PAGE TWELVE THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE. ONTARTO THURffDAY. ~ lgt. 1951 Largesi Crowd of Season See Lindsay Bow Io Defeat by Imps 8-3 The pride of Bowmanville in the Intermediate "A" hockey race handed a fast skating. third place Lindsay club an 8-3 defeat before 800 people in the Memorial Arena Saturday night. From the first face-off it was Imperials ail the way although a hard-checking Lindsay team constantly taxed the abiiity of Phil 2urkhart in the local club's net. With three effective lines in operation, Mike's battiers out- skated, out-shot and out-maneuv- ered Lindsay players. Two Im- perial goals were scored with the kind assistance of the opposition who managed ta get in the road of the puck in time ta deflect it into their own net. Imps Hit Pay-Dirt The game opened up fast witb the'young Lindsay team crowd- ing into Bowmanvilie and doing everything but throw the puck at Burkhart. The Imps countered with a blazing drive of their own which ended at 6:04 when Maxie Yourth bit pay dirt assisted bv the leg of a Lindsay defenceman. ]Ron Lintner followed Bird's ex- ample on a breakawav, faked O'Conneil out of position and drilled the second Bowmanville goal home at 6:34. Lindsay broke into the scoring at 13:55 when Abercrombie, on a pass from Ellis, lit the red light behind the Imps' goal. As though in revenge, Bowmanville crowd- ed the Lindsay end, peppered five drives at O'Conneli, bit the posts twice, and finally scored when D)on Rundie banged in a pass from Buck Cowle. Don Gil- hooley caromed the puck off a Lindsay player into the net for the fourth Bowmanville counter and the last in the first period. Local Goalie Stars Phil Burkhart who deiivered a t.op performance in the Impenials' net, drew a penalty for interfer- ence at 1:10 in the second stanza when bis glove got tangled Up with a Lindsay player's skate. The second period saw the visi- tors carrying the play ta the la- cals and although they threatened on several occasions, Burkhart came through with some remark- able saves ta hold Lindsay score- less in the second frame. Don Gilhooley put Bowmanville four goals up at 17:58 on a pass from Max Yourth, and defenceman Bill Bagnell scored on Gilhooley's pass at 19:51 ta make it 6-1. Midway in the period, Lindsay's Bell dumped *Herrering on bis hîps whie skating in on Burk- hart, and then discovered be was going s0 fast he cauld not stop and ended up piling into the net and hitting his head a whack on the metal behind Burkhart. Two Goals Each The third period issued in wide- open hockey with bath teams scoring twa markZrs. Lindsay opened up at 2:58 when Henn- essey scored on a relay fromn Bell and Coley. But Bowmanville came back at 5:35 when Gilhooley potted bis third goal unassisted. Ellis scored from Lewis at 11:12 for the visitons and Bob Bird ac- counted for Bowmanville's eighth and final goal at 17:15 on a pass fram Gilhooley. Wisdom is the right use of knowledge. To know is flot ta he wis..... But ta know how ta use knowledge is ta bave wisdom. A man may bave autbority over others, but he can neyer have their bearts, except by giv- ing bis own. It's far better ta take a few bard bumps in life than ta stay in a rut. Learn ta stop grumbling-if you can't sec any good in the world it's only fair ta keep the bad ta yourself. THEATRE - EOWMANVILLE3 THURSDAY - FRIDAY - FED. 1 - 2 C tMlP ITURES wALURIGIT.iuaWALLACE. Su#xaREEVES. pmiMIES.Frak FM MI» ELEC'I2ED SHORTS TECHNICOLOR CARTOON SATURDAY - FEBRUARY 3 i-fan-iOON IN COLOR NONDAY - TUESDAY - FEB. 5 - 6 THEY HAIE YOD! 12. a ýniusmng Shorts Technicolor Cartoon WEDNESDAY - THURSDAY - FER. 7 - 8 RICHARD WIDMARK GENE TIERNEY %NIORT AND THE CITY" Selected Short Cartoon in Color! Mike's Imps' in Good Mood Af ter Defeating Lindsay Caught in familiar team pose af ter their impressive Ion the pressure in their last few games and appear ta be 8-3 victory over Lindsay Saturday night, Mike's Imperials heading for a secure playaff position. Pictured lef t ta right are presently riding in fourth place in the Lakeshore Inter-1 above are: Front row: R. Cook, R. Dionne, F. Cowle, P. Burk- mediate "A" Hockey League, exactly three points behind 1 hart, L. Heffering, B. Bagneli, L. Moare, R. Lintner. Back Saturday night's defeated visitors. With new coach Dave row: D. Williams (coach), T. Lintner, R. Bird, D. Rundle, Williams (back row-left) at the helm, the Imps have turn ed M. Yourth, D. Gilhoolcy (capt.), M. OsbornQi (manager). - Cobourg Pays Win Exciting Game From Mike's Imps ai Local Arena Mvike's Imperials dropped a close 6-5 decision ta Cobourg Pays be- fore an estimated 400 hockey fans in the Memorial Arena Jan. 24. Don