TErminA?. TI~B. m2ti4 1051 THE CANADIAN STATESMMi, EOWMANVTL!Z. ONTA~!O - PÂGi S!VE1~ ISOCIAL MNDPERSONAL -à Mr. Walter ReynolAs is one of a stag Party who is enjoying a niotor trip to Florida. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Wesley, Walkerton, were weekend visi- tors with her mother, Mrs. J. H. Johnaton, Horsey St. Dr. and Mrs. C. W. Slemon and Mr'. and Mrs. Herb. Rogers left John's l Anglican Church Rev. Warren T7urner, B.A., B.D. 8 a.m. - HOLY COMMUNION Il a.m. - MORNING PRAYER Brownies and Guides Attendlng 7 p.m. - EVENING PRAYER Wednesday- 9:30 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. A Word for Today: 1I was in the Spirit on clue Lord's day." (Rev. 1:10) Tuesday on a montli's motor trip to Florida. Mr. and Mrs. Alan Greville visited ber parents Mr. and Mrs. K. E. Cox, Kingston Road E., on Sunday evening. Miss Joyce Cox attended tie Monarci's Bail at the King Ed- ward Hotel, Toronto, on Friday evening, and spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Alan Greville. Jack Tait, Francis Rowe, Ellen Ward, Paul Tuerk, Don McGreg- or, Jack Cbilds, Bill Harnden, Eric Atkins and Ted Ott spent the weekend at Collingwood skîing. Mrs. B. E. Ingham, Miss Bey- erley Patton, and Mr. George H. Ingiam, Millbrook, visited Mrs. Ingiam's aunt, Mrs. B. M. War- nica at Miss Eva L. Hellyar's on Sunday. Owing to the iban on building materials, the Meniorial Park As- sociation will not be puttlng up the recreation building until a later date, althougli they will continue to raise funds for it. We are pleased to report that Miss Ileen Balson of The States- man staff wio lias been in Bow- manville Hospital being treated for an attack of pneumonia lias sufficiently recovered to be taken to ber home at Solina on Wednes- day. Mrs. J. A. Honeyman and son, Morris, who have been visiting her relatives in Liverpool, Eng- land, for five montbs, have ne- turned home, accompanied by lier motier, Mrs. L. E. Morris, wbo is greatly enjoying her holi- day in Canada. Womct o(~u 11:00 a.m. - REGULAR MORNING SERVICE 12:15 p.m. - SUNDAY SCHOOL '7:00 p.m. - SONG SERVICE and EVENING WORSHIP MARGARET STILLWELL CONTRALTO 'viii be our guest soioist TRINITY UNITED CHURCH Rev. S. R. Henderson, B.A., B.D., Minister. Mr. R. G. Harle, Director of Music COUNTER-SOILED UNIFORMS LONG AND SHORT SLEEVES GREATLY REDUCED LOOK AT THESE SAVINGS! Regular $6.50 Regular $7.25 TO CLEAR-_ ..... $.6 TO CLEAR $52 Regular $4.98 Regular $5,50 TO CLEAR--$3.98 TO CLEAR-$42 The Glary Annm 57 King St. W. Shappes BOWMANVILLE Phone 3363 Mrs. Cora Allun, Bowmnanville, and ber sister, Mrs. Hilda Myers, Rocliester, N.Y., attended the funeral of their nephew, Mr. Merwin Scott, Oshawa, along witli Mr. and Mrs. E. Smitli, and Mr. Russell Scott, also of Rochiester, cousins of the deceased. Members of the Public Sehool Board and their wives, entertain- ed the teaching staff of the Pub- lic Schools at an afternoon tea Liheld at the Ontario Street School,' Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. William Clarke was in charge of tea, and Mrs. W. G. James, wife of the Chairman of the Board, poured tea.ý Druliam County Club of To- ronto, meeting on Feb. 22 is to be "An Evening of Music.' If you are flot already a memýber you'll be made welcome to corne and join in an evening of good fellowship witli other good folks from the Homeland of Durham. Meeting place is at the I.O.D.E. Headquarters at Avenue Road and Lawtlier Ave. Evening Auxiliary of St. Paui's United Churcli met in the lecture room on Feb. 19. Mrs. Porter was in charge of the meeting. The theme of the worship service was "Ris Silent Presence." The his- tory of the Christian Cliurch in Japan was studied. Mrs. H. Tur- ner and Mrs. S. MeAllister assisted Mrs. Porter in the meet- ing. Plans were made to hold a tea in Mardi. That man Norman Scott, Man- ager of the Brookdale-Kingsway Nurseries, lias got bis picture in Canadian Homnes and Gardens" magazine again as tlieir contrib- uting garden editor. Hîs feature column is headed "Down to Earth" but we'll predict if lie gets mucli more free publicity lie'll be "up in the clouds" as mother earth won't lie able to liold hirn. Anyway, in spite of bis photo it's good advertising for Bowmanville and the interna- tîonally known B.