> e"' ~ ý"" q'u EAN'AnUM S <lA77EUANW nWMAWVTT.?.NTARIO .THUMRDAT, Ml. lSth, 1841 FAGE I'OURTEM~- aic.wa. aa~c.~ . .. ~L L R AD E BRING YOUR PYCS N MESSAGE BE FOREi/ f ?6 L AE-IMU 12,000 READERS BIRTHS BARTON-Mr. and Mrs. Douglas D. Barton, 94 Hillcrest St., Osh- awa, are happy to announce the arrivai of a son on Wed., Feb. 14, 1951. A brother for Ellenor, Clifford and Colleen. 7-1 BRIDGES-Mr. and Mrs. Byron E. Bridges wish to announce the arrivaI of their son, Paul James, at Bowmanville Hospital on Mon- day, Feb. l2th, 1951. A brother for David. 7-1* DOYLE-Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Doyle (nee Doreen Jeffery) are happy ta announce the birth of their daughter, Mary Ann, in Bowmanville Hospital on Monday, February l2th, 1951. 7-1 MAR11IDRIAGE ALLIN-ALDWORTH-At Tyrone parsanage on Saturday, Jan. 27, 1951, by Rev. J. D. Lute, Mary AIma, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Aldworth, Cour- tice, was united in marriage with Cyril Wesley Allun, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Allun, Bow- mnanville. 7-1 DEATHS COWAN - At Bowmanville Hos- pital on Saturday, February 10, 1951, Thomas Cowan, Orono, be- ioved husband of Martha Colville, in his 86th year. Service was heid at the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowmanville, an Monday, February l2tb at 2:30 p.m. In- terment Bowmanville Cemetery. 7-1 PYE-In Toronto on Thursday, February 8th, 1951, at the re- sidence of her daughter, Mrs. J. A. Stainton, Laura Pye, beloved wife of the late John Pye and dear mother of Florence, (Mrs. J. A. Stainton) of Toronto, and Howard, Enniskillen, aged 93 yZears. Funerai fromn the North- cutt & Smith Funeral Chapel, Bawmanville, Saturday, February lth. Interment Hampton Cerne- tery. 7-1 JOINT-In Bowmanville Hospital, on Sunday, February ilth, 1951, Edwin Joint, beloved husband of the late Louise Joint and dear father of Edith and Harvey, in his 7th year. Funeral fromn Northcutt & Smith Funeral Chapel, Bowmanville, Wednesday, February l4th, 1951, at 2:30 p.m. Interment Bowmanville Cemetery. 7-1 IN MEMORIAM HAYNES-In loving memory of a dear Father and Grandpa, Thomas Haynes, who passed away Feb. l4th, 1949: Calm and peaceful he is sleeping, Sweetest rest that follows pain; We who loved him sadly miss him, But trust in God ta meet again. -Sadly missed by bis son Lorne, Daisy, Jean and Ronnie. 7-1* HENNNG-In loving mnemary of Clarence Henning, who passed away February th, 1944: Deep in our hearts lies a picture, 0f a dear one laid ta rest. In memory's frame we shahl keep it Recause he was one of the best. -Ever remembered by Mother. Dad, Sisters and Brothers. 7-If THOMPSON-Tn loving memnory of Wesley N. Thampson, who passed away Feb. 13, 1945: -Ever remembered by bis wife and family. 7-1 CARDS 0F THANKS I wish ta thank aIl friends and neighboqIrs who were sa kind ta me, sending cards and fruit, wbile my stay with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Maynard and Mrs. Joe McRoberts durîng my illness. Mrs. W. Miller. 7-1 The Women's Auxiliary Mcm- orial Park wish ta thank the following for prizes danated ta euchre: Pat Yco, Percy Cowling, Mrs. Bagneli, Crystal Dairy, Mrs, Jewell, Mrs. Dadsan, Mason & Dale and Mr. Bob Churchill. 1 7-1 ' trix bve not receivcd notice w~ill be barred. Dated at Bowmanville, Ont, February 6th, 1951. NINA E. NEADS, 9%½ King Street, East. Bowmanville, Ontario. Administratrix for the Estate ai Thomas Hughes. 