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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Dec 1950, p. 3

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HUA'ÇI CNME~R 1, 13"OTm ANAMlTANSTATF"mýA. EiOWMA1!V!LL!- ONTAMIO PG jThe -Oronio News Il Mn. R. E. Logan Mrs. Wýalteer hCobbledicekr is in Orono Times. Coming as it did ,Trntoa the omeohr niece in the Christmas season, it seem- and nephew, Mr. and Mrs. W. cd doubly tragic and emotionsi Lantz, where she is convalescing were stirred to the depths. Be- frorn a recent illness. l ing bighly respected by ail who Miss Audrey Billings visited knew him and genuinely well in Bowmanville with Mr. andi liked for his verv pleasing mani- Mrs. Jim Paterson. ner at all times, he wilf be great- Guests with Mr. and Mrs. R. ly missed in the community. It H. Wood and Allie on Sunday is hard to realize that he will be were Mr. and Mrs. Wes Hoskin, seen no more sitting at bis lino- Oshawa, and Mr. and Mrs. Glen type machine in the printing of- Hoskin and daughter Darlene, fice as we usually found him. To Brooklin. his wife and family, Roy, jean and John, we extend heartfelt Mrs. Martin Linton spent the sympathv in their sad bereave- weekend with friends in Toron- met te.Sponsored by the Chamber o! Friends and neighbours of No. Commerce the Christmas Party 9 section gathered at the home of in the town hall Saturday after- Mrs. Fred Bowen on Saturday noon was a very enjoyable occa- evening to enjoy a social time sion. Rev. A. E. Eustace was with Mrs. A. Gerry and to pre- master-of-ceremonies and a great sent her with a wedding gift, an help in the programme whicii end table. Among the guests consisted o! carol singing. An were Mrs. Wm. Armstrong, Mrs. added feature was tbc showing of Jas. Dîckson and Mrs. Ed. Dean, two very fine moving pictures ail o! Orono. Mrs. Gerry form- suibable for children and also the erly. lived in that section before Eaton's Santa Claus parade in coming to make ber home in technicolor, shown by Mr. Cccil Orono. Carveth, Newcastle. Promptly Mr. and Mrs. Ken Fraelick at three oclock Santa Claus ar- visited their aunt, Miss Mabel rived and received a great ova- Davy. tion fromn the many children pres- One o! the most successful Dur- ent. He distributed bags fillcd ham County Holstein Friesan with candy, nuts, oranges and Breeders' banquets was held inl apples. The Chamber o! Com- Orono in.the town hall Dec. 12-. merce are 10 be highly commend- One hundred and fi! ty 'breeders cd for their very fine gesture. and their wives sat down to a Piewinratte ddF- turkey banquet which vas cap- lows' erinerClub Dne nd l ably catered to by the W. A. of osSrieCu Dacan Orono United Church. Sec full Draw Dec. 15 in the town hall, report elscwhcre in this issue. Orono, were: Turkeys-C. H. Orono United Church Choir at- Froote. Orono: Mrs. Murray, Pet- tended Kirby Church on Sunday crborough: Flossie Cowan, Osh- evening and assisted with the Dana C wen, oour Ms music at à special service. DonCoaOno Mr. Herb Scott is a patient in a Gese-Keith Bickel, Bowman- Toronto hospital. We hope lic ville; R. McLean, Bowmanville; will have a speedy recovery. Arvilla Brunt, Newcastle; S. Luk- The people o! Orono were ow. Oshawa; J. Redka. Oshawa. shocked and grieved on Friday Chickens-W. G. McNeil, To- morning when they learncd o! ronto; Herb Duval, Orono; Root. the sudden passing of Mr. Roy Lunn, Orono: J. C. Ascier, Osh- Forrester Sr., publisher o! The ava; Andre Cuza, Oshawa. k GREETINGSI May the joys of the season be an every-day possession for the whole .ear. This is our wish for you. S. G. CHARTRAN ESTATE MEN'S FURNISHINGS KING ST. BOWMAN VILLE Christmas Greetings from Kinsmen At this particular Urne of year our thoughts turn more than ever to our frlends. close and distant. The Kinsmen Club of Bowmanvllle feels that in its short pertod of existence, it bas made a large number of close friends. To ail these friends who have given us support In our projects or efforts for community service, we wish to extend our sincere thanks. * It is our hopje that everyone bas the best Christmas season ever, and the New Year wiII be the most frultful. Yours In Kin, J. H. LANDER, President. Christmas Greetings from Lions TO THE PEOPLE 0F BOWIMANVILLE AND DISTRICT: As Christmas draws very near, It Is my privilege - on behaif of the Bowmanville Lions Club to extend greetings to you. As