-K. Nurseries.' Out-of-town guests at the Vet- zal-McClimond wedding in Centre St. United Churdli, Oshawa, on Feli. 10, from this district wero: Mr. and Mrs. M. Vetzal, Bowman- ville; Mrs. O. Meredith, Mr. G. Moffatt, Maple Grove; Mr. and Mrs. J. MacGregor, Mr. and Mrs. P. Antil, Mr. James MacGregor, Mr. and Mrs. P. Dalby, Mr. and Mrs. W. McKnight, Mr. and Mrs. H. Graliam, Mr. and Mrs. W. Ba- bidli, Mr. Jerry Lymer, Miss Shir- ley Antil, Mr. and Mrs. George Vetzal, Miss Betty Antil, Miss Lois Antil, ahl of Courtice. St. Paul's W.M.S. met at the home of Mrs. H. Foster and Mrs. R. Whitmee, Feli. 20. In tie absence of Mrs. W. H. Carruthers, Mrs. Harold Ferguson presided. The theme "Ris Silent Presence" was taken by Miss Elva Orcliard wlio interpreted tlie study book chapter "The United Cliurch Re- Enters Japan througli Education." Outlining the task of the college to train new groups to lie highly trained social leaders to carry on the education for the future of Japan. Mrs. R. Whitmee, Mrs. R. Hetlierington and Mrs. H. Turner offered prayer for the people of Japan. Miss Orcharrd closed this portion with the appeal presented by Kagawa. Mudli space and pictures were given in Saturday's Toronto Star to the 1921 graduating class of Osgoode Hall, who are going to lionor their distinguished class- mate Premier Leslie M. Frost on Mardli 2nd at the 30t1 anniver- sary reunion at the King Edward Hotel. With sucli important events one generally expeets to find a Durhiam County boy or girl among such famous company, and running true to form, riglit ini the centre of a page of photos of graduates of 1921, was our own.A. Elmer Rundle of Eben- ezer and graduate of B.H.S., the proud father with a radiant smile of contentment. surrounded by a galaxy of bis four cliarming daugliters, Mary, Ruth, Anna and Carol. Riglit then and tliere we lost interest in the photos of the other graduates. Mr. Rundle, you may recall, bas the record of being highi salesman for se 'v- eral years of the North Ameni- can Life Assurance Co., thus ear- ning membership in the comp- any's illon Clb. Emer s so HAMPTON Congratulations are in order to Mrs. R. Pascoe (ALint Laura) who on Sunday rcached ber 93rd birthdalv. She xvas the recipient [of many greeting cards and friends called to extend best wish- es. Glad to know she is fairly well and we hope she may lie spared to enjoy more birthday anniversaries. Sympathy is extended to Mrs. Clarence Yeo in the death of lier brother, Mr. Mervyn Scott, of Oshawa, who is a grandson of the late Mr. and Mrs. Johin Clarke, formerly of Hampton. Home and School Association sponsored a card party at the school Feli. 14 whicli was quite well attended. Prizes- for Lost Heir-high won by Mrs. Sam Dewell and Mr. Joe Crawford;, low, Mrs. Earl Luke and Mrs. J. R. Reynolds; high for cuchre, by Mrs. Tom Rogers and Mr. N. C. Yellowlees: low, Mrs. E. H. Cole and Bill Widdecombe: Juniors- Ronnie Clemenq, boy's higli; Bey- erly Smale, girl's hiîgh; boy's low, Donnie Smith; girl's Iow, Mary Lehman. Refreshments "and a social haîf hour followed. Pro- ceeds ovlir $18.00. Mrs. Milton Cochrane, North Oshaw~a, visited lier daughter, Mrs. Tom Westlake. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Cochrane, Northi Oshawa; Mr. Arduie Coch- rane Oshawa; Mr. and Mns. Frank Westlake Sr., Solina. visited Mr. and Mrs. Tom Westlake. The Ontario Society for Crip- pled Children bas lad 28 years of continuous service. Everybody can help by using Easter Seals. - Usé Easter Seals - Help Crip- pied Chlldren. COURTICE The Afternoon W.M.S. Auxili- ary met in Ebenezer S. S. roomn and meeting was opened by Pres. Mrs. R. Gay who conducted the business period, which lncluded the appointment of Mrs. Bob Muir and Mrs. Bill Henry as dele- gates to attend Presbyterial con- vention at Centre St. Churcli, Oshawa on Feb. 21. Supply work this year is a layette for Africa, to be ready by end of February. A Life Membership Certificate was presented Mrs. Ross Pearce by ber daughter Louise. The program was conducted by Mrs. Lloyd Down, Mrs. Glen Pickell and Mrs. Bob Muir who gave a survey of the schools an dcolleges in Japan to which our United Church contributes funds and missionaries. There is a need for trained Christian leaders. The Christian religion changes if e and gives satisfaction. Mrs. A. J. Gay described the W.M.S. re- sidue in Kofu as a happy bouse with a twinkle in its eye. Mrs. Carl Down, representing Miss Thomas as a missionary, was proud of the welcome received and impressed by the depth of thouglit of young people. Mrs. H. F. Osborne impersonated an- other missionary, Miss Hamiton. The Japanese are a literate people, greedy to learn English and western ways. Asabu School lias as its motto, "The whole school for Christ." Mrs. Osborne also led in the worship service with Mrs. Pearce as reader and ,Mrs. Annis, Mrs. K. E. Courtice and Mrs. Pearce led in prayer. Best wisbes to Arche and Mrs. Muir Jr., on the arrivai of their little daugliter. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Adams, Miss Phyllis Adams, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Down and Mrs. Geo. Barber, attended the funeral of Mr. Andrew Burnett, uncle of Mrs. Cecil Adams. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Wilbur, Oriole, were Sunday guests with Alan and Mrs. Wilbur. Glad to report little Douglas Wilbur mucli improved from bis illness. Our vicinity, like many others, is baving quite a serious tîine with measles and flu which, we hope, may soon disappear. Courtice W. A. Courtice W. A. met in the churcli, Feb. 15, at 8 p.m. The meeting opened with a sbort sing-song. Mrs. Cecil Adams led ini prayer. Roll caîl sbowed an attendance of 18. Correspond- ence was read by Corr. Sec'y, Mrs. C. Simmons. An invitation to join the Willing Workers group of Harmony in celebrating their 20th anniversary was ac- cepted for Mardi 7th at 8 p.m. A quilting wlll be held, Mardi 13th all day. Scripture lesson was read by Mrs. A. Hoy. Mrs. Somerville gave thouglits on the lesson and brought. bur topic, telling first the story of a little boy wbo was asked, quote, "What are you go- ing to be wlien you grow up? uq- quote. Stressing the point of "What are we doing as we grow older in the work of the churcli. Are we spreading the gospel of Jesus; standing for the best prin- ciples? What kind of a link are we in the chain. A chaîn is only as strong as its weakest link, Are we like Peter? We are strong wben we are close to Jesus and weak wben we are away from Hlm. Let us always be strong by staying close to Jesus. Solos, "How Sweet the Name of Jesus" and "We Need Tbee Every Hour" were sung by Mrs. AIxeander. Refreshments were served. Com- mitees for March are: Program- Mrs. P. Antil and Mrs. Geo. Bar- ber; Refreshment-Mrs. Ship- man, Mrs. Reg. Stephens, Mrs. Simmons and Mrs. C. Shuttron. NE WTON VILLE January meeting of W.M.S. was held Tuesday afternoon, Feb. 13, at the home of Mrs. C. Burley with Il present. A committee was appomnted to-look into possibility of finding a leader for Mission Band. Committees also were ap- poînted to take care of Thank- Offering -on Good Friday