THURSDÂY, Tru. Md, lii aa rffu! f!A?4'AflTAN qTA'rW.qMAt NnWMMrVffX.~. OW1'AMfl ___ e . b.d. 'rnAr'h~ PAY CASH*AuD SAVE--MINIMUM COST 50c PER AD -- - ~,I.'IJu'- - I BIRTHS BROWN-Mr. and Mrs. R. 1. Brown wish to announce the birth of their son, Sandy, at Bow- manville Hospital, Saturday, Feb. GRIFFIN-Mr. and Mrs. Fred Griffin, Burketon, are happy to announce the arrivai of a son on Tuesday, Feb. 13th, 1951, Gordon Richard, a brother for Donald and Allan. 8-1* MUIR-Archie and Elnora Muir, Courtice, are happy to announce the birth of their daughter, Mar- garet Lyn, at Oshawa Generai Hospital, February l7th, 1951. A wee sister for Melody Ann. 8-1* STAINTON-Mr. and Mrs. Leon- ard Stainton are happy to an- nounce the'arrivai of a daughter, Gale Janette, in Bowmanville Hospital on Wed., Feb. 7th, 1951. A sister for Linda and David 8-i ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Wellington Brunt announce the engagement of their daughter Annic Anvilla to John Kenneth Pantridge, son of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Partridge, of Morganston. The manriage will take place the latter part of February. 8-4* The engagement is announced of Betty Mabel, daughter of Mrs. Florence Marshall and the late Mr. H. Marshall, to Sidney Ray Westlake, only son of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Westlake of Bowman- ville. The marriage will take place on March 24th at 3 p.m. in St. George's Anglican Church, Oshawa, Ontario. 81 DEATHS COWAN, Matha - At Oshawa Genenai Hospital on Thursday, Feb. 15th, 1951, Matha Coiville, in hen 8lst year, beloved wife of the late Thos. Cowan, Orono, and dean mothen of Robet Allison, Toronto, and sister of Catherine, Helen and Esther (Mns. Robent Stewart), Orono. Service was held at Morris Funenai Chapel, Bowmanville, Ont., Saturday, Feb. 17tb at 2:30 p.m. Interment Bowmanviile Cemetery. 8-1 GIMBLETT -In Darlington on Sunday, February 18, 1951, Elien Reynolds, beloved wife of Thomas G. Gimblett, in ber 74th year. The funenal fnomn Northcutt & Smith Funeral Chapel, Bowmanville, on Wednesday, February 2lst. Inter- ment Bowmanville Cemeteny. 8-1 KENEFICK-Suddenly Feb. l2th, 1951, in Dayton, Ohio, James Leo, beloved son of late John and Lucy Kenefick and brother of Mrs. Geo. Heani (Edna), Bowmanville. Fun- eral service was held on Friday, Feb. l6th, in St. Joseph's R.C. Churcb, Bowmanville. Interment Union Cemetery, Port Hope. 8-1 LYLE, Jessie - Suddenly. at ber home, 48 Primnose Avenue, Mim- ico, Tuesday, February 20, 1951, Jessie Dunham, dearly beloved wife of John J. Lyle, and dean mother of Mrs. Donald Wood (Irma), London, Ontario, and Helen, (Mimico). Mrs. Lyle is resting at the funeral home of G. H. Hogle, 63 Mimico Avenue, Mimico. Service Friday at 1:30 p.m. Interment Park Lawn Ceme- tery. 8-i ROBINSON - In Bowmanviile Hospital on Monday, February 19, 1951, Jessie Elizabeth Robinson, beloved wife of Chris. Robinson, in ber 72nd year. Resting at the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowman- ville, until noon, Thursday. Ser- vice in St. John's Anglican Church at 2:30 p.m. Interment Bowman- ville Cemetery. 8-1 STRETTON,' William Henry-At Bowmanville Hospital, Thursday, February lSth, 1951, William Henry Stretton. beloved husband of the late Nellie Cameron, dear father of Mabel (Mrs. Gordon Badger), Bowmanville, grand- fathen of Molly and Albert S., and grandfather of David. Mn. Stretton was resting at the Mor- ris Funeral Chapel. Bowmanville, untii Friday evening. Service in Barrie on Saturday, February 17, 1951, at 1:30 p.m. Interment Barrie Union Cemetery. 8-1 IN MEMORIAM CAUGHILL-In loving memory of Edward J. Caughill, veteran of Wold War I, who passed away in bis home in Bunketon, Feb. 2th, 1940: In that bright eternal city Whene no tean e'er dims the eye, In the home of many mansions 1 hope to meet bim bye and bye. .