PAGE siXTEEN *flIlAJjfA. %JINN .s... ** -11ITRqnA- MMAV 1 lo&i PAY CASH AUD SAVE-MINIMUM COST 50c PER AD BIRTHS1 ÈUCHAN-Mr. and Mrs. George' S. Buchan are happy ta announce the arrivai of a sevei~paund baby 9th, 1951, in Bowmanville Hos- pital. 2-11 CRAGOR-Mr. and Mrs. Caovi Coragoawisha to announcear thrivarftheir ason, Pal Robin, a tBowmanville Hospital, on Ja. 40th1. ohrfrSnr. 2-1 CRHOP-Monieandd s alvan Thaopsnt announce the ara rvof their son, Bral Robn, on Monda an. 8thHos1951, aothern for iane1an5 Edie. 2-1 'HM aNM.GonanC lap Thmnannounce the enagmni f hira ofughers, orn sbet, on- Mald Jn.Metcalf9, son oMr. foJanxi adryde. 2-1 ENAGEMAE___ 7 ~T------ T- I Osawa M.anar Gh, 9. renDorn, ynounethedauge of Mr. an Mrs. T. right, t abueWltoon- Bruceget son oan. te a Mrs. B Lister f saw.2-1*, DATHSA SHAW - Suddenly at Oshawa General Hospital, Monday, Jan- uany 8th, 1951, Charles Shaw, aged 46 years, beloved husband of Edna C. Shaw (821 Masson St., Oshawa). Resting at the Morris Funeral Chapel. Bowmanville. Service in the Chapel on Thurs- day, January lith at 3 o'clock. Interment Bowmanville Cemetery. Masonic service was held in the Chapel, Wednesday evening at 7 p.m. Members of Jerusalem Lodge No. 3 1, A.F. & A.M. attend- ed this service for their deceased brother. 2-1 IN MEMORIAM DEWELL-In loving memory o! Helen Marilyn Dewell, darling daughter of Perey and Evelyn Dewell, who passed away sud- nl1y January lSth, 1946: -Ijy missed and lovingly ne- dered by Mummy and Daddy. 1 ARDS 0F THANKS 1We wish to expressý aur sincere thanks ta Mrs. B. King, members o! the Rebekah Ladge and the many friends and neighbours for their kindness ta us in aurý be- reavement. The Conners family. 2-1 The family of the late Joseph Cawling wish ta thank their friends and neighbours for their thoughtfulness and expressions of sympathy during thein recent bereavement in the loss of a husband and father., 2 -l* Mr. Charles A. Carson and family wish ta thank the nurses and staff of Bowmanville Hos- pital and Dr. McKenzie during the recent illness and death o! a laving wife and mother; also for' the many cards of sympathy which were deeply appreciate d 2-1' I wish ta thank my friends, tieighibours, Hydra Commission, inembers of the Friendship Club, for thein lovely cards and gifts received at Christmas time and aL'o for. the favours they have done for mx' wife. I hope 1951 will be a Happy, Healthy and Holy year for ahl. Leo Goulah. 2-1* Lost WOMANS leather lined glove. Finder please phone 3144. 2-1! LOST--Jan. 5th south-cast of Port Perryý. red deer hound. Phone 3540W Oshawa. Reward. 2-3 HOUND, white with black spots. Lost west of Hampton. T. M. Wilcax, Phone 675 Bowimanville. 2-1' ONE 20-foot hase from rear o! gasoline truck. Finder please ne- turn ta, A. H. Sturrock. Imperial Oul Agent, Phone 516 Bowman- ville. Reward. 1-2 LADYS Gruen gold-plated wrist- watch with black card band. In- scription an back. Reward. Finder please telephane Bowmanville 3244. 2-1' LOST-Jan. th, 2 hounds, boith maie, one black and tan, called "Chumn." One black with white reast, tips of toes white on each toot, called "igger.' Phone Beth- any 10 ring 21, or contact Frank Derusha, c/o C.P.R., Manvers Station. 2-1' Found LARGE kenchief, Friday before Christmas. Owner may have same by paying fan ad. Phone 2475. Farm Help )D-LY FOR FARM HELP NOW ---Don't wait until spring. Get ~'experienced, reliabe help workers and artisans availabie. Caîl S. Buma. R.R. 1, Nestleton. ]Phouie Port P>errY 225r2t 49-tl COMING EVENTS Plan ta attend the Kinsmen Bingo at the Badminton Club, Friday, January l9th, 8 p.m. Price 5c. Large variety af pnizes. 2-1 Benefit dance in Tyrone Hall, Friday, Jan. l2th. Proceeds in aid of a member of Tyrone Foot- ball tcam who is confined ta hospital. Stainton's orchestra. 2-1' fBeacon Choristers, a blind group, will present "The River" at Trinity United Church, 8:30 p.m., Tuesday, January 3th. Admission 50c. Sponsored by Church St. W.A. group. 