-~ .-~-. THE CAM, IAN STATZSMANJ f WA?.T7TT ' ' 'Infrtact, the greatest danger l nE pe e T Inbe 'given irstitutional ramn $ ret of Freedom a ruuosphy a th Canada rnay start rmn treament T setligaAndpesubsistence-hasbeng- down betore she succeeds in Co peai ,H mebn n- J u UU -Picil orC na in growIng Up and no sympto m 1praieH m erally established* by welf are a naono are more dlistrssigtoeIàving for the Aged workers as one of the great hopes natinarmor_____essfort solution of the problem of the as feel than the symptoms of a pro. Agrn o 9,412 y h-ae i heftue Jr ohn flassett, publisher of "The mind formed by the uni- mature aging. .AkinsnCrtable9,27.2oundhatioi in__the __future.t 'lhe Montreai Gazette and teversitY should be one trength- "!Cnd s otr e r-t i n xeietinc-pr u Ilt Caneioro!Biho'uUn- nedtoreia tos wo leery ourcel Into security, it will re- aliv home living of thé aged, Pl vçruity aet LennoxvIlle, P.Q., lnseel to discredit individual effort quire a mass of effort and an wax announced Dec. 18 by Mrç. Christmas Seal o lià address at the annual convo- and make of dependence arrmost unendmng enterprise. If too much C. Eiwood Hofmann, president of C m ag tl f d'ation contalned a message, a social vfrtue. What such taise emphasis là placed upon havlng the board of management of The a p ig SÛls couched la clelan d sailngProphets offer la attractive ta the security before risk, Canadians Julia Grcenshieids Memorial Needs Your Dollars to! >pords, whlch ahould prove an we er aide cf human nature. May find themoçlves bccomning Home, Toronto. ____rer fltàpfration te ail who heard or Tey uggemt that there Io a way too content with too little ... "This grant enables us to. cm- A atya.s gi hsyai read It. Unfortunately, space aut of eronal remponsibiilty. "But ail univeruities must ex- bark on what we feel is a thriil- Ase iason .s u of againier. f des nat permit the reproduction Scty they ouggest, may, be pae ln aur time the bitter tai- lng new experiment: establish- hae Li sonsClboringotheanviil P-S o! the complet. text but the foi.o arranged that by smre collec- lacy that the dittîculties o! Ille ment af a rcstdence in whîch ac- Chriavebeen sponsoin tennais .lowing extracta contain, a philos- tive or social organîzation man can .§omehw be banished If tîve aid ladies o! UJmited means Chdfristm h ea caignof raB.se ely whlch ahould, we belleve, cen be relevcd of the necesity there is only enough organîza- wiii be abie ta live comfortablin fusfrhmerdcautionfT.hB.stor a -becorne a guiding principle for a! having himself upon his hand's. tin, enough centralization o! our for about $50 a month," Mrs. Ho!- i uhmConu h soeti bIl Canadians. Ail that lis required is that he body politie, or enough subm ils- mann said. Windows are filled with Posters, Ing g'And what truth Is most nec«. should be wiiling ta uil to the sion to state authority. The project is an experiment proclaiming the fact and approx- 1 pr< tiry for our age? May1agetoeineo eedne Hw mc oefed hc a iesm nwr oimatciy 2700 letters have been f idý h yo hat ay i'sentrt obIneo!dpnoneneo uc oe e o f h h M OI e mrnexanswers to sent out to residents o! Bowman- the "'Ô e ancient t rul- A l this le a fallacy that Our w uld there be for the spirit if nems ao the tmoa thcr lein f prhe ville and surrunding territories.1 bufi oken by Pendces some twenty- universities should be resolute to the ad and unalterable truth lTheu o! the times-tthelife a! th *orhundred ecas ago, when he expose. The nccd for seif-reli- wcre boldly taught that difficul- active aid aged. A condition of ditrihe eonlen te faorth Mild,'h secret o!freedom la. mce arises from the tact that no tics are engrained in 111e, that the grant Io thet the board of ad- ititbsbe xeln ofr o Ourage'. man dan