4-31 COMING EVENTS Kinsmen Bingo-Don't miss the Kinsmen Bingo on Monday, Feb. 26th. 7-2 Old time dance, Newtonville Hall, Feb. 16. Admission 50c. Ladies lunch free. 7-1* Goodyear Recreation C 1 u b Smoker Saturday, Feb. i7th, at 7:30 p.m. Members free, non- members 50c. Refreshments. 7-1 Aftcrnoon tea and home cook- ing at the home of Mrs. L. T. Mc- Laughlin, 3 ta 6 p.m., Friday, Feb. 16, 25c, auspices of ladies of St. Andrews Presbyterian Church. 6-2* Oshawa Happy Doubles present Minstrel Review '51 at Bowman- ville High School on Thursday, March 8th. Sponsored by Country Couples Club. Admission 50c. 7-i The annual birthday party of the Ladies' Hospital Auxilîary will be held at the nurses' resid- ence Thursday, March 29th, fromn 3 - 6 p.m. Everybody welcome. 7-i Came and see the Kodachrome Slides in the Town Hall, Friday, Feb. 23rd, at 8 p.m. Comments by Mr. Bunting an sbrubs, flow- ers and gardens. Sponsored by St. C.W.L. Refreshments. Ad- mission 35c. 7-j* Came ane, Came ahl! ta Solina, Feb. 23rd. Modemn and old-time dancing far everyone, under the auspices of Sauina Football Club. Tell your friends and bring a carlaad. The date-Friday, Feb. 23rd. The place-Solina Schoal. 7-i * Monster Cash Bingo -In the Newcastle Community Hall on Thursday evening, February 22. 50c admission price pays for two games and jackpot. Extra games: Share-the-Wealth and Door prize. Jack Pot now $60.00. Proceeds for Lions welfare work. 7-2 Jerùsalemn Lodge wili hold Mts annual "At Home" in B.H.S. aud- itorium Friday, February 23rd, at 8 p.m., with program, refresb- ments and dancing planned. Dress optional. Members of the craft are welcome. Tickets available from Lodge officers. 7-i Wanted DESPARATELY needed-4 or 5 roams or exchange for 5-roomed hause in Peterborough. Phone 3504 evenings. 7-i Farmers Attention!1 WE will be pleased ta pick up dcad or crippled farm animals and pay highest prevailing prices. For immediate service Telephone Collect, Taranto Empire 3-3636 or Cabourg 1266W, Gardon Young Ltd. 7-42 Custom Worlc CHAIN- sawing and circular ing donc., Circular saw on tor, anc minute ta move. Wright, Phono 2145. saw- trac- Fred 6i2* Applications Wanted Township of Cartwright APPLICATIONS will be received at the office of the undersignod for the position of Assessar for the Municipality of the Township of Cartwright for the year 1951. Applicants will please state age, place of rettidence, qualifications. and the amount per assessment ta asscss under the aid systemn, and how much per assessment will bc expectcd ta do tbe extra work ta help ta set up the new method of assessment. The measliring buildings, etc. for the new systcm may be donc aver a pcriad of two ycars. There are 1025 assessments an the 1950 raIl. Ahl applications mnust be post- markcd or dlivercd at my office on or before Saturday, March 3rd. 1951. Lowcst or any application flot necessarily accepted. HENRY THOMPSON, Clerk-Treasurer, Township of Cartwright, Box 17, Blackstock. 