PAGE SMx THE CANADIAN STATESMÂN, BOWMANVTLE. ONTARIO BLÀCK TOCKfor ber Rood wark; ta Rev. Hut- BLAC STOC tonand Mrs. Hutton ion their ex- cellent leadership, and ta thc Contregational Meeting Treasurer, Envelope Steward and Congregatbonal meeting aoflice Caretaker. Meeting adpurned United Cburch was beld in the with prayer led by the pastar. church basement on Jan. 18 with Orangemen Elect Officers a good attendance. Rev. C. W. Dcvitt's R.B.P. No. 398 met on Hutton led in the opening exer-. Jan. 16 for their annual meeting. ciscs. Minutes oi iast meeting Election and installation ai off i- werc read. Financial reports cens for 1951 conductcd by C. P. were given for the W.A., W.M.S., Devitt. P.G.M., Ontario East. The Mission Band, Y.P.U., and Sunday fallawing arc the aficens: W.P. Schol also fromn the Church -Herb Swain; D.P.-Wilmer reasurer, Envelope Steward and Fitzc,aishw: bp-er Cburch Missionary Treas. Al H-ooey; Reg.-Henrv Thompson; had very good reports. Treas.-Mclville Giffin, lst W. A. have baught chair gowns. Lect.-Walter Murphy. Bowman- liymnaries with music for the ville: 2nd Lect.-Edmund Harris; choir. electric stove, new dishes, 1sf Cen-Leslie Beacock, Port 'parsonage replacements, good Penny; 2nd Cen.-Leitii Byers; cheer boxes at Christmas, fruit 1sf St. Br.-James Deianey, Bow- and flowcrs for the sick and the manville; 2nd St. Br.-Harold shut-ins duning the ycar. and giv- Wheeler; Purs-M. J. Undenhihi, en, donations ta the Budget fund Bowmanviile: Tyler-Cecil Hlli; and M. & M. fund. Committee-.Leslie Brooks, Bow- W.M.S. have gane aven their manville; Laverne Devitt, Osh- allocation, aiso assisted with the awa; Les Thampson. Tyrone. Fred good cheer boxes and fruit and Ellis, Enniskillen; Crawford Eng- f lowers. Mission Band made lish, Janctvilic; Dr. J. A. Mc- $53.50. Arthur, Oton Bradburn, Janet- Sundy Shoolmad a dna-ville: Auditors-Len Joblin, R. fian ta the argan fund, ta Mis- R yr.Bwavie ikCm sions, paid for aIl their supplies -Henb Hooey, Herb Swain, Les. and have a substantial balance. Brooks, Bowmanvilhe. Y.P.TJ. also bad a good year. Miss Gladys White and Miss Foliowing are officers for 195 1: Eunice Wilson spent the weckcnd EIders-N. Marlow S. Ferguson, in Toronto. E. Larmer, E. Dorrell, J. A. John- Mrs. Luther Mountjoy and stan, Carl Wright; Stewards- Mrs. George Fowler visited in Clarence Marlow, Wallace Mar- Oshawa. low, Herb Swain, Harold Swain, Mn. and Mns. Frank Carter and Gardon Strong, Stanford Van iamily with Mn. and Mrs. J. W. Camp, Raiph Larmer, Russell Bradbunn. Mounfjoy, Norman Mountjoy, Miss Nana Venning started Dalton Dorreil, Neil Malcolm, working af the Bell *Tehepbonie Hector Shantridgc. ofice in Part Penny on Monday. Votes ai thanks werc tendcred We wisb ber eveny success. aur organist, Mrs. Gardon Strong- Mrs. Fred Bailey Ici t Thursday Church Sfreef Croup of W.A. TRINITY UNITED CHURCH present& THE DEACON CHORISTERS TRINITY UNITED CHURCH at 8:30 p.m. TUESDAY, JANUARY 3Oth In an outstanding programme of choral music Admission so5c Tickets mnay be obtained from Jewell's Bookstore, Cowling's Drug Store or S. R. James Insurance Office Hot Water Bofules Nyal Creophos Guaranteed Stops Branchial Coughs 98 - 1.29 - 1.69 -.2.00 Builds up your body Kltty Kat Botties -- $1.35 lue. baille $1.25 lý ý mmMm e", " 0Imm'fl tilt . .a .e lqiv -- aS resUl's ýCUITOI TLWHICH TWIN HAS THE TONI? 0 Co=ae results in tbe pboto-vou'll agree you ca't telwc twin bas the Toni - which ba& the beauty shop permanent costing $20.00. No other bomne per. nianent dares make tbis coxapariaon. Jeanne Pastoret, the twin with the Toni, is shown at rigbt. Hair settings by profeasional styliat. INSIST ON THE TONI RIFILL. ONLY NO FINER WAVE AT ANY PRICE! VITAMIN PREPARATIONS FOR CHILDREN Alphamnette Liquid- 5-l5-30 Supplavite Draps -- - $1.25-$2.00-$3.75 Mead's Viosterol- 85c-$2.50 Ostoco Drops-- $1.35-$4.00 Polyvitamin Dipersion $1.50 SCOTT'S EMULSION The HegiEnrgy Yeor-Round FamiIy Toni- Rich in Vifamin A end Sunshine Vitamin D 63Ç nd $1. 