THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, EO'*MANVILLE, ONTARTO PAGE &K~UW p ISOCIAL AM PERSONAL I Mrs. C. L. Upper, Peterborough, spent the weekend with his'moth- ,sitd her sitr, Mns. 0. F. Jarn- er, Mrs. Rata Dudley. Mr. Lawrence Helmer Is leav- Mr. George Spencer, Vancouv- ln.g today to spend Christmas with ir, B.C, spent the weekend with bis parents, Mr. and Mri. Clar- 1f.and Mrs. Blain Eliott. ence Helmer, Winchester. Mis Peggy Dippeil la home for Yo still have time ta order Chriatmai holiday. and i8 again The Stateminan for 1951 as a gift pin the Post Office staff. subscription ta. a friend or re- w ('ntforget to send in your list lative. Chistmas visitons for this Coty eatUntrpts3 nnnext week. onyHatUntrpts3 cases of communicable diseases Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Stapley, in the United Counties, but Bow- Wnnipeg, Man., are visitin ber manville has a clean sheet. parents, Dr. and Mrs.W H. Birks.Miss Eleanor Hlitsman is leav- Mrs. E. Rundie was the wlnner ing today ta spend Christmas p f the Grand Cash Prize on wîth ber parents, Mn. and Mrs. Maher's Double or Nothing, Dec. J. S. Hitsman at Wincbester. I8th, a total of $116. Miss Olga Tod left Sunday ta Mr. Ray Dudley, Royal Con- spend the holiday season with servatory of Music, Toronto, ber sister and brother-in-law, ST. JOHN'S ANGLICAN CHURCH 4TH SUNDAY IN AD VENT 8:00 am HOLY COMMUNION 11:00 an MORNING PRAYER AND SERMON 7:00 p.rn. - CAROL SERVICE CHRISTMAS DAY 8:00 a.rn. - HOLY COMMUNION 10:30 a.m. - HOLY COMMUNION AND SHORT ADDRESS Speaker: REV. T. M. DUSTAN, M.A., Missionary from India, homne on furlough CHRISTNAS SSERVICES SUNDAY ~f DECEMBER 24th Il a.rn. - Christmas Message ln Song and Sermon 4 p.m. - Christmas Pageant "The Watchman" in costume and colour. No Nght Service 17, -, ST. PAUL'S United Church I To the Citizens of Bowmanville and Statesman Readers MERRY CHRISTMAS andi GOOD FORTUNE IN 1951 LAWRENCE C. MASON, Mayor. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wriýght, Ham- Arena Opened Wed. Mrs.Alberta Layman, writing With Hockey Game from Bradenton, Florida, says: We SaigX a a are having several weeks of cool S aigX a a weather n Florida wvhieh Is un- usual for this time of year. Last night Bowmanvillc's Me- Messrs. Clarence and Harry Os- marial Arena offiçially opened its borne were in Simcoe Saturday second season's operation when attending the funeral of their Cobourg lntermediates met Mike's grandfather, John W. Osborne Imperials ibefare a fairly large who marked his 1Oth birthday crowd. last August 27th. Ahl week long, since cold weath- Mrs. Ernest Hunt and Sharon er set in, it has been a day and Anne, Eastview, are vigiting Mrs. night operatian at the Arena ta Hunt's mother, Mrs. R. Witheridge, try ta build sufficient ice for who bas been iii for the past two sk ating and' hockey. Mcl Wight, weeks at the home of her daugh- th, new Arena manager, bis, ter, Mrs. Nelson Jackman, St. brother Wrightson wbo bas been Catharines. giving valued assistance and Dave Gilfillati have been bard at t Mrs. David Alldread and Mrs. and Wednesday noan they had a James Coyle werc in Toronto on mooth sheet of ice that would Friday ta attend the York