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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Jan 1951, p. 16

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/PXGLSEKTEEP( THURSDAY, TANUJARY 25, tèU- BRING YOUR VPtAY CASH ANDftr TAD MESSAGE BEFORE P. AV-IIU 12000 READERSCST5cPRD BIRTHS STEPHENSON-Mr. and Mrs. Joe Stephenson are happy to announce the arrivai of their son on Jan- uary 23rd, 1951, at Bowmanville Hospital. 4-1 DEATHS HOSKIN-In Bowmanville Hos- pital on Tuesday, January 23rd, 1951, Richard Hoskin, aged 77 years. Resting at the Chapel of Northcutt & Smith for service on Thursday, January 25th at 2:30 p. in. Interment Bowmanville Cemetery. 4-1 PERRETT-In Oshawa General Hospital, on Friday, January l9th, 1951, William Talbot Perrett, be- loved husband of Daisy Perrett and dear father of Doreen, Garth and Harold. Funeral from North- cutt & Smith Funeral Chapel, Bowmanviiie, Monday, January 22nd, at 2:30 p.m. Interment Hampton Cemetery. 4-1 SNOWDEN -On Tues day. Jan. 23rd, 1951, at the residence of his daughter, Mrs. Harry Freeman, 96 King St. W., Bowmanville, Thomas Snowden, beloved bus- band of the late Rachel Cole, in his 92nd year. Resting at the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowman- ville, until Thursday noon. Ser- vice in Maple Grove U n ited Church on Thursday, Januar y 2, at 2:30 p.m. Interment Bowman- ville Cemetery. 4-1 WILCOX - In Oshawa General Hospital, on Saturday, January 20th, 1951, John Henry Wilcox, beloved husband of Pearl Wilcox and dear father of Bloyd and Madlyn, in his 62nd year. Funeral from his late residence in Hamp- ton, Tuesday, January 23rd, at 2:30 p.m. Interment Bowmanville Cemetery. 4-1 Real Estate For Sale HOUSE on Scugog Road. in vil- Ilage of Hampton, storey and a haif. Possession 30 days. Phone 2849. 3-2 BOWMANVILLE REAL ESTATE Nine-room brick home, two bath- roonis, heavy wiring, hot air oil Iheating, extra lot, fireplace, 2-car garage, situated on corner of Centre and Concession Streets. Divided into two apartments. Nicely decorated. Possession ar- ranged. $10,550 price. $2,950 - Seven-roomn insul-brick house, winterized, hydro, good well, furnished, on East Beach. Low taxes. $ 1,500 down. Im- mediate possession. We have others, including service station, farms, businesses, etc. Bowmanville Real Estate 78 King St. West J. Shehyn H. G. GUI Phone 3326 Office hours: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Wednesdays: 9 a.m. to 12 noon after hours 3514. 4-1 HAMILTON'S REAL ESTATE $31,200 -North of Bowmanville, ijust off Scugog Road, new stucco 5-roomed bungalow, full sized cement cellar, wîth indoor pump, heavy electric wiring. Thirty days possession. Ternis. Leroy Hamilton, Broker Orono Phones 32r10 - 1r16 4-1 NIXON REAL ESTATE 5-rooni brick dwelling, wired, storni windows and doors; hen house, garage, mail delivery; one acre, well, I/-mule froni school and church, not far from P.ow- man-jîle. Main road. $3,500. Terms. New 4-room bungalow in Bow- manville, hardwood floors, furn- ace, 3-piece bath, venetian blinds. storm ,.ainos rcnhina~tion CARDIT-'S 0F THANKS cloors, shrubs and berry bushes; ________________________garage. $6,800. Ternis $2,300. Mr. and Mrs. George White wish ta express their sincere thanks $3,500-5-room frame dweliing, and appreciation ta the people o! hydro. weil, garage, store, mer- Hampton community for the chandise at invoice pnice. Poss- lovely gift o! silverwere and kind ession 30 days. Ternis $2,000. wihe _______ tem 41 Store on No. 2 Highway between We wish ta extend fhanks ta Oshawa and Bowmanville, mod- Dr. McKenzie, Dr. Rundie, Supt. ern 5-rooni dweiling for owner, Deweil and ail the nurses wbo 3-piece bath; gas pumps instaiied were so kind ta Alex in hospital in spning. Full pnice oniy $8,500 and gave hlm such a nice Christ- plus stock at invoice. Ternis. mas. Special thanks ta the Loucks family,, Mrs. Bradshow, Frarne dweiiinpg, 6 roonis, ail con- and Mrs. E. Spry, and ail the veniences. ail heating, not finish- neighbours o! Leskard who kept, ed. insuiated, good size lot. hini sa well suppiied with comiics 1$4,800. Ternis. and candies duning bis long stay i James Nixon, Broker et Bowmanville Hosaitai. 