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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Mar 1951, p. 12

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BRING YOUR 1;JV#SLLPA CSHAN M4ESSAGE BE FORE Jr#4#I ff4 AE-IINI 12,000 READERS COST5OcPEoui ____ ___ ___-44 te 131RTHS BIRKS - Mn. and Mrs. A. M. Birka (nee Marian Scott), McMas- terville, P.Q., are .happy ta an- nounce the birth of their son, Aieck Scott, on Sunday, Feb. 18, 1951, et the Rayai Victoria Hos- pital, Montreal. 9-1 HENDERSON-Mn. and Mrs. Fred Henderson, Newtonville, wish ta announce the arrivai of their son in Bowmenville Hospital, Friday, Decemben 23, 1950. 9-1 STURROCK-Mn. and Mrs. H. W. Sturrack wîsh ta annaunce the birth o! a son, John Paul, on February 25, 1951, at Oshawa Generai }Hospital. 9-1. YEO-In Powassan, February 24, 1951, ta 1Mr. and Mrs. Cînyton Yeo of Part Loning, (nee Ruth Stevenson), e daughter, Barbara1 Marian. 9-1* 1 ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Russell Griffin, Enniskillen, announc e the engage- ment of their eldest daughter, Donalda Florence, to Ernest Riley Walker, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. Walker, Tillsonburg. Marniage will take place in Tillsonburg, on March lth. 9-1 - DEATHS GUEST, Mary Munson-On Sat- urday, Feb.. 24th, 1951, at her home, 240 Emerson Ave., Toronto, Mary Munson, beloved wife of George Henry Guest, mother of Harry, Oliver and Bill Guest. At the Funeral Chapel of A. W. Miles, 30 St. Clair Ave. W. Ser- vice Tuesday at 2 o'clock. Inter- ment Prospect Cemetery. 9-1 J19NNINGS - Suddenly in Bow- manville. on Friday, February 23, 19ý1, Frank Jennings, aged 58 years. Funeral from the Morris Funeral Chapel Monday, Feb. 26, at.2:30 p.n., Interment Bowman- ville Cemnetery. 9-1 TEgBLE--Sudden1y in Newcastle on Saturday, Feb. 24th, 1951, Joseph Tebble, beloved son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Tebble, in his 83rd year. Funeral from the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bow- manville. Service in Newcastle United Church at 2 o'clock on Wednesday, Feb. 28th. Interment Orono Cemeterý. 9-1 THOMPSON -At the residen ce, il Carlisle Ave., Bowmanville, on Sunday, Feb. 25th, 1951. Kate F. Thompsan, beloved wife of Robent Thompson. Funeral from hen late residence. Service was on Tuesday, February 27th, at 2:30 p. m. Interment Bowmanville Cemetery. 9-1 WILIAMS-At the home of her grandson, Charles Rankine, Hay- don, on Feb. 24th, 1951, Sarah Ann Brown, in her 87th year, beloved wife of the late Charles Cox Williams. Funeral was held iirom Norval Presbyterian Church en Tuesday, Feb. 27th, at 2 p.m. Interment was made in Mount Pleasant Cemetery, Narval. 9-1* IN MEMORIAM McGILL-In loving memory of a dear grandmother. Eliza McGill, wha passed away March lst, 1950: When days are dark and friends are few, Dear grandma, haw we think of youI, Friends are friends if they are truc, We lost our best friend when we lost you. -Ever remembered by Irene, Frank and Joan. 9-1* CARDS 0F THANKS Cecil and Fern Alloway wish ta thank their neighbours and fiends for ail their acts of kindness dur- ing the sudden passing of their dean friend, Frank Jennings. Special thanks to the Canadian Legion for their hclp at this time. 9-1 We wish ta thank our neigh- bours and many friends and re- latives for their acts of kindness and messages of sympathy and beautiful floral tributes extended duning aur reccnt sad bereave- ment in the loss of a dear brother and uncle, Menvyn Scott of Osh- awa. % Clarence, Muriel, Alvin and Eva Yea. 9-1l' 1 wish, to express my sincere thanks and appreciation ta aur many fiends and neighbaurs for the beautiful flawers, fruit, gifts and grand shawer ai letters and cards which helped Sa, much ta brighten the days when 1 was in Oshawa Hospital. Wilfrid and I also wish ta, thank ail those who s0 kindly helped aut with chores and remembrances while we were sick with the t lu. Elle Bawman. 