-Lovingly remembered and sadly missed by wife Florence. 8-1 SHOTTER-In loving memory of our dean daughter and sister, Irene, wha pased away Féb. 23, 1939: -Ever remembened by Mothen, Dad and Florence. 8-1 notion Dr. Birks' office will be closeci fromn Feb. 26th ta March llth. 8-1 "The Harvey Dance Academy" agster Friday afternoons (3 -7) for classesin Ballet and Tap; Union Hall, Bowmanville. Irenie gaffly - 1 6-U CARDS 0F THANKS Memoial Park Association wish ta thank the Lions Club for put- ting in the swimming pool in the park. 8-i The family of late Mrs. Laura Pye wish ta thank fiends and neighbours for cands and beauti- fui floral tibutes. 8-1 I wish ta express my sincene thanks toalal kind friends for cards, fruit, flowers while I was in Oshawa Hospital. Mrs. John Wotten. 8-i* Mr. and Mns. G. Badger wish ta thank Dr. Austin, the hospitai staff, Rev. Henderson and neigb- bours for their kindness during the illness and death of ber father, Mn. Strettan. 8-1* Mn. and Mrs. Norman Leach wish ta extend their sincene thanks and appreciation for the many gifts, flowers and cards, and for friends who called ta celebrate wtib them their 4th wedding anniversary. 8-1 The Women's Auxiliary Mem- oial Park wisb to thank the fol- lowing for pnizes donated ta the eucbne: Mrs. Fred Armstrong, Mrs. Percy Gould, Mrs. Tommy Gould, Mrs. Walter Murphy, Mrs. Ted Clarke, Mn. Poil. 8-1 The family of the late Edwin Joint wish ta express ta their many friends, relatives and neigh- bours, their heartfeit thanks and appreciation for many acts of kindness, messages of sympathy extended ta them in their recent sad bereavement in the loss of a dean fathen. Especially tbanking Dr. Rundie, nurses and staff of Bowmanville Hospital and the men of Engineering Departmcnt of Goodyear. 8-1* 1 wisb ta express my sincene tbanks and appreciation ta fricnds and neighbours fon the lovely cards and flowers that were sent ta me whilc in the bospital, and for the many' kindnesses that wene done for my family; also ta Dr. Binks, the Superintendent and staff of the Bowmanvillc Hospital for their kind attention ta me. Mrs. Chas. Gneenbam. 8-1* COMING EVENTS Kinsmen Bingo-Don't miss the Kinsmen Bingo on Monday, Feb. 26th. 7-2 The Goodyear Recreation Club Bingo, Friday, Feb. 23, at 8 p.m. Admission 50c. Good prizes. 8-1 The Goodyear Recreation Club Dance on Frîday, March 9th, at Varcôe's Pavilion. Round and square dancing. 8-1 Reserve Marcb lst for Club 15 Bridge at Lions Community Centre at 8:15 p.m. Admission 50c. Proceeds for Bowmanville Hospital, 8-1 Bowmanville Legion Carnival, Saturday, June 3th, 1951. Tickets on sale for 1951 Ford Sedan, Kel- vinator Electnic. Refigerator and Electric Washing Machine. 8-tf Mrs. John Purdon's Group (formenly Mrs. Aubrey Smith's) will hold its St. Patrick's Tea, Friday, March l6th from 3 to, 5:30Oin Tinity S.S. Room. "Touch and Take" table and sale of use- ful articles. Tea 25c. 8-1* Bowmanviile Nurses' Associa- tioia Dance to be held in the Boy Training School auditorium, Fniday, March 30th, 1951. Music by Abbie Darch and bis orchestra. Tickets $2.50 per couple. Dress optional. 8-6 Reserve the date Thunsday, Manch th, Kopper Karnival and sale of bome-baking, sponsored by Bowmanville Women's Institute. In the Opera House, 2:30 - 8:30 p.m. Valuable prizes, also door prize. 8-1 Come one, Come ail! to Solina, Feb. 23rd, modern and old time dancing for everyone, under the auspices of Solina Football Club. Tell your fiends and bring acar load. The date-Fniday, Feb. 2 3. The place-Solina Scbool. 