rAcE TWNNTT AYRE-Mr. and Mrs. Boyd A (nee Irene Crossman) are ha te announce the birth of t] son, Stuart Boyd, at Osh; General Hospital, on Satur( December 16th, 1950. ENGAGEMENT Frank M. Saunders, 302 C] lotte Street, Fredericton, N~ announces the engagement of daughter, Myrtle Annie, te LI George, son of Mr. and I1 Harold C. Pedwell, Newcaç Ontario. Wedding te take pl et the Rosedale Presbyter Church, Toronto, on Decenm 29th at 7 p.m. 5 DEATHS FORRESTER-Suddenîy et Or( on Friday, December l5th, lE Roy Alexander Forrester, beloi husband of Ione Ella Bouch, bis 56th year. Funeral from H. H. Barlow Funeral Servi Sunday, December l7th. Serv in St. Saviour's Anglican Chur Funeral under the auspices Orono Masonic Lodge, No.3 Interment Orono Cemetery. à STORMS - In Bowmanville December 17th, 1950, Dorcas El] Cain, beloved wife of the 1; John Storms, and dear mother Edith and Myrtle, and grar mother of Ernest and Bel Bowmanville, in her 90th ye Funeral from the Funeral Chal of Northcutt & Smith, Bowma ville, on Wednesday, Decemi 20th, at 1:30 p. m. IntermE Greenwood Cemetery, Smithfîc Ontario. 51 WAUGH, Mary Sidney-On St day, December l7th, 1950, Ma Sidney, daughter of the la Abraham and Margaret Crai ford Waugh, sister of Mrs. Albe J. Wragg, Clarke Township, her 88th year. Service was he et the George Funeral Chapi Port Hope, Wednesday, Decer ber 2th, at 2 p.m. Interment Lakeview Cemetery, Newtonvill at a later date. 51- IN MEMORIAM WHITE-In loving mnemory of dear husband and father, Jo] Edmund White, who passed aw. December 25th, 1949: Heavy are our hearts to-day, Memory brings you back on( mnore To the time Mien you were wil us, To the happy days of yore. -Sadiy missed by. his lovîî wife, daughter Ermie and sc Lawrence. 51-1 CARIDLT'S 0F THANKS I would like to thank m neighbours and many friends o the Highway for the flowers sci to Enid's funerel and for ail thei kindness to us. William Laird. 51-1 We wish te express our sincer thanks te the Enniskillen Footbaý Team for the presentation of table lamp. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Westover. 51-1 1 wish te tbank my friend. relatives and neighbours for gifi and flowers on our 4th weddinj anniversary; also to those whi belped rnake it e success. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Argue The Wonien's Auxiliary, Mern oriel Park, wishes to thank tho following for euchre prizes donat rd: Holgate & Son, Knox Sho( s-tore, Wanda's Beauty Shop S'tanley's Restaurant. Mrs. Overy J, H. Abernethy & Son, and Mrs A. M. Darch. 51-1 Mr. and Mrs. Fred BrimacombE wish to thenk friends and neigh- hours for their many acts oi ! ndness during his recent ilîness Tfhe cards and letters, thought. l'il phone enquiries. and lovely floral gifts from the congrega. tien of Kirby, United Church, ThE W.A., the Masonic Order, thE Loyal Orange Lodge: aiso Dr. McKenzie, and the nurses, Miss Christmnas Revue et St. John's Parish Hall, Thursday, Dec. 28 &t 8 p.m. by.the Harvey Dance Aeademy pupils. 51-1 In as much as the Bowinan- 'ville Board cf Education will be dlssolved as of the end of this year ail creditors are requested to have their accounts in the bands of the Secretary-Treasurer S. R. James, Bownianville, on or before Thursday. December 28th, Vo5. in order that prompt pay- ment may be made. Please give jîayour Immediate attention. Ayre Ippy bheir kawa -day, 51-1 bis oyd Mvrs. stle, ilace rian iber ived in the rice, vicec rch. of 325. 1-1 on Ilen ete- .of ty, V rer. d ýpel a] an- F ber C ent C ld, L 1-1- in- Pl try te ate S W' Fi ert ti, in to Ëld- )el, et Pl a B lnP 'ay M. C. lce Kn ýt C( lei Ni ng- on no i'y Gr rit r 11 e Ph * AI yoi frc tswc ig CaQý oc Phi TM o f Sa: ie )f 18 PIGS, seven weeks old. Ph" 2435.5 THREE Registered Hereford Bi of serviceable age, priced tos Apply George Stapleton, Newt ville. 