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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Jan 1951, p. 7

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lý-e - ý ý- "lm ý 1 IriuEEDAy. MtYJAX18 IIEA ...f..N £%,AmN Â JA Z.5N 5AI, V...' Tv........ PAGE SV~ ISOCIAL AID PERSONAL Phonoe6 lp'Mr. Fred -Depew is visiting rel- atives in Detroit, Mich. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Gilmore, Lefroj.visited Mr. and Mrs. W. Miss Joan Greenfield, Toronto. Vlsited her parents Mr. and Mrs. P. E. Greenfield. MrSI Keith MacMillan and son Ian, Toronto, visited ber mother, Mrs. T. A. Dustan. Mvr. Uymnond Cole, Kitchener, vlsited sster, Mrs. Reta Dud- ley. Mrs.Wd Tighe, Church St., returnie>rore Sunday after vis- Iing relatives fin Bolton. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Earl, To- ronto, were recent guests of ber aunt, Mns. T. S. Holgate. Mr. Ken Crawford, Toronto, sPent the weekend with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Emmons Crawford. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Cassins, Bolton, spent Sunday with ber mnother, Mrs. Hilda Tighe and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. William Ander- son. formerly Dorothy Lockhart) of T7oronto, recently called on friends intown. Mr. E. R. Freeman, St. Cath- arines, visited Mr. and Mrs. Les- lie Jackson and Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Freeman. Mr. J. B. Truli of Nanton, Aita., is visiting bis brothers at Cour- tice before leaving for holidays in Florida. Mrs. L. H. Bucknell and daughter Sylvia visited hec daughter, Mrs. H. Meincke, in Hamilton over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Marshall, Peterborough, visited ber moth- er, Mrs. O. Roberts, prior to leaving for Montreal for a two months' stay. Mrs. A. M. Williams returned Sunday after a two months' pleasant visit with her daugh- ~ter, Mrs. Gwen Koldofsky at Hollywood, Calif. WRememhber the World Day of Prayer service to be held in St. Paul's United Church Bowman- Ville at 3 p.m., Friday, February si h. 3-2 ST. JONS 1CHURCH Rev. Warren Turner, B.A., B.D. 8a.m.- HOLY COMMUNION iam.- CHORAL COMMUNION "No Easy-chair Christian" 7 p.m.- EVENSONG Young People's Rally INDUCTION January 24th at 8 p.m. Mrs. Rota Dudley and Miss Dennie Croasser attended a ne- citai given by Mn. Ray Dudley, planist, at the Art Gallery, To- ronto, on Sunday afternoon. Censtable S. J. Gatcheil, R.C. M.P.. bas retunned te bis detach- mont in Sydney, Nova Scotia, af- ton spending three weeks witbh hs family and friends bore and in Torente. Ladies, cail at the Bank of Montroal and _-et your copy of the bookiet "Personal Planning for Successful Home-Makers." You'Il find it interesting and profitable reading. The social item in last week's paper should bave read, Mn. and Mns. Russell Short and baby, To- renta, visited bis parents, Mn. and Mns. Blake Short over the New Yea's holiday. At the annual meeting of the Oshawa and District Labor Coun- cil beld Jan. 9th, Harold Henning, employee of the Goodyear Tire & Rubber Ce., was elected Vice- President. Congratulations are extended te Miss Helen Miller, daugbter of Mn. and Mns. W. J. Miller, Beth- esda, on neceiving ber Registered Nurse's degree at Toronto Gen- eral Hospital. Mrs. F. Cater bas returned from visiting ber sons and daugh- ter in Malton and Toronto, aise ber sister, Mrs. Pning who ne- sides in Montreal but is visitîng ber daughter, Mrs. Wakoling in Toronto. Port Hope Chapten of the 1.0. D.E. bad the famous Queen Mary Carpet on display in the town hall for one day and realized $176. Over 600 sehool children with their teachers were given a free viow of the tapestry. Those who attended the Pros- bytoial meeting at Peterborough on Jan. 9th from St. Andrew's Church wene Rev. and Mrs. Meredith, Col. and Mrs. k. T. McLaugblin, and