2-1 Goodyear Recreation Club dance at Varcoe's, Friday, January l2th. Round and square dancing. Ab. Darch's'orchestra. Dancing 9 to 1. Tickets:- members, $2 couple; non members, $2.50 couple. Dress optianal. 2-1 MONSTER CASH BINGO - in Newcastle Community Hall, Thursday, Jan. llth, at 8 p.m. 21 games and Jack Pot for 50e admission. Extra games: Share the Wealth - Door Prize. Proceeds for Newcastle Lions welfare work. Jack Pot now $30. 1-21 Room and Board' ROOM and Board available for 2 men. Phone 988. 2-1* Wanted To Rent APARTMENTý or two or three rooms. Phone 2493. 2-1;e WELL known couple, middle age, no children, want to rent an apartment, bungalow or duplex between now and end of April or sooner. Write Box 521, c/o Statesman Office. 2-3 For Rent Help Wanted GIRL wanted for housework in Toronto. Private room. Modern new home. Good wages and ex- cellent working conditions. Phone Mrs. Breslin 854 Bowmanville, Friday or Saturday. 2-1* RELiABLE man as Dealer in Bowmanville. Experience not nec- essary. A fine opportunity to step into old profitable businesý where Rawleigh Products have been sold for years. Big profits. Products furnished on credit. Write Raw- leigh's, Dept ML-A-140-i63, Mont- real. 1-4 EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY for ambitious man, married, age over 30, living in Bowmanville. Must have good car, A-i character re- ferences, non-drinker. No exper- ience necessary. This is a per- manent sales and service dealer- ship with high incarne for the man selected. Must be able to start work Monday. See Mr. Patterson, Balmoral Hotel, Bow- manville, Thursday night or Fni- dJay morning. 2-1 THE newly formed Durham County District High Schaai Board requires applications for pition of a full time Secretary- Treasurer. Written applications are ta be in the hands of the Sec- retary Protema by 12 noon, Mon- day, Jan. 22nd, 1951, stating qualifications, salary expected and experience. Duties ta commence Jan. 23rd, 1951. The Durham County District High Schooi Board, Stuart R. James, 24 King St. E., Bowmanville, Secretary Protem. 2-i Real Estate For Sale BOWMANVILLE REAL ESTATE $1,500 down - seven-roomn frame, insul - brick, house, winterized, hydra, good well, completely fur- nished. Immediate possession. Price $2,950. GARAGE off King Street. Keith1 10-room brick bouse on Chureh A. Biilett, 74 King St. W., Phone Street; ideal for raoms, taurist or 3252. 2-1' apartments. Price $5,275. ROOM, near bus terminal, suit- able for business gentlemn,n$6 Also athers, -lots, lodges, etc. weekly, ail conveniences. Write Box 519, c/o Statesman Office. 2-1* TWO fiee unfurnished rooms and small kitchen, in private home with all convenienees, adults anly. Write Box 517, c/o Canadian Statesman. 2-1 Wanted To Buy PIANO - preferably Heintzman and Ca. Phone 1530 Clarke. 2-1 BEST pnices for scrap iran and batteries, $1.50. Phone Clarke 2530. 40-tf fBEFORE selling your flvc poultry try us. Our prices are higher. M. Flatt, R.R. 1, Bethany, Phone 7 n 13, reverse charges. 51-tf A ONE-horse, rubben tired wagon suitable for garbage collection. Must be in good arden. Apply ta George Butters, Orono, Phone 45-19. 2-1 DEAD FARM STOCK Picked up promptly. Asan added service we will I ca-operate with your veteninarian in post-mortem. 