7-2 Notice to Creditors AND OTHERS IN the Estate of CHARLES WESLEY ALDWORTH. ALL persans bavlng dlaims against the estate of Charles Wes- ley Aldworth, late of Whitby, On- tario, deceascd, who died on or about the 5th day of August, 1950, are horcby notificd ta send in ta the undersîgned Personal Repre- sentative of the said deceased on or before the 3lst day of Marcb, 1951, full particulars of their dlaims. Immediately after the saîd date the said Personal Repre- sentative will distribute the as- sets of the said deceased h"'ving regard anly ta dlaims of wnîch it shaîl then bave notice. DATED at Bowmanviile this 5th day of February, 1951. National Trust Company, Limited, '10 King St. East, Toronto, Ontario. Executor. By Lawrence C. Mason, 30 King Street West, Bowvmanville, Ont. Thei.r Solicitor herein. Articles For Sale 1934 FORD Coach, good condition. 28 Brown St., after 6. 7-1 SEE the new 1951 model baby carniages and cribs at Morris Co. 6-tf ONE pair skiis with poles and boots, size 6; also toboggan. Phone 631. 7-if 1939 PLYMOUTH Sedan, in good condition. Howard Pearce, New- castle. 7-2* HOOVER vacuum cleaner sales and service. Bowmanville Hydro, Dial 471. 54 RANGETTE, Acme, white porce- lain, A-i shape, like new, $25.00. Phone 953. 7-1* WE measure and instali finest quality venetian blinds. Phone Morris Co. 480. 5-tf MIXED baled hay, and one used Beatty pump and jack. Phone Clarke 1202. 7-1* DRY apple wood, cut in stove length, we deliver. Apply H. Schmid, Newcastle. 7-1* MINERAL-Quinte cattie minerai for artificial breeders. Vanstone Flour & Feed Mill. 7-2* USED skates sold and exchanged. Neat-way Shoe Repair, opposite Garton's Bus Station. 47-tf SUMMIT coal annex with water- front. Water tank and pipes with it. Apply 75 Liberty St. N. 7-l* DOOR Mirrors installed on any size door. Immediate delivery. Phone 772, Hay & Hetherington. 5-3* FIVE-in-One wood working mach- ine. Lathe, ýaw, drill press, gig- saw and sander. Phone 2442. 7-1 1941 PONTIAC Sedan, 25 series. Motor, tires, upholstery good. New license. Phone 2386, M. Burgess. 7-1 * BUOKET seat for 1950 Chev. Panel truck, like new. Apply Charlie Lubsen, Blackstock. 7-1* 1937 CHEV. Standard Coach, in- terior and body in good shape. Bargain. Phone 3504 evenings. 7-1 CEDAR posts and hydro poles; aiso No. 1 Timothy hay, baled or loose. Phone Del. Whitney, Clarke 3112. 7-1 1941 PLYMOUTH 5-passenger Coupe, good condition, best offer takes it. Stanley Allun, R.R. 1, Orono. 7-if MIXED hardwood, $17.00 per cord, re-sawed to one foot lengths. Neil Curtis, Pontypool. Phone Orono 81r10. 7-2 CONGOLEUM, Rexoleum and in- laids available in many patterns, in yard goods. Large selection in rug sizes at Morris Co. 6-tf FACTORY sample chesterfield suites, in large selection of cov- erings at big reductions. Sec these specials at Morris Co. 6-tf FLOOR and Wall Tule neatly in- stalled. A range of 20 beautiful colours to choose from. Phone 772. Hay & Hetherington. 5-3* POTATOES-Specializing in No. i top quality potatoes, waxed turnips, onions. Order your sup- ply now. Doug, Curl, 5 Nelson St., Bowmanville. 2-tf CONGOLEUM Gold Seal Rugs, ~yard goods and hall runners; Rex- oleum Deluxe 2 and 3 yards wide, yard goods at budget prices. Phone 451, Walker Stores. 23-tf OLIVER Smalley hatchet milîs for grinding cob corn and grain, al- f alfa or sheat corn. Order your equipment now for spring, it may be hard to get.« Virtue's Garage, Tyrone, Phone 2882. 