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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Mar 1951, p. 11

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TRURSDAY, MARCH 22nd, 1951 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. ONTAFUO PAGE ELEVEN Hope Township Father and Son Wini Two Championships at Quinte District' S!dÀ Fair Held ai Blackstock Friday After several years absence Hoim, an exhibitor ln the junior from Durhiam County the Quinte division, won the grand awarzi District Seed Fair again held its for oats and the winter wheat annual exhibition in this county, championship was taken by Harry this time in the Blackstock Arm- Jackson of Omemee. oury on Friday. The large list Judges at the show were Dr. G. of exhibitors as well as the two P. McRostie, head of the Field hunclred farmers who attended Husbandry Division, Ontario Ag- in te ateroonto earthere-ricultural College; Arthur Dumais sults of the judging, and partici- and John A. Dawson of Ottawa, Pate in the lectures and discus- and Ross Sibbett, Toronto. sions, made' the 25th anniversary Juniors Featured of this itinerant exhibition mem- arable. An.important angle of.the fair Hundreds a! bags o! first class sced wvre on dispiax- throughout the day. Judging took place in the morning and the afternoon xvas devoted ta several speakers among them officiais o! bath the Domninion and Ontario Depart- ment of Agriculture. An auction sale was held Saturdav a!ter- naon at which the grain displayed was sold to the highest bidder. Ontario Agricultural College Cha lain Rev. W. A. Young, was speaker in the evening nt the weil attended banquet at which awards and championships wcre present- cd. Father and Son Champions Grand Champion in the barley division was Melvin McHolm a! Port Hope. His son, Roy Me- was the intcrest taken in it by thei junior farmers. More than !ifty junior competitors were on hnd in the morning and they were ta- on in hand by the judges who pro- ceeded ta give themrn any valu- able tips on judging seed. John Dawson, one of the judges, who is connected with the Plant Products Division o! the Dominion Department o! Agricul- ture, saîd during the aftcrnoon that he was plcased and very much impressed by the keen in- tcrest displayed and the seriaus knowledge o! the yaunger farm- ers. It augured weil for their f u- ture and the future a! agriculture, he said. Poor Growing Year The sccd displayed at Friday's 41ST ANNUAL SALE Victoria County Shorthorn Association TUESDAY, MARCH 27TH - 1:30 pan. at the Exhibition Grounds, Lindsay 13 Maies and 9 Females of top quality will be offereci - Catalogues available on request - Several of the bulîs being offered for the Sale will be approved for the financial assistance under the Bull Premium Policy if purchased by a Club consisting of two breeders. John A. Bent, LeRoy G. Brown, President. Secretary. i ,SEED GRAIN & CLO VERS This year we again have a choice selection of Seed Grains. ýBEA VER - ERDAN - AJAX - CLINTON VICTORY - CARTIER OAT VARIETIES ALSO NIXED GRAINS BARBOFF AND MONTCALM SIX ROWED DARLEY SANALTA TWO RGWED FIELD PEAS . SPRING WHEAT This grain Is Commercial No. 1 Grade and some registered with germination tests from 90 to 100%. CLO VERS Sow Norihern Grown Grimm Aifaifa This 4s we believe the best seed procurable and we can quote especially good prices on it. Also RED CLOVER, ALFALFA and RED MIXED. PERMANENT PASTURE MIXTURES, ETC. F E EDS We can offer Western Oats and Barley either whole grain or chop - Secure our prices. Mill Feeds - Prepared Feeds - Ferlilizers Au W. GLENNEY PHONE CLARKE 33-12 show was not the equal in qualitY NORTHUMBERLAND COUNTY LIVE STOCK of that dispiayed in some other POPULATION HIGHER THAN DURHAr4S years. Ail officiais made that ad-______ mission. Ail agreed that last year xvas a poor growing year. In his Northumberland Çounty tops Durham in the matter o! review o! the situation Dr. Mc- live stock population ini everything but sheep and lambs, a report Rastie said that in terms O! sun1- received from the Ontario Department of Agriculture shows. Fol- shîne and temperature, it was oneO lowing is a breakdown of the various animal populations as of June of the poorest growing years inlst and December lst, 1950: twenty.DUHMC NT Despite the tact that much o!fUHMCUT the seed was dark in color it was Sheep and mostly weil filled out and the Cattle Swine Lambs Horses judges believed that is germin- As o! June lst.........