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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Feb 1951, p. 11

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The Oro- Mir. IL ]Dr. and Mr. J. H. Leslie, Ptr borough, visited with her parets, Mr'. and Mrs. W. J. Riddle over the weekend. )4r. Charles Wood, Kitchener,, sPent the weekend at his home here. Sunday guests were their son Nei1with his wife and daugh- te a1, frpQm Lakefield. Mrs. j4lace Wilson, Spencer- ville, WWIhas spent the past two weeks wit¶h Mrs. Milford Sherwin and famnily returned home at the weekend. We are sorry to report the death of Mrs. Sara McPherson, Who passed away on Sunday at ber homne here after a prolonged illness. A life-Iong resident of Obono she was well known and loved by all who knew her and will be greatly missed by rela- tives, friends and neighbours. She was 97 years of age. Orono citizens were very sorry to hear of the sudden death of Mr. Jas. Dyci' of Newcastle. He was well known in Orono, being gifted with a fine singing voice he was most generous to help out on pro- grams here on different occasions. To his wife and family we extend our deepest sympathy. Miss Mable Davy has gone to Prince Albert to spend the re- mnainder of the winter with her nephew, Mr. Ken Fraeleck and i farnily. Mr. Murray Paterson who has been on the Bank of Commerce staff at Bradford has been trans- ferred to their branch in Brant- ford, bis many friends here will1 be pleased to hear of his promo- tion. On Wednesday, Jan. 24th, Mrs. R. H. Wood celebrated her 88th birthday with members o! her 1 famîily. A birthday dinner com- plete with nicely decorated birth- i,day cake was greatly enjoyed by the following guests: Mr. and Mrs.' Wesley Hoskin, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. Herb. Rundie, Bowmanville; Mrs. Charles Wood, Orono; Mrs. Delbert Flintoff, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. George Armour and Miss Bertha Armour,, Hampton; Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Wood and Mrs. Harvey Curtis, Orono. Mr. and Mrs. John Armstrong returned home ast week from a visit with their son and famihy, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Armstrong, Timmins. Don and Billy Hay, Bowman- ville, spent Sunday with their 24 Division St. of contributions received for the Building Fund of the Orono United Church: nN e sPreviously$3,305 acknowledged - - 1,111 E. Logan Local---------------------- $13,125.00 - Miss Jeanne Forrester, grndarnt, Ms.R.E.Toronto, Ontario 25.00 grandparens, Mr. an Mrs. .E Dvisi. A. McKenzie, Logan. iToronto -- - ----50.25, The home formerly owned by J. E. W. Stirling, the late Mrs. J. Eggelstone on California .-------- 25.85 Main St., has recently been sold For Brian, Toronto 15.15 Mr. Harvey Morgan has pur- Greenberg and Sons, chased the home owned by Mrs. ;Oshawa . -------- 15.00 Luella Bostock and will takei Mrs. W. C. Lane, possession March 15th. Newtonville 5.00 The Orono Fish and Hunt Club Prof. W. W. Staples, had a very enjoyable evening's !Guelph ,ý---- ----- 25.00 entertainiment in the Town Hall Mrs. E. E. Cooke, on Monday night. Commencin gNecse200 with the annual meeting at five King St. United Church, o'clock when last year*s officers Oshawa, Ontaro --------- 500.00 were re-elected, being. Pres.-D r.TontOaro-------- 18.55 A. F. McKenzie; Sec'y.