19 c _ __ _ __ __ _ __ __ _ __ __ _ 1'II ~I'!fDI TR I I ta *spent the winter in Wlnds< wlth Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Dawsor High Schoi staff and scboai spansared a shower in the ha on Fniday evening for Mn. an Mns. Harold Potts. Last week members af Orang Lodge worked at the Anmounit getting their rooms in shape fo their meetings. Miss Gladys White is boardin, with Mns. George Fowler. Curling has become the moE popular spart in the village th! wvinter. There are now fift membens, enough ta keep thrc rinks gaing on Monday ani Thursday nighfs. Cartwright lost another afiti oldest and bighly rcspectcd citi zens wlien Mn. Fred Veale passe( away at bis home in Nestieton ar Tbunsday. Many from here at tended the service on Sunda, Sympathy is extendcd ta the nelý atives. Mrs. Roy Ferguson underwen, a seriaus aperatian at the Wom. en's College Hospital in Torontc Jan. 17. We aIl hope she wil. soan regain lien health. Mn. and Mrs. George Ruther. fond and Allan, Oshawa, witl Mns. George Fowler. Rev. C. W. Hutton preached an excellent sermon on Sunday nigbt. His subject was "Wby1 Go Ta Church." Ray Snooks, Percy Collins and Roy Stinson ane partnens in the Blackstock Motors. formenly Snooks Auto Sales. We wisl them success in their new bus- iness. Fancy Dress Carnival On Wcdnesday cvening, Jan. 17, the O.NO. Club sponsaned a car- nival, the first that has been held at the arena for quite some time. rhene wasn't as large an attend- ance as baped fan, partly due ta measles and mumps which are still about. Howeven, everyanc there lad a good time, especially those in costume. The Club bought a number ai new records and danated tbem ta the rink. We ,vcne fortunate fa have two livel,- M'asters-ai-Ceremonies, Howard Saywell and Harold Kyte. Wc vere also pleased ta bave Mrs. George Nicholson. Mrs. Wesley Hutton and Mrs. John McArthur as judges. also, Henry Thompson offiiated at the money table. Prize-winnens ini tbe Fancy Costume chasses were: Shirley Snooks, David Bahlingali, Stuart Hedgc, Andis McArtbun, Jimmy Greaves, Glenn Wbeelen, Mary Hooyer, Wayne Venning, Joyce Tenning, Gib Manhow. Winncns in the Comic Class- Ardis McAnthur, Stuart Herge, Glenn Wbccher, Donald Farder,' Nora Venning, Betty McArtbur, Mrs. J. Hedge, Pete Buma. Best Castumcd Couple-Junior -Joan Venning, Vanne Greaves; adults-Dalton and Kathleen >orrell. Best Skater Contests-Junior ;irîs-Joan Venning; Aduhts-- )oris Marhow; Junian Boyvs-.M.i ferry; Adults-Norman Dysant. Best Couple Skaters-Donis and nb Marlow. There wene races which werL, ilot ai fun, and a dance on the ce concluded the evcning. Women's Auxlliary Women's Auxiliany af St. ron's Cburch met at the home )fMrs. J. A. McArtbur Jan. 18 vith 16 members present. Presi- lnt Mns Thos. Langfchd was in he chair. Mrs. Nicholson took flhc devo- inal period and deaît with three ceas bearing on aur new study Sk; the trufh ai the Scnipture, ce Deity ai Christ and the Cru- iixion. Mrs. Fred Hamilton introduced e ncw Study Book on Islam ricb, she explained, was the ne- gion ai the Mohammedans. Sev- ra articles were nead ta give a larer understanding of the Lam religion and Mrs. Nichol- n explaincd mucb about iis religion. Treasurer, Miss E. Parr, gave splendid annuai repart. Mrs. rry McLaughlin, Dorcas Secre- 'y, reparted