ginning ta wonder. They tell me1 Blackie Blackburn bawled .2481 for two games. Must be because your wifc wasn't out Blackie and you had& no one that you had ta beat. 'àlackie centributed very gcnerousy ta the kitty and his av- erage of 198 took a pretty sound beating. Other good scores ini these games were posted by Ross Prout and Fred Griffin, bath over 200. When Fred saw he had attained the gigantie score of 205 and saw Blackie's 135 belaw it he demand- cd a recount, thinking possibly the scorer got the scores in the wrong column. Nice bowling Fmeddie, but it looks like you need more than that ta win dames. Bernice Terry had a chance ta bowl hem best game of the year but elected ta throw twice down the gutter when on a double strike and had ta settle for 107. In the other games Schwarz's team continues ta bace points de- spite the fact that Bill Taylor turned out and had two games above his average. The Foresters have promised yours tmuly a ter- rible fate if he daesn't tell you what he did sa we'll say it quick and get on with the other news. H. Snowden had three cansecu- STARK VILLE Mm. and Mrs. Lamne Todd visit- cd Mm. and Mrs. Don Stapleton, Newtonville. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Rowe, Bow- manville, with Mm. and Mrs. How- ard Farrow. Mms. Ross Hallowell was in To- onta rccently. Mm. and Mrs. Logan and sons, Bethany, wîth Mr. and.Mms. John Stark., Mm. D. Shutka, Oshawa, with Mm. and Mrs. M. Shutka. Mm. Westheuser, Toronto, spent the weekend at home. Starkville Christmas Concert \vas well attended and all enjoy- cd a fine pmogmam of Christmas music. The Christmas Story, recitations and plays were pre- sented by the. pupils.- Santa ar- r.vcd in his fine jolly rnannem and was welcomed by the childmen and others. Miss Hilis and pup- ils are ta be pmaised for their suc- cessful efforts. On Saturday evcning a dinner Party was held at the home of Mm. andi Mrs. Llew Hallowell in honor of Mm. and Mrs. Thomas Falls' golden wedding annivers- ary. Mm. and Mms. Falls weme completely and pleasantly sur- pised and Wère presented with a radio by their family. Those present were: Mm. and Mrs..Orme Falls, Starkville; Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Falls, Bowmanville; Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Falls, Toronto; Mm. and Mrs. Harold Little. Hea- ley Falls. Congratulations ta Mr. and Mrs. Falls. S.S. No. 9, Clarke Weekend guests of Mm. and Mms. John Fisk and Mm. and Mrs. Chas. Fisk were: Mms. Art Nichai and Beverley, Baptiste Lake; Mm. and Mrs. Ken Fisk, Mary Ellen and Lamne, Baptiste. Mm. and Mrs. Don Budd,. Dale, weme Sunday guests of Mm. and Mrs. Bill Barchard. Miss V. Holmes spent the weekcnd with hem parents in Ca- bourg. Mms. Henry Bowen, Newcastle, and Mm. and Mrs. Bill Barchardj visited their mother, Mms. E, Hooper on Saturday. Mr. and Mms. Austin Turner and Helen spent Satumday at Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Turner's,. Bow- manville, at a family dinner.' Mr. and Mrs. Freeman Eddy and Mm. Bruce McClure, St. Cath- aines, visitcd with Mm. and Mns. Roy Branch. Mrs. Brunt and Arvilla and friend were Sunday visîtors with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Gardon, New- tive blows and a total of 6 on the night and avcraged a terrifie 140 per game.' Oh well, wc can sec better days ahcad. Ken King. Lowell MacDougal and C. Schwarz did not help the cause, in fact only F. Thampson bowled his usual. Ncxt weck Schwarz's teama will have two more bowlcrs so look out evcrybody, here we came. Emma Bragg rolled a lovely 275. This week wc ail bowl ta- gether as we don't expect too many, getting so near Christmas, but lots of excitement is expected when Schwarz's team Promises fo defeat Griffln's team for the sec- ond week in a row. Cowling and Levett's . team meet for second place.1 Although it may be blowing aur own horn we do have ta men- tion that the C.O.F. team, com- prised of T. Masterson, J. Staccy, J. Kitson, J. Lcvett, E. King, Ron Brock and H. Snowdcn won the Durham Bowling Championship last Friday by 26 pins with a score of 6051 for two nights. Standing W L Pts. Griffin 10 4 25' Levett-------------- -7 7 17 Cowling------------- 6 8 15 Schwarz -------- 5 9 13 Avcriges GB Avg. J. Kitson -- ---------- 10 188 F. Blackburn -- il- --- 1 184 J. Levett----------------- 8 183 E. Bragg .