6-2* ART'S CAR MARKET, 175 King Street, West, Bowmanville, Ont. Home of Better Deals on Better Cars. Phone 2148. Open from 9 arn. to 9 p.m., Monday through Friday. Saturday until 6 p.m. Cash, Trade and Easy Terms. ALL kinds of meat, good quality wieners, bologna, cooked hams, smoked hams and bacon, sausage and hamburger, Darlington Abat- toir, Hampton. Phone 3243; also pickllng, smoking and sausage making. During the summer months - hog killing on Tues- days and cattie at any time. - # -3a-tL Articles For Sale 1 Real Estate For Sale1 ONE used DeLavai milker; anec Vâed Farmahl H; one used Johrn Ieere AR; one used coal annex; one used Quaker space beater; one 7' new ehectric refrigerator; one 9' new electric refrigerator; one new farm wagon for rubber tires. See the combination Deep( Freeze and Refrigerator. W. H.( Brown, Case Dealer, Phone 497. 7-i BRAND new 6 li2 cu. ft. Norge refrigerator, slightly scratcbed in shipping, reg. $314.50, for $275.00. Trade -in Kelvinator refrigerator, $125.00. One only new Westing- bouse refrigerator, 7 eu. f t., $345. Terms, no interest, up ta 18 months ta pay. Trade-in Westing- bouse combination radio and1 phonagraph, 6 months aid, cost $239.00, sell for $175.00. New 4- burner ranges, $210.00. Murphy's, Phone 811. 7-1 SNOW TIRES Prepare for winter, have your own tires re-treaded in studded and sure-grip: 600 x 16 $11.45 650 x16 .$13.85 670 x 15 $12.55 550 x 17 $10.85 Truck 700 x20 $26.80 750 x20 ________$32.75 825 x 20 - -- $36.80 G. F. JAMIESON Tire Shop Bowmanville Phone 467 48-tf NEW John Deere, Model H, trac- tom drawn spreader, on floor ready ta go; new "44" two-furrow plow; 10 ft. and 61,' ft. tractor drawn cultivators, on rubber, set up now, ready for spring work; new1 F.B. grain drill wth fertîlizer and seed box, waiting for a chance ta sow the spring grain; new side rakes, combine, tillers, wagons and evemy other farm machine, same here and mast available for yaur every need. Drap in and see us or phone and we will visit you with facts, f igures and a smile. Buy now and save $$$$$$. F. S. Allen & Sons, open every day until il p.m. Phone 2833. 7-1 AUCTION SALE Being favoured with instruc- tions from Wm. E. Noble of East Wbitby, Township clerk, I wili seil by public auctian at 110 Park Rd. N., Oshawa, Saturday, Feb. l7th, at 1:30 p.m. sharp, the fol- lowing: Road Equipment 1 (1946) '/-ton Chevrolet Pickup Truck; 1 Chevrolet (Maple Leaf Truck); 1 Concrete Mixer; 1 Cen- trifugal Pump, 2" x2"; 25 feet hase; One Way Pîow and Hydrau- lic Pump; i Adams Leaning Wbeel Grader; 1 Adams Junior Grader. Tule Forms 36" 2 out, 4 inside 1 top 4 rings, 30" 2 out, 3 inside 1 top 3 rings, 15" 10 out, 8 inside i top 25 rings; 12" 6 out, 6 inside i top 9 rings; 6" 3 out, 1 inside 1 top 2 rings; one 500-gallon steel tank for1 water; tbree 16-foot gates. 1 Cernent Tule 11-15" tile; 24-36" tile; 30-30", tile; 50-6'" tue; 200-4" dlay tile. A number of used steel culverts 15" x 18" (good condition). Miscellaneous 150 feet of 1-inch hase; 14 picks; 18 shovels; 3 snow shovels; 4 axes;1 6 pails; i brush hook; 5 straw forks; 2 brushing snips; 1 pruning saw; 2 stable broams; 1 wbisk broom; 5 pairs rubber boots; 2 sets block and tackle; 6 lanterns with red globes: miscellaneous lengths reinfarcing steel. Office Equipment Clerk's desk, steel starage shelves and filing cabinet, mimeograph machine, tax office desk, police office desk, i swivel chair, wood- en cabinet, desk lamp, filing ce- mnet, steel (woad drawers); paper cup dispenser, 2 waste paper bas- kets, fîling cabinet, 2-drawer; add- ing machine. Many other articles too numer- ans ta mention. Terms cash.j For information contact Mr. W. Noble or Mm. Elmer Powell. Frank Stirtevant, auctioneer, Oshawa. 7-1 AIl druggists. 