Gilhooley. making bis first appearance in the Imp line- up this scasan, scored two goals in tbe second period ta lead Bow- manville marksmen. Cobourg's Maundrel, as usual, led Pav goal- getters with three counters. Scbeduled ta start at 8:30, the game got underway shortly after nine due ta the late arrivai of Ca- bourg. In the apening frame, AI. Lint- ner found the cords for the Im- perial's first marker at 3:05. but Maundrel, firing from a scramble in front of the net, evened the count at 3:58. The second Ca- bourg goal came when Cane re- ceived a pass from Hogan, and whilc skating backwards, drove a counter home at 7:04. Camp- bell scored again for the Pays at 18:05 ta make the score 3-1 at the end of the first period. The Imps took beart in the sec- ond stanza when Buck Cowle took a rebound off "Slip" Rowe's stick and rammed it into the net at 1:40 from two feet out. Gil- hooley picked up the spark and shoved another counter past Rowe at 5:07 after doing a neat faking job. On tbe Gilhoolcy skate, the 1puck seemed labelled "goal" right from the Pav's blue line. Maun- drel scored bis second and the Pav's fourth at 6:55. Giihooiey tied up the game with bis second marker at 9:25 on a pass from Bob Bird, but Maun- drel invaded the Bowmanville end for bis third goal at 15:28 ta score the goal that put the Pays ahcad 5-4 at the end of the sec- ond frame. The game livened up in the third period and for a short time Stinkers & Stars By Geo. MacOsgram Bemng a charter member of a local coffee club, and considering that said club is composed of broken down athietes who const- antly use the expression-"If I was in my prime . . . "-the gent with the white hair and walking stick propositioned me ta chron- icle the comment and criticisma made by "sideline experts" in a local coffeeteria. To make it look professionai, we of the coffee club set decided ta hand out skunk skins ta the stinkers, and sugar cubes ta the stars who get the huzzahs and hip-o-rays of the crowd. We were sitting on the bard- wood supping at a mug of dish- water and wishing we had a mug of something stronger ta belp get rid of the bad taste we got watch- ing Cobourg trima the Imps, when Muttonhead Morris observed that a skunk did a littie dirty work under the Arena in the second period. This came as a surprise -we figured the stink came from the Imperial bench. Tbere's no doubt about it, lîttie Don Gilhooley played a fine game of hockey for the Imps; too badý he didn't take bis wingmates, Maxie Yourth and Bobby Bird, into bis confidence. Bird and Yourth are usually pretty ef- fective if they ever get a chance ta shoot. Being his first time out this season, Don made bis wingers look like tbey should have stayed in bed. Up ta now, Bobby Bird's been playing solid hockey in the pivot position-suppose he found it strange patrolling a winger's ter- ritory. Being as how the centre man is Rie piayipaker, maybe the Imp's coach, Dave Williams, should give Bobby a line of his ovin. A lot of hockey fans were crit- ical of the Jan. 24th fracas. some said it smelled. Because the ex- in our club are ol thle sarne, the Imperials did everytbing but climb into the Cobourg net. One goal down, the Imps rained shot after shot at "Slip" Rowe who, while he did flot play a stand- out game, defended the Pav's net in fair form. Two shots were de- flected by bis skate blade while the man in the skates was sprawled on the ice; another time the puck glanced off the blade of bis stick with the net wide open bebind it. Altbough the Imps tried haed. it was Cobourg who scored at the 17:45 mark ta put the Pays two goals in front. With about two minutes ta go. however, at 18:19, Tod Lintner put Bowman- ville back in the running. The last two minutes of the game wvas desperation hockey, 'but at the final gong the score was 6 - 5 in favour of the Pays. First Period Imperials-A. Lintner (T. Lint- ner), 3:05. 4 Pavs-Maundrel (Trîpp), 3:58. Pavs-McMillan (Hogan), 7:04. Pavs-Campbell ( Medburst), 18:05. Penalties-Cowle. Second Period Imperials-Cowle (Hicks-Hef- fering), 1:09. Imperials-Gilhooley (Yourth), 5:07. Pavs-Maundrel (Tripp), 6:55. mperials-Gilhooley ( B i r d ) 9:25. Pavs-Maundrel ( Campbell, 15:28. Penalties--Goody, Harnden, Di- onne. Third Period Pavs-Wilcox (Maundrel), 9:21. Imperials-T. Lintner (Yourth), 18:19. Penalties-Harnden, Cowle, T. Lintner. opinion, by unanimous decision three skunk skins are awarded the Impenials for pulling a stink- er Wednesday night. Sitting in the local Stadium- Saturday evening was a herse of a different hair-do. Bowmanville whipped Lindsay 8-3, and believe us, they deserved ta win. The power line we chopped up earlier in this column werc terrifie when