?1!TTU~nAV TAM??A~~7 il ib~¶ THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVTLLE. ONTARTO 4.a, .JC...,Jm.,. .., ,us. DoLL PHONE 836 G ALUES GIGANTIC CLEARANCE SALE STARTS FRIDAY, JAN. 12 AND ENDS SATURDAYJAN. 20 ALL LADIES' WINTER COATS ALL ýCREPE DRESSES IN TH-E STORE, BOYS' COTTON CORD BREECRES Grey shade only - Sizes 12 to 16 Special - $1.00 pair BOYS' ZINNERKNIT COMBINATIONS Long sleeves and legs - Sizes 30 to 32 Regular $2.50 pair Special - $1.69 pair ALL SALES FINAL NO EXCHANGE- NO REFUNDS BOYS' TWEED SUITS One pair short pants and one pair long pants Sizes 6, 9 and 10 years Two long pair pants- Special 25% NEN'S WINTER O VERCO ATS Values to $38.50 Special - $19.95 MEN'YS FLEECE LINED COMBINATIONS Sizes 38 ta, 44 Special - $3.39 suit NEN'S TWEED SUITS Special - $2 1.95 each MEN'S BLUE SERGE SUITS Regular $58.50 to $62.50 Special - $41.95 MEN'S WOOL FELT RATS Regular $3.95 to $5.00 Special - $2.95 each G Au Successor to Couch, Johnston & Cryderman 49 KING ST. W. LADItS' CORD'JROY DRESSES In colours of blue, wine, green and sand. Special - $8095 each GIRLS' SKI CAPS White or colours of red or green Regular $1.69 each Special - $1.00 each LEATHER SKI MITTS Black or Brown Regular $1.69 to $2.25 pair Special - $1000 pair Many other Bargains that are flot advertised. Corne Early for the Best Selection. Many items are in limited supply only. BOYS# PULLOVER SWEATERS Slightly soiled - Sizes 28 to 34 Regular $1.39 to $3.75 Special - $1.00 each ________ _____________I________ aned the mind, "that is in excess aof a Pound daily, and then food D and shelter in addition. A few -T RIP T 0 E GLA Nmontbs af this and the gold of America is mine." Notice of ter- minatian of empioyment in the S (By Rev. L. H. Turner) 1the bridge and heading south- mine: Cook's travel agcncy sol- Artcl VI.ward ta Swalwell. Here open icited, and an ocean ticket pro- Nw Astle hepidU. b country is appreciated-scenic cured. The good sbip S. S. Car- Newcstle Th prie oftherural England at its bcst; tidy onia af 25,000 tons grass tonnage ;.Korth, the metropalis about wbich hedgcs girdling whitewashed is ta carry this cargo of harvest- 4he northern miner likes ta talk. bornes possesscd ai tbatcbed crs, 1600 in numnber, ta thI Ne SConspicuously lacking in the, roofs; fields tbaugh small in areas World. &xternal adoriment af the cars, neatly parcelled off; gardens Rose Ellen, the oldest sister andj kthat relatively n ew m et a , garbed in their finest array; flow- oldest member af the family, she, 1ýhrome. Who would buy a car ers in lavcly profusian. The wba bad motbered us all awing ta %cking a littie af its artistry? writè-r opined in an earlier article tbe relativcly early demise af 'Mechanically, bowever. it makes that the miner loved bis dogs, bis Mother, is tear-laden. Says she, Ào contribution whatever. The! sport; be also loves bis flowers "You are gaing ta a land ai eter- sweeping lines are missing; te! and is a pastmaster in woing and nal snow and ice; yu will free.e "Black Maria" effect is very mucb winning fram Mother Nature tbe ta deatb; we shahl neyer sece you in evidence. These mechanical finest-hued garlands. Nor is lie again.' steeds do move. howe.ver. 1 any tbe less successiul in the cul- Tbe young tenderfoot immi- Saturday, July 16, 7:30 p.m.- tivatian oi vegetabes-the leek, grant brother assured bier tbat ryourteen miles away a crowded the emblem aif Wales. Who basn't bie would be back in England ere ichurch has been waiting in ex- h eard ai the famuos leek-pud- the advent of Christmas, and lie pectancy since 7 p.m. The local ding? "It really does stick ta the really meant it. Here in the Iminister is leading tbemn in a ribs,", opines Geardie's wiie. littie Metbodist Churcb after an sringîong, the ladies have prepar- Through relatively pap ulio u e absence of twenty-six years, xith U d a "faith supper" in the Sun- tawns the taxis speed until fin- its twcnty-six Christmases