Play- defy comparisan. Thcy also car- ens presentation of "The Barretts ried out somne painting and other of Wimpole Street," at Bessbor- repairs which are always requlred ougb Hall, Dunbar Road Sehool, in a structure of this kinid. in wbicb Russell Alldread played Last year's manager Tom De- thé part of Octavius Moulton- pew. earlv in the fall. indicated Barrett. The play' was sponsor- that he would not be available cd by the Wamen's Associationfrtejbhi a deoohr of the Mining Industry of Canada.efo te ob ts yerduaothen, Mr. E. V. Hoar, Fr. and Mrs. It was with sincere regret that Charle Hoar and claughter Bar- the committee learned of bis re- bara. Toronto, spent the weekend tiremnent, because he had done at home. This is Mr. E. V. Haars the hard job of getting the Arena first trip home since his car acci- underway in its early stages and dent last wintcr. During the bad put in long hours of noble last nine months he has had numn- effort. crans operations while in hospital. Plans are that the Arena will Although stili undergoing treat- be open for Public Skating on ment be is able ta walk about on Christmas Day if the -weather ne- crutches and is mnaking satisfac- mains cold and any additional tory progress. days priar ta Dec. 25th that can A recent event of considerable be made available. local intercst took place at the Incidentally. it is expcctcd that borne of Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Mit- there wl be several town hockey chell (Bank of Commerce Man- leagues as well as the Intermedi- ager, Retired), where a christen- ates and possibly Juniors, Juv- ing party was beld for their eniles and Midgets. There may grandison, Ian Lindsay Mitchell. also 15e fancy skating and other The year-old honoured guest is attractions as the wintcr progress- son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lind- es. At prerient, ail citizens of say Mitchell, Toronto, and piar the community are urged ta sup- ta the party had been christened port the Arena functions where by Canon C. R. Spencer at St. thev can ha\Me a good cvening's John's Anglican Church. Guests healthy entertainment. for vcry includcd grandparents, Dr. and littie cast. Mrs. Chalk, Toronto; Capt.* and Season tickets for skating arc Mrs. C. R. Spencer and their now on sale at the Arena. three childrcn. Bob. Susan and Doug, of Petawawa. St. Paul's Evening W.A. en- joyed a pot-luck supper on Mon- day evening, Dec. Ilth, with 28 membens present. This social" évent, nt wbich Rev. and Mrs. H. A. Turner wcnc guests brought to a conclusion the activities of,' the W.A. for the ycar 1950. A splen- did report was given by the Treasurer, Mrs. Fred Smith, after which Mre. Joseph Barton, on be- hait of the Nominating Com- mittee brought fonward the names for the éecetion of off icers. 