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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Jan 1951, p. 3

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THUBRSDAY, JANUA2RY 4th. 1951 THE ANAflTA?< TATESMAN. EOWYL4kNVTLLE.ONTARIO PAGE TIRq Happy Spirit of Good Fellowship 1 Pervaded Women's Institutee Meeting A happy spirit of good fellow- shiP associated vith the holiday season. pervaded the Bowman- ville Women's Institute meeting ln the Union Hall on Thursday af - ternoon. There was a good at- tendance at this «Christmas party which developed into one of the nicest meetings of the year. Business was at a minimum 10W. the only item discussed be- ing the annual >Kopper Karnival in March. Each member brought her cholcest Christmas card and read the message of greeting on it, in answer to the roll caîl. Mrs. H. H. Richards and group c he program which e j~a skit by the Senior n ~ èaking club with Mrs. Selby Grant, leader and coach. 4'our girls comnPrised the cast in this demonstration of their studies of "The Cereaj Sheif" this past season. "Round the dlock with cereals"p was the attractive -title and the scene was a kitchen in a club girl's home. Miss Diana Webber took the part of the mother; Miss Hazel Webber, the daughter; Mss Norma Marshall, the grandmoth.. er and Miss Mary Pickard, a friend of Hazel's. The skit opened with Hazel makilig muffins. She came in for adverse criticism from bher grandmother who believed only in the old method of making muf- fins. Mary, ber friend, support- ed Hazel in the modern ideas and Heard abotthe Eiectric Janitor? It's a low-cost littie gadget that operates your furnace dampers automatically from upstairs. This automatic heat contrai pre. vents wasteful ups and downs in temperature, and makes your coaf lat a whole lot longer. It saves many a trip ta the cellar, too. We'll gladly demanstrate how the Electric janitor saves y ou coal, money, time and trouble. BO WMAN VILLE 44 FUELS C.N.i. YARDS PHONE 410 using modemn cereal flours. These girls demonstratcd at the Peterborough Exhibition last faîl and against stif! competition tbey were awardcd 2nd place Pro-, vincial bonors.11 At the conclusion of the dem- onstration Mary Pickard, wbo .is senior girl in the club, thankcd the Institute for the support tbey have extended ta Uic Junior Clubs. This ycan these clubs are study- ing "Clothes Closets Up-to-date" and will wehcome a few more members. With Mrs. Edwin Wood, pianist, a gmoup o! Christmas canois was sung. Then Mrs. Mabel Thick- son gave a talk on carols and mentioned the origin a! many o! oun popular carols and Christmas sangs. Mms. Tbickson said there anc thrce groups o! Christmas sangs- narrative which tell the story o! Christmas; devotionai, which are bymns o! praise, and traditional, which bave their bcginning in the long distant past atd are, banded down throughaut the gen- eratians. Any collection o! car- Sols contains ail three vanieties- a medley o! words and music bien ded ta S make the familiar sangs which are known and loved sa weii. Mms. Thickson toucbed brie!hy on many o! aur favaurite camais and some which came from other 1countries and concluded with the thouRht that the Birth at Beth- lehem is stili "gaad tidings o! great joy fan ail people" and 50 we are indebted ta writers o! Imany cauntries for aur wander!ul heritage o! Christmas carols. 1A contest in wrapping Christ- mas Darcels sbowed many origin- al ideas Mrs. Frank Jackman [and Mrs. Walter Davis. the judges, decided Mms. L. S. Dumas and Mrs. Roy Webben bad the pret- tiest parcels from a minimum o! matenial. Mrs. G. C. AhIchin moved a vote of thanks ta those contribut- ing numbers on the program. Mrs. Richards and group servcd delicious re!neshments in keep- ing with the holiday season. ' HAMPTON Decemben and Christmas meet- ing o! the W.M.S. was bcid at the home o! Mrs. Merwin Mount- jay with Mrs. Daw prcsiding. Mrs. Billett bad change a! the opening worship. Business was finisbed for the year. Canal singing. candie ligbting and Christmas program was un- dem direction of Mns. Niddcny, as leader, with other members heip- ing. Mis. Wamnack presentcd this siate o! officens fan 1951: Presi- dent-Mms. H. Saiter; lst Vic- Mis. J. A. Warnack; 2nd Vice- Mrs. H. Cale; Secmetary-Mrs. A. Blanchard; Asst. Sec'y!