on what was ne- mcrd for the Indian bale andi o displayed several quilt cks stating that a few more nre needed before baving the iilting at Mns. Wm. Van Camp's. CbnistmnascPhi-Pr boes-- c S A G " D a dE tic i di Cf th lig erî ChE s a Ha tar quý als bic qui sen Mn ber we Cai a Jan anr the Nie Mn. shil b W. Jar org IL ess Jolh uta PublicSchoo? "Here's someone wants to buy a Xiphias G1aditis*" Whethcr it's a used *swordfish, a surplus display case or a grandfathers clock that you wish ta buy or seli, tell the readers of this newspaper about it with an advertisement in aur classified columns. These inexpensive messages may be rised effective- Iy by business men ta supplement their display .advertising and by others ta locate items nceded or to dismqe n Aî AtJLi5ztl'Y nnAlnnr- uvnnt. (Continued from Page One) tuwhepuâr aderio se ngeris aer a uriv ai cacix montb startmng at 7:301W e o avri nthsp e yuivst The place ai meeting xiii ment is made on the basis of facts-verified circu- be aîternated between the Cent- lation. Ask for a capy of aur A.B.C. report. lIt give3 rai and Ontario Street schools. Februarv meeting will be held you complete, audited information about the cir- in fthe Ontanio Street schooi. culation your advertising will get when it is pub- jThe Board then passed a nuin- ber ai standard motions dealin', lished in thesecalumns. 1jwith banking and bornoxvmn, 1roey. The Board agreed ta0 keep 'the present teacher's salaiy schedule and a letteîr was sent ' the District High School Board a a t nt fr u n a'nking that present arrangements ue Attendance Officcu', Music Teacher and Scbooî Secretary re- main as befone. A report was rcceix'ed from the This newspap<.. i a member af the Audit Sanitanv Inspecton af the United Bureau af Circulations, a national asuociation Counties Health Unit. Property of publishers, advertisers and advertising Cammittee were authorized to agencies. Our circulation is audited by expe- i nvestigate fhe cost ai recommeii- rnnced A.B.C. circulation audirors. Our dations nmade in the report. A.B.C. report"shows haw imuch circulation Secret any was ins;iructed ta we have, wiuerc it gocà, haw abtained and 5II j ,vrite a letter ta the Gideon So- other Facts tdut tell advertisers what îhey ger LU ciet.v tluanking then- for the Né-,%, or their maney when they uue thi, paper.W Testaments that werc presented tOth PUiblic Scliool recentl.y. orB. & P. Club Police Car ai <Continued fromn Page One) (Contiqued (rom Page One) d the home together, and if Wornen The owner of the garage, as Is stayed in their homes more and his habit, liad bis car parked be- e looked after their children, per- twveen the pumps and the "garage .s haps there would flot be so many proper. Somehowý%, and this is.l D- criminals. attributed ta, ice, the side of the Down through bistory ther- left front fender of the police car ig have been thousanda more men struck the rear of the Edward's than wamen generals in the arm\ , car driving it around the corner ,st the same holds true for science of the building into a wire fence. s and politics. Although nurses Then, it would appear, the praw- L-, were very commeindable during, r ida cmlethre-quarter cthe war, surgeons did a great deal turn, pracceded east ta strike the Id of the work. corner of the Edwards' home. Juries have ta be based an which brought it to a stop facing 1 ts impersonal facts learned while the; east and parallel ta the road. 1 icourt is in session. No pre -i Information received in this ýd judgnicnt or personal feelingsi office quates the Constable as be- n can enter into the judgmcnt. jing under the impression the prowlcr vas travelling