8.1* Dance will be held in New- castle Community Hall unden the auspices of The Board of Man- agement on Fniday, March 2nd. Russ Creighton's Orchestra of To- ronto in attendance. Dancing 9 to 1. Admission 75c per person. 8-2 Monsten Cash Bingo -In the Newcastle Community Hall on Thunsday evening. February 22. 50c admission pnice pays for two games and jackpot. Extra games: Share-the-Wealth and Door pnize. Jack Pot now $60.00. Proceeds for Lions weifare work. 7-2 Wanted GIRL, aged 14, would like light job and baby sitting, reliable. Phone 3509. 8-1* WANTED-2-wheel trailer 6x16 tires, box 3'6" by 6%6", rack 4' high. Contact J. A. Johnston, R.R. 1, Bunketon, Phone Port Penny 172r12. 8-l* WANTED-300 young men with no physicai defects to meet the demand for Telegraphers and Station Agents, account five day week effective June lât. $2670.00 iowest pay. Free Folder describes. Write Cassan Systems School, Toroiate. -8-1 Articles For Sale PHILCO mantle electric radio. Phone 2375. 8-1 SEE the new 1951 model baby carniages and cribs at Morris Co. 6-tf HOO VER vacuum cleaner sales and service. Bowmanville Hydro, Dial 471. 5-4* HAY and rubbered tired wagon. J. Mecking, Courtice, Phone Osh- awa 180r2. 8-1 PIANOS-good pianos for sale. For information telephone 492, F. J. Mitchell. 8.1* QUANTITY baled hay, lst and 2nd crop. Sam Papish, R.R. 4, Bowmanville. 1- WE measure and instaîl finest quality venetian blinds. Phone Morris Co. 480. 5-tf A GENERAL Electrie range, good condition, 3 years old. Apply 23 Liberty Place. 8-l* 1937 FORD Sedan, excellent con- dition. Phone Orono 51lB on weekends. 8-i MINERAL-Quinte cattie minerai for artificial breeders. Vanstone Flour & Feed Mill. 7-2* THREE-piece parlor suite; 9-pce. dining room suite; china cabinet. 57 Liberty South. 8-1* LARGE size Norge oul space heater, practically new. Garnet Porter, Newcastle. 8-1 MIXED hardwood, $17.00 per cord, re-sawed to one foot lengths. Neil Curtis, Pontypool. Phone Orono 81r10. 7-21 1940 BUICK Special, in excellent condition. Sun vison and many extras. Must selI. Phone 436 aften 6 p.m. 8-i 1947 DE SOTO Sedan-blue, radio and many extnas, iow mileage, Lexcellent condition. Garnet Pon- ter, Newcastle. 8-1 TIMOTHY and Alfaifa hay, good quaiity, square baled, $25.00 per ton. H. Schwarz, Newcastle, R.R. L3. Phone Clarke 2422. 8-1 CONGOLEUM, Rexoleum and in- laids available in many patterns, in yard goods. Large selection in rug sizes at Morris Co. 6-tf 200 BUSHELS anangels and silo full of ensilage. H. Beauchamp, R.R. 1, Enniskilien, Phone Bow- manville 2661. 8-1* FACTORY sample chesterfield suites, in large selection of cov- erings at big reductions. See these specials at Morris Co. 6-tf 1948 CHRYSLER Sedan -black, radio, air conditioning heater, fog lights, etc., low mileage, excellent condition. Garnet Porter, New- castle. 8-i POTATOES-Specializing in Na. i top quality potatoes, waxed turnips, onions. Orden your sup- ply now. Doug Curl, 5 Nelson St., Bowmanville. 2-tf COOK stove, complete with ail burner; one small ail burning heaten, used three months; two coal-bumnîng space heaters. Phone 941 before six p.m. 8-1 CONGOLEUM Gold Seal Rugs, yard goods and hall nunners; Rex- oieumn Deluxe 2 and 3 yards wide, yard goods at budget pices. Phone 451, Walker Stores. 23-tf PIPE-100 ft. " black; 20 ft. 1", black; 20 ft. 2" black; W'" Globe Valves, Tees, Unions, Elbows, Nipples, etc, '," ta 2%~2", aIl new. $75.00 for lot. Phone 852. 81* FOR Sale or Trade - '34 Ford Sedan, in good shape; '47 Pick-up and '45 Chevrolet Truck. Will trade any on a good car. Call and sec themn at 147 Liberty St. South. 8-1 1947 CHEVROLET Coacb-black, in good condition, with Prestone and heaten. Priccd ight for quick sale. Apply Grant Cooper, Boys Training School, Bowmanville. 