7-1 HYGIENIC SUPPLIES - (rubberi goods) mailed postpoid li plain . sealed envelape with prioe Hot.1 Six sampies 25c, 24 samples $1.00.j ,Mail Order Dept. T-28, Nav-Rub- ber Co, Box91 aftn Ont. MODERN HOME - This frame and stone bungalow has been shown in "Canadian Homes and Gardens" as one of the most live- able bouses of to-day. Its fire- place of ribbon stone in the liv- ing rooma is equalled in beauty only by the large "Windowali" overlooking a terrace. The din- ing room forms part of the living room and the adjoining kitchen boasts the very latest in cupboard design, incorporating the famous "Thor" built-in combination dish- washer and automatic iaundry. The three-piece tiled batbroomn has a large storage cabinet front- ed with a 40" plate glass mirror. Three large bedrooms with ample cioset space completes the main floor wbich has just been fully decorated. The partitioned basement is layed out to provide for a large recreation room, storage room, fruit cellar, work sbop and furn- ace room, and in here is the "Chrysler Airtemp" oul fired air conditioning unit. The lot is large and fully land- scaped, both front and back, with lawns and shrubs, and over three hundred beautiful bulbs ready ta come up at the first sign of spring. This bouse is financed under the N.H.A. plan and the total price is $11,600, requiring a min- imum down payment of $2,500 with monthly payments of $62.50. To see this dream home phone Mr. Hay at Bowmanville 772 any time before 5 p.m. 5-3* FOUR-room bungalow, hardwood floors, 3-piece bath, hot air furn- ace, garage. Phone 3460. Apply 18 Jane St. 7-1* EIGHT-room frame bouse. Ap- ply 57 Liberty St. S., Bowman- ville. 7-2* BEAUTIFUL modemn bungalow, distinctive styling, 3 bedrooms, tiled bathroom and kitchen, ex- ceptionally large living -room, first grade oak floors, fully decor- ated. Qil heating. Recreation room. Large lot with lawn and shrubs. Financed under N.H.A. Full price including lot $7,995. Phone 772 until 5 p.m. 5-3* NIXON REAL ESTATE Five-room brick dwelling, wired, storm windows and doors, hen bouse, garage, mail delivery, one acre, well; %/2-mile from scbool and churcb, flot far from Bow- manville, main road. $3,500. Termas. Frame dwelling not finished, 6 rooms, aIl conveniences, oul heat- ing. insulated, good size lot. $4,800. Terms. James Nixon, Broker 160 Liberty St. N., Bowmanville Phone 682 7-1* COOKE REAL ESTATE $6,700-Good 7-room brick house, bath, combination furiuce hot air and hot water, small garden. Taxes $50. immediate possession. $9,000-100 acres good land in Manvers Twp., 8-roomed brick bouse, double front rooms, 5 bed- rooms, sunporch, ahl fully insul- ated. Beautiful stream, 25 acres bush and pasture. Everything well kept outside and in. Hydro throughout. Possession March 1. Contact W .C. Evans Orono Phone 84-8 Representing EVELYN E. COOKE, Realtor Newcastle Phone Clarke A2621 7-1 BOWMANVILLE REAL ESTATE $l0,600-Seven-room brick home, on Lowe St., heavy wiring, new furnace, hardwood floors, etc. $4,750-Five-room home in Hamp- ton, on Main St., heavy wiring, full cellar. Possession arranged. $7,500-Grandview Lodge on East Beach, 10 rooms, furnished, 3-pce. bath, garage, room for cabins, large grounds. Immediate poss- ession. On St. George St., lot 80' x 224 /' excellent location, sewer, water, hydro. Ideal for ranch type home. Sacrifice price. Bowmanville Real Estate 78 King St. West J. ShehynPoe 36H. G. Gi After hours - 3514 7-1 Applications will be received by the undersigned up to 12 o'clock nmon, March lst, 1951, for Road Supt. for the Township of Dar- lington. Applicants to state age and experience. if any. J. D. HOGARTH, Notice Io Creditors AND OTHERS ALL PERSONS having dlaims against the Estate of LILLIAN HUGHES, who died on or about the 3th day of March, 1949, at the Town of Bawmanville, in the County of Durham, are required ta file the same with proof there- of with the undersigned Admin- istratrix, not later than February 24th, 1951, after which date the Estate will be distributed and ahl dlaims of wbich the Adminis- tratrix have not received notice will be barred. Dated at Bowmanville, Ont.. February 6th, 1951. NINA E. NEADS, 91i/2 King Street, East, Bowmanville, Ontario. Administratrix for the Estate of Lillian Hughes. 6-3 Help Wanted GIRL wanted ta help in kitchen1 at Bowmanville Hospital. Apply ta Superintendent. 7-1 CARPENTERS WANTED - First class trim men only. Bradford- Hoshal Ltd., c/a Memorial Hos- pital, Bowmanville, Ont. Phone Bowmanville 3331 or Port Hope 2823. 7-1 VACANCY - Rawleigb business now open in Bowmanvillc. Trade well established. Excellent oppor- tunity. Full time. Write at once. Rawleigh's Dept. ML-B-140-189, Montreal. 5-4 GIRL as mothcr's belp, new home in Toronto, private room, five evenmngs free and every other weekend free, no coaking. Phone Breslin's 854, Bowmanville. 7-1 Wanted To Buy RUG about 9' x 12', must be in good condition. Phone 2200. é 7-1 LOGS-hard maple, white ash, good plank. H. M. Kyte, Port Perry, Phono 193r14. 7-1 BEFORE selling your live poultry try us. Our prices are higher. M. Flatt, R.R. 1, Bethany, Phone 7 r 13, reverse charges. 51-tf SMALL farmi within 10 miles of Oshawa, good buildings and hy- dro, up ta 50 acres of land. Will pay cash. Mr. S. M. Prest, R.R. 1, Hampton, Phone 2921J12, Oshawa. 6-4 DEAD FARM STOCK Picked up promptly Horses, cows, calves, sheep and pigs (We pay for horses and cows) As an added service we will do aperate with your veterinarian in past-mortem. 2 %4 c per lb. for live horses Cahl co]lect Bawmanville 2679 MARGWILL FUR FARM Tyrone 3-tf For Rent THREE-room apartmcnt and kit-' chen, bcatcd. Central location. Phone 822. 7-1 TWO unfurnisbed rooms in ncw home, heated, ail conveniences. Reasonable rent. Phone 3623. 7-1 For Sale or Rent DOUBLE bouse, in Ncwtonvîllc.1 Write Box 544, Statesman Office. 7-1q Room and Board WANTED-Room and board by gentleman. Phone 2510. 7l* Lost WATCH-Man's pocket watch, in vicinity of Post Office. Contains photo locket. Phone 3603. 7-1' Livestock For Sale SIXTEEN young pigs, betwcen 6 and 7 weeks aid. Phone 2091. 7-1 TWELVE pigs, six wccks old. George Skclding. Phono Clarke 19310.7-1 * AUCTION SALE Livestock Auction Sale at the Communîty Auction Sales Barns an Provincial Highway No. 2, ane mile west of Brighton, every Wednesday afternoon. There is always a good lot of stock at these sales. Ail stock must be at barn by i o'ciock on day of sale. Oscar C. Morgan, auctioneez-. 6- Notices Invisible Mending done on silk hase. Leave at Miller's Beauty Salon or at 22 Fîett Street. 7-1 Dance, February 16tb, at En- niskillen Hall, under the auspices of the Enniskillen Service Club. Admission 50c. 6-2 "The Harvey Dance Academy" Register Friday af temnoons (3 - 7) for classes in Ballet and Tap; Union Hall, Bowmanville. Irenie Harvey. 