Mrs. D. F. Henry. Mrs. J. E. Elliott and Miss Annie Meuntjoy went te Gaît Saturday attending the funeral of their eldost brother, William Mountjoy. On their return they stopped in Islington te spend several days with their brother, Mn. and Mrs. C. J. Mountjoy. The Rotary Club of Ajax bas been fonmed witb 22 charter members and Cecil Winter as the first president. The Club wiil meet Thunsday at 12:15 at Arbon Lodge. Charter night will be held in February. This is the 46th Rotary Club in District 247. Miss Olive Rankine, dramatie soloist, who is assistîng artist Ray Dudley's recital hore on Feb. lst, is one of the four young scbolar- ship pupils in recital tonight spon- sored by the Royal Conservatory of Music Alumnae to ho given in the concert hall of the Toronto Conservatory. The Evening Auxilîary of St. Paul's United Churcb met on Jan. 15 at the home of Mrs. Har- old Turner. President Mrs. Ro- bent Davies was in charge of the meeting. The worship service and study peied were based on oun study books on Japan. An- nual reports of the Secretary and Treasurer were read, aise a re- port fromn the W.M.S. Christian Stewandship Secretary by Mrs. D. A. McGregor. A delicieus lunch was enjoyed. 11:00 a.m. - MORNING WORSHIP and COMMUNION SERVICE 12:15 p.m. - SUNDAY SCHOOL 7:00 p.m. - EVENING WORSHIP Song Service and Bible Story Series. TRINITY UNITED CHURC H Rev. S. R. Henderson, B.A., B.D., Minister. Mr. R. G. Hlarle, Director of Music DO WMAN VILLE DAPTIST MISSION (Nelson Street, between Liberty and Ontario Sireets) ý' ANNOUNCING 2 Great Gospel Services Sun., Jan. 21 - 7 #.mI and 8 pm. at 7:00 - we wil] have our regular service with a timely mestage by the Pastor, and will also enjoy the ministry of SIXTEEN CONSECRATED MUSICAL MESSENGERS froin Toronto. at 8:00 - FIRESIDE HOUR, a solid hour of testimony in word and sang by the Toronto group which includes the CENTRAL BAPTIST SEMINAIRES, (Maie Quar- tet f rom the Central Baptist Seminary), and TWELVE YOUNG LADIES (also of the Seminary), singing in beautiful harmony the hyxnns you love REMEMBER - BIBLE SCHOOL - 3:00 P.M. Messrs. Harry Freeman and Ross Stutt. Bowmanville; R. E. Logan, Onono, and W. F. Rick- ard, Newcastlo, attended the in-~ stallation ceremnonios of Lobanon Lodge, Oshawa, on Jan. th when Bro. Stanley F. Everson was in- stalled as Master of the lodge n the Masonic Temple. When it comes to talking, Dur- ham County ladies have always had the reputation of talking a lot of common sense. It was therefore no surprise to learn that Mrs. Ruth Malcolm, 23, of Yel- verton. xvas awarded a bandsorne trophy as Ontario champion in the Junior Farmer Public Speak- ing Contests beld last week at the King Edward Hotel, Toronto. Hon. John W. Foote, V.C., M.P.P., Minister of the Depa rt- ment of Reform Institutions fori the Provinces of Ontario, statM d last week that the governmenti intends to move the Ontario Training School for Girls frôm their wartime quarters at Ce- bourg te the original schooi prop- erty at Gat-the move te take place in the near future. St. Palpl's C.G.I.T. met Jan. 10. Meeting opened with a sing-song which was enjoyed by ail. An- nual C.G.I.T. report was filled out. Study book this year is "A New Look at Japan." Some Jap- anese words were learnod. For our project we are going to com- pose a Japanese newspaper. A very enjoyabie evenîng closed with taps. James M. Frost, 31, of Belle Ewart, Ont., Friday was sent- enced to concurrent terms of five years on each of 27 charges of baving-and passing-$10 coun- terfeit bills. The charges cov- ered offences at Cobourg, Bow- manviile, Brockville, Barrie and Kingston. Magistrate R. B. Bax- ter, in passing sentence, noted that Frost's ciminal record dated from the age of 16 and included convictions ranging fromn pet%.y theft to rape. Mrs. A. L. Darch received a nasty shock Wednesday