8-1 * HAVE YOU baught an Engiish Bone China Cup and Saucer for 98c. If you havcn't you can still get thcm, in a variety of patterns, at Haoper's Jewellery & Gift Shop. Sec thcm on display in aur %vindow. 8-1 ART'S CAR MARKET, 175 King Street, West, Bowmanville, Ont. Home of Better Deals on Betten Cars. Phone 2148. Open from 9 arn. ta 9 p.m., Monday througb Friday. Saturday until 6 p.m. Cash, Trade and Easy Terms. 2-tf TILE - for kitchen, batbrooms, hearths and fireplaces. Walls- glazed tule or plast0t, ahl colours Floors - rubben, mastic, lino-tile, quarrie and ceramic. Wili go any- where. H. G. Heal, Phone 2902. 2-tf Livestock For Sale ONE Grade Holstein bull, ser- viceable age; anc gaod Grade cow, due March lst. Phone 2498 Baw- manville. 8-1* MR. E. A. WERRY. Your local cattie dealer and rancher is offering 40 HEAD of Cholce Hereford Yearlings for sale privately on Monday morning, Feb. 2fth at bis Haydoudale Farm, Haydon any time between 9 a.m. and 12 o'clack noan. Will sell any number in groups. If you are wantmng cattle, now is youn chance. 8-1. Articles For Sale PLUMBING, Heating and 011 Burners installed anywhere ini Durham County. Reasonable rates and highest quality. For free estimates cali S. Blain Eiliott, Heating, Plumbing & Tinsmithing, Phone 3348. 29-tf OIL Burners installed, complete with one year guarantee, $350.00 and up-4or as little as 20% down and 18 months to pay. S. Blain Elliott, Plumbing, Heating and Sheet Metal, Bowmanville, Phone 3348. 29-tf ALL kinds of meat, good quality wienens, bologna, cooked hams, smoked hams and bacon, sausage and hamburger, Darlington Abat- toir, Hampton. Phone 3243; also pickling, smoking and sausage making. Durîng the summer months - hog killing on Tues- days and cattie at any time. S34-tf ONE used I.H.C. horse spreader on rubber; 1 nearly new Cock- shutt spreader on rubber; i used Farmaîl H tracton on rubber; 1 used John Deere AR tractor on rubber; 1 used Quaker oil heater; 1 used coal annex; 2 new electrie refrigerators; new Sedore manure loader. Limited quantity of new farm machinery; wire fence; bale wire; steel posts. W. H. Brown, Case Dealer, Phone 497. 8-1 SNOW TIRES Prepare for winter, have youn own tires re-treaded in studded and sure-grip: 600 x 16 $11.45 650 x16 ______$13.85 670 x 15 $________ 12.55 550 x17 ------_-_- 510.85 Truck 700 x 20 _________ $26.80 750 x20 $32.75 825 x 20 $36.80 G. F. JAMIESON Tire Shop flowmanville Phone 467 48-tf Notice ta Creditors and Others ALL PERSONS having dlaims against the Estate of THOMAS HUGHES, who died on or about the Ilth day of Dec., 1946, at the Town of Bowmanville, in the County of Durham, are required to file the same with proof there- of with the undersigned Admin- istratnix, not later than February 24th, 1951, after wbich date the Estate will be distributed and ahl dlaims of which the Administra- trix have flot received notice will be barred. Dated at Bowmanville, Ont. February 6th, 1951. NINA E. NEADS, 91/à King Street, East. Bowmanville, Ontario. Administratrix for t.he Estate of Thomas Hughes. 6-3 Farmers Attention!1 WE will be pleased ta pick Up dead or crippled fanm animaIs and pay bighcst pnevailing prices. For immediate service Telephane Collect, Toronto Empire 3-3636 or Cobourg 1266W, Gardon Young Ltd. 7-42 Applications Wanted Township cf Cartwright APPLICATIONS wili be rcceivcd at the office of the undersigned for the position of Assessar for the Municipality of the Township of Cartwright for the year 1951. Applicants will pîcase state age, place of nesidence, qualifications, and the amaunt per assessment ta assess under the old system. and how much per assessmcnt will be expected ta do the extra wark ta help ta set up the new method of assessment. The measuring buildings,, etc. for the new system may be donc aven a period of twa years. There are 1025 assessments on AIl applications must be post- marked on delivcred at my office on or befare Saturday, March 3rd, 1951. Lawest on an y application not neccssarily accepted. HENRY THOMPSON, Clerk-Treasurer, Township of Cartwright, Box 17, Blackstack. 