-Mr. Leroy rsetWA, otPry 50 Hamilton. Following the business 'ropec Za .Potery 50 meeting oveii 100 guests sat down Mr. Zvitz, Peterboro -- 43.50 to a delicious venison dinner, the Total ---------- $45,303.86 venison being supplied by mem- bers of the club. Heather Rebek- ah Lodge cooked the venison and N IL catered to the banquet in a veryEN IL capable manner. It was thor- Mrs. R. Jackman, Bowmanville, oughly enjoyed by ail. FollowingMr C.estradlrkMr the banquet two very interesting anMrs. Joh Webster and ak,r pictures taken hy the C.P.R. wereaBowmanviJohneWeate amisJack shown. One a trip by boat andBwavle tMSmi' rail to England and Scotland, and 1 Mr. and Mrs. W. Pascoe and the other a trip f0 Alaska. At; Evelyn with Miss Evehyn and Mrs. the conclusion of this part o! the D.' R. Cunningham, Brantford. pnogramn round and square danc- Mn. and Mns. E. Lee and fam-i ing was enjoyed. ily at H. Cowling's, Whitby. The annual meeting of Orono Mrs. J. McKenzie and pupils United Chunch wvas held in the ýare preparing for a social even- Masonie Temple on Monday nîght ing in the school Friday evening with a good attendance. Rev. A. with progressive euchne and danc- E. Eustace acted as chairman an d ing. conducted the devotional exer- We are very glad to report that cises. The reports which follow- Mns. Wilfred Bowman is improv- ed given by the officers of th e ing nice ly in Oshawa Hospital, different organizations were in - foll1owing a serious openation. teretin andencuragng.The Everyone is enjoying the dlean missionary societies and mission elh.u waerndgoras bands, vhose allocation is $600.00 helhuwahrangodras exceeded this by $30.00. The where the his anent too steep Woman's Association had a very adiy successfuh year and did extensive and much needed alterations to the parsonage. The Treasurer o! BURKETON oun church, Mr. W. J. Riddhe, ne -____ ponted the givings highen than ever befone in his tenm of office. Mn. and Mrs. Bruce Hanthonne The chairman o! the Building and family attended the funeral Fund, Mr. Percy Chapman, re- o! Mr. Hanthonne's father, Mr. ported good progress in the build- J. R. Hanthonne, who died in ing o! our new chunch and hopes Lindsay Hospital and was buried if wilh be finished in eanly suni- in Gilbert, Jan. 23. Sympathy of mer. A yean ago this monfh the community is extended to things looked very dark and ai- relatives. most hopeless, howeven, such has Miss Lorna Harris had her ton- not been the case, and ail are sils removed in Bowmanvihle hast now full of enthusiasm and are week. very grateful to ahi who heiped Many of the school chihdren in making a beautiful new church have measies. possible. Mr. and Mns. Fred Newhook, The following is a recent list Torono; Miss Viola Newhook: SEALTITE INSULATION LTD. Owned and operated by F. A. IARUCE &ILL BE INSULATING ALL NEXT WEEK IN BO1W Anyone interested in Insulai. MR. BROWN Special Price !MAN VILLE ion cali oui' local agent PHONE 819 One Week OnIy Font Wayne, Indiana, wifh Mn. and Mns.. Albert Gillard. Mn. and Mns. R. Carter Peter- borough; Mn. and Mrs. Albert Adamis with Mn. and Mrs. E. Adams. Mr. and Mrs. Herb McLaugh- lin, Oshawa, wit h Mn. and Mrs. William McLaughlin. James and Chenyl Ann Rowan with their gnandipanenfa, Mn. and Mrs. J. Carter. Mn. and Mrs. Amos Trick and son Barry, Manitoba, wifh Mn. and Mns. Henny Trick. Mn. Leon- ard Scholen, ÈLindsay. also visifed them. Mrs. E. Staples, Toronto, wvîth ber daughten, Mns. Frank Holnoyd. Mn. and Mrs. Fred Holnoyd, Oshawa, with Mn. and Mns. F. Holroyd, Sn. Mn. and Mns. Pency Davidson and familv wifh Mn. and Mrs. Howard Abhott. &onowL Sturdy Cotton WORK GLOVES 29c pr. Arny Heavy Type Gney WOOL SOX 49c pr. Heavy Melton Air Force Pants $5.95 Navy Blue Heavy Pants - ------ 3.88 H.B. Red or Green Wool Blankets - $6.95 I light Boots, lined, zipper $7.88 ýed Sleeping Bags, pillow, zipper side $ ~ 9.95 Chronograph Watch with st1ap -- $4.95 Army Type T-Shirts - ----------- 59c Heavy Duty Blue or Black Denim 1OVERALLS -$3.95 