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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Feb 1951, p. 6

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I ~ i ~, i N i PAGE SIX THEZ CANADIA!1 STATESMAN. EOWMANVMLE. ONTARIOl rT.TTTRMDAV W~. iRe. tInt The Newcastle Independent Il Misa Martaret Ash Mr. and Mrs. Bob Drummond were in Toronto attending the funeral of Mrs. Fletcher, o! Bow- znanville. Mrs. E. E. Cooke spent Sunday with hem daughter Mrs. Harold Carm at Port Credit. F/C Spence Creamer, Clinton, spent the weekend with his par- ents. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cream- er. SHOWERS K1 WEDDINGS CHINA New pieces in "Rose Brocade" and "Marina" chintz. Ideal gifts for the bride-to-be in a wide range of prices. English bone china and semi-porcelain in separate pieces and sets of ail sizes. G LAS S Cut Crystal and Table Glass in sets and separate pieces. Gif t wrappings and ties. J. W. JEWELL "BIG 49201# 27 King St. W., Bowmanville PHONE 556 Mrs. Joe Hockin and children are spending two weeks witb rel- atives before leaving for their new home in Calgary, Alta., where Mm. Hockin is stationed. Mrs. Wally Eddy viisted Mrs. Robt. Duck and the George Daw- bers in Toronto. Mm. and Mms. George Honey and Mr. and Mrs. Harmy Jose left Tbursday for an extended motor trip to Texas. Mr. and Mrs. Aus- tin Turner and Mm. and Mrs. Ross Dickinson le! t on Monday for a pleasant holiday in Floida. Miss Peggy Pearce, Toronto, spent the weekend witb Mms. H. R. Pearce and Mr. and Mms. A- bert Pearce. DONRT WAIT ... LUBRICATE Adequate lubrication now, may save you a big repair bill in the future. Drive up. To make owning your car a real delight, let us attend to ail it's needs. Proper service cuts driving costs in the long run. .YM&SmuttMtss Ru'sh TAâ.4 Dowmanville Motor Sales 0,F. ROBSON, Prop. 166 King E. Phone 585 Leeds' Soap Chip Aylmer Ketchup Mother Jaekso Pie Crusi Margarine a )- 3 lbs- 57, 1l-oz. bottle . a » 18c n 18-oz. pkg. . . . 33c - lb.Al.. c - * large pkg. Drefi ---39c 1 Javex Blue Ribbon Choice 48-oz. tEn Tomato Juice - - 24c Wethey's Bread & Butter 16-oz. bottle ]Pickles » M 0 26c Maxwell House, Vacuum Paek reg. $1.06 with coupon Coffee - lb. 96c l arge pkg. Tide - - - - - 40c 32-oz. bottleie - -- -25cl We are sorry to have to report so much illness in the commun- ity. Mrs. Tom Cowan, formerly of Orono, but who has been stay- ing at Mrs. Herb Brown's. fel early, Saturday morning and broke hem bip. She was taken to Oshawa Hospital and since that time we have learned she has su!- fered a stroke. Mrs. James Phiip bas been removed to Bowman- ville Hospital in a serious con- dition but we hear she is showing slow improvement. Mrs. William Beman has been ili for the past few weeks but is regaining hee strength wbile convalescing at home. We wish them a speedy recovery. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. H. W. (Tom) Hardy of the Canadian Fruit Farm, on the bîrth of their littie daughter in Bow- manville Hospital on Monday. Her many Newcastle friends will be sorry to, learn that Mms. Mary Wade of Ncwtonville fell at ber home Satumday evening and broke ber hip. At present she is in Oshawa General Hospital. W. A. of the United Churcb met in the board room Feb. 8tb with a fair attendance. Mrs. Ross Dick- inson conducted the opening ex- ercises. Mrs. W. Clemence read the scriptume and Mrs. Norman Rickard offered prayer. Mrs. L. Turner rendered a pleasing solo, accompanied by Mms. L. Fisher. In the absence of the president, Mrs. C. A. Cowan, the lst Vice- Pres., Mrs. Herb. Toms occupied the chair. Corresponding Secre- tamy read letters of tbanks from shut-ins for boxes sent them at Christmas time. It was decided to hold a bazaar in May instead o! in the faîl. Members of Mrs. Jose's group served a dainty lunch. GRAND OPENING 0F MEMORIAL ARE NA SET FOR FEB. 26 The long-awaited event has fin- ally been decided upon. It has finally been decided to hold the Grand Opening of our new Mem- orial Arena, Monday, Feb. 26 at 8 p.m. There are great things in store for young and old on this gala occasion. For the avid hockey fan there are high hopes for an OHA. game between Bow- manville and Port Hope teams. For the more refined and less sportsminded there will be a fine demonstration of graceful figure skating. As a feature attraction Hon. Major John Foote, Minister of Reform Institutions; Hon, W. A. Goodfellow Minister of Welf are; Mr. John James, M.P.; Turk Bro- IT'S 4 TO1 You CAM Get a Lonut ,M»Ud $50 fo $1200 on Signature, Furniture, Auto Need extra cash to get a fesh start ..