91 "Rugir PAGE TWZLVIS M History of Curling il Dowmanville Dates Back One Hundred Years Club Won Ontario Tankard in 1879 'It's a long time since this paper the Ontario Silver Tankard, w has had any local news about ning from Gaît Club. We reg curling, for it must be going on we are unable to give the nan nearly 50 years ago that the1 of the rinks who won this hor Bowmanvilie Curling 'IinIk was for Bowmanville. dismantled. But this week you 1880-Port Hope won theC will notice the sport pages of The taria Tankard with Bowmanvi Statesman are bubbling over withl being runners-up. Photos of the remankable record 1882-Toronto Caledoniansw mem'bers of the Oshawa Curling the Ontario Tankard and agi Club have accomplisbed. Bowmanville was runners-up. As there are twelve citizens It wiîî, therefore, be seen fri tram Bowmanvilie wbo beiong these officiai statistics that Bo ta the Oshawa Curling Club we manville playefan importanta teel we are justified in rejoicing successful part in the eanly d. and ceiebrating with aur neigh- wben curling first came ii bars on this occasion. It's an out- vogue in Ontario nearly one hur standing record which bas neyer red years ago. been accomplished before in the For the information of1 75-year bistory of the Ontario present generation and newco Curling Associ ation wben the ers to aur town the curling ri Oshawa Club was the tirst club was located in the flats south to win the double honor of cap- Vanstone's Mill on the east si turing the Ontanio Sîlver Tankard of the creek. The centre surfE and the Governor-Generai's Tra- was used for skating and on eil pby the samne year. Bowman- er side was a surface for curlii Viiie's representative on the latter At the north end of the rink m rink was Ex-Mayor W. R. Strike a gailery. who bas been responsible in re- This rink was burned doi cent years in interesting a num- around the early 90s and anotl ber of local men in joining the was erected later on the same' Oshawa Club. cation. The populanity of Il This year the dozen local mea winter sport waned with the paý Who belang ta the Oshawa Curl- ing of the aid curlers who wE ing Club are E. C. Rehder, R. L. mostly Scotch. Beiths, McMurtr: Mitchell, Dr. Norman Allia, W. McTavisbs, McKays. Mooreraf R. Stnike, George Moody, L. W. Tods, Davidsons, Murdocks, IV Dippell, E. M. Crawford, Joe Dougalls, McConnachies and ct O'Neill, Ben Kitson, Wilfred Kit- ens. son, W. S. Cotton and Gea. Vinish. The only cunlen of that vinta The editor of The Statesman was stili residing in town is Gorci also a member until this . year Beith who inhenited the love when he had ta watch the game curling at an eanly age tram tram the gallery due ta bis ne- father. Duncan Beith. Probab cent iliness. the most famous local rink Looking back into local curling those days was the Beith Rink history we find Bowmanville was four brothes-Dr. Alex Beil among the tirst towns in Ontario skip; James, Duncan and RabE to have a curling club, tormed Beith. (the latter wbo becar about 1850, ut one hundred Senator and was international juss go famous as a breeder of Hackri yearsago.and Clydesdale hanses). In John Stevenson's book "Cur- The curling rinkxvas eventual ling in Ontario," issued by the On- sold to Senator Beith wbor tario Curling Association, we find moved the building ta Waver these interesting facts: Stables, which housed many 1859-First Canadian Bonspiel bis cbampionship horses. TI was held on Toronto Bay. Bow- building stili stands on the A manville entered four rinks and derson Farm on Westmount. Newcastle twa inks. Looking back aven the yea 1868 - Bowmanville Curling curling was apparently pushi Club joined the Canadian Branch aside by the younger sportii of the Royal Caiedonian Curling element wbo were slowly b Club'%f Scotland. sureiy, being converted tro 1875 - The Ontario Curling shinny, on the open spaces Clubs separated from the above Vanstone's Pond and at the EIe Canadian Brancb and tormed the trie Light pond ta hockey. Fi Ontaria C u rli ng Association i the early 90s the old Dri which the Bowmanvilie Club Shed, on Centre St., at the hie joined. Competition