!?HKJRSDAY APRIL 5th 1951 TECNDA TTSA.E AVLE NAT PAcE ~LI~Vi~w FBAHS. "Screech Owl" F By George Buchan Until 9 a.m. Monday morning Here is a line-up of the teams lite was carefrceehappy and gay and players: for B.H.S. students. But by now Daffodils-Coach, Taylor; play- the gloom bas returned and they crs: B. Murdoch, L. Covericy, B. are oblivious ta the chirping of Bonk, B. Leask, T. Masters, D. the birds and the humming of the Poole, J. Marklc, R. Collctt, G. becs. What meaning bas life to Byam. tbemn now? They drag them- Pansies-Coach, Dadson; play- selves from room to ronm, the ers: B. Galiagher, M. Brown, F. gloom increesing with eacb Carter, B. Armstrong, A. Rich- crumplcd exam paper tbey re- ards, B. Laskaris, K. Brooks. N. celve. But the teachers-they Dudley, D. Ross. are', t the opposite! They have Petunias-Coach, Stutt; play- spe~ their holidays marking crs: T. Colwell, T. Abrams, C. Pap rs; now tbey can relax to a Reid, R. Miller, T. Werry, G. JIde of case. Oh well, such is life! Parkhill, F. Truli, R. Vine, R. Houseleague Basketbaii Pbilp. Since the Boys' Hauseleague Tulips-Coach, Mohun;, play-i Basketba1l, or rather the Bouquet ers: Kitson, J. Hoopcr, J. Bate, R.1 League Basketball, is approach- Wilkins, G. Werry, E. Brown, G. in hepayofstg, hogtMarjerrison, D. Hughes, E. Pal- 1 should explain how it is arg- mateer. anized. There arc six teams, eacb Ochids-Coacb, Stainton; play- having a member of the school crs: A. Cameron, A. Stacey, S. senior basketball teamn as coach. Sisson, R. Osborne, M. Carmen, Members of the scbool junior andi N. Allun, P. Lycctt, Humphries, L. senior teams are not aliowed to Trimbie. Play, thus giving the younger stu- G a r d c n i a s-Coacb, Hockin; dents a chance ta iearn and plar players: B. Caverly, J. McGill, organized basketbali. The teamz: K. Kelly, B. Woolley, J. DeGeer, were drawn uIP bv basketball con- B. Panas, B. Stocker, D. Cramp, venor Bill Murdoch in such a wav H. Dillin g. that there would be no outstand- FST OR PORM ing team, but that ail teanis IS FONPRGA would be evenly matcbcd. All (By Claire Allun)t the games are piayed at noon On March 22, first form pre- hour and whcn thc f ixed number sentcd one of the best form pro- of games have hcen played the grams of the year. Ron Hewitt as two top teams x'l play off to- Master of Ceremonies introduccd gether. At present the Pansies Ken Brooks N&hoebentertained us are in first place xith six points; with bis accordion solo "Drifting the Petunias, Orcbids and Tulips Ciouds." A play "Oh Johnny" are tied for second place with kept us laugbing from beginning four points; the Gardenias are to end. Don Cramp as Jobnny, third witb two points xvhile the loves frogs and bas quite a mer-t Daffodils bave the cellar spot witb cenary mmnd. Lorraine Quacken- I1 nia points. bush playcd "It is No Secret" and C-1-L PAINTS can take ii! Thcy have the Iasting beauty the ruggcd resistance to wear and wcathcr, which mean true paint economvy. It pays to use C-I-L PAINýTS. Smarten up drab walis and ceilings... floors and stairways. Use C-I-L Interior Gloss, Semî-Gioss or Fiat Wall Paint for Mals and ivoodwork..i. C-I-L Vamnishes to enrich the beauty-of natural wood. CH1Iý CILUX Enamel cornes in .94 rich colours. Ideai for furnitume - ouldoors and in. Yes, and automobiles, too. Goes on smoothly, dries qruickly - and iasts and lasts!1 See -our CieL Paint Dealer Yoti (an depcnd upon C-I-L PAINTS for the cnduring colour, the rugged rcsistancq to wear and M-atlier whiclî îîîaii truc paint cconomny. Whlenever vou paint ... lwhatoe cm vou pitn..-. it pays to 6se y'our C-I-L Paint Dealer. "Af ter the Victory March" on her accordion. The next numnber on the pro- gram was a skit which took place on our own town corner. Two of the bown gossips,la Crago and Claramae Fisk, found fault with everything and everyone-school kids, loyers, , ashion girls and bousewives. Marg and Marie Letby enter- tained us with their tapdancing foilowed by an accordion solo, '"Whispering Hope" by Don Laird. A radio broadcast "The Three Little Pigs" brought many laugbs from the audience From station C-HAM, Studio I-A.B.C. came "The Offal Park Sausage" hour. The three little pigs were Mary Cunningham (who built ber bouse of straw), Joe Markle (who built bis bouse of wood), and Wilma Bates (wbo built ber house of brick). Noci Dudley played Willie tbc Wolf. The M.C., dear Uncie Dudley, was played by Grant Werry. The programn closed witb the singing of God Save The King. Thanks for the swell program, kids! VERSE SPEAKING (By Claire Ailln) On March 22 the Litcrary So- ciety