* * pay leftover bis ... for medical or den- tal expenses ... home or auto repairs ... to aid relatives... or other good purposes? EXAMPLES 0F LOANS s Cash 15 MO. 24M0. I 24M.6 ______ 154.19 529.391756.56 Repay ,$12 1$28'1$4 Il,, S Payme., 0, , You'll find it's "yes" promptly ta 4 out of 5 at pe'zôna. Don't borrow unnecessarily, but if a loan is the sensible solution, corne m--or phone FINANCE Ca first for 1-trip service. Loan - S Made your L ~~way and fast! FINANCE CO, J 2nci Floor a ilOver Bank of Nova Scolal 11l1/2 SIMCOI. ST., NORTH Oshawa, Ontario, Can. ' Phone: 5690 F. ilton Anderson, YES MANoge Paeoai Finance Compny of Canada tous mode te rosidean t a il surrounding townh da, Danny Lewicki, Bill Barilico and Tim Daly of the Maple Leafs hockey team will be on hand to tender best. wlshes. Throughout the evenîng Orono Band will be in attendance. It promises to be a great event in the lite of our community 30 be sure to be on hand. Our arena, as a memorial to our veterans of two great wars, is a building of which we can be justiy proud. There has been a lot of time and work spent on this project and the veterans, as the instigatèrs, deserve the prop- er laurels. Let's show themn our appreciation by turningz out ti full force to the opening of this amena. Admission, adults $1,00 and chlldren with parents. 25c. MUSICAL PROGRAM FEATURED EVENING CHURCH SERVICE Guest soloist at the evening service Feb. 11, at Newcastle Unit- ed Chumch was Mms. Fred Sey- mour o! Co. Durhaln, England, sister o! Rev. Lawrence H. Tur- ner. A month ago the minister o! the chumch received a record- ing of two sacred solos by bis sister, "Neamer, Still Neamer," and "Alone," the latter possessed par- ticulamly o! the essence o! the Lenten season. An aftem-service musical made possible by Mm. Kari Weyricb o! Newcastle was much appreciated. The follow- ing constituted the musical feast: Just For Today, Rock of Ages. Lead Kindly Light, Faith o! Our Fathers, sung by Bing Crosby; Abide With Me, Ave Maria, A Mig1hty Fortmess Is Our God- utheZs great hymn, and The Lord's Prayer by Mallott, sung by Thomas. This inovation may become a monthly feature of the evening service at Newcastle Unit- ed Churcli. At the morning service the minister made anxious reference to the sudden illness o! Mrs. Jas. Pbilp, a patient in Bowmanville Hospital also Mrs. William Be- man, the erstwhile leader o! the Junior Congregation, who bas beeni confined to ber home for two weeks. The hope was ex- pressed by way o! intercession that botb, within the providentiai will of God, would soon be back home participating in the womk and if e of the cburch. Aftem a lapse of a few montbs the fortunes of the C.G.I.T. wil again be carried fomward by Mrs. William Storks with Miss Mar- jorie Toms as assistant. Friday evening a group o! New, castle hockey fans experienced the most distressing moment o! their spotsminded cameers. It wvas in Bmooklin Amena where the Orono Seniors were playing Brooklin. Neyer in our lives can we remember undemgoing such annoyances at the bands o! hockey spectators. Between baving mugs thrown over one's head, kicks in the back, one's hair being pulleud and being literally drowned. in bot chocolate we bad an exciting time. We have been to a lot o! hockey games and met a lot o! wild crowds, but never before can we rememaber anything like this. Brooklin people have a fine arena-it is just too bad that the same tbing can't be said about the patrons. KIRBY Th W.M.S. and W.A. held their monthly