Heav'y Duty WORK BOOTS Free Armvy Gaiters with everv pair of boots $5.95 Officer Style Air Force or ARMY SHIRTS $2.95 Dress or Work PANTS $2.95 Coverails, Army--- -------$4.95 Leather Work Gloves- 95c Paratrooper Boots -- --- ---$11.50 Lined Ski Cap ---- - -- - -95C Jumbo Knit Wool Crewneck SWEATERS - $2.88 of Blue Denim Overali PANTS $2.95 Leather Gauntiet GLOVES $1.98 B-15 Army Type BOMBER JACKETS Fur Collar Lined $8.89 Phone 3211 The Newcasile Independen.t Miss Mdarxaret Ash Congratultions to Mr. and Mrs. a chance to have their children Jim Bedford who were married immunized. There is' going to be in St. George's Anglican Church an Immunization Clinic at the on Saturday. Mrs. Bedford was public school beginning at 2 p.m. the former Joan Belsey. Infants and pre-school children Thursday night the ]oud mourn- are to be presented. fui wail o! the fire siren brought. Mrs. R. A. Milligan is spend- the firemen running to the home ing a few days with friends and of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Aiken on relatives in Minden. 1King Street where an oil stove The entire community was had become overheated. How- shocked by two sudden deaths ever, the fire was brought under this week. Last Thursday Miss control without the fire-figh.ters' Isabe Robinson passed away af- assistance and not too much dam- ter suffering a severe stroke. The age as dne.funeral was Saturday in Port ar. wardneCakTrnoHope. Mr. Clrene CarTend hhsfton, On Monday, Mr. James S. Dyer sent the sawClake.wt isft-passed away very suddenhy after er, r. Aa Clrke.a short illness. Miss Beverly Hay, Toronto, They will be sadhy missed by spent the weekend at Sprlng, their many friends, about town. Grange Farmn with Mr. and Mrs. Sincerest sympathy, through John Rickard and family and the medium of this column, is ex- Mrs. D. Hay. pressed -to Miss Maria and Mr. On Monday, Feb. 5th the moth- James Robinson and Mrs. Dyer1 e rs of our town are going to have and family in their extreme loss. TYRONE Mn. and. Mns Ralph Glaspehi and childnen with Mr. and Mns. W. E. Lewis, Welcome. Mn, C. Beckett, Edmonton, Alfa.; Mn. and Mns. G. Beckett, Mns. M. Crawford, Mr. Ed. Keys, Osh- awa; Mn. and Mrs. J. Beckett, Col- umbus; Mn. and Mrs. F. Beckett, Enniskillen, with Mn. and Mns. O. Beckett. Mn. and Mns. Lloyd Alldread accompanied Mn. and Mrs. J. Beckett, Columbus, anid were Sunday dinnen guesfs o! Mn.*and Mns. Frank Webben, Newcastle. Mn. and Mns. George White and children, Bowmanville, with Mn. and Mrs. F. Wenry. Mns. Mabel Langmaid, Oshawa, visited Mn. and Mns. R. B. Scot t. Miss Dorothy Skinner, Tononto, wifh her parents, Mn. and Mns. H. Skinnler. Mn. Ralph Glaspell attended the Ontario Sheep Breeders' Con- vention in Toronto. Mn. Frank Woodhey, Entrance, Alfa., visifed Mn. and Mrs. O. Beckett and Mn. and Mns. C. W. Woodley. Miss Anvilla Beckett spent the weekend at ber home. Mn. and Mrs. F. Wenry wene dinnen guests o! Miss Florence Werny, Bowmanville, Monday ev- ening in honon of Mrs. Jenkins' binthday. Miss Lillian MeRobents and friend, Tononto, with Mn. and Mns. H. McRoberts and Mrs. F. McRoberts. Mn. Bert Mortlock. Ottawa, cahled on Mn. and Mns. Jack Gibbs. Mns. V. Milîson, Toronto, visif- ed Mr. and Mns. Leon Moore. Mn. and Mns. Jack Gibbs and Michael visited Mn. and Mns. Wiih Chapman, Hampton. Mn. and Mns. Lonne McCoy, Brooklin, visifed Mr. and Mns. Norman Woodley. Mn. and Mns. Otto Friend le!t on Sunday on a trip f0 Switzer- land and othen Eunopean coun- trnies. Mn. Keith Davey, Dixie, visifed bis parents, Mn. and Mns. D. Davey. Mn. and Mrs. Russell Stewart, Cenfreton, with Mn. and Mns. Ronald Scott and Mn. and Mns. William Macdonald. Mrs. W. Jones visited