-.-Miss L. Reynolds, Treas.--1Mrs. H. Trull; Pianist-Mrs. M. Mountjoy; Sec'y o! Associate Members-Mrs. Daw; Mission Band-Mrs. J. R. Reyn- olds; Baby Band-Mrs. W. Horn; Con. and Press Sec'y-Mrs. M.. Mountjoy; Missionary and World Friends-Mrs. Adcock; Christian Citizensbip and Tempemance-- Mrs. Niddery; Cammunity Friend- ship-Mrs. L. Ciemens; Supply Sec'y-Mrs. R. Luke. !Crcnc tlectrîc à Phone 55-r-i Orono * FARN AND HOUSE WIRING M REPAIRS AND ALTERATIONS . iPOLE LINES A SPECIALTY -FREE ESTIMATES - HARDWOOD FLOORS LAID SANDED . FINISHED Holiday greetings ta everyonc! For the New Year's party make the occasion gay and the food goad. Wc realîze theres flot much time ta make any change in your plans s0 any ideas are for last- minute preparatians. Decorate the windows ta make the panty mare secluded. Wè sug- gcst you mix 2 tablespoons Ep- som saîts with 3 tabiespoons wa- ter, and, usîng a smali piece o! cellulose sponge, daub it on your two front windows. In about bai! an boum there wili be fnosted panes. Then, outiine trees and a snowman, etc., by sketching wîth the rubber end o! a pencil. By the way, we bave neyer bad mucb e!fect from using vegetabie colouring ta moisten the saîts and remind you that you may stain the pastel paint on the window frames with the cohouring. Did you know that pine incense sprinkicd in one deep ash tmay makes a vleasant atmosphere for non-smokers-and a festive ara- ma. The centrepiece for yaur table may be the large sandwich tray with a grapefruit tn the middle. Cut the grapefruit in the morning using the same method as you do for a nadish rose, then turn up- side down in a smaii bowi filcd 1/4 fuilla! ice water coioured deep red. Use the grapefruit ta boid the toathpicks speaming olives, gherkins, and tiny onians. For zippy canapes mix a 1/2 lb. Lchopped pecans with 2 table- spoans Worccstersbire sauce and a dash o! cayenne. Heat aven boiling water until bot and sprcad on triangles o! toast on cmisp wa!- ers. Suggestions for festive sand- wish filhings- 1. Scranxbled eggs with chives: Beat 4 eggs with 4 tabiespoons miik and add 1 teaspoan chiv- es. Cook over iow beat with 2 tabiespoons bacon fat in the pan. 2. Cheese and sardine: Meit % cup grated aid cheese with 4 cup miik and 1 tabiespoon chili sauce. Meanwbiie, butter trim- mcd rectangles o! brcad. On these picces lay smali sardines. Then spoon the cheese sauce aven the !ish. 3. Prune and nut: Stone and chop cookcd prunes, then mix with chopped wainuts. 4. Turkey: Dice coid tunkey, sea- son with cciery sait and mmnc- cd gherkîns. Additions ta the sandwich tray may be weinenraiols fîied with ttûna saiad and cut in twa-inch pieces, smail chewe tea biscuits or finger rails stuffed with lob- ster paste.' Now fan an attractive holiday dessert! Mincemeat tants are bearty and can be made ta suit the occasion by laying a i3iece o! pastry, cutaut with a bell on star cookie cutter, on the tarts befare scrving ta bming out the meiiow flavoun ... . On the smooth, so!t side o! the palate theme are des- serts like Rainbow Jeiiied Fruit, Ice Cream Sundac on Seafoam Refrigenaton Cake. Seafoamn Refrigerator Cake 1/2 lb. mansbmallows 1/2 cup miik '/2 cup chopped wainuts 3/2 cup cnushed draincd pine- appie 1 cup cneam, wbipped '/8 teaspoon sait 1 teaspoon vanilia 8 gmaham crackers 8 large ginger snaps Cut marshmallows and add ta milk ini double boler. Cook until meited, stirring until smooth. Cool. Fold tn wainuts, pineappie, saît and vanilia. Rail crackers and snaps ta fine cnumbs. Place bai! the cnumbs in a 6-inch ne- fnigematar pan on two ice cube trays. Pour marshmalhow mix- ture over crumbs. Place in refri- gemator avernight. Cut