bav- School raoms, baving saved ally the destination is reached, a ing succeeded one another in ord- Xup their rations in anticipation af mining village poised on the east envy procession, were aIl the the honlecoming of one af their banik of the River Derwent. Dowii members of the family., with sons sons. i the bollow the remains of an and daughters and their sans and Thons. vno s orbohr exbausted coal mine are in cvi- daughtcrs in turn. A recital. of an The sev e fs, four broher dence. The xriter possesses vivid the trip acrass the ocean moving anddltbre sster, et int îa recollectians of "plodding bis ever nearer ta the New World. huddle (rugby, tdeîding thre weary way home" after a bard The bill af fare? Not lavish by two etxicabs, trspobain ontbeshift witbin its caverns. Across any means; aiter al. 1,600 ai us Tpeedistame transortation. the Derwent River, gazing up were travelling steerage-bo>ýv Thýeseamone truk a e redtbe stifi siopes af its western many degrees tIlis is below third *. andrelyon h back, asslyener bank, farms posscssed of a patch- class the writcr wouldn't hazard anoid win agagdte jafe}yen work quilt design greet the eye, a guess. Howevcr, the old axiom, scocedwitinandtbejauncywbile ta tbe north smoke is bclcb- "You get what you pay for," op- from the Central Station alang ing forth from a taîl chimney- erated bere. Fram -Liverpool ta Scotswood road begins. Haw cir- ,cumscribcd one feels - bouses Chopwell Colliery, a mine wbicb Winnipeg, sixty dollars. flakin th narowribonlkefor decades bas been giving ta A few articles ago the menu flank ig ptherarrwnibbdensie the econamy of the nation that af the S. S. Franconia was featur- Aroate uan tienariic degnse. peciaus jet-colored mincral man ed. How aristocratic witb its Anod orae algti ry beins tecails 'coal." Farther west stili Frencb flavor! On the good ship * uolld f dor lon dhi da the the Tawcrs ai Hexhamn. renowned Caronia (steerage) boilcd eggs so-alld "oo ai das" hehistoricaliy by the pen ai Sir and stili more boiled eggs. Here ;writer, a member af a Cycle Club Walter Sc ott. is the picture. A spaciaus dinng- ý.tit tongs ed ý t ridesde The Metbodist Church paised room bereft- ai linen adornments. 'desintions B Tein outh. Sun-ds on the bill is resounding ta the possessed ai two long tables ai Whit1 îv5ay. Wnemob. un-s congratianal singing. Can those lumber camp des'ign. each seating derlM1 and other eri cnrs miners singl Baggage is bestow-' about two bundrcd 'guiests." The 'No'wN,ter such a lapse of time, ed in the Sunday Scbool roam, dinner gong sounds and the army ,the _ _ _be wouldnt take a -gold the minister accords a warmifelt ai potentiai saviors of the West- pig"IQ attempt ta duplicate welcome, the caretaker---tbe same ern harvest traops ln. The sur- ~he~'~omerfeas. out istheman wbo catered ta the comfort face ai the tables is flankcd by time for advcnture and daring, af the worshippers almast threc apposing raws af boiled eggs. A ,anan ndite ene ai ange decades ago-is quite dlightedl. choppy sea as reduced the di- 1an tmidtyar ata inmumi. The ascent from the level ai the mensions af the average appe- Anr ln Sotsoro ad he Tusn- Suday Scboal ta the cburcb tite. The boys sit down; thcy clanmatr, inaly i'osmgproper via two ilights ai stairs wield their knives with deitness and the pulpit is reacbcd. The decapitating these ovule white local ministen is waxing humor- sentnies. and then campressing ous. Sa *vs bie, 'Wc bave beard their nostrils with thumb anid of famaus statesmen. mnusicians ind x finger ta indicate that WhenYoil. BACK e~lSi~Wnt T~ri Be ist c e ence patient:.v waiting. OU1 tbe eggs are ail rigbt; but hi f ilsto che igustsof he venig ad wek-gasronmieequilibrium is al endarean ouranda hlf atewrong. Silentl., they troap out, AEACH FORand stili aur patience isn't ex-1 leaving the tables in arderly bausted. Remcmbering. bowel- arrav cxcepting for the cbanged er. that they hav'e journeyed ap- appearan ce ai the hien fruit. As proximately 5,000 miles ta bonor the buoyant scboolboy wauld say. thIis engagement. we can quite -Themn was the days." Pardon readil « excuse thern.