160 Liberty St. N.. P.owmanville Pat and Ernie Green 4-1* Phone 682 IN MEMORIAM COOKE REAL ESTATE Sellinc Your Farm ? BEACOCK-In loving memory o!, We are-, having a wonder!ul Wesley E. Beacock, who passed i demand for good fanms wifb away January 27th, 1950: . prin!j possession. For reliable -Sadly missed by his wife and and courteous service contact family. - 4-1* Evelyn E. Cooke, Realtor BENNETT-In loving memary o! Fanm Fon Sale a dean husband and father, Ben- $10,500-100 acres. 'ý-mile from jam-in Bennett, who passed away No. 35 Highway. Large lO-rooni- January 27tb, 1937: ed brick bouse, L-shaped bin- -Always remembered by wifeiroofed barn, steel roof, splendid and family. 4-14-'I stabling. can fie un 40 head cat- RUNDLE-In proud and loxing mnemory o! oun dean son and bro- ther, Pilot Officer Sidney ,Gordon! Rundie, wha was missing oven Gernîan 'v January 28th, 1945: Another yean passes, still great is our loss To lose you, dean son bow heavy1 the cross, WelIl neve'- foneyet dean Sid sa t rue, For mcimory- hoids closely fonîd pictures o! vou, Pictures of scenes xith Yaur laugh and your sniule, Makuîîg 1ife ioyous and living wvort hwxhile, Our hearLs crY out sadly- wiîvsa sudcie, your cal. The sorraw- and anîguish s0 great f0 us ail, But onlv Codiknaws and iii bis \'est love He«I give '- the answerin i licaven above. -Lox-iîi1-- reinuenbered by Morn.ý Dad and faniily. 4-1* Lost SMALL black and tan bound. Answers fa "Wý%inpy." PhoneF 695 Bowmanvilie. 4-i LOST-Jan. 3th southi-cast of Port Perry. red deer houîîd. Phone 3540W Oshawa. Rew\ard. 2-3 SUNDAY. Januarv 2lst. blacki driving gauntiet, mioutonî back anîd cuff. Rew-ard. P. O. Box 399. BoNv nianvulle. 4- 1- Hielp Wanted TYPIST - Sonie knowledge of bookkeepuîîg, for about tlîree! mont hs. Write Box 525, States-!I man Office. 4-1*i FAR1' HELP-Married or sinîgle' mianî for dairv fai-ni. Should have sanie expenience. Modern sep- arafe bouse. Appl- Elnîcroft Fanms, Oshawa. Phone 1544J. 4-1 GIRL wanted for bousework in' Toronto. Private rooni. Modernj new home. Good wagcs and ex- cellent w.orking conditions. Phone, Mrs. Breslin 854 Bowmanville. Friday and Satunday.3- P-ZLIABLE nman as Dealer in -. -.w'nianviile. Expenience flot niec-; ary. A fine opporbunity ta step ,o old profitable business whereF -.:wlIeigh Products have been sold itir ' ars. Big profits. Produets tunnished on credif. Write Raw- leizh's, Dept ML-A-140-163, Mont-' real. 1-4 j Articles For Sale TRUCK, '36 DodL7e, 3-ton stake.i Phone Clarke 2614. 4-1* LADDERS-single and extension. Best material. Phone 609. 4-1* SMALL portable glass house. Apply 84 Ontario Street. 4-1* 1937 PLYMOUTH Coach, in good condition, $275.00. Leon Moore, Phone 2344. 4-1* USED skates sold and exchanged. Neat-way Shoe Repair, opposite Garton's Bus Station. 47-tf '37 CHEV. Sedan, winterized, good condition. Apply 27 Flett St. or Phone 3232 after 5:30. 4-1 1950 PONTIAC Coach, under 3,500 miles, air conditioning, heater. Reasonable. Phone 535. 4-1* ALFALFA-Canadian grown No. 1, in sealed haif-bushel and bushel bags, for your protection. Ste- wart's Seeds. 4-1* CROSLEY Shelvador refrigerator, one only for immediate delivery, in the 9 ft. size. Keith Aiken, Clarke 3331. 