0f- ficers for 1951 arc: Mrs. Robent Evans, President;, Mrs. Victor Jcffery, Vice-President; Mrs. Roy Lunney, Secretary; Mrs. Thorn- ton Anderson, Treasurer. IF YOU PLEASE If yau expeet ta have visi- tors aven the haidays or in- tend gaing away, the Social Department would greatly appreciate gettlng the news either by telephane, 663, or in wniting with the name of the writer signcd. The assistance of readers la maklng thîs page of spécial iatercst dur- lng the holiday season wvould be greatly appreciated. AIl contributions subnilt- ted for Insertion ln the social page should be written an anc side of the paper, and slgned for purpose of yeri- fication. WHAT DGES TUE WORD CHRISTMAS MEAN TO YOU? DURING THIS GREAT SEASON, LET YOUR FAITH BE REBORN AND NOURISHED IN WORSHIP AT YOUR CHURCH. TRINITY UNITED CHURCH -Invites You to Attend -1 11:00 am MORNING SERVICE 12:15 p.m.- SUNDAY SCHOOL 7:00 p.m.- EVENING SERVICE wiih C.G.I.T. Candie Lighting Vesper Service Rev.R. Henderson, B.A., B.D. Minister. Mr. R. G. Harle, Director of Music. f - - - - - - More Donations For New Hospital During the past several wceks more donations have corne An for the new Memroial Hospital BuIld- ing Fund. Secimtary-Treasunr Ray Dilling bas compiled the lot- est list which is published below. The building fund is still a long way frorn being adequate ta comn- plote the . building. Your dona- tion will be gratefully received at any time. Canadian Order o2f Foresters-.- ----------$ 25.00 Bîown's Busy Becs Lyla M. Oshorne R. M. Cale- -_ _ Mis. Fr-ank Walden, New Westmninster Mrs. B. M. Warnica Walker Stores --. ---- Mis. Dorothy Anderson (Lockhart) -------- Elmer E. Williamson. Toronto ------. --------- 300.00 15.00 100.00 10.00 3.00 25.00 50.00 10.00 ST. PAUL'S W. M. S. The Christmas meeting of St. P;.ulVs W.M.S. was held at the home of Mrs. S. McAllister Dac. 19th. The President, Mrs. W. H. Car- ruthers opened the meeting with prayer. Mrs. Clinton Lunney and her group hiad charge af the Christmas program. Mrs. Har- old Ferguson led in the candie- light dovotional service. Mrs. Kcnneth Hull, accompanied by Mrs. R. Whitmee favored with a Christmas hymn "O Little Town of Bethlehem." Mrs. J. H. Jury gave "Christ- mas Shepherds' Stony," also an inspining "Confidence" poem, an assu ring message toalah Chnistians flot ta fear for the future. Mrs. Carruthens thanked Mrs. Jury on behaîf of the members for hen inspiring message. The meeting chased with a Christmas prayer. BETHLEHVM STAR REMAINS MYSTERY The Star of Bethlehem bas been the subject of extensive research and discussion. Modern astronomners have con- sidercd several natunal phen- omenan theonies without attach- ing too much wclght ta any such hypothesis. Skeptics regard the whoîe thingz as mere invention, colored with oriental imagery, deslgned ta hanor Christ: and faith accepte the stan as the supernatunal phen- omenon which prochaims the blrth cf Jesus. Te first ehapter of the gospel according ta St. Matthew begins: "The bock cf the generation'cf Jesus Christ, the son of David, and the son cf Abrahan." And confirming Bethlehem as the citv cf David, the angel of the Lord dechared: "For unta vou le born this day, in the city of David. a SAVIQUR which is CHRIST thc Lord." St. Luke 2:11. Considening tradition. which ac- cepts that King David's shleld formed a six-pointed star, the Star cf Bethlehem appropriately. ',...stood over where the young Child was," St. Matthew. 2.9, . . . Here are only a few of the many lovely gifts to be found ut your friendly I.D.A. Drug Store. There are gifts for everybody on yourlist, atprices you can afford to py C7'1 ~ if ~ TT*~ jMake Tour Gifts Look. Gifts to Pieuse .. ShLjav n mTheir Bs thJarSx n it fr" i Enc1osure Carda, Seulsan go ~1TT~?