"Durham County's CGreat Family Journal" VOLUME 96 BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, ýrHUSDÂY,, DECEMBER 2lst, 1950 6c PER COPY NUMBER 51 Junior Variety Club Makes' ifDebut In Clever Programme ;Songs, Dance & Pantomime A fàirly new group sponsored Teddv Halîman, and The Queen by the Community Council, the of Hearts was Carlie Anne Pal- Junior Variety Club, put on their mer, with white dress trimmcd Christmas Concert inthe pera with big red hearts. Gary Baa- House on Tuesday evening. What: neil was Peter, Peter, Pumpkin the audience lacked in numnbers, 1 Eater, and Teddy Ferry' , Robil it made uo in enthusiasm. as the Hood, had bow and arrows withl program consisting of local tal- him. Brian Martyn ivas Tommy* cnt, got underway. Don Shdv,,, Tucker, and Donad Brown, Jack Recreation Director. xvas Mastcr Be Nimble. even jumped over his of Cercmonies, and welcomc candlestick. everyone to the evering s ente.:- The second part of the pro- tainment. gram featured local talent. spe- The first part of the program cialty numbers. Diane Halîman was "Rh vmes from Mother and Beverly McRobbie did a song Goose," witli Sylvia Coverl *y asI and dance number. "Don't Be bMother Goose. introducing the Blue Any More," and later per- nursery rhyme characters. Therc- formed a tap dance on roller were the Thrce Little Kittens, skates. Donald Hennin- gave a littie Cheryl Anne Luxton. Wyegia ooo hita songs, Severs and Patsv Virtue; Tom, 1 among them "White Christmas." Tom. the Pipcr's Son, xvas David 1 Grce Cooper, dressed in cottori Milne in kilts and tam: Little batton suit was Erosty the Sno;v- Miss Muffett was Sheila Covcrly, man, and sang the song very and she even had her spider with ncl.Jci al a anl her.Gwe Kae ad Bll v ev-and Linda Colwcll, did wha t xvas ers. as Jack and Jill, turned a caîîed a waltz clog, to the tune somesault as they felI down the of Good Night Irene. Lorne Mc- hilI. and Eleanor Piekard as Mary, Robbic did a gond imitation ini carried her little iamb under ber the songs Yingle Beils, and I arm. Yust Go Nuts at Christmas. Little Jack Horner, Donald Os Mary and Helen Laskaris, were borne. had bow tic and plumnc xt with a livclv dance called pudding, and Margie Piekard as the Hornpipe. and the two sist- Little Bo-Peep, said that she stili ers djd an Irish Jig later in the èouldn't fînd her shccp. Little program. Young Connie Henn- Boy Blue with his horn was icav eiainaotSn Vougie Oke, and Old Motter Hub- ta'Clans and a little mouse, fol- bard with white sha\wl aronnd lowýed by Karen Downey doing a her shoulders was Darla Marie Palmer. Humnptîv-Dtinptv was <Continnied on Page Six) High Svhool Area Board Mee!s In Port Hope onJanbuary 41h -D. Alex McGregor and E.L. Town Clezit Arthur Mark w 111 act (Bill) Oliver, Bowmanvillc's re- as chairman i f the firsi meeting presentatives on the nexv High until a Chairman is elected. School Arca Board will attend the An official frorn the Ontario inaugural meeting of the Board Dcpartmcnt of Education will be in Port Hope on Thursday, Jan.I present at the opening session of 4th. The present Bowmanville !the new Area Board t0 assist in Board of Education will cease to organizing the group. An agenda function as such on December for thc first meeting has been 31st, 1950. [laid clown by the Department for The new High School Areai the guidance of newly formed Board xii incînde representatives boards. fromn Bowmanville, Port Hope, The local Public Schools. start- Newcastle, Darlington Township, ing at the first of the . N. car,. wilt Clarke Township, Hope Town- be adm-inistcred b 'v a Public ship arrd Cavan Township as \vcll Schools Board. Nominations for as delegates fron- the Counties' this Board xil take place in the Couincil. Council Chambers on Wedne5day, This firât meeting iii being call- December 27th at 12 in the fore- ed in Port Hope becanse if is the noon. There xill be six mnembers duty of the clerk of the largest of the Board willh two inembers munîcipality in the area to con- lcctcd froro each of the West, vene the meeting. Port H-ope 'North and South Wards. E. Harnden New Legion President Branch Requires Larger Building Elgie Harnden xvas elected to1 the presidcnc.v of Branch 178, Canadian Legion. Bomanville. b.acclamation at the clection hcld Thursday evening in the Legion Hall. Stan Dunn, Legion Presi- dent for 1950, declined to stand for re-election and Mr. Harnden,j as the only other contestant,' was choseri to guide Legion activity during 1951. According f0 reports. this \ear:ý election saw a record turnont with some 150 of the 300 Legion members casting ballots. The at- tendance was so large. the Legion House was filled to overflo\\,ing and as Legion fun-raising drives have intîmated, a larger building is a decided necessit. C. A. McDonald waelecfcd first vice-Presîdient and i Hap" Hobbs. second vice-presîicunt. The Executive electecd arc Don Morris. Jim Fair. Alex Mairs, Bob Stocker, J. S. Samis, Bobý Cale. Art Hooper and Harry Con- noi-s. For