9-1 Notices -The Harvey Dance. Acaderny" Register Fniday afternoons (3 -7) for classes in Ballet and Tap; Union Hall, Bawmanville. Irenie Harvey. 52-tf Ladies' and childnen's ciothes made ta order, also zippers and cutis on men's pants. CalIed for and delivered. Phone 2897 or leave at Jaan's Beauty Centre. 9-10 Thje Bowmanville Branch of the Canadien Red Crass wlU neet in the Council Chamber, Town Hall, on the occasion of their annuel nWLetng on W.dnesdayi, March Ioh ut 8 :M. -2Z COMING EVENTS Reserve Apnil 11, 12 and 13 for Lions Club Minstrel Show. 9-6 Dance, Tyrone, Fridey, March 2. Ruth Wilson Variety Hand, modern and aid time. L. O. L. Admission 5Oc. 9-1* Bowmanvihle Legion Carnival, Saturday, June 3th, 1951. Tickets on sale for 1951 Ford Sedan, Kel- vinatar Electnic Refnigeratar and Electnic Wasbing Machine. 8-tf Oshawa Happy Doubles present Minstrel Review '51 at Bowman- ville High School on Thunsday, March 8th. Spansored by Country Couples Club. Admission 50c. 9-_2 Bowmanville Nurses' Associa- tion Dance .ta be beld in the Boys Training Scbool auditorium, Friday, Mamch 3tb, 1951. Music by Abbie Darch and his orchestra. Tickets $2.50 per couple. Dress optional. 8-6 Dance wili be held in New- castle Community Hall under the auspices of The Board of Man- agement on Friday, March 2nd. Russ Creightan's Orchestra of To- ronto in attendance. Dancing 9 ta 1. Admission 75c per persan. 8-2 Monster Cash Bingo - In the Newcastle Community Hall on Thursday evening, Mlanch 8th. 50e admission price pays for two games and jackpot. Extra games: Sbare-the-Wealth and Door prize. Jackpot now $70. Proceeds for Lions welfare wonk. 9-i Tbursday, March 8th, a Kop3per Karnivai and sale o! home baking sponsored by Bawmanville Wom- en's Institute will be held in the Opera House, 2:30 ta 8:30 p.m. 60 valuable prizes, also $5.00 daor prize. Tickets may be purchased at Hydro Shap, where pnizes are now on display. 9-1* The annual meeting of the Bowmnanvilie Hospital wili be held in the council chambers on Fniday night, the 9th o! Marcb, at 8:00, for the purpose of hear- ing reports and election o! direc- tors. Bowmanville Hospital Board, R. J. Dilling, Sect'y.-Treas. 9-2 Parents and friends of Home and School Association remember aur annual "At Home", Friday, March 2 at B.H.S. auditorium at 8 p.m. Members 50c, non mem- bers 75c. Also aur regular meet- ing with staff on Thursday, Mar. th at Ontario Street Sehool. Good prizes donated by merchants. 'For Rent ROOM and bed for twa gentle- men. 36 Liberty North. 9-1'* IN Newcastle, furnished room in modern home. Write Box 550, Canadian Statesman. 9-l* THREE or four nice heated rooms with house privileges. Write Post Office Box 5, Bowmanville. 9-1 APARTMENT and rooms for adults in Bowmanville. L. Clem- ens. Phone 2436 at 6 p.m. 9-1 THREE room heated apartment, with bathroom, central location,, in good residential district. Write Box 552 Canadian Statesman. 9-1 Wanted To Rent STORE in Bowmanville. Phone 3647. 9-1* HOUSE suitable for four et once. Articles For Sale OAK dining-roomn table. Phone 3116. 9-1 '44 2-TON Chev. truck, cabin, chassis. Phone 2408. 9-1 25 TONS good mixed hay. Bill Stack. Phone 2148. 9-1 SEE the new 1951 model baby carniages and cribs at Morris Co. 6-tf FIREPLACE with electric f ire logs. Apply 2 St. George St. 9-1 FLUERY manure spreader, on steel, nearly new. Phone 2157. 9-1 .22 RIFLE, Marlin, model 8ODL, clip style repeater.- 87 Elgin St. 9-1* CARROTS, turnips, parsnips. Cyril Rutland, Newcastle, Ont. 9-l* TWO Cocker Spaniel dogs, black, maie and red female. Phone 2345. 9-1 COMBINATION gas. coal and wood range, good condition. Phone 3368. 9-1 NEW building, 2-ply board, 12 by 20. Could be moved. Bill Stack. Phone 2148. 9-1 CAR heater in new condition. Apply George W. Brown, 35 Lamb's Lane. 9-1* WE measure and instaîl finest quality venetian blinds. Phone Morris Co. 480. 5-tf DOUBLE bed and springs, 4'6" in good condition. 