meetings on Wednesday afternoon, Feb. 7th. Mrs. Youmans opened the W. M. S. with prayer followed by singing 'Wbat A Friend We Have in Jesus." The theme for the worship service was "His SUlent Presenc.e." The scripture, read responsively, was passages from Psalms, and a poem written by IKagawa, a modern Christian saint of Japan. The 23rd Psalm wac. Irepeated in unison. Program of the study books Iwas taken by Mrs. Bryson and Mrs. Morgan. The chapter en- titled "The United Church Re- Enters Japan Through Education" presented a survey of the scbools and colleges in Japan to which the United Church contributes funds and missionaries and it showed how great is our contri- bution to the education of the youth and to the enlisting of Jap- anese Young people as followems of Jesus and as leaders in the Christian church. Mrs. Youmans closed with a poem and prayer. Mrs. 0. Chapman presided over the W. A. meeting. The scripture, from 97th Psalm, was read in un- ison. After the singing of "4, heard the Voice of Jesus Say" the~ Lord's Prayer was repeated in Iunison. After the business periozd the meeting xvas closed; with a hymn and Mizpah benediction. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Rutherford and family visited Sunday with ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Hol- lingsworth Clarke. Mrs. Tbompson cntertained the choir at ber home on Friday night. After choir practice a delicious lunch and social chat was enjoy- Our deepest sympathy is extend- cd to the family of Mr. Wm. Vir- tue in their recent bereavement. Mr. and Mrs. Barlow and son and Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Ruther- L ord and family visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ruther- ford. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Morgan attcnded the funeral of Mr. Mor- gan's aunt in Toronto on Monday. jMr. and Mrs. Stanley Chapman enjoyed a vîsit fmom Mrs. Chap. Yman's brother and bis family dur- ing the weekend. NLrs. Neta Patterson bas gone for a few days' visit with ber son, Mr. and Mrs. Laverne Patterson. Mrs. Chas. Harris held a quilt-j ing at hem home on Tuesday af- ternoon. Everyone enjoyed a good time, at the school 'on Monday night ai a card and crokinole party. Highi scores in "500" went to Mrs. Don iTennant and Mr. Don Tennant' consolation prizes to Mrs. Lyal Lowery and Mr. Emil Smit/ý, ail of Orono. High scores in cro- kinole went to Mrs. Hamry Lewis, Orono, and Mr. Jim Rutherford. Consolation prizes' to Mrs. Stin- -n of Omono and Bobby Reid. Plan to be here on Monday night, Feb. 26 for another good time. ZION (Hope Twp.) Capt. Jack Forrester, Kingston, was a recent visitor with Mr. and Mrs. E. Ruthven. The mld-week service was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. Jones on Tuesday evening. Op- enlng with a session of song the meeting continued wlth scipture reading by Mrs. E. Caswell. Rev. Dr. Oke led in his discussion of the second week's topie: 'The Cbristian's Community Wltness" from the study book " Wit- ness to the Living Faîth." This was fbllowed by prayer and clos- ing hymn. Delicious, refresh- ments and happy social l5eriod put the nelghbourhood once again in debt to their host and bostess of the evening. Sincere wishes for a speedy me- covery go to two members of the community at present in Port Hope Hospital. Mr. John Hutnyk bas undergone a successful appen- dectomy; Mr. Arthur Walker was the victima of a collision on Stew- amt's Hill during Monday's fog. Miss Jean Caswell, Port Hope; Messrs. Keith and Brian Caswell, Oshawa, spent the weekend at home. S TARK VILLE Mm. and Mrs. Lorne Paedcn, Doreen and Jean visitcd Mrs. Hoskin, Kendal. Mm. and Mrs. W. Simpson, Osh- awa, with Mm. and Mms. H. L, Trim, recentl.y. Mm. and Mrs. Charles Yule o! Oshawa, with Mm. Wm. Savery. Mm. D. Shutka, Oshawa, witb Mm. and Mms. M. Sbutka for the weekend. Miss Helen Hallowell, Toronto, at home. Mm. and Mrs. C. Gilmer and family with Mm. and Mrs. C. Bor- ley, Newtonville. The pupils enjoyed a Valentine Party at scbool with an excbangc of