was started of Carlisle Ave. now, was usE for the Ontario Silver Tankard. each winter for ice skating, tan( 1879-Bowmanvilie Club won dressed carnivals and hockey, ui gret mes non On- ille won om and .ays into ind- the oni- .ink Iof ide face 1ih- .ng. was ,wn her lo- this a55- rere rys, THE CAKADIAN STATESMAN. EOWMANVIIZ ONTARIO Oshawa Curling Club Wins Double Hon ors f ts, Scoring victories over Fergus and Kingston at the Victoria Club in Toronto, Feb. feated Hampton 15-i. Courtice Me- , had littie trouble puiling the wir th- 2, two rinks from the Oshawa Curling Club brought the Ontario Silver Tankard, Ontario S and most of the boys added points premier double-rink curling prize, to the Oshawa Club for the first time in the 75-year to their own personal scoring lists age history of the Ontario Curling Association. Oshawa's Tankard representatives are shown with Bob Johnson picking up ion above, lef t to right, kneeling: Bert White, AI. Morrison, Dr. Andy Harding and Dr. John four goals. The game wasn't as of one-sided as might appear witi2 his Brock, skip. Standing: Angus Barton, "Bud"Moore, "Fard" Canning and AI. Parkhill, skip. McCabb having a good night in ýbly In Friday's games, W. J. Brownlee replaced Dr. A. W. Harding on Dr. Brock's rink. the Courtice nets and Hampton, of althaugh pressing most of the of time couldn't seemn to get in a et scoring way until late in the thirci Tht er eo ndgmdasacoe Li hecnd afam wcahcgave-h îey goalies an easy night of it. The -' C.O.F. however manged to sinIk four against the Combines twc re- and thus kept tied with Courtice of for first place. rhe With just one game left apiece Inf- in the schedule the C.OF. and Courtice are tied with eight points .ar for first place and the Combines ars f and Hampton are tied with twc ing points. of Cowling's Team For Def eats Grif finites ad In Forester League ied With playoffs only four weeks .in- away the big question in Forester bowling seems to be-Will Mur- ray Cowling's team catch the league-likling Griffin's team? Cari Schwarz's team bhas pretty well naiied down third place and Levett's teamn is conceded the cel- ian spot. Last week the Cowling teamn took ail five points form Griffin's team. In the f irst game it was nip and tuck with only 47 pins separating tbem but in the sec- ond game with Murray Cowling and Tom Masterson leading the way they reaily trounced the league leaders. Biaékie Black- burn bit 288 in the first game and only needed 165 in the second Oshawa's representatives in the Governor-General's Cup completed the grand game to have the high double thîs slam by winning the coveted trophy in competition against curlers from the Toronto year, now held by Everett King. Granite and Wingham Cur)Iing Clubs at the Granite Club in Toronto. It xvas the first Blackie's score was 116. time in the history of the Ontario Curling Association that both the Ontario Silver Tan- Both Levett and Schwarz's teamn were short-handed but Mac- kard and Govennor-General's Cups have be en won on the same day by one club. Osh- Dougal, Tbompson and Snowder. awa's "District Cup" (Governor-General's Cup) cunlers are shown, lef t to right, kneeling: were enough to win the five points Bill Minett, skip, and Rev. Father J. C. Pereyma, skip. Standing: Johnny Morrison, Bob and solid]y entrench them in third Walker, Ross Strike (Bowmanville), Geo. Campbell, Gord Henderson and AI. Webster. place well ahead of Levett's team. Actually on papen Jim Levett's In Friday's games, Eldon Kerr replaced "Bu d" Walker on the Minett rink. ta stems aeflo i -Courtesy Oshawa Times-Gazette four teams but they are not turning out. Perbaps when the til this huge trame building be- - playoffs corne around they will caeth iti fa ieofu-psHpFr 1h Iond lqace ~but it must be remembered that knawn origin. yP~~ ~ ifu~ou have ta have 10 games bowl- Su ch i.9 the glorious history.of e ed to le eligible for the playoffs. culngi Bowmanville which ]B yTron c g Port H p Redme Jean Haynes reralhd faded out anound the tura of thefo et'seanndwu p century, but is now beîng neju- with a total of 50. Nice going, vinated by aur curling enthusi- With the puck bouncing anound booley got his second penalty of Jean, you are now tops in the asts being taken under the win'g like ýL nabbit spninkled with itch- the season 16 seconds later,'but lemon league. of Oshawa Curling Club wvhich ing powder, and with Arena he came back to score at 10:53 af- Tom Masterson lias moved up has one of the finest eight-rink "frost" almost as sof t as the sluzh ter a determined drive in camp- front ini the high averages witiî artificial curling rinks in Can- on Front Street during the necent any with winger Moore and two weeks of extra good bowl- ada. mild speli, Mike's Imperials hand- defenceman Dianne. Gilhooley ing but Jack Kitson, Murray Cow- ed Port Hope Redmen a 12-6 counted again at the 11:24 mark ling and Blackie Blackburn are drubbing in the local hockey pal- on a pass tramn Moore. Bowman- close behind. In the next four Port Hope Cagers ace Monday evening. ville's Ron Lintner scored twa weeks it shouid be a close battie VVi StongFinsh iheIm's ourpoit wn oehin the last haîf of the second stan- for the high avenages and the Win Stong FiishaTefid Satourdayi cobin oed za ta end Imperials goal-getting. right to represent Bowmanville verB.HS. enirs ithtetwopotu viycovier Douglas, for Port Hope, banged in the bowling tournament at OverB.____Seiors__ theden, oosnts oavlehome his team's ione tally at Ajax in April. the edmn, bost Bowanvlle14:56. Part Hope High Schooi's senior ta the second nung of the hockey oadtend fthtir basketball team handed the local ladder with 27 points. Bowman- Toadtendothtir The Ontario Society for Crip- Isenior inter-scholastic club a 39- ville and Lindsay wiil clash Lzi period, Hoy of the Redmen took pled Cbiidren has district offices 32 trîmming in Port Hope Thurs- semni-final play offs while Port a deliberate slash at Trimm which in Ottawa, Cobourg, York, Ham- day aftennoon in an exhibition tilt Hope meets league-winning Co- resulted in flying fists and the ilton, Geongian Bay, London, which has no bearing on league bourg. meting out of major penalties to Kirkland Lake, Niagara Penîi- stadin. Bcaue he ce as n porthe offenders. The penalties came sula, Fort William and Windsor. saning. ywh cmeup cdiionthe iMonda oke ix- orat 19:45 and the duo joined Use'Easter Seas-Heip Crippled Iva *ollywh cae p ondinture evs so ad sokpy ex- Dionne and Douglas in the sinbin. Children. tram the juniars ta play a gaine uewsalo mdlpyex The third frame opened with in senior cornpany, chalked up hibition of golf shots with aIl at- each- team icing three men and a four ponts for the loalas while tempts at smooth passîng comn- goalie-the rest were stili sitting junior team-mates Bob Martyn binations blocked by an uneven out penalties-and Port Hope and Gord Ritter remained score- ice surface. Don Gîlhooley, Ron turned the tables on the locals at less. Ted Dadsan was the big Lintner and brother, Tod, were 3:55 ta score their second goal of gun for the locals ini defeat, scor- Imperial marksmen. the evening. Casey made the ing 15 points with Frank Mohun Imps Score Flrst counter on a pass from Kelly. 1 The first quarter xvas Slow- for the locals on a pass from Buck when Giihooley and Trimmn founci moving baIl that saw each teamn Cowle, and as Graham the Pont the corded backstop for couniters, pot one basket, but Part Hope Hope goalie feli ta block the golf- and at the 10-minute mark Bo,-&,N seniors got hot and jumped into shot. Lintner's stick caught him manville led 10-3. Port Hope's a four point lead. At the haîf, on the cheek and ripped it ta the third taily was scored by Kelly at the score was tied 16-16, accord- extent that it required four out- 9:47. ine ta the score book, wvith Dad- ward and two înward stitches. The balance of the game tic-L son netting 10 of the B.H.S. points. The goalie ieft the nets ta seek longed ta the Redmen as far as At the end of the third quar- miedical attention and after a 10- scoring is concerned. They out- LNE ter, Bovmanville led the Hillsid- minute pause the game got under- scored th~e locals 5-4 in the tbird 43 KING. ST. W. ers 25-23 but Port Hope turned in way with Donoghue in the net. peniod with Hoy, Kelly and Hes- an etcredtefot a foge1 ea Ron Lintner, on a pass from sen netting the last three tallies. gg aduscrthloas6-7 in the brother, Tod, scored the second For the Imperials, Tod Lintner CHK R S last quarter ta emerge the victors. Imps' counter at 15:21, and Roy and Ron Lintner closed off the ECK THES Ithe last few minutes of Play, Trimm, who later eanned two scornfg in the game.* STORAGJ Poxr Hpesharpetshors pote.maors for fighting, banged home Tnim got bis second major nt *ATM six apidbasets or 2 ponts thethir Bomanvlietalî at17:35 in tbe third when, as it ap- .EE PotHp' "ede ruwin un- 18-02. Port Hope went scoreîess peared, he clipped Baker wbo was* E RS leashed a terrifie series of long in*tbe finst trame. attempting to bold him to the shots ta pave the way ta vxctory. aFor ori Front Street Batties Goodyear Ail-Stars Protesting that they were short- timed, the Front Street tearn went down to bitter defeat at the hands of the Goodyear Ail-Stars an Thursday night to the tune of 6-5. The game was played ini Bowmanville Arena. Atter a great deai of discussion it was decided ta play again on a later date. This game was played as plr schedule and after holding a 6-3 lead at hait time the Front Street boys began to weaken and the Rubber Aces, backed by D. Furey tied it up with just minutes lef t in the game. The final score 7-7. It was a good game ail the way with the Une of Bud Perfect L. Hamilton and B. Lyle doing mast of the torward work for the Good- year while C. Kilpatrick, B. Per- fect and H. Lunney made up the highest sconing Une on the Front Street team. These two teams wiil be seeing more action in the near future down at aur Memoniai Arena, Courtice Wins 15 - 1 Against Hampton lIn Rural League Wednesday night saw the Rur- ai League in action again in the Orono Arena. Lorraine McFarlaii Heads Ladies' Lg. The scores really have im. proved for many in the second haîf. There has been a 300 game now for the last tbree weeks. This week tbe bonored game goeair ta Lorraine McFarlaae with 307. 'ý Lorraine aiso takes high triple of 659. Who will get the 300 game next week? Who knaws-it may be you. The next best game was 287 for Sylvia Bucknell. Really, girls, the 200 games and over are tao numerous ta men- Kinsmen Cagers Win Over Oshawa Ini Speedy Game The Kinsmen sponsored inter- mediate "C" basketbali team tightened their hold on second place in the Lakeshore League Wednesday eveniag when they defeated an outclassed Oshawa team 47-34 in the B.HS. gym. Although the "Figbting Irish" put up a determined defensive effort in tbe first haif, tbey were no match for the sbarp-eyed for- wards on the Witherspoon-coach- ed aggregation. At the haif the score was 27-20 in favor of the locals. Rae Rundie with 14 points and Jack Ross with eight, dam- inated tirst haif sconing for Bow- manvile intermediates. The second stanza was similar in pattern with the locais hitting the boap for 20 points whiie hold- ing the opposition ta 14. For Osh- awa. Mackness with il was high man while Phillips and Sturch netted six apiece, and Gedge potted five. Ralph McIntyre, stalwart guard for the local bail club, bit a scor- ing run and rammed home five points with Bob Gailagher getting four and Jake Brown twa, ta add ta the 36 point effort staged by the Ross-Rundle-Sullivan for- ward uine. Don Stutt and Rolly Coombes worked in well with the locals as did Ron Mooncraf t. Bowmanville: Ross 12, Sullivan 9, Rundle 15, Gallagher 4, McIn- tyne 5, Coombes. Brown 2, Stutt, Moorcraft. Total: 47. Oshawa: Pbillips 6, Mackness 11, Gedge 5, Booth 4, Sturch 6, Harreli 2. Total: 34. j-AMADAN SPORTS PARADE n mu.' "Mie W HEN Captain Matthew Webb swamt the English Channel an August 24-25th, 1875, he certainly started something. From that day ta, this, maay of the finest swimmers in the world have plunged into the chilly stretch of water, ready ta battie the swift currents and tr'acherous tides. Captain Webb swamn from Dover,' England, ta Cape Gris Nez, France, (about 19 miles), in 21 hours and 45 minutes. He was the first swimmer