50 Wanted To Buy GIRL'S white figure skates,5 4. Phone 828.5 BEST prices for scrap ironE batteries, $1.50. Phone Clai 2530. 4( APPLES Wanted-AII varieti Dave's Farm Produets, 205 Arlii ton Ave., Toronto. 43 BEFORE selling your live poul try us. Our prices are higher. Flatt, R.R. 1, 'Bethany, Phc 7 r 13, reverse charges. 51 DEAD FARM STOCK Picked up promptly. As an added service we wi ro-operate with your veterinari in post-mortem. Highest prices Vaid for liv horses. Caîl collect Bowmanville 267 MARGWILL FUR FARM Tyrone 5. Fariners Attention1 WE will be pleased to pick1 dead or crippled farm anini nd pay highest prevailing pric( For immediate service Telephoi Collect, Toronto Adelaide 36361 Cobourg 1266W, Gordon Youi Ltd.2 Music Instruction ýOPULAR piano playing - Leai )o play popular music in 20 le ;ns. Advanced or beginner or information and demonstr; on contact Bert Payne, Hair ,n, Phone 2091. 40- Pets For Sale ABBITS - Phone 923. S1-. 70X Terrier pups, perfect presen lhone 2480. Orville Osborne. 51. 30STON terrier beautiful pt] Ihone 73r8 Orono. Howar yles. 51- 'ANARIES, baby budgies, cegE id aIl supplies. Phone 916, 14 ýing Street East. 50- 'OLLIE pups, mother is excel nt worker. Apply Clarenc ichols, Neweaste. 51-1 Wanted VANTED - Waitress, experienc it necessary, steady positior Lpply Mr. Sieffert, Termina rill, Port Perry. 51- Work Wanted - BRAKE DRUMS! Lathing, Honing and Grindini Wye specialize in complete brake overbauls. BOB STOCKER'S GARAGE Lone 804 Bowmanvill 32-t PPLY FOR FARM HELP NOM -Don't weit until spring. Ge, )ur experienced, reliable heli orm Netherlands. Also skillec orkers and artisans available ill G. Buma, R.R. 1, Nestletoî hone Port Perry 225r24. 49-Il .eal Estate For Sale ,TO bouses and two acres, forth Orono. Cash, $2,000. AppIy lm Manette, Pontypool, Ont. 51-1* Cooke Real Estale To our niany friends and clients we sincerely wish you a very Merry Chrisimas and a Happy New Year EVELNN E. COOKE Realtor Newcastle Phone Clarke A2621 hone 51-1 [ulîs ,ton- ý0.2* sîze 51-1l and rke 10-tf ties. ng- 13-tf ltry M. ïone ilI ian Fe f ;79 1-tf 7~ la -ri iais n es. ne Sor ng 2tf -3 s, fi rn P ?rs. t ip- ý-tf -cc nt. ir -1 al trd ,es 42 )-2 3-1 - a el- pli ice tr -1* it> ýce ,al ~1Ch -th( sty Lec et Ip M. ýd e. -Col ýh noN [y roc YO TE] son' will moi OUI SALE BARGAINS GALORE! CEDAR CHESTS Beautiful cedar chests. Fan makers -Heirioom, Lane, E hart, Hondrich. "The Rigbt Gift for the Right Girl" Save Money $39.50 up bî. Deposit Will RaId Tou, Giit Until Christmas WONDERFUL KROEHLEI SPECIAL!1 Kroehler-the greatest nani in Chesterfields ! Ed. Wilson presents a Kroeh [0-piece chesterfield group ta ci fit your complete living-room. You'Il love this price. $199.00 '-piece Kroebler apartment-si bed-chesterfield. You can ba an extra bedroomn with no si rifice of living-room style, dout îuoyant by day, doubiy restful' night. Save Money $189.00 -pe. Kroehier chesterfield, flo sample-a real attractive cheste ield with matching chair, car letely cushionized, backed by t] Fmous Kroehler guarantee. TI àird picce isa new style Haste ýheir. Save Money $167.00 1-pce. bedroom outfit -,a tri -markable savicg-10 pieces ompletely furnish your bedroor iclude modern dresser, specici -iiffonier, full-size bed, eomfor ile mattress, cable spring, uffy pillows, bedlemp, 2 picture Save Money $129.50 pee. bedroom suite-a dreem suite, genuine walnut, poiishe etct mirror, waterfeli style, & ractive drawer pasts, bigh qua ty, greetly reduced in -price. Save Money $129.00 [IROME - CHROME - CHROr.t brome kitehen sets. Yes, we ha' cem, choice colours in men: .'les. Our sale prices will sav ou money. SPACE IJEATERS trective finish and style. Saft