7-2. Notice ta Creditors AND OTHERS IN the Estate of CHARLES WESLEY ALDWORTH. ALL persans having dlaims against the estate of Charles Wes- ley Aldwonth, late of Wbitby, On- tario, deceased, who died on or about the th day of August, 1950, are hercby notified ta send in ta the undersigncd Personai Repre- sentative af the said deccased an or befone the 3lst day of Manch, 1951, full particulans o! thein dlaims. Immediately aften the said date the said Pensonal Repre- sentative will distnibute the as- sets of the said deceased havig regard anly ta dlaims o! wbich it shall then have notice. DATED at Bowmanvilie this th day of Fcbnuany, 1951. National Trust Company, Limited, 20 King St. East, Toronta, Ontario. Executor. By Lawrence C. Mason, 30 King Street West, Bowmanville, Ont. Their Solicitor benein. a-& Wanted To Rent PASTURE, with nunning water. Phone 2035 Bowmanvilie. 8-1 THREE rooms with bath by P.U.C. lineman. Reasonable rent. Phone 903. 7-2* HOUSE or ground floor apart- ment. Immediately by young couple with cbild. Please Phone 3570. 8-1* A MODERN, four or five-roomn bouse, two adults. Will sign lease, if necessary. Write Box 527, Statesman Office. 4-tf Appications Wanted Applications for Road Superintendent Applications will be received by the undersigned up to 12 o'clock noon, March lst, 1951, for Road Supt. for the Township of Dar- lington. Applicants to state age and experience, if any. J. D. HOÇARTH, Clerk. Feb. 6th, 1951. 6-3 Lost GOLD bracelet with amethyst setting, about Jan. lst. Phone 3124. 8-i ONE male dog, cine colon. Sam Papish, R. R. 4, Bowmanville, Phone Orono 5r15. 8-1 Black spaniel, female, long tail. Answers to '"Trixie." Lost Sun- day. Phone 821. 8-1* RHINESTONE bracelet, some- where between Jane and King St. West. Please return to 71 King St. West. 8-l* LOST - vicinity of Blackstock, beagle hound, male, pink spot on black nose. Answers to "Andy." Phone D. Mackie, Port Penny 184r3 or D. Huni, Oshawa 2829w13. 8-1 Room and Board ROOM and board available. 18 Third St. 8-1* ROOM and board available for girl; also roomn for gentleman with breakfast if desired. Phone 2113. 8-1 COMFORTABLE wanm roomn for young business girl or middle aged lady. Other pnivileges for ight person. Write P.O. Box 5. 8-1 Notice to Creditors AND OTHERS ALL PERSONS having dlaims against the Estate of LILLIAN HUGHES, who died on or about the 3th day of March, 1949, at the Town of Bowmanville, in the County of Durham, are required to file the same with proof thene- of with the undersigned Admîn- istratrix, not ]ater than February 24th, 1951, after which date the Estate will be distributed and al clainis of which the Adminis- tratnix have not received notice will be barred. Dated at Bowmanville, Ont., February 6th, 1951. NINA E. NEADS, 9 iL King Street, East, Bowmanville, Ontario. Administratrix for the Estate of Lillian Hughes. 6-3 Chicks For Sale S.C. WHITE Leghorns, Barred Rocks and New Hamp xBarred Rock crossbreds. Two hatches weekly. Write or phone ûrch- land Farms. H. J. Brooks, Bow- manville, Ont., Phone 2636. 7t GAINFORTH Chicks-Order now for delivery anytime during sea- son. Barred Rocks, New Hamp- shire, Light Sussex, White Leg- horn and Light Sussex x New Hampshire, New Hampshire x Barred Rocks. Phone Bannon's, Hampton, 2420. 5-4* DO you know? That the Poultry Industry Council is asking 15% increased production fromn Can- adian Poultrykeepers this year? With assured markets. Get your Bray Chicks now, or add more to your flocks. Catalogue, price list. Agent, F. L. Byam & Co., Tyrone. 