2 ,2 e per lb. for live hanses. Caîl colleet Boxvmanville 2679 MARGWILL FUR FARM Tyrone 51-tf Business Opportunity Wanted SERVICE STATION - Town or highway preferred. Must be rea- sonable. Wish ta buy or might consider renting. In reply, give ycarly gasoline gallonage. type a! Bowmanviiie Real Estate 78 King St. West J. Shehyn, H. G. Guil Phones 3326 - 3514 2-1 HAMILTON'S REAL ESTATE $3,500-Small farm of 33 acres east of Orono, good land, prac- tically ail workable, small bush and orchard, metal roofed barn with water inside, large new chicken house. Clean 8-roomed frame house, new decorations, as- bestos shingle roof, full sized ceilar, water in housE. Immediate possession. $4,400-At No. 35 Highway, north of Orono, 220-acre farm suitable for ranch or mixcd farming, val- uable bush, cernent floors in barri and hog pen, 8-roomed dlean insul-brick home, electricity at road. This is a bargain. If you are interested in a farm prîced from fifty-five hundred ta twelve thousand I have a number ta show you. $3,200-North of Bowmanville. just off Scugog Road, new stucco 5-roomed bungalow, full sized cernent cellar with indoor pump, heavy electnic wiring. Thîrty days possession. Terms. Leroy Hamilton, Broker Orono Phones 32r10 - lrl6 2-1 NIXON REAL ESTATE Sniack Bar on No. 2 Highway between Oshiawa and Bowman- ville, modemn 5-romr dwelling for owner, 3-piece bath, gas pumps installed in sprig. Full price oniy $8,500 plus stock at invaice. construction, location, mortgagc e 05ro rm wlig if ariy, etc. Box 522, c/o Ca nad- 350 -ro fam dwlig ian Statesman. 2 -1 I hydro, well, garage, store, mer- -chandise at invaice pnice. Possess- SNork Wanted !ion 30 davs. Terins. $2,000. ________________________Frame dwellirgf, 6 moins, double Papr Hn gng.garage, hydro, 2-piece bath, about PAINTING and '4-cre arde. Im*:dateiass * stimates free. C. H. Papineau .-cegre.Imýit os Phare 2343. 2-3** ession. $4,000. SKATES sbarpcned xvile you Fi'aire cttage on East Beach, lot wait, 20 yers' expenience. Mike 70 x 165, 6 raoms, hydro, 3-piece IOsbrnre's Service Station, Kinig, bath, wvell, ci;terr ,new roof, in- St. W. . 1-4* sulated brick fireplace. $4,200. Terms $1,200. Furniture may be EAVESTROUGHING cantracting, bought extra. Possession 30 as ohd eavcstnoughirg nepaircd and .Odas new put up. For free cstim ates S1,600 cs caîl J' Moore & Son, Phone 59cash uys a 4-roomn dwcll- _______________ *. ng, good well, hydro available, -________ "-'>-acre saridY loam, gravel road, MAN, 39, would like spare time I '2-mile from schoah and churcb. wonk after 6:30 anîd weekends.i Taxes $26.00. Possession an- Pneferably ehectrical wiring, un- rarged. denstand thermostat and magnetie __- switch. Write R. Hornigold, King Farms, dw'elling and other St., Bowmanvîlle. 2-V, businesses. -i James Nixon, Broker BRAKE DRUMS! i 160 Liberty St. N., Bawmanviile Lathlnt, Honing and Grindiixg I Phone 682 We speciahize in complete 2-1' brake ovenhauls. BOB STOCKER'S GARAGE 1 Personal Phone 804 Bowmanvilhe _____________ 32-tf HYGIENIC SUPPLIES - (rubber MARRED cuplearc eckig agoads) maiied postpaid in plain MARRED oupe ae sekig aseaied envelope ith pnice list. Position on a farmn. Wîth sepanate Six~ samples 25c, 24 samples $1,00.1 accommodation, hydro o! 60-cycl, . M'ail Orden Dcpt. T-28, Nov-Rub- 1 IWife ta help in bouse, mai ta ber Ca., Box 91, Hamilton n help out on farm, nean toWn1.ý.Ot Will bine by month air ycar.1-52 wages. Will be available March.R r is lst. Write Box 520, c/o Canadien R pr' _____ Stateman.i-2~FOR prompt, efficient, guarenteed Farnirs Atenton !service, dycing and custom wonk, __________Attention___1 try the Neat-Way Sboe Repatr Shop, opposite Garton Bus Ter- WE wiii be pléased to ikU minai.31t dead or crippied far animais 31t and pay highest prevailing pnices REPAIRS ta al makes a! ne!nig- For Immediate service Telephone erators, domestie and commercial' Collect, Toronto Adelaide 3636 or milkirig coolers. Higgon Elec- Cobourg 1266 W, Gorden Young re4 igS.EPoe48 Ltd. g ri,42KigSt5.,Phn 48 The Canadian Statesman Classified Advertising Rates Effective JuIy 28th, 1950 NOTICES, ARTICLES FOR SALE, LIVESTOCK FOR SALE, FOR RENT, HELP WANTED, ETC. Cash Rate - 30~ per word with a minimum of 500 Must be paid by date of insertion. If charged, an additional 250~ will be added A charge of 250 will be made for ail replies directed to thia office. COMING EVENTS AND CARDS 0F THANKS '!