4-1* The Canadian Statesman Classifîed Advertising Rates Effective July 28th, 1950 NOTICES, ARTICLES FOR SALE, LIVESTOCK FOR SALE, FOR RENT, HELP WANTED, Et. Cash Rate . . - 3e per word with a minimum of 50e Must be paid by date of insertion. If cbarged, an additional 250 w~ill be added A charge of 25e will be made for ail replies directed to this office. COMING EVENTS AND CARDS 0F THANKS Se a wvord with a minimum of $1.00 - for 33 words or less. BIRTHS, DEATHS, ENGAGEMENTS, MARRIAGES $1.00 per insertion. IN MEMORIAMS - - - $1.00 plus 100~ a line for verse. Display Classified at 80e per inch with a minimum of one inch Additional insertion at the same rates. 194 SPCIA DeuxePlyout O11 Classified Ads. must be in this office not laber than Sedan, heater, defroster, air con-12ocoknnWdeay ditioner, 12,600 miles; good con- -Sedcssaponm eyoerndsvmne - dition. Phone 3287. 4-1 edcssapormnyre ndavmny '38 FORD, A-I condition, radio, (Clip This Out For Handy Reference) heaten, spot lights, $550. '39 In- ternational haîf-ton pick-up truck, -__________________________________ $250. Apply 12 Jane St. 4-1 -_______________________________ '49 CHEV. ',.'-ton super deluxe COMING EVENTS Applications Wanted pickup, o mileage, good con- _____-_ dition. May be seen at 85 Liberty, Dance in Tyrone Hall, Satur- Township of Cantwriglit South, after 5' p.m. Cash or day, January 27th. Doon prize. Applications will be received at ternis. 4-1* ,.tainton's orchestra. Admission 'the office of the undersigned, for _____ Spciliin i o5C. 4-1 the position of Assessor for the 1 top quality potatoes, waxed TeGoya erainCu Municipality of the Township of tunponions. Order your sup- 13ingo on irniaay, January 26th atCatigtfrte er19. tur nps, g ul 5NlonS. 8p Applicants will please state age, plynow Dog uri S elsn t..8 pm.Good pnizes. Admission iplace of residence, qualifications, Bowmnvile.2-tfSOc 41and salany expected. Ai in- MODERN, five-piece. chrome kit- 'formation regarding the positionî chen set in blue, chairs leatherette B.H.S. "At Home" on February may be had at the office of the upholstered, reasonably priced.'9th aL 8:30 p.m. Severiaires or- 1 undersigned. Phone after 6 p.. 529. 31chestra from Petenborough. Get1 Lowest on any application not ____ ____your tickets froin i fth Fonni necessaî-ily accepted. Ahl appli- WINDOW anîd door frames, coni- students. 4- cations must be postmarked or bination doors, stonni sash, kitchen - delivered at my office on or be- cabinet units. Boat building. R. No. 9 Home and School Club fore Satunday, Feb. 3rd, 1951. Gibson, second place southeast of! will hold their annual dance in Varcoe's on No. 2 Highway. 3-4* Oroîîo Hall, Fniday, Feb. 2nd. HENRY THOMPSON, Musi byRuthWildn'sVaretyClerk-Treas.-Coll. CONGOLEUM Gold Seai Rugs, Music.byARuthsiosn'scV.nietMunicipality of the yard goods and hall runnc:-s. Rlex -Twnsipofarwriht oleuni Deluxe 2 and 3 yards wide, Monster Cash Bingo-in New- Box 17, yard goods at budget pneces. castle Coînmunity Hall, Thursday, Blackstock, Ont. 3-2 Phone 451. Walker Stor-es. 23tt Jan. 25th, at 8 p.m. 21 games and APIAIN O USED 3-piece chesterf»eid suite. Jc o orScamsso.EtaASSESSOR Ideal for sunimer cot~;as ames:- Share the Wealth-Door Prie. roced;fo NecasleFor the Township of Darlington wooden bed and springs; 2 chesýs 1Pie r As o ecsl pplications will be received of~~~~ drwr.Myb en at the Lionîs welfare wonik. Jack Pot of dawes. My b se ow 40.3-2 by the undersigned for an Assessor parsonage, Tyrone. Phone 2535. 4. for the Township of Darlington. 