onomical and efficient. lm &diete delivery. Save Maney $89.00 7ALNUT CABINET SMOKERI A useful gift-smart style. Save Money $8.95 HASSOCKS - HASSOCKS me in and choose your hassacl )w. We'll hold it for Christmas Save Money $2.99 SCATTERMATS ehave a scettenmat for every îm in your home. A nice choice, Save Money $2.99 up 'UR LINOLEUM HEADQUAR. ,RS-Ev.erybody shape et Wl n's for flaoreovering. Here you ýi fînd your congoleuin rug, ir floor coverng for every am in your home. ir floor covening experts will grnladly.ssi" y-u nous as hler Dut- size (ave ac- ýbiy by oor ber- Ehe the ;ess îly ta )' rt- 2 ,es. of cd at- ali- lE ny Fe, n- S -c E 'I e. c ci p L t: U-c , S c 51-1 S. OIL BI BOWMANVILLE REAL ESTATE 20 Church S.with or 7 room brick bouse, garage, hy and up- dro, ges, 2 bathrooms, on large f(TA T and 18 corner lot. Vacant. s5,500, smailîOSAWAtIfElliott, Sheet 1 down payment. 4. 3348. 7 rocin freme, insul-brick, win- ALL ki terized, bydro, good welI, furn- FersozicU. wieneis ished. $3,000,. orly hall down. - mokec Bowmanvllle Real Estate HYGIENIC SUPPLIES - (rubber and han 78 King St. West goods) mailed'postpaid in plain toir, HE J. Shehyn, D. Maclaeblan, sealed envelape with price ]ist. pickling Broker Agent Six samples 25c, 24 samples $1.00. making. Phone Bowmenville 3326 Mail Orcler Dept. T-28, Nov-Rub- months Phone Oshawa 689 ber Co., Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. days an 11.1 - -44.9 - Articles For Sale BABY Stroller, like new. Phonc 611 or 2044. Mrs. R. Fiee. 51-1q KITCHEN cabinet, in good con. dition. Phone 914. 51-14 RANGETTE, 2 years old, good condition., 107 Scugog St. 51-1* DOUBLE welnut bed, spring and mattress. Phone 521 Bowmanville. 51--i * WHITE satin evening gown, size 14, worn once, Phone 3439. 51-1* LADY'S white tube skates, size 8. new. Retta Cann, 29 Queen Street. 51-1* BLACK giri's hockey boots with tube skates, size 2, excellent con- dition. Phone 828. 51-1 SWEET eider, 50e gal., also epples. W. T. Cox, forth of B.T.S. Phone 2927. 51-1* VENETIAN Blinds-We measure and instaîl. Phone Morris Co. for free estimates. 40-tf TURKýEYS - Broad Breasted Bronze. Christmas orders teken now. Phone 2639. 49-3* TWO stools for epic tank toilet.- Apply Sec.-Treas., S.S. 21, Dar- lington. D. Black. 51-1* BEACH cook stove; kitchen cab- inet and buffet; ail in A-i con- dition. Phone 2552. 51-1* SWEET apple eider, a healtbful invigorating drink. In gallons or kegs. Phone Clarke 2811. 49-3* N'EW shipments of Congoleum Rugs, Yard Goods, and new in- laid patterns at Morris Co. 40-tf 1,000 FEET %-inchi black pipe for sale; also carrots, celery and cab- bage. Phone 2468 Bowmanviile. 50-2* JUST arrîved! Our big shipment of Xmas mirrors, many beauti- ful designs. See these at Morris Co. 48-tf W.ASHING Machines - See the îew 1951 models in stock for immediate delivery at Morris Co. Easy terms. 40-tf GIRL'S coat, size 4; 1 winter outfit and 1 spring outfit, good condition. 33 Temperance St., Phone 3693. 51-1* LATE model universal Jeep, ten thousand miles,' beater, governor, Lake-off, complete. $1100. Phone Clarke 15-20. 51-1* CHRISTMAS TREES-Pine and Spruce. Order eerly for best selection. Keith E. Bickell, 127 Ontario St., Phone 433. 484* ZAPONS - 7 to 10 lbs., 58c per b, rough dressed, Darlington .battoir, Hampton. Phone Bow- nenville 3243, Saturday delivery. 51-1 OTATOES-Speciaizing in No. 1top quelity potatoes, waxed îrnips, onions. Order your sup- [y now. Doug Curi, 5 Nelson St., owmanville. 51-3 ONGOLEUM Goid Seai Rugs, rard goods and hall runners; Rex- deum Deluxe 2 and 3 yards wide, ard goods et budget prices. 'hone 41, Walker Stores. 23-tf E-RYSANTHEMUMS - for the 'hristmnas season. Red,, white, nk and yellow. Free delivery id taken to first two hundred istomers. Write Graham Florist, iniskillen, Phone 2468 Bowman- lle. 50-2*i [urners installed, complete one year guarantee, $.