between t- Face Good and Bad 20 and 30 m.p.h. Other inform- Y. The refutations made by Jean atian, however. would make it -Cunningham were, that although appèar that in order ta severe two the men indulged in a great deal gas pumps and the three-an*d-a- t of Ilattery, women are Wise half-inch steel pales at their side, i- enough ta sec through it. By a speed af from 50 ta 60 m.p.h. o fighting, she meant struLigling for would have liad to be in effect. Ï1 equal rights with men. The f ig- Bowmanville Police déclined ta ures concerning crime were very comment on the accident and it -beautiful according ta the speak- is not known whether a charge h er, but stili women do commit wili be laid. crimes and therefore have a right nta sit an juries. y We have tQ face bath the good Lions Concert 1and the bad whether we like it____ or not. It is not a battie of th- sexes. Men and women are (Continued from Page One) epeople first. Furthermore, women played in several numbers after vcan only complete a child's train- the intermission, Gavotte by Han- ing properly if they have bad del and Valse Arabesque by Lack.t experience beyond the realm of Bram Tillsley and Charles housework on which ta base their Brown, two cornetists with the judgment ini teaching. quartette, displayed their artistry Judges' Declsion on their instruments. Charles The judges decision was that Brown gave a bni, review of the the affirmative won on the instrument, a relative af the trum-a *grounds that they wcre more un- pet. The Elena Polka whîcht *biased and impersonal, and based they pla-yed made pleasant list-f their- facts on reasoning more enlng. The instruments are of a than on personal feeling, bigher tone than the cuphonium,e Immediately following the din- and the meiody was playeda ner, Margaret Nichais introduced smoothly and well, with good sta- the two guest debaters, Jack Tay- cafta notés and good accompani- Ion and Bill Freebourne, bath ment.P newcomens ta, Bowmanville, and In the second haif of the coli- also Mrs. George Young, a former cert. Bram Tillsley played a t member of Toronto B. & p. cornet solo, Carnival in Venice, Women's Club. with ail the spirit of the carnival i Last montli's draw winner, Mrs. put into fhe number. The quick9 Beryl Hughes, made sevenal pretty notes, and runs were smnoothlve aprons for this montb's draw executed, and the variations ofa which was won by Ruth Rabbins. the main theme were Weil done e $100 For Hospital Fund and intcresting. Mrs.Hughs, Vce-Pesidnt, Arthur Freund, trombonist, af- was in charge in the absence ofsterutelng somcedtheg abi in-l Doris Robinson wbo was i11. El- srmnpae h aort len Ward, Secretary, read the Cl otrtee ei h minutes. Treasurer's report re - Beguine. The deep sonorousd vealed that $100 realizcd from the fanes oi the trombone put feelingB play "The Wind and The Rain" into the piece, and his good skill was ta be given ta the hospital made listening easy. building fund. A report af the concert would h Gertrude Dewell, Superintend - not be complete without mention-R cnt ai the hospital, accepted the ing the man responsible for the jý cheque, and gave an account ai whole concert series, Major Bnian B how work on the new building is McCool, Ontario Dept. ai Educa- S, progressing. tion. Toronto, wo s nchrg ' Wor o Hopialing of the series, be stated that L, The plasterinLy wili probably be their three-fold purpose is ta finished by the end af the month, bring good live music fa centres and then the waad trimming will that might flot have it atherwiqe. be put in. The final finish shauld and give an apportunity for thé be dane by the middle ai Febru- Young