i nt o squares. Serve with wbipped cneam. Makes 9 servings. The Punch Bowl Nothing like a spicy drink an a fnosty night semved steaming hot !rom. the bowi: Simmer 2 quarts grape juice or cider with 2 table- spoons sugar, 1 teaspoon whole aulspice, 1 teaspoan cinnaman and a few whole claves for 15 min- uteà. Remove spices, add brandy flavouring and orange slices. Serve bat. Howeven, if yau want ta sec the look a! pleasant surprise, Dyer's Dmug Store, Newcastle. D. G. Walton's, Newcastle. Wilson & Brown, Newtonvilie. T. M. Siemon. Enniskil]en. F. L. Byam, Tyrone. G. A. Barran, Hampton. Newton Tayioms, Bunketon. Wm. Hackwood, Pontypccl. H. T. Sayweil, Biackstock. C. B. Tynrehi, Orono. H. K. Reynolds, Kendal. W. J. Bagneil, Jury & Lovill J. W. Jewell, W. J. Berry and The Statesnian Office. B.R. 1, OSHAWA PHONE 3744Wl WEDDING jWILSON - XMERRISON At St. Paul's United Church, Bowmanville, recently, Jerome Thorne Wilson, son o! Mr. and Mrs. Russell Wilson, of Oshawa, took as bis bride, Jane Isabelle Marjerrison. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Elsworth Marjerrison, Bow- manville. White chrysanthemums and ferns formed the background for the ceremony perfornied by Rev. Harold Turner. Mrs. Reta Dud- ley presided at the organ with' Miss Elizabeth Scott as soloist. The bride, wba was given ln marriage by ber father, was gowned in white silk velvet. But- tons lent interest ta the front of the bodice which was styled with a Peter Pan collar and long point- ed sîeves and the full skirt end- ed in. a circular train. A velvet Juliet cap with white ostrich plume held her three-quarter length veil and she carried pink rosebuds. Mrs. Donald Wright, sister of the bride, was matron-of-honor. The senior bridesmaids were Miss Jean-McKay and Miss Gwen Wil- son and the junior bridesmaîd, Miss Linda Wilson. The three senior attendants were in Ameni- can Beauty velvet and Uic junior attendant in turquoise. Small capes complemented their strap- less gowns which were styled with full skirts. Tbey ail wore Juliet caps and carried muffs adorned with camelias. Mr. Donald Wilson, brother o! the bridegroam, performed the duties of best man and the ush- ers were Mr. Donald Wright, Mr. Ross Westlake and Mr. Richard Wilson. A reception was beld at the Lions Community Centre. The bride's mother received ber guests wearing floor-length mul- berry crepe and lace. She was assisted by the bridegroom's mnother who was in blue lace. Both wore accessories to match their gowns. Later Mr. and Mrs. Wilson left on a weçlding trip to Buffalo and New York and upon their return will reside in Bowm-ranville. For travelling the bride chose a green crepe dress witb matching access- ories and a brown muskrat coat. Talisman roses comprised ber corsage. Guests were present from Brooklin. Brockville, Newcastle and Oshawa. BURKETON Congratulations te Mr. and Mms. Fred Holroyd Jr. He is eld- est son o! Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hol- royd, wbo was married Dec. 23 ta Miss Audrey Brancb, Oshawa, where they will reside for the present. The newlyweds spent Christmas day with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Holroyd Sr. in the village. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Tompkins were in Toronto to spend Christ- mas witb Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Tompkins Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Adams have moved ta their newly built homne in Bowmanviile. Best wishes to Mr. and Mrs. William Stephenson who have another baby boy, born on Dec. 20. Tbey now bave 5 boys and 5 girls. The public school beld their annual concert in the church with a program o! music and carols unden the direction of Mr. John Fnankum, teacher. Santa Claus Business Directory LEGAL W. R. STRIKE, K.C. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Solicitor for Bank of Montreal Money ta Loan Phone 791 Bowmanville, Ontario LAWRENCE C. MASON, B.A. Barnister, Solicitor, Notary Public King St. W., Bowmanville Phone, Office 688 Residence 553 W. F.