'X'HURSDAY, MARCE Sth, 1951 THE CANADIAN ~TATW~MAN. ~OWMANVILL~. ONTARIO PAGE ELEVEN The Orono News Uns. R. E. Lozan Mr. and Mrs. Milton Elliott, largest eavent lever staged i thist BOWmanville. were Sunday guests district. Over 90 local figure of Mr,. and Mrs. T. A. Reid. skaters played a part in this great Miss Jean Forrester. Toronto, event. From the tiny tots who ,3pent the weekend at her home. are just iearning to, skate to the Mr.adMr.DSipo an Senior members. ail did exceed- Sharon are moving into the house igywl n eeacreitto formerly occupied by Mr. and their pro., .Miss Betty Dent. The M4rs. Vance Cooper who have costumes were beautiful and the Moved to Oshawa. setting more colorful than lever.s ~Dngatuatios t Mr.andAltogether it was a delightful Mrs"chmid, nee Helen Lewis,evnns etranm t and onM birth of terduhe in Orono should be proud of their Bo'aniîî tei dagher young people who can put on r Mr. Wandil Hospital on Feb. 27. such a thrilling performance. 9 have bought the home formerly Miss Gwen Phasey, Oshawa, oWned by Mrs. W. McCulloch on spent the weekend at er homef Park S t., Part of which will be here. made ino a funeral chapel. Mrs. A. Pigott and Gloria re- Mrs. Fred Green and family ceived minor injuries xvheri tlieir f have rnoved to their newly pur- car was in a collison on No. 2F chased home in Central OntariO. Highway last week. We hopeE Miss Shirley Porter, R.N., Osh- they will have a spcedy recov-E aWa, spent the weekend with her ery.c parents, Mr. and Mrs. Neil' Por -MsAia utelsapten Mr. and Mrs. C Johns. Bow- in Bowmanville Hospital follow-, manville visited bis sister. Mrs. ing a car accident on Sunday C. Wood. evening, when she received minor 9 Owing to the illness of Rex'. E.* injuries. We hope she will soo.i lEustace there was no service in be able to return home. ~he United Church on Sunday We wish to congrýtulate Bar- torning. bara Eustace who obtained Fir.3t The 1951 edition of the Fancy Ciass Honors' in her Grade IIlr Skatinig Carnivai was put on in mnusie exam. also Marilyn Cobblc-C the local arena on Friday and dick who received honors in berF Saturday night. This is the fifth Grade II exam. Both girls are h anniual carnival and was the pupils of Mrs. E. W. C. Work- I man. Another of her pupils,o Shirley Pollock, Bowmanville, ro~-o 1ceived First Ciass Honors la, i Grade VIII.a 0 ~Hall March 6th, with a good at-h IUJ1 tendance. with Mrs. C. Wood, t J *President, presiding. The pro- gram was under direction of Mrs. e O f Rowe's and Mrs. Kelly's ru.a ton Mrs. Rowe gave the devotiona] co 'message, Mrs. Porter the study r book chapter and Mrs. Ja. Ly- n cett and Mrs. M. J. Tamblynr 1 gave te report of the Presbyteri- r ai heid in Oshawa where Mrs. J. t J.Mellor, our Press Sec'y, re-W ceived first prize for ber scrapW book. We wish to congratulatle bier for bringing this honor to c our Auxiliary. An invitation r( was extended from Newtonvilie 91 for our Auxiliary to attend their gi Easter thankoffering on Good v Friday afternoon. Treas. Mr- di S Logan reported 40 paid-p a*m bers already this year which isB quite encouraging. Next monthM will be our Easter Thankoffering fi meeting wben we hope to have Try a ton of our red trade- as our speaker Mrs. (Rev.) Fish-N marked Famous Reading e r of Brooklin. Sunday, April S( lst, preceding our meeting, a a Anthracite-tbat better Penn- special W.M.S. service will bea sylavvania anthracite-labora- held xvhen Mrs. (Dr.) Fletcher, 