morn- ing when friends at Bowman- ville Beach phoned to advise that someone bad broken most of the windows in the Darch cottage on the East Side. Investigation showed that 14 windows. approx- imately 18" x 20" each, had been smashed by some inconsiderate person or persons who had used them for targets in a rock throw- ing contest. It is to be hoped that police will learn the identity of the culpnits se that correctivc action may be taken. Mr. Morgan Newton, of the Ontario Training School for Boys at Bowmanville, was guest speak- er at the Oshawa North Simcee Home and School Association on Monday evening, Jan. 8th. Mn. Newton gave a very thorough and enlightening talk concerning the training schools, their aims, accomplishments and daily rou- tine. He explained that the boys attend regular schooi, receive hobby training, are given rec- reational facilities. and attend daily chapel service in addition to Sunday church services. The record shows that with few ex- ceptions their 'boys ahl return to negulan life as good citizens. Goodyear Recrea-tion Club Holds Dance at Varcoe's Pavilion A very enjoyable evening was spent by over one hundred couples on Friday, Jan. l2th, at Varcoe's Pavilion, when the Goodyear Recreation Club held its first dance of the New Year. Ah. Darchi and bis "orchestra gave out with the rhythm for round dancing, whileo Harold Balson's txvo-piece hand'and caîl- ing supplied the music for square dancers. Other attractions of the evening were the prizes given for three lucky spot dances and an attend- ance draw, which wvere as fol- lows: winnier, of the lucky dances, Shirley Grant and Ron Johnson, Mrs. Bill Bates and Murray Lar- mer, Mrs. Ken Nicks and Jack Hayes. Attendance prize, George Bebee. Goodyear employees, guests and out cf tow,,n visitors participated in the affair. FLORENCE EDITH CONNERS The death occunred suddecly on Jan. 2nd at Bowmanville Hospit- ai cf Florence Edith Conners, widow of the late Hughi F. Con- cors, in lier 63rd ear. Deceased was born at Myrthe, Ont., daugh- ton of the late Mn. and Mns. H. Moore. She was a member of St. Paul's United Chunch, and W.M.S. and also a member of the Rebokah Lodge for many years. She is survived by four daugh- tons. Rota, Maioc, Gladys and Doris, and twe sens, Harny and Roy'. Funerai was held fnom the Mor- ris Fuceral Chapol, Jan. 4th, with Rev. H. Turner ofriciating. Paîl- bearors werc: Gilbert Concens, Ercie Connens. Harry Hughes, Douglas Martin, Ben King and George Purdy. Icterment was made in Bowinanvihhe Cemeteny. WILLIAM MOUNTJOY William Mountjoy, who had made bis home for the past ton years at Gaît with bis daughter, Mrs. A. W. Pearce, 7 FlQra Street, passod away Thursday, Jan. il, at the Gaît Generai Hospital. Borni at Ha.ydon, Darlington Township, hoe farmed in Otaneo for 30 vears and for 30 yoans in Saskatchewan. His wife. Maryj Anc Samuohis predeceasod bim in 1938. Ho is survived by one daugh-ý ton (Ada), MNrs. A. W. Pearce, Gaît; two sons, Fred of Heward, Sask., and Everett of Fnoude, Sask.; two brothens. Cephus of Toronto; Joseph, Chauvin, Alta.: two sisters, Mns. J. E. Elliott and Miss Annie Mountjoy. Bowmac- ville: nicc gnandchildren and 1,1 great-grandchiidren. Funeral service was beld Sat- urday. Jan. 13. Interment at He- ward, Sa4~ Dy a Drilliani Last Period aLily Imuerial Defeaied Cohouru Here 7-5 Scott Writei Colun ""Down to Earth" in 'Homes & Gardens' We have known for, some time that Norman Scott, manager o the Brookdale-Kingsway Nlurser- ies in Bowmanville has had a hapkering for journalisrn. It was, therefore, flot surprislng to learn this week that he has been arpdinted Contributing Garden Editor of the làssy magazine "Canadian Homes and Gardens." We understand Mn. Scott's con- tribution wiil consist of a monthiy column in the magazine wbich is entithed '"Down te Eantb," and will