* WARD , B.A. Barristen,' Solicitor, Notary 91/2 King Street E., Bowmanville, Ontario Phone, Office 825 House 409 MISS APHA I. HODGINS I arrister, Solicitor, Notary Public Successon ta M. G. V. Gould Temperance St., Bowmanville Bowmanviile 326 Oshawa 689 AUDITING MONTEITH & MONTEITH Chartered Accountants 37 King St. E. Oshawa Mr. Gardon W. Riehl, C.A., resident partner. OPTOMETRY KEITH A. BILLETT Optometrist 74 lXing St. W. Bowmanville Phone 3252 Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday ta Saturday Evenings by Appointment Office Closed:- 1 Monday and Tuesday, January eth and 9th came with gifts for the children as well as many older ones. Ap- Dreciation was extended ta Mr. Frankumn and those who took part in the happy event by Rev. R. M. Seymour, Chairman. Several carols were sung with Mrs. K. Rablin at the piano. On Dec. 27 the ratepayers and trustees meeting was held i the school bouse. Trustees for 1951 are: Wm. Mctlaughlin, Bill John.i- ton, Fred Tabb; Sec'y-Treas., Mrs. Harry Grace; Caretaker, Mrs. Pearl Avery. It was decided ta have Tom Tabb, Tyroine, repair windows, etc. Mrs. Jack Wotten underweflt an operation in Oshawa Hospital. Our best wisbes for a speedy re- covery. Miss Lamna Harris wba works at Riby's store is home with mumps. Many have colds in the community. Mr. and Mn., A. E. Riby spent Christmas in Toronto with Mr. Riby's mothen, after a busy sea- son with mail and in the store. Miss Jean Davey and Miss Isa- bel Carter weme home for aweek aften working at the general post office duning the rush o! Christ- mas mail. Many family gathcmings wcre beld in this district at Christmas and New Yeam's. Mr. and Mis. J. Carter and family spent Boxing Day witil Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Coates wbere Ms. Carter's brother is farming 'aear Bnookiin. Mn. and Mrs. Robent Carter -pcilt Christmas with Mm. and Mrs. Waily Breck, Kingston. Mn. and, Mns. George Camtier spent Christmas with relatives in Peterborough. Mr. and Mrs. R. Davey, Lois and Jean, spent Christmas with Mn. and Mms. Hodgson. Tynone. Mr. and Mns. Leo Moffat and Paul, spent Chmistmas with Mm. and Mrs. Howard Abbott. Fred Carter spent a few days with Murray Abbott. skating dur- iniz the hoiidays. Sympathy is extended ta fam- ily and relatives of Milton Coch- rane who died in Oshawa Hos- pital on Dec. 26. PONTYPOOL At the dance in Bethany town hall, Dec. 23, it was announc- cd that Ross Hamilton and Bar- ibara Preston wene engaged, also Jimmy McGill and Helen Shea. In spite of friendly wamnings, the young folks still persist in foi- lowing in the foolish footsteps o! their parents. No doulbt their children wiii, too. That salary bonus cheque that arrived the othen day came ii real bandy. Our aid wintcn un- derwean was sa beat up we could bardly figure which boies we were supposed ta put oun arms and legs througb. The new set feels warmem, tao. Being full of the old Christmas spirit we very generousiy ga'Ve the old ones ta Butch to bang at the windows as lace curtains. Alex Lyle is Clerk o! the Town o! Bowmanville. We were chat- ting with hlm a fcw days ago and noticed he is stili the nice cbap we met 35 years ago in the first World War. We belonged ta the same company which had for a cook an ex-British soldier. Any time one o! us would ask the ex- Limey for a drink o! "buckshee" tea, or ta dunk our bread in the bacon "jippo", he wouild rave, rant and swear as though the cost o! the food was bcing deducted from bis pivate purse. Ask the same favour o! Alex and we would receive caurteaus, gentle- manly tneatment. Alex would often scrounge a fellaw a drop o! bot waten for a shave, which would be a decidcd improvement on the cold, geenish, poisanous bilge out of a sheil hale. We can only hope that the civic officiais o! Bowmanviiie appreciate their Town Clerk, Alex Lyle, as much as we. who were bis comrades 35 years aga. Car insurance is a funny