- PT PLECTRIC SHA VERS: Ribbon aud Twlne '...J1LP4 U Packard Diplomat - ---- ------29.50 WrappInt Paper -_5c,,10e, 15o MANICURE SETS Remnington - $21.95 to $27.9.5 Beauti-Fol, 4 rolis of foul 'Look Twice' - Unique transparent~ Schick --- --- -- $19.95 and $25 "Scotchrand" ag 9 pcaeholds Nail LacquereAI1E1 'S AR BRUSHES: iCeilulose Tape 10.50 and Lipstick, $1.25e "Town & Country" Club Brush with______________ coMainIsKT Matching Comb - $1.891 '~ -1~;**~ cotansSingle Military Brushes -- -$. RFresHmenayti Nail iacquec, orHoid0-0n Cutide and ïersmn Lacquver ~for .J CANADA - RemoverLuxurloua s £ shown Lt horing-DR /77/Ginger Ale, Sparkling SHA VING BRUSHES 9094 GITCREATIONS Williams Gif t Box ~Favorites with the mnen-Lux- iury Shave Creamn and Aqur k ~Velva LntiorP plus a cake ofu FLanoli Soap ------------ $1.25 Yu'esure ta please the men on ~your isi with gifts * $150 by GILLETTE 'T~SU1 Chit" Contains a Gillette Racket One-I'iece A d.lightfui gift-phaarl co f lmous Gy azor and 10-Blade Dispenser, in fregrane In a lovely plastic "chest". Ltrene case. Plus extra 10-Blade Dis- Chrismas Cracker-2 perfumo phials $1.50 elpenser andi two tubes of Week.nd Pkge--coiagne & porfume $1.35 ---------C-eam------ $2.45 ___ Gift Pack of 50 Gillette Blades lu eDispensrs - colorfuliy packaged $2.50 There's Christmas In the Air (uitcrt ift Set-One-piece Razar with ~ and thre lO-Blade Dispenseri $6.00 Exquisite Perf urne Flacons by Richard Hudnut "Purse Petite" Perfumes Dainty crystal flacons holding famous Gemey fragrance $1.25 Three Flowers, Yanky Claver, and Violet Sea fragrance 75e I t. f. ,» Novel Cbarmlng SNOW SLEIGHS hiolding a bottie of popular Hudnut essence Gcmey, R.S.V.P. or Vague---------- 1. Gemcy, Cologne, with atomizer $1.75 Evening-in-Paris Penfwne ~85c-1.10-1.75-3.00 Yardley Colognes-Lotus, Fragrance and April Violets -----.---$1.75-$2.75 Pond's Angel Face, ln new plastie mirnor case - *.$1.35 Lady Esther Set-face cream, face powder and lipeolour -$1.35 Look Your Prettiest With a TONI Home Permanent Qte. 25o plus deposit Ginger Ale and Spark- 1.00 1.5, Z.0 lng Water aIse An car- .1.0,.5Up200tons of e aphits. Pure Badger Brushes ýFor Gifts or a .95, 5.00, 7.0 & up 'jHolday Entertaining. ______gCANDY ln attractive I case wth blae. ,,$1.49 Schlck l case 2.45 BILLFOLD jý speîal English morocco biilhfold $2.6 BILLFOLD in a nice gift box. $3.50 value .6 Double Claridge $1.25 PLAYING CARDS Decks Vague $1.50 Congres--------$2.50 Cute, animal tays made of TILLY TOYS pure liquid latex, decorated 25c - 50c wîth harmiess colours. Deliclous fresh assortmcnts of BOXED CHOCOLATES by famous candy-makers as Neilson's, Laura Secord, Moire, Cadbury's, McCormlck's, Lowney's, etc. Ulways Weil Accepted FINE SOAPS by TAYLOR Rose Toilet Soap: Box af 3 cakes $1.00 Also ln Carnation and Lilac Pine Cane Saap" 2 large cakes in box 65e «'Two Little Girls in Blue" Set af 2 cakes 45e "Mandaria" I OiiEl. Q- Bole cf3 ake $1,003 cke ___________________________Sets__--__-__$1.25__$3.95_____ L n Ur1~,ana e &FIRO fine TLON Gifts "Man-it-e Sets---$125$395Stationery, smartly