8-i AUCTION SALE Livestock Auction Sale at the Community Auction Sales Barns on Provincial Highway No. 2, one mile west of Brighton, every Wednesday afternoon. There is always a good lot of stock at these sales. AIl stock must be at barn by i o'clock on day of sale. Oscar C. Morgan, auctioneen. 6-3 Work Wanted MIDDLE aged handy man ne- quires work, inside and outside, dlean, abstainer, live in. Small remuneration. References. Write Box 547, Canadian Statesman. 8-2* BRAKE DRUMS! Lathinz, Honing and Grindmgt We specialize in complete brake overbauls. BOB STOCKER'S GARAGE Phone 804 Bowmanville 32-tf Personal HYGIENIC SUPPLIES - <nubber gaods) mailed postpaid in plain sealed envelope with pnice list. Six samples 25c, 24 sarnples $1.00. Mail Onder Dept. T-28, Nov-Rub- ber Ca., Box 91, Hamiilton, Ont. Real Estate For Sale EIGHT-room frame house. Ap- ply 57 Liberty St. S., Bowman- ville. 72 FIVE-room brick bungalow for sale. Apply 6 Jane Street or Phone 2707. 8-1 FARM-Good buildings, 112 acres more or less. Water in stables and running water in pasture. Township of Clarke, ',2-mile from school, church and store. North haîf of Lot 6, Con. 6. Phone Onono 51r5. 8-3* NIXON REAL ESTATE Frame dwelling, not finished, 6 rooms, aIl conveniences, oul heat- ing, insulated, good size lot. $4800. Terms. Five-room brick dwelling, wîred, storm windows and doors, hen bouse, garage, mail delivery; one acre, well; ', -mile from school and cburch, not far from Bow- manville. Main road. $3,500. Terms. $3,500 -5-room frame dwelling, hydro, well, garage, store; mer- chandise at invoice price. Possess- ion in 30 days. Terms $2,000. Frame bouse, 7 rooms, well, ful basement, hydro, double garage, lot 272 x 80. $5,000. Terms. James Nixon, Broker 160 Liberty St. N., Bowmanville Phone 682 HAMILTON'S REAL ESTATE Listed for sale in my office are severai farms nunning in price from $3,500 to $12,000. These properties are offered at prices which are in line with current values and fromn these listings you shouid find what you are looking for. It sbould pay you to contact me and arrange an ap- pointment to look over my list- ings. Any owners of land of infenior grade which would be suitable for tree planting should let me know at once. I have several prospective buyers for this type of land. Leroy Hamilton, Broker Phones: Office 32r10 - Home irl6 Orono, Ontario 8-1 BOWMANVILLE REAL ESTATE $2,500-Cottage, five rooms, win- tenized, heavy wiring, furnished, on West Beach. Corner lot on Duke Street, good location. Special $250 cash. $ 10,550 -Nine-noom brick home, on corner of Concession and Centre Sts., oil heating, extra lot, two-car garage, two bathrooms. $4,750-5-roomn home in Hampton on Main St., heavy wiring, full cellar. $7,500-Grandview Lodge on East Beach, 10 rooms, furnished, 3-pce. bath, garage, room for cabins, heavy wining, beautiful view of Lake Ontario. Bowmanville Real Estate 78 King St. West J. Shehyn H. G. Gill Phone 3326 After bours -3514 Repairs FOR prompt, efficient, guaranteed service, dyeing and custom work, try the Neat-Way Shoe Repair Shop. opposite Garton Bus Ter- minal. 31-tf REPAIRS to ail makes of nefrig- enators, domestie and commercial; milking coolers. Higgon Elec- tric, 42 King St. E., Phone 438. 25-tf Hielp Wanted LADIES!-Are you free "for a few hours a day? Avon Products can show you how to make a good profit from that freedoni. For particulars write Box 546, States- man Office. 8-1 VACANCY - Rawleigh business now open in Bowmanville. Trade well established. Excellent oppor- tunity. Full time. Write at once. Rawleigh's Dept. ML-B-140-189, Montreal. 