PAGE 'rEN ~~~~~HE ZCANAD!AN STATESMN, EOWMAKNVILLE.ONTARTOTHRAYMAH a: Mîike's Imperiali Start Play-Off With Cobourg Pays On Friday Il EYES EXAMINED !played in the. Bowmanville tMemorial Arena, Wednesday, March 7 The fifth is scheduled for Cobourg Friday, March 9, with both teams returning ta Bawmanville for the sixth game tSaturday, March 10. If good ice is flot available ini the local sta- dium, however, ail Bowmanville home games will be played in Port Hope. If a seventh game is required, it will be played in Cobourg Mon- Sday. March 12. Tickets for the Cobourg-Bow- manville hockey series will be available at Mike's Service Sta- tion or from Alan Osborne, Bob Watt or Don Gilhooley. For the second consecutive year, and for the third time, a Bowmanville Hockey club will play its hoxpe games in champion- ship hockey finals outside town. Weather permitting, part of the series may be played on Mrena ice. Mike's Imperials are slated to ineet Cobourg Pavs in' the first game of a best-of-seven series in ini Cobourg Friday evening. The teams will clash in Port Hope Saturday in the second tilt, with the third fixture being played in Cobourg, Mcnday. If the weather permits, the fourth game in the Intermediate "A" group championship xiii be B.H.S. Sr. Loopers Bow to Whitby On the Round 61-56 Taking a 12 point deficit into the second gaine of a home and home scries with total points to counit, B.H.S. seniors trimmed Whitby :322-25 in Whitby Tuesday evening but lost the -group cham- pionship by six points on the round. In the two game series, Whitby compiied a total of 61 points v.hile Bowmanville's top effort %vas 56. Although WVhitbv opened the scoring when Jimi Sutherland potted a two-poiin*ter, the local seniors came back strong with two field goals and a foui shot to xvaltz into an earlv' Iead. Don Stutt's six-point-effort in the first haîf heiped B.H.S. forge seven points ahead in the frame. Lead- ing 15-8 at the haif, the locals were only five points down on the round xvhen the second stan- za started. Whitby had considerable diffi- culty cracking Bowinanville's tight zone but the hometown team launched a fast drive in the third quarter ta monopolize on MAR VIN HOLLENDERG Oplomerisi - GLASSES FITTED OFFICE HOURS Monday to Saturday - 10 to 6 pm. Closed Wednesday Ail Day - EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT - 22 Division St.- Phone 2024 Bow'ville Juniors Play Midland Here Saturday Night Bowmanville Junior "B" O.A. B.A. basketeers, Eastern Ontario champions for the 1949-50 seas- on, meet Midland in the first af a two game semi-final series in B.HS. gym March 3. Beginning at 8 p.m. sharp, the hoop fixture will be followed by a dance. Sponsored by the Comxnunity Council for Recreation, the junior bail club is a combinatian of Port Hope and Bowmanville players, with nine local boys on the club bolstered by four basketeers from the Hillside Town. The juniors would like to sec a good turnout for their first game considering that the money taken in at the gate wiil be the only funds available upon which to operate. Lest year, Bowmanville defeat- ed Napanee ta advance into semi- final play with Brampton, but were stopped by thet team in their march toward an Ontario championship. Members of the basketball squad are: Don Stutt (Capt), Kari Lenahan (A/Capt), Frank Mobun, Ted fledson, Alex Ross, Ron Moorcraft, Bob Trawin. Bil1 Harnden, Bill Jordan, Roy Falls, Don Taylor, John Steinton, Ral- lie Coombes Coach: Bob Gal- lagher. Manager: Harvey Dilling. Jean Fairey Rolis High Score in Ladies" Major League Whee, anather 300 game this week and the honor goes ta Jean Feirey who rolled a nice 325. Nice bowling, Jean! This is the bighest single ta date in Second Schedule. Jean said she ate a big supper before bowling, so maybe that's the answer. Let's try it gais! The high triple for the week goes ta Hilda Brock witb a total of 706. Team Standing Beauprie 34 Carter si Etcher ______29 Brock -_________29 Elliott ___________25 joli 24 Burns 23 Hooper 22 Coole --21 Barclay - 21 Lack.hart _____-21 Courtice 14 Averages Kay Beauprie -_ _ _206 Doris Joli _____-192 Kay Stephens 190 Jackie Elliott --189 Hilda Brock -______188 Vi Coole _________188 Ada Luxton _______187 Bern Carter ________182 Mel McNulty 182 Norma Gay- 181. C.O.F. ýBowling News If you can hear wamen laugh- ing feintly in the background you needn't be alarmed. It's merely the Faresters' wives ribbing theïr hubbies. Indeed it was a great nîght for the ladies in the weekly Forester bowling at the Balmor- al Hotel. AUl women posted bet- ter scores titan their husbands. Luea Blackburn's dreem of beet- ing Blackie came true, and by aver 30 pins. too. Gladys Mas- tersan, Emma Bragg and Daisy Haynes ail "whipped" their bus- bands. In the scaring statistics Cow- ling and Griffin toak five each wbich is getting ta be a habit, but next week look out-they bath can't take five as they meet each other, and yau can be sure bath teams wili be aut in full farce ta support their teams. Ross Prout is making a gellent bid for the high average as bis 402 put bim in sixtb place. only il points behind the leader, Jack Kitson. Playaffs are only tbree weeks off so bowlers are advised ta be sure they have their ten games howled ta be eligible for the play- aifs. The banquet is scheduled for April 7th. F. Griffin ___ M. Cowling C. Schwar-z ___ J. Levett L Pts. 10 59 12 53 20 32 24 22 YGUR ETES and S Rewrý,ten copyrights of C. B. TUCKJ Optometristj Dhmney Bldt.l (OjPP. P»O.) Oshaws - Phone 1516 No. 141 One cye indicated a clean case ] ai long standing lenticular opec- ities, no doubt4 a tneumatic case as this warnior bas been injuned ini the heed in battie. Our as- cnt.- A potlu-c-k dinner--wa-sserv-- ed. Mr-. and Mrs. Harold Wright and Joyce Oshawa, et Mr-. Lloyd Asitton's. Mr. and Mrs. Theron Mountjoy, Hamptan, et Mi-. Chas. Garrard's. Gea. Bertrim.. Oshawa, with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur lackburn and family et the Blackburn home, Newcastle. sumptian was that, aithough these natives mature in early lii. and TkeSo P~b et thirty-five are as "aild" as an Lake Sore, Carke Americen et fifity-live, their powers ai accommodation did feu Mr. and Mrs. W. Beekerville witt their lowered virility. (This and family visited Mr-. and Mrs. was pure conjecture, for althaugh Howard Crydermen ai Maple the men claimned they could see Grave. veny sali type exceedingly close Mr-. Sam Powell visited Mr. and for their African years it is pas- Mrs. L. Leverty, Oshawa, sible thet due ta absalute Iack aif Mr-. and Mns. W. Holmes visited educationai background they cauld IMr-. and Mrs. H. Rowland, Orona. nat distinguish between cleer type Mr. and Mrs. Jack Holmes et- and blurred.) " jtended the Masonic At Home-in -1, Copy.ighted) BOWizaVulla. a poai- shaoting session spon- sored by the locale and edge up ta within three points ai the lead- ers. At thi-ce-quarter time, fow- manville was on the top end ai a 22-19 scare. fowmanville sharp shooters iound the haap in the fourtit quarter and for a time iA looked like the B.H.S. boys wauld pull the series out ai the fire. ln a hectie 10 minute period, the locals came within one 'basket ai cern- ing a series decision but a deter- mined drive on Whitby's part cut their margin down ta seven points on the game and five on the round. Ted Dadson with nine points wvas higli man for B.H.S. wîth Don Stutt and Don Taylor pattîng eight apiece. Sutberland and Levine were Wbitby marksmen. Bawmanville: Stutt 8, Mohun 2, Taylor 8, Dadson 9, Herron, Martyn 3, Stainton 2, Ritter. Total: 32. Whitby: Ward 2, Sutherland 7, Vorvis, Lyons 2, frougitton 7, Zolopa, Levine, 6, Rowiey 1, Stott 1. Total: 25. Red Cross essisted in mare than 500 disasters, bath great and smail, across Canada in 1950. bia-Alaska coast. his crew con- sisting of an engineer. He was made an honorary chief ai a local Indian tribe. He leaves one daughter, Mrs. Fred Skinner, Victoria; the first white child to be born in Prince Rupert; one brother, J. Ernest Rushbrook, Toronto, and three sisters. Mrs. John Pringle <moth- er of Mrs. W. L. Paterson) Bow- manville; Mrs. A. E. Cates, Oak- ville, and Mrs. F. J. Sherman, Det roit. Mich. ENNISKILLEN C.G.I.T. meeting was held at the home of Mary Griffin on Feb. 17. The pragram, prepared IOy Joan Hobbs and Reva McGil1 was directed by Mary Griffin, Vice- Pres. Devotional consisted ai a 1hymn. Bible quotations contain- Ling the word "love" were read by Reva McGiII. The chapter from. the study book was given by Gloria Wright. A reeding by Ruth Lamb; musical contest con- ducted by Reve McGill. Mrs. Seymour led in a smng-song. Mrs. O. C. Ashtan dirccted the hand- work pcriod. A lavely lunch was served by the bostess and ber mather. Next meeting et the home af Reva McGil1 on Marcit 3rd et 2:30 p.m. Mr-. and Mrs. Clarence Avery and. femily, furketon, with Mr-. and Mrs. Albert Oke. Mrs. J. H. forrowdele and Brian, Oshewa, with ber parents, Mn. and Mrs. J. A. Werry. Mr-. and Mrs, Leonerd Stein- tan and famlly witb Mr-. and Mrs. C. Milis, Part Perry. Mr-. Kenneth Rahm, Dixie, wes a Sunday caller et Mr. and Mr&. Russell Grifiin's. Mr-. and Mrs. Walter Ferguson with Mr-. and Mrs. Donald Lee, Oshawa. Mr-. and Mrs. Herb Rundie, ec- companied Mr-. and Mrs. John Oke and visited Mr. and Mrs. Herb Smithson et Celedon Moun- tain. Mr-. and Mrs. Wallace Griffin with Mr. and Mrs. Norman Cal- iacutt, Tyrone. Mr-. and Mrs. S. H. May and Bill, Toronto, et Mr-. and Mrs. O. C. Ashton's. Mi-. and Mrs. Arthur Brunt vîsited Mr-. and Mrs. Ross Page, Newcastle. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Oke, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Ash- ton and family, Purple Hill, with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Oke. Mrs. W. A. Van Camp, f leck- stock, wbo had pneumonie. is convalescing witb ber daugitter, Mrs. F. W. Werry. Mr. and Mrs. John B. Griffin and femiiy, Yelverton, with Mr. and Mrs. Russell Griffin. Mrs. Frank Spry, Rochester, N.Y., is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Ed- gar Wright. Mrs. D. Benham visited ber son, David. in the Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, an Sunday. NE WTON VILLE Mrs. Sam Smith with M;-. and Mrs. Gea. Smith ai Newcastle. Miss Alice Nesbitt, Toranto, was home for the weekend. Mr-. Wm. HelloweU eand bis daugitter, Mrs. Hugh Stapleton attended the fu-neral ai Mr. Robt. Best et Tbarnbury on Wednes- day. Congratulations ta Mr-. and Mrs. Fred Henderson (nee Ber- nice Brown) on the birth ai a son et f owmenville Hospital on Feb. 23. Mrs. John Lancaster is vîsit- ing ber daugbter and son-in-law, Mr-. and Mrs. Willerd Lockhart et Niagara Falls, N.Y. Mr. and Mrs. Waod, Bowman- ville, have leased part ai Mrs. Ernie Walkey's bouse and bave maved in. Miss Edna Deneult, Newcastle, bas been home, on the sick list. Mrs. Roy McKay, frante, spent Wednesday wità Mr. and Mrs. Clintan Brown. Congratulations ta, Mr. and Mrs. Keith Stephenson (nee June Ware) ai Toronto, an the birth of a deughter on Feb. 23. Mrs. Earle McEwen and son, Peterborought, visited ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Burley. Mr-. McEwen came for the weekend. Miss Dorella Lancaster ted ber tonsils remaved et Part Hope Hospital an Tbursdey. Mi-. and Mrs. Garnet Hellowell, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hallowell. Mr-. Cecil furley and sons bave disposed ai their garage business ta Mi-. Rad Carvetit, Newcastle, but will continue witb the bus lies. Miss Annie Worrall, Toronto, was home lest week, on the sick list. We are pleased ta heer thet The Ontario Society for Cri pied Children is carrying phys therapy Into the home of crippled child. The two Physit Theraplsts work in close ca-o ation with the Society nurses the field. Three more will added ta the staff when finan permit. - Use Easter Seals HeIp Crippled Children. Stafford Bros. Monumentl1l Wics Phone Whltby 318 Dundai St. E., WFtbY FINE QTJALMT 31M ENMT S 'qA N with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Payne. Mr. Wxn. Uglow sufferecL a stroke Monday morning and was taken ta Bowmanville Hospital by ambulance. Mrs. Uglow has been a cripple with rheumatism for several years and Mr. Uglow b as been the housekeeper, Congratulations ta Mr. and Mrs. Walter Whittaker (nee Laur- ne Pearce), Toronto, an the birtit of a daughter on Feb. 25. Mrs. Murray Welton, aur junior teecher is sick with measies. Mrs. (Rev.) L. H. Turner, Newcastle, is supplying. Owing ta sickness at Newcastle, they were short one teecher and Mrs. Carl Paeden, Newtonville, was called inta ser- vice. Miss Inez Symons, Cobourg, end Mr. and Mrs. Perey Rowe, f etheny. with Mr. and Mrs. John Pearce. Mr. and Mrs. Sid Stecey and Jane visited friends in Toronto. Mr. Carl Paeden underwent an operation in Bowmanville Hos- pital on Monday. Newtonville W. L Newtonville Women's Institute met Feb. 21 at the home of Mrs. Gea. Kimbaîl, Newcastle. It was decided ta buy a new sang book. Several W. I. members agreed ta canvass for Red Cross in Mercit. Tickets are ta be soid for the beautiful W. I. blanket. A namîneting cammittee, Mrs. Rednap, Mrs. Milligan and Mrs. Pearce, xviii prepare a siete af officers for annual meeting. March meeting is ta take the form aof an afternaon tee and sale ai home baking, Mardi 16. Mrs. W. Farrow and ber group took charge ai the pragram, the main feature of which was a discussion on Home Economîcs, led by Miss Laura Hamilton ai Bunker Hill. The fate ai civiliz- etian rests iargely wîth the home- makers ai the world. Since the waman's work in the home is sa important. there was a discussion ai the qualities ai a gaod wif e and mother. She should be cheer- fui, have a sense ai humar, and a large amount ai tact. She shauld be able ta balance the budget- wbile et the same time giving ber family a balanced diet, end keep- ing thexu well dressed et a mini- mum ai cost. The bomemaker cen ecanomize In food by using cheaper cuts ai meat, or less meat and mare eggs. milk and cheese, and by doing more home beking. The clothing dollar cen be stretched by careful buying, the use ai a colour scheme, buying goad meterials, and more home sewing, along witb gaad cere of aur clathes. Mrs. J. Pearce reed an inter- esting repart ai current events. Roll cell, "What I had for break-, fast" brought a good respanse. Miss Hamilton gave an amusing reading "Enterteining the Min- ister" aged five. Meeting closed with social hour and lunch. IIÀYDON Our village was saddened on Saturday iby the pessîng of two ai aur mare recent residents, Mrs. J H. Walker and Mrs. Chas. Wiliams. Mrs. Walker passed ta i-est et fowmanville Hospital Set- urday maorning. Althaugh in poar healtit since caming here, she took her place in'aur com- munity and was loved by ail who knew ber for ber kind beert and neyer failing smile. Mrs. Williams died peecefully Saturdey aiternoon at the home ai ber grandson, Charles Ran- kine, with whom she bas made ber home for the past two years. "Grenny," as site was called by those who knew ber best, was a God-fearing, nice aid lady. Our sincere sympethy goes out ta bath femilies in their bereave- ment. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ashton will open their home for the Bible Ciass meeting on Tuesday even- ing, alsa for the W. A. on Thurs- day afternoan. The flu bas visited same ai the homes in aur village and Aileen MeAlpine is in bed with the measies. Mr-. J. H. Walker received word ai the pessing af bis uncle, Henry Silk, at Sheiburne.' We1-are-g-Ad a-eeMitoSc Technicolor Cartoon Interesting Short FEIDAY - SATURDAY - NARCH 2,- 3 ONE GuN TO FIGHT wTi...OnE GIRL'TO F10111FORit o cCL OR"4 WANE DOS Today's the Da-y JULIE LO~N RORI WILJRJUII JACKI< RICHARD RARE UAS DONT watt until after rau INTERESTING SHORTS COLOR CARTOON MON. -TUES. -WED. --MARC5- 6 -7 tMOVIETONE NW CARTOON SHORT have hait a serious loss before yau buy CIOMPLETE AUTODMOBIILEI INSURANCE A CRASH may cos i-o y hundreds ai dollars. h nia>' happen toda>', or tomorrow, or any day! TODAY Ia the oni>' safe day to, get your Insurance. Cali Stuart R. James INSTIRANCE - REAL ESTATE Thone: office 681 Re&. 4931 [I King Street, BowmanvtDe CUSTOMER'S CORNER Not everybody has the samo shop- ping problems. That Is why lt's no helpful ta us when we hear from ail the different kinds af people who &hop et A&P. Many thousands ai men and wom- en in ail walks afi lue hava wrstten ta the Customer Relations Depant- ment expressing their opinions of A&P stores, food and service. We're plessed to learn that w. have so many satisfied custoniers. And we're pleased too, that we have recelvcd so mass> worthwhlIe sug- gestions for malng A&P a botter place ta shop. Remember, aur layai emiploya.. always give your comments their inost carnest considenation. Please write: Cestomer Relations Dept A&P Food Stores, 135 Laughton Ave., Taronto, Ontario. Fresh, tender, stringleaa, No. 1 Green Beans &b211 Florida pascal, large cmxc, No. 1 Celery Stalks 2 f-23<1 hrenn There are mare than 300 shopping days in the. jear, buic an average af only 104 Fridays and Saturdays. Sa by offering you savings every day, Insteed af savings on week-ends only . .. A&P triples your opportunies ta save money. And here's sornething else you'l1 be glad to knaw: À&P guarantees ail advertlsed prices (inciuding,4 thase flot subject ta price ceilinga) for a f ull week,' even though market prices go up. Resuit? You can shap et A&P any day you choüse . . . and save eveny day yau shap. Why not start toay? AU presf shawn here, not merely gracery pricSg, are guaranteed - Tbursday, Mai-eh lst through Wednesday, March 7th. A& P HIGH QUALITY MEATS ChickenS Milk Fd Grade ARoasting, 5-lbs &up lb 67c ChickenS Grade A Eviscerated, 21/a to 31/2 lls lb 69c Turkeys Choice Young Mens, Grade A, 12-161 bs lb 69c Duckings Choice Grade A lb 59C Grade A Cut-Up Chicken--Swift's "Tender Grcwn" Legs and Breasts b89C WingS lb 59C Backs lb2lc lb 85C i"45< 2 15-oz 29ns< 0 2 15-ot tins 3lc 48-oz pkg 36< 2 F>IgI27< 5-o. HiA 9c 24-ez loef 1M 5-lb bag 35c Cream Styla Stokely's Corn Tender King Libby's Peas Breakfast Car..! Ogilvie Oats A Mes! for Four Kraft Dinner Assorted Gerber's Baby Foods Ann Page White or Brown Milk Bread Robin Hood Velvet Cake Fleur Fresh, curly leaf, washed, ready to ccok, No. 1 Doinstit bL Spinach cella pkg 25c< oiiu ondMa Fresh California, large original bunches, No. 1 Kik 12oz tini4c Ka 2o (arrots 2 bunchea 25<Candi 9 Kan- i Rend SelectedONcee b3 TONqATOES No. 1 Celao Pkg. 25cOICeeeb43 CaUIornia Navale, now at their best, fancy-252': Orafges dcx 45c A & P Price Policy a Storewlde low prices on lhundreds of itffl» every day . . . Intead of jim*t a few "one- day" or "week-endL se aplt. *Anl advertiaod prices (includtng those Item nots ubject to, price ceilinga> are guaran- tffld for one week, even though market priesgo up. W. beileve Ibis poUcy beipe our customes gave More mOfley. *Wth the correct price na.rked on every Item, plu an Itemized caah reglater allp .you know wbat you Save et A&P. Concentrated Super Suds A&P Frath Candy Supper Mi.ts A Meal for Vour Pet Pep Dog Food ln Oil Glacier SadimS Connor'a Fish Cakes large Pkg 40c 12-or pkg 39< 16 cz fin 10< mn 16e I ~THE GREAT ATLAC &PAIFIC EA0. LTD. SALEM Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Twist and family attended special cturch services et Meple Grave on Sun- day an~d vlsited Mr. and Mrs. Howard Cryderman. Mr. and Mrs. Ferewell Bleck- burn. Glen and Bob, witb Mr-. and Mrs. Lawrence Severy, Osh- awa. Miss Grace Blackburn spent the weekend with Miss Jane Mc- Clure. Master Eric Shackleton wlth Mr-. and MrÈ. Roland Shackleton, Hampton. A number ai aur people are sick with measles and the f lu. OBITUARY CANON W. IF. RUSRBROOK Former master aifte Narthern Cross, the Anglican mission boat apereting on the Pacifie coast, Canon Walter Field Rushbraok, 83, died Feb. 22, et Prince Rupent, f.C. Pnior ta bis retirement te was in charge ai an Anglican Churci at Rushbnook Heights, a community named in bis honar. Canon Rushbrook wes bai-n in Toronto and later lived in fur- lington. He was a graduate ai the University oi Toronto and Wy- clife College. He paid bis col- lege expenses with money -earned sailing on Canadien and Ameni- cen ireight boats an the Great Lakes and thus recelved the prac- tical preparation necessany ta bis missionary service. Sbortly aiter bis ordination, e bahf century ega. he went out ta Brnitish Calumbia and engaged in pianeer mlssionary wonk et Port Essington, In thase days he was dependent an sailing boats for transportation in bis panochiel wonk. For 17 years Canon Rush- brook seiied the Northenn Cross up and down the British Coium- TUA lnIaa, Lîke These loun'51 Se GidTe Kuow -A&1>Actually i Ys our, Opportunities To SAVE! ..,U SA T 9 EffWX A NVr Firit 5 Ribe, Red cr Blue Brand Beef Prime Rib Roast Red or Blue Brand Beef Riat Rib Brisket HowCOLIS affect Your K1DNIYS The. kidneya are very delicate organe, easily alfected-especially by a cold. Their duty ie toa filter inpurities and excese acids fram the bIloo<l. When you have a cold extra work is thrown upon your kidneys. Dodd's Iidney PIl help your kidneys dear your syatem of excess acids and oioscaused by colde. and give you a rhne t, shake infection sooner-feel better faster. If you have a cold get and use Dodd'à Kidney Pilla. 139 Dodd's KidheyPiIIs ----------- 1 1 -1 MARKERS Precise workmanstip and careful attention ta detail are yaur assurance when you chaos. from the wide selectinof a imported and1 domestie Granites and Marbles ln stock. TRUfflDAY. MARCH O ut standing quality has made Salada Canada's largest selling tea. r