"MMRSAY. JANUARY 9 R tNA VA1nAM PI teÉW%,TANVT!. MAUM PAGETWRTU praperty purchased by the Crown Clake Twp. Council Holds Inaugural B-a a asdar,ý..% snow plow township roads for the 50-51a seasan when eiondb VA i1ffl 1 contract by key mn TurnL'a, IM. H. Staples was appointed Inauguralmetn atCaeI erHesi,"esodner auditor for township for 1951. meetng f Carkiyer. e sid,"weshold evei Treasurer was authari.zed ta Township Council was held Jan. underestimate the importance cfj bocrow manies for township busi- 2, at 1l a.m., in Orano Township the township council. The strength1 ness and flot ta exceed $25,000, un- Hall. The newly elected Reeve, i of the Governments lies in the, less otherwise authorized by' Hartweul LoWery, occupied the individual persan, the saine with1 counicil. chair and -the following council- the strength of the church and1 Road voucher No. 12 for 1950,1 lors were present: Deputy-Reeve the strength of the country. Thisj in $8 î3,27 and general voucheri A. McKay: Counicillors H. Davey, is where the ordinary citizen sees! No. 1 for Jan., 1951, a! S423.71 J. Brown and J. Lovekîn. the importance of the work cf the were aut horized for payment by Rev. A. E. Eustace opened thej counciil." He stated that we are council. fetin, by reading a psalm, fol- all looking forward ta the same' The following persans were paid loe y Prayer. ecm !n-standard cf last year, and asked for sheep damages: Wm. Laing, ed Îh ucilfr their excellent 1 the council ta invoke the blessing S0 alPye 3;adRs wok throughoýut the past Jof God who is aur great counicillor Hallowell, $30. - - ~~~and guide. _________ Reeve Lawery thanked Rev. Eustace. He also welcomed backNET TO Counillor Lovekin. Mc. Lowery NE T E O j .~~... said this was a five-man counicil ____ and hoped lhey would aIl work The Nestl1eton W.1, met at the tagether and do their bst tP home cf Mrs. R. Davisan, Jan. co-operate at aIl times. Other lth with meeting in charge a! R'members cf Counicil exchanged Mrs. George Bowers' graup. felicitations.. There were 24 ladies present. Mr. creossin ain aeshfor fc e rad . gramofand rshawM. Emeat- diversiondb h oilr ndionthi aend Eduation. canes Theidmetigten adteoulrned e ad for gv fn aer. R aîl: 1y siderble dscusion ceari soluetons afopr eNew Y ea. h the n oon h sour ayel heostsandtou n chad rge flma rr(cdan Lakr~e Shoe rpad gorain ancargM.Ee o rs.E.t The Reeve entertained with a hsevedadinty lunch. alwre deliciaus turkey dinner, which girven a heacty votecf hanks and was served in banquet style by gcla exty meeft a Ms.aG. Mrs Hary ercr i he clp. etms.etangley MalcoGm Mr. . F Marton Por Hoe, hve onesouth for six weeks' sin I&~Dept. cf Highway: Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. L. Joblin called on Mrs. Ross Dickensan. Mr. and Mrs. H. K. Burton. E. Mlîson, Mc. Llyal Lowery and Mr. Chas. Vine is recovering Mrs. Roy A. Forrester. from pneumonia and measles. J. L. Lowery made application Mrs. H. Vine called an Mrs. K. I ' ~for Township Assessor which was Burton. received and will be concluded by Mrs. Sam Brooks, Bowmanville, a -lw visited hec daughter, Mrs. Law- Mr. Milîson was authorized ta rence Malcolm. have R. R. Waddell on hand for Mrnd rsL.Jbnviie the advising cf the sale cf lands M.adMs .Jbi iie Jan. îsth. Mc. and Mrs. G. Johns. T ORe Mil]son's bridge. Ross Dick- Pot Luck supper and congre- enson informed the couincil lhat gational meeting in the United 400 bags of cement, also the steel Churcchxvas quite a success with and the land had been purchased. gaod reports. ~wO a Operations for this pcaject have Mc. and Mrs. Harold Wheeler, You AN et been held up due to unfavourabie Blackstock, visited Mrs. Jas. Wil- ~I weather. The construction cf the