52-tf Office closed: Dr. C. W. Slem- on's office, Church Street, will be closed from Saturday, Feb. i7tb ta the latter part of March. (winter holidays). 6-2 POWER INTERRUPTION The power will be off Sunday afternoon, Fcbruary 18th, from 1:30 p.m. ta 4:00 p.m. Ail con- sumers supplied from bath the Bowmanville and Orono Sub- stations will be affected. The above interruption ls being made sa that necessary repairs can be made ta switcbing equip- ment of the Ontaria Hydro-Elec- tric Power Commission at bath stations. in the event ofI nclement weatbcr the interruption wîll be cancelled until February 25th at the same time. Hydro Electrie Power Commission of Ontario. 7-i Farm Help APPLY FOR FARM HELP NOW -Don't wait until spring. Get your expcrienced, reliable help from Netherlands. Also skilled workers and artisans available. Caîl S. Buma, R.R. 1, Nestleton. Phone Part Perry 225r24. 49-tf Work Wanted BRAKE DRUMS! Lathing, Honing and Grinding We specialize in complete brake overhauls. BOB STOCKER'S GARAGE Phone 804 Bowmanville 32-tf Repairs FOR prompt, efficient, guaranteed service, dyeing and custam wark, try the Neat-Way Shoe Repair Shop, opposite Garton Bus Ter- minai. 31-tf REPAIRS toalal makes of refrig- erators, domestic and commercial; milkung coolers. Higgon Elec- tric, 42 King St. E., Phone 438. 25-tf Rotary C1ul (Continued fram Page One) mists I would say, 'Look ta Switz- erland.'" Hîs native country bas been able ta get along for cen- turies and preserve peace. "If peace is passible one place," he said, 'world peace is definitely obtainable." Although on a necessarily smal- 1er scale, farming in Switzerland is similar ta that in Canada. Ac- cording ta the speaker, the Swiss have lusciaus fertile valleys that will grow practically everything grown here, but dairying is the most important industry. Farms varv from 50 ta 150 acres in the lowlands, while in the foothilîs and alpine regions the land is used ta graze co-operative cattle herds which range bigh in the mountains ahi summer with paid herders in attendance while far- mers till their fields below. Terrace Mountains Dependent upon a compara- tively small area for faodstuffs, the Swiss have ingeniously ter- raced mountain sides and among cultivation of grapes ébrought ta their country 2,000 years ago by the Romans under Caeser. "The people are so fond of their owrî wine," Mr. Lende said, "very little is expohced." If a persan feil asleep 400 years ago and awoke today in Switzer- land, "He would find little change," the speaker said. Berne, the Swiss capital, has a popula- tion of 180,000 and like Ottawa, and gave bis name ta the Calvin- ist religiaus body, preached freely in Geneva, and the great Frech phiiosophers Voltaire and Rous- seau found refuge in this city when they were persecuted foi' voicing beretic beliefs. Geneva wa.s also the seat of the League of Nations. Roman-Built Roads Some of the bighways used 'oy wîde-eyed tourists in summer were built by-Romans 2,000 years ago. One such highway pictur<l screened by Mr. Lende sbowed Fi bus moving up the side of a moun«. tain on a road barelY wide enougli ta accommodate it. On the right, a solid.. wgll of rock reared and, on the left, a 2,000 foot drap te.. oblivion. If twa car *-e tc- meet coming froa 0 , direc.,, tians tbey could not' hair.