Canadian artists to gain ary and the acaustic lining and stage experience and reputation. conk an the ceiling will be put in Thindly, their purpose is ta rein- dc then. The equipment for the new farce the school pragram in mus- ce kitchen will cost an cstimated ic. The Wedn(rday evening con- $10,000; steniizing equipment ap- cert was fhe 449fh concert in the D proximatcly $5,000, even when past f ive yeans. si only the bare necessities are Ail thanks ta Major McCool for K bought. It is alsa hoped that the making these concert. enjoyed bv new hospital wiil be equipped young and old alike, available a with an X-ray machine so that ta fhe people af Bowmaniville th much ai the work now donc in through the co-openatian ai the in Oshawa may be donc in Bowman- Lions Club, and thanks ta the pc ville. The two operating roams young artists wbo make these will involve considerable expense concerts possible, & for lights, tables and instruments, t] The Hospital Women's Auxiliary Hie canquers twicc, who upon M, will look after supplying the lin- victory overcomes himself..-Fran- Bi en. cis Bacon, wi 'MVA Fl \ 51j be Th bu thi Fi in. bi rl eý Jie thE bu ca i lic deý New School (Confinucd finom page one) will be wonkcd out by the Pro- perty Commitfee and the New- casf le Public School Board. Investigation Inltiated Alex McGregor, Bowmanville, was appointed Chairman ai the Building Committee with othen'1 members being: Read Budgc. T.' M. Chant. R. R. Waddeil and L., H. Winslow. It wiIl be ftbe duty ai this cammittee fa investigafe present accommodation problems, *teaciequacv ai present schoois and othen matters relative toaa possible secondary school popu- lation increase in fartbhcoming 1951 - 1954 schooi terms. They 'xiii submif their recommenda- fions and findings ta the nexf District Scboal Board meeting ta be beld in Bowmanvillc High School in February. As bas been rumauncd in Dur-' ham County, it xnay nrave essen- tial fa buiid a new Higb Sehoal. If sucb a fnef becames concrefe, detailed information wiîl be ne- quired for submission ta the On- tai overnrnent before plana1 J LMons Club (Continued frorn Page One) 000 passengers between Europe and North ejmerlca "with a per- fect saiety record." At Malton today, there are 80 flights in and out each d&y. Maple Leaf flights take passengers ta the Caribbean; North Star air- cnaft ferry p copIe ta Ireland, England, Scotland, and ailter Apnil lot, Paris. T.C.A. bas con- necting air lines available should passengers wisb ta travel further than fhose cities mentioned as scheduled end-of-tbe-run stops. According ta the speaker, T.C.A. serves 32 Canadian cities and eigbt in the United States. Co-Operation Essential Mr. Harling said that interna- tional air line co-operation is essential 'and that the Interna- tional Organization ai Air Trans- portation bas 60 air carriers en- gaged in international, regular schedules af operation. Ancfther organization, the International Civil Aeronautical Organization is composed ai 56 member na- tions, is called ICAO, and is "air transport at government base." According ta Mr. Hanling, the air transport industry is one of the few industries to campletely grasp the international situation and act on iA. Bath the above- mentioned arganizations have their beadquartcrs in Canada, Wlnter FIlghtg Comfortable Retunning ta the national situ- ation, Mr. Harllng said that nearly 90,000 winter ilights are' made from November ta April and that ahane is convinclng proaf that camfortable, ycar-round fligbfs are feasible. He also sfated that in 1950, T.C.A. pass- engens enjoyed a reduction in fare and cargo rates wcre decreased. Hie secs air