205 King St. E., Phone 3186. 9-1l GOOD quality hay for sale, some baled. some loose. Garnet Rick- ard, Phone 2813. 9-1 1946 G.M.C. haîf-ton pick-up truck, excellent condition. L. Lamb, Phone 2450. 9-1* 1933 FORD, '41 motor, good tires, new license, $175. Reid Virtue. Phone 3136, 12 Jane St. 9-1 STRONG hardwoad dinette table, lîke new, leaves pull out each end, $10. 33 Division St. 9-1* CHINA cabinet, walnut finish. Would trade for or buy living- roomn table. 141 Liberty Northe 9-1* COMBINATION wood or coal and electric range (Findlay). Phone Brooklin 3-12, Morley Beath. 9-1 * A QUANTITY of baled alfalfa hay, both first and second cutting. Apply Elmer Cox, Phone 2488. 9-1 REFRIGERATOR, 9 cu. ft.:, also washing machine, both in excel- lent running condition. Phone 2667. 9-1* BALLOON tired bicycle, 6 months old, perfect running orden, $10 generator light. Phone 631, Bow- manville. 9-1 low mileage, like new. New C.C. M. balloon tired bicycle. Phone Orono 60r16. -e CONGOLEUM, Rexoleum and in- laids available in many patterns, in yard goods. Large selection in rug sizes at Morris Co. 6-tf FACTORY sample chesterfield suites, in large selection of cov- erings at big reductions. See these specials at Morris Co. 6-tf TIMOTHY and Alfalfa hay, good quality square bales, $25.00 per ton. J. A. Johnston, Burketon, R.R. 1. Phone Port Perry 172-12. 9-2* Phone 3219 evenings. 9-1 POTATOES-Specializing in Na. i op quelity poates, wexed APARTMENT or bouse, pressinge turnips, anians. Order your sup- need. D. Adema, Brooklin, Ont. ply now. Doug Cuml, 5 Nelson St., 9- 1* Bowmenville. 2-tf HOUSE or ground floor epartment 13-DISC fertilizer drill, pale and îmmcdîately by yaung couple with tractor hitch: 7 ft. tractor double cbild. Pleese phone 3539. 9-1* disc harrow. Bath machines near- lv new. Massey-Harris il-bac APARTMENT or bouse in Bow- ýdriJl. Phone 227 1. 9,1*: manville. Young couple, no fam- 1ily. Write Box 549, Canadien 1948 FORD tractor plows and 1Statesman. 9-1 cultivator; also farm wagon on rubber; also disc harrows. Apply A MODERN, four or five -room Ray Hamilton, Tbornton's Rds., bouse, two adults. Will sign i 'mile west o! Oshawa. 9-l'* iese, if necessary. Write Box 527, Statesman Office. 4-t! 1 CONGOLEUM Gold Seai Rues, yard goads and hall runners; Rex- PetsFor ale oleum Deluxe 2eand 3 yards wide, Pets_____For____Sale __ yard gaods a budget pnices. BORER olles cane rom~.Phone 451, Walkcn Stores. 23-t! Zemon's, Monisburg, excellent '48 DODGE Sedan, Special De- heelers and watcb dogs. Reason- luxe, meroon, fully equipped witb ,able. Phone Clarke 2414. 9-1" air ride tires, lifeguard tubes, custom radia, heater and under- LivetockFor ale coating. Apply Grant Cooper, LivetockFor ale Boyvs Training School, Bowman- ville. Phone 2237. 9-4* EIGHT pigs. Austin Wood, Phone 2388. 9-1* ART'S CAR MARKET, 175 Kingc GOOD Holstein cow, six years Street, West, Bowmanvîlle, Ont.t old, fresh. Phone 2480. 9-I* Home a! Better Deals on Better -Cars. Phone 2148. Open from A GRAY goose and gender, $12. 9 a.m. ta 9 p.m., Monday thraugh for pain. Fred Cawling, Burke- r iday. Saturday until 6 p.m. ton. 9,1* Cash, Trede and Easy Tenms. Il-tf 1 Lost TRADE-IN rangettes; 3-bumnera electric ange, closed clements,F LADYS grey sweater an Ontario aven control: Westinghouse wash- C St. Pîcase leave or Phone 674 et er, like new: Westinghouse radio C Feirway Food Market. 9- 1' combinatian: Kelvinator refniger-L ator: Norge refrigemator, used anc, month. Terms. Murpby's, Phone FarmnHelp 9-__ __ __ APPLY l'OR FARM HELP NOW TILE - for kitchen, bethrooms, 1. -Don't wait until spin. et heartbs and firepleces. Wals-g your experienoed, reliable heip glazed Eile or plastic, ail colouns s !nom Nethelends. Alsoi skilled Floors -rubber, mastic, lino-tile,S workers and artisans available. quemnie and ceramic. Will go eny-A Caîl S. Bume, R.R. 1, Nestjeton.1 wheme. H. G. Heal, Phone 2902.b Phone Port Perry 225r24. 49-tl 2-tf The Canadian Statesman Classified Adverlising Rates. Effective JuIy 28th, 1950 NOTICES, ARTICLES FOR SALE, LIVESTOCK FOR SALE, FOR RENT, HELP WANTED, ETC. Cash Rate - - 3e~ per word with a minimum of 500 IfMust be paid by date of insertion. Ifcharged, an additional 250~ will be added A charge of 250~ will bc made for al replies directed ta this office. COMING EVENTS AND CARDS 0F THANKS 3e a word with a minimum of $1.00 - for 33 words or Iess. BIRTHS, I)EATIIS,' ENGAGEMENTS, MARRIAGES $1.00 per insertion. IN MEMORIA31S - - - $1.00 plus 100~ a hune for verse. Display Classified at 80ý, per inch with a minimum of one inch Additional insertion at the saine rates. Al Classificd Ads. must be in this office flot later than 12 o'clock noan, Wednesday. -Send cash, stamps or money order and save money <Clip This Out For Handy Reference) Articles For Sale PLUMBING, Hcating and Oul Burners installed anywhere in Durham County. Reasonable rates and hîghest quality. For free estimates caîl S. BMain Elliott, Heating, Plumbing & Tinsmithing, Phone 3348. 29-tt OIL Burners installed, compîcte with one year guarantee, $350.00 and up-for as littie as 20% down and 18 months to pay. S. BMain Elliott, Plumbing, Heating and Sheet Metal, Bowmanville, Phone 3348. 29-tf ALL kinds of meat, good quality wieners, bologna, cooked hams, smoked hams and bacon, sausage and hamburger, Darlington Abat- toir, Hampton. Phone 3243; also pickling, smoking and sausage making. During ethe summer months - hog killing on Tues- days and cattle at any time. 34-tf TENDERS in writing for the cash purchase of 1937 Dodge Sedan, formerly owned by the late J. H. Pointen, will be received in the office of W. R. Strike, K.C., up until 4:00 p.m., Friday, March 9, 1951. Five new deluxe ail weather Goodyear tires. Approximate mileage 34,000. In excellent con- dition. Please mark sealed en- velope plainly "Tender J. H. Pain- ten Estate." 9-2 ONE used I.H.C. horse spreader; one neerly new Cockshutt tractor spreader: ancetîsed coal annex: ane useci Farmal H tractor, on rubber; anc used John Deore AR tractor, on rubber; anc used Case LA tractor, on rubber: anc used Case silo filler: two used horse mowers. New 2 temp. refrigerator. New 9' electrie refrigerator. Wire Fence, Berb Wire. Staples, etc. Water Pressure Systems. Lim-itcd amaunt of New Machinery'. W. H. Brown, Case Dealer, Phone 497. 9-1 Chicks For-Sale S.C. WHITE Leghorns, Barrcd Rocks and New Hamp x Brred Rock crossbreds. Two batches weekly. Write or phone Orch- Help Wanted MEN for pruning orchards, ex- perience preferred. Phone Clarke 3804, W. H. Gibson, Newcastle. 9-1* YOUNG woman clerk for store. Write Box 551, Canadien States- man. 9-1* TWO girls or women, from now until July to help in office. Apply Brookdale-Kingsway Nurseries. 9-tf EXPERIENCED mnan ta prune 10 acres of orchard. Room and board supplied. Apply Allen L. Jamie- son, Cambomne, Ont. 92 GIRL with pleasing personality ta sell flowers and learn sflorral designing. Apply Grahams Flan ist, Enniskillen. Phone Bowman- ville 2468. 9-1: SALESLADY - Experience not necessary but must be neat in appeamance, pleasant personality and ambitiaus. Excellent wages ta rigbt girl. Apply in persan ta M. Breslin, Breslin's Ladies' Wear, Bowmanville. 9-1 300 YOUNG mnen, 17 ta 30, with no physical defects ta train as Telegraphers and Station Agents ta meet the demand for five day xveek. $2670.00 lowest pay. Act at once. Secure particulars - xrite Cassan Systems Schiool,, Toronto. 9-1 AUCTION SALE 31 Shorthomn cattie, 14 pigs, full line of goad implements, bey anid grain, property of Fred C. Middletoni, 1 mile east of Black- stock, oni Thursday', Mzirch 22nd. Terms cash. Sale at 12:30 o'clock. Ted Jackson ,auctioneer. 9-V~ Marvin Nesbitt, west bal! of Lot 21, Con. 6, Cartwright Twp, will seli bis farm stock and im- plements by public auction on Wednesday, March 7th, 1951, et anc o'clock. Terms cash. Crcigh- ton Devitt, clerk; Clarke Williams, auctioneer. 9-11: lîand Farms. H-. J. Brooks, Bow- manville, Ont., Phone 2636. Having sold bis farm Mn. Sam ______________________ 7.4! Brown will be disposing o! bis - entire livestock, implements, feed, YOU can't afford ta ho with'OLt etc. by public auctian, et Lot 7, Bray catalogue, oir without Bray Con. 3. Manvers, 11 miles west chicks ta take cere o! the 1' of Pontypool, on Monday, March increascd production being asked j 2th at 1 pin. Ternis cash. Chas. from Canadien poultrykeepers by 'Chapinan, clerk; R. J. Payne, the Poultry Industry Counicil - auctioneer. 9-1 with assured markets. Contact , agent, get catalogue. order now, Shorthorn cattie, macbinery, F. L. Byami & Ca.,Tyrone. 9-1 îlav. grain, lumber, furniture, 1948 Po ntiac Sedan, the estate of the VJANTED TO BUY late Milton Dunbar, Lot 17, Con. 6Hope Twp., ý-2 -mile west o! Highest PriCes Paici Periytown Churcii. To ho sold by publie auction Saturday, Mer. for 31-d. 1 p.m. sharp. Ternis cash. Positively no reserve. Don't miss USED BA.TTERIES tlhis large sale. For the perticulars $1.5 pai fo use bateri scse bills. Willerd Lord, clerk; $1,0 pid oruse bateres Jack Reid, auctioneen. 9-1 lu any condition.____ ________ FOR PICK-UP PHONE Wanted To Buy G. . Jmieon OUSE with sm-all acreage, na Tire Shop 1 Osh~awa, under V.L.A. Write Box Phone 467 Bowmanvillc j1553. Canadien Statesman. 9-3* 9-tfi A COUPLE of calves just born W~anted ai-d ane hanse, reasoneble. Phone _________125-d. Seli 50 white young liens, -laying good. 9-1* A RIDE ta Pedlar*s un Oshawa,. 5 _______i_____ days a week et 7 and- 5. Wil BEFORE selling yaur live pauitny take tumns et driving week about. trv us. Our prices are highcr. M. 6 Centre St. 9 Flatt, R.R. 1, Bethany, Phone 7 r 13. reverse charges. 51-tf Farmers Attention! SMA-LL farm wïthi-n-1-miles a! -__ Oshawa, good buildings and by- WE will be pleased ta pick up dro, up ta .50 acres o! land. Wilh dcad or crippled farm animais pay cash. Mr. S. M. Prest, R.R. 1, and pey bigbcst prevaiiing prîces. jHampton, Phone 2921J12, Oshawa. For immediate service Telephone 6-4 Colleet, Toronto Empire 3-3636 or Cobourg 1266W, Gardon Young1 DEAD FARM STOCK Ltd. 7-42 Picked up prornptly Personal HYGIENIC SUPPLIES - (rubber goods) maihcd pastpaid in plain seeied envelope with pnice list. Six sampies 25c, 24 samples $1.00. Mail Order Dept. T-28, Nov-Rub- ber C% Box 91, Hernlton, Ont. 1-52 Ilorses, cows, calves, suieep and pigs (Wc pay for horses and cows) As an addcd sefvicc ve wilI ca apenate with yaur veteinarian in post-mortem. 2 %e per lb. for live horses Ceil collect Bawmanville 2679 MARGWILL FUR FARM Tyrune Real Estate For Sale FOUR-raom bungalow, herdwood floors, 3-piece bath, hot air furn- ace, garage. Phone 3460. Appiy 18 Jane St. 9-1* TWO-room house, may be seen at 302 Scugog. Has to be moved. Apply E. DeLuca, opposite Jack- man's florist. 91 55 ACRE farm, ail workable; 7- room frame house, garage, barn and orchard. Immediate possess- ion. Phone 2509. 9-1 $7,800-House in Oshawa, 6 rooms and Sun room. Modern through- out, near Motors and bus stop. Storm windows, screens, many extras. Write Box 548, Canadian Statesman. 9-1* FARM-Good buildings, 112 acres more or less. Water in stables and running water in pasture. Township of Clarke, ½ 2-mile from school, church and store. North half of Lot 6, Con. 6. Phone Orono 51r5.8-1 HAMILTON'S REAL ESTATE $950-Desirable property of 38 acres on good road between Orono and Kendal, with trout stream. Plenty of timber to build summer cabin or cottage. Land suitable for reforesting. $2,l00-An ideal property for a small summer home, 3-roomned new log cabin, water in by pres- sure pump, hydro lighting, about five acres good land with trout stream across property, on con- cession road near Orono. $3,200-On concession road near K ndaI, 100 acres, good trout st#eam, 40 acres bush, no build- ings. $4,200 - Farm, 50 acres, near Orono, good 7 roomed house and steel-roofed barn. Very good land. Termis. Leroy Hamilton Broker Orono Phones: Office 32r10 - Home 1r16 9-1 BOMWMANVILLE REAL ESTATE $7,500-Grandview Lodge on East Beach, furnished, 10 rooms, heavy wiring, 3-piece bath, garage, room for cabins. Immediate possession. $2 ,500-Cottage, winterized, five rooms, furnished, on West Beach. $4.750 - Insul-brick house, in Hampton, insulated, full cellar, heavy wiring. $4,500-Cottage, seven rooms, on Park Road. Possession arranged. 'Lot 80 x 2241'-, on St. George St, [sewer, hydro, water, suitable for ranch type home, business or factory. $250-Corner lot on Duke Street. Bowmanvjlle Real Estate 78 King St. West J. Shehiyn H. G. Gi Phone 3326 After hours - 3514 9-1 NIXON REAL ESTATE 8-rooin brick dwelling, nicely de- corated, hydro, 3-piece bath, new floor coverings, double garage, extra lot. $6,000. Grocery store on No. 2 Highway, scales, stove, cooler, meat slcer, and merchandise at invoice. Price $9,000. James Nixon, Broker 160 Liberty St. N., Bowmanville Phone 682 9-1 * COOKE REAL ESTATE $7,000-8-roomed brick house ir Orono, bath, furnace, hardwood flooring, heavy duty wiring good garden, splendid condition throughout. Possession 30 days. $6,800-In Orono, nearly new, 5- roomed, owner bult, cernent hblock house. Marboleum floors, lving room, dining room, the-minute kitchen, built-ir. cup- boards, two bedrooms, ultra-mod- emin bathroom, shower, lovely sun room extra. Possession April lst. $4,200-4-room frame house. wel painted. bot waten heating, bard- wood f looring, good basement, ideal location. Investigate. Poss- ession 30 days. Contact W. C. Evans Orono Phone 84r8 Representing EVELYN E. COOKE, Realtor Newcastle Phone Clarke A2621 9-1 Repairs FOR prompt, efficient, guaranteed service, dyeing and custom work, tny the Neat-Way Shoe Repair Shop, opposite Garton Bus Ter- minal. 31-tf REPAIifS to aIl makes of refrig- erators, domestic and commercial; milking coolers. Higgon Elec- tric, 42 King St. E., Phone 438. 25-tf Work Wanted MIDDLE aged handy man ne- quires work, inside and outside, clean, abstainer, live in. SmaIl Sremuneration. References. Write Box 547, Canadian Statesman. 8-2* BRAKE DRUMS! Lathing, Honing and Grlndlng We specialize in complete brake overbauls. BOB STOCKER'S GARAGE Phone 804 Bowmanville 32-tf Taking Milk to Mre (By Glenholm Hughes) During the spring OF f âo se The milk produced on the farm farmers in the Pickering-Whi~ must be transparted ta the dis- area offered e trucker $2500 î t r i,b u tao r ta be pasteurized, his $600 truck and their own4 bottled. and conveyed te the con-cens. This offer *was refused sumer. A great deel a'f milk hesteres dcddtac-pi ta be braught into the organized atively run their own milk 1 Toronto market. It is usuaily market. Putting up $5,0() eac transparted by truckers who pick hyscrdahrtaple, the Milk Cantrol Board fora the milk up framn the same larm- "1M" icense and praceeded es each day and deliver it ta thesedtirmlkaTont samne dairy or dainies. oera til the oronwto There has been set UP i~ n n00 ram a bank an boughted taria, by the authority of the Miik 50nein aruck nduly 950 f Contrai Act, a Milk Control maw r c.I ul 9o Board. This Board supervises the iore farmers joined, the Pick milkbusnes geeraly nd eesingTransport Co-Operative meilk businhessroigenemaof andhesctObtained Permission- from titate thpledprvion I s ohActMiik Contral Board ta ship thé are ampied ith It lsohasmilk via the Co-Op's truck,d Lsamne control over the pnice of spite the adverse recamrmen imilk. tien of the Joint COmmitteea The large milk market of To- Tasot hsmatta rento and district has been org- members wene naw shipping mn anized. This means that a joint an their graup truck. committee on transport has been Tefft ee onh !op appainted ta assist the Milk Con- tos which commenced in trol Board. This committee con- showed that, after paying all sists of fifteen members, 5 pro- penses, depreciating the truck ducers, 5 distnibutors, and à truck- $7 aigbl h nc ! ers. Its duty is ta supervise the new tarpaulin, all ths w transport of miik from the tarms carrying an average load of a of producens ta the plants of dis- 68½ ,cens against a capacity tributors in the Toronto and dist- 144 cens, the venture saved $6: rict market. The committee is The Pickering Transport Co-, is not empowered ta act but taenative has established itself make recommendatuons ta the pnivate enterprise able ta Co Milk Contrai Board regarding the pete successfully in a market transport of milk, licenses, and open as the Milk Contraie routes. will allow it ta be. Not anlyt Under the accepted recammen- the Pickering Transport Co- dations of the Joint Committee- erative is the first chartered on Transport the tnuckers run the operative ta run miîk inta ; farmers milk inta Toronto and Toronto market. (Sameone s buy and seil milk routes. One ta have cnied "enaugb"). trucker wili pay anothen $100 e On or about January 7tb, 10 can for a route. This $100 daes application was made for nat purchase any physical asset, new members ta ship their mereiy the right ta pick Up the on the Co'-Opetive's truck, milk of the farmers on that route. entaiîed a sight change in Whiie the praducer may be col'- route. No decîsion was han sulted in this matter, he does neot down during the mantb, but- receive any part of the $100.. the 25th the Cabinet appr. As long ega as 1947 the Ontario amendments ta the regulati Whole Milk Praducers League dealing with the transport wanted ta have the Milk Control milk.* The'directors of the C Act amended ta allow the farm- were not infarmed thet er ta transport bis milk co-oper- changes were being placed ativeiy. The Royal Commission, Governinent aithough they of 1947 recommended that the awaiting the decision of the farmer be given the right ta do Board on an application co se without regard ta existing fa- ing transport. cilities. In January the folawin Finally section 13 of the Miik endments ta existing regul Contrai Act wes introduced into were f iled: the Legislature, It states in part, Subsection 1 "The licensel' ', - (if) more than thnee-quar- transporter is issued upan the ters of the sharebolders on mem- ditians that the transporter bers of the corporation (co-oper- net: (a) change the route des ative) are producers supplying ed in tbe application for milk ta a market, no license un- license, (b) -transport nWik der Public Commercial Vehicies producer net named in the >v Act shall be required - .- plication for the license, or co At the time this section was change the route descnibed in th under discussion in the Provincial application for the license." Su Parliament a memnber asked, " . . section 2. "Wbene a transporte and it would be passible for a desires a change in respect o! genuine ca-aperative ta function route, producer, or distributin if it sa desired?" To wbich the plant mentioned i sub-regula Minister of Agriculture replied, tien 1. be may apply ta the Boar 'Tbat is ight." for the cancellation o! bis exist At the annuel convention Of ing license and the issue of a ne the Whole Milk Producers League license reflecting the change se which taak place in January o! forth in is new application." this year, a resalutian was pessed Then, an February 8th, th instructing the Board of Directors Milk Contrai Board turned dow a! the League te give full support the application which would ha and. if necessary, legai assistance allowed the Pickeninlg Transpo, ta ahl graups of producers en- Co-Operative ta fi its tuckmon, deavouring ta onganize a new, or nearly ta capacity. No reaso expand an existing co-operative. was given for this decisian. Col. Kennedy's remanks ta that is known thet the Joint Comi convention wouid seem ta bc in tee on Transport recommende accord witb that resolution. He the refusai of this application. said, "The farmer bas been edu- Does the ruling o! the Mil cated ta look after bis awn af- Contrai Board