5-4 MAN to pick up dead farm stock. Assets would be pleasing person- ality, good dniving record, skin- ning expenience, knowledge of countryside. Job with good future. Margwill Fur Farm, Bowmanville 2679. 8-1 Wanted To Buy FOUR or five water bowls for gnavity system. C. W. Downey. Phone 2590. 8-1 A COMFORTABLE couch or sofa, in good condition and neasonable. Phone Clarke 2602. 8-1* BEFORE selling your live poultry tny us. Our pnices are hîghen. M. Flatt, R.R. 1, Bethany, Phone 7 r 13, reverse charges. 51-tf SMALL farmn within 10 miles of Oshawa, good buildings and hy- dra, up ta 50 acres of land. Will: pay cash. Mn. S. M. Pnest, R.R. 1,j Hampton, Phone 2921J12, Oshawa.l DEAD FARM STOCK 6- Picked up promptly Homses, cows, calves, sheep and pigs (We pay for hanses and cows) As an addcd service we will1 co operate with your veteninanian in post-mortem. 2 14 e Der lb. for live horses Caîl collcct Bowmanvillc 2679 MARGWILL FUR FARM Tyrone 1 ti q FarmHelp. APPLY FOR FARM HELP NOW -Don't wait until spring. Get your experienced, reliable help f rom Netherlands. Also skilled workers and artisans availabie. Caîl S. Buma, R.R.* 1, Nestieton. Phone Port Perry 225r24. 49-tf SOLINA Baker's Community Club met Friday evening with Mrs. George Irwin, President, in the chair. Plans for the Club picnic in June at Geneva Park weýe made. A splendid program arranged by the North Group included piano solo by Harold Yellowlees; recitation by Donna Gail Irwin; violin and accordion duets by Ted and Henry Koss and reading 'Tarin Life In China," by Mrs. George Irwin. A social hour was spent playing cards when the Koss brothers again provided much ap- preciated musical entertainment. Lunch was served. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Pascoe and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Pascoe en- tertained sixty friends at a jolly Valentine party at Solina School on Feb. 13. Lost Heir was play- ed with Mrs. E. Cryderman and Mr. J. Baker winning prizes for highest scores. A song contest created much laughter as each group sang lustily. The capable (?) leaders were Gordon Leask, Wes Ycllowlees and Everett Vice. To conclude a very happy even- ing Mrs. E. Cryderman played the piano for dancing with Stan Milîson calling for square dances. Delicious refreshments were serv- ed by the hosts and hostesses. The young people have begun practising for their new play "Abigail Goes Haywire." Master Ronnie Baker enter- tained several little boy friends at a birthday party on Saturday. We extend congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Norman Leach of Taunton, who, on Feb. 15 observ- ed the 40th anniversary celebra- tion of their wedding day. The Adult Bible Class opened the Sunday School on Sunday af- ternoon. Mrs. Isaac Hardy read a story "The Pearl of Great Price"; Mrs. Clarence Vice and Mrs. Everett Cryderman sang a duet and Mrs. S. E. Werry gave a reading, "Christ bas no hands but our hands." Mr. and Mrs. Burney Hooey and Barbara, Messrs. Roy Hooey and Robert Scott Jr., attended a party in honour of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Armstrong at Devitt's Hall on Friday night. The newly- weds left on Sunday for their home in Wrangel, Alaska. Citizenship Conveners Mary Cryderman and Ewart Leask had charge of the Y.P.U. programn on Monday evening. They were as- sisted by Pearl Leach in present- ing the worship service. The programn included readings by Betty King and Evelyn Taylor; musical selections by Bruce Tay- lor and a vocal solo by Victoria Brudek. The recreation was con- ducted by Ewart Leask. We are pleased to report that Miss Ileen Balson who has beea iii with pneumonia in Bowman- ville Hospital is now making fav- orable progress at home. We hope to sec her out around again real soon. Miss Helen Baker Toronto, at her home for the weekend. Miss Marilyn Burrows, Osh- awa, with her cousin, Elaine Spires. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Davis and Patsy at Mr. and Mrs. J. E. H. Davis' in Oshawa. Miss Luella Hepburn with Mrs. Hosken Smith, Enfield. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Tink, ac- companied Mr. and Mrs. Perey Dewell, Hampton, to Toronto on Sunday to see little Carolyn and found she had contracted the chieken-pox. ________________________________________ a SEE DUR NEW 1951 STYLES. 0 4 It's here! The new 1951 stylebook, chockful of ideas far you! Jusi Arrived The New 1951 - 52 Lancasiria English Wallpaper St yle Book - SEE THESE NEW STYLES TO-DAY - Se G. PRESTON à SON PAINTERS & DECORATORS Phone 2417 Bownianville 48 Chuich St. BRING YOUR MESSAGE BEFORE 12,000 REAIJERS Mr. and Mrs. Russell Vice, Mr. Evenett Vice, Mn. and Mrs. Clar- ence Vice, Murray and Donna, and Miss Luella Uepbunn attend- ed the silver wedding anriiver- sary for Mn. and Mns. Harold Jebson at the borne_ ot 1%r. and Mrs. Vernon Po wei&! Lmbus, on Feb. 16. The gu Ofhnor were presented with a namium- plated kîtchen suite. We of fer our best wishes to,-the Jebsons, Mns. Jebson being the former Léta Vice, and for some years they wene both nesidents of So.- lina community. Severai people from Sauina called ta offen congratulations ta Mr. and Mrs. N. Leach, Taunton, on their 4th wedding anniven- sany. Hampton United Chunch Cir- cuit Bnotberhood' will ineet on Marcb 8th at Zion. Solina Home and School Club met Friday evening with tbe pro- gram under direction of Mn. and Mrs. Ralph Davis and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Parrinden-witb Mr. Parrinder as chairman. The fol-- lowing enjoyable program was presented: readings by Mrs. Bur- ney Hooey, Miss Betty King and Mn. B. G. Stevens; piano solos by Patsy Davis and Mrs. Isaac Hardy; a splendid paper on "Su-. perstitions" by Mrs. Roy Lang. maid and a vocal duet well rend- ered by Mrs., Wes Werry and Mrs. Harold Pascoe. Contests were conducted by Mrs. Ralph Davis. Lunch was senved. Miss Marjonie Couch, Bowman- ville, wha spent a yean as ex- change teacher in England, will- be guest speaker at the Manch meeting of Solina Club. The pro- gram committee is Mn. and Mr. Tom Baker and Mn. and Mi Isaac Hardy. Men's Club wil meet at the' ball on Saturday night. Mn. and Mns. Arthur Hepburn, Joan and Mary, Columbus, visit- ed at Mn. Clarence Vice's. Mn. George Millson and daugh. ter Maureen, Tononto; Mn. and Mrs. Howard Milison and Peggy, Hampton, visited at Mr. E. Miil- son's. BURKETON Best wisbes to Mr. and mrs. R. H. Armstrong, nee Annie Lee, who were maried Feb. 149 presentations and dance w held at Devitt's Hall Friday e.- ing. Congratulations ta Mn. and Mrs. Sandy Van Dam, nee Inene Hickey, Pontypool, who wcre married Fcb. 17. Choir practise was hcld at R. Davis' Thursday evcning. Friends gatbered at the-IïblI- of Mn. and Mns. Grant Cannochan to welcome Mn. and Mns. Stanley McCullough, nee Ruth Carnoch- an. A showen and dance wiil b. beld in Blackstock hall Feb. 23. Miss Ruby eailey, Oshawat witb Mr. and Mns. T. Bailcy. Miss Gwen Dean with Mn. and Mrs. R. Dean. Mn. and Mrs. George Carter visited Mn. Clarence Butson at Sunnybrook HospitaL The Sialesman Sold Ai Following Stores Dyer's Dnug Store, Newcastle. D. G. Walton's, Newcastle. S. Brown, Newtonville. T. M. Siemon, Enniskiilen. F. L. Byam, Tyrone. G. A. Baran, Hampton. Newton Taylor's, Bunketon. H. T. Sayweli, Blackstock. Keith Bradley, Pontypool. C. B. Tyrreil, Onono. H. K. Reynolds, Kendal. W. J. Bagnell, Jury & Loveil, J. W. Jewell, W. J. Berry, Elgie Harnden's Handy Store and The Statesman Office. ilm CANADIM SMAMMAlf. BOWMANV=. ONTARIO ab& mm lmwwv 1