4-1 - 11 Plnt atnjteWmeisThe applicant miust be wîlling to TILE - for kitchen, bathrooms, s, Institute concert at Hamtnton devote fuli finie to the j3ob. hearths and fireplaces. Wallk Church on January 27th at 8 p.m upi.i wntasorain giazed tule or plastic, ail colours An ail-musical prograrn wiii be also. state past expenience and Floors - rubber, mastic, lino-tule, presented by the Barbershap Maiej qualifications. This work must quarnie and ceramic. Wl oaj- hiro satht M.Hw e oeun es'servAppoico- where. H. G. Heal, Phone 2902. ard Foley, entertainer, assistin.g. th - nis ssso.Apia 2-tf Admission 50c and 25c. 4-1 itions to be in the Clerk's office _______________________i not laten than 12 o'5lock noon, PLUMBING, Heating and Oul The Annual Meeting o! the'TusaFenaylt Burniers instailed anywhere in Cartwright Agricultural Sociefy J. D. HOGARTH, Durhani County. Reasonable rates wiîî be bieid in the Community Clerk, and highest quality. For free- Hall, Biackstock, on Satundav. Township of Darlington, estiniates call S. Blain Eliiott, Jan. 27th et 2 p.m. at which ivili Hampton, Ontario. Heafing, Plumbing & Tinsmitbing, 'be presented the annual financial January l7th, 1951. Phone 3348. 29-tt statement, _auditor's report, el(-c- 3-2 tiÎc:silo. Ecpinil odad OIL Burners instelied, conmplete tion of a Board of Uirectors for 5 acres bush. Possession Marcb. with one yeer guarantee, $350.0() 1951, and other generel business. W~ork 'Nanted ________and up-for as littie as 20%' down Everybody welcome. 4-1 ___ __ !S9000-1OO acres. good dlay loarn and 18 months fa pay. S. Blain GIRL desires housewonk, two or near Velverton. Soiendid 8-roorn- Elliott, Plunîbiîîg, Heating and N I ~ four days a week. Write Box cd brick bouse, bat and cold weter Sheet Metal, Bowmanville, Phone Notices 528, Stetesman Office. 4-1;: on tan: sanie bardwood flooning, 3348. 29-tf _ Mrs. Martin, Charîs corsettiere,ISKATES sbarpeîîed while you built-in cuoboards in kitchen; hin- OEue os-rw pedr ilb nBwinilTedywi,2 en'epnec.Mk roofed barn 80x35, steel roof. good OEue os-rw pedrwl ei omnilTedywi,2 er'eprec.Mk stablina: driving shed 50x25. used oil heeter; used caok stove; and Thursdey. Phone 223R Osh- Osborne's Service Station, King F--th ug n excellent condition used forage blower; new Quaker awa. 3-4* St. W. 1-4: ousie nd n.Bu -srvc ail space beaters; onîe ral snow DESAIG leainbt olusid and in. Bus serv a ice. fence. We bave a limited amount Star Taxi bas moved ifs office DRhoESaSAKNGmafe.fions, but- Possusicn and coolstlTenaie. o! new niacbinei-y. W. H. Brown, ta the first bouse forth o! Dom-fohesaomae Mis on Posesin erb sf Trns. Case Dealer, Phone 497. 4-1 inion Store on Temperance St.ofhy Brooks, 29 Silven Streef, Houe orSae RTS CR AR'E17 -Phone 3324 or at night 3691. IPhone 2043. 32 Hos o aeATSCRMRE,15King 4-2 r %4,200-4-roomed, fully insulated Street, West, Bowmnîviile, Ont. ____EAVESTROUGHING contracfing, insul-brie house in Orono. Mod- Home of Better Deals on Better "The Harvey Dance aid "od eevestroughing repaired and cm itccîî buît-n cpbords Ces. hon 218. penfroi AadnV" new put up. For free estimates emkien fouifin cmet for .mr.f Pn 1.. On ftroghRegister Friday effernoons (3 -7) call J. Moore & Son, Phone 597. Cemen ceilar. Good cei t %-er Fid. Seturday u, M nt 6 h for classes in Ballet and Tep; 2-4* inlot. . This propert i in -.A-acon- dy atra utl6 . Union Hall, Bowmanville. Irenie dîlt.onThis pde eyind ouf. cEn-yCash, Trade and Easy Ternis. Harvey. 