after- noon, securing a speaker, etc. Mrs. Van Allen had charge of the study period. Lunch was served and social bour enjoyed. Mr. Roy Smith lias purchased a new Ford truck. Miss Ruth Wilson, Grafton, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Willis Farrow. Mr. Arthur Redknap is liaving an oil burner installed to heat his liome. Mrs. Wm. Cole who is still very poorly bas been taken to Bow- manville Hospital, Miss Mary Hallowell, Stark- ville, spent the weekend with Miss Bonnie Barton. Mrs. John Pearce and Mrs. F. Uîlmer visited Mr. and Mrs. Al- fred Redknap, Oshiawa, on Wed- nesday. Mrs. Howard Ormiston, R.N., is nursing Mrs. John Wade at Osh- awa I-jospital. Congratulations to Mr. Jasl Day- nard who was 86 on Wednesday, Feb. l4tli. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Bruce visited Mr. and Mrs. Tom Curry, Bowmanville, on Sunday. Mr. Willis Jones is attending tie Good Roads Convention being held at the Royal York, Toronto, this week. We were pleased to have Mr. Bruce Gorrili, our publie school teacher, take the Bible Class at Sunday School Sunday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Lancaster and Dorella, and Mrs. John Lan- caster attended the wedding on Saturday at Niagara Falls, N.Y., of Miss Florence Lockhart, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Willard Lockhart. The Clarke Township teachers' monthly meeting was held in the Newtonville School on Monday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Gibbs and family spent a very pleasant weekend with Mrs. Stella Rogers, Janetville. Word lias been received in the village of the death of one of our old tîme respected residents, Mr. Robert Best, who for a number of years lias been living at Thorn- bury. Mr. Best suffered a stroke and passed away in the Colling- wood Hospital Sunday evening. Mr. Best's wife, who predeceased him about a year ago, was Char- lotte Hallowell, sister of Mr. Wm. Hallowell of this village and Mr. Jake Hallowell of Starkville. At one time Mr. Best ran a tailor shop here and the building is now the residence on the Glover lot. The house recently owned by the late Mrs. Wm. Rutherford, Mr. Best liad built for lis bride. Just one more link with the past severed. KENDAL Mr. Elmer Patton is liaving a holiday in Peterboroughi. Miss Christina Jilisen, Peter- horougli, was with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Jilisen for the ,keek end. Mrs. Ray Moore and sons of Creemore, spent the week with lier brother, Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Couroux. Mr. and Mrs. Shirley Vannatto and Allan, Port Hope, and Mr. and Mrs. Len Oughtred and Don- na, Wesleyville, visited their mother, Mrs. D. Vannatto and Cecil. Mrs. Neav Little bas returned home after spending a couple of months In Chicago with lier moth- er, Mrs. Lang and brother, Dr. Ross Lang. Mrs. N. Kennedy, Mrs. Mary Luxon and Mrs. Roy Mercer were in Bowmanville Wednesday af- ternoon to the Handicraft Classes in leatlierwork and in weaving wbicli are belng sponsored by Bowmanville W. I. Sunday guests witli Mr. and Mrs. W. Mercer were Mr. and Mrs. Ted Coatham and Chyrrell, 'Orono; Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Mer- cer and family and Miss Marion White. à Tlie tobacco season is finally drawing to a close with most of the stripping ibeing finished, or nearly done, in this neighborhood as Mardhilst is the usual date for growers moving to their new farms. Ned Foster and W. Mer- cer delivered their final slip- ments to Imperial Tobacco Co. at Delhi on Feb. 14, and some of the others are waiting for orders to slip to the Canadian Leaf Co. Mrs. Yemen and pupîls of Ken- dal Public Sehool held a Valen- tine party in the scliool Friday af- ternoon witl-, a program, lunch and tlie interesting Valentine post office box. SALEM