travel as comparable witb any ather means ai trans- portation. "On some routes," be said, "travel by 'plane. is cheaper than by train." Hie implied that wben extra expense encountered in berths, meals, tips and ather gratuities are taken inta consid- eration, the cost ai travelling by ain is, 'in same cases, almost equal. T.C.A. Regarded HlghIy Closing bis remarks, Mr. H-ar- .ing told Lions, "T.C.A. is regard- ed bighly by contemporaries in )ther nations." He then intro- duced two mavie shorts, "Mr. 3arnaby Sîceps in the Sky," and 'A Great Day for Flying." The speaker was thanked for his fine presentation, by Lion Russ Oke. Dinnen guests werc: Jack Taylor and AI. Wltberspoon, Bowmanville and Rotanian Ross Stutt, wbo handies T.C.A. book- ings in tawn. Blrthdays were >bserx-ed by Wilf Carnuthers, ..ornc VanDriel and Jack Braugh. Hospital Concert (Continued From Page One) aonc and it's a Heintzman Con- .et Grand). Glory Be! thaught the women. Let's give grateful fbanks byj inging "Praise God from Wbom All Blcssings Flow." Tbis good news spnead like aprairie lire araund town and the spirit ai generasity beýcame rIectiaus, with offers ta help ouring in ta the Auxiliary. Walter DeGeer ai Sheppard & iill Ca. bas offered ta supply 'e lumber for the platform and Waurice Tamblyn and Howard Bickle willf do the carpcntry Nork. Norman Scott ai Brook- ale-Kingsway Nurseries was ext ta phone, offerxng the ne- ,ssary bouquets for such an oc- usion, plus corsages for the ady ushers which will add lustre 0the occasion. The Atkins ilower Shop, ta contribute their iarc, anc suppiying the piatiorm lants and flowcr decarations. 0f course, the list would flot )e complete without mentioning Che Stafesman's modest contri- .if ion ai free publicity, such as his and other "puifs" about the ,cital and the artists, advertis- ng and programs. In fact, it bas ýeen a lot af fun writing up the Ivance publicity for this affair. tis sometbing exceptional and Did You Notice The Mistake In The .Essay Contest Advt.? If thene is any boy on girl who is stubborn or pig-beadcd eoug fa write a sfary on 'Obstinence' lin the essay-writing cantest an- nounced in last week's Statesman, spansored by the Womcn's Assoc- iation ai the United Chunch in the Oshawa Pncsbyfcry, if will be up fa the publishers ai this paper ta give a pnize ta the winncn. For those wlio didn't notice the terrible mistake in the advt, well explain. The title ai the css'ay, for whicb $70.00 in cash pizes wili ha given, sliouid have read: "What Wili 1 Gain by Total Abstinence," wereas the word "Obstinence"i appeared.1 In aur dicfionary. the word GROCERY SPECIALS r SP0 R T SMENI ORONO FISH AND HUNT CLUB Annual Meeting -Venison Banquet - Speciai Entertalnment DANCE wlth Roy Farrester's Orchestra ORONO TOWN HALL Monday, Jan. 29 <Business Meeting 5 p.m.) tin --29c 20-oz. tins -2/25c laIl - * 3 Dare's Sweet 8-oz. pkg. Brunswick 4-z Cream Sodas-- 13c Chicken Haddie -. 25t, tin fi Ji 21for 25c Drano . - . . 25c Dr. Ballard's tins Kraft Dinner - 2/27c Dog Food -2c' FREE DELIVERY- ALLIN'S QUALITY MEATS AND GROCERIES "PAT" YEO, Propnietor 55 KING ST. E. BOWMANVILLE PHONE 3367 Silver Ribbon Choice 20-z. tins Sani-Flush Tomato Juice - 2/27c Traut Hall MapIe Leaf, choice Grapefruit 20-oz. fin Juice Tomaloes ---17C plfr Goe Lcklb. Wax Paper Thank You The Radio Shop recently sold their Mobile Sound Advertising equipmenl. ta Mr. E. V. Os- borne of Bawmanville. In leaving this field of Sound Advertising, we would like here ta express our appreciation ta the public of Bowmanville and surrounding districts for their co-operation, their patronage and their expressions of apprec- iation