ý a wvord with a minimum of $1.00 - for 33 words or less. BIRTHS, DEATHS, ENGAGEMENTS, MARRIAGES $1.00 per insertion. IN MEMORIAMS - - - $1.00 plus 100~ a line for verse. Display Classified at 800' per inch with a minimum of one inch Additional insertion at the samne rates. AIl Classificd Ads. must be in this office flot later than 12 o4ciock noon, Wednesday. -Send cash, stanips or money order and save money <Clip This Out For Handy Reference) AUCTIONSALE LIVESTOCK Auction Sale at Sales Barri, 1 mile west of Brigh- tan on Highway No. 2, every Wednesday afternoon. There is always a good lot of cattle, con- sisting of Spningers, Stockers and Pigs. Ail stock ta be at Sales Barri before. i o'clock day of sale. Oscar C. Morgan, Auctioneer. 1-2 Chîcks For Sale GAINFORTH Chicks-Order now for delivery anytîme during sea- son. Barred Rocks, New Hamp- shire, Light Sussex, White Leg- horn and Light Sussex x New Hampshire, New Hampshire x Barred Rocks. Phone Barron's, Hampton, 2420. 2-4* Livestock For Sale TWO last year's geese. One gander. Call 2571. 2-1 SEVEN weaned pigs, 8 weeks old: one bred gilt. A few bushels of Talman Sweet apples. E. R. Taylor, Phone 2392. 2-1'" Notices "The Harvey Dance Academy" Register Friday afternoons (3 - 7) for classes in Ballet and Tap; Union Hall, Bowmanville. Irenie Harvey. & 52-tf; Anyone Wishing ta hunt rabbits (especially' cottontails) visit the valley at the back o! the Brook- dale-Kingsway Nurseries' build- ings on Duke Street. 1-2 Anî-one wishing ta spend an en- .îayable hvening playing Bingo plan ta attend the Kinsmen Bingo at Badminton Club, Fniday, Jan. l9th, 8 p.m. Large variety o! prizes. Pnice 5e. 2-1 ATTENTION! MEMBERS 0F DURHAM COUNTY HOLSTEIN CLUB When you have cows ta sl froin listed on unlisted herds, please contact aur salesman, Articles For Sale C.C.M. speed skates, size 7 1,4 Phone K. Hooper, 404. 2 -i 1931 FORD Coach, $95. Ray X**""'lu ODOU. Z-1ONE new 7' electnie refnigerator; MIXED hay, 650 bales, 60c per anc new 9' electric refnigerator; bale. Phone 2886. Allan Penny aonc used turnip pulper; anc used 2-1* cook stave; new Quaker ail - - heaters; new Case hammermils; RECORD Clearance, 4 for $1.00. manure spreaders, tractons, side The Radio Shop, Bowmanville. jakes, elevators, disc hanrows. ______________________2-iNow 'is the time ta orden mach- inery. W. H. Brown, Case Dealer, DRY apple Wood, cut in any Phone 497. 2-1 length, will deliver. H. Schmid, TRD-NSEIL ag ecatl.2 -* ette, porcelain top, new elements, LARE fne cnen; nc amul'sone year guarantee, only $40.50. LAh E sifte a end e mttels2and washers, $25 each. Coal Pshonifera2287.tmatrs adwood stove, Princess Beth, in Phone 2287 2-1 good condition, very cheap. 7- EIGHT or nine-piece dining tube Westinghouse floor model rao site i exelentcoidîia radio, long and short wave, in Phon ie,3 vings.elen 21dtin.excellent condition, $69.00. Small Phon 77 evnins. -1 battery radios, $10.00 up. The TO BE sure of getting Canadian Radia Shop, Phone 573, Bowman- No. 1 Alfalfa this year buy at ville. 2-i once. Stewart's Seeds. 2-1* SNOW TIRES i tnn pnr vr - - . 1,.-.. Prennrc. for iinfor. have vox,fl, Articles For Sale SINGER sewing machine, drop head, in very best condition. Apply Mrs. H. Schmid, New- castle. 2-1* QIL Burners installed, complete with one year guarantee, $350.00 and up-for as littie as 20% down and 18 months to pay. S. Blain Eliott, Piumbing, Heating ýand Sheet Metal, Bowmanville, Phone 3348. 29-tf ART'S CAR MARKET Weekend Special-1946 Chev. Sedan, per- fect car, for a brilliant buyer, price $995. Down payment $400, heater and .defroster. Our ful 18 months to pay balance. 175 King Street West. 2-1 ART'S CAR MARKET, 175 King Street, West, Bowmanville, Ont. Home of Better Deals on Better Cars. Phone 2148. Open from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m., Monday through Friday. Saturday until 6 p.m. Cash, Trade and Easy Terms. 