they bit the ice , even the Griper says so, which makes it a unani- .mous decision. The Mighty Mite, Don Gilhooley, scored three and assisted on twa for five points and is hereby awarded two sugar cubes. Bobby Bird blinked the red light once and wingmate, Maxie Yourth, scored a goal and helped Gilhooley on anc of bis. Star of the nigbt was big Phil Burkhart who used everything but bis lett ear ta block Lindsay shots. Bunkhart cames into the twa sugar cube class and s0 does Bill Bagneil, the steady-at least on Satunday night-detencemnan who scored one and helped Gil- booley on bis first. We're also giving a sugar cube apiece te the two Lindsay boys who dcflected Imperial "hope shots" into the net. A record 800 people saw the Imps trim Rie third place Lindsay team in a fast hockey game-one ot the best this season-that saw everyone. including Burkhart, baekebecking. As Rie story goes, Burkhart got s0 excited in the nets, he gnabbed a Lindsay play- er's skate, dumping him, and earning a two-minute penalty for interference. If you're interes4ed in mas-hemi -the Imps meet Part Hope in the Arena Saturday nigbt. Practice in lite whatever yau pray fon, and God wiil give iltot you more abundantiy. It is better ta gel down ta eartil and work safely, than be down in earth because you did not. The only people you should try ta get even witb are those who have heiped ' vou. The poorest education that teaches self-control is better than the best that neglecta il.. Juveniles Lost Game I Port Hope Redmen And Pockets Robbed Squeeze Victory At Lindsay Rink From Mike's Imps Bowmanville Juvenile Hockey Don Gearing turned in an out- Club took a 9-1 trimming in Lind- standing goal-tending chore for say Monday evening and t, iesIprasi thePr took a sccond trimming in the Mk' meil n RePr dressing room after the game Hope Arena Friday evening when when it was discovered that their he hel puck-chasing Redmen ta pockets had been cleaned of a 4-2 win. Although Bowman- money, lightcrs and car keys. ville played a defensive game for The injury-ridden Juveniles ms ftetrepro use appeared somewhat bexildered oto h hcepro use by the Lindsay onslaught and short scoring spurts saw Bob Bird although they threatened on sev- and Don Gilhooley score for the eral different occasions, it was locals. not until the third period that The Redmen commanded most Johnny Lemon managed ta bang home. the lone Bowmanville tally. of the play throughout the hockey Lindsay appeared ta score at will. fixture, but with five minutes ta Because Bruce Pingle an-d 1 o in the third period, the Im- Larry Chant were home checking perials turned on the pressure. a bout of influenza, and also be- With a Port Hope player cooling cause Don Masters sported a off in the pcnalty box, Gilhooley dandy charley horse, the Juven- chalked up Bowmanviile's second ile lineups had ta be shuffled in goal, and he almost duplicatcd the order ta present as formidable a feat 10 seconds later. team as possible. The new com- The Imps' first gial was scor.- binations appear ta have disrupt- cd hy Bird on a rebound froin ed confidence, however, and Heffering's shot. Although Lint- Lindsay walked ail over the ner threatened earlier, the Port hometowners. Hope defence managed ta mess up A return game is scheduled for ail otlher Bowamnville attempts. the Arena Monday evening,' and Rene Racine with two goals the local boys will be out ta and Bill Douglas and Dave Casey avenge the defeat they suffered were the Redmen sharpshooters._ B.H.S. Juniors Win One Sided Game From Port Hope B.H.S. junior basketball team out-played and out-shot a seem- ingly infenior Port Hope aggrega- tien at the B.H.S. gym Friday in a one-sidcd game that saw Bow- manville walk ta an easy 32-17 vie tory. The win tightened the hold the local cagens have on second place in the junior interseholastie race for the championship. Buchan with nine and Martin xith six points were top scorers for the local hoop squad, xvhile Port Hopc's Scolly led bis team with nine. Bowmanville:* Woolley 2, Lane 4, Buchan 9, Martin 6, Ritter 2, Joness, Heyland 7, Murdock 2, Werry. Total: 32. Port Hope: Tulford, Scolly 9, Ashton 4, Pike. Brackenshire 1, Cordon, Halford 2, Howe, Cud- more. Kearns 1. Total 17. Ebenezer Players Guests of Honour At Banquet About 100 gathened in Ebenezer Sunday Sehool room on Saturday nigbt, Jan. 27, when the S. S. No. 4 Fanm Forum sponsored a banquet in hionar of the Ebenezer B asebail Team, who were the 950 Rural Boys' Seftball Cham- pions, in the South Darlington League. On behaît of the Forum, a crest was presented ta eaeh member of the team by Charles Osborne and Allan Down. The Margwill Trophy was presented ta t4iis