ho featuned as - Questions and Answers on gardening prob- lems. A second phase of Mn. Scott's writing for this popuhar magazine will ho a monthly article which wili appeal especially te home 1 owners. Ho plans te incerporýýe in these articles information wbicdh is net generally found in text books and which information is of a practical nature. Community Executive Set Feb. 13 as Date 0f Annual Meeting The Executive of Bowmanvile Community Council mot Jan. 16 at the Lions Community Centre, with Rev. S. R. Hendenson in the chair, and Messrs. Thompson, Dale, Darcb, Colo, Eastaugb and Oliver, Miss Jennie Tabacki, and the Recreation Director prosent. Permission bas been granted from Ottawa te erect a sign board near the Post Office provided Town Couccil also givos their assent. Town Couccil will ho petitioned as usual for the an- nual grant, headed by Ah Darchi. A ietter and flowers are beicg sent te Mns. Buckan, whose chiid is quito 111 in Sick Children's Hospital, Toronto. It was decided that the Direct- or should have a day and a haif a week off,* and two weeks holi- days. possihiy in the fahl. The accuah meeting will ho held Tuesday, Feb. 13, at 7:30 p.m. at the Lions Community Contre. Ahi organizations are te notify the Executive by the end of Jan- uary who their nepresentative will ho. Local Hoopsters Win in Whitby 36-29 Joltmng Jack Ross tallied 16 points in Whtby High Scrhooh gymn Tuesday evening te ead Bowmanville Intermediates te a 36-29 victory ovor a rough-houce Whitby toam. Using football scrimmage lino methods, the Whitby five wereo hopelessiy outchassed by the local hoopsters. At the half, Bowmanvihle led 18-8 and with the opening minutes of the sec- ond stanza increasod that lead by 10 points. Whitby's last minute dive failed te pay off although they whittled Bowmanville's lead down considerably Mlwanmmo:; '.i usmvn .n Hampton Breeder Elected President jersey Cattle Club In a gamo somewbat oacedPesdet fth Otai bling tho Korean war, M esem- alee B rasdey ofhmpOntai penlls adea Mie~sIm-and Durham Jersey Cattle Club peralsmad abrilant hast per- at the ana etn hc a iod rally to defeat the lbague beîd aGnnua meetingwOihawas leadlng Cobourg as -.Th on Friday night. He succeeded game, played on fast ice n the M. Crawforth of Oshawa. Bowmanville Memorial Arena on Tuesday nigbt, was witnessed by About 16 breeders turned out a rather small crowd. for the meeting whicb was con- Although the gong at the end cerned mnostly witb the election of the first two periods gave the of officers for 1951. It was an- Pays a scoring margin, Mike's nounced at the meeting that a Gashouse boys just weren't get- social evening would be held for ting the breaks until the third breeders and their wives at Red frame. Ferguson with an assist Wing Orchards, Whitby, on Fni- from Smith tallied tbe first goal day, February 2nd. fon Cobourg followed by Wilcox Other officers elected were: from Cooper for the second coun- Vice-PWesident, W. P. Collins, ter. Bowmanville's only score in Whitby; Honorany President, M. the first frame came wben Maxie Crawforth; Directors: Dr. W. Yourth banged one in on a pass Shorwin, Orono; Robert Balsdon, from Bob Bird. Pickening; Frank Stenger, En- Bowmanville started putting on niskillen, R. G. McLeish, Toron- the pressure in the second peried te: M. S. Alsop, Uxbridge; R. wben Tod Lîntner on a pass f rom Flemning, Whitby; Sec'y-Treas., bis brother Allan, tied the score Howard Farndale, Parkwood 2-2. Smart stick-bandling netted Farms, Oshawa; Representative Bob Bird an unassisted goal to te Ontario Jersey Club, John put the local Gas Dispensers in Batty. the lead for the first time in the ___________ game. The Pays not %te he eutdone by The average vo*ight of the bu- Bowmanville's scoring effort put man brain is 48 ounces. two more in the net to regain the lead 4-3. Forbes