2 -tf ALL kinds of meat, good quality wieners, bologna, cooked hams, smioked hams and bacon, sausage and hamburger, Danlington Abat- toir, Hampton. Phone 3243; also pickling, smoking and sausage making. During the summer months - hog killing on Tues- days and cattie at any time. 34-tf RAWLEIGH'S SPECIALS Medicated Ointmnent spec. 85e Nose & Throat Drops spec. 50ec Order Both for - $1.25 MRS. H. G. SAUNDERS Town Dealer 146 Liberty St. North Phone 2712 1936L'LL.U.& Sedan, b-piy tires, heater, defroster, fan, extra good condition. Phone 2007. 2-1* ONE eleetric washer; anc boy's tweed overcoat, size 16. Apply 90 Concession St., Phone 3656. 2-1' 100 NEW Hampshire and Barred Rock hybrid pullets, laying full. $2.00 eaeh. Phone Clarke 2531. 2-1 GENERAL Electrie car radio, push buttons, separate speaker, fender aerial, guaranteed. Phone 2183. 21 USED skates, bought, sold and exchanged. Neat-Way Shoe Re- pair, opposite Garton's Bus Sta- tion. 47-tf FINDLAY Condour cook stove, waterfront, like new. Apply Ivan Mountjoy, Bu'rketon, Phone Port Perry 78r13. 2-1* VENETIAN blinds, life-f lex, steel or flexalum. Guaranteed in every way. Free estimates. Phone B.1 Lonsberry, 3232. 2-21 own tires re-treaded in studded and sure-grip: 600 x16 ---- 650 x16 670 x15- ---- 550 x17 - -------- Truck 700 x20 ------------ 750 x20 ---.- -- 825 x 20 ---------------- - G. F. JAMIESON Tire Shop Bowmanville Phon $11.45 $13.85 $12.55 $10.85 $26.80 $32.75 $36.80 ýe 467 48-tf ONE Westinghouse 7 eu. f t. ne- fnigerator, used anc year; one 7 eu. f t. Westinghouse refnîgerator, new freezer across top; anc Kelvinator refnigerator, slightly damaged in transit, big reduction; anc 16 eu. ft. deep freeze; anc 17 eu. ft. ne- fnigerator for store, bath ta dlean at 20% discount; one used washer, parcelain top, reconditioned. One 10-tube combination Westinghouse r'adio - phonograph demonstrator, reg, $425, for $325. Up ta 18 months ta pay, no interest charges. Phone 811, Murphy's. 2-1* A. J. TAMBLYN FINDLAY range; Richelieu range: Phone 65r4 Orono or ice refnigerator, tea wagon, oc-Po ed lat 2512, Bowmanville cassional chair; doîl carniage; desk; otdPa t 2-1 2-humner plate. Phone 3352. 2-121 Require Care MAN'S winten avercoat, English o ar th s pted l ns ~i~T0~l.~0 tweed, size 38, nearhy new, and Ha arths pttd lns mari's raincoat, size 44, lined, an you received at Christmas and coPoMINexcellent coat. Phone 977. 2-f the New Yean getting along? '37 UICKcoac, 44serTbey will last langer and bloom '37BUCKcoah,44seies; '45 more prafusely if they are given Chev. stake truck; '47 G.M.C. lots o! sunlight; if the air is kept pi» ,ail in goad condition, cool and moist; if the soil is neyer Corporation o! the Town of! Apply 147 Liberty St. South. allowed ta dry out; if they are Bowmanville 2-1* kept out o! draughts and if in- To avoid constant telephoning seets are kept under control, eau- the Roads and Streets Chairmanl ARTS CAR MARKET Weekend tion horticultural experts at the on matters pertaining ta the Spccial-1937 Olds. 5-passenger Central Expenimental Farm, Ot- Town during business hours, fnom coupe, beautiful blue finish, ne- tawa. this date on, citizens are requested canditioned motor, built-in radia ta phone the Clerk's office at 779 and heater. A pip. Our full prie In most houses the temperature, and~~~ an$3mhitsad9te 5 $153 down paymcnt and particularly at night is generally andfas o the Tw n l d teit19 months ta pay balance. 175 100 warm ifor plants. Night temr- wffih bf the Roadwnd Streets Kng Street, West. 2-i peratures should be 60 degrees or Cihb hairan ad bs a mitendOAOE-pcilzig -nN.lower, 50 it is worth moving a Chaimanand is ommttee POATOE-Spciaizin inNo.plant ta the coolest room in the reguharly. i top quality potatocs, waxed bouse at night. An exception ta Reeve G. F. Jaînieson, turnips, orlons. Orden your sup- this is the poinsettia wvhich likes Roads ari Sret ply now. Doug Curi, 5 Nelson St., warm nights - neyer beiow 60, Commitnd tce * Bowmanville. 