--. 49,900 35,700 10,900 7,090 atîng powers were unimpaired. As of December lst-. 54,154 43,300 7,000 6,540 Fair Manager Stewart Bowman spoke briefly. Other speakers paid tribute ta the work hie had NORTHIUMBERLAND COUNTY put into the show ta make it the Sheep and succcss it was. Cattie Swine Lambs Horses Wilmot Croxail Uxbridge, Pres- As of Junie lst------ ....---- 65,200 50,000 8,130 8,495 ident of the Quinte District Seeci As o! December lst -------....55,200 52,500 5,510 7,795 Fair- Association, acted as Chair- man for the afternoan gathering and intraduced the speakers and governrnent officiais, ail of whom Durham CJi.&&iy had ometing constructive to sa. This is the first vear the fair lias 'been hield at Blackstock and FARM FORUMS weeks of preparation went into miaking it a success. With the cu- operation o! the Ontario and Dur- HMTNFRMPOIEC OU ham County Hog Producers' As- HMTNFRMPOIEC OU sociations there was a display of Wiltshire sides all, of which were H-ampton Farm Forum met at Providence Forum met at the judged and awarded ribbons. the home of Mi. and Mrs. Bruce home of Mr. and Mrs. Luxtan with 17 persons present. Due ta Wînners are lîsted in another Tink to discuss the topic "Pipe bad roads this meeting was posý- columon. Lines of Information."~ poned until Tuesday night. The Prize List Some people say farmers do not subjeet was on education, which Seed Fair results were as fol- make use o! the agriculturai ser- ,ve pre-tested on Feb. 12. Hav- lows: ing covered this subject before, Early Oats-M. M. McHolm, vices that are available to them. we did flot have any formai dis- Port 1-ope: Johin Cruikshanks, What do you think? We agrced cussion. Hampton; William M. Ormsbee, that the agricuiturai extension We are ncaring the end o! an- Napanee. services have donc an excelînit job other season so we made plans Late Oats-M. McHolm, E. Cav- in Our communlty. and more far- l'or a pot luck supper and answex:- ena. Pontypool; Edgar Bowman, mers are rnaking use of these ser- ed our Farmn Forum Questioný- Plainville. vices than thev, did a few years flaire. Winter Wheat (other than Cor- ago. We stili think soi-e farmers Thmetnneteewilh nellU - Edgar Bowman, Harry do flot take advantage a! the in- lield at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jackson, Omcmec. formation at their disposai. Clarence Turner on Tuesday ev- Wintcr Wheat (Corneli 595)- What farm and home extension ening. This meeting will take Harold Swain, Nestîcton; Ernest services are needed in your dist- the form of a pot luek supper and Larmer, Nestlcton; W. S. Simp- rict that are not available flow? social evening. The committee in son, Kingston. Mare action should be taken by charge would like ta serve sup- Barley-M. McHolm, G. B. the Weed Inspector and he should per at 6:45 p.m. Riekard, Bowmanville; Ai! Allin, be given more co-operation from Bowmanville. councls and from farmers them- Buckwheat-Clem Ketcheson, selves in spraying and controlling SHAW'S FORUM Belleville. weeds. Rye-Wilbert Malcolm, Janet- Next meeting at the home of Shaw's Forum met at the home ville: Ivan Norton, Goodwood. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Gaud, of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Trudeau on FField Peas-F. H. Westney, Monday, March 19, with Roy Pickering; Casement Davidson, Trudeau as discussion leader. To- Little Britain. pic for the evening was "Pipe Soy Beans-M. McHoim. STARKVILLE FORUM Lines o! Information." Red Claver-F. H. Westney, 1. Some people think farmers Pickering. Our Forum xvas entertaiîned atdontmkgodue!tea- Alfalfa-Howard Malcom, La- th hine of Mr. an~d Mrs. JoW ricultural services that are av'- cust Hil Stark with 14 present. The tapie ailabie ta them. What do you Sweet Ciover-Howard Mal- was "Pipe Linos af Information." thiink? colm. Some people say farmers do nat Quite often the directions giv- Timothy Hay--Clem Ketches- make gaod tise o! the agriculturaleni geutrlpesaeno on, Earl Wright, Blackstack; How- services that arc available en iariclual papereesonareconat ard Malcolm. thfîm. While some farmers do praticas fr.the smeasonason-h Eariy Rye Oats (10 bu. lots)- not make full use of agricultural they got more practical advicc M. McHioim, W. M. Ormsbee, Nap- services. mast o! those engaged lii frorn neighbors who in turn got ane:; G. B. Rickard. specialized farmi methods