liamson. bridge was left with Ross Dicken- Mrs. Rae Malcolm, X'elverton, son to go ahead at once. vstdhruce r .H el Mc. Marden' District Municipal vaid he. nceMr. a. Hale Engineer foc Dept. cf Highways ,n M. HandeyM.asFlmYlis. K ~~~~addressed counicil offering a word M.Haey acom Yevr $50- to $1200 cf caution. He said thev mayv have ton, visited Mr. and Mrs. Victor ta curtail some situations if war Malcolm. cames about. With extra traffie Mc. and Mrs. Lloyd Hunter, on Signatur, Furniture, Auto and high cost cf living, a limît Jamie and Nola, Port Perry, vis- has ta be set across the province. ited Mc. an.d Mrs. L. Joblin. Need extra cash ta get a The province bas paid in the last Socry ta report Mc. A. H. yeqr in subsidies $23,000,000, Veale is under the doctar's care. fresh start... pay Ieftover \&h*'ch is or increase avec seven Mrs. Ralph Sadler returned bils ... for medical or den- million in subsidies in the past1 home from Oshawa Hospital an homeor uto few yeacs. If possible, be. as li Thursdav. We hope she will expenses... hoeocat easenable as you can in your i SOOfi be eut amang us agaîn. tepairs ... te aid relatives ... i by-law reauests. he suggested. 1 ___________ or oher ood urpoes? The raads aoprepriatien by-Ia) ,' or oter god purases? will be consideced and passed alt'ooflC rm n the Februacy meeting. olrflI -m n A discussion on the passibilities '0 f Installation of EXAMPLES OF LOANS of renting pool equipment ocrC ut buying new machinery was dis-'Four C.0.F. C ut . .1 MO 24M. 2M. culssed but ne decisien was Ir-____ G. 141959.9 5.5 -ix'èd at due to a hh costs and- Surcounded by bis Past Chiefs,l i 1.$2 4 nadequency te cent pool mnach- D.D.H.C.R. Bro. Charles Ferguson Mont 12.$28$4 nery at the right time. instal]ed the officers from four E.,Spoya.t"', l n.balwee,, Resolutions wece na,,,sed as Courts cf his district, in an open .0 obect Io-Th ComeCeifollows: That H. E. Millsen be: and colorful installation ceremany « opointed school attendance cf- in the Badminton Club, Bowman- icer fer 1951; that Dr. McKenzie ville.~ You'llfind it's "yes" promptly be apponted Heaith Officer for The ceremony "!as proceeded by 4Clarke Twp.: Reeve and Coun- an excellent banquet put an by te 4eut cf 5 at Pe'tânat. ciller Davey were appointed mcem- Miss. Rose Bates and the ladies Dpn't borraw unnecessarily, hers cf Park Board: Clarence cf' the Auxiliarv. Canadian Leig- if Allun as aopointed sheei) valu-,l ion. Gtîests of"honor were His but a lan s te snsile ator and paid $400 pec trip. Wocship Mayor and Mrs. L. C. solution, corne in-or phone Treasuirec was iînstruted te 7Mason. and Bras. A. M. and Mrs. firt fr 1tnp nurchase two $1.000 Dominion cf i-ady'and Harry and Mrs. Allin. Canada Bonds fer Bowmanville Bro. T. Mastersan, C.R. cf Court ~~ service. Loan Hspi~aslasc.poitn Bowmanville, occupied the chair fi N c i9mae yur thefoawingas peîîd akeeoners.and the banquet oapened by the the ollwingas otin lci)esingiig cf grace and Taast.te the way and fast! Wmn. Milligan, R. Pavuie, Ros', j King. The Toast ta the Order qalewolWarren Carson, E. was given by Bro. Cal Braun. Reid, Wm. Curtis, James Luxon, Toast ta the ladies by Bra. E. Halstead (oathani, Percc'y Burley, Hendersen, Court Oshawa, and Thomas Wilson, Norman Andrews, rcsponded ta by' Mrs. T. Master- H. Glenney, Geo. Laing. M. H. son. Officers installed were: ':taoIles, Roy Cochrane, Sheldon 1CutBowm-anville - Bras. H. MoU:al A. J. Bieow, Harold Snowden, .; B. Craig, V.C.R.; FINANCE CO* Ransberry. A. Neilsen, LawcenceJ.KtoCali;L yns id Foor 9 lOver Bank of Nova Sella.) Hooev, Lamne Bell and E. Green. F.S.; R. Prout, R.S.: F. Thompson, 111/2 SIMCOF: ST., NORTH Following were appointed fence S.W.: E. King, J.W.; G. Prout, Oshawa, Ontario, Con. enadSlvRw. S.B.; F. Griffin, J.B. Phone: 5690 adSal Installing officers assisting the F. Cto AnersnAESM.N... Since a number of proorieties i District Deputy were:- Bras. F. pointing out the wark the Order was doing in youth training as and 66 ow f e5htwo of the Chief Rangers installed and wmneelIianw illiae5k n and ~p~1ijn ~OU~Io! Court King David, Raglan. oi id cica J u Bras. H. Hamm, L. Haynes, F. Griffin and Committee in charge clot e5 c~re b ck.of the evening were thank:d. for thi ucessful efforts. Flash- cloâ jpcCom , b cklht veing re andled by ote jOrders photographer Bro. Charles 'Baker o! Highland Creek. Bowmanville Degree Team wîll put on the Initiatorv Degree in 'hitbv when West Hill members E VE L LI C GlHS xill be the guests cf the evening. Oshawa Degree em wl Cleaners & uyers - Laundries .ieurneN te Lindsay in Fbur an.d an Installation ceremony will PHONE: OSHAWA ZENITH 13000 be held at West Hill, Whitbv and oral Agent:. HOOPER'S LADIES, WEAR Janrtx'ille îi&xt month with the sanie installation officers olficiat- -- ing. and children with Mr. and Mrs. morning with a good attendance. IDur am ouity Cub o Toont JimStantonSolna.Helen Cole gave the devotional. Duh m o nt lb iToo loMJr. ndMtos. WallaceGriffin Mrs. Rahm gave tecatro Iuiorms Nembers ai Oratory Shieàld Tnikilnawtbr.adMr.T Tama. Mr.Lute odtecid __________Mr. and Mrs. L. Alldread and ren a story. World Friends Were In sndig ou th advncework. Durham Club Éhoul1d be Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Alldread visit- given out. i In sedîngout he avanc ed Mrs. W. Robinson and Mrs.! Congregational meeting was notice of the Durham County proud of the Shield and what it iJ.McLaughlin in Bowmanville fairly well attended Saturday af- ,Club of Toronto which meets on represents. Hsia nSna.jtron ehp ogv e Thursday evening, Jan. 25th, it There wiU. be two special fea- 1HositL. onsnd Eri te prn oon.Wsehoe tgier are gives some interesting inform- tures at. the January night:- Ms:.1oe adEi visited oto hsmeigltr ation regarding the Durham (1) "My Year's Stay in Johanns- Mr. and Mrs. John Jones, Long ý C.G.I.T: met on Friday even- County Club Shield. burg, South Africa," an address! Taylor ig wthadfarol Philips gavne Miss Brenda Wakeley, wvho hails bx' Miss Edith Knechtel; and (2)! Mr. and Mrs. Murray Tabb Thedy to nal Pilpsgv fromPortHope wasthe 1950 "What is Going on 'Down Below'i visited Mr. and Mrs. M. Elford, 1 firo iPot he, as Contest at Our Main Streets." A chat by 'Port Perry.1 An aluminum demonstration Bowmanville. Although the Shield Mr. Baker of the T.T.C., illustrat- Miss Marie Nickersort, Bow1 and delicious turkey dinner was was then presented to Miss Wake- ed by slides. mavlesetteweedWît1 served at the home of Mr. and ley by Dr. L .B. Williams, past The musical portion of the ev- ManissprintWrtht. qon wth mes Douglas Cole Monday when M8ipeopleiore present president, of- the club, it was ening will, as usual, be in capable Mrsd1' Wright and Mr. Mur-'_ým 8pol eepeet brought ta Tdronto for refinishing hands.. This was sponsored by the Tyrone and alterations. The "Main Brand" served up ray Barrie. Newtonville with Mr.! Parsonage Board Committee. Miss Wakeley visited the Club at our November *"Neighbourly and Mrs. Russell Wright. 