the past two vears, J. S. Emmerson and H. S. Brooking have been cected to the 'treas- urci' and secretar '\ posts. rcspec- tivc]y-. Thisrs election saw both reîîîrned for a third term. One Legion memnber interview- cri said that this year's record v9fe vould certainlv have been hiîgher had members working. shift work bcen -able f0 attend' the election and cast their vote. lie said 'there is a ferrific mci- bership this «ycar." The annual Lecýion Carnival which is accomp- anied by a car draw is one means bv xvhichl thc local Legion Branch hopcs to raise sufficient funds to purchase a building which will have greater accommodation. At the first executive meeting Io be held in Januaryv, the 1951 council xill draw up committees and discuss tentative plans. President Elgie Harnden He The meeting î'ooin of the Legion House on Queen Street was jammed on Thursday e\'ening foi' fhi annual event of most importance, the elecf ion of newx officers. Af fer one of the branch's most interesting sessions the above officers were selecfed f0 Iead thie veteians for next v'ear. rhey are frorn ]eft 't*1- itf: Sec,ý"«Itr,. Ho\,.,Ird 1tokri lst Vice-Pres., Cuthibert'f 1\TcDoiald,; Prcsidcnî. E'se arn- den; T'reasurer, Jack Emmerson; .Retiing President Stan Blackstock Church Has Hundred Years Since First BRmtismalr tised by the Re,. G. Nicholson, Rector. One hundred years pre- viouslv, almost f0 the day, the first Baptismal enfrv was made cK Post Office Hours % 'Ray Dudley, Talented Young Pianisi Postmastcr Jo hn Kent nu- d fhis wcek that the Bowrnan-,RNi nf Iiip Evpainffr at Ne2w Yotr in the Parish Register, which is ville Post Office will be closed i mA&U A a aslg &11W U&.Amm UA aiu TT. - va ab (By Doris Marlow) still in use, December 15, 1850. ahl day Christmas and New Year's.1 At St. John's Anglican Church. It will be open ail day Boxing Day 1It was with .iustified pr-ide and1 We have since received a pro- but will close for the usual Wed-1 pleasure that his man\' friends in1 gram and the following are the Blackstock. on SnndaY affernoon., Miss Margaret Trebilcock ls nesday affernoon. . 1 his native town and connty learn-j selections given by Ray: Vani- Dec. 17. Heather Evelvn ' baby , spcnding the Yuletide holidays The Iargest Christmas Mail.in ed that Ray Dudley, t een-age ations Gerieuses Op. 54 by Men- daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Philip iwith her sister, Mrs. Norman1 the history of the local Post Office musical genins. had been sclected delssohn; Barcarolle Op. y60 by Langfeld, Nestîcton, .vas bap- Hamîvoý, at Peterborough. 1 s reported by Mr. Kent. byteItrainlMscLy6 hpnadMpit azr p ____________ ers' Guild f0 be a gucst artist at is;ode-Der Tanz In Der Dorf - J *T ) 11ç~-<their concert in Times Hall, New sehenhe (from Lenan's Faust) by -p d e i n B a c o 1 5 hee n te p York City on Saturday evening, Liszt. ads ~ egon ran fl or Theve Atemp Dec. 9th. After hearing ail these compli- A t Newcastle PO. AIl felt' he wonld give a good rnentary remarks, about Ray we IRealized Over $700 account of himself, and they wcre contacted him when hie spent the right, for we have beco allowed weekend, with bis mother, Mrs. to read extracts from a letter froin Reta Dudley. In his characteristit A safe-cracking job in the New- Ralph Carruthers f0 bis parents, castle Post Office early Satur- Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Carruthers, - tday morning netted thieves over who attcnded thc concert. Raloh $700 in cash and money orders, occupies an important position it bas been learned. The job is with Fifth Ave. Public Libraryi attribufed f0 the expert hands of New York and this is bis com- professionals who emp]oved an ments about the concert: acetylene torch, crowbars and "Ray was magnificent and I sound-muffling sacks in thi had no idea hie could play the' succesýfuI robbery atfempt. pia'no like that. The audientce The Post Office, situated in thews mst apciiv an south-east corner of the New- showed their feelings by request- castle Community Hall on the ing an encore-the only one of village's main street, was broken the evening. In the reception into less than two wecks before lounge affer the recital Rav re- bv what would appear f0 be the- ceived many congratulations from same gang. This attempt, how- people whom 1 amn sure know ever. %v'as unsuccessful. . gond Music. One thing about a New York audience thev arc not 11 As in the Dec. 5fh robbery at- backward in showing tlîeir ap- fempt, thieves jimmied a window preciation. There were three olth- inthe Cornmunity Hall and broke er art ists on the program with int th oficesection of the Ray, a lyric coloratura. a mezzo PotOffice. From the south-east soprano and a baritone, ahl very corner of this room fthey moved good singers, but Ra 'v was un- the safe w'est through the bus- doubfedly the hit of the eveni- i imess office info the Community ig, IHall lobby and into the menis We also beard that another Iwash room. Sheltered in this Caain1isEli ilsn Ray Dudley