52-tf BRAKE DRUMS! Coin ni nac t. al 2-tf Lathing, Honing and Grinding CnatALL kinds o! meet, good quality We specialize in complet e W. C. Evans, Orono. Onit. wieners, bologna, cooked hanis, B B STOKE vruS.GRG Telephone 84-8smoked hanîs and bacon, sausage BBSOKRSGRG Tere en epone84- and hamburger, Delingfan Abat- CNoùa ~ AML Phone 804 Bowmanvilie EVELYN E. COOKE, Realtor foin, Hampton. Phone 3243; also j2t Phone A2621 Newcastle pickling, smoking and sausage WATER Well Drilling for fanms, 4-1 niaking. Duning fhe summer homes, industriel, municipal, by ________________ nonths - hag killing on Tues- Corporation o! the Town of expenienced licensed O n f a r i o B et H medeys and ceff le et eny finie. T Bowmanville driller using modern equipment _____ _____Home______ _________________,___ void constant telephoniîîg and niethods. Using the worid PRflST HOME-Has a hnight cheer-1 USED tractons, John Deeres; also the Roads and Streets Chainnian femous Johnston well screens fa fuil rooni for e bed o)afient. Box one Case. New niachinenv is bard on metters penfeînîng ta the develap sand and gravel forma- 524. c/o Stetesman Office. 4-1I f0 get 50 cali and see whet we 'Town during business hours, froini ýons. R. Burns Renwick, Bov-! ___h ave. In stock:- new hanse and this date on, citizeîîs are requested menville, Phone 781 or 833. 3-2* Chicks For Sale tractor rnanure spreaders, wagons, to phone the Clerk's office et 779, PesF rS l plenters. mowers, discs, tillers, affairs o! the Town will be deait_____________ GAINFORTH Cicks-Order iiow side delivery nekes. F. S. Allen wifh by the Roads and Streets PUREBRED Springen Spaniels., for delivei-y an ytim-e during see-j & Sons, 3 miles wesf on No. 2 i Chainman and bis commitfee, P. H. VanLeuwen, R.R. .3, New- son. Barred Rocks, New Hemp- Higlwv. Phone 2833. 4-1 I eguleniy. atePhn Clre12. sbire. Light Sussex, White Leg-I Reeve G. F. Jamieson, cate4-oe1eke1î2 born and Light Sussex x New SNOIV TIRES Cheinman. Hamipshire, New Hampshire x Prepere for wînter, bave s-aur Roeds end Streets Farm Help Barred Rocks. Phone Barron's, own tires re-freeded in studded Committee. ________________ Hampton, 2420. 2-4* and sure-grip: j Bowmanville, APPLY FOR FARM HELP NOW i600 x 16 -$ 11.45 Jenuery 9tb, 1951. -Don't wait until spring. Get - 650 x 156 - --- -------_ S12.52- your experienced, reliable help1 Wantpried or Buy 5n 150x17---- ----- 10.85 froni Netherinds. Also skilled1 bEtTeriies lredFo0r 1R- -.--workers and artisans available. bateie. i.0 Poue i 1k Truck FrRetCeil S. Bume, R.R. 1, Nestîcton.i 23.4-!i700 x 20 - .....------------..58 NI CELY furnished. bed-sitting- Phone Port Penny 225r24. 49-tf BEFORE seiling youn live poultrv 825 x 20 - --- _536.80 rooni. wiî winbeds. Breafst\ ane try us. Our pnices are highen. M. G. F. JAMIESON if desired. Suitable for bwo W ne Flatt, R.R. 1, Betheany, Phone Tire Shop gentlemen or business couple. 7 r 13. reverse charges. 51itf Bowmenyilie Phone 467 Phone 3591. 4-1 A POULTRY building, lange, taoi 48-ff jbe removed f roni site. Please DEAD FARMi% STOCK _______________ Lvsoc o state size. Phone Clarke 731. Pickcd tip promptlv ietc Fo Sale 4-1* Horses, eows. calves. shee p and pigs Room and Board TWO geese. Phone '2785. 4-1* __ j Business Opportunity f We pay for borses and coWvs) YOUNG ref mcd gentlemen ne- EXCELLENT pigs, six weeks aId.' As an added service wve %vill -uirespivafe îoom and board. Phone 2035. 4-14 ;FULLY cqutippcd and stacked co operate w' th your '-etenînanian i Write Box 526, Canadien States- g _________________ arage, B.A. Service Station wîtb in post-mortem. es an41-5 -rooni apartnient aven. Wbite-, 2%e per lM. for live horses nAvery D coain sub agency, O.M.L., etc.i Cali colleet Bowmanvilie 2679 OFFICE girl wants rooni or rooni crain Hot weter lîeating, '.-',-acre lot,l MARGWILL FUR FARM fand board, preferabiv b.v Feb-IPAINTING and Paper Hangingr.!new building. goad turnover. Tyrone ruary 2nd. Phone 504 betwecnf6i E.timiafes free. C. H. Papineatî. G-alial'Vs Garage, Phone B>.