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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Feb 1951, p. 11

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TJflJRSDAY. TEE. l5th. 1951 THE CANADIAN SPrAT!SMAN, EOWMANVTLLZ, ONTARTO ~AGS U~VZN OBITUARY 1 ILA JOHN VIRTUE A ter anAillness of two rnonths, IWillia John Virtue passed aw2y t the home of bis daugbten, Mns. 1Tlla Cochrane, Kinby, on weldnesday, Feb. 7th, in bis 88th ear. A son of the late Mantha and Archie Virtue, tire deceased was born in Darlington Township un NoY. th, 1863. In March, 1886. he, was united in marniage to Mary Ann Tbompson wbo pre- deceased him in July, 1940. For many ycars he farmed in the Tyrone district and was a mcmi- ber of the Tyrone Orange Lodge Nc.784, a<j on Thursday eveji- ing r~~s to the funcral about Zobet*fxasscmblcd at the home to bid larewell to their depant- ed brother. The funenal, which was langely attended, was beld at the home of William Cochrane on Febnuary Pth, followcd by interment in Betbesda Cemeteny. The service was conducted by Rev. A. E. Eus- tace. He leaves to rnournnbis passing four daughters, Mrs. William Rid- del, Mrs. Jas. Bail, Mrs. Hanny Mencer, Mns. William Cochrane. Orono: one son, Russell, Tyroni-; 18 grandchildren and 24 great grandchildnen. Three cbildrer., Charlie, Will and Greta prede- ceased bim some years ago. Many beautiful floral tributes expressedi the high esteemn in wbicb the departed was beld. The palibeaners were Otto Vir- tue, Leslie Thompson. Archie Virtue, Fred Srnith, Robent Sims, William Staples. Friends attended from Toron- to. St. Mary's, Tbornbill, Port Perry, Bowmanville, Oshawa and Tyrone. The federal govennment em- ploys some 125,000 permanent and temporary civil servants plus about 40,000 "non-enumreated" or 'ýcasual" employees. MINSRELSHOW NEWCASTLE CGMMUNITY HALL Saturday, February 17 8:15 p.m. Presented by Oshawa Happy Doubles Club Sponsored by Newcastle Married Couples Club Admission --*- 50c and 25c LONG SAULT Miss Mary Vaneyk and Mn. Charles Penwarden with Mn. and Mrs. Harold DeMille, Bunketon. Mr. and Mrs. Roy McLaugblin, Donna and Dennis and Mrs. Editb Murphy, Nestieton. with Mn. and Mns. Gordon Baker. Women's Association will meet at the home of Mrs. Fred Partnen on Feb. 20 witb Mrs. Fred Smith and Mrs. R. Sim in charge of tbe program. Ahl ladies please at- teil. Roll caîl to be answered wu fh a can of soup for spning ba- zaar. Cburch service was fainly weli attended wben Rev. Lute tooxc for bis sermon "The Means of Grace." Cburch will be held in the school next Sunday wbcn Rev. Lute will finish bis senies of sermons "'The End of Life." Miss Grace Smith visited Mrs. Jack Cook and Mrs. Hilliard Mc- Clure. Long Sault Home and Scbool Club met Feb. 9th with 32 pres- cnt. Mrs. Seymour of Enniskil.- len showed siides of India. Mar- tin White gave a solo accomp- anied' by Dn Little on guitar. Songs were enjoyed by the school children, witb their teacher, Miss Ruth Payne at the piano, also songs by Misses Pearl Penward- en, Vera Brown and Mils Mary Vaneyk wbile Ruth Payne played the piano. Mn. Appleck gave several recitations of Robt. Burns' speaking in Scotch. A reading was given by Mrs. Wal- ter Vn'neyk. Lunch was served. Mn. anid Mrs. Harvey Partner visited Mn. and Mrs. Quinney, Bowmanville. .Mn. and Mrs. Will Penwarden, Pearl and Eanl, Mn. and Mns. Herb Powell visited Mn. and Mrs. Stanley Goble. Mn. and Mrs. Allin Brown and Mn. Mervin Brown visited Mr. and Mrs. William Brown. Spning is just around tbe corn- er. Keith Goble bas a ben with baby chicks batcbed on Feb. 8th. M.w Mme& yen euSave s*m'romp y* g., fed SRU bu 6GUng Uer.