Mn. and Mns. Joe Riddle, Oshawa. Mn. and Mrs. V. Davenpont and David, Toronto, with Mn. and Mns. Henry Stainton. Mrs. Howard Findlay and Dean, Unionville; Mn. and Mrs. Ross. Bigelow and Rboda, Mn. and Mns. W. DeMille and Billie, Oshawa, were guests o! Mn. and Mns. Clin- ton Bigelow. Mn. and Mrs. J. Colbany and Arthur, Bnooklin, visited Mn. and Mrs. C. Colbary. Mn. and Mns. Neil Yellowlees and chihdnen with Mn. and Mrs. H. Rundie, Hampton. ' Mn. and Mns. E. A. Vintue and John visifed Mns. Charles Shaw and sons in Oshawa. Miss Gwen His, Toronto; Miss Milhie His, Bowmanville, wifh Mn. and Mns. John His. Mn. Walter Cochrane, Bow- manville, was a dinner guest on Wednesday with Mn. and Mns. W. Rahm. Club 49 met at the home o! Mrs. Ronald Scott Tbunsday for sewing. On Friday evening the Club held a social evening at Mn. and Mrs. Luther Goodman's. Mn. Laurence Tabb, Oshawa, wit h Mn. and Mrs. T. Tabb and Mn. and Mrs. Murray Tabb. Mrs. Murray Tabb visited ber mothen, Mns. P. Murdoch, Base Line. Mn. and Mns. Horace Hall visif- ed thein son Stuant at Toronto. Mn. and Mns. Everton White and Mrs. W. T. Elliott spent Thursday in Peterborough. Sunday School convention wil be held in St. Pauh's Church, Bowmanville on Feb. 5fh. Spe- cial speakers are Rev. A. Morg- an. Tononto, and Rev. E. J. Rob- ertson. Oshawa. C.G.I.T. met Friday night. Mrs. D. Lute told about ber trip to New York. The girls are stant- ing handicna!t wonk. They are rîaving a special C.G.I.T. service Sunday, Feb. il. J. Y. People's had a good turn- out Tbursday evening when Mn. Carveth. Newcast le, showeà Ian- women's Institute Tryrone Women's Institute met at the home orf Mrs. Arthur Rich- ards with a good attendance. Mrs. S. E. White, lst Vice-Pres., pre- sided. Roll caîl was answened by "Name o! your fanm and its history." This information is f0 be used by Mrs. L. Goodman in compiling the Tweedsmuir his- tory o! Tyrone. Mrs. H. Stain- ton reported $23 realized from sale of tickets on a blanket donat- ed f0 the institute by Mrs. Rose- vear. If was decided to buy the set of three pictunes froni the department to use in oun Tweeds- muin History. A donation of $25 was made to the church building fund and $10 to the pansonage fund. A commitfee comprising Mrs. Don Stainton's group was named to arrange for an open meeting in February. Mrs. J. D. Cole pnesided olver the prognani. Mrs. J.' Broome gave a fine Ne7w Yean's message. Mrs. A. Woods gave a reading. The speaker was Miss Hazel White of Elizabefhviihe, who was one of a group o! 32 Junior Young People chosen f0 enjoy a trip to the Chicago International Show in Decemben. She gave a very enjoyable talk on her trip. She expiained the 4H Club, the Junior Farmens Club ini the U.S. and showed many momentos o! her trip. Mns. J. C. Cook thanked Miss White and hostess, Mrs. Richards. Tea was served by Group Leaders, Mrs. Cole and Mrs. Broome. HAYDON Sympathy is extcnded to Wil- bur Marks in the passing o! bis brother. We are sorry to report that Mrs. Wm. Trewin is seriousiy ill and sinccrely hope she will scon~ be impnoved. Mrs. Williams is still confined to her bed with not much improvement. Mrs. John Graham, is home from tLie hospital and is doing fine. The cold or flu epidemic that has been sweepingz our commun- ify is stilh adding to its list o! vic- f ims. Sorry to lose Mr. and Mrs. Don Carr and famihy fnom hene as they have moved to Enniskillen. Quilting -,as heid at Mns. Chas. Garrard's on Tuesday. A deiicious pot luck dinner was served. The ladies are n-aking several quilts this winter f0 help raise funds f0 redeconate the inside o! our church. This pnojecf is being as- sumed bv the W. A. Donations froni anyýone wishing