-ý50.0 -fras littie as 20 ô down 8montlis ta payv. S. Blain 'Plumnbing, Heeting and Metel, Bowmanviie, 'Phone 29-tf kinds of meat, good quaiity s, bologna, cooked hains, d bains and bacon, sausage mburger, Darlington Abat- ampton. Phone 3243; also lg, smoking and sausage g. During the summer s- bog killing on Tues- ind cattle at any trne. - ~ 84-tf Articles For Sale ýeEIGHT-day dlock, $3.00; tricycle, $10.00; Singer sewing machine, $5.00; man's bicycle, $35.00, all irecondition. James Emerton, South *Nestleton, caîl evenings. 51-1* dNo. 342 LETZ Feed Maker, fully equipped, slightly used; 1950 Allis-Chelmers WD tractor, wîde ifront end; 1950 Allis-Chalmers C tractor, xnower, cultivator, corn planter. Ux-Spring Farms Limit- ed, Uxbridge, Ontario., 50-2 FOR Home Freezers, M'ilk Cool- ers, Washing Machines, Ranges, service on milk coolers and mot- ors, thet wiring job or anything electrie. Trade-in or Terms. Consult Werry & Son Electric, dealers for Woods Electric Farm. Equipment, Phone 2539, Bowman- ville. 50-3 PLUMBINO, Heating and Oul Burners installed anywhere ini Durham County. Reasonable rates and highest quality. For fred estiniates cail S. Blain Elliott, Heating, Plumbing & Tinsmitbing, Phone 3348. 29-tf Help Wanted CAPABLE woman wanted to look after bouse for four, happy home, evenings and Sunday off. $50.00 a month. Write Box 515, States- men Office. 51-2* JUNIOR Clerks, maie or female, age 17 -20, with three years' High Sehool educetion and pre- ferably knowledge of typing. Ap- ply in writing, stating particulars, ta Box 514, e/o Canadien States- man, Bowmanville. 51-1 For Rent WINTERIZED cottage, furnisbed,i East Beach. Immediate possess-i ion. Phone 517. 51-1i Season's GreeKItsi Doug Curl wishes ail those Who have patronized bim tbroughout the pest yeer a Very Merry Christ-1 mas and a Happy and Prosperous New Year. Si-i Repairs.t FOR prompt, efficient, guarenteed service, dyeing acd customn work,1 try the Neat-Way Shoe Repair( Sbop, opposite Garton Bus Ter-c minal. 31-tfd REPAIRS toalal makes of refrig-v eretars, domestie and commercial; i milking coolers. Higgon Elec-b trie, 42 King St. E., Phone 438.a 25-tf The Ccrnadian ýtatesman Classified Advertising Raies Effective July 28th, 1950 NOTICES, ARTICLES FOR SALE, LIVESTOCK FOR SALE, FOR RENT, HELP WANTED, ETC. Cash Rate - - - 30t per word wlth a minimum of 500~ Must be paid by date of insertion. If charged, an additional 250 wlll be added A charge of 250 wIll be made for ail replies dlrected to this office. COMING EVENTS AND CARDS OF THANKS 30 a word with a minimum of $1.00 - for 33,words or less. BLRTHS, DEATHS, ENGAGEMENTS, MARRIAGES 81.00 per Insertion. IN MEMORIAM~S . . . $1.00 plus 100 a Une for verse. Dlsplay Classltied at 800~ per Inch with a minimum of oe eInch Addltional Insertion at the samne rates. Ail Classified Ads. must be in this office not later than 12 o'clock naon, Wednesday. - Send cash, stampe or money order and save money - (Clip This Out For Handy Referexice) CHRISTMAS CARDS MAKE FINE DISPLAY -The habit of taking a hasty glence et Christmas cards ta note the sender and then tossing theni aside is flot a very satisfyiîîg onîe for either you or the friends who graciously remember you with greetings. This vear. why not put your cards on display ta preserve tlîeir warmth of feeling tliroughout thie holidays, and to lend a briglit Yuletide appearence ta your home. There are numbers of tnicks for using Christmas cards in ('our decorative seheme. Try draping an arch or doorway in greenerv, bedecking it with colorful cards as they arrive. If your window curtains are a solid color, they'll serve as an at- tractive