PAGE FOUR TUE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVTLLE. oNTAR:o 'rWrR~flAV VAUP1~ 5+1, ~ 1 had to forego ber curiosity of Br. and Nrs. L. B. Williams Celebrale htwsisde h otrsi osa u. m uthe mirror to make sure he was Their Golden weaaîng Anniversary ntgtigjudcd Mrs. Williams was gowned in black lace-net attire and wore an As a sequel ta a nxotice of It was the seamstress work of orchid. Relatives contributed a rnarriage in our 50 years ago perfection that regaled ail the heavy damask table cloth,, used column of last week, Dr. and Mrs.i ladies.1 The quality of goods, ail for the spread wîth widely bor- L. B. Williams, now of 8 Oriole dered scroll in yellow contrast Gardens, Toronto, celebrated Sun- lined of that date, leaves the dress shade. day, Feb. 25th, their Golden in perfect condition while the At the urns firstly were Mrs. Wedding annxversary. stîtching, ribbing, oversewing, etc., Williamns' cousin, Mrs. Gordon 1ea lef t the ladies aghast. The gentle- Hall, formerly of Brooklin, and There were three striking fa men were at a sligbt disadivantage the Doctor's sister, Mrs. Howard tures ta the festive occasion. The in this close examination. Those Johnston. They were relieved by weather bureau recorded the most were the days wben the "dress- a couple of the Doctor's nurses salubrious February day since maker" came to the house and and again by executive officers weather statistics, while on the was there for wceks before a related to the Doctor's Presidency 50 years ago wedding at the wedding. of organizations. bride's home, Enniskillen, the The gift of the immediate fam- Durham County guests were weatber was creaking co]d-those ily, the fifty Elizabeth yellow Mr. and Mrs. Norvaîl Wotten of from the north came over sflow roses, was nature at its best - Solina; Mr. and Mrs. Sam Dewell, bank, old-fashioned pitch-holes those golden roses would be-deck Hampton, Earl Truli, Courtice, with cutters and belis, wvhile from the lily. and Editor and Mrs. Geo. W. the south it was even wvarse as The Doctor remarked that he James. a toes-pbtenwel n had been seeing notbing but y&p.. Congratulations came in with runnrs.low for the past days, wbat with that big "50" on the cards, rival- Their daughter (Luchla) Mrs. roses, daffodils, '50 emblazoned ling "The Big 20" of earlier Bow- Hardy Purdy, was butterflying with gold leaf cards, while the manville merchandizing d a y s, about ail afternoon. among the packaging in patterned gold paper fromn the Scottish Border, New- guests, gowned in ber motber's and ribbon trapiiings was so ai- foundland, Vancouver, California, wedding drcss of 50 years ago. luring that Mrs. Williams almost Florida, the Prairies and the Mar- itimes, while locally, such repre- sented a nice cross section of the city Of Toronto, cablegrams fromn northern England and wires fromn Montreal. BARD WOOD FLOORS What we thought really lae LAID SANDED FINISHED the number of out-of-town pat- vine route had heard of the oc- casion and along came their best FLOO SANERS OR RNT ishes FLOORSAND RS FOR ]RNT wThe s groom preferred to turn from this golden wedding occasion Tile floors, linoleum, rubber or wood block, also and look upon bis real bride ,#ith linoleum in yard goods. Plastic tule for the future in her eyes, joy andV kitchens and bathrooms. sadness, presiding over her mar- T vellous destiny, a womani at the Free Estimates Given zenith of her career, when every- "Stand with Confidence on a Leggette Floor" body said: "Good luck my dear!"' As the Editor and the grooma did a little reminiscing, he re- marked: "The Statesmani, Durham M. LEGGETTE County and ourselves have gone 20 ONDST.E.,OSAWAPHOE 34W a lng ireain, tspan of years 20 BND T. E, OHAW PHOE 34W nd IrecllGeorge, that when I \vas a newspaper editor I put the paper in mourning and wrote an editorial on the death ofR Queen Victoria - those five de- h cades celebrated to-day have cut across the reigns of five sover- eigns of Great Britain." The "grand" wedding cake, sa favorably commerited upon, was t the craftmanship of one of theE 0 ,( ~ Doctor's nurses, Mrs. Denton. h The Doctor didn't want a big t celebration but bis daughter over-K ruled him; gifts were not wanted and that was aver-ruled; but one s thing ail had in common wbich f quickly made strangers friends,W and which the bride and groom a appreciated so much with tbem Àr-was everybody's Best Wîshes. s - ~ If the writer of this memorable occasion might play on this sen- P L'LS4nr timent I would say the medical h offices seemed to electrify the 0 * Best Wishes. From quiet homes and first be- D ginnings,M Out unto the uttermost ends,M There's nothing worth the wear l o' winning S But laughter, love and kzindly in friends. K -Robt. Louis Stevenson. fi To select one only gift in par- C ticular, it was a gorgeous floor g lamp from the Doctor's beloved Durhanm County Club of Toronto, M of which be is a past president, F-0 and along xith Mrs. Williams, are T stili very active in the club's SI activities. The Statesman joins witb their R many friends in the Homeland of a Durham in wisbing this wortby couîple many more years of healtb and happrness and unselfish pub- lic service wbicb bas been so Try ur amos SA ITO E ûe-ann-,ly haracteristic of Dr. and Mrs.- Tr O r a ou S NIO E lenig Williams truhteyas *More Dirt Removedi *Perspiration und Odor Removedl The motto of the Ontario So- *Colors Revived ta Original Brighfnes ciety for Crippled Children is: Don't wait'tif the last minuteto bring your spring clothes "No crippled child in Ontario will SO in .. epecall yor Este favrits. allnowforourbe neglected." If you know of a M espeialy yur aste faories.Calinowforaurneedy case, report to the Ontaria better Sanitone Dry Cleaning Service anid oita 12Cle S.Trn L sce how much brighcer ...fresher . .. and t ocietv a tCeg ealS.-Toron clearier your cloches will be! Cto e Eastder eas Elp a EVIfEL EIGCH'S TO EVERYWHERE Air, Rail or Steamship MEN WHO THINK 0F TOMORROW PBACTICI MODE RATION TODAY TJTE HIOUSE SIA GRA. Coupe t Lie inBow anvlleBruce Sharrard who sang "The Coupe t Lie inBow anvlleLord's Frayer" and '*Because." Given in marriage by ber l a- ther the bride was gowncd in frost white silk velvet, fashioned witb a slim, strapless bodice, and a gracefully gathered skirt, into a full circular train, witb whicii she ware a fitted jacket of whitû Chantully lace buttoned up thr front witb white velvet button.i ta the bîgb round neckline high- lighted witb a Peter Pan collar. Tbe long sheath sleeves taperüd ta points over'the hand. A white velvet Dutcb bonnet, stuîddel with rhinestones, bold ber fin- gertip veil of embroidered tullie illusion and she carri<'d a cascade of ;red rosettes ccntcred with bhite carnations and gai-lands of byacintbs with white satin ribbon Miss Joyce Cox, Bowmanvil]c,' was maid of bonor. The brides- i. maids were Miss Lois Gingerich, York, Fa., sister of the bride- A groom, and Miss Helen Fields of -~Oshawa. Miss Beverle y-Ann E Moore, cousin of the bride-, wv's f junior bridesmaid. Ail the a,- ~i tendants wore identica i gowns j:' of cherry red silk velvet designed with tightly moulded bodices but- toned at the back and heavily gathered hoop skirts accentedi , with a bustle at the back. A scal- **lopcd portrait necklinc bighlight- e d the bodice, and velvet mittcns complimented the sn1ort puit sieeves. They wore matc-ning Dutch bonnets anîd rhînestone e.wu necklaces also the bride's gift, r hinestone eacrings and bracelet, - and they each carried a rosegay of white carnations, and hyi.- 1MR. AND MRS. STUART DOUGLAS PRESTON cinths with ced rosettes and white satin ribbon streamers. whose marriage was solemnizcd recently at King Street Mr. Ronald White of York, Pa.,1 Unitcd Church. Oshawa. Formerly Mi.v Marian Agnes a cousin of the bridegroom, was best man. The ushers were M,'. Tucker, the bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Frank Wilbur, Oshawa, and two P. Tucker, of Oshawa, and the bridctgroom is the son Of Mr. uncdes of the bridegroom, Mr'.Er-! and Mrs. Robert Preston, of i\ýap1c Grove. vin Shaffer and Mr. Earl Ginger- -Courtesy Oshawva Times-Gazette ich of York, Fa. The reception was held in the Piccadilly Room of Hotel Gen- B ROWN'S W inghamn Advance osha. To receive the guestste Praises Ray Dudley lengt gown of aqua Chantilly Sympathy is extcndcd to MrF. - lace over taffeta. White lilac Robert Graham on the passing of Ray Dudley was ane of the trimmed ber small ilavy bloc ber sister, Mrs. Tom Gimblett. artists taking part in the serie.3 straw bat. White and yellov.' We are sorry to lose Mr. and of concerts at Wingham, similar roses comprîsed ber corsage. Tle~ Mrs. Howard Moore and Mr. and to the Lions series herc. Here is bridegroom's mother who assist- Mrs. Fred Moore who have moved what the Wingbam Advance- ed, was wearing golden beige to Garden Hill, and Mr. and Mrs. Times reported: Chantilly lace witb bronze bead- Elmer Rozniak and Robert who Rav, Dudlcy was the pianist, ei accents; a small silk straw have moved to Newtonville; aLio acco mpanist of the programmc. bege bat, and a corsage of Talis- tbe Bakers wbo have moved to Too much. praise could not be giv- man roses. Kirby. en bim. Mr. James Matthews, Courticc, Sevralfro hee atened he t ws te ecelenc ofhisac-was master of ceremonies and in- Sevralfro bee atened he t ws te ecelenc ofbisac-troduced Miss Lois Gingerich who skating carnival in Orono. Local comnpanying that drew Mary Foys sang "I Love You Truly" and folks taking part included Misses out of herself, and it was the p0vý- "Througb the Years" accomp- Wyllene Wilson, 'Doris Martiti er and authority and sincerity and anied by Mr. Wallace Young. Mr. and Lynne Stephenson. brilliance of bis playing that Herbert Flintoff, Oshawa, uncle Several from here attended the fairly over-wbelmed bis audi- of the bride, as toast master, ex- sbowec for Mr. and Mrs. John ence. If was little short of a mir- pressed bis good wishes ta the Partridge (Arvilla Brunt) at the acle that be should bring such newly weddedcopeThtas home of Mr. and Mrs. M. Pedwell music ouf of the old town hall to the bride capope Thetoas on Saturday evening. piano. The strength that was in Ronald Weadprpoed tM. Word bas been received tha' bis lcft hand was matched by the by the bridegroomn and the Flight-Medical Assistant LAC delicacy of bis right band. At bis toast ta the bride's attend- Donald Nivins, Cannington, for- high. level of artisfry there was ants was proposed by Mr. Frank rnerly of this district and son of 1no sigo of any lack of buinility. Wilbur and responded ta by Mr. Mc. and Mrs. Wilford Nivins. The fuiture belongs to Ray Dud- Earl Gingerich. The father of along witb the rest of Transport ley, if he dces not over- wo:k the bride alsa expresscd bis good Squadron 435 crcw -\vill be fly- bimself f0 a brcakdoxvn. wisbes. ing the li uced soldiers froîri uring the reception a congrat- Koresto bospitals rnear their W D JGulatory telegrarnwas received Dont forgot Home andi Sebool ____ an, San Francisco, an aunt of thc Club on March 13. How about a bride, tclepboncd ber best wish- good fumanot. GINGFRICH- FLINTOFF es.Foth nemn trp o Miss Blanche Wottoil visiter! King Street United Cburcb, ors asthe brde ose tn a Mrn. and Mrs. Cyril Avery O Oshaiva. 'vas the for a pointsaatdite brievchs a navv Miuss ey Sehnon taa wedding Saturday evcning, Fel). top coat. Navy bloc flowers Mis Bety tepenonOttýÀ-g,24, xvhen Pauline Joyce Yvonne trîmmed ber small bat of ,vbile1 'ent a few days here. Flintoff xvas united in inanriage nylon straw and wbite canna- Miss Peggy Stephenson and Mr. ývitlh William Donald Gingenicli.tisan byctscmrse .~os oydba supe wth Mn. The bride is daughfter of Mc. and ber corsage. and Mrs. Jim Bedford, Bowman- Mcs. Alfred R. Flintoff, Courtice, Tebiero' itt h 7ile, n undy.Ontario. and tbe bridegroom 's bride was luggagc and ta the best snon f lVr. and Mrs. J. Elwood man and ushers gold tic clips. ]Busiess_____ oy Gncih ok en Mr. and Mrs. Gingerich, on - Yellow daffodils and wbite their returo, \Vill make their L G Lcarnations banked with fcnnis and home in York, Pa. L G Itait palms with ligbtcd tapers in ____________ W. R. STRIKE, K.C. branching candelabra formced the Mankind will be God-governed Barrister, Solicitor, Nofary background, with white bows des- in proportion as God's govern- >olicitor for Bank of Mortrealign1ating the pews for the double- ment becomes apparent, the Gol, foney ta Loaîî Phone 791 ring ccrernony, xvhich was pc-c- den Rule utilized, and the cights Bowmanville, Ontario formelI b*y Rev. E. J. Robertson. of man and the liberty of consci- - _ Mr. Wallace Young presidcd at rnce beld sacrcd.