*' the violation ai iterary etiquette, An hour and a balf late! The Mr. Editar. subject designated "From it-boy Th c ng gai n st n r t *~ ' ~ T H C t a u l p i . " W e r e h a î l t h i s a d T e t i o n gf r e g a tl a io n t c r t dress begin? Of course, at the thee înitiýl phases ai this adven- DECUS beginning ai' this Odyssey. ture. A portrayal of the ocean 1 ~Backache la oftsnd-eIo Twenty-slx Ycars Rolled Away crossing is relished, as also a word lin adfo ve alf a ki ey <Id'a One bight morning in early picture af a boxing tournament Kié» il sl have helped bring relief frm August. 1923. the marning niews- bcld on board ship. Here in this truin te idey.Get papen bore the caPtian in bold gonrY elimination cantest tbe b&cache bytrangteknys headlines: '-Ten thousand bar- Marquis of Queensbunv rule:s Dddgwidn« ote bPlla oxy i hvesters wanted for Canada. fivei are either unknown or forgotten 60d.Y@wcm eon Dodd'a.& dollars Per day witb board and -the technique, or lack aifit. is lodgings." ai the '*knack *emn down dragi 'cm Five dollars a da.y: 'Why,- reu.- out" varety-the survival of the1 fittest. How Darwin would smile. The prize is two hundred dolr subscribed by the "boys." No. dear reader, your scribe didn't enter tbe lists, for be dis- cavered long aga tbat it is pas- sible, nay probable, ta be tao light for heavy work. It was lots af fun, bawever, baving a ringside seat. Saturday, August Iff, 1923, the Carania bertbs at ber dock in IHalifax and the bays are usbered ta the immigratian sheds, there ta await tbe pleasure af tbe paw- ers that be. Wbat a x'ast cauntry! We were told that three days would elapse before reacbing Winnipeg. the gateway ta the Golden West. How the congre- [gatian gasped at the "tbree days."' Wby, ane can travel fram Jobn o' Groats ta Landsend in abaut eignt bours, that is, from tbe nortbern extremity of Scotland ta the soutbernmast tip af England. Let yaur writer inject some- tbing of the perils of garnbling as evidenced an tbe boat and its dire results an tbe train. Yes, there were a few "sharp" boys in tbis army of barvesters. tbe\' literallv fleeced their *ictims of their finances. They the sharp boys-banquetted on bam and eggs \Vith ail the accessories . ta match, xvbile tbe Ileeeed ones begged and borrowed whatever tbey cauld. Here the pit-bay, naw preacher, pays tribute ta tbe in- fluence of this very cburcb an'd its ministries for being spared the indignity af sucb a disgraceful de- clension of financial healtb. Wbat an insuit ta tbe fleeced! Steaming eggs and bam for tbe card-sharpers, virtual bunger for their dupes. A recital of work in the barvest field-staoking, field pitcbing, the breaking af ice in the marn- ing as a preliminary ta the daily ablutians, the incessant attacks of those winged-wbeelers af the air, the marauding mosqutoes- how tbev relisb the ricb red bl,-"",, ai tbe Inewcamer: their landing field invariablv tbe back of the neck. This together witb tie scorcbing beat of the sun. Wbat a Spartan-like introduction ta an Odyssey ai twenty-six years in the land oi the Maple Leaf! Learn ta stop grumbling-if you can't sec any good in tbe world it's only fair ta kccp t'.e bad ta yourself. About the severest lass aav man can sustain is loss of oppor- tunity. Stafford Bros Monumental Works Phone Wbitby 552 318 Dundas St.. E., Whitby FINE QUALITY MONUMENTS AND 51ARKERS Precise workmanship and careful attention ta, detail are your assurance when You choose from the wide selection af imported and domnestic Granites and Marbles in stock. TYRONE Mr. Albert Edwards, Welland, is at the homre of bis daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Trewin Scott. Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Colby and Brack, West Hill, with Mr. and Mrs. Haward Brent. Mrs. Allan Maffat, iBowman - ville, with lier sister. Mr. and Mrs. Lcan Moore. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Rundle and cbildreii. Harmony. with M:7. and Mrs. Neil Yellawlees. Mrs. Jas. Alldread is visitiiig her daughter, Mrs. Harvey Strang of Salem. Mrs. A. Richards. Mrs. G. Ail- dread and Mrs. Russell Virtue spent Friday in Taronta. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Murdach, Bawmanville, witb ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Byam. Mrs. W. T. Warden who bas been iii at the home af ber san, Mr. and Mrs. F. Hall, Salem, lias returned home. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Rosevear and family visited Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Rosevear, Port Hope. Mr. and Mrs. G. Alldread visit- ed Mr. and Mrs. Harx'ev Hard'- and Mr. andi Mrs. A. Thompson, Bawvmanville. Mrs. Carl ColbarY and Fraiik- lin arc visiting frienids in New Toronto and Islington. Mr. Carl Calbary rece ived a letter from bis 4rotber Clare Co!- bary wbo is in the advance party Proteci every side CASTLES were built for protection against attack from ail sides. Mienî you buy your auto- mobile insurance be sure it ivill protect you from any financial Jassa when you have an accident. Ask this agency ta, place complete Automobile Insur- ance on your car. Stuart R. James INSURANCE - REAL ESTATE 'Phone: Office 681 Res. 4931 King Street, Bowmanville in Korea. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Sirnpson and family, Trenton, with Mr. and Mrs. Don Staintan. Mr. and Mrs. Horace Hall, Rus- sell and Wilfred. and Billy Spragg spent tbe New Year's weeend witb Mr. and Mrs. Harry Spragg, Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Becch and Gerald. Enniskilien, with Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Hall. Mir. and Mrs. Archie Virtue re- ceived the sad news af the sud- den passing af their brother-la- law, Mr. Charles Shaw, in Osh- awa on Monday. Deepcst sym- pathy is extended ta tbe bereaved familles. Miss Bertha Colville, Bawmani- v'ille, with Misses Bessie and Kathleen Yeo. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Murdoch, Base Line; Mr. and Mrs. Peter Murdoch Jr., Bowmanviile, with Mn. and Mrs. Murray Tabb. Mr. and Mms. A. Thompson and Mr. and Mrs'. H. Harvey, Bow- manvilie, in campany witb Mr. and Mrs. G. Alldread visited Mri. and Mrs. Lamne Bradley, Whitby. Mission Band will meet next Sunday aften Sunday School. W.M.S. met at the manse on 1Thursday witb President Mns. R. Wnright pnesiding. Mrs. A. Huis gave ihe devotional, basing ber remanks on t.he New Year. Mrs. S. T. Hoan aiso gave a New Ycar message. Mrs. Russell Wright gave the chapter ai the Study Book. After business period re- ports were given. Officers for 1951 are: Prcs.-Mrs. Russell Wrigbt; Ist Vice-Mrs. A. Hilîs, 2nd Vice-Mrs. J. Cook; Sec'y- Mrs. W. J. Miller; Treas.-Mrs. A. Huis; Press Sec'y-Mrs. W. Rahm; Cor. Sec'y-Mrs. W. Mac- donald; Baby Band Leader-Miüss Jean Pbilp; Mission Band Lcad- er-Mýrs. W. Rahîn, Asst.-Mrs. Leon Moore, Miss Beth Miller, IMIs. D.. Lute; Travelling Box- Mrs. J. Hilîs; Pianists-Mrs. D. Cale, Mrs. G. Alldread. Dainty lunch was served by group and hastess, Mrs. Luîte. Mn. and Mns. Cecil Rabm, Union: Mr. and Mrs. W. Rahim, accampanied Mr. Walter Coch- ranle. Bowmanville, and were din- ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Geu. Rahm, Saintfield. Congregational meeting will be beld in the scbool raom at 2 p.m. Please try and attend. Rcv. D. Lute is preaching a series af sermons. A good num- ber wcrc out Sunday morning ta hean hlm preacb a splendid se- mon on -Wliat! No God?" Next SJundav thie subjcct will be "The King Bonn ta be Man"-thc place ai Jesus Christ in God's plan. Do voun best ta attend these services, you are welcome. Sorry ta bear Lawrence Tabb is back in Oshawa Hospital. Ty- rone friends