cards. Mrs. M. Shutka in Oshawa on Sunday. A Valentine basket social at Stamkville scbool was well at- tended on Friday evening. With Rev. Lancaster's jovial remarks a fine pmogama of musical num- bers was presented by local tal- nt, assisted by Joan and Elva Reid, Doreen Langstaff, Maxine Wood, Gemald and Helen Hallo- well, Crooked Creek. Mm. Percy Farrow had charge of the saie of the 'beautiful baskets. CADMUS There was no church service at Cadmus last Sunday on account of the filled roads. Mr. Glen Gibson, Hamilton, spent a few days with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Robinson and Gail, Toronto, called on parents enroute to their cottage, Sunday. Everyone extends their sym- pathy to the E]liott family on the sudden death of Mrs. Elliott. She has had very poor health for a long time. Mr. and Mrs. Elliott owned the farm east of Cadmus, and now owned by Mr. Downey. We are ail glad to know Mrs. Donald Johnston is gettîng better after being very i11 with measies. Some Cadmus folks expect to attend Mrs. Florence Hanna's wedding in Toronto next Satur- day. Congratulations to the happy couple. Mrs.. Hanna in- tends living in Toronto. Wedding belîs will be ringing GODOi '50 MONARCH SEDAN FulIy equipped. '49 CHEVO SEDANETTE Like new. '49 CHEV. SEDAN Grey, Iow mileage. "47 CHEVO SEDAN Sun visor, spotlights, etc. '47 CHEV. SEDAN Reconditioned. 47 FORD SEDAN Radio and heater. '47 FORD SEDAN Very cdean. CASH - for Miss Annie Fee on Wednes- day. hem wedding day. Annie plans on living in Alaska. She will be missed from our midst but we hope she will like it there and have a happy married life. Mr. Lloyd Henry Bowmanville, spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. aÉid Mrs. Lomne McKee. Miss Marie Hanna, Bowman- ville, spent the weekend witni her parents. Mm. and Mrs. Marvin Nesbltt will soon be moving to the village o! Nestleton, and Mr. and Mrs. Skerrat, Prince Albert, will be moving in. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne McKee, Ivan and Leah, spent Sunday ev- ening with Mm. and Mrs. James McKee. Mr. Arnold Williams was home for the weekend. Miss Faye Ferguson was home for the weekend. SHAW'S Miss Arlene Cox, Oshawa, at- tended the wedding o! Stuart Preston and Marion Tucker at King St. United Cburcb, Oshawa. Mms. Gamnet Rickard accomp- anied Mms. John Rickamd on a trip througb the States and visited relatives in New York. Mr. James Barnes spent the weekend in Toronto and was an usher at the wedding of a fmiend. Miss Arlene Cox, Oshawa, with hem parents, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Cox. Mrs. Charlie Hune bas the flu. We wish ber a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Alexander visited Mm. and Mrs. Ed. Alex- ander, Madoc. Miss Gale Price, Toronto, with hem parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Price. Mm. and Mrs. M. Johnstone, To- ronto, visited Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Price. Mrs. Lloyd Dale returned fmom Cookstown Sunday after visiting with ber sister, Mrs. Geo. Moir. Mm. Lloyd Dale visited Mrs. Geo. Moir, Cooksown, on Sun- day. T 1C KET S TO EVERYWHERE Air, Rail or Steaniship Consult IJURY& LOVELL Bowmanville 15 King St. W. Phono 778 EGOS WANTED Highest prices paid for top quality eggs. Free pick-up... ...Cases supplied For honesty in grades and price ail year Contact G. W. BROWK 398 McRoberts Avenue Toronto - Phone RE4063 m. - $2395 m a $1700 a a $1700 '48 CHEV. Fleelmaster SEDAN - Fully equipped. This one is really outstanding. Don't miss seeing it. '48 DODGE CLUB COUPE - Special Deluxe. Immaculate. $1595 -$1495 - - - -$1400 - - - -$1295 - - - -$1195 - . - -$1150 FAIR TRADES SlqclowissoaSI Open 9 a.m. ta 9 WEDDING BEDFORD - BELSEY A pretty wedding of Bowman- ville and Newcastle interest took place in St. George's Anglican Church Jan. 27 at 3 p.m., wben Joan Ellen, daughter o! Mm. and Mms. E. J. Besey. became the bride of James Burton Bedford. The groom is son of Mm. and Mrs. E. F. Bedford of Bowmanville. Rev. D. R. Dewdney o!ficiated. The church was