bus- iness. About a manth aga, a yaung Èellow tunned bis car over, damaging the top, just narth o! oun village. He and his coin- panions scrambled out, li!ted the car back ta its wheels and dmove on. Later, the awner, whose car was insumed against collision, claimed compensation. The in- surance company askcd police First time- I even-knewa-Scots-- SLEEP. m.If y klon'aew. ane dt of order & too. Mien is the time t., use Dda Lidney Pilla. Dodda bhelp you, kadneys get id Of trouhle-ning poisons and ackid- heip reatore them te normal action. Se. how much better you reat at nigt-how mach bfigl*er you feel in the momimg. Get mnd use Dodd'a Ldney Pilla today., 145 Dodd iny PiIs man ta be dait enougb ta take something o! no value ta bim. We were returning borne from Ricbvale one real cold nîght re- cently. When we weme near Osh- awa thc wife thought the car was chillien than usual. We told ber it was a very cold night. We also toid ber we bad neyer seen the windshield fnost over like that since we bought tbe car two ycans ago which proved it was an aw- fui cold nigbt. Butch then asked if the beater was on. Oh sure, says I. And, to prove it, I pulied the button. Dîd iny face get red! I bad forgotten ta pull the switch that cantnolled the heaten and defrosten. That woman is al- ways making me look like a sap, witb ber innocent questions at awkward moments. I commcnted on the fonegoing fact one time. But thc wife claimed she had nothing ta do with my looking like a sap, that I was ike that before she manried me. SWe very much &ppreciate the card from Mn. and Mrs. Leslie Martin, Bermuda. Mrs. Martin is the former Neilie Mucha. Their greetings brought back many happy memonies of good times spent on the Mucha fanm, and o! convivial evenings at this time o! ycar in the old Dmum school- bouse. Wonder if Neilie remem- bers skating on the Yaungman pond, or going with the Young- mani gang ta Pontypool via teamn and sieigh? She is a smart cookie ta live wheme snaw don't fail. If we neyer sec anathen snowflake it will be toa soon. Snow is nice to romp in when you are young and foahish. But At isn't so bot when you can't drive ta town because o! plugged roads. Can be a nuisance if you bave ta peddle bread, milk, etc., and you get youn horse stuck in ça big drift and be gets tangicd up with the hamness. And, îsn't it nice ta get wet mitts cutting wood, then freeze youn bands driving borne. Snow? Bah! WESLEY VILLE Mr. Jim Tufford, London, visit- ed with bis brother, Will Tufford, duing the holidays. Mrs. George Hicks, Foxboro, spent a few days with Mn. and Mrs. Richard Bcst. The annual Ccmetery Board meting was held at the home o! Mr. Harry Austin, Wednesday cv- ening. Mn. and Mrs. Alian Martin, Brighton, visited with Mn. and Mrs. Harold Barrowclougb Friday. Mn. and Mrs. Brainard, De- trait, visited with Mm. and Mrs. Bill Ashby this wcek. We are sony ta hean that Mms. Jack Dickenson is in hospital. New Ycar's dày visitons with Mm. and Mms. E. Barrowchough were Mr. and Mns. Harold Bar- rowclough, Mn. and Mis. Bob Hill and family, Port Hope. Mr. and Mrs. C. Payne, Ruth Payne, Mn. and Mrs. M. Payne were with Mn. and Mrs. Arnold Thomadyke for New Yean's. Clinton Brown, Newtonviile. *We were very sorry ta hear o *the passing of Mrs. C. Carso? Kendal, and we extend our sin cere symPathy to George in thi loss of his mother. A cat's whiskers, are delicatq sense organs which belp him fini bis way about. KIRBY . The members o! the Sunday School had a Christmas party on Thursday evening. A very enjoy- able time was spent by ail. The adults enjoyed singing, contests, etc., while the cbildren played games. Ahi wore f ancy panty bats and balloons were given out ta ail cbildren. A sumptuous lunch including ice cream, was served toalal. The committee, including Miss Jean Wannan, Mis. Reid and Mis. Raymond Chapman with Miss Kathleen Ard, Mrs. H. Lowery, Mrs. Neta Ransberry assisting, did a grand job in prepaning and carying out this Party. We bave now entered another yean. May it be a happy, pros- perous one fan ail. Mrs. Bill Wannan visited Wed-, nesday with Mm. and Mrs. A. J. Bigelow. Mrs. Annie Patterson spent Thursday with Mrs. C. V. Coop- er, Orona.