- wie Law Pries au Mndredetf Itemsa E'w g»aff 7nuled etJus# a Few "Week -End Speelaa"p Ait prices shown liste, not merely grocery priées. are guoranteed - Thursdoy, February 1Sdi thru JVednesday, February 21st o A&P'S, PIuCE POUcy * SLOrewide1ow Prices o or items eveydy hnr just a le v'. * *y-ihUfdcof en"specials. e-a-or ,Wek_. * il a venti se r c , re guar n teed for Oed we s aa marke pric wegok, e yen though We helleve h6 P etiston hir PoUy he oSUr Wiu, the correct prbce are on evey itý Plus an .Itcmizcd What sOip* * 'You know WhtYusave at A&P. à a d - ~. B A PanakeFlor Anijmmap&g19< A &IP' >per Kght A Lce«o Sye ru - -i-pg1c First 5 Ribs, Red or Blue Brand Beef __________________MR____________Grade__"A" J9q~2 ~Li~ ~BoWin§ Fowl Fresh Florida, Round Stringlese, No. 1 Green hans Fresh Imported, FOtI Podi, Ne. 1 Ciee Peus Native Tender~ Washed, No. 1 Carots Native Wuujed end Wared, Ne.I lumps0 lmported, Hand Seloted Quality, Tomatoes Native Hothouse, New et1 Rlubarb ne 9*04 Lipton's Chicken Nood.e pMix ver Valleyv Link (heeso So&p Sunight iDole Juice Pimeapple Heinz Ketchup Christie'& Riti Smoked Sliced - lb. 57c "21c Breakfast Bacon Srnoked, Shankles, Pienjo tyle r 23, PMrk Sh<ulders 3 is19C Facy Pm*k Salmen bauts t85C lb 55C inmdess. ýb 63C v-57c ri fin 41C A Meal for Four N .1.CKraft DInr 2 pàm27c cwei pk 29C Ann Page Famous 21 zfn 1 L No, 1 Boston Style Beans 2---t- 1 r Sunn.y4ÇeId 19C Long Grain Rite 2-lb 6.9 33c Fine Whte 2 pkm 25c OId (heese . i'43c Johnson's S29< GI. Coat Assorted except. Asparagus or Mushroom 2 ba- 23c Clark's Soups 2 10-or fin 17C Ready Cut Macaroni 20-o= fin,19C Creamnttes Fancy 1-zb25< Grapefruit Joilce Ann Page 8-or pkg 19C Jmi Whirls Pti 59C tYi.98C "-o p&g 10< 2 20-oz îiP,25c em29< Test 5 ENtNISKILLEN Servie Club ladies met at Mns' H. Asbton's with 11,w present. Plans were completed for a dance. Lunch was served by Mns. J.ý Siernon, Mns. F.,Beckett and Mrs. H. Ashton. Next meeting Feb., 2th at Mrs. O. C. Asbton's at 8 p.m. Sympatby is extended to the family and relatives of the late, Mrs. John Pye. Mrs.- E. J. Harrison, Toronto, visited Mn. and Mrs. H .Stevens and attended the funeral of Mrs. Pye. Mn. and Mns. A. L. Wearn witb Mn. and Mns. A. Wearn, Clare- mon t. Mn. and Mrs. Freeman Hep- humn, Oshawa, visited Mn. and Mns. R. McNeil. Mr. and Mrs. Mel. McCune at Mn. and Mrs. H. Asbton's. Mr. and Mrg. John Oke visited Mn. and Mns. Jirn Simpson, Tren- ton. Mrs. A. Wearn, Clanemont, ac- companied Mn. and Mrs. A. L. Wearn to Toronto on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Weaving and Rickcy, Tbornbill, with Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Moore. Mr. and Mrs. Frank McGill and Donald, Toronto, with bis mother, Mrs. John McGili. Miss Betty Smales, Reg. N., Sick Cbîldren's Hospital, Toronto, with ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Smales. Mrs. Joycc MeGregor, Rochester, is spending a fcw weeks with ber niece, Mrs. Harold Milis. Mrs. Norman Wright, Maple Grove, visited Mn. and Mrs. Edgar Wrigh t. Visitons witb Mn. and Mrs. P. Ellis on Sunday wene Mn. and Mns. Tom Wilson, Oshawa. We are sorry to report rnany cases of measies among the littlc folks. Our Bean Town Choir are ireally doing welI with their play, when taking sucha short time on getting it up. We are sorry to report Mrs. M. Stainton, one of the cast of the play, bas rnumps. We wisb ber a speedy recovery. Congratulations are in store for Mn. and Mrs. Leonard Stainton on tbe arrivai of a fine baby girl. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Oke, Oshawa, were Sunday visitons with Mr. and Mrs. W. Oke. Mn. and Mns. Edgar Wright and farnily at Mn. and Mrs. Norman Wight's, Maple Grove. Mn. and Mrs. D. Yeo and Lorna, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. G. Yeo and Lynn, Tyrone, with Mr. and Mns. Gordon (eo. Mn. ai d Mns. Geo. Irwin andi famUjy visited Mn. and Mns. Geo. A. Scott, Harrnony. Mns. E. C. Ashton, Maple Grove, spent a few days at ber own borne with Mn. and Mrs. O. C. Ashton. Mrs. E. Strutt, Mrs. Clifford Petbick and Ruth at Mrs. Geo. Fenguson's, Oshawa. THE BEANTOWN CHOIR SCORES A BIG RIT One of the rnost billiant, color." ful, happy, fast-rnoving comedies to be pnesented in this district was stagcd by the choir of En- niskillen United Cburch to a capacity audience two nights last week. Seldom have we had a production wbich caused such laugbter and meniment. The entire cast appeared in bumorous, old-fashioned costumes, several articles of clotbing bcing over 100 yeans old. Each player left notbing to be desired in their interpretation of tbe cbaracter they represented. A good plot, a love story cul- minating in a wedding, fonmed a nucleus around which the pro- duction developcd. Members of the cast wcrc: The Widow Wood, Mrs. G. Yeo; Betb Wood, ber step-daugbten, Joyce McGill; Hezekiab Dolittie, Allan Werry; Mrs. Do-Ree-Mee-Scales, director of the choir, Mrs. E.* Wenry; Belinda Snîx, Mrs. E. Wight: Tessie-Tooms, Mrs. L,. Lamb; Sallie Etta Pickle, Mrs. F. Beckett; Mandy Hamslinger, Ron- ald Ashton; Birdie Cackle, Mona Brunt; Grandmaw Howler, Mrs. L. Ashton; Samantha Sniggins. Mrs. H. McGill; Basbful Bill Boomer, Milton Stainton. Tbe Jedediah boys and girls- double mixed quartette, the girls in hoop skirts and poke bonnets, the boys in frock coats and derby bats, were a grcatly added touch of colon and vim in their harmon- ious interpretation of the popular song of fifty years ago, "Cousin Jedediab." Sopranos, Margaret Smith, Mrs. Mitchell; Altos, Mrs. F. Werny, Mrs. A. Brunt; Tenons, O. Ashton, G. Stevens; Bass, J. Slemon, L. Stainton. Other assisting werc, two little girls in blue: Mary Giffin and Ruth Adamns. Bridesmaid and best man: Shirley Milîs and Shir- ley Ellis. Pnesiding Eider: Elgin Heard. The Minister: Ronald Ash- ton. The Old Man: Bert Werry. Everyone enjoyed the Farm Hands Quartette, the ladies in sun bonnets and aprons, the men in overalîs, as tbey gave a humonous YOUR EYES and' Vision \~ Rewritten from, previous, copyrights of C. H. TUCK Optometrist Disney BIdg. (Opp. P-0.) kOshawa -Phone 1516 No. 139 The probable cause of many of these afflictions is suggested not by civilization but by the expen- iences througb wbich the race as a wbole bas passed. Eyes existed long before eye- lids, staring eyes rigidly fixed in one position. To change those lens-like fish eycs into lidded eye- balis which can be rolled in their sockets at will and focused at dif- ferent points, bas taken countless re-adaptations. (Copyrighted) rendition of "Aunt Dinah's Quiît- ing Party"-Mrs. H. Stevens, Mns. M. Staintoni, M. Stainton and R. M. Seymour. Mrs. E. Wright, President of the choir, expressed the apprec- iation of the cast to Mrs. R. M. Seymour, director, for her untir- ing efforts and sympathetic un- derstanding throughout the pre- paration and presentation of the production. The grand finale "Sa Long" by the entire cast, of thirty voices sent everyone home, a lilt in their hearts and a feeling that "God's in His Heaven and all's right with the worid." NE WTON VILLE Miss Pat Ware, Toronto, spenti the weekend with ber grandpar- ents, Mr. and Mrs. George Ovens. Mr. Ethan Jones>is laid up with an attack of muscular rheumna- tism. He was taken to Port Hope hospital on Monday. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Gordon on the birtb of a son at Bowmanviile Hospital en Saturday, Fe'b. 10. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Wade spent the weekend with fniends at Wellington and Belleville. Mrs. Sidney Lancaster attend- ed the Sunday School Convention held in St. Paul's United Church, Bowmanville, on Monday, Feb. 5th. Miss Elsie Schwarz, Toronto, spent the weekend with ber par- ents at Port Granby. Mr. Frank Cowlard, Jr., had the misfortune to -have one leg brok- en in two places while at work on the raiIroad. He'was taken to Port Hope.> Hospital. Mr. Bud Jones, Napanee, was home for the weekend, and at- tended *a dance at the Peterbor- ough Hospital on Friday nigbt. Mrs. Clinton Farrow and Mrs. Jack Kimbali attended a farewell party held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James 'Imblyn, Orono, on Friday night for Mr. and Mrs. Vance Cooper (nee Margaret Mc- Kay) who are moving to Oshawa. Mrs. Wm. Cole has returned home fromn Peterborough. A demonstration was held at the home of Mrs. Carl Paedon on Tbursday nigbt. Mr. Robert Morris suffered a nasty accident last week. When trying to start bis car one of those cold mornings he bad the fing- ers of one band badly mangled. He was taken to Port Hope hos- pital. Misses Donna Stark and Bon- nie Barton spent the weekend with Miss Ruth Kalababa, New- castle. Mr. and .Mrs. Leland Payne have arrived back fromn Florida. No place like home. Mrs. John Wade Sr., bas been in poor healtb for quite a while and ber daughter, Miss Jeani Wade, has been home caring for her. On Saturday while Jean was out of the bouse for a short time, ber mother took a few steps and felu, breaking her bip. She was moved by ambulance to Osh- awa Hospital. We hear that Mr. Murray Bar- rie bas sold bis farm. Mr. Fred Henderson and Mr. Bill Wade are attending a two- day course at Cobourg put on oy the Bell Telephone Co. for con- necting company linemen. Congratulations to Mr. Robert Nesbitt wbo was eighty-three on Sunday and to Mrs. Gilmer Smith who was eighty-two on Wednes- day. Business Directory L EG AL__ W. R. STRIKE, K.C. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Solicitor for Bank of Montreal Money to Loan Phone 791 Bowmanville, Ontario LAWRENCE C. MASON, B.A. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public King St. W., Bowmanville Phone, Office 688 Residence 553 W. F. WARD, B.A. Barnister, Solicitor, Notar$' 9 ½1 King Street E., Bowmanville, Ontario Phone, Office 825 House 409 MISS APHA IF. HODGINS Ba rrister, Solicitor, Notary Public Successor to M. G. V. Gould Temperance St., Bowmanville Phone 351 DENTAL DR. W. M. RUDELL, D.D.S. Office Jury Jubilee Bldg. 40 King St. W., Bowmanville Office Hours:- 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily 9 arn. to 12 noon Saturday Closed Sunday Office _Phone 790 House Phone 2827 DR. E. W. SISSON, L.D.S., D.D.S. Office in bis home 100 Liberty St. N., Bowmanville Office Hours:- 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily 9 arn. to 12 noon Wednesday Closed Sunday Phone 604 REAL ESTATE BOWMANVILLE REAL ESTATE 78 King Street West Properties Sold, Rented Managed and Appraised Members of the Canadian and Ontario Real Estate Boards J. Shehyn H. G. GUI Bowrnanville 3326 3514 AUDITING MONTEITH & MONTEITH Chartered Accountants 37 King St. E. Oshawa Mn. Gordon W. Riehi, C.A., resident partner. OPTOMETRY KEITH A. BILLETT Optometrist 74 King St. W. Bowmanville Phone 3252 Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday to Saturday Evexningo by Appointment WEDDING PRESTON - TUCKER The marriage of Marian Agnes Tueker, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George P. Tueker, of Oshawa, and Stuart Douglas Preston, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Preston, of Maple Grove, was solemnized on Saturday afternoon, Feb. 10, at King Street United Ohurch, Osb- awa. Spring flowers and palms form- ed the background for the cere- 1mony performed by Rev. E. J. Robertson. Mr. Wallace Young presided at the organ and Mrs. Harry Smith sang "Because" and "I Love You Truly." The bride wbo was given in marriage by ber f ather was gowned in heavy white satin de- signed with a fitted bodice and a richly gathered skîrt which f'ow- ed into a train. The bodice but- toned at the back was fashioned wîth a high round necklîne with a yoke of nylon marquisette, high- lighted with a bertha of French lace. The long sleeves were pointed at the wrist. A bustie bow lent interest to the back of the gown. A headdress of orange blossoms held ber full length net veil and she carried a cascade nosegay of red rosettes, white car- nations and hyacinths with satin streamers. Her jewellery was a single strand of pearîs. The maid-of-honour, Miss Edi Metes, was gowned in ligbt'green taffeta desîgned with a fully gath- ered hoop skirt. A rou nd neck- line and short puff sîceves styled the fitted bodice. The other at- tendants, Mrs. Bernard Reid and Mrs. Jack Morton, were both in orchid nylon over taffeta styled similarly to that of tbe maid-of- honour. They wore cloche bats of green velvet with ostrich tips and single strands of pearîs. The flower girl, little Miss Sharon O'Dell, niece of the bride, wore pink georgette styled with a full hoop skirt. Small flowens trim- med ber cloche bat of green velvet and she wore the bride's gift, a gold locket and chain. Al the attendants carried nosegays of spring flowers with streamers to match their gowns. Little Danny Tucker, nepbew of the bride, acted as page boy. Mr. Stewart Jarvie was best man and the ushers were Mr. Jack Husband Jr. and Mr. Maurice Preston, brother of the bride- groom. A reception was held in the Piccadilly Roomn of the -Hotel Genosha. To receive ber guests the bride's mother wore grey lace over satin with black accessories. She was assisted by the bride- groom's mother who was in navy blue crepe with matcbing acces- sonies. Both wore corsages of pink roses and feather carnations. Daffodils, tulips and carnations decorated the bride's table wbicb was centered witb a tbree-tier wedding cake set in pink tulle and flanked with taîl tapers. The toast to the bride and bridegroom was proposed by Mr. Allen Preston and responded to by the bride. groom. Mr. Stewart Jarvie pro- posed the toast ta the bride's at- tendants wbicb was responded to by Mr. Jack Husband. Later Mr. and Mrs. Preston left for a wedding trip to Montreal and other points east and upon their return will reside in Bow- manville. For travelling the bride chose a brown silk velvet two- piece dress with winter white ac- cessories and a brown fur top- coat. Her corsage was Talisman roses and daffodils. Guests were present from Tor- onto, Bowmanville, Enniskillen, Orono, Peterborougb, Frankford, Ontario. The