wisbhlm a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Hall, Mr. and Mrs. Harace Hall visited Stewart Hall at the Isolation Hos- pital, Toranto. Several ladies from the village visited Mrs. W. Miller at the borne ai Mr. and Mrs. Royý, Maynamd. Glad ta know Mrs. Miller is im- praving. Miss Dorotb v Skinner. Toranto, with ber parents. Mr. and Mrs. H. Skinner. At the sebool meeting the same trusteeg were elected. W. F. Park, Lean Moare and Donald Davey with F. L1. Byam as Sec'y- Treas. NESTLETON Mr. and Ms. Mike Boycbyn, Toranto, visited Mr. and Mrs. Herman Samelîs. Sympatby is extended 'ta Mr. Fred Hyland in the passing ai bis sister, Miss Lina Hyland. who was buried ini the Anglican Cernetcry, Blackstock. Mrs. Ralph Sadler is improv- ing aiter having an aperation la Oshawa Hospital. Hope she wili be home soon. Several eblîdrea bave had mumps and measles and many are out ai sehool. The W. A. are sponsoring a pot luck supper on Friday niglit be- fore the cangregational meeting. The W. A. will meut at the borne of Mrs. N. C. Marlow on Thursday, Jan. 18, witb the new officers in charge. Congratulations ta Mn. Fred Hyland who celebrated bis 8Otb binthday. Mr. and Mrs. Kennetb Samelîs called an friends in Hampton. Miss Olive Beacock. Mn. and Mns. Thos. Cole. Oshawa, visitcd Mrs. Wesley Beacock. Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Emer- son, Misses- Gladys and Irerie called on friends at Bowman- ville. Sorry to report that Mrs. R. P. Bowles has been under the doc- tor's care. Mr. Ivan Wright, Janetville, visited bis aunt, Mrs. Jas. Wtl- liamson. Saine people who Iearned ta crawl when tbey were babies sccrn ta have neyer gotten over it. Work is undoubtedly a cure for unrest, but many seem ta thinkc the remedy is worse thagn the cure. FROM FACTORY TO YOU.. BABY CHENILLE BEDSPREADS $5.25 each Lowest price in Canada. Beauli- fui first quality, completely tufted, na sheeting sbowing. Ail calors, double or single bed sizes. New centre patterns in flowered or salid designs. Sent C.O.D. plus postage. Immediate money-back guarantee. Order one, yau will arder mare. New Address: TOWN & COUNTRY MFG., Box 1496, Place D'Armes, Montreal, Quebec. importa*d dufference a~d y~~«& C HANCES ARP, you have a lot in camman with your neigh- hours. But there is an impor- tant difference between your plans for the future and theira. There is something 'apecial, for instance, about your plana far retiring. You have yaur own ideas about how rnucih incarne you'il need ta live on in your later yeara. And yau also deter- mine at what age You'll want ta atart "taking it easy". Likewise, you face different problerns in Protecting the farn- ily incarne in case anything hap. pens ta you. With lii e ,nsuranco yau can find aecurity in bath of these ways - arranged ta fit your own apecial needs. You have a choice of many different kinda af poli- cies for different purpoacu. And the services af trained life un- derwriters are at yaur beck and cati to help you make that choice wisely. Nothing but Life Inaurance Éives YOU this contrai over your future. Sa today - and tomarraw- rely an yaur own life inaurance ta meet yaur own personal needs! The LIFE INSURANCE COMPANIES ln Canada and their Reprossnt"tiys WONKING FOR NATIONAL PROGRESS S.. UILDING PERSONAL SICURIfl -% --5500 BIG RI3UCED'li.1 BOYS' BLANKET CLOTH ZIPPER FRONT JACKETS Light blue shade - Doe lined - Slightly soiled Regular $6.95 each Special - $3.00 each MEN'S SPORT COATS Sizes 36 to 38 OUTSTANDING SPECIAL $10.00 each NEN'S TWEED TOPCOATS Sizes 35 ta 38 OUTSTANDING SPECIAL $10000 each This price doesn't even pay for the yardage. NEN'S FANCY WORSTED SUITS Ail Wool - Single or Double Breasted Regular $58.50 to $62.50 Special - $43.95 Special - $7.95 each BOYS" TWEED SUITS Sizes 12, 13 and 14 years $9.95 each KENNEDY MO&JJII, JAýNUAjMY il, lun 1 4,,- TIM CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTAIRIO 1 PACZ ELZMM