- J-t and 7 4-1 Phone 2343. 4-24 manville 2730. 4I Wanted To Rent A MODERN, four or five-roomi house, two aduits. Will sign lease, if necessary. Write Box l 527, Statesman Office. 4-tf Wanted A TRIP TO ENG LARD (By Rev. L. H. Turner) Article VII. "-Splendid isolation 4at mayi Ihave been true of BrU&is foreige, policv in a certai* eriod o 014 & between noon and supper, 7. p.m." 1Children.-- -- 1 .T!!E CANAflIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO v BYQIE idl ae cule oLooking into that sea of faces, h'jerl'istory,- but .it '.hranythintl BY QIETmidle gedcouleno haring with their spirits som-ý- but splendid for the tenderfoot« children, abstainers, 3 or more thing of the adventure of the New boy of untried prairie lore. si unfurnished roonis, house or cot- World. one was possessed of the she, "Fill your pockets before you tage. Will pay 3 months' rent in feeling that a halo of hero-wor- leave the dinner table and wigh advance. Send particulars to Mrs. ship was being woven about the lots of water out in the field that A. Braunstein, .149 Fairholme speaker. The listeners were as- ought to meet the situation." IqoI Ave., Toronto. 4-1* sured that the experiences bore defence for that retort. How th*.' Far ersAtenton the mantie of common endeavor, littie lady cleared the decks! Ap. Farm rs ttenion bereft of anything possessing the parently the other grizzled war. tiWjture of the unusual. Perhaps riors knew of ber wizardry in" WE wiil be pleased to pick up many of the readers perusing the realm of words; hence thefr~ dead or crippled farm animais tiiese peregrînations frorn week trooping out before the skirmnish' and pay highest prevaiing prices. to week find thernselves parai- actualiy began. Crestfalien,,de-, For immediate service Telephone leiing these experiences froni featIed, the wouid-ýbe mimic ot6 Coliect, Toronto Adelaide 3636 or their "book of life." Gtdtnemkseiayfoi Cooug 26WGodo Yun Con tinuing a recital of the the festive board, scarcely seeîng Lt.21harvest f ield expériences, the his pnotagonist, out into the open, Repairs writer gaedhis hearers with there to regale his betrayers witii FOR prompt, efficient, guaranteed which couid have been dîsastrous. that in the light of this major service, dyeing and custom work, The crew consisted of about teiî def eat he would need ail the mind try the Neat-Way Shoe Repair men possessed of varied heights, he had in the future without giv,, Shop, opposite Garton Bus Ter- weights, dispositions and de- ing a piece away. However, they minal. 3 1-tf grees of industrial effort. The knew the stings involved in te. work day began at 7 a.m. The traying a newcomer. REPAIRS to ail makes of refrig- teamnsters were on the job just This ail in a day's march and erators, domestic and commercial, pneparing their borses with the pouring into the crucible of ex. miiking coolers. Higgon Elec- "field pitchers" coming up in the perience valuabie data for tric, 42 King St. E., Phone 438. rear. Your scribe belonged to tune emergencies. 25-tf the latter group, knowing littie Days succeeded days possessed or nothing about the vaganies of o! stooking, eld-pitching and oth- Personal these quadrupeds the bronchos. er kindred tasks, until in ternis An additional 'virtue was to be of tume the contract was com. HYGIENIC SUPPLIES - (rubber found in the fact that the "field- pîeted. A little argument en. goods) mailed postpaid in plain pitchen" could get an additional sued as to whether we imm1.