-------- 4 182 Emma Bragg--------- 9 179 H. Snowden ------------ 12 175 J. Colville -- ------ 7 174 High Single ta date-Ladies, Emma Bragg 275; Men, Everett King 270.. High Double ta date-Ladies, Emma Bragg 445; Men, Jack Kit- 'son 452. tonville. Mrs. Howard Bowen and Bill and Miss Dorothy MeGmegor, To- onta. with Mrs. Fred Bowen. No. 9 Home and School Clua was held at the school last Wed- ncsday evening with a very good turnout. Discussion was held on cashing a bond. A dance is ta be' held in Orono in the near future. A committce was appointed ta look inta the matter. Hot lunch- es for the childmen \vas discusscd, ta be looked into later. Charlie Glenny introduced the speaker, Rev. Turner, Newcastle, who spoke on Christmas Camais. Car- ols werc sung while lunch was being prepamed. Mrs. Fred Bowen was hostess ta friends and neighbo'ums Satur- day cvening when cards, crokin- oie. checkers, etc., were enjoyed by about 40 -people. Later in the evening Mr. R. Osborne called the gatheming ta order and after a few womds of congratulations presented a recent bride and groom, Mr. and Mrs. Gerry of Omono with a lovely coffec table. Bath thanked cveryone for the, gift and lunch was semved and a social hour enjoyed. TYRONE C.G.I.T. Vesper Service was held Sunday evening in the formm of a candle lighting service 'with 12 girls taking part. Mrs. D. Lute taking the chair and Bessie Yeo as leader with Mrs. Gardon Brent as pianist. A large congregation attended the White Gift Service last Sun- day morning with several mcm- bers of the Sunday School taking part. A beautiful basket of white 'mums was placcd in the school room for the services in memomy of the late Lillie Maud Thompson by members of hem family. Mm. and Mrs. Raymond Clapp entetained last Sunday, Mm. and Mrs. Dave Hooper and Mms. E. Storie, Orono, and Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Hodgson, Bowmanvillc, for a going-away party for Mr. and Mms. R. J. Hodgson who lef t on Wednesday, Dec. 2th, and will spend Christmas with their daugh- ter, Miss Nina Hodgson, in Wash- ington, D.C., and later travel on ta St. Petersburg, Florida, where they will spend part af the wintcr. Mm. and Mms. Clifford Larmer, Millbrook, with Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Rosevear. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Goadman, Oshawa, and Mm. and Mrs. How- ard Brent were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Goodman on Sunday evening. Mr. William Duncan, Lake Villa, Ill., visited with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Skinner hast weck. Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Scott visit- cd his sister, Mrs. Arthur Smith, Columbus, who has reccntly re- turned home alter an operation in Oshawa Hospital. Sorry to know that Mrs. F. L. Byarn has been confined to her bcd for several days aànd hope she will soon be out again. Giad ta sec Murray Tabb land little Paul Moore out around again after their illness. Mr and Mrs. Art Youngman with ýàr. and Mrs. Norman Leach, Taunton. Mr. and Mrs. Har-vey Strong, Messrs Lorme and Herb Gaud, Salem, with Mr. and Mrs. G. Alldread. Mr. Craig-Melntyre, Brampton, with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cook. Mr. and Mrs. D. Burdon, Osh- awa, with Mr. and Mrs. D. Deeley. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wood and family, Mr. Ken Chamberlain, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. H. Elford, Agincourt, kith Mr. and Mrs. R. Maynard and Mms. McRoberts. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Ycllowlees were guests at a Christmas pamty sponsored by the Oshawa Lions Club last Friday evening held at the Community Centre. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. Graham, Bowmanville, visited Mr. and Mrs. Neil Yellôwlees. Mr. and Mrs. John Beckett, Columbus. visited Mr. and Mrs. O. Beckett. Mr. and Mrs. S. T. Hoar moved into their new home last Tues- day. Mr. and Mrs. Jackson Wray, Maxine and Deborah, Oshawa, called on Mr. and Mrs. Russell Wright and Mrs. E. Wight. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Mancrief and Doris, Peterborough; Miss Jean Moncrief, Oshawa; Mrs. Elva Beckett and Joan, Bowmanville;, Mm. William Hambly and Mm. Milton Virtue were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Virtue on Sunday. Mr. J. Coibary, Skip and Vic- tor, Brooklin; Mr. Eddie Haylock, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Colbary, Long Branch, with Mm. and Mrs. K. Çolbary. Mr. and 'Mrs. Simorf McCoy have their house wired and the power turned on. Your correspondent wishes tai take this opportunity of wishing the editor of the Statesman, M r. Gea. W. James and staff, a Vemy Merrv Christmas and a Prosper- ous New Year. GIVING OFFERINGS AN ANCIENT CUSTOM Giving alm s at Christmas or- iginated in the belief that Christ came sometimes ta the'door dis- gzuised as a beggar during the holiday season, and it was fear- ed that He might be turned away unrecognized. There is an old legend that tells of the Christ Child going fromn door to door on Christmas Eve in the search of those who were kind and deserv-- ing. His test was ta plead for aid and often He was turned away frorn the door, This story led ta almsgiving on Christmas Eve and it was rare that a beggar wvas refused. The greater an animal's men- tal capacities, the more sleep At requires.1 Men's Parkas - - Men's Satin Bomber Jackets Air Force Nelton Cloth Pants Army Baille Dress Pants, slightly used - Heavy Moleskin.Pants- Heavy Plaid Doeskin Shirts Nen's Dress Shirts - Men's Winter Weighl Combinations - - AIl Wool Work Sock «s -.- Ail Wool Red Indian Blankets Air Force Flying Boots - .-i cello package - lb. 19C As rccently a s two centuries ago, 200 crimes wcrc punishable by death under English law. Stamp collecting puts a pre- miurn on poor printing since a blot, blur or misprint increases the value of a stamp ta collectors. Oology is the study of the sci- ence of birds' eggs. 1The Iowmanville rlàurplus Store 1 24 DIVISION STREET PHONE 3211 - $13.95 - $12.95 - $5.95 - $3.50 * 3.75 *$3.25 -$2ffi - $2.98 * - 49C pr. $14.50 new $11.95 j' p CHRISTMAS ORANGES CALIFORNIA NAVELS -Three Sizes Io Choose From- Red rispCape Cod U.S. No. 1 C alifornia Red Sweet Eatlng Emperor Grapes - 2 lbs. 27c Swect, Thin Skinned and Full of Julc Size 96's Florida Grapefruit - - 5 for 25c C alifornia, Firm, Cmlsp Jumbo Size 48's Iceberg Lettuce - - each 19c 1 p. C rs m s A CRANBERRY SAUCE AYLMER AYLMER-PURE Grape JelIy PRIMROSE-SWEET-MIXED "j<r-26c PICKLES 1 je, 23c BROKCEN PIMENTO-SPAiNIS84 9a? cl22c OLIVES 1.os-29c GLASCO-WITI4 PECTIN Raspberry Jam 24Jo:. 4 4lc LAING'S-4BROWN ONIONS SOUR 16aos 24c STOKELY'S-FANCY CREAM STYLE Golden Corn 11,1c.111-6c BLUE & GOLD--UNGRADED Fancy Peas ; UOI33< Alil mrchandise Domninon ,Star. hunconditonally g uardated to gIve you 100t'!Satisfaction VALUES EFFECTIVE Thurs., Fmi., Sat., T'ce. 21st, 22nd & 23rd I4ORSEY BRAND-SWEETIEI ORANGE, BLINDER OR GRAPEFRUIT CRUS JUICES 2200.1c~ 7 I -TOl - 3 7c SWEET TREAT OR TABLE TALIC Pineapple Juice 15 z i6c LIBBY'S-FANCY Tomato Juice 2 20325c CHRISTMAS HARD MIXTURE Cf.aoms & Grumi or Fr.nch Cr.oms CANDYlb. 39c " % m m ~- --,m-0 DIAMONOD RAND-CALIFORNIA WALNUTS Large 49c 00OD ASSORTMENT-CHOICE Mixed Nuts 49c CLARK'S-OLD LONDON TOWN Mincemeat 2Tl6. ý-29c C h i - a a e Chris Canad Frot PUDDI. SHORTE WE CARI OF CHAISý ETTES PAC CiiRIS'J Box of1 DO ~oem~-~-, tics' - Gilchrist la Bread CAKES m 45e ta $2.50 INGS - from 35c BREAD - from 25c tY A GOO SELECTION STAS WUAPPEO CIGAR. KED 50,s AT ATTRACTIVE PRICES FINMAS CRACKERS Dozen 79e MINION SToRieS LIMITRO) SPECIALS () WOOD'S. BARN VENTILATOR E'ecp the air freshhand dry ln your stable wlth a WOOD'S DARX VENTILATOR -Worke Automatlcally. W. Speciailn luAil Types of ELECTRIC WIRING AÎise Dealer For.- WOOD'S ELECTRIC FAIM EQUIPMENT LOCOMOTIVE WASHING MACHINES SHALLOW AND DEEP WELL IVATER SYSTEMS RANGES AND REFRIGERATION WERRY U SON - .ELECTRIC - IrHONE BOWMANVILLE 2539 ENNISKILLEN - 1 C li ris t mas Pickles Olives ýj4 s MCEMÉER 21 1050 PAGE FIFTEEN THE CANADIAN STATESMAX SOMIANVILLE, ONTARIO ' FI