mean that the faims," and "the more the fermer dividual bas, no longer, the ri bas ta do with bis own product ta transport bis own product before it gets into the bands o! market? Or is it directed the consumer the better." against ca-aperative trbickin When Great Britain people Of the Dominions fearlJJ W'as Unf raidrallied ta ber side. Victory oV Germany was decisive, and W - By LwisMIllganthought we bad fougbt a war Someane bas said that the end ail wars, We disarmed an 1 gneatness a! Elizabethan litereture tnansferned aur trust for security was du to te fac that tat the League o! Nations. Britaîn wais de athffc that thid e e io 1st faith in hersel! as a greaý afreid." It was equally true fwol owraidte"LtI the statesmen and the people o!fEnglanders" took avez' cantrol ai Britain in those great days. government. A Labor Govemn- Elizabeth was the shrewdest and ment began ta take the econamic most fearless o! aIl British mon- mecbinery o! the nation ta pieceg archs. She succeeded ta the and reshepe it ta their utapien thnone et a time when England's ideas. Tbey soon discovered that fortunes wene et a low ebb as the the pieces wauld not fit into their resuit of militany failurés and Socialist machine, and tbey lied international and internai strife. ta cali in the aid mecbanics ta put Hem eign was the geatest and the wheels tagether agein under e most widely prosperous period in National Government. British history. "A period," says In the meantime Gem ywa anc wniter, "that produccd Shakes- estoring ber ald Juî1Îregime peare, Bacon, Spenser, Raleigh, and, under the guise oatonal Frobisher and Drake; a peiod Socialismn, had meg ber whicb wes the beginnings o! Eng- resources and pe pe ~the me- lish colonizetion and the birth af building ai ber military fonces on England as e naval power." a langer scale than even. The Theme wes samething more than shedow o! Hitler was cast avez'. coincidence in the fact thet the Europe and, for the fimst time, other great peniod in British bis- Bnîtein showed signs o! feer, tory was during the reign a! a This took the fomm o! pecifism queen. Victoria wes flot as amang ail classes and appease- colorful a chamacter as Elizabeth, ment on the part of the gavemn- but she could, in ber own way, ment, which led ta the humiliation be just as shmewd and tirm. She ai Munich. Hitler bad donc what gave stability ta the Throne and the Armada sud Nepoleon had inspined ber statesmen and people !ailed ta do; he had brought Bri- with confidence and iearlessness. tain ta ber knees as a suppliant Yet neither o! those queens was for peece. The moral courage of an ebsolute monarch; they bath the people af Britgiri was et it* bad the faculty a! chaosing the lowest ebb in 1939. Evren here Ài eblest or et ieat the most eppra- Canada we were in the grip of priate o! ministens, and tbey wene fear when the Germmns overran tremendously populer wîth ai Europe, and thet feer deepene4 classes, ta the paint o! despair et the time Howevcr we may account for ai Dunkimk. Then a volce rang the getest o! those twa periods, out loud and stnong - it was the they weÊne certainly times in vaîce of a feerless Englishmen, wbich the British people weme Wînston Churchill. That voicqF unafraîd. How difierent from instantly banished ail teer fnorfi the times in which we live, when the heents of the British people1 we are afreid o! aur own shedows, and thencefarth their ca e and pe.rticularly the shedaw af never teiied them. the Big Bad Been af Communist Britain is back where she wa Russie. There was no fear ai the betore the lest *ar, in a state 01 threat o! the Kaiser's Germeny unpreparedness and fear ai an- befone the First Worid War, for other and more formidable would- Bnitain was still strang, and the be world cauquerar. or IbÀoz TWLFLVLF . THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. ONTAIRM THURSDAY, MARCH 1 IsCi 1-i

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