ý'. sealed envelope with pri'ce list "forty wi.nks" in the mnorning and grants were woath the stipulat Six samples 25c, 24 sampies $1.00. was among the finst to have bis daily wage. Turning to two Mail Order Dept. T-28, Nov-Rub- knees under the table at riooii us who were rather glad it w ber Co., Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. and night. Howcver, the grind ail over our employer said, 1-52. for a tosser on of sheaves was you see this man?" a full-bl virtually continuous, which could Indian tilting the scales at abdq and did become ultna-fatiguing. 230 lbs.? "Wby, he can do mo*ý LONG TSTULT This was augmnented if among than you two fellows put togetha 4the teanisters there were those er." He may have been righ, Mr ad rs Jhnwho "swung the lead," and peri- but we didn't tell him so, insisit.** Mr. and r.Jh Hooyer, odically such specimens were to ing onl5r that the terms of tlhe Nestieton;Mran Mrs. Win. be encountened. contnact be honored. Aften much Penwarden, Charles and Pearl How well thue writer remeni- argument pro and con those mnao with Mn. and Mrs. W. Vaneyk and, bers that littie "Titan" engin-. gic dollars were ladled into ou? famuly.. Day after day it purred aiong, lap. We would neyer be pooi Dr. and Mrs. A. Steel and Ja nie, l neyer missing a beat, with the again-a land flowing with inilk town, with Mr. and Mrs. F. Smith. hungry jaws of that separator, and honey. In retrospect a moit Mr. and Mrs. F. Partner visited made by the White Company, valid prelude in terms of "blood, in Oshawa on Sunda3'. neyer satisfied. How it could sweat and tears" to sonsbip in Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Baker take those sheaves into its in- thîs great and bountiful land. and family with Mr. and Mrs. ternal anatomy and cry for more, Roy iMcLaughlin, Nestieton. much to the consternation of the Churcb service was well at- tenderfoot from the Old World. Pontypool Church tended Sunday evening at the The writer, flot a pro then, liome of Mr. and Mrs. W. Vaneyk. mighb be forgiven if he disclsýP tL c u p r, ýZv Lute tookl for his theme "I the secret desires that eventuated A n a etn 'oclieve in the Holy Ghost." Next in these introductory days on A n a etn Sunday service will be at the the prairie. As the hours of home of Mr. and Mrs. G. Baker. wore on, the physical en- The annuai congregational ihiere is always rooni for more ergies of the 128-lb. harvester Meeting of Pontypool United to corne t%~ our church services waned; s0 much so that oftimes Church was beld on Wednesday wheni they are being held in a, a prayer wouid ascend calling evening, January 17. The even- warm and conifortabie home. upon the deity to put a tempor- ing began with a pot luck supper Congratulations to Mr. and ary end to the purring of that held in the basemeï-fïtit.,Ah Mrs. Haroid 'Burgess on the an- Titan moton. However, the dis- church. This form o! supper was rival of a baby girl, also to Mr. covery was made that only the something new for Pontypool and and Mrs. Morley Tennant (nee prayer of the righteous availeth., proved to be very popular and Mujriel Burgess) on the arrivai How the eyes were cast upon the successful. of a baby girl. sun as it arched the heaven in The meeting proper c9rn. Symath isextnde totheits sweep, longing for its declen- menced at 8 p.m. witb Commun- Sympthy s etendd tothesion in the west when merciful ity singing. Business portion was famuly of the late Richard Hos-_ dankness would bring an end to conducted by Rev. C. ICellogg, kmn who passed away in Bow- the day's work. That five dol- and consisted of nominations and manvilie Hospital Tuesday after- lars witla board and lodging had appointment of persons to th ,e _____________ lost a littie of its glamor by now vanjous boands and othen position$ -the headlines of