background for cards that have been attached to nib- bons and hung fromn the curtain rods. A few sprays of greenery, tied with wide red ribbons, should lie placed et the top of the window ta give a fiîîished look to your exhibit. H4omemakers are given assist- ance in finding îîîterestîîîg ways to display their holiday greetings by the manufacturers of the Christmas cerds themselves, some of whose offerings this year cen double as ornements. These include the cardboard variety, which fold fIat for mail- ing and a plastic kind, which may be removed from the card to add e sprightly sparkle wherever it's needed. MAPLE ICROVE Mrs. Ross Stevens, Miss C . A. Mertyn and Miss Joy Dunbar et- tended the Christmas Pageant et Albert College, Belleville, on Dec. 13. Miss Muriel Stevens return- ed home with themn accompecied by Miss Barbera Sproule of To- i ronto who is visiting Muriel thîs week. Miss Perla Audai, Ontario Ladies' College. Whitby, visited Mr. and Mrs. Ross Stevens and family Sunday. It is warmer to wear two thin germents than one thick one be- cause the air between them serves as insulation. News is formed from the first letters of North, East, South and West. LEGEND EXPLAINS CHRISTMAS ROSES Legend tells us that a young1 shepherd girl was weeping bit- terly as she watehed the Wise Men on their way to teke gifts ta the Christ Child. An engel appeared and after finding out why the young girl was crying, she weved her hand and instantly the ground was glittering with white Christmas roses. The young girl quickly gather- ed these blooms. When she presented her gift the Christ Child smiled and as His fingers touched the white flowers the Petals beceme tinged with pink. Average life of a milk bottle la LS J. A~rticles For Sale SNO-W TIRES Prepare for winter, have your own tires re-treaded in studded and sure-gripý 600 x 16 $1______S1.45 650 x16 -_______$13.85 670 x15 _____$___ 12.55 550 x17 - ----- ----- 510Z8 Truck 700 x 20 --568' 750 x 20 32.75 I825 x20 ------------ - ------ $36-80 G. F. JAMIESON Tire Shop Bowmanville Phone 467 48-tf Oshawa s Gifi Headquariers Bradley's Furniture 140 King St. W.. Oshawa 10 pce. Living Room Groups - - ----- -------- $149.00 10 pce. Bedroom Groups - $119.00 Metal Smokers ----------- 2.95 Table Lamp, complete $4.95 Fancy Card Tables --- 2.95 Tri-light Lamps, complete $19.95 Fancy Silk Cushions $2.95 Children's Wagons '1.95 Doîl Strollers-----$3.29 Clothes Hampers-------- - $7.95 3 pce. Vanity Lamp Sets-- $9.95 Sleighs- Tricycles - Two-wheel Bikes- Hockey Games- etc. Bedspreads - Comforters Scatter Mats Gifts for ail the family at BRADLEY'S 40 King St. W., Oshawa FARM FORUMS4" PROVIDENCE' FORUM Providence Forum met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Brooks with 26 present. This was review night and the broadcast was a summary of the forum findings. for the past three weeks. Aftcr the broadcast the social committee took over the meeting and we spent a very enjoyable evening of songs, games ai-d luneh.I We had at the meeting a sample name plate that the Durha m County Federation of Agriculture is giving to each member. These name plates are large and easy to read and -are to be erected at the entrance to the member's propertly. Next meeting on January 8th at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Barrie. Pursuant ta a direction made et the hearîng of the Ontario Mtunicipal Board held et the hour of two o'clock in the afternoon on Tuesday, the fifth day of December, A.D., 1950, et the Township Hall et Hampton, with reference ta the above mentioned By-iew Number 1162, when it appeared that although due notice of the said heening and eopy of the by-law had been sent to aIl retepayers in the Township of Darliîîgton, that Sehedule "A" ettached ta