lever escape. that in ail tbey are inescapable. and that ministratars report rcgularly to ta date approximatcly $1200 bas the t4That secret was neyer mare the ultimate thýings o! lueadte nytcdo isii prt the Foundation an the success- beçn received, tc le ad te ony feedo lis ina siritace ethan It la telly And It JsO! experience-th thina that ual courage? or !ailure-a! the demonstratiord It Io still a few days till Christ-zo eeded nôt only that we mal be make tbought and decimio an4 Ithn tatw nedare Some time next month, 10 ac- mas, and aithough the campaignth tfgood heart amidst the warld's taith-man la alone with h n- capture something o! the tieldeanngiaetrx hsdocel somtabriesitinee cs - eties; it Is neded also be- sef. . .. wisdom a! the writr iombe 64 ta 82, wil move Into Hill many dollars ta wpe out the al ause therël are so Maly penscrns "Much has been said In this anclent Book a! Ecclesiastes oslth beautiful surround- drcaded tuberculosis disease. T '*iid 'no many groupa seeking ta land about 'security' but Canada when he wrote: 'There ils no dis-igs a! PoareP linsRd.e ach of redataeion a teud wi-lève ipreach te se fdêeenderice must seek 'securltyr' as a reward charge in that war,> ilb hre lhtecr !begetyapeitd cen v thls= .la! er own room. Thcy wiil share ln~ ber, you are not aniy hclping piec .6ds l tr srather than au an escape. "There is no gettlng out a h okinonfoseok orel hnyugiet hsbec lifc's unending struggie. Lifc wîli th e w Rin nduie oraws ourthy cause, bu aiseo bei in flot let people alone nor guaran- yRls rLw orhfauiy, belativs and !in thes tee for thcm invulncrable secur- Aidetram the rent a! $25 and The Xr alys eatvs and raustcs r whi ity. $20 Der month ton rooms, and the for everyone's bcnefit, ta belp drui "There wil'* always be some- obligation to contribute to the keep people in the best o! hcaith WOU A M r ything to be donc and something food purge and share ln bouse- adhppn .Seoi V.that will require courage in t.he work, no restrictions will be im- and bappneross. t hi his-c Christmnas ~ doing. There wiîî aîways be pose on any o! the residents. Giegnrul ati h ist- som dngr o hrut c, aiEa h will have ber own kcy, will mas Scal Campaign, you won't the soened ae facedt c, so espon allowed to entertain in her regret It. thro sibility ta be accepted, some roomn or in the camrnunity living- __________ and wac ob et"room, May go out where and when seek wachtab kpt"she wlshes. Where tiiere Is no vision, the ed i The idea behind the plan-that people perish; but he that kecpeth frorf - Going Home It la not enough for the aged ta the aw, happy.is he-Proverbs. Itolle For Christmas (By Moily Bevan in the Blue Bell) Up and down the shop-lit streets, A parcel-laden throng Exchange their "Merry Christ- mases" And gaiiy pass aiong; Oh! music's in each chcery voice, We are qlad of tb.is Their laughter's clear and sweet; chance ta gIeetyau The tinkling hum o! hambourines6 and hop that Old Sounds in their marching feet-, Sain NIc huaa balulCathedral chimes are pcaling of happiness for you Glad weicome for a King, this ear.But none o! these dan match the tune.à BOWNANY'ILLE . My heart is carolling. SuRPLU STOREIt's "Going home for Chrlstmal, SURPLUS STOREIn very simple strains *j That somehow hold a magie DIVISION STREET Lost ta intricate refrains. jt's 'IGoing home for Christmas," - Through the starlight, and the T snow. To flnd a Christmas welcome If a lace iuedta ICIOW.This is tte happes invitaiion we hâve avec _________________________The train goes whizzIng through extended-on invitation to you Io conte ln and the rught, - tee the fine t, mou beautifl. oN dmble Yret ail toc slow"for me:Pic rrbiitewnflue, 1951, For ail along the crecping miles Si4e Aniversary modela. Thes, are Pontae I'm thlnking