bride's gifts to ber attend- ants were gold compacts; to the page boy, a wrist watcb. The bridegroom's gift to the bride was a cedar chest; to the best man,' a silver initialled cigarrete case; to the ushers, pen and pencil sets. INTERNATIONAL NICKEL OFFICIALS REPORT THAT... Deliveries in 1950 were at record level for any peace-time year, and it is expected that a new high level of production will be estab- lished in 1951. Selling at about $41.00, the Stoek yields ap- proximately 4.9171 on current dividend of $2.00 per share. Direct wire connections with ail principle markets. Complete Board Roomn Facilities. Account carried on a conservative margin basis. MR. WALTER F. MEPHAM, Manager 664 Queen St. Niagara Falls, Ontario Telephones - 3160 and 3161 PARTNERS: MEMBERS: 1. H. Crang Toronto Stock Exchange L. L Mason E D. cott Calgary Stock Exchange L. L Maion E D. coti Vancouver Stock Exchange A. C. Hubbs E. T. Pointon, C.A. Winnipeg Grain Exchange Check That Sore Throat! Aniibioiic Lozenges1 "Cillenta"-penicllin lozenges. regular form--------- bottie 85e Rexali Penicillin Troches, spearmint flavoured, bottie $1. "Pondets"-penicillln lozenges, cherry flavored -- bottie $1.25 Penicillin Chiewing Gum ----- ---- pkg. 50e NOXZEMA Medicaf.ed 3-Way Shave J.. Under lather-medicated base. 2. Brushless Shave- lather flot needed. 3. After Shave- cooling, soothing. Special 50c size for only - 25c Toni Special Offer! $3.50 Value for oniy $2.79 -Toni Refi Kit- value $1.25 -Toni Spin Curlers - value $2. -Toni Creme Rinse - value 25c Ail for only - $2.79 Cough Drops Rexail A.S.A. Cough Drops, containg 1/8 gr. acetylsalicylic acid in each to bring quick relief.- pkg. 15e Vick's Medicated Drops --15o Boots Bronchial Lozenges ------------ pkg. 50c Boots Cherry Cough Pastilles ---------------pkg. 40e Meloids------------------ pkg. 35e For Upset Stomnach ! BISMA - REX Helps neutralize excess acidity within a few minutes-leaves a soothing protective covering on irritated stomach membranes. 4-oz. 90c 16-oz. $2.15 TIFFANY HAND CREAM -Softetnx -Beautifies -Protects Keeps hands lovely despite winter winds --- $.2n5 Fast -Cold and Headache Relief! A-Sa-Rex Tablels -disintegrate -effective in neunagic or 36's 35ç swiftly. relieving neuritic pains. Io0's 65C JURY & LOVELL When We Test Eyes It fi Done Properly YOUR REXALL DRUG STORE PHONE 778 BOWMANVILLE MEMORIAL ARENA Cu-stome rà' Corner At this tinie each year we honor our founder, George Huntington Hartford, who gave us this basic pollcy: "'Aiwayu do what la honest, fair and sineere and in the best lu- teresta of our eustouers." Today, as In our first store 92 years ago, the men and women of .A&P Ertrive constantly to live up to that policy. If we ahould ever faau to do so, please let us know. Please write: Customer Relations Dept. A&P Food Stores, 135 Laughton Avenue, Toronto, Onit. GRAND OPENING of the NEWCASTLE COMMUNITY Mo nday, FeIbruary 26dm, 1951 ai 8 p.m. FEATURE.AT TRAC TIO0NS:- The Honorable Major John Foote, V.C. The Honorable W. A. Goodfellow John James, M.P. Turk Broda, Danny Lewicki,- Bill Barilko and Tim DaIy of the Toronlo Maple Leafs. Figure Skating Two 0.H.A. Hockey Teams from the Lakeshore League Dowmanville vs. Port Hope. - ORONO BAND IN ATTENDANCE ADMISSION - - - - Aduli s $1.00 Children in allendance wilh parents - 25c m -----Umuqm TRURSDAY, FEB. 13th, 1951 THE CANADIAN SIrATESMAN, BOWMANVILILE, ONTARTO -- PACM imamm Wae &c fee . 0 4 p 1

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