windwles rom. he rbbes hadinrseiat Clmbiia Univr brought an acetYlene tor-ch into I sitv, and a sister of Mrs. Chas. S. modestv he hesitated to talk use nd nt ahol b he sde f Coce.sio St. Bo- jmuch about bis performance irn ueadoorut bba ppoxei h ime OfRobinson, Cneso S. o-Neow York. However, we did Dunn and 2nd Vice-Pres., "Hap" Hobbs. Following the the safedointepxmte manville. attended the concertfn*n hfbfr oîghm eletins luchxvs ervd ndth me ejoeddan gme, icinity' of the lock. It wou;d j along with a party of other Cao- h e d u a t f0 Baltmimgore electons, unchwas srvec and he mn enjyed art they thener' roY t en r the steafaf adians.Se Sbe sowasigheo deliadghttdp Mc ralanore cards and a -eneral discussion of the present intentoa back to the main lobbyx placed with Ray's performance that she Mrylind, Stertbe saw Mn. ý1 ernationalsacks on the floor fo muffle any phoned hier sister here the sami e Tornao.SeMn. t formerly of situation. The inewl *v eiec'ed ex,"cuti%-e xxho will xvork wifh sound, tben pried off the door. night and told hier the masterlv Trno r twr sCnut Ilhe ("11 1- include: D¼,i nrrle1*. Jim Fair, Alex Mis Robf. The torch uscd in the New~- wav- in which Rav pla.ved andi or of the Baltimore SymphonN castle break-.ui is reported to have- how% he stole the shioxvand teO chestra and is also Director of JS.Samis, Bob Cale, Art Hooper and Hiarry be tlniiarcn shawa wonclerftil applause he rle te e Peabodv Con,,'rvator,. The Conrs obberyv. whîcli demancled an encore. -__ (Continued on Page Six) New Ski Club Site Ail in Readiness N.-E. of Newcastle The ski buls at the Bowmane ville Ski Club*s new site north. east of Newcastle have received their initial layer of wvinter snow and although not in use at the present time. the next big snow. fali and cold snap will initiate local ski-timc. A mernber of the Club's execu- tive is reported as saying the ski- tow is ready for operation, the his are in fair shape and the new chalet in good shape. The road leading to the ski site ha$ been widened and it is reported there is ample parking space near the chalet. Switching operations from Haydon ski his. the Bowman- ville Club wvill operate this win- ter' at their new site north-east of Newcastle. Directions to, the chalet for those wishing to sneak a preview glance. are as followos: Approximately one-half mile east of Newcastle on No. 2 Highway, a newly-erected sign directs.rabid ski fans north. Following this road past two concessions brings a skier to a slight jogz right, and then an open driving lane to the chalet. There are no restrictions on Club membership this year. Juniors and students are offeredt a reduced rate while senior mecm- bers pay the regular rate. There are also married couples and family memberships. Present Club members intend working at improving the ski hilîs until the season for the al- umninum poles and hardwood siats roils around. Ratepayers Have Another Election For School Board It Is very seldom that the ratepayers of Bowmanvllle have two Nomination Meet- ings ln the space of a few weeks. This year as the Board of Education is dis- solved due te, going into the Hlgh Sehool Area another Nomination Meeting witb a resultant election bas been called for members of the new Public Sehools Board. This Nomination Meeting wlll be held at the Councl Chambers starting at 12 nools on Wednesday, December 27. Nominations wlll close at 1 p.m., followed by addresses by candidates for the Board. For this year the Board wll be elected by Wards wlth twe from each. to make up the six member group. The election, If necemarre will bc held on Wednesday, January 3rd. lu Ibis electlon ratepayers wiIl only have the opportunlty of votlng on can- didates.from thefr own par« ticular Ward. Recreation Club Christmnas Party Hilarious Af f air Wîth Joe O'Neîl acting -ms master of ceremonies, the Good- year Christmas Party, sponsored, bY tifé Recreation Club for employees' ehildren. Saturday'g fun frolie went over the top as far as an estimated 1,000 local youngsters are eoncerned. The party was he]d at the Goodyear Recreation Hall. The annual event featured the jdeliverer of Christmas gifts, Sani. ta Claus, as well as a unique dance programi arranged by Miss Irenie Harvey. A Frosty the Snowmaxi number staged by the Four Nov. elettes started the entertainment followed by an intricate and well performed Pierrotte number eni. acted bv four Bowmanvil!.@ you-ngsters who bear the titIs 'Sty lettes." Viekie and ber accordion en- tertained Christmas party child. ren with Yuletide souRs and Ro. berta Hale did a cow girl dance. A ventriloquist put in a brief ap. pearance and, of course, "Rud- go on display at Roy Nichols' Showrooms, Silver St., Bowman. ville. A cordial invitation is ex- tended to everyone to corne ar.d, fiee these new 1951 models at theoe first showing in Bowmanville district. As in other years Mr. Nicholi will have several ort these mod. els for vo!i to look at and com-. Pare with your preuent model of car. (ei K« 40 a-0