year's winnens by Howard Cry- derman, president ot the league. Murray Osborne, captain. voie- cd the appreelation of the club ta ail, for the crests and splendid evening's cntcrtainment. Glen Piekell, coach, read a letter tram Mn. and Mrs. J. C. Found, expressing congratulations on this year's victory, and ta give them a good start for the cern- ing year, are presenting the club with new sweaters. R. C. Peance. leader of the For- um, was master et ceremonies fan the cnt ire evening. The banquet speaker was Dr. W. J. Langmaid. Oshawa, who gav.e a fine address on "Good Sportsmanship" and applied this ta ahl walks of lite. A piano duct was rcndered by Mrs. Lloyd Down and Mrs. Glenn Piekeli. Beautiful colorcd lantenn siides of local and distant seenes were shown b J. C. Found. The singing of the National An- them hrought ta a close a most enjoyable evening. Cobourg Leads In Inter. "AN" Hockey Bôvmanville 4th Bowmanvile Imperials are rid- ing along in fourtb place in the Intermediate "A" hockey leagueý six points behind Lindsay whom1 they beat Saturday. Cobourg I with 25 Points are league leaders but Port Hope and Lindsay are breathing on their neck in the close race ta the finish. League, standing ta Jan. 27 is as Sllows:1 W LT F A Pts. Cobourg -- 12 8 1 157 133 25 Port Hope - 10 7 2 130 125 22 Lindsay 10 7 1 114 115 21 Bowmanville 7 10 1 100 115 15 Lakefield .-- 5 9 1 129 142 il Srs. Finish Strong To Defeat WAICIIHVWII Finest guarant.ed work done Iby experts. Prompt service. F~ree inspection. Bring in your watcb. DuraPower Mainsprings for ELGIN OWNERS ~Aoei1nbe for replamoe*t inSDoe Port Hope 36-32 High-flying B.H.S. senior cag- ers captured sole possession of basketball league when tbey de- R ' feated a figbting Port Hope five 36-32 in the local gym Friday af- Jewellery ternoon. Trailing by 12 points witb îess 43 King~ St. W. than Riree minutes lef t in the Phone 463 game, the Ross-coached bask- BOWMJANVILLE eteers turned on the pressure ta overcome the Hillside town's ________________ crew and forge four points abead ta win the game. Senior ace, Ted Dadson, potted 15 points ta lead Bowmanville High ta victory, while close be- hind came Frank Mohun with 10.: On the defensive end of play,' John Stainton, although only scoring four points, played the best checking game on the floor. Ross, with 16, was high man for Port Hope. An interesting sideliglit ta the High School cage season is found in the fact that B.H.S. senior basketekes have neyer won a game by more than four points in scheduled play. Bowmanviile: Stutt 3, Dadson 15, Taylor 4, Herron, Hockin, Mo- hun 10, Stainton 4. Total: 36. Port Hope: Ross 16, Lenahan 3, Jordan 5, Trawn 2, Anderson 2, McFarlane 2, Siscon 2, Plummer Ashton. Total: 32. Ir. B.H.S. Girls Lead Hoop League Going one better than their senior sisters, the B.HS. junior girls' basketball team defeated bath Peterborough and Port Hope recentiy ta take the lead in Rie interseholastie boop league. Playing Peterborough here two weeks ago, the juniors opened up fast and continued at a stif f pace thraughout the game ta capture a 19-18 victory fram Liftiock City representatives. At the end of the haIfthRe score wvas 9-5 in favor of the local sharp-sbooters but Peterborough continued bier climb until the fin- ai whistle. At Port Hope Friday, the scene was different. The hometown girls handed the Hilîside Town's female quintet a terrifie 37-8 drub- bing with apparent ease. Someone must pay 'NOBODY ever wants to be financially liable for a smash- up! But whcn two cars col- lide, someone must pay for the damage donc. The cost of accidents cornes rnuch higher than the cost of adequate insurance! LET this agency protect you with Automobile Insur- ance that fis every require- ment. Stuart R. Jame&,,,: INSURANCE -REAL FSTATE 'Phone: Office 681 Res. 493 King Street, Bowrnanville a Little boys a Lot of telephone service it did five years ago. With more and more famtilies getting telephone8, you can now talk to twice as nlany people. knd wo, in that way alone, you get a lot more teleplione service for your money. At the same tirne, the quality of telephone service keeps steadily improving in many ways, and, as always, telephone people try to be helpful and friendly. Any m-ay you look at it, today's telephone is big value! Il yen haven't get got service: You can be sure your neighbourhood wiIl be erved, and your place on the list protcted. Taking care of people without servic" as quickly as possible àn one of our biggest and Most important tanks, THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY 0F CANADA THURSPDAY, rm. igt. ig5l' PAGE -1 w LVE THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO