THE CANADIAN PrATESMAN, NOV;IANM7LIONTAR!O ,i.aain to a new vista o euy CivesM ormaive A dressThe scene gives one a feeling off Three New Mem bers ig reverent awe and in the words of Rotay o Tnp b W ster Ca adathe psalmist: "The heavens de- Rota y onTripIo este n Ca ada clane the glbry of Gad and the firmament showeth His handi- work." (Continued from Page On.) the earth's surface for the good of But these great mountain ran- Thespakr' "utid o bs-mankînd. ges have more to their credit than iness lnterests are many and According to recent, figures, beauty. How much wcalth they varied. Oshawa bas benefitted ail is naw being produccd at an hald no one knows but there is, greatly from Mr. Alloway 's con- average rate of 102,413 banrels no daubt, much that is stîiun structive leadesi n cied aily. A pipeline ncarly 1200 discovercd and untapped. irterest in his cammunity and miles long, bas been finished, at Great Minerai Wealth mn B.C. church. H. bas servcd as mem- acs f$00000t ar h On. example of the. great re- ber of the Board of Education and oul to Supenior, Wisconsin. There sources in their mighty basomn is Is pre ently a director of the Gen- storage facilities are being cre- the famaus Sullivan Mine at Kim- eral "* ~.tal. Clasely associated atcd to hold four million barrels berly, which was a discavery of with, Ch and religiaus activi- and an orden has just been given Pat Sullivan and tbree partners tie >heXs bro avr for a third large tanker ta bring back in 1892. I was privileged atit Church, a member of the ail fram the upper lake ter- te sec the great smelting plant awha Christian Business Men's minai ta the Impeial 011 refin- of the Consolidated Mining and Cammittee, Oshawa Gideons and cries at Sannia. Only last wcek, Smclting Ca. at Trail, B.C. Here, iprcscnt Chairman of the Board of with a panty of Ontario ncws- cancentrate is pnacesscd by a L.ondon Bible Institute. papermen, I visited the refinery xonderful combination of chem- Inarder that our readers may at Sarnia w icre the oul is pro- ical and elcctnolytic treatment OY he riilee f vewng hecessed into gasoline and num- that is mystifying ta a laymani cnjoytepiîeo iwn h erous other praducts.buwic cetnygtseul. Wst thraugh Mn. Alloway's train- btwihcranygt eut5 ed cycs, the helow address bas Exploration and development The daily production includes 450 been Printcd verbatum in the work is still gaing forward on a tans of lead, 400 tons af zinc and Since 1 January, Brazil, the Net] first Persan: lange scale, not only by aur well- 16,000 ounces of silver. We were the General Assembly for two-ye The Oil Fields known Canadian campanies and sunpnîsed ta learn tbat aven baîf ion the Securlty Council, In place n TheAlbrtaai fiîdawer amany new ones, but by numerous the silven produced in Canada trseprd i.nwrpee The lbeta il feld wee aU.S. groups, ail of whom must cornes from this source. We saw trn xie.Tenwrpee great source of interest and arn- conforrn stnictly ta the regula- a stack of pure silver bars, eah sadors, are (lcft to right): Danil azement ta us. We visited the tions off the Alberta Petroleumn weighing about 70 lbs. Other [lands, Joao Carlos Muniz of Bri Leduc and Redwaten fields and and Natural Gas Conservation products recavcred frorn this what we saw and learned was a Board. sarne unpramising laoking coni- revelation. Alberta's i development- cnraeis od(2 ounces asore.i tpolanItut lh tain he Ponc e spbeta- of imensen potential-is not anly day), a ton each daily of cad- also in ils taith in God who bas li n he solnti? Ffenvince butlera taimes benefit to that pro- rium and antirnony, a third of a given to us so liberally. I would Yars ag o lent was a dfat- ofanadau t the whole economy tan off bismuth and a small quan- like ta close, with a "few verses Yeatsproinceruable aayefaulI wiîCnad and I bave no doubt tity of indium, a rare cornmod- from the scriptures, wbicb I be- ifltrstoncets fanylre pfulwlic shortlv make Canada inde- ity produccd nawbere else in Can- lieve are an appropriate dcscrip- dèt. sts n tfir reubwaspendent off U. S. supply and prob- ada. to f Ti aaaofOr" aud $16 000,00t anravenue baîf ably contribute materially ta The huge Trail plant employs Fo r f Thes Lord ay o Ou in" - tha mount$6,00,0was nduer f-this country's experts. 9,000 people and bas an annual "eth the Lo a go God d, lnd tercsa. n a euii o n Those wbo think there is a payrahl off $26,000,000 (about the off bro noofatenof funtaaînd 011 Pays Albert.a's Debt danger of aur running short off sarne figures in bath cases as for and dcpths that spring out of val- gasoline ta prapel aur automo- General Matons Oshawa plant). icys and hilîs; a land off wheat, Today, thanks teoail, its debt biles can stop wonrying. An extensive rebuilding program and barhey, and vines, and fig his been reduced from $160,000,- Molintain Grandeur is at present gaing on at a cost off trees, and pomegranates: a land off 000 ta $56,000,000 and its annual Just a bnief word about Banff $12,000,000, olive oul, and boney; A land revenue increased ta $80,000,000. where we spent four memorable Smoke Proves Bon vhencin thou shaît eat bread It will be free off debt in a feW days. No %vords off mine can de- I would like also ta tell you without scarceness, thou shaît not Yeats, Meanwhile public imprave- scribe the grandeur of the moun- bricfly about the fertilizer di- laeck anything in it; a land whose ments arc going ahead rapidly on tain peaks, witb their varied cal- vision off the Consolidated opera- stones are iron, and out off wbose a pay-as-you-go basis. orings, constantly changing in the tiens at Trail. This is a newer hilis thou mayest d7ig brass. When -I heard Premier Manning speak sunlight and shadow and as view- development but bas grown tre- tbou hast eaten and art full, then at the Canadian Chamben of Comn- ed from different angles. It is mendousîy and represents anoth- thou shait blcss the Lard tby God M erce convention at Banff. He like a dneam paradise. In fact, as er important by-product off the for the good land xvhich he bathi 1 led bis audience as he told one sits on the terrace of the industry. It is a multimillion given thco." humbly and grateffully af the Banfff Springs Hotel, which nises dollar plant emplaying the sel- thanged conditions in bis province like a Baronial Castle inset in the pburic gasses that a few yea ns due ta extracting the bunied mounitains it is a delight ta close ago caused the cornpany no end N sle nSatn treasure in oil which a bountiful one's eyes for a fcw minutes' ne- of trouble and expensive damage N slfnSaii Providence bad placed beneath flection and then open thcmn actions as a result off thein ne- lease from the taîl cbirnneys off Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Samehîs the smelter. Now they are cap- and Sharon, Peterborough, wene tured and put ta use in the mak- weekend guests off Mn. and Mns. ing of. patent fertilizers on a Lai-men Hyland. mammath scale. 0f course, thene Mn. and Mrs. George Bowers is a great deal more ta it than and Ralph visited friends in that. Individual plants for mnak- Bunketon. ing ammonia, phospboric acid, Mn. and Mrs. John Tornpkins phosphate and ammonium Sul - and Jmi.Trno eei h phite round out the pictune. A village for the weekend. "bush, bush" building makes a M n r.S tpeCvn "heavy watcr" used in sarne mys- Mran s.SStpeCv, tenauswayin onnctin wthvisited 'Mn. Walter Sharpe and the atomic bomb. In fact. man.) Mrs. A. Farder. ai the pracesses and eqeiprnent Misses Eleanon and Elaine in bath the Consolidated plants Thornpson were in Peterborough could be used efffectively for war on Saturday. production o! vaniaus kinds if the Mrs. Grant Tbompson attend- need arase. ed the funeral off ber uncle, M,7. ProgresIn Education Chanles Musgnove, in Toronto. 1 had tbought tbe Western pro- Wo are glad ta report Miss vinces were just a little behind Gladys McKee is feeling hetten, 'Ontario in the matter off educa- also those who bave bad colds. tien. 1 was carnpelled to reverse Sunday visitons with. Mr. Air- W orththis opinion entirely, at loast as thun Huibont wene Mn. and Mrs. fan as Bitish Columbia was con- T. Rahm. Mr. and Mrs. Earl cerned. Rahm, Oshawa; Mn. Perce Hul- Song! TeUiest fB .i n bort, Toronto; Mn. and Mrs. Bruce off Canada's youngest institutions Freelove, Teddy and Gloria, Pet- of higben learning and it seems erborough. With pardonable pride, our dairy-belle joins in almost incredible that in less than Miss May Noon, Toronto, visit- singng he raiss o he viarni-rih iilk40 years it bas risen ta second ed Mi. Noon and Mrs. Ernerton. singng he raies f hr viami-rih nilk. .place in student enralment and the food that bas EVERTHING boys and girls is making a unique contributionP N YP L ta the acadernic life off Canada. need for health and pcp. We had the pnivilege off meet- O T P L ing the President, Dr. Norman MacKcnzie, wbo is very ffiendl 'v, Mn . nnd Mis. Howard Bowens, Seetha yor yungteralrnost offf-hand in bis mannen, Oshawa, and Mn. and Mrs. Vaugh- Seetha yor yungterbut wba bas an impressive list off an, Toronto, w'ere Sunday vîsi- gets his full share every degrees and military deconations tors at the home off Mn. and Mns. g -be served in the finst great %var. T. E. Cain. day . . . and give him.. The grawth off the student body Mr. Arnîold MeNeil, Toronto, bas been almost phenamenal. In spent the weckend with bis par- "o~e a ro o"!Seve1915-1916 it was 379. In 1947-48 en ts, Mn. and Mrs. Charles Mc- xtr glas adayit reachcd the astonishing figure Neil. hir a exraglas da ~off 9370, second only ta the Uni- Mn. and Mrs. Austin Warn, Pet- in the form af custards versity off Toronto. This ycan, enbonough, were visitons at the with most off the velerans home off Mn. and Mrs. Alvin Ohan and puddings. Cali us for .*tbnoegb, it will settle back ta a on Sundav. rnodest but stihl impressive 7,000 A good croxvd attcnded the prompt daîhy delivcny. figure. L.OL. dance on Satunday even- The University offers aven 870 ing. courses off study. Most off thele We anc pheased ta sec Mr. Al- __________________________________________ are pnovided by the Facelty off fred Johnsion anound again. He Applied Science, Law, Pbanmacy, suffoned a cracked knee-cap Try Clen PRae Dairy Arts and Science, Agriculture, while deer hunting hast faîl. __________________entation and a social was cn.joycd by ahI. Guests wene manville, Pontypool and Osh- LA ND R m TA RK O IL TDR awa. The Whitmee family lived boere for sevenal yeans beffore mav-c 43 KING ST. W. OSHAWA PHONE 58 ing ta Oshawa.t Wle hear wedding behîs will be CHEC THEE FE TURE:u inging soan. We are waiting ta CHEC TREE F ATUR S:.sec the cake an disphay at Rich- * STORAGE ONE MILLION GALLONS.. ardson's Bakery. Mn. and Mrs. Lloyd Mlebb a!- 1 * AUTOMATIC DELIVERY. tended the VanDam-Hickey wed- " METER STAMPED TICKET. dine in Bowmanville. The first auction sale this spring in thîs cornmunity will take place For il o SevicePhon Yor Loal AentMarch 12 %when Mn. Sam Brown For ii r Sevic - honoTou Locl Aentwill dispose off bis entire farm W*.Pstock and implements. Mn. JAL4 DD II!U PLU DIN e""HEAING Brow~n sold bis farm some lime JAC BR UVV PLU IB O ND 1ATN ago. After travelling in luxury with Mn. Alv-in Olan in bis stncam-1y OIL BURNRS ISTALED ined Monarch for the past feu, DIL BRNERSINSTALED eeks, we see Mn. George Brown Phon 615Bowianvlle driving bis hanse again. George Phon 61 Bowanvlle sa'.s travelling by car does no' e bm a chance ta taik ta bis aiany friends enroute. )t U.N. Security Council herlantiu andi Turkey, electeti by rear terms, have been representeti of Cuba, Egypt and Norway, whoze statives, ail of whom are Ambas- el J. von Balluseck of the Nether- azil, andi Selim Sarpcr of Turkey. NESTLETO.N Several W. A. Ladies met at the home of Mrs. Eli Mairs on Thursday to quilt the quilt Mrs. Mairs put together for us. Mrs. Mairs served afternoon tea and all had an enjoyable time. Rev. and Mrs. Harry Atkinson, Richard and David, Oshawa, visit- ed Mr. and Mrs. L. Joblin. We are pleased to know Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Malcolm have re- turned safely fnomn their few weeks in Flonida. Don't forget W. 1. meeting at the home of Mrs. M. Emerson, Manch 7th. Mrs. J. Hooyer's group in charge. Mr. and Mrs. John Nesbitt visit- ed Mr. and Mrs. George Johns. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Johns visited Mr. and Mrs. L. Joblin. Mr. and Mrs. M. Emerson and Gladys visited Mr. and Mrs. Wil- fred Bowles. Mr. and Mrs. Jewell Mr. and 1Mrs. Wilbert McKinstry, Oshawa; Miss Snowie Marlow, Toronto, called on Mrs. R. W. Marlow. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Wilson, Mr. Andy Holmes, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hanna visited Mr. and Mrs. Elmo Archer. Mrs. Jas. Williamson and Mr. Arthur Jackman attended the funeral of Miss Sarah Johnston, 1Janetville. Mr. and Mrs. Elmo Archer and Donald visited Mr. and Mrs. M. Stevenson and Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Bradburn. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McCabe, Lo- tus, visitcd Mr. and Mrs. Herm-; an Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. Alan Wilson and Glena visited friends at Brooklin. OBITUARY MRS. CHRIS. ROBINSON On February 19, 1951, in Bow- manville Hospital, Jessie Eliza- beth Robinson, beloved wif e of Chris. Robinson, passed away in ber 72nd year, after an illness of two months. Born in Elgin. Scotland, April 28, 1880, Mrs. Robinson was the daughter of the late Peter Ire- ]and and Mary Wright. She was a devoted wife and mother and growing flowers was one of her favorite hobbies. She was an active member of St. John's Ang- lican Ohurch, and the Women's Association, as well as a mem- ber of the. Companions of the Forest. She was a memben of the Women's Institute for over 40 years and with aIl these groups she gave ber fuîl share of effort with her characteristic en- thusiasm with the chief aim. of belping others. Mrs. Robinson is survived by her husband, Chris. Robinson, and two sons, Gilbert Jones, Bowmanville and Clyde Robin- son, Toronto; also, brothers liv- ingz in Toronto and England, and sisters in Bowmanville and Buf- falo, N.Y. The funeral wbicb was largely attended. *was held Feb. 22, from St. John's Anglican Church witli Canon C. R. Spensor, Port Hope, a former IRector of St. John's, and Rev. Warren N. Turner, present rector, officiating clergymen. Fui- neral music waý played by Mrp. John A. Gunn, organist. Inter- ment was in Bowmanville Cerne- tery with palîbearers Bruce Milne, Jack Milne, John and Wil- lie lreland, Bernard and Bob Jones. Friends and relatives from a distance attending the funerai were Mrs. Ben Popp. Buffalo, N.Y.; Mr. and Mrs. George Jack- son, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Par- km., Brooklin; Mr. C. W. Long, Peterborough; Mr. Fred Hudson, Toronto: Miss Edna Bottrell, Mre.: E. J., Dopp, Mr. nad Mrs. J. R. Çade.i. Toronto; Mrs. E. Smith, Wbitby. Lovely floral tributes were re- ceived froM Goodyear Tire and Rubber Co., Dcpts. 232, 237, A and B; Dominion Stores, Toronto, Herez Spedy Relief For Tender, Aching, Burning Foot Tour feet znay b. bo swolten and le- flamed that you thInk you rant go an- other nt el. Youraehoea nMay feel as If tev are cuttiocrirght Into the ftesh. l'au fe 1 wùk ail aver with the pain and torture; yo'îd give anything ta get relier. Twa or ibree applications a1 Moonea, Eeraid O in ba f wmiu. t a pain and orenesa d lnappeari. No inatter how diacouragod you bave t e '11hv rýhn oan ebeen, Ir Tou have notetried Emnerald 011 L.ttic todaj, wherever drugs art aaici. HAMPTON Mr. Harold Pennett who ac- companicd bis brother, Garth, ta Medicine Hat, Alla., three weeks ago, bas retrnned home. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Dewell at- tended the Golden Wedding cele- bration of Dr. and Mrs. L. B. Wil- liams in Toronto on Su >nday. Mr. and Mrs. Narval Wotten, Solina. visited the Dwelis, ne- tunning ftra Toronto. Mn. and Mrs. Cecii Lockwood and famiiy visited relatives in Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. GQeo. Moase, Litthe Britain, visited h en sister, Mns. Garnet Jobnston. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Knight (nec Barbara Reynolds), Toronto, wenc gucats of ber uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mns. J. R. Reynolds. Mr. Josiah Jahnston and niece, Hildned Jahnston, and Mn. and Mrs. Art Gardon, Scagrave, were tea guests o! Mn. and Mrs. Gar- net Johnston on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Reynolds at- tended the Knight'Reynalds wed- ding in Sherbourne SI. United Church, Toronto. and receptian at the "Heartbstone" on Feb. 17, A number off W.M.S. ladies at- tended the Oshawa Presbytcnial in Oshawa on Wednesday. Mrs. Paul Kelly is assisting in the Barron Store. Correction-An item in hast wcek's issue should bave read: Mn. and Mrs. Austin Banron were in Toronto aîtending the Stack- aruk-Boriskewich. wedding.. Women's Institute meeting this Thunsday aI 2 p.m. North Group in charge of pragrarn. Topic- "Home Economics and HealIh." Roll caîl, "A bird which behps the farmers, and why." Ahi ladies wehcoine. A number of Girl Guides witb thein Captain, Mrs. T. M. Chant, attended cburch service at St. John's Anglican Church Bowman- ville Sunday morning. In the ev- cnîng they were present in a body and also Boy Scouts with their leader, Gardon Chant, at aur awn cburch service. Rev. G. Emn- pey gave a vcny f itting message fon the young folk, which con- tained hclpful thaughts for ahi. TYRONE Mr. and Mrs. Russell Virtue were Sunday visitons with Mn. and Mrs. Theo. Down, Lakefield. Mrs. W. J. Miller was in To- ronto with ber sister, Miss Mary Rabson and ber daughtcr, Miss Helen Miller. Mr. and Mrs. A. Woods and children visited Mn. and Mrs. Colin Taylor, Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Werry were dinnen guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jabez Wright and the Misses Wright at Oshawa Monday ev- cning. Misses Gwen Hilîs, Toronto-, Millie of Bowmanville and Jacq- ueline visited Mr. and Mrs. S. T. Hoar. Mn. and Mrs. Melvin Sears, Haydon, visited ber mother, Mrs. W. Jones. W. M. S. will meet Thursday at the home of Mrs. G. Alldread. Miss Marie Taylor. Bowman- ville, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Taylor. Mn. and Mrs. Jim Graham, Bowmanville. with her parents, Mn. and Mrs. W. J. Macdonald. Mr. and Mrs. Wally Griffin, Enniskillen, with hen parents, Mr. and Mns. Norman Collacott. Miss Bessie Yeo, Bowmanville, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ç. Yco. It is. reported that Mn. Otto Friend4' farm bas been sold. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Cook and childnen attended the funcral of Mr. Robert Clark at Georgetown, uncle of Mn. J. C. Cook, on Feb. 17 and also visited Mr. and Mrs. Ted MeBride at Brampton. Mn. and Mrs. Jim Grant, Baw- manville, were tea gucats of Mn. and Mrs. W. Jewell. Mrs. J. Home, Hamilton, is visiting her daughten, Mrs. Ar- thur Hamilton. 7lirix, ivilini-ri lat, William Lycctt, says: A man can save by other miethods than Life Insurance but few men do. It's wisc ta use Life Insurance as yaur savixîg plan, since il heips you ta save. LET'S TALK ýTHIS OVER William L Lycett BOWMANVILLE PHONE 2382 ACE REFRIGERATION Commercial and Domestic SALES & SERVICE Repairs in ail makes of Refrigerators - Milk Coolers Deein Freezers- Show Cases - WaIk-in Boxes Apartments and Restaurants FREE ESTIMATES ON ALL EQUIPMENT Corne and see, phone or write about our new Two Temperature Refrigerator Deep Freeze and Refrigerator Combines - 24 hour service - W. ALLAN THACKERAY Phone Oshawa 3224 72 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa I - p Step into Style with the New light shades siO50 other ranges 55.00 end 67.50 Tip Top Tailors are sbowing the new ligbt shades that are the top rhoice o! w-ell dressed men for Spring and Summer wear- the new light blues, greys, tans and greens in solid colours and the popular new checks. Corne in. Sec thern for yourself. Have youn suit cut by band and tailored te yaur persn.1 measurernents by T1ip Top Tai rfs u ann Shop now, in tîme for Easter delivcry. BRESLIN'S KING ST. W. BOWMANVILLE exclusive dealier for ipTaIors lu-sr . TMMDAY. MARC-M Ist. 1951 PAGI IMMz Mr. and Mrs. Jack Colbary. First aid kits ln home, achool. Brooklin, with Mr. 'and Mrs. . factory ana eliewhere thould b. Colbary. properly maintained. Antiseptics Miss Mary Pickard, Bowman- should be checked regularly to ville, with Miss Marion Wright. see that they have flot heen uued Mr. and Mrs. K. Hardy and up or evaporated to a dangerous Jerry and Mrs. E. Prescott visited potency, and that bandages are Mr. and Mrs. A. Abbott, Oshawa. sterile. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Maynard Vivian and Joy, Chamberlain; Mr. Pay Yourself Firat John Mayhard visited Miss Phyl- W e ayd yCornes lis Maynard, Bowmanville. Wh Pa dy Mr. and Mrs. Peter Murdoch, Bowmanville, in cornpany with Key f0 Gettini Aheati, Mr. and Mrs. Murray Tabb enjoy- $&Ys B of M ed a trip to Belleville on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd :Skinner, A good many people hardly Mr. Ken Rundle and Mrs. H.ý even get a look at their money Moon with Mr. and Mns. W. Jew- on pay-day. Before they can tay. ell. What do we owe?", it's ali peid Mr. and Mr.;. Horace Hall visit- out to everybody but themselves. ed hei so Stwat i a oro ' No one can do this for long d Hsitalson Sew aind aeTorn-wîthout sinking neck-deep into a tom Hospal ontna. ndrpr mess of money problems. So they someimpovemnt.worry. They worry about bills Mr. and Mrs. W. Rahm visited to corne and they worry about Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Pediar, To- unexpected bills. Money la al- ronto, on Sunday. ways on their mind, sourlng their Miss Florence Wenny, Mrs. Jen- pleasune in living. And, of course, kins, Mr. and Mrs. George White cobwebs gather on their plans for and family, Bowmanville; Mr. the future. and Mrs. Aldon Hoar and chil- The Bank of Montreal has lately dren spent an enjoyable evening corne up with an answer to this Feb. 26 at the home of Mr. and state of affairs. It's Personal Mrs. Frank Werry, it being their Planning, or "how to live within wedding annîversary. your income and enjoy it." A number in thîs community . Personal Planning is budget- are on the sick list. planning with a plus. You see- Misses Betty, Dorothy and ordinary budgets often turn out Dianne Burgess with Mr. and to b. straight-jackets because they Mrs. Morley Tennant, Salem. don't provide for a very impor- Eighteen attended the club tant person, yourself. party Fniday evening at the home There you have the plus in of Mr. and Mrs. A. Richards. Personal Planning. It shows you The roads are in a very bad how to draw up a budget-plan condition due to the arpring-like to meet your particular cincum- weathen and rain. stances. It shows you how to Glad to report that Mrs. F. L. pay yourself, too, on pay-day. Byam is up and around and feel- Geo. Moody, B of M manager nt ing some betten. Bowmanville, invites you to drop Teacher and pupils had a hall- in for your copy of the bank's day Friday afternoon and Mon- bookiet about Personal Planning. day as the furnace was being re- There's no obligation . except paired. to yourself.