to help our small organization in thein big un- dertaking would be greatly ap- preciated. Bible class meeting wilh be held at Mr. ai-d Mrs. Leslie Graham's on Tuesday evening. W. A. wihl be held at Mrs. A. Read's next Thunsday. Mr. and Mrs. Fav Mountjoy, Bowmanvihle; Miss V7era Sander- son at Mrs. Frank Denby's. Mrs. T. Cowling at Mrs. Joe Cowling's, Salemi. Mn. Milton Siemon spent a few days at Mr. Theron Mountjoy's. Mrs. Frank Denby with Mrs. Alex Crombie, Bowmanville. (Intended fcg last week> Bible Class social evcning was held at A. Read's Friday-, evening. Mr. and Mrs. R. Thonipson and family at Mr. Glen Thompson',, Bowmanville. Mr. and Mns. Douglas Fontaine, Toronto, at Mn. E. A. McNeil's. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Ashton and famuly, Toronto, at Mr. H. Ash- ton's. Work is undoubfedly a cure for unrest, but many seem f0 fhink the remedy is worse than the cure. son and Mrs. Charlotte Stephens Nesilelon Station tBwavle Wrgt Miss Shirley Ellis spent the Mr. and Mrs. Garnet gt weekend with Miss Shirley Mills. visited Mrs. A. Forder and ~~~i Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Mills and Sharpe. aiy al rvwtM.1 Mrs. jas. Harris spent a few' andml. Maph rovld with M days visiting Mr. and Mrs. R. adMs aodMls Sonhey, Port Perry. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Taylor visit- ed with Mr. Arnold Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wright, Beverley and Grant, Bowman j ville, caled on Mrs. Walter Sharpe and Mrs. Forder. Mr. Perce Hulbert, Toronto, spent the weekend with his father, Arthur Hulbert. We are glad to report the Allen Beacock children, Bruce and Lu- cille, are over the measies; aiso Louis Hoare who is recovering from tonsilitis. I Mr. and Mrs. Deibert Beacock! visited the Grant Thom on's. ti Mr. and Mrs. T. G. Lfangfeld opened their home for a social evening of games in aid of the organ fund of St. John's Anglican Church, Blackstock. There was a good crowd, fine lunch and STOCK UP ON QUAI entertainment with gratifying 1Culverhouse Ci ENNISKILLEN Miss Joan Grawbarger, Res- toule, Ont., is spending a few weeks with her sisten, Mrs. Joe Stevenson. We wehcome Mr. and, Mrs. Don Carn and family f0 our village, who have moved to the apant- ment rooms. Mr. and Mrs. Cli.ffond Pethick are sport ing a Studebaker.' Guess the boys or men are thinking we live around the north country as a deer. was shot west o! Enniskilhen on Saturday. Game Warden Harold M1ills pick- ed if up and took if f0 the abattoir at Hampton. Corne and join :i the Sna evening service FebrÙary 4th at 7:30 under auspices o! C.G.I.T. and T.U.C. Club. Mns. R. Seymoun will give the address. Visitors at Mn. and Mrs. A. Oke's were Mr. Wilbert Arm- strong, Govan, Sask.; Mrs. Geo. Ferguson, Mrs. Max Johnson and childnen, Oshawa: Miss Greta Oke. Bowmanville; Mn. and Mrs. Clarence Avery and family, of Burketon. Mr. and Mns. J. Osborne, Cour- tice; Mrs. J. McKinney, Weston, visited Mr. and Mrs. A. Lead- beaten and Mr. Geo. Reid. Mn. and Mrs. O. C. Ashton, Lois and Chanles, at Mr. and Mrs. B. O. Ashton's, Purpie Hill. Mrs. S. R. Pethick with Mrs. Wm. Chester, Oshawa. Master Ted and Grant Werry visited their grandiparents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Werry on Sunday. Mn. and Mrs. Allan Preston and Jimmy, Oshawa, at Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Brunts'. Mr. and Mrs. P. Ehlis and fam- ily spent the weekend with Mn. and Mns. Vanvolkenburg, Cordo- va Mines. Congratulations to Mn. and Mrs. Joe Stevenson on the arriv- ah o! a fine baby boy. Sorry f0 hear Mrs. J. W. Bowý- man, Enfield, is in Oshawa Hos- pital. Mn. and Mrs. R. J. Ormiston visited Mr. and Mrs. Howard Or- miston, Newtonville. Mr. and Mrs. N. Pînth, spent the weekend at Wbitby with Mr. and Mns. Bruce Pinch. Mrs. E. Struft spent a week, with Mr. and Mrs. Herb Gibson and Mrs. Ai! Hoslen, Toronto. Mn. and Mrs. William Bragg,,i Providence, at Mr. and Mns. Han- old Ashton's.1 Mn. and Mrs. Roy Foster and Mark, Raglan, with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Beech. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Smales! Oshawa- with Mr. and Mrs. J. Smales. Mn. and Mns. R. J. Weaving and Rickey, Thornhill, with her par- ents. Mn. and Mns. W. H. Moore. Mns. Geo. Ferguson, Mrs. M. Johnson, David and Sherry, Osh- awa; Mn. Wilbun Armstrong, Saskatchewan, at Mn. Bert Fer- guson's. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Henry and daughters, Lindsay, at Mr. and Mrs. Adam Shanp's. Visitons at Mn. and Mrs. E. A. Werr *v's wene Mr. and Mns. J. D. Cole and famul 'y, Bethesda. Mns. J. Smales visited J. Smales, Hampton. Miss Gloria Wright was a Sun- day visitor with Miss Ruth Lamb. Miss Elsie Bottreil, Newcastle, and Mn. Edmond Sandercock, Onono, af Mn. Carl Fenguson's. Mn. and Mns. Floyd Beckett and family visited Mr. and Mns. Page, Newcastle. Mn. and Mns. Howard Oke, Osh- awa: Mn. and Mns. John Oke, visited thein parents, Mn. and Mns. Walter Oke. Miss Arvilla Beckett, Bowmoan- ville, visited Mn. and Mns. Lonne Lamb and Mn. and Mns. Donald Lamb. Mn. and Mrs. Carl Ferguson and family visited Mn. Fred Fergu- Bowmanville For an evening of good cleae fun and whol.som.o entertain ment remember the Beantowi Choir concert. Look up thie datl Redecoration of the parsonagi4 is in progress. ýarrots 12( Horsey Grapefruit Juice 2 oT«,&29c LYNN VALLEY-STO.-4fRAM STYLE GOLDEN CORN 2 27c Lubby's Fancy Sauerkraut 1 9c Aunt Jemima Pancake Mix 2 lc CORN SYRUP ClOWN B"AND OR Det IVE Firm Ripe Bananas UNGRADED EGGS WANTED W. pay highest rnarket pricqs hfo Ungraded Eggî. Pledsa see manager for dlefails. Reg. Grading Station 0.7 VALUES EFFECTIVE TI-URS., FR1., SAT,, 2rcd & ird Our (;ren-" DO&. Just Arriveri irom Spain- Seville Bitter Marmalade Oranges . . . 2 lbs. 25c GET YOUR NEEDS WHILE THEY ARE AVAILABLE Large Original Bunches - -22for 25c Large Size 48's - 2 sialks 29c 2 - 2bs. 29c Size 60's 2 * for 25c ',95,041,222 3,307,232 13,136,589 19,066,168 16,015,485 1,30 1,3 59 1,971,607 THURSDAY, TEE, lit, 1951 THE CANADIAN S'T'ATESMAN, EOWMANVTLLE, ONTARIO PAGE ELEVEN Culverhouse Beets II York Tomatoes - Queen's Royal Pears USU Bright's Chouce Peaches "" 3L12C Ti 20e 1OU 19c Tm 21C R>" Metcalfe Pork & Beans2 2 Lb.31 71q 3 <ýLOId Tyme Table Syrup SPECIAL PEATURbti CHOCOLATU CL... MALLOW BISCUITS ~~VAC-O-NUT PEANUT BUTTER Jar~ Aunt SaIIy's Raspberry Jam Kraft Ready Dinner 2 Brunswick Sardines crL 2 t 240oz.38 27c 1 7c BRAESIDE BRAND-GRADE A» Large Eggs 52Ç> California, Fresh Green Top Ne w Bunch Carrois - G~reen Pascal - Tender and ('risp Florida Celery- - - Caiifoî nia - Sweet Red ('nisp Emperor Grapes - - Iceberg~ - Imported Head Lefluce - - - - - lb. 19C 19 50 A YEAR OF CONTINUED PROGREss FOR THE EMPIRE LIfEt, F inancial Strength and Scrt to Policyholders is reflected in the Company's operations as shown by this summary from the Annual Report. DO WMAN VILLE SURPLUS STORE Insurance in Force . . Total Income........ New Insurance Paid For and Revived........ Total Assets.......... Policy Reserves....... Payments to Living Policyholders and Berieficiaries ......... Surplus for Protection of Policyholders ........ THMMDAY, FEB. lot, 1951 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOMJANVILLE, ONTARIO flepresentative: GEORGE WHITE, C.L.U. 110 Wellington St 29( Z

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