eagerly masterpieces, new inside and out, with a quarter. Of a little bouse 'o! wcîcome cnuyo hor oughgonesb 1*ùo v Whcre Christmas tires gîow, * éhoeoucndop m son Where Christrnas- dandies.,shie afar A wandercr's way to shà W, - Whcre kindness lights each pléas-4 ant face, GNRLMtR Where Christmas teasts are GNRLMTR spread; VLU And with my thoughts the same aid sang ~2 Goes ringing through my bead. It's "Going borne for Christmas," The haunting aid refrain; Home where a thousand memonies. Refresh the- heart again. It's "Going 1home ton Ch ris t mas," 1xd O angel chairs that, sing- Hear this, my carthy carol, For Christmas homecoming! May the day and the section bu Socialogisi Claims apailess for yau in happy enjoy- Youth Is Not ment and rccollection - my Going to the- Dogs Santa's service b. prompt and your holiday a merzy one - tbis Juvenile delinquents ln Canada ls the sinccre walh 01 are no more typical o! today's rising gencration than jazz and ........ gin were typical o! the 2 's, Sid-....... niey Katz writes in the current VIUR U f FURNITURE AND isue of Maclean's. "The warning o! alarmists that M u R P iI SAPPLIANCE theyouniger geferation is going o (.I In 1901, 37-.5-peér cent o Cn-)ENAT4AL iNEW A"U""-1UTIE --XE IODELS uvdwnslI jPrivacy and respect for women - married or *ainlve ictisin15it s ENjSaI[n al BDIESBY 151 your honesty. Men or single-are welcomea 54.3 Per cent. The city tends ta VIALE FE tLE tbe 0.r DE fe P4»Sud, whe e at s loosen Ithe checkreins o! public New antamatic driving com madelS can have the and Luit of *il eai M Es OF Lwhee lt'inin"Flretleader eu - r«ea Y OTOI LAS ta 4 out of 5 opinion.' 1951 Pontiac Dl8JofP0wartGuncuc elX'80eoayE o nd.L t Katz Points out that today a ,wnderfil case aissions. 'flire in no lchpa. $ce* lis M Phone first for onge-visit youngsters also have more things YEAR-AROUNlaD * ~ ~ 2»ý 3 5. S.S 5.4 anOrorel-. adtanateir parents'!imcompletely autornatic tvan evef 5hift, for Po)WIRG"5 twln-duîhAgOIJNg &:_IS4$12 $2J9$4036 oun relif-why for ovis, anc te ls oln UmaI normal driviflg no gearg rS ,fliencyncreaàe& wndedetn V- 2 $8 40 yorsl w oun -bath for pleasure and poi. tru ovredieVal . ihr 9.08pyontat foI* tbesVo@ served so mn satlslled aflys, restaurants stay open a xr o okn one-a iteCU -rd cutores lat yar. longer-and thre are mre or;f :al:eh1BU I T. c AT rWA &i#$ o $v us'.ega. Now It lists more than 20,- 2»dfi. Il1/2SRM T-, NM <Over mk fNova Scti.) leus Kat.ch omm n wihpteipl ar- ph:590aFe. onAndersn, YIS MANager lesi cmo it he pr lmM * l eufnui im ouf f*M ents than ever before. '-And on w b~ ~k ST55dIU is ?wuel ismca m.p~ 5 Cumdm bath aides there Is less attempt at understanding the proolerns and Osmw.Canada frictions that a modemn Indust- E, 8TIC- - OPEN BATURDATS IYNTIL 1:00 P.1WL - rialized oiety has thrown Up at ____ thc aid gencration and the new."1 rruth Shail P- evali dity containing much wine and enemny with free and Valuable (By L~ewis Mlwuan) pleasure. Take Seau! and ail l he militarY intelligence and the re- girls wll b. yaurs. The property suit la the vresent disastrous ait. Soviet ing mlght be regarded of the inhabitants belongs ta the uatian. There is no need tb fight sa joke and laughed at if it conquerors and youwin be eble Les with counter-lies, bu>Ct it iee not for the seriaus effects ta menci parcels home." suicidalink warefane ta act as an ion tic Russian people and Tselearontefco!Intelligence agent ton the eneniy. e woid kgencral. The very them so transparent that onîy he A o the fnlatoeo i bvious falsehood that Amnerican Isolated Ignorance o! the Russian present strugglc o! the Western Ianes were dropping, potato bugs epecnepan wy tc nations with the lying propagan- n.Eastern Gcrmnany struck anec epe nepli h hyda sudfo Mscwanth rathen !unny when It Was !irst were concodteci and have been ac- imsuad trom sow andovieI cepted immoraleactieso! thutovietnl Id. 