dec'ked with baskets of pink and white 'mums. The bride looked lovely in a floor lengtb gown o! white satin with an over-bodice of chantilly lace. The gown was vemy fashion- able wîth a high moll collar, long petal peinted sleeves and a long peplum cascading from the waist also o! chantilly lace. She wore a fingertip length veil o! cm- broidered tulle beld in place by a comonet o! orange blossoms. Shc carrled a cascade bouquet o! dark red roses. Hem only jewellery was a double stmand peami neck- lace, gift o! the groom. SpecialI A.S.A. Tabs. - -____19e A.B.D. Vitamins - $2.69 Noxzema 79c MACLEAN YOUR TEETH TO YOUTHFUL BRILLIANCE!1 The specici lipolul seivoul maks darzllug ToMhPede Regular tube 29<: e Ecoomial lrgetube 47<: MUR" Everyday Needs Bile Beans - --_____ 50e Aika Seltzer--- 34c-68e Bayer's Aspirin 18c-29c-79c Fruitatives ___-25c-48c Exlax -_____ 15C-33c Fasteeth --___33c-55c-89e Vlck's Rub - -______49e HOT WATER BOTTLES Guaranteed 98e - $1.29 - $1.69 - $2.00 Thermos Bottle!9 $1.89-$1.98 -..ah it i M NYAL CREOPHOS stops Bronchial Coughi Buiids up body resistance against colds Lge. Bottle - $1.25 (1lWWTH' rDTr!QTEDWE FIT 695 COWVIJJi'UL) UUUETUSE Miss Thelma Stapleton wu her, girl friend's bridesmaid and worM a floor length original of tut.. quoise taffeta and net wîth matching head-dmess and net mit. tens. The bridesmaid carried a. nosegay of pink and white 'munis, Groomsman was Mr. Williamý Cowle of Bowmanville. Usher~ were Messrs. Fred Adair, Newl castle, and Bill Slaght, Bowmar.' ville. At the reception in the bridesg home. King St.. guests were re.- ceived by the bride's mother, gowned in blue crepe with lace inserts and wine accessories and a corsage of yellow baby MUMnS. Mrs. Bedford assisted, wearlng wine faille with matching acces. sories and a corsage of yellow mu nis. For the wedding trip Wtogagara Falls and Buffalo, the don- ned a fmock of grey en witîi navy blue accessories and top. coat and a corsage o! pink roses. The hanppy couple will reside ini Bo wm anvi 11e. Ninety-seven per cent o! Red Cross work is carmîed on by vol- unteers, working without pay. Noxzema 2-Way Shave Speclal 50C Size - for 25e Sfop ihat Cold Now Dr. Chase's Antihisarnine Comp. - 59e Resistabs --------49e Anohist 59c-$1.25 Kriptin 39c.$1.25 Pyrithen Co. -____ 60e Neohetramine $1.00) Toni Ilome Permanent 07 Ton! Refi Kit $1.25-$1.59 Toni Rinse -.49c. Toni Shampoo 35c-55c-89c De Bright! FeelJ TAKE ENO'S Right! "FRUIT BUY TOAY- 5ef 98 CAIRSI1 '47 FORD halflon PICKUP Refinished. m m $850 '46 FORD COUPE - - - $1095 Radio and heater. Recanditioned and guaranteed. '42 BUICK TORPEDO SEDAN -- $1195 One owner only, 32,000 actual mileage. Original dark green upholstery, original tires. Stili very good. Showroom condition throughout. '41 DODGE SEDAN - - Radio, heater, good motor. '38 CHEV. SEDAN - - - Reconditioned and guaranteed. '37 PONTIAC SEDAN - Very clean. One owner. '37 DODGE COACH - - Radio, heater, gaod tires. - - $900 - $650 - $595 -$495' 20 OTHER CARS AND TRUCKS Not yet reconditioned - froni 1928 to 1946 Priced from - $50 ta $650 LIBERAL TERMS Garage M onday through Saturday M . GROCERY FEATURES usE '49 FORD CUSTON CLUB COUPE - $1550 FREE DELIVERY ALLIN'S QUALJTY MEATS AND GROCERIES "PAT" YEO, Proprietor 55 KING ST. E. BOWMANVILLE PHONE 3367 SEE THE NEW DEEP FREEZE UNIT AND REFRIGERATOR COMBINATION This combination unit is really a handy major appliance to have in your home. It combines the two units in one and at the same time offelrs a considerable saving in the purchase price. See These on Display :- ELECTRIC REFRIGERATORS QUAKER SPACE HEATERS CASE FARN EQUIPMENT Now is the time to order your FARM MACHINERY, FERTILIZER and 1WIRE FENCE SUPPLIES. '48 DODGE COACH - - - - $1495 Special Deluxe. Outstanding iii every way. W.H. DROWN DEALER FOR Cm~ Farm Maoblnery - Firestone Tirs DeLaval Nlkers and Separators Beatty Brou Stable Equlpment KING ST. W. PRONIE 07 MEMBER 0F 0.R.F.E.D.A. PHONE ORONO 86-2 il mummmi ? THUMDAT, M. IseL losi ,-, 41C ý

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