and Smith wvi-lh assists frem Wilcox and Cooper were responsible for the two Co- bourg goals. After one minute of play in the third peniod, Bowmanviile oen- ed its four tally scoring spree when Don Rundie potted a pretty goal on a pass from Dion. Maxie Yourtb, unassisted; Bob Bird and Ted Lintner with assists from Yourth and A. Lintner accounted fer the remainder of the Imper- ials scening. Fergusen witb an as- sist te Tripp recorded the only Pav goal in the final period. Harvey "Slip" Rowe, playing in the nets for the Pays saved the visiters from suffering a worse defeat than the score indîcated. Bowmanville Imperials will again meet the Cobourg teami here on _____________ Saturday night starting at83i rn pea Mike's Imps Have A New Coach in Dave Williams Last Saturdays Intermediate hockey game at the Memonial Arena saw the introduction of the Imperials' now coach, Davo Wil- liams. Presently attached te General Motors in Oshawa, the newco, lives in Ajax and bas a great deal of hockey expenionco behind bim. In 1941, ho played with Mariboro Juniors in Toronto and from near metropolis ho travelied te Kirk-_ land Lake where ho played senior hockey with the vaucted Blue Devils. Mn. Williams came te General Motors fromn Malartic where ho was playing coach on a teamn entored in the Malartic League. With an expenienced mac_ at the helm, the Bowmanvilhe Imn- perils should turc in a good ac- ceunt of themseives wben thev meot the league-loading Cobour.g Pays on Bowmanviile Arena c"ý Saturday night Courtice Circuit Young People's Met At Maple Grove Young Peopie's was held at Maple Grovewhen Dorothy Scow- don and Roc Brooks had thc worship service after which Miss Vera Sihlock, a blind girl, speke te us about what it is ike te be blind. She toid us net te pity the blind, that they cao do as much as anyone ehse. She show-\, ed us how she did -Braille and she aise showed us the eather- work she had done. She then told us they sew and showed uis ber watch with the numbers in Braille on it. Aftor this she phayed the piano. A short sin.- secg folhowed after which we had rocreation. Poultry Grading Protects Consumer J. Ross 16, R. Rundhe 1, R. Gai- Many Canadian foods sold te iaghen 2, R. Mclntyne 2, E. Brown the public today are graded ac- 2, R. Coombes, J. Graham, T. cording te quahity and the gnad- Dadson. Total: 36. ing systemn as applied te dnessed Whitby: Gaine 1, Tenensky, poutry genoralhy bas met with McLeod 2, Wilde 1, Gledhill, Jor- the approval of both the producer dan 8. Haire 4, Anderson 10, Mo- and the consumer. The accepi- watt 3. Total: 39. anco of leading wholesalers of _________________ Government poultny grades as a basis of trading and the setting W ED INGof substantial differences in price te standandize the quality of LEDSTER - WRIGHT poultry on both the demestic and On Saturday, January 6tb, in expert markets. Oshawa, Doreen Muriel Wright, Administered by the Depant- daughten of Mn. and Mrs. Thomas ment ef Agriculture at Ottawa, Wright, Bowmanvilie, hecame the the Live Stock and Live Stock bride of Bruce Waltoc Ledster, Products Act provides for the son of Mn. and Mrs. Robent Led- grading and marking of dressed ster, Oshawa. Rev. S. J. I. Wil- and eviscerated pouhtry in reg- son was the officiating clergy- istered promises that meet speci- mac. fications and'standards aid down For the coromony, the bride by government negulations. In1 wene a gown of pewdon blue enforcing these regulations Gev- lfaille witb flaned skint, V-neck- ennment inspectons serve as ad- lice, and stand-up coîhar at the visers co-eperating chosehy witll back. The sheeves were tbree- the poultny industry in an at- quarter length. The dness was tempt te make it possible for the eut simphy with fancy button consumer te buy drossed poutry trimming. Hon bat and accessor- with definite assurance as t jos