'But the 'Russian people did BuChn the cald war. there can be ne ot s e t e jo e. he l e w s Io nowalso w ithin te fron Cur- doubt. Tiere is a divine ediet ýpeated and fia doubt iiiustrated tain, and thc Chinese people, and gis woevrlet an eseilythc millions of men ~i aant hover"n"loethe ans i th pr ss w th ctua ph t- ite Cornmunlst army, have been that f et le, ad" Il-the naonl s ýaphs o! Arnerican potato bugs e liteele re omfre o. fti ol conclusive evidence. ce it thelesi a Itnticai îtrein.o go on and tie nations are to A - Even Russian scientists seem against the United States and th~e hleattoethe i eeofwtheusP have been sa convijiced o! the wbole Western Worid. ho att h ble !tcpet uth o! this lie tint îhey'ancwrt Patmore, that gletters ta the paper ns r.ily tWhatever may be the fauits a! "When all Its work la donc, ,oesin aaistAmriangpr- 0li United States Governiment the lic wiii rot; y. As intelligent scientists adte Amerîcanpesipa- Tetuhs rtadsal ?y shouid know tiat potalto ticular, deliberate iying is not anc prevail." is do not stay in anc place, and a! theni. If an*ything, they have at il would be impossible, even ercd on the side o! teliing too rthe cleven Americans, to train muci o! thc truth. Througiout ebugs 50 that they would at- the Korean War the Amenican k patatoca only in tic Soviet press correspondents bave report- ne. We know, o! course, that end etali, an oftyhe .fres epotato bug la no respecter o!forn eal n hy aee .ros and if 1thbad any poli- foeat what the next moves it oui bea Cmmu t ikewere going ta be. Genenal Mac- * o -*I* S , nsects. Anthur b is has taoiked the________________ rhe case o! the potato bug, how- mcAltahspoie h er, la only anc o! the many ýes o! crude fiction that have n issued tram the lie tactory Mascow. Amnong the lateat o!flr n l e t i ýse la one publishcd in Pravda )r u F e c i c Ii runs: "'Canadien flycrs, o e5-- nk an gin, are murdening the Pho e5-1 r o îndcd being cvacuated trom ul.-MacArthur ianded atIn-iKIIII A D rn )n the most inveterate crim HAN AN OUSE WIRING world. Ahead.-o! bis eut- at. e a enin te niis *REPAIRS AND ALTERATIONS. . . 1New Zealanci adventure- . s.s. POLE LINES A SPECIALTY cens."l Afother itemn contaîn- what was said ta be an order FREE ESTIMATES - in MacArthur ta the troops as lows "Beoreyou iesa nich the New SilverAuivejrsar ~m ~NSAVU@.L AUT@REATUC WRA.samassu@ NS * e&4< ]Dollar foir Dollar ire y"u cazit beat a ]Poutiac? [JTIFUL THING ON WHEELS ... with )NAL AUTOMATIc DIRIVES . on Fleelleader Deluxe, HYDRA.MATIC land Streaniliner. A PERFORMANCE ...- two engines, teght or deî,endabio, econoaalcal six. :W INTERIORS ... beautlful new fabries, Îles, coanfortable dcep-resî sea. 5IVE SWEEPSTREAM FENDER ...protected by znuaive wraparond ISION ..,. wide windowe, extra broad d. milan corner poose FER ... étron# rng.d, beeudtully atyled teeL INSTRUMENTS . -..uaUr pan. easy t, COMFORT CONTROL...perfeted and ventileiang. JNK ... extra--le, fuilnd wh sef. lanIedlIId. r100,000 MILS ... f1, tb. Ponta mlcal, depeadablo serve, for à long, long 111E EVzEB.popuLAR AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSON NOW MietaDEbasVEc,, NER!ie lihDRÀà,MÂTIC, the automnatic driv h a. - be-e- n c"Iid by mnotoriste for ovor ton Years r.ca n e ai on gn. j9 pontiac C hie tâLn Or Stream n e youS dop in h osm ol go, step on tise braie < to P-thatsalat bsoutmi ormidrîthe lg with lY R AMÂlc the drive t a a x aethe chatc pedal entirelY, And this year it f ature nee Instant R vre TIYRA.NIATIC, Drive is oPtioall equipinent aetcilla cot ,, Chiftain and Strea1flh1ner models Oay. i NICROL a B#MWMANVILeR 1 . THURSDAY, DECEMBEft 21, 1939 ýe