the said by-law lied been inadvertently omitted. The said sehedule reads as follows: Minimum Size of Building Lot and Minimum Area ai Building Lot which Must be Kept Free ai Building lst February, 1950 SCHEDULE "A" (a) Where there is neither a publie watcr supply nor sanitary sewers: (1) FOR DWELLINGS: Type One family Two family Multiple Family Building lot area in square feet 15,000 15,000 15,000 (II) FORt BUSINESS USES AND Area free of ilding lot ares Buildings ini in square feet square feet Size of Bui Business ih employîng up to six persans employing more tlien six persons ineluding employer Ares free of buildings in square feet 8,000 10,000 10,000 plus 2,000 for each additional dwellicg unit in excess of two. 15,000 I (III) FOR HOTELS AND Persons for whom accommodation is Building lot area provided in square feet Six 18,000 More tlien six 18,000 6,000 6,000 plus 500 for each additionel persan over six BOARDING HOUSES: Area free of buildings ln square feet 10,000 10,000 plus 500 for cacli additional Persan accammodeted or 1.500 for each (b) Whee tereisa pbli waer addi tn roo. (b> Wheryeer s:apbi ee upybtn (aItFR sWEs:GS Bu FR ilinGS:re ra reofb Buelng loare Arel sqaire fe ibt TOe 1 suare ret,500quae,00 e TOefamilv 0,0006500 Mtiplfamily 10,000 6,500 pu 2,000 for each aciditional dwelling unit in excess of two. (11) FOR BU7SINESS USES AND INDUSTRIAL IUSES: Size of business Building lot area Arca free of buildings in square feet In square feet ýdings Ernployiiîg up to six persans Emplo.ving nmore thaîî si x persans (111) FOR Persans for wbonl accommodation ila provided Six More then six T> One Two Mult 7,500 3,000 pu 500 for eacb additional persan over six in number. HIOTELS AND BOARDJNG HOUSES' Area fre of Building lot ares buildings ln In square feet square feet 12,000 6.000 12,000 . 6,000 plus 500 for each additional persan or 1,500 for ceci- (c) Where there is a publie water supply and sanitary sewers: (I) FOR DWELLINGS: Building lot area Ares free of buildings vpei ln square feet in square feet Sfamilv 5,000 3,300 ifamily 7,000 4,600 tiple family 7,000 4,600 plus 1,000 for each additional dwelling unit ln excess of two (Il) FOR BUSINESS USES AND Size o NDuTiAnglotUSE:rsfe oulig Bsiesas Biing ltare Area fqre a bildng Bual csess nsquliare 2ee% on ue infeet In lt ailcass ot aplicNBable 2 G o uildnglo Perns fr FOR OESADBADNmOSS Peromm oratioI acoov d ationildn o rs r reo ulig Ntp icbed Building ltcare rsfe Pulig NOTIC apicableREnotV apliale aoeShdl A OTmICE artSf heEBY iVEN at thl e aboneSieeduaed"A"- frominsg pmgartto!ohestidby-a iBll be cNsierd1a6dap- thoe ad afrdmin part o! thesodbeciownsuber1162, bye the sid Boad unthe secrsufficethobectonsd theetoare ied inuiigittSeCyefTaryo!the Bnord et rthe 2Parliae Buildingsb, teCiy.DT.ono o1r9ef50te.Oh a o!EDa tee erCitAD.fT1950. o DTED t th a fmerC.DfTaro5to J M. B. SANDERSON, il 1 Seeretary. o I 1* - - .- 4 -IT !?AIA J.kJ.LLIN*UW ANV LON RO BRIN G YOJR PAY CSH AN MESSAGE BEFORE1Fw fIè'.AVMNMU 12,000 READERS Y BIRTHI Livestock For Sale I unIr rvLP.lnivLrIP P.F.C. -38 IN THE MATTER 0F Section 406, of "The Municipal Act (R.S.O. 1937, Chepter 266), (as re'enacted by Section U Chapter 35, O.S. 1941). - and - IN THE MATTER 0F an application by the Corporationo the Township of Darlington for approval of its Restrictei Area By-law Number 1162, intituled: "A By-law to regulat the Lise of land and the cheracter location and use of build ings and structures." NOTICE Announcement 0 The Stores of Iowmanville Wi11 be Closed on Boxing Day Tuesday, December 26, 1950 A survey was made by the Chamber cf Commerce and ail Bowmanville merchants have agreed to close on Boxing Day. Dowmaiill Chamber of Commerce m . 1 îM 56 t,, 13, of ,te d- 15,000 7,500 3,000 1 -- . 1 1 -