styled, in case ----------------- - $1.00 boxed 5-0Sc, Sie, up _____raf Baby Bottie Warnser, Lovely ta Give- electrie ------ - $2.95 and $3.95 's-Luxury ta Receive Thermos Botties: YardleLày of London Pinto 17-I8-23 MEN'S GIFT SETS - Containg Quarts-- $ 2.69-$Z.98-$8.79 Shaving Needs $1.85, $2.25, etc. Heutint Pads "Safe-Heat" - $4.95 Lhti\ Yandley Shaving Bowls $1., $1,25 Perfume Atonizers Yardley Atter Shave by Devilbins-$15 Y . ~ ~~~Lotion ---------------- $1.00, $1,50 ________________ 't LADIES' GIFT SETS cf lavender scented Salve Tour Glft -Probleco -_ toiletries ----------$175, $2,50, UP by givint a famous ___Old English "K W IÈ " Lavender -----$1.25, $1.95, $3.00 S YN IE PEN and PENCIL SET G if ts for the Smokeri by Wtra cea Dr. Plumb's ,hes $1.50, $2.50, up Perfect Pipe - --$3.50 master Carburetor rette Maker - ---$1,00 Vello-Bole - ---. -$2.50 M m Rollit or Kaywoodie i)lex" Ligliter - ---- $1,00 Dninkieua -------- ------- $5.00 i Others-- - --31.00 and up ! Pen bas a 14-karat gold ety" Ligliter - $1,25 Cigars - Popuhur Branda l1 band-ground nlb ,on LUghters -- 5.00 Up 5's, 6's 25's or 5's gGift Boxed ----------3$3.75 per set _______--- - Waterman's "Bali Pointer"s Macdonad's "Pen-------- mGlfts that give Pleasure Sthe year round New BROWNIE HAWKEYE IFLASH OUTFIT Everything needed for Sgaad indoor or . outdoor rina;apshots- camera, flash-holder , Sbulbs, film, g batteries, etc. Il 15.50 i1BabY Brownie Special $- 3.10 gBrownle Hawkeye Camera- $6.25 STurget Brownles- box type - .. 8.25-$9.75 Brownle Reflex 332 Duaflex with 18 lens $21.75 Kodak Touriste folding cameras $26.00 up Kodak Pony '128" p& 6"135"O $34.00 - $40.00 Ansco or Kodak Film 40c, 46e, 56c, etc. Photograph Albums j M_ Drugs Phone 792 REX Toba( "Trip' EXPORT "Canada's Finest Cigarette" You'll have long lasting natunal waves. Refi Kit - $1.25 Here's the Glut She'll Use Maay Times "AMERICAN IBEAUTY" COMPACTS Made býj Elgin-Amenican. Choice of chapes and patteras. Finished in jeweller's bronze, $3.75 and $5.25 ',Stratton" English Compacts $1.75, 32.25 to $5.75 Alex. We Deliver P4M ÙM l L. LXdIfl~ ,yz~u s BakCalt, Buckingham, Pail Mali, Philip Morris Engiish Blend, Players Mid, Sportsman, State Express, Sweet Caporal, Winchester. 2O's - 36e 50's - 90e tCrayon, Goid Flake, Virginia Ovals - 20's-40c; 50's-S1.00 100's also availabie An some brands in gift pack-1-es SPipe Tobacco, '/,-lb. tins-Forest & Stream, Old Vingitla, 'P icobac-S1.05; Macdonaid's Brier-S1.1O; Oid Chum- S1.15:, Philp Morris-$1.20; Bond Street-$1.4O; Prince Albert-SI.60; Picadi]ly & Tareyton-S1.75; Edgeworth S(j ar>-$2.05. Fine Cuts, i..ibb tins-Daily MaiI-S1.10; f(Buckingham, Phiiip Morris, Sweet Caporal and Wills-$1 *15-1 Bond Street, Expont, Ogdcn's, Oid Chumn and Players,$1.20. eIdeal "fo-r beginners . . . A Happy Solution ta Many a Gift Problcm "SPEEDLITE" SFI LTER PIPE CIGARETTE LIGHTERS W îOe range of Fully automnatie sliapes. Chrome Phated.- As Illustrated. Real $3.00 Others $3.75« and $5,00 Sanitary Pi1pe ý - - ------ Your Local I.D.A. Drug Store - - - - - - - y --------------- - ouIMWitml mil lin, 1 a 1 PAGE srom 1 1 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BO*MAlqVMLE, ONTARTO_ C41 1 IV. 1 Ammý 1950