were navy and she wore a quaiity in the grades specified." corsage of red roses. Quality in dressed poultny Miss Shirley Piper, Bowman- depends ahmost entinely upon tne ville. xvas ber onhy attendant, manner in which a bird bas been wearing a gown of black velvet fed on finished iih preparation for and blue brecade, witb black vol- market. It is only thnough spe- vet bat and accessenies. Hon cor- cial feoding that the fines t quaI- sage was of' yehbow roses and iycnb ecrdadtis i mums. The hest man was Mn. found in the bighost grades zs Joseph Kelemen, Oshawa. Grade Special on Grade A. Otb- For the neception, held at the on grades specifiod by the Live home of the groom, the bnide's Stock and Live Stock Products meother wore gney, trimmed with 1 Act include Grade B and Grade seqins wbhe he reo~s oth1I . As the poultry is graded. al or wone a dress of black crepe distinctive tag is applied te each and black hace. bird which is the consuri' Fer the wodding trip te peints guarantee of specified quality. west, the bride donned anecat __________ oven a blue dness witb na.yac cessenies. On thein return the 1 Australia is the onhv centin- couple took up nesidence at 162 ont lyiîmg entirely soutb of the Vendun Rd.. Oshawa. Equaton. Ice Saf ety Tips GREETINGS. FOLKS! Winter is here. With it cerne skiis and- skates. Everyone is anxieus te get going on winter sports. But Willy, that's me in the illustration abeve, asks you tp remember-this Is the most dangerous lime of the winter- Because, new ice is treacherous- It can hook solid and conceal a death tnap. Warning te skiers-first snow- fails do net cover stiimps and branches. These can ho a real menace .. . Do Net Attempt his until they are well-cushioned witb snaw. (Remember-there's DENTAL NEEDe Amm-i-dent Teoth Éaste - 33c, 59e, 83e Tooth Powder 3e,59e Scuibb Dental Cream ----- -- 49e Angle Tooth Bnush ---- ---- 50e Lavaris Mouth Wasb - 27c, 49c, 93e Listerine Tooth Paste - 29e, 49c Astringent Mouth Wash, I.D.A. Brnd - 23c, 69c Maclean's Brand Tootli Faste ------- 29e, 47e FREE 19e Jar of PACQUINS HAND CREAM purchase ~ This special hand cneami fon dry skin, i keeps hands s -ootli and sof t. NVOXZEMA NOW LARGE 10 OZ. $1,00 69c - $ 1.59 a long wintear ahead.) W'atch for me. I'm going to be handing out safety tips frorn this column each week . .. Red Cross hopes these tips wili help you en- joy a safe and happy winter seas- on. MEANINGLESS MILL (The Financial Post) Outside the narrow limits of the municipaiity itself, miii rates on which municipal taxes are le- vied are aimost meaningless. Two identical properties on opposite sides of the same street, but in different municipalities, may have a miii rate wvhich varies as much as 50 lier cent. This varying miii rate, or basis for assessment, is also a serious handicap in the administering of municipal grants by provincial and other authorities. TIC KE TS TO EVERYIVHERE Air. Rail or Steamship Consult JURY & LOVELL Bowmanvile 15 King St. WV. Phone 178 GET AHEAD w ITHi BRYLCREEM Canada's forgest-seling A" hair dressing gives hoir a $mortl w.B- groomed look, a nafural gleamlng lustre. No GUM NO SOAP NO ALCOHOL 0 NO STARCH ---- --- - 39e - 59C bayer Aspirin 18c-29c-49e Alka-Seltzer --29c-57c 217 Tablets ----- 35C-75c-$1.59 ýi SURPRISED- WVHE~N YOU FIRST U S EMA CI,4 MS.' / *Gives teeth daizling naturel brUl- liance. *Exhilaratinkz-refreshing-zweet- cris the bresth. *Helpa remove urnoke end aurface stails. SUY TODAT Chase's Nerve Food ----69e-$1.79 Carter's Littie Liver Pis SSc-67e-95e Dodd«s Kidney Pis 49e -M ox BOXOF/1 PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY ALEX McGREGOR Vour Local I.D.A. Drugglst DRUGS Phone 792 We Dlver MM 4A AnTAV -C A "1I AM IS nWA & t V L. NA W!rI I IlSTRE Competitive Prices - Personal Service -à 1 1

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