that eventfuil concerned with the general car. cO TIEpaper constituted onie thing ,the and upkeep of tecuc n something else. session ,was interspersed with a N.4 Mission Band held their It is well known that unîess a few items of entertainnient çon- Ja~~r meeing.One brthd vej crew is well fed inýsur-j sisting of readings by Mns. G. was observed. Worship service r[tonwill eventually break out. F.Mske "uringadiCold"; vMn- opened xitli quiet music with i s good economics to keep a .Mle TeLais i" o Mrs LlydDow atth pinocrew happy and the key to thîs cal duets by Betty Lou and Le- Seire rLl dion andtory piao Fedte rt"ona Mitchell "Found a Peanut" Scripure eadig an stdRumbihapins of is coetebrue..",and as an encore "Tennessee told by Mrs. Stan Coverly. They ubigofdsnttwe n sang the Japanese song "Plun evidence owing to the lack of a Waltz"; vocal, duet by Jeanne Blossoni Song." Prograni: chor- .,pick-me-up" in the afternoo'î Coulten and Mrs. Ivan Keilett us, girls of the school: reading. A hurried conference was held "Beautiful Dreamen"; piano se- "Bud's Resolutions," Marie Viii- after supper to detenmine th e iction by Rev. Kellogg "Nola";4 son: recitation, Alvin Johnson; strategy to be employed as a vocal solo byr Jeanne Couiteir piano solo, Bonîîie Wade; story means of remedying this. A ,ArlSoesanasne Mrs. Lloyd Down; recitation, San- crew numbening ten souls ail core "~The Wonld is Waiting fo dra Vinson; chorus. "Not Too Far hardened campaigners at this, the Sunrise." forLovng. Metin elsedwit buines, xcetin, o corse Also, in connection with the fo ovn. Meig lsd iî bsnes xc*tng fcore business a 'discussion was held friendship circie. the scribe. Ail eyes were fo-, on cleaning and redecorating the Sympathy is exteîîded to Mr. cused upon the "tenderfoot" ne-, hrhbsmn.Pa Ths.Kisaninth os o l~cently froni the Old World fol-huc asmn. ln wene made for a "dlean-up be"to be brother, W. R. intesmn oat Pet-lowed by a grizzly campaigner hldo Wd>saeeinJan. broterW. . Kisma atPetwho said, "I move that Turner edoWdnsaevng, erborough.iogorcopanime 24, with furth er plans to be dis- lodgeour omplint mmedately1 cussed later. Best Wishes to Mr. and Mrs. after dinner tomorrow." That __________ Alfred Flintoff who celebrated was that, and no protests froni their silver wedd une anniversary. the nominee were of avail. The, Friends and relatives gave theni waking hours of the night were BURKETON suitable gifts and a pleasant tume more than tenanted with what_____ w-as enjoyed at their home. ought to be said the next day. OnFiaevin atDvt' Miss Greta Adamis and Mr. Bv- One thing the articulator of the Hall a miscellaneous shower and i-on Adanis, Austin, Man.. aire grievance insisted upon was th'it dance was given in honor o! Mr. vistig n.and Mrs. Cecil Adanis ail members of the crew should and Mns. Fred Hoiroyd who wene an rM. aind Mrs. Geo. Barber remain seated at the table until married recently. Many useful and other relatives. the gnuevance was lodged. This gifts were received froni thein Congregational meeting was would add to the democratic friends. held in Courtuce church and was dignity of the occasion and ive! The olci grain elevaton wbich %vell attended. Ail repor-ts were the Gladstone-like gladiator-i has stood for approxiniately 70 niost satisfactory. A social tume question mark- a sense of con- years at Burketon C.P.R. âtation \vas enjoyed at the close. ponate support. Like a young and owned by Wallace Urlow A goodly number gathered preacher preparing his first scr- for the past ten years, 4111 be and Dresented Mn. Ed. Pidduckpl mon the young hanvester pored missed bv many

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