2-tf anid does nat rclisli suddcn Bowmaliville, CONGOLEUM Gold Seai Rugs, hne !teprtrs January 9th, 1951. yard goads and hall nunners; Rex That other Chnistmas favounite, 2-3 1 oleum Deluxe 2 and 3 yards wide the cyclamen, in addition ta need- - j ardgaas a bugetpides' xng cool nights, ikes pienty o! Phone 451, Walker Stores. 23-tf humidity - lots more than 15 Take cane o! your feet-persîst-1 found in the avetage home. This cnt fatigue. headaches. backaches. TILE -for kitchen, batbrooms, can be provided by standing the and other pains hiave been traced hcartbs and finepleces. Walis- flowen pot on a saucer a! gravel ta foot disordens. Wear propcr'iy dlay, tile or plaster, ail cohours. (or small stones) which is kept fitting shoes and bathe anid Floors-rubbcr, mastic, lino-tîle, maist at al] times. But don't let thorougbly dry yaur feet each quarnie and ceramie. Will go any- the pot itsel! stand in water. day. where. H. G. Heal, Phone 2902. A plant nceds wvater when the 2-tf soil bas dricd out sa that it crumbles in the hand. Most plants - - - -PLUMBING, Heating and Oil; are best watcred by standing the Have You Burners installed enywhcrc inJ pot in a pani or saucer cantainig Durham County. Reasonable rates'an irich or two o! water. The pot M oiey I Loan and higlhest quality. For free shouid bc rcmoved whcri the sur- Y estimates cahl S. Blain Elliott,! face of the sali appears moist. 1 to Private Party at Heating. Plumbing & Tinsmithing,'Be carefujl rit ta leave plants in Good Rate of Interest ? Phare 3348. 2i9-tt a draught, anid rernember if you 1 need $400 GEORGE WHITE Implements; use cooking gas, plants arc most Avery Tractons; Electnical Appli- susceptible ta any unbunned gas to be paid back at $50 ances; B.F. Goodriich Tires; Hart that escapes irita the air. Tt will and interest per montit. Batteries. Liberal aîîowance on as at iwn adhae Referncesif neded. old batteries. Repains toalaîîta drap o!ff.t Refeenes i neded j akes o! cars, trucks and tractons.t Write Box 523, ILiccnced mechenie. Genuine Fard From 1938 ta 1948 the aperat-c Statesnian Office Iparts. 24-bour Towing Service. ing experises o! Canadian rail-S ILcbman's Garage, Hamp t on, wavs increased fnom $296 million1 Phone Bownîanville 2885. 2-1' te $808 million. Hope Report Says Religious Education Ras, a Place in Sc] Religion and morality-"'though not secretarianism"l-must have a central place in the educational system, the Hope Royal Com- mission said in a report an On- tario education, recommending that religiaus exercises and ia- struction continue in public ele- mentary schools. Present regulatians governing religiaus education in public ele- mentary schools iwas satisfactary but "it 15 necessary ta make more adequate provision for religlous education in the s econdary schools and junior colleges." The report suggests religiaus education and ethics ibe subjects in each year o! secondary schools and the first two o! junior col- leges; that religion be taught within school hours. The commission recommended religiaus instruction be given by a clergyman or his appointee but ethics should be taught by a statf member from department ma- terial. The report said the sehool can- not accept full rcsponsibility 4for sex education but must supple- lent home and church. It nec- ommended instruction in three stages: Before 12 years o! age, instruc- tion shouid came from the teach- er "as fully and naturally as possible" or be referred ta par- ents during the first three years of secondary school, there should be instruction in physialogy hy teachers as well as individual be discontinued. [Campaign of War And Politics Once upon a time when I was quite young my mother took me on a visit ta her sister. Mother was born in Scotland and her sis- ter was Scotch as