suen it from the Dept. o! Agriculture. Rcgistcrcd Late Oats-E. Cav- as grawing patatoes, tomatoes, Farmers do, however, make good ena: Annbrae Farms. Myrtle; canning corn make use o! ail the use o! the services when they Hemlack Park Farm, Kingston. services and advice they can get. applv. For exampie the spray Registercd Baricy-M. MeHolm, What farm and home extension calendar. Garnet Rickard, AI! Ailin. services arc nceded in yaur dist- 2.Wa frmadh e - Regîstered Xhat-Harry Jack- rict that are nat avaîlabie now, tension sresarend oe ex- son, Omcec; Robert Armstrong,.In this district we cauld do with vour district that are flot avail- Ida. more veterinarian services. That -able now? Potatoes (medium or late)- 'brought aur discussion ta a close. We have such a good Agricul- Ivan Norton, Gaadwaod; M. Wea- We made plans for our iast titrai Representative that what therilt and Son, Bethany; Har- meeting of the season. A fcw anc needs is readiiy supplied by aid Nortan, Clarement. games o! cards were cnjoyed, Mrs. hinm. Potatoos (carly)-M. Wcathi- Etweil winning the ladies' prize The next meeting o! the Forum erilt, E. Cavano. and Len Falls the men's. Mr. and will be held at Shaws Sehool New Exhibitors Mrs. Stark served a delightfulI with Mrs J. Trudeau, Mrs. R. Tru- Earlv OatsCrl Wridzht, lak-_lunch.I stock; Wiibert Malcolm. Late Oats-Carl Wright. Barley-Gray Brothers, New- castle; Fred Canning, Woodville. Winter Wheat-W. Malcolm, Carl Wright. Junior Section Early Oats-Alex Martin, Newý- castle; Roy McHolm, Part Hope; Allan Osbor-ne. Port Hope. Late Oats-Roy McHolni; Ar- thur Dawson, Blackstock; Robert Mallory, Trenton. Barley-Roy McHolm, Fred Canning, Woodviile; Charles Mur- phy. Lindsay. Winter Wheat-Glen Larmer, Newcastle. Because o! the lack o! traincd teachers aimost 200 ane-room rural sehools in Canada are closed. Thore is no time like the pros- ont ta got that o!ten postponed complote physicai examination. Complote and regular modical check-up- a!tcn locate ailments in thcir incipient stage-at a time when something can be donc Wabout it. NE WCAST LE h. d -FUEL LAND 43 KING ST. W. CHECK TIH *ST9 *AU *ME For Oul or JACK DRI Phone 615 Let a DURO do the Pumping! S AVNG HML . .REDUC- ING PRODUCTION. DURO Punips, designed for Farm dutv, supply fresh water wherc and when 3-ou need il ... in the home . h arn . . . pouitry yard truck garden . .. provides reserve for tire protection. See your Pluniber or DURO dealer for full information about the type of DLRO Shallow or Deep WeIl Puimp 3-au need, or write for folder, "Running Water, the Farm Necessity". PUMPS & SOFTENERS LIMITED PF93 LONDON -CANADA' JACK DRl0GGHý PLUMBING AND HEATING11 Bowmanville Division St. S.! Phone 2384 OIL CONTRACTS ONE TO PIVE YEARS RER m STARK OIL LTD. OSHAWA [ESE FEATURES:- 'ORAGE ONE MILLION GALLONS. JTOMATIC DELIVERY. ETER STAMPED TICKET. Service PHONE 58 Phone Your Local Agent OUGH PLUMDING AND HEATING OIL DUENERS INSTALLED Bowmanville Endless Wage For Good Seed Ottawa.-In the neyer ending Sbattie to keep Canadian seeds up to high standard, inspectors of the Plant Products division of the Department of Agriculture, dur- ing 1950, placed under detention 75 lots of seeds produced here. At the same time they refused .. entry into Canada of 174 lots o! S seeds containing noxious weeds, ~-or below specified standards. S A "lot," says Arthur Dumais, SAssociate Chief of the seeds i- inspection service at Ottawa, may Vary from a few sacks or packages to several carloads and S the seller of such seeds becomes liable to prosecution if a test of Dr. C. W. Leggatt New Chief o! Laboratory Ser- vices, Plant Produets Division. Department of Agriculture, Otta- wa. Cartwright Farmer Wins Grand Award In Bacon Contest R. Larmer of Nestieton, and P. Butcher of Beaverton were grand and reserve prize winners yester- day a!ternoon at Blackstock when the anuiual Bacon Carcas Campe- titian was held in canjunction with the Quinte District Seed Fair. Twcnty-eight carcasses from the hierds of Ontario and Durham Caunties wvore displayed through the co-operatian of the Hog Pro- ducers' Associations o! those two sections. Townships represented in the show werc Thoran, Darlington, Pickering, Scugog, Cartwright, Reach and Manvers. Exhibitors were fromn Janetville, Port Perry, Blackwater, Uxbridge, Burketon, Nestieton, Claremont, Myrtie Sta- tion, Bowmanville, Gamcbridgc and Beaverton. Aside from the grand cham- pionship and reserve champion first prize ribbons were awarded K. Windatt, Gamebridge; E. Har- ris, Beaverton; A. Found, Bow- manvillo; K. Ormiston, Bowman- ville; A. Schneider, Myrtle Sta- tion. and Christie Brothers, Port Port-y. The quality o! the carcasse-s dis- piaycd was high throughout and Finley Stewart o! Toronto, who is associated with the Dominion Marketing Service, went over the 'Wiltshire sides' anc by one and paînted out their merits and de- ficiencios fram the standpoint o! marketing and haw thcy might have been improved and n...