'S d or ~ and Oshawa, wiil be guest speaker. toIrN testcdfo puityan Mrs, Bostock and daughtcr icleanncss. hav e rented rooms in Newcastle Notie hiv on-tha to lat. a nd xiii be moving there about Notceho lng httnlss the l5fjh of tifis month.o ,Notce hata lo ofstedy, A great many people in Orono l3 genial warnîth it gives. We and vicinity are suffering from F. -think you'll want to make the fin. We hope that ail the Famous Reading Anthracite sikwlsonbbte. your fuel -for keeps. Wti D CK HE S 1 liFa huIL I~I~HoldinoYou Back ' It's Dodd's You May Need! an Wlien your kidneys act up and backache bel follow-get and use Dodds Kidney Pilla, eC 'the 5Oý-year-old Canadian remnedy. Dodd's ft~75N~I7!!~I Kidney Pilla quickly and safely help restore 1Wi BOW MA VILLE vour kidneys to normal action--help relieve Mr hackache and that "tired-all-the-time" ev( feeling by treating the kidneys. Ask any 1 druggist for Dodd'à Kidney Pilla, look for aft FUELS 41 the blue box wtl the red band. 15 C.N.R. YARDS PHONE 40Dodd'sidney Pis l$ e -TiR A D10 tIR VIE! -~T A X 1 24-HOUR SERVICE Phone: Day 561 - Nighis 561 -707 -922 SIX MODERN CARS .... ALL PASSENGERS INSURED. .... PROMPT EFFICIENT SERVICE Operated hy Laihangue Bros. We wish to announce that -Mr. F. B. Jacob is our new representative in the Counties of Ontario, Durham, Victoria, Haliburton, Peterborough, Hastings, Prince Edward, Lennox and Addington. Wfood, Gundy & Company Limiited *SPI 'Gr 1h JO! ani OBITU ARIES WILLIAM GAY A former resident of Oshawa, William Gay, 443 Navahoe, De- troit, Mich., passed away. very suddenly at bis home on Feb. 20, having snffered a heart aitack. Deceased -,vas born in Maple Grove, Darlington Township. on Jnly 17, 1871. son of the late Mary Everson Gay and Wm. Gay. In 1899 he was married ta Miss Minnie Chaney off Oshawa, who survives bim, also one daughter, Mrs. Ross Heeley (Eva), txvo sons, Nelsori o! Boston, Mass., and Eacl, Detroit. One brother, Nor- man, Detroit. There are eight grandeildren and one great- grandchild, surviving. The inneral service was held from Cooper Bros. Mortuary, 10400 Mack Av-e., Detroit. Those atteîîding the funeral from Ibis district were: Mrs. W. F. Luke, R.R. 3, Oshawa; Mrs. Effie Mnrless, Oshawa; Mrs. Geo. Barber, R.R. 4, Oshawa, and Mrs. Carl Down, R.R. 3, Bowmanville. One grandson, Donald Gay.l flew home from Navy Service foi' bis grandfather's funeral. MRS. CHARLES WILLIAMS After being confined to bec ffor two months, there passed to rest at the home o! her grandson, Charles Rankine, Haydon, or F'eb. 24, Sarah Ann Williams in her 87th year. Born in Calcutta, rudia, deceased was a daughter of. the laie Mi-. and Mrs. Brown of England and xvent io England ,vhen lier parents returned ihere, il the age of four years. In 1906 she came lu Canada, making her home at Ncirval. Ontario, until two years ago, when ber busband, Charles Cox Williams predeceas- ed ber. Since then she bas lived it Haydon. Mrs. Williams was an active iiember off the Presbyterian Lliurch. a teacher o! the Begin- ners Class in Snnday School for nany years and a Life Member o! the W.M.S. Iu World War I she vas a prominent Red Cross woî'ker. She is survived by ber only child, Mrs. Edith Rankine, To- 'onto; five grandcbildren ten greatgrandichildren and five great great-grandclîildren. The funeral was held at Nor- 'ai Presbyterian Church on Tries- lay, Feb. 27, with Rev. Weir, Brampton, officiating. Inter- nent was in Mount Pleasant Cemetery, Norval. Among the flocal tributes were flowers from Norval Preshyterian Church, Norval W.M.S., Norval Sunday School, Haydon Snnday School nd Haydon neighbocs. STARK VILLE MUr. and Mrs. L. Woods, Peter- cough, with Mr. and Mcs. Mor- ey Robinson. Mrs. Perey Farrow visited Mrs. -Stone. Mi.5s E. His spent-the week- id at ber home. Misses Norma and Benlah Hal- owell, Toronto, and Mrs. Fred 'als, Kendal, with Mr. and Mrs. lew Halloweli. "; Mrs. L. Barneý -and daughter, lontypool, with Mr. and UJrs. ýictor Farrow. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Manders 'id Larry bave nîoved. 10 Eliza- ihx-ille io a tobacco farm own- c by Mr. Charles Stephenson. Mr. and Mrs. Jolin Stark and 'ayne badt dinner witil Mr. and Irs. Llexv Halloxvell Satnrday 'e nin g. Mi's. G. Etxvcell has returned ftcr visiting friends in Toronto. (Intended for last week) A number in the district have enr snffecing with colds and -i. Mrs. A. Dobson and Mary Lou pent the weekend lu Toronto. Miss Lorraine Farrow, Bow- ianville. at home. Mr. and Mrs. L. White, Maple nove, visited Mr. and Mrs. Ross îillowell. Mrs. Howvard Farrow attended e funeral off lier uncle, Mr. oseph Tebble, ln Ne-wýcastle. Miss Norma Hallowell, Toronto, 1h Mr. anîd Mrs. Llew Hallo- )hll. Mc1. and Mrs. J. Swarbrick ci family, Kendal, visiied Mr. dc Mis. J, Murphyv. 'Your Home Too! EVEN IF you are careful and wvatchfui o! ,our home. there are many places where fire van start. CARE helps to prei'ent fire but Insurance pays for the fire you cannot prevent! Iii- sure your home adequately to prevent financial loss. Consult Stuart R. James INSURANCE - I 'Phone: Office 681 REAL ESTATE Res. 493 King Street, Bowmanville Korean YoungstE To veterans of the 21 stai-ving children bring ha youn-gsters they eiicountere continent in the Second V Pusan, is dai]y besieged by through the barbed wire su are needed to say what the as they scrambie 10 any Can or food in his hand. Heî-e F atoon, on guard duty, passe saved from, his dinner. H-e discarded son.c sheet. SHAW'S Thîe regular meeting o! th( Home and Sclîool Club was helc March 2hd- with the President Mr. Lewis Wood. in the chair The business pcriod was brief. Mrs. Clarence' Turner ww clîairlady for Mrs. Ernest Gil bank who was convenec o! th( followiiig program: Mr. Water field o! the Boys' Training Sclîoo amused the audience with b:. humorous jokes. Hle introduceC two boys from the sehool, Dor Little and Phil Brown wlîo sami "Shoe Shine Boy" and "Grea Big Bundle o! Joy" with guitai accompaniment. Mr. Waterfielc recited a lînmorous nunîiber usiný a lighted canclie. Phil Brown anc Mi'. Waterfield favored xil vocal duels "Itls a lovely da '- today" aind "An Orange-colorec skv." Orville Osborne conductedE sing-song with newv xords 10 fa- j miliar tunes, with Ruth Bragg ai the piano. Mr.Garnet Rickard gavea delgbtful talk on ber trip i Lake Placid, clescribing the ac- commodation 10 be hadi,1he skiing bigh in the his ail the yeac around and the bob-sled mun. Hec .vivid description off it ail made ris vant 10 sec tiiose very interestiîîg sighis ourselves. Gleîî Prout favorecivith vocal solos "A Perfect Day" anc "Marie." Jini Bannes, Sam Tui'- ner, Gien Prou t, Evereti Wood anîd Ross Prout put on an amnus- ing skit, the scene off vhich -was in an emiployment of'fice. Piano duels by June Woodl and Christinie Lamb brouglit tb close an interesting progc'am put on elîiefly by talent witbin the Club. Parents and friends weî'e invit- ed by Mrs. Atchison 10 view tht display o! pupil's work lu the basement this being Education Week. Lrunch ai-d a social boni foliowed. I hope I shlj always possess !irmness alid virtue enongh to maintain xvhat I consideî- the most enviable off ahl tilles. the charac- ter off an -Honest Man.'-Gcor-go Washinigton. Send a greeîing whether x-ou'rec Irishî or flot to cheer friends and shut-ins. Parties St. Patrick's Serviettes Table Covers - Tallies Place Cards and i>rizes J. W. JEWELL 46BIG "0 27 King St. %V.. Bowmnanville PHONE 536 ýers Fed by P.P.C.L.I. Soviet Russia's For Best Crop Corn -~ ~ Formula for Victory Grow The Right Now Clear to Al Kind of Hybrids By Lxvi Miliga inOttawa.-There is a tendency By Leis Mllign inthe husking corn areas to plant The intention o! Soviet Russia late maturing hybrids. Such hy- to try to drive freedom fromi the brids will give the highest yields <face of the earth is now clear to if seasonal conditions are most cail. World War III began l11 favourable. But, unfavourabie Greece, was extended first to conditions occur too frequently ~ Maaya nd Idoneia, the o for the late hybrids to reach a Korea. That it xii erupt else- safe niaturily and losses occur whee s erai-ail tatis In from iower prices received for doubt is the timing o! the out- the corn when marketed directly breaks. An attack on Tito ?f from the picker, or from spoilage Yugoslavia is probable, s0 is when the corn is cribbed with a trouble in Iran and in Germany. high moisture content. Ail estrn oothldshi sia More emphasis should be placed are precariously held. on maturity, says G. F. H. Buck- The nibbling period Is in full eDmno xeietlSa swig bt grat rasfomatontion, Harrow. Ont. A grower is taking place. A sense o! ur- will not only harvest a better 'rgency has spread throughout the quality o! corn but will save him- free world. The state o! war hassefaltowrybypntg been recognised and steps are be- bybrids which will reach safe ig taken to deal with it. Neyer mtrt ihntepro e again will the Lords o! the Krem- turity wihing te anpte r '01 lin enjoy such prospects o! suetweelng palntngtie dt h frst ces asin he astfou yers.be considered to have reached That they hesitated and fumbled sf auiywe h enl was due chiefly to their fear o! have developed to the dough -' atomic weapons. Henceforth saeadae eldne.Any further restraint will be imposedcodtn hh shortens the by the unity and co-o.iae growîng period or delays ripen- power o! the whole free world.i ing, whether due to climate, Io-, It is possible the Kremlin will «_ precîpitate major operations on .,a world scale soon. No one, even Sbehind the Iron Curtain, eau know for certain what is going oi ithe Kremlin. It is more likely, Y y oever that loca]ised eruptions will continue indefinitely. ýnd Bn., P.PC.LI., now in Korea, To protect freedom, therefore, ck memories of the underfed the Western Democracies must d duririg their service on the be preparedto deal with localised d Y Vorld War, Their camp, near eruptions recognisirîg that at any fi mornent a general conflagration zý children of ail a-es who peerma enesed trrounding the area. No words Militai y preparations and se- " undernourîshed tykes are after curîty measures are now in rapid adian soldier seen with a parcel development and it will not take 'rivate Steve Towstego, of Sask- long to overtake the equipment s out a Ieg of chieken he 'had sproryo h nm rvd enoserions