heather. She had married a Scot, a thrifty soul who, in ahl his life, neyer threw anything away ne matter how useless it was. On the farm was an aid log granary and in it wcre the relies of early days and, in c'ne corner, a pile of papers o! an- cient vintage but treasure trove so fan as I was eoncerned. That granary is stil ta me a lovely memary. I visited it many times and as I greyv older I stant- cd ta read the papers. Thcy con- tained stanies of the Cnimean War, -the Zulu War, the Indiari Mutiny and the Franco-Prus- sian War o! 1870. I thought o! this the other day. Strange but truc we have made more progress in war than wc have in politics. Starting with the bow and an- row, wc now have the machine gun, the acroplane, the battleship and the atomie bomb. In war ci- vilization does go forward even an a powder cart. In palities there * , Oats In war when something new is Com. No. 1 grade --- $1.50 per bus, invented there is a counter move Reg. No. 1 grade --- $1.75 per bus. eaeh trying ta outmatch the oth- Barley er. The aeroplane has been foi. Coin, Na. 1 grade ---- $2.35 per bus. lowed by the anti-aireraft gun. Reg. No. 1 grade ---$2.60 to With the full power o! automnatie $2.75 per bus. guns came dispersal and the Members o! the Committee guenillas. They scatten, they hide. agreed on these as necammended Their jo~b is ta kill and destroy, minimum pnices which might be They are effective, thcy are ev- used as a guide ta bath seed erywherc. It may be that these growers and buyers, after the are more dangeraus than the big graup had made a careful nevew guns-mare nerve racking. one a! the whole situation. may get used ta the roar o! an- At the Cammittee meetingr--i~ tillery but a builet eoming fromn was painted out the quality o!f~ some hidden shelter singing past seed is excellent thîs year, ai-] Your cars must be a bit uripleas- thaugh in some cases there is dis- ant. colouration due ta wcather con- Consider for a moment the oth- ditions during the harvesting1 er phase o! life: polities and stat- period. For this reason, there esmanship. We caver the ground will be some neal bargains for more napîdly than we ever did. those who wish ta secure qualityr before.- Campaigns in the old equal ta grade number anc days wcre carried on with a hanse germination arîd purity yet MFre and buggy, at times an horseback. not sa particular about coiûjur. Now a man speaks aven the radio Considering inereased casts o! and the message is carrîcd te the bags and services, they feel this whole country. Television will year's suggested seed pnices are soon be available. It will have very neasonable. In fact, consid-. a part in the politics o! the future. ering pnices for cereal fecds, it is AIl this tends ta sepanate the cant- expected that substantial quantit- didate fromn his constituents, the les o! good seed will be used al politicians hase contact with the feed. people. The aid fashioned poli- Teebsbe ~eedmg tial metins hit i ces bu totaopcn-poîîinated vanieties of alsoits irtes.* *seed corn by earhy freeze-up be- Even hene there is roomn for im-fr tcudbdie.H1vr Provement. The average M.P. it is expcctcd that s cient o! today does very iittlc "home- quantities o! hybnid se corn work". A meeting o! 25 or 50 will be avaihable for ne 1ycar's people is a relatively small group requirçmcnts. fon a Publie speaker but in i I n the case o! alfalfa,'t 'are there is a meeting o! minds, aoeqatiisbin re conlic o opninsvial acor'frm France and Southern U.S.A. inftelîcto! ionsp viftal factors This seed is stained ten per cent t in th e]onshîp of y.Th ebr red in order that farmers may ta hscstuey.Temem- nwtedfeec.Ti m ber needs this contact, necds ko tedferne Ti m more than ever before. parted sced is not cansidered ta iThe proper type o! a meetingr beaswne hardy as Canadian is oe werethere are 50 or 75 grown seed. prescrit. The candidate for office