ý pin turns make it i .xible: tcc back up and there ar . ôna turn-ý auts. However, ingenious Swisi bave solved the traffic problen, for these narrow roads. From 6i a.m. ta noan, the îaw decrees that' traffic move in anc direction only-: subsequent ta noan, traffic moves ini the other direction. Perbaps the most starthing faci, in the haîf-hour pragramn was me- vealed in the story of Henry Dun-;. ant-the man ta whomi a world, owos etemnal barnage. World Benefactar Some 90 years aga, Henry Dun-, ant was shocked at the sight of~ thousands of waunded and maim-1J cd soldiers lying on an Italia î battlefield with none ta offer aid' or attempt ta rehieve their misery., Spurrcd ta action, be rushed ta a nearby tawn and organizeda graup of womnen whicb, wit marshalhed medical supplies, h rushed ta the scene of battle in an attempt ta roclaima for the warld those mon who were left for dcad. Subsequently, Henry Dunan wrote a book and dcvoted si ycars of bis life in an effort 1o convinco stern national leaders that an organization which caul& be above petty national differ' ences was ncedcd in the wori Finally, in 1864 a miracle bap pened. A convention was hl n Geneva and fromn that historiea meeting emerged the world-heal- ing arganization that uses a re: versed Swiss fhag as its embi. -the International Red Cross. Rewards Camne Later Little was beard of Henry Dun ant after the organization wasw founded. But in 1901, a youngl Swiss joumnalist came acrass the~ great man sitting in abjeoct pov"- erty on the stops of a poarbause. Imrnediately the news was flash- od al'aund the world apid aithouglu, ho was awarded a Pulitzer prize! for bis great contribution ta bu.' manity, and altbough many tbausands of dollars were collect. cd in bis name, ho nover Ïbenefit. ted from either. Henry Dunant died beo re a grateful worl4d could extend their physical p preciation for the work ho mns ed. The speaker was introduco Ex-President Walter DeGeer andý thanked by President Jack Eas. taugh for a most cntortalning and educational address. Guest at the Friday luncheofi was Counties' Assessor. E. F. Hall, Cobourg. Rotarian O. F. -Roto son reccived a silver spoon on the occasion of bis birthday. Presbyterian Record Pays Tributes to Former Citizens Two items of local interest ap- peared in the Febmuary issue af "The Prcsbytcrian Record," the officiai organ of the Presbyterian Church in Canada. The first rcferred ta a bcioved minister of St. Andrew's Presby- terian Cburch at Bawmanville from 1934 ta 1946, the late R«4V W. G. Blake, whiclx read* Memorlal Plaque Unvelled A memorial plaque was unveil. ed in St. Enocb's Churcb. Hamil- tan, in memory of'tho late Rev. William G. Blake, the first min- ister of the chui'ch. The plaqu was unveiled by bis widow an was fallowed by a simple servie of acceptance by the Rev. S. H. Hill, B.D., minister of St. Enocb's, Mm. Blake was ministor of St. Enoch's from 1925 ta 1934, and ig still affcctionately remcmbered by many of the congregation. The other item was a well-mer- ited tribute ta a former well- knawn jeweller of Bowmanville, Alex Elliott, wbo was anc of the pillars of St. Andrew's Presby- terian Cburch while be lived bere over 25 ycars ago. The tribute follows: Children have brought bappiness and hope ta thousands o! handi- capped yanngstors. LUse Easter Seals-Help Crippled Chidren. Orthopaedics la a word derlved tram Greek roots, meaning "straight children" and describe4f the scientifie thcrapy applied tcF' correcting deformities. Use Ftast- or. Sea -jielp Orippld Çh f kf. I