ýde more uniform by better breeding and feeding. The Statute o! Westminster, passed in 1931, stated that the United Kingdomn and the Domini- ans were "autonomnous communi- ties within the British Empire, equal in status." deau and Mrs. Au~stin Wood as conveners. Ail mombers are urgcd ta attend as this is the last meeting. Please bî-ing your cards and tables. EAST Fergu"on System T 6ne-m Dfite r 'Ire evIl C ý25 ôm7fo-t wdths. Si.,,. Di,,. in lé d12fo wdh FrguIOf 3Point At^t.Cl You'il find it easier than ever before ta do better disCing with Fergusori Disc Harrow$. Wîtli the Finger Tip Contrai on your Fergusan TraCtor, you angle or straightefl the gangs in an instant without stopping the tractor. No !Ifighting" the steering wheel, no funîbling for topel or levers, no looking back. Avaîlable in bath the Tandem and Single Disc types. profecf Your Grossed WaferwoY No ýcutting or tearing of valuable sod with a Fergulail Disc Harrow. With Finger TiP contrai, you straighten the gants, crois the grass and reset the angle-na stoppiflg, no time hast. Asi for more information about Fergueon Disc HarrOWUé Sid Lancastez'%s Garage, R.R. 2, NEWCASTLE PHONE CLARKE 2703 oz ANDSOU iiJç?O13RE SHAN DURHAM UNTY CUT Buy Quality Foods and Save! EGGS FOR EASTER! ... SERVE DOMINION'S - *'ALWAYS FRESH" GUARANTEED EGGS FOR EASTER MEALS! LARGE Doueu 61Ç COI.OUR TOUR OWN mes CULVUtOUSI--CHOICM TIPI puCOLOURING KMAIPRAGS2ion- 4 Jc PanS u@.cim 15 SARAINGUSC WAX BEANl 150.i6c Il-,AYLMER FANCY APRICOTS BRIGHT'S CHOICE PEACHES HUNT'S FRUIT COCKTAIL_ HORSEY GRAPEFRUIT JUICE2 SWEET MIXED PICKLES PICNIC BROCADE PAPER SERVIETTES CLARK'S TOMATO JUICE2 iR 29C ISL 21Ic ISE27C ras. 33c 160-.~ 29c of 7016C 20 Or*'> Tins 27C ROT CROSS DUNS Serve these over the Easter Week-end CHRISTIE'S GENERAL BAKERIES 6 qt. basket la a 59C Size 200 --doz. 49C Minimum 14-ai. pkg. - - - 25c Large Size 216 . doz. 45c . -h - b19C Large Suze 48 -~ - for 23c 10-oz. celle bag m 19C VALUES EFFECIIYE WEO. THURS. & SAT., bAARCH- 21Uf, 22nd A 24th 1ý SeRVIN GC '43 %locMdi 9tl, DMINION STOIES LIMITID an official sample shows that the seed offered for sale is falsely or incorrectly labelled or dmesnot meet grade requirements. Furthermore, If a seller fails, ta correct the labeflling, or refuses ta withdraw the seed from sale, the seed may be detained by the inspectors and later confiscated and disposed o! as the Min'ister- may direct. The Seeds Act stipulates that the containers o! ail field crop seed offered for sale for the pur- pose o! seeding in Canada be labelled with the seed grade. Such grades arc based on purity, germination, quality and indicate relative valtue. Ta check for false representa- tion as ta grade or for other vio- lation under the Seeds Act, the inspectars o! the Plant Produets Division iixspect seed in ware- bouses, stores and other premises where seed is held for sale, and take official samples. These samples are analyzed for purity and germination; in sofrie cases, the secd is testcd for misrepresen- tation as ta variety in verifica- tion plots. Last year Canadian labor re- ccived a record-breaking $8,000,- 000,000. ~1i~ Ontario Fancy Grade McINTOSH RED APPLES California Seedless Navel SUNKIST ORANGES Mexican, Firm, Red RIPE TOMATOES Valencia, Sîveet Julcy and Seediess FLORIDA ORANGES - Mexican, WVeIl FilIed Fads FRESH GREEN PEAS Crunchy and Crisp, Green Pascal FLORIDA CELERY - Selected, Washed. Ready te Cook FPRESH3 GREEN SPINACH STORE HOURS Closed ail day March 23rd (Good Friday) Open Thursday, March 22nd 8:15 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday, March 24th 8:15 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday, March 26th 8:45 a.m. to 6 p.mi. TMMDAY, MAIRCH 22nd, 1951 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVMLE. ONTARIO PAGE BLEVEN 'il

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