& We are sanny to bean o! Mr. Bigelow's accident and we wishl bim a very speedy recavemy. Miss Marvin McKelvey visit- ed Friday with Mn. and Mrs. Bill Wannan. On Saturday marning she le! t for ber new position as nurse in Weston bospital. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Soucb and family, Stamkviile, spent Sunday with Mn. and Mms. Bill Wannan and aiso on New Ycar's Mr. and Mms. Jas. Wannan and Jean and Mm. and Mrs. Milton Wannan. Mn. P. J. Bigelaw and !amiiy, Port Hope, visited Sunday with bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Bigelow. Mis. Arthur Blewitt, Orona; Mrs. Jas. Wannan and Mrs. Bny- son spent Friday afternoon with Mrs. Thompson. Mn. and Mrs. Bill Reid and family spent New Yeam's day with Mn. and Mrs. Les Reid. Mms. Youmans and Joan bave retumned after spending a wcek in Toronto. Mms. Thompson spent New Year's witb ber daughter. Mrs. Neta Patterson and Mn. and Mrs. Ken Bahl and family spent Sunday with Mn. and Mrs. Happy landing ? TT MAY COST you hundreds of dollars from your own Vockct if some persan is in- jurud on your premises and you are without Comprehen- sive Personal Liabillty Ini- surance. Before anything happens INSURE -NOW, --with --this agency. Proteet your h'~ your savings and your family. Stuarti1R. James INSURANCE - REAL ESTATI NEVER A DISSATISFIED CUSTOMER! Everything you buy at Dominion is backed by our uncondi-' tionai guarantee of 100% satisfaction. There are no "ifs, ands-or buts". ., no arguments .. . no red tape ... no waiting. Any complaint is cheerfully and promptly rectified. Dominion cani make this amazing guarantee because we si only de- pendable merchandise, tnied and tested ta ensure full value ...full flavour .. . full satisfaction. Shop with complete con- f idenice . . . shop at the Signpost of Satisfaction - your Dominion Store! Canned Fruits & Vegetables DEVON-ST.-CREAM STYLE GOLDEN CORN 21.5.c-.25c RAYMOND-CHOICE-MIXED VEGETABLES 2o,?z -.15c COUNTRY KIST-STO.-UNGEADED CHOICE PEAS Tin 12c, LYNN VALLZY-STD. QUALITY DESSERT PEAR S ~24c HEINZ-CONDENSED TOMATO SOUP IDOMINO-EREtAKFAST STYLE-OLACC TEA BAGS PRIMROSE IIAND-SWEE MIXED PICKLES SWEETINED-SHREDDED COCONUT g. 24c FSESHLY GROUND-RICHMILLO 16 Oz. CO FF EE ne 9 1c While They Last! CANDIES FESTIVE fMIX CREAMS -GUMS lb. -25c TIR 12c Size 36's 2 for 25c IL - 19C - for 27c 3 3lbs. 17c Turkish - Sweet Eating 8-oz. Cello I'kg. Layer Figs-------1c Juiey California Seediess 29, 1 Sunkisi Navel Oranges dO-Ze -43C Ontario 1 Jar. 2 3, Hi-lana ENJOY ITS TENDER GOODNESS Richmello Bread WH4ITE OR WHOLE WHEAT SLICEO - UNSLICED UNGRADED EGOS WANTED W. pay market prices for Ungred.ed Eggs. Shipping tags éveil. abl. et Our stores. Se. ménager for détails. Reg. Grac!ing Station 0.29. Prepack 10-lb. bag ,d Potloes - - - 29c .HORSEY-FLORIDA...SWEETENED ORANGE-BLENDED OR GRAPEFRUIT CRUS JUICES 2 as 31 Ti 3 7c Quaker Q ts Pkg. 37c VALUES EFFECTIVE THURSoA'r, FRIDAY, SATURDAI JANUARY 4th, Ssii & 6th Size 252's King Street, Bowmanville Res. 491 Year in year out quality has aMLways been >and will always be the first consideration with TEA FLOOR SANDERS FOR RENT Tile floors, linoleum, rubber or wood block' also linoleum in yard goods. Plastic tile for kitchens and bathrooms. Free Estimates Given "Stand with Confidence on a Leggette Floor"' M. LEGGETTE Ontario Grown Green Celery Fresh Golden Yellow Ripe Bananas - California Iceberg Lettuce Ontario Grown Washed Carrois NAR VIN HOLLENDERG ,Optometrist EYEs EXAMINED - GLASSES FITTED) OFFICE HOURS Monday to Saturday - 10 a.m. to 6 pan. Closed Welnesday Ail Day -EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT - 22 Division St. Phone 2024 >i 1 , 7 , -7*ý -:ý-,'ýýýýý,,-ýý- - .-- 'Phone: Office 681 ', ec

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