mistakes are made. had he cîcke wraped n a In the growing clamour for ______________________sweeping controls and regimen- IFR tation there is more danger than £Vcea oii fom the enemy. Some controls you can't &AMInd NE WTON VILLE and regulations no doubt are am n rdc. _____necessary but that these should We asîtyo,..Wiî e Kelvin Joncs is down wîth be kept to the absolute Minimum teMyra Id mese.my well mean the difference be- t, Mss GoriaLane spen thetween victory' and deleat. it, iss lora LaIe pentthe The chances are we are in for r. wekcnd with Miss Marilyii 9 long pull, a struggle as mucii Weeks, Toronto. o! nerves and morale as o! ma- Y R ET -a Mr. Carl Paedoil is home fromn terial strength. The West lias YO K F DS ET [the hospital and fceling better. two assets that are potentiailyENUM. ie Mrs2. Fred Henderson and ln- decisive and that are denied to G L A EM t7 ant son ai-e home from the hos- the enemy by bis materialistîc G LE A EN 0pital and staying for a few days philosophy and his slave society.A OENA1 iswith bier parents, Mr. and Mrs. The first is the indoitable LIMA BE NS SiN ýdClinton Brown.* strength o! dynamic faith. The in Mr.. and iVrs. Wilbert Lang- second is the productivity, resili- CN gstaff and two daughters, Toronito, ence, inventiveness, and ingen- HOI.E rEAS U aand hîs mother, Mrs. Mabel uity of free men operating the r Langstaff. Port Hope. spent the market-economy. C O C O Id \veekend with Mrs. Hattie Lang- Therefore, if we would exploit Sstaff. our decisive advantages, we must :h Mr. Wml. Uglov who su! fered avoid copying the methods o! the mEiz-IN TOMATO SAUCE a stroke Monday passed away i slave state. Let Management and v Bowmnanville H-ospital SaturdaY Laboî- contrive together to i- ýd evening. The funieral IIa held crease production. avoid waste, C o e p g e from the George Funerai Parlors and generate new devices. While o k d~ a a on Tuesday .with Rev. Dr. Oke increased taxation is inevitable, of Welcone in charge of the ser- Government sbould set an- ex- *vice. We e'xtend sympathy to ample ,in economy 50 that the bis widoxv. Mrs. Wm. McHolm means mýayv be available for the BRIGHT'S rcA( a of Morr-ish is staying with Mrs. rapid development o! industry IrsoJck llotIspntassuring an overwhelming out- LYNN VAL - Mr.an r.Jc lit pt put of adequate quality. We can L N A L Y P Le the weekend with friends in To- be sure o! victory only by chai- CR HEv riNE r ýe ronto. lenging free men and women to CR SH D IN A" JMr. Joe Sexsmith. is out of the do their best in conditions o! rel- t liospital and is staying witbh hs ative freedom. To strangle the ,_ niece, Miss ï3au toni, Bowman- market-economy tbrough panic or V- E T BL Sville. lack of undersianding is to invite i Vrs. Harrv Loueîvbo lias been eilher stalemate or disaster. For- CLARK'S TOMATO i ci visitinig bis niother. Mrs. Wm. tunately that pallid variation o! -Lare has gone to Westlake to Communisnî called Socialismn ha5; jvisit hier mother before returning not sapped the strength o! North osy Gaer -home. America. SCongratulai ions t10 Mcl. Moses ______________ Heard whose 93rd leai) vear Tt is important to remember i dbirthclay was cclebî-atccl on Feb. that every type of poultry or %MACARONI & CHEESE TREAT a28. gai-eneh bttkr,~ nre shonld*be at roorn temper- t atr Xeiith Witkr tr before cooking. nomatterKR F DIN eToronto is visiting bis grand- what method o! cooking is used.KR F I N parents, Mi-. and Mrs. John _________________ Pearce. Mr. Ethan Joncs is ont o! the SaiodBo hospital at Port Hope and is stay- Stf r BosOGLI M NU ing xithi his sister, Mrs. Wm.Wok rPayne. \ae~~~-i Monumental ok BRUNSWICK SARDINI Mrs. JohniWO s oefo Oshawva Hospital and improving Phione Whitby 552 Sslowi. Iýý 318 Dundas St. E., Whltby A S R LA U Mrs. Ravnmond Bruce spent Fr- yxI t M. anti Mrs. Chas. FINER QUALITY " MT' tables playcng. winners' prizes goîag Iu Mîss Elaine Powell and Greeni Florida .Mr. Russell Powell: consolations Fns okdn to IV,.s. Gordon Martin and Mr. Fns guaranieedwokdn CELERY *Austin White. Lunch was serx - by experts. Prompt service. Free cd. MIN-. Gordon Martin*s group inspection. Bring in your watch. had chargce off the meeting.VLUSEFETY Mr. Harold Web'oer, aitj DuraPower Maunsinnm TARHRS. FRh 10 Man., visited Mr. and Mvrs. Bill ' ~ 4RHS?,9>&It Lake. for ELGN O NER Th, Lake Shore Ladies' K. S. ut.àUfo eavm imu jand C. Club met at the homne o!f al.l o eiousi o iMrs, W. Aai.Mai'cn 1,,t»Next ea'Madeof EWtiwr ow.i" t Oà meeting at Mrs. Geo. Skelings, Mrh14. M D ' Rred 'Croýs operates more than 160 Highwav ,First Aid Posts and neariv 60 mou-e in co-openation witn St. .John Ambulance and jprovincial motor leagues. The Ontario Society for Crip- pied Chiidi'en is neady to lend a-ý sistaiice b aux\-plivsic-ailx' handi- capped cîîld. froni birlh 10 21 'er-of age. Use Easter Scls- j Ielp Çrîpplççd Chili'en.- 1i avis"Mmu mW Jewelleiy 43 King St. W. Phone 463 BOWMANVILLE cation, or delayed planting, wifl necessitate the choice of an earlier maturing hybird. When the crop is grown for ensilage At is not necessary tb choose a hybrid that will reach full maturity, though the best ensilage is produced from corni that bas reached the dough stage. Such corn provîdes both succua- lence and grain in the ensilage. Each year the Ontario Corn Commi#tee publishes a list o! hy- brids which« it has recomrnended for sale and production in On- tario. No hybrid is »laced in the list until it has proved its worth by its performance in officiai. tests for two or more years and in the areas for which it is recom- mended. By consulting the list, a grower has an ample choice of hybrids which have proved to be adapted to his area. Copies may be obtained from the Fhcperimen- tal Stations and Agricultural Rep- resentatives throughout the pro- vince. In some parts of the Amnerican Southwest and in Mexico, choc- olate is used to flavor both meat and vegetables. The 1951 objective of the Easter Seal Sale for crippled children ini Ontario is $375,000.00. - Use Easter Seals - Help Crippled Children. DOMINIOn am ib 1 TRUMDAY, MARCH Sth, 1951 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWM ANVITLE, ONTARIO N4ATION WITH A SMILEIS in strnie te mal,. your iIopipi t~ ethWi you want ... -or if y.. want nformhîi, - Pie«se ask the near.at niember of (the staff. h & @mile! Such friendlY personal ae,-e i s m am118 wIy youl io L ~ q >JRED THIS WEEK!1 ý ,CUi 2 IL os-31lc TOMATO OIR. SAUCE 2 2oes 29c *R2E 2 a. 29c 280. ES C1401CE 15 Oz. 2 A RS DER T Ti. 24c PE SWEET 20 Z. 3C JUICES 3 i.. 29c IUICE F-ANcy 2 2,,o,, 27c ult Juice 2 r..-. 29c ER 2 Fkgs. 27 TE OATS flc.37c IES OIL 2 Tins1 7c tRANIS 18 c PRUNES Pk- 25 C Good Size ¶9G'm 'HRUIT le 4 for 25c ss Large Sîze 216'9 S - doz. 45c rnia Large Size 300's . - - doz. 55c y t ook lO-oz. Ceilo Bag N1ACH - - 25c em, lb. 19C - cello pkg. 25c FSize 48's * 2 2for 23c Our Guarantes0 beau% silice 8 Pl# PAGE ZIZM