1 ]Proceeds $23.00. at the November meeting and was Nite" was a delectable milxture of Mr. and Mrs. V. Davenport and _________________ again given the new Shie]d by "Durham Special" with a dash of David, Richvale: Bobbie Tuck, Mr. Orville Henderson, Vice- " Concentrated Northumberland Toronto, .with Mr. and Mrs. Don President of the Club. Brenda Spirit" ta which was added a Stainton. proved herself a talented speaker sweetner of "Port." The music Sorry ta learn that Mr. K. Col- as she delivered the winning ad- was -OK" . if you know what bary's brother Clare is in a hos- dress on the subject "The Lufe I mean. pital at Fort Lewis, Washington, of the Hon. W. L. MacKenzie The notice ends. with this chai- one of the casualties fromn Korea. King." Miss Aked. on behaîf of lenge: With the start of the new Mrs. Ann Phillips, Louie and the club. presented Brenda with year let us have a bumper turn- Patsy; Mr. and Mrs. Tom Barr a silve~r locket. The Shield will -out. You will be welcomed as and Mr. Douglas Barr attended i be given ta lier school ta hang a member if you live or have the Lindsay-Hendricks wedding in the class room. lived in Durham County or had at the home of the bride's moth- The high achievement of this the good sense ta marry a Dur- er, Mrs. Aima Hendricks, Sel- young student of the Public ham County boy or girl. kirk, on Saturday afternoon. School was a tangible evidence 0_________ r.W .Wre ssed of the value af these contests. Sa r.WT. odeispn-' great was the impression upon ing a week with relatives in Osh- those present that the support TYRONE aa given by aur club was fully en- a Wb.Pnyoose dorsed, but some concern was the weeknd with Audrey Wood . expressed that we have not been Mr. and Mrs. Peter Murdock, Glad ta know Mrs. W. Miller more fully informed of this club Bwavle copne r and Mr. J. Maynard are slowly im- activity. and Mrs. Walter Park and chil- proving at the home of Mr. andU As an answer to this a sma]l dren and visited Mrs. J. Lillih Mrs. R. Maynard. committee will be appointed not crapp, Cannington. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Carruthers,; only to foilow the work 'cf the Mr. and Mrs. Everton White Bowmanville;, Mrs. W. J. Miller, O EC ÀT MÀ commnittee in charge of the con- were dinner guests with Miss Miss Beth Miller with Mr. and tests but to keep aur membership Muriel Benson, Toronto, Satur- Mrs. R. B. Scott. in dloser touch with this great day evening. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hoskin, THINS WITH WATER e Mr. and Mrs. Art Youngmian Larry and Ronnie, Blackstock, and children visited Mr. and Mrs. i wth Mr. and Mrs. S. T. Hoar. Mr' One gallon OBT A YEd. x'oungman, Pontypool. and Mrs. Everett Hoar and Mr. of SPEED- . Mrs. Howard Couch, Missescand rs. teH. Rnd e.realo EASY, mixed JOSEPH COWLING Marjorie and Eileen Couch, Bow-jcaerathe orhm. manill, vsitd r. nd rs.A. Mr. Harry Collacott, Bowman- with water manville, visited Mr. aid Mrs. A.ville, with Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Affer anillnsofsx onh.Hls. Woodley. makes up ta Joeh olig hlve usad Mr. and Mrs. Lorne McCay, Mr. and Mrs. Trewin Scott and 112galn of the former Mabel Brow'n, pass- Brooklin; Mr. Garnet McCoy, chuldren and Mr. A. Edwaris 1/ aln ed away at his residence, Salenm, Bowmanville: Mr. P. McCoy, visited Mr. and Mrs. J. Smith in of paint. on Dec. 24, in his 79th year. Ajax, with Mr. and Mrs. S. Me- Toronto. A son of the late Mr. and Mrs. 1 o.M.adMs enMoe n ____________ Willam owlngdecase wa Miss Muriel Fawcett, St. Cath- children Mrs. Russell Virtue cal:- born in Darlington Township on; arines, at Mr. and Mrs. 0. Beck- ed on Mr. William Virtue at the Junlie 12, 187. Handsentall of ett's. home of Mr. and Mrs. W . Coch- ONE COAT COVERS.. hnnislenere. He was married Mr~. and Mrs. Grdon Brent, rane. Kirby, who is much better. Oeca in nnskile onily th 191.Gloria and David, were tea guests Mr. and Mrs. 1. W. Larman, Oeca Besides his widow, hie leaves, of Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Sykes and Millbrook, visited Mr. and Mrs. is usuallyî ta mourn his loss, six sons, Stan- attended