-Many Baker >LAWRENCE C. MASON, B.A. the organ and accampanied Mrs. Edd. JUrser oicitoU, iNotalW P-ublic King Sf. W., BowmanvilHe hone, Office 688 Residence 553 W. F. WARD, B.A. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary 91,' King Street E., Bowvmanville, Onfanlo hane, Office 825 Hnse 409 MISS APHA I. H-ODOINS crrister, Solicitor, Notacv Public * Successor ta M. ,G. -V. Gold Temperance St., BnanviîîeI Phone 351 DENTAL. DR. WV. M. RUDELL, D.D.S. Office Jury ,Tubilee Bldg. 40 King St. W., Bowmanville * Office Haurs:- * 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. dailv 9 ar..fa 12 noan Saturday * . Clased Sundav Office Phone 190 House Phone 3609 D R. E. IV. SISSON, L.D.S., D.D[.S. Office in bis home 100 Liberty St. N., Bowmanville Office Hours:- 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. daily E ** * 9 a.m. t 2no ensa REAL ESTA TE BOwl'"kAN VILLE REAL ESTATE 78 King Street West Properties Sald, Rented Managed and Appraised Members of the Canadian and Ontario Real Estate Boards 31. Shehyn H. G. GUI Bowmanville 3326 3514 tiUjJIING. MONTEITH & NIONTEITH 0 Chartered Accountants 37 King St. E. Oshawa Mr. Gardon W. Riebi, C.A., resîdent partner. 7King St. W. Bowmanvil]e Phone 3252 --~---~'~d Office Haurs: 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. Monday ta Saturday Evenings by Appointment Taunton Couple's 4Oth Wedding Annivernary Abouit 1() frîr.nt1 and relatives -alled ;, t he home o! Mr-. andi Mr.s, Ntermn J.e1,ach sit Taunton on Feh. lS5th ta honor the occasion of thc-ir 40itn w"ddJ(îrig anniver- sary. Airida proftuýqirn r! beau tifil .qpring f 1owver:s r r c- i v ed fTrm n'-ighbors a ;rn rînd .Zion W. A iind Solîna W. 1. thç, bride ond groom rer-r.iv(,rJ thp gupests, assiîst- vd by thc-îr thre rJaijghtserg.Mr.' D)ouglas Fleit, Mrý. Arthur Youligman and Mi:- Pearl be.ach, and a ncighbor, Mrs. Nelsan Fice. Th r- dining-rrom table was t as te ful1ly adorned with pink sL-mrsand canrîles: and centred with a lovely threc-tier wedding cake. Duringz the afternoon Mrs. Russell Rabbins. Bowmanville, and Mrs. George Gibron, Taun- ton, assisted at the tea table and in the evening Mrs. M. Morgan Phono Oshawa 3224 and Mrs. H. Gifford, Taunton,! poured tea. Congratulatory messages were received by tbe couple during the day including a telegram from the bride's sister, Mrs. R. C. Thenbald, Pamburn, Sask. Amang the mnany lovely gifts rcccivcd was a' crystal sandwich plate, in cornflower design from the Vice famnilies and a Cogswell chair from tbe immediate fam-. ily. After signing the guest book, iI their many friends expressed fond I~ wishcs for many more years of , happincss for tbemn. We must make the wo' ýII est hefore we cao honest Oay . fa our children that bancs; is - the best poicy.-Bernard Shaw. Do nat consider anytbing for «I your intercst which makes yoti break your word, quit your mo- - desty. or inclines you ta any prac.Z tice whicb will not bear the light,*, or look the xvorld in the face.-,, Marcus Anfoninus. 72 Sinxcoe St. N., Oshawa SEE OURI 19E1 STYLES. . It's 'here! The new 1951 stylebook, chockful of ideas for you! Jus! Arrived! The New 1951 -52 Lancastria English Wallpaper Style Book - SEE THESE NEW STYLES TO-DAY - S. G.PRESTON &SON PAINTERS & DECORATORS Phione 2417 Bowmanville 48 Church St.J - ....,À,e~ *j-~* . ~I k ACE REFRIGERATIONi Commercial and Domestic SALES & SERVICE Rcuîairs to ail miakes of Refrigerators - Milk Coolers Dcep Freezers - Show Cases - Walk-in Boxes Apartments and Restaurants FREE ESTIMATES ON ALL EQUIPMENT Corne and see, phone or write about our new Twvo Temiperature Refrigerator Deep Freeze and Ref rigerator Combines - 24 hour service - Wuv. ALLAN THACKERAY 2KIN TE, OMNVLE HNE85CANADIANRECOS PAGE POU'À THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOMWANVMLE. ONTARM THIIRSDAY. MARCIT Ath. içioti NEW