ta cross the English Channel under his own power. On August 6th, 1926, Miss Gertrude Ederle of the United States startled the world by accomplishing the Channel crossing in 14 hours and 34 minutes (a record which still stands for %vomnea), and sinee that time nearly haif of the successful attenîpts have been *made by the distaif side. Janadian Ederle? - Aitter a dozen years of ç jIchampionship competi- tion at the C.N.E. and - elsewhere, a Canadian housewif e has decided ta :, take up the challenge fi the icy Channel. Last week, Mns. Winnie Roach Leuszler of North York (Toronto) announced ber intention of swimming the 21 miles from Cape Gris Nez ta the white ciffs of Dover. If Mrs. Leuszler is successful, she will become the firet Canadian wornan ta join the swimming greats of the Dover Patrol'. Apparently the trip la best accomplished during August or September. and the feat caîls for a neat sense of timing and endurance (due ta the tides and currents) as well au swimming ability. For ber ta swim the Channel has been a family ambition since Mrs. Leuizier was a littie girl,.lier father and coach, Eddie Roach, lias bcen set on the idea ever since Winnie was big enougb to make a splash entering the water. and next summer his dream may corne true when she attcmpts the fanious crossing. No doubt, at times. ln the months of training ta corne. the twenty-one miles from France ta England will seern much farther to Wtýiinie Leuszlcr than tbcy did ta Adolph Hitler in 1941, but then, the 'Superman' lacked courage. Hockey Hon eymoon It's likely a good thing tînt so many members of the Toronto MNaple Leaf hockey teani are already mar- ried. Imagine what would have happened if, say, Ted Kennedy, Turk Broda. Tod Sloan and several other Leafs had been bachielors a week or so aga and had decided ta join Centre IL IETO E:FEIÀ 'E ONEMI kTIC DEUI STAMPED 'ice en PlI Johnny McCormack ln a multiple weddingl Then, the Pittsburg Hornets would have been able ta swamp the AHI. witb a parade of dazcd but dazzling talent, for at least a week or two. decided ta spring for the McCormack honeymoon trip (a passing view of S Nia gara Falls), the inci- dent bas tbrown new .light on the persanal lufe of a professional hockey player. In a profession wbich offerasos mucb ini the manner of lame and reward. it seems fortunate that a younger player cao leave even the date of bis wedding ta the Management. This must relieve thîe rookie', mind ta a large extent, and necessarily improve his game. TIhe fact that even the honey- inoon arrangements can be safely le-.t ta the. front office. only adide ta the merit af the system. However, McCormack's Pittsburg trip may in the end prove costly ta tbe Leafs. But at least the Major won't have ta waste words in wiring the lanky Centre ta corne back. The telegram could read: 'The boncymoon is aven', Comlng Event The big attraction in skiing circles tbis week is the Canadian Ski Cham- pionships bcing held at Camp Fotn in the Gatineau IBibis. on Frb. 17-18. Sponsored by the Ottawa Ski Club. ' the tournament %Nill see the nation's top skiers competing in cron5s coInt ry and jumping events. If you're booking for spine-tingling sport thrilbs, b rccommiend 3,ou be on the skiing grounds at Ç'amrp Fortune this coming week end. Maybe l'Il be eebing you. CONTRACT& FIVE YEARS TARK OIL LTD. OSHAWA PHIONE 58 LTURES:- ILLION GALLONS. VERY. TICKET. -Phono Tour Local Ageni 1LUDBING AND HEATING ERS INSTALLEDp Bowmanvils .4ýl7 Team Standing Etcher.------- ------ . 23 Carter - --- 2 Brock *-. - ----- 21 Hoaper -------- -------- -- 18 Coole -----------. Barclay - --------------- ---17 Joli ---- 16 Burns --- --- --- --- 13 Loekhart - --------------- 12 Courtice ----------------------- 7 Hlgh Averages Kay Beauprie .- --.195 Jaekie Elliott ------ ---- 190 Sylvia Bucknell 190 Kay Stephens --- 188 Doris Joll - - -187 Ada Luxtonf-------- 85 Mei McNulty ----- 185 Vi Coale ----------------------- 181 Bern Carter ------- --- -180 Hilda Brock --------- - 179 Helen Piper -----178 Norma Gay ---------- 177 Hazel Davis 175 Lola Wright- 173 Onie Etcher 172 Lil PhilliPs -------170 il