the dedication service J. A. Rosevear. ley of Salem; William of Aurora, lof their new electric argan at Glad Bruce Macdonald is on enough aver I Harley of Clarke Union, Murray,. Hampton. the mend sînce having a bad dose wallpaper, George and Clair at home, five1 Club 41 met at the home of of measies. wallboard, daughters, Audrey (Mrs, Lloyd Mrs. G. Brent last week. Members of Club 49 and their plaster, Snowden), Maple Grave; Kath- Mr. and Mrs. Neil Yellowlees husbands %vere entertained at the leen (Mrs. Keith Tennant), Sal- and children with Mr. and Mrs. home of Mr. and Mrs. George AlI- concrete ' em: Irene (Mrs. George Tabb), Norman Yelowlees, Hampton. dread Friday evening. or brick. Haydon; Lili (Mrs. Lloyd Smith), Mrs. Charles Shaw, Jim and Guests with Mr. and Mrs. W., Hampton, and Hilda (Mrs. Elton!Ralph, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. Rahm Saturday evening were: - ;Brock). Bowmanville, and 18 George Shaw and Dianne, Belle- Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Grace, Miss - ------- grandchildren. ville, with Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Ada Rahm, Mr. Jim Smith, Bow- The funeral was held from the Virtue. manville; Mr. and Mrs. Cecil F. F. Morris Funeral Chapel on Mr. and Mrs. A. Bolton, Mea- Rahm, Union. offciatin,. PalbevDoarers uwefardtue and attndd te fuEr A.Pontypooyd W erbpard ents, Fc. H Defc 2, ith RalevDald Lueeford, wid th M.nddMrs. uE A. Mrs. oloydWit ebparnte,r3 John Graham, Leslie Graham,' of Charles Shaw, Oshawa, from and Mrs. H. Cameron. Yu eea lc Leslie Welsh, Lawrence Squair, the Morris Funeral Chapel an Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Webb and Yu eea lc Farewell Blackburn and Wilbur Thursday. Several fromn here at- children, Pontypool. were guests Phonne 438 Bowi Blackburn. Interment was in tçp cd the funeral. of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cameron. Bowmanvil]e Cemetery. -i_-Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stainton Mission Band met on Sunday EASY s After ah Sweeks, can was Iwithnmi 1 saap ai water. TO WASH... ibout 2 yau ?aish id -SY Ele'ctric trie Appliance Dealer manville 42 King St. E. u ca#4c&re * 9tIe4~~ Today-trained by the R.C.A.F.-they are skilled technicians in the workings of the modern airpiane with sought-after know- Icdge and cxpericnce. Hçre is your chance to fit yourself for the future. You wiIl be given a complete and thorough training-enjoy good rates of pay-with opportunities for acivance- ment-30 davs annual leav'e with pay- and other satisfying benefits of a service career in aviation. FIND OUT FOR YOURSELF TH-fE QPPORTUNITIES SEE THE CAREER COUNSELLOR AT YOUR NEARESTI OR MAIL COUPON The expancling R.C. A. F. has openinbs for more men, immediately to train as W* **C VAIN Tue b A à e V. AIR., AERO-ENGINE AIRFRAME, INSTRUMENT and RADIO TECHNICIANS lu JUIN THE ..A.F. TOU MUST-/,,, ' - ý VV7 " Be between 17 and 30 5637roi# IVhfEP r4ra",, 1 " Hove a Grade 8 education or botter îr~. Prin,> .. . .9,14Î 0 Se physically fit C ....... ,. Be a Canadian citizen or other Brtish subject o ,(hJ, ... i ....... nod p1, P VC ... d ........C.. . .... FOR YOU IN THE R.C.A.F...... A E R.C.A.F. RECRUITING CENTRE e~Ag Royal Canadian Air Force S tafford Bros. IMonumental Works Phono Wbltby 552 31 undas St. E., wIr/ty MIN QUALITY1 MNUMENTS ANDl SPrecise workmanship and carefu] attention to detail are your assurance when you choose from the wide selection of imported and domestic Granites and Marbies in stock. 1,18.1951 TUE; UA14AMIP.N 5T,&TtbMAI4. J5VWnLMnVl].èZ4Z, V£4-j-,aniv DRIES IN 1 HO0U R * SPEED-EASY idriesini1 1heur. Then;, ,r you can replace cur 8tains and furnitume - ----------- m te tant a