Mr. and Mrs. Sam Buttery spent the weekend in Niagara Falls, Nf. Y., and attended the wedding of her niece on Saturday. -Mrs. George Pirie, Miss Jeani Philips, Miss Mildred Philips, Mrs. Lillian Brine ai-d family Nvith Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Craig. Young Peoples Union met in the church on Tuesday evening. Mr. Carveth showed some very inter- esting pictures. These films are both educational and entertain- ing. Grace Blackburn favoured with a piano solo and Ken Shack- leton with. sev4eral violin selections accompanied by Mrs. Ken Shack- leton. Lunch was served and a social hour enjoyed. The Women's Assôciation met Feb. 15 at Mrs. W. G. Werry's. Mrs. Werry, president, opened the meeting and conducted the busi- ness. It was decided to give $25 to the Women's Hospital Auxil- iary Fund and to purchase some new drapes for the parsonage. Mrs. Bob Collacutt and lier group were in charge of program. De-e votional was given by Mrs. Leslie Welsh. Reading by Mrs. Jack Cook. Two lovely vocal solos were given by Mrs. Ken Werry accompanied by Mrs. Otto Bragg. A talk entitled 'Prayeý" \vas giv- en by Mrs. Lute. A piano solo by Mrs. Sam Buttery. Lunch was served by the group. School has been closed for sev- eral days owing to the illness of the teac'her. Quite a number of pupils have been iii with the measies. cru9flBA COMPETITIVE PRICES PLUS PERSONAL SERVICE AI onuSPECIAL VALUES AND REMlINDERS FOR TIIIRSDAY FRIDAY AND SATURDAY KLEENEX, MacLean Brand Stomach Powder 59e - 980 SCOTT'S EMULSION 63e - $1.19 PACKAGEo0 300tissm~63/ex9'l 20< M0 tissigOs 9 x 10"'33e MAN'S SIZE 12"x12" 29Ç - 55Ç - 98Ç N Y LON FOR 27Ç 0 ÀYBRN New Shades Non-shrink ... ...Non-stretch Fast Colours Wonderful Yardage 1.1 "Pioneer'**Wool 3 and 4.piy-lO% Nylon 45c - 1-oz. hall An assortment of discon- tinued lines at exception- aily low prÀces while the present supply lasts. J. W. JEWELL fIG 620" 27 King St. W., Bowmmfftle P130NE 558 lVampole's EXTRACT 0F COD LIVER OIL $1,00 FELLOW'S SYRUP $1.39 Enjoy Real Shavlng Comnfort with... GILLETTE Shaving Needs GILLETTE BLUE BLADES in -" handy disPensers 10 and 20 blades --- - -- 50 to $1.0 -0 also regular pack Of 50's, 25's GILLETTE SHAVE CREAM 39C "ROCKET' Razor, One plece razor and 10 blade dispenser in styreie case--------------- $1.49 «"ARISTOCRAT"~ Razor Set $6.00 WAX PAPER I.D.A. Brand,29 100 ft. roll in cutting edge box. Reg. 33c HYDROGEN PEROXIDE I.D.A. Brand, 4, 8 and 16-,,. Reg. 15c, 25,, 39e 1~19Ç 29Ç MAGNESIA TABLETS I.D.A. Brand, 100's and 300's. Reg. 39c, 85c 2~ 59çý Talcum Powder 'JEANETTE'ý Large Shaker Can 17c 2 for 33c MUSTARD RUR I.D.A. Chest Rub, 1-oz. jar. Reg. 35e Nursing Boiules 8 ounce narrow niouth style 4 for 19c -~~ 0 3 CASCARA TABLETS33 I.DA. Brand, 5 grain, 100's. Reg. 39c ---- 3 SYRUP FIGS & SENNA23 I.D.A. Brand, 3-oz. Reg. 33e ------------ --------FACE-ELLE ~ 44~dti~t Iply, 20c, 2 for 39e 3 -py 22c, 2 for 43e PABLUM Mead's 25e - 50e .Johnson's BABY POWDER 29e - 57o PABENA 25e - 500 IASY TO j APPLY On@ Application Lasts For Months ' Makes your platesftlk new ... stops r.kng rub. bing, clicking, irritating dentures ... always remains soft, acushion for your guins. Not a powder or pagte. oniy$2.25 Grove's Bromo-Quinine Cold Tablets - ------- 39c-69c VIck's Vapo Rub 49e Vick's Vatronol ___ -49e Vick's Inhaler 43c Vick's Cough D)rops 15e Bayer Asplrin ------- -- 18c-29e-79c Anacin Tablets 25c-49c-74c Cha.se's Nerve Food ---- 69c-$1.79 AIka-Seltzer-------~ 34c-68c PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY Alex. We Deliver MeGregor, Your Local I.D.A. Drug Store Drugs Phone 792 REGULAR-SUPER-JUzNIOR 1 Box of 12 napkins 40< 7fo797W 1 wil ýq IT LT ý , 590 - 9v m TEE CANADUN STATT.SM«, BOV;bL4NV=. ONTAMO - PAGÉ "y TXU MAT, M. 22nd, 1931
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