An up-ta-date seed iist Is being cari have a quiet chat with the prepared and it will be available vaters. He shouhd tell them same carly in January in onder that o! the points o! human interest prospective punchasers may ar. about the House o! Commons ad range for their supplies eanly. somne o! the men wbo are thr This lis t can b e obtajned from the adhow the work is donc.t ce Craps Bnanch, Ontario Depart- sbould emphasizc his desi*etament p! Agriculture, Parliament give them information upon anyl Buildings, Toronto, or from your o! the issues riaw befoepai- Agricultural Representative. ment, before the nation.___________ OfLooking back aven a long peniod oyeans. I can thirik of same Watcb the ventilation in home, highly amusing incidents an the 1I office and factOr-Y-impure ait Public platform. I was anc of' and suddcn changes o! tempera. the speakers at a political meet- ture Iawen resistance to such in. ing in Western Ontario somp fections as calds. ycars ago. There were three If there is diabetesinyu othens. I was ta speak last and family ,avoid ovcreating. Do flot throw the meeting open foi' alow vourseif to become fat. U,4 questions. Tbey came in a flood. iOverweigîht alncady, constalt a One man, who had apparcntly physicien about reducing. been peying particuhar attention Regular medical and dental ex. ta the raihways. threw a toug'i I minatians are amang the beut anc at me. I answered it with a safeguards o! bcath-many galI* statement o! !aets wbicb certain- ments, dctccted eanhy. cari be ].y astanisherj the audience. Very niPped before they çan do any bnight of me, waan't it? Ne»t in harm. counsel with parental consentt this should be increased in en¶.a phasis in the remaining two years ta provide "well-adjusted citià zens." Should Be Correlated Heaith and physical education "in all public sehools (should) ), correlated with health serv1ces,4 The repart recommended "spgi cifie instruction in the third andâ fourth years a! secondary schoo)i on the effects and use of alcoh4 and tobacco in keepîng w~ith thq, latest scîentific findings.' Ten pages of the repart are de* voted ta education for citizenshiâ,- but it declares there is no unan-, imity as ta how this trainin4 should be conducted except "praë, tice is the main thing."I Fulle' adaption o! activities and learnin~ on the level o! the learner wai a means of achieving citizenshfb training but "in the final analysiý it rests with the teacher." Na homework should be assig4q. cd pupils in the newý elementar'y schaols, the report says, and cane should be taken the amount assigned in sccandary schoolà and junior colleges is nat excesi sive. Except for a national emer. gency the full school day should be devoted ta activities of the regular schoal program. The practice of aliowing sccondary school students in the iowc grades ta cease attendanceb fore the end af the term hoiîi the least as you shall presently see. o meeting I reccivcd from a fa paper a query which was almaI3 exactly the same question. wrote the answer ta it. It t me a day te dig up the fects. .1 had a copy o! the paper in whi1" it appearcd in my pocket as' spoke. I had the figures on a card so that I could glance at, thcm if that were necessary. For; once I gave the perfect answer. It was complete. I threw myý notes dawn on the table and e claimed: "That's the answ~- regard te that-next i please." That may happen ao~ in a lifetime. It has neyer ha pened since so fan as I arn con cerned. Minimum Prie«~~ RecommendedJ For Seed Grain Rccommended minimum prices for seed in Ontario were decided upon at a recent meeting o! the Secd Marketing and Pubiicity Committec o! the Ontario Crop Improvement Association. Thesé pnices, based at the fanm or local shîpping point, bags included fol- A BRING YOUR MESSAGE BEFORE 12,000 'READERS 1 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOIXIMANVELLE. ÔNTAR:O