ta us with regard ta aur Mobile Sound System. Particularly ta the new mothers of ftle town do we say a big "Thank You." Because watch as carefully as we may, accasianally a new (and full) carniage would appear on a verandah which wc did flot notice until we had passed by, and having children of aur own we know only ao weIl what that means. There were lots of other thlngs we tnied aur best ta avoid, fao, and we'd hike you, aur custamers ta know about if. The Hospital, at ail times, horse-drawn vehicles, we gave a wide berth, shif t workers who were sep ng (if we knew about i) the public and hi schools when classes were in session were ail, aur "wafch" iist. Sa when you stop and thin about if thcre's a lot mare ta if than just driving a car and speaking mbt a microphone. In fact aur fiffeen years af expenience in the field of Sound Systems has taught us mare than there is ta be found in books. Did you ever notice we used less volume on a clear day than on a dirty one? Did you ever notice we seldom if ever, p]ayed continuous music ouf in the country? Cows love music and they will gallop fa the near- est fence from a half-rnile away, ta get nearer ta if, and of course thaf spails the milk, so we're Sa town people or country people, if in our small way we have helped ta make Bowmanville a better informed place in which ta live, if we have given even a littie boast to the Boy Scouts and Girl Guides paper drives, or even helped to lacate the add last child, it has been only with your help and ca-operation. It's for these things The Radio Shop says "Thank You." I can bê worked ouf for an addi- tional education centre.. 1 Pupils Transported The ncw Board wenc unanimous in supporting a move ta pay trans- portation costs for puplîs living in rural areas and attending a High School same distance away. Pay- mont& will be mmde retroactive ta Jan. 1, 1951. If is sipulated that no lndlvlduai can take it upon himseif ta acf as a medium ai transportation. Vehicies used in ferrying school childnen wili be termed "mauthorized canveyars" and willi be dellneated by the new District Board. Bank af Toronto, Port Hope, will handie the account ai the Durham District High Schooi! Board. The meeting authonized' tho secretary-treasurer ta borrow up to $50,000 by July ta meet salaries and current expenses. Permission was misa granted ta carry on the popular Teen Town Dances which, in the past, have been hcld in Bowmanviile Higb School. The dances may be held at least once eacb monfh subi cct fa the approval ai Principal Louis food, pleasure or alcohol.' W% presume in this connection the «Z- says are to stress <abstlnencW, from alcohol." Considerable interest has beeà-.ý shown in this essay-wrlting conIW test in past years, as the yon writers have brought out mmv points against fhe use Of alcohoL To give further publicity ta thI4 commendable project, The Statea. man will be glad ta publish the first prize essay ta ease our con, science and make amenda for the. mistake made in last week's ad. vertisement. The advt. appeara i.i corrected form in this iasue. ,!Premier to n 'MilibrooAra Ontario's Premier, LeslieM? Frost, will be anc Of the principal guests at the officiai opening and dedication of the Millbrook and Cavan Memarial Arena Frldy evening at 8 p.m. Hon. JObj Foote, V.C., M.P.P.; John M James. M.P.. and Han. Harold IL Scott, M.P.P., will also be pre. sent. An interesting prograni includet band selections, figure skating and the draw for a car. Orono Junior hockey teamn will face Millbrook in an O.H.A. match. Several players from Toronto Maple Leafs N.H.L. Club are ex- mmmý a THURSDAY, :ANUARY 25. jèxf,ý owemmonl