members of a service club we have pledged ourselves to make this town, this district, this world a better place in which to live. We are dedicated to help those iess fortunate than ourselves. Any success we have hadl is as a resuit of your generous support. *And so. this Christmas, when. you are with your family enjoying the festivities and exchanging gifts, you c1en rejiiember with pleasure that .indirectly you have lielped many others have a better Christmas and a better year. For this help, our very sincere thanks. May your Christmas be the happiest and the year 1951 offer you greater opportunities for successtul living. l'ours, very truly, NELSON OSBORNE, President, BOWMANVILLE LIONS CLUB. Christmas Greelings tram Rotary "The fifty members of the Rotary Club of Bow- manville extend Best Wishes for a Happy Christmas and a prosperous New Vear. The fifty members direct their message to ail those ivbo have answered the aDpeals of Rotary and have assisted In the ivork of caring for crippled children In our community. Without the good will and loyal support of the men and wvomen In this district, the Rotary Club would find it most difficuit to live uu to the motto "Service Above Self." If there are some families ivho have a brighter and more hopeful Christmas because of our assistance, this only makes our happiness greater and gives us encouragement te con- tinue functioning as a Service Club in Bowmanville." Yours very truly, W. J. EASTAUGH, President, ROTARY CLUB, Bowmanvilie. Mrs. Cecil McLaren spent the weekend in Prescott visiting her sister, Mrs. Harry Clark and family. Mr. McLaren who has spent the past month there is confined 10 bed through illness. We hope hie wîli soon be better. NE WTON VILLE Miss Bertha Thompson spent the weekend with friends in To- ronto. Miss Kathleen Riches, teacher at No. 2 spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Sid Lancaster. Mrs. (Rev.) D. T. Lancaster who hsbeen visiting her daughter in .Toronto returned home on Friday. Messrs. Jim and Philip Gilmer, Douglas and Ed. Rowe motored to Niagara Fils for the weekend. They took littie Peter Gilmer home. We extend sympathy to Mrs. Al- bert Wragg and family on the death of hier sister, Miss May Waugh. ýMr. and Mrs. Thos. Curry, Bow- manville; Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Watters and son, Oshawa, with Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Bruce on S un da y The people of the village do appreciate and wish to Say thank you to Mr. Huggins for his kind act Sunday morning, in going over aIl the sidewalks with his pocwer- ed garden cultivator 10 which Ile had attached a small snowpow We extend an invitation b al bo attend a special carol singing service next Sunday cvening, De. cember 24 in the United Churclh. Miss Pat Ware and girl friend, Toronto, spent Sunday with Mrs. Geo. Ovens. December meeting o! W.M.S. was hcld at tlic home o! the President, Mrs. Cecil Burley on Dec. 12. Rev. D. T. Lancastec. took charge o! the c'lection o! of- ficers which resulted as follows: President-Mrs. ' Cecil Burley, lst Vice Pres.-Mrs. McCullough, 2nd Vice-Pres.-Mrs. Geo. Staple- ton, Sec'y-Mrs. Sid Lancaster, Treas.-Mrs. Cecii Robinson, Baby Band Sec'y-Mrs. Arnold Wade; Christian Stewardship-Mrs. C. Buriey, Community Fellowship- Mrs. G. W. Jones, Temperance Sec'y-.-Mrs. J. T. Pearce: Mis- sionary Monthly Sec'y-Mrs. J. T. Pearce. Pianist-Mrs. Ross Hal- lowell. Insbead of the - regular program the balance o! the lime was taken up with a discussio11 on church work, after which the hostess served a cup o! tea and Claristmas cake. St.- Paul's C.G.I.T. Prepare for Annual Vesper <Service On Tuesday, December 121h at 7:30 we held our C.G.I.T. meet- ing. We opened with the C.G. I.T. hymn and Purpose followed cd by the Yorke-Sadlier Theatre were read and approvcd and the roll eall taken. We then wvent int the church and practised for the Vesper Service which was held on Sunday evening at 7 p.m. On behalf o! the C.G.I.T. we would like 10 thank Donnie Creasser and Ileen Balson for, gebbing up the Vesper Service and for having such paUýence when we didn't know our parts as well as we should. We would also like to thank Mrs. Margaret Mundy o! Oshawa, for givîng us ber lime and telling us that lovely story about "Why the Chimes Rang." On Wednesday, December 20t we will bave our final meeting in the form of a party in the Lecture Room at 8:00. ?Lake Shore, Clarke Mr. and Mrs. W. Adams visit- ed Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Whitney, Newcastle. Mr. W. Adams attended as a delegate the annual meeting of the Toronto Milk Producers' As. sociation in Toronto. Mr. Alec Martin obtained fourth place in the Junior Farmer's Grain Club Çompetition at the Royal Winber Fair. Mr. Bill Jaynes spent the week- end at Apslcy. Miss Kay Riches spent thc weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Sîd Lancaster. Newtonville. Mrs. Roy McKay, Bonnie and Jim, Bronte, wfbh Mr. and Mrs. Robin Alldred. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Crago, Newcastlc, with Mr. and Mrs. S. Powell. Mr. and Mrs. Robin Alldred and family and Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Alldred and family spent Satur- day cvening with Mr. and Mrs. Keith Ormiston. Courtice. Mr. and Mrs. W. Holmes arc spending1 a week in Toronto aund wihl celebrate Christmas wîth Mr. and Mrs. Bob Shupak. Mr. and Mrs. Art Bedwin aiid family and Mrs. Chas. Bcd% w)n %vith Mr. and Mrs. Frank Par-kcr. Nex:t K. S. & C. rnceting wîll be held bt the home o! Mrs. WV. Béiskervilic wcather allowing. Congratu!atIions to Miss Dor- r'ne Powell and Mr. Lloyd Mar- non winning the Montague loarship worth S75.0)>eah ! ntilers - t Nev-.ýs l H U; - I tt'cepin)g ui Lk WALKER STORESI "LOVELY LADY" NYLON ROSE 45 Gauge -30 Denier. If you're stuck as to what to give her . . . just rememn "LOVELY LADY" Nylon Hose. She'll really appreci, pairs as you care ta give her. They are long wearing, 'fully fashioned nylons, 45 gaugE in three new sensational shades of Dawn Taupe, Cii BonHeur. Buy several pairs for personal and g SIZES 81/ to il $ 1.39 pair --------- -. - -.-. 18 INCH! OVERNIGHT CASES Sturdy, good-looking overnight cases in diagonal striped linen with smart rayon lining. An excellent gif t for the lady who travels. Catalogue Price - $15.801 Our Price - $ 12.95 Gait Jacquard Matching BATH'TOWEL SETS This fine quality set........... consists of:- 1 Bath Towel 22 x 42 inches *. 1 Guest Towel 16 x22 fiches 1 Face Cloth 12 x 12 inches $1.98 Set Extra fine quality, sof t but hard-wearing ir colours of yellow, green, rose or blue. DISH CLOTH Regular 59c SETS Special - 49c MEN'S TIES By popular demnand we are again able ta offer you these men's ties at a great reduc- tion. These are fine quality rayon lies, fully lined. Christmas Boxed - Regular $1.501 Each $1.00 Each i I A Il i y v 'v y y The Greaiest Scarf Values i n T PRINTED PURE SI! SQUARE SCARVEI Size 32 x 32 inches Exciting colourful prints in floral designs and Paisley patterns with solid contrasting colours. A huge collection from which to choose at an especially low price. Regular $1.98 each .----- PURE SILK COSTUME Si Hancl Rolled, Hems Better quality 6 momme costume scarves in plain shades of red, aqua, Kelly green, yellow, royal blue, tangerine and American Beauty - BLINDCRAFT APRONS Beautiful designs on colour fast priîit Some organdy trimmed, others broadcloth trimmed in colours to suit ail tastes. Made by the Cariadian National Institute for the Blind. 59c ta $1.89 Each er these famous iate as many e and 30 denier, Innatan and ift use. 'own! $1.59 -each CARVES à 49c each Ap GOOD NEWS! TROPICANAS Smarter, Gayer, More Colorful Dresses, Than Ever Before Ail in easy-to-wash ATC Spun Rayon! Sizes, patterns and colours to please everyone 1 ony 4.98 each SIZES 12 to 44 Brighten your home by being bright yourself in one of Walker Store's new crop of Gay Tropicana Dresses - they're made of easy-to-wash Spun Rayon - the colours corne up sparkling clear even after countless tubbings! Lovable new styles, excitingly beautiful colours of brown, Hunter's green, navy, black, mulberry, grey, pink, pale blue, aqua, peach, gold and turquoise ... ,ahl in the famous Tropîcana quality! SPECIAL NOTE TO MEN 1 If you are having trouble with your Christmas shopping bring your list to us and we will endeavour to give you our personal service in picking out your gifts. We have an excellent selection of gifts to delight the ladies on your gif t list. '"Truly a Pleasant Place to Shop" PHONE 451 BOWMANVILLE KING ST. E. wilffl~~ > 0 PAGE Ir% ý ýwjýv à à' duèàwb à noir la ýwèAp à à «a.lawk à dg, » à a deè M à à de helà drepba &ý&%à du»ýdelà b lwjýýà lvýAvkà ib.dp.à a...Wàlg t dréap hà ý

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