bcld their Verse Spcaking Contcst. Judith Stcngr, Presi- dent, announced Miss Cunning- bam ta introduce the competition. Miss Cunningham toid us that tbe winners from the different schoais tbrougbout the province speak at tbe Royal Ontario Museum n Toronto during the Easter holi- days. Verse speaking is encouragcd ta get away from the melodramatic way of speaking to get cither laugbter or tears; it is an inter- pretation of beautiful poctry. The first selection was fromt the iyric section, a sonnet by anE American, J L. McGee, who was killed in action. Shirley Quan- trill vemy ably recited bis -High1 Flight." The second selection was1 frmmthb dramatic type framE Sbakcspcamc's Richard III. Cal- icen Clarke portraycd Anne'sa speech from this draina. Co'-i ieen's outstanding dramatic pres- entation won ber the bonour ofa competing in Toronto in the t holidays. Congratulations, girls! ZION (Hope Twp.) Miss Wyllcne Wilson, Brown's section, with ber cousin, Miss Elaine Caswell. Mrs. R. Morton visited ber daughter, Mrs. R. Lowe, Port Hope. Dccpest sympathy is extended to Mr. and Mrs. S. Johoston in the loss of their eider daughter, Mrs. H. Wilson, and to Mr. Reuben Payne and family in tbe loss of a wife and niother. Miss Bigeiow, Peterborough Normal School student is beach- ing at Zion Scbool this week. Lake Shore, Clarke Mr. and Mrs. Alec MeNcil and family, Ottawa, with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Martin. Mrs. Gordon Martyn and Joyce spent several days in Toronto. Joyce attended the O.E.A. con- vention. Mr. and Mrs. Austin Turner and Helen, Newcastle; Mrs. S. Stephens, Hespier, spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Gor- don Martin. Mr. and Mrs. Morley Allmn and famîly, Newcastle, visibcd Mr. and Mrs. W. Baskcmvilie. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Bill Skelding on tbc arrivai of a daughter. Miss K. Riches attended the O. E.A. convention in Toronto and visited Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ricn- es, Stouffviiie, and Mr. and Mms. Harold Riches, Cambray. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Tcasdale, Burlington, spent Sunday with1 Mm. and Mrs. Ken Dean.8 Mrs. H. Holmes spent a few days1 in Toronto. Lake Shore Ladies K. S. and C. Club met at Mrs. Jack Holmes'. Lake Shore H. and S. Club metc March 22 with an exceptionallyt good turnout. After the business Mr. W. Adams' group took charge. Program consisted of a piano solo by Miss Barbara Ann Alldred; a very interesting talk by Mrs. W. Holmes on some of the mns and outs of census taking; a piano duet by Miss Doris Martin and Mrs. Martin: Mr. Russell Powell sang two selections, accampany- ing himself -on the guitar. Miss Riches then organized an educ- cational quiz contest which show- ed us wbat we didn't know. Mrs. W. Adams bad a balloon biov- ing contest for the childrcn.- W hile lunch was bcing prepared a ing- song with Miss Audrey Adams leading, at the piano, was enjoy- cd. After lunch Mm. and Mrs. Gordon Martin played for a baîf hour of dancing. Mr. AIf Brown visiteci bis mother, Mrs. H. Brown, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Aif Brown and family visited Mr. and Mrs. Har- aid Skinner, TYmone. ½ENNISKILLEN In spite of very bad roads the Sunday evening W.M.S. Easter Thankoffering service with Group Four in charge was fairly well attended. Mrs. R. Seymour as special speaker, delivered a fine address, choosing her text from the Beatitudes. Mrs. C. Rankine. Haydon, was guest soloist and assisted the choir with two de- lightful solos. We would like to say a special "tbank you" to Mrs. Rankine. Thirty members of Mrs. E. C. Ashton's immediate family gath- ercd at the home of ber son, Mr. Harold Ashton, in a surprise party to honor Mr. and Mrs. Har- old Ashton on their fifth wed- ding anniversary. Following a delicious buffet lunch Mr. Or- ville Ashton and Mr. Stanley Mýiy in a few brief remarks conveyed congratulations and good wishes of the family to the couple and Miss Beth Travell presented themn with a set of dishes on behaîf of the gathering. The bride and groom gave replies of appreci- ation. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ashton on their five ycars of wedded life. Miss Betty Knox, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. John Slemon. Mr. and Mrs. S. Reynard and Reita, Mrs. B. Yeo, Mr. and Mrs. D. Yeo and Lorna, Oshawa, were Sunday guests wîtii Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Yeo. Mr. and Mrs. Harold McGill, Russell and Ross, Toronto, with Mrs. John MeGili. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Smitb, Oshawa, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. Huff, who are with Mr. H. Annis. Glad to re- port Mr. Annis is improving. Miss F. I. Smaies fias returned to Toronto atter visiting ber par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Jý Smales. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Staintol and family with Mr. and Mrs. C. Mills, Port Perry. Mrs. John Borrowdaie and son Brian, Oshawa, visited her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Werry. Dr. and Mrs. Clarke Dorland and family, Lapeer, Mich., with Mdr. and Mrs. John Dorland. Mr. and Mrs. A. Leadbeatcr and Georgie at Mr. and Mrs. Ar- thur Moore's. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Smales, Oshawa, with Mr. and Mrs. J. Smales. Master Wayne Lee, Oshawa, .vith his grandparents, Mr. and .'rs. Walter Ferguson. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Oke spent Sunday with Mr. Oliver Hub- bard's. Mr. and Mrs. P. Ellis visited MIr. and Mrs. Jack Kelch in To- ron to. Mrs. Walter Ferguson and1 vlaster Wayne Lee, visited Mrs. George Bowers, Nestîcton, and vlrs. Fred Dayes, Biackstock. Mrs. Harold Milis and familyj with ber sister, Mrs. Ed. Jennings, Acton. Mr. Harold Milîs brought them home on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Wcrry werc last weekend visitors with Mr. 1 and Mrs. Beverley Veal at Kirk- and Lake.( Miss Irene Ferguson bas return- 1 d home from visiting relatives _q in Oshawa. t Master Gordon Boyd is visit-E ig bis grandparents, Mr. and1 TIrs. Gordon McLean, Uxbridge.é Mr. and Mrs. Donald Lamb have bought tie farmn of the former P~ Fred Honey and moved there last c week. We wish themn luck in 1 teir new home. é Mr. Ralpb Lamb and Mr. Keitb I harp, Brighton, spent the week- D~ nd with Mr. and Mrs. Lamne a Lamb. Miss Doris Wright with her a grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Nor- man Wright, Maple Grove. Miss Carol Wright holidayed l Nith Mr. and Mrs. W. Sanderson, a olumbus. a Miss Gloria WVright spent holi- 1. lays with Mr. and Mrs. P. Presise, g 'shawa. c W.M.S. met at the home of [mrs. O. C. Ashton on March 13 I 'ith Mrs. E. A. Werry, presiding. d Irs. R. Ommiston had charge of t: he wirship service and mead the ( cripture and verses by Kagawa. v Ers. O. C. Ashton closed with )rayer. Mrs. A. Brunt read an Jusi Iwo moments! HOWV MUCH of your monley is invested in property that may be destroycd and what wliyou have left if that happens? Spend a moment figurint this out and an- other in caliing us to chîeck up. IVe wili make sure that you have insurance to re- imburse you if >our property !à destroyed. Stuart R. James INSURANCE - REAL ESTATE Reg. 4931 Ring Street, Bow-manvie Siemon; readings by the Temp- crance Sccretary, Mrs. Ray Me- Gili; solo by Bert Wcrry, and the chapter from bbhe study book by Mrs. Seymour. Mrs. E. A. Werry closcd the meeting with prayer af ber which Group Thmee served a delicious lunch. Women's Association met at the home of Mrs. Walter Fergu- son on Marcb 27. Mrs. Milîs caîl- ed the meeting ta order and ail mepeated the mabto. Devotional was taken by Mrs. F. Wcrry. Raill Cali cmcated much laughter when answercd with an Irish joke. Mms. H{arvey MoGili read a poemn on St. Pabrick's by Edgar Gucst. Mrs. R. M. Seymour lead in com- munity singing. Readings from madio's oid philosopher on the Bible xvas mead by Mrs. Russell Ormiston. President ciosed. tbc meeting with the W. A. theme and prayer. A delicious lunch was semved by Gmoup No. 3. WESLEY VILLE Roads have been bad, makingr it bard for many ta get out. c Mms. Arnold Thomndykc and daugbtcrs spent Wcdncsday with Mrs. C. Payne wbilc Murray Payne and Mr. Thorndyke spent the day in Toronto. -Mr. and Mms. Murray Payiqc spont Thursday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil White, Part Hope. Miss Helene Barrov4clough spent Tbursday and Fmiday in To- ronto. Sunday guests with Mr. and Mms. Percy Snell were Mr. and Mms. Ken Dinnor and family. Miss Laurel Hill, Part Hope, is with Mrs. Edgar Barrawclough. Mrs. Dunbar~ and sisters, Ham- ilton, xvitb their parents, Mr. and iVrs. C. Beighbon. MVr. and Mns. Murray Pavue had dinner with Mn. andi Mns. Clan- ence Nichol]s on Sundav. Mn. and Mns. WI. Tufford with Mr. and Mns. A. Ford visited Mr. and Mrs. Gibson at Cald Springs. Seven mnembens of the Ccm- ctery Board met at the home of Mr. H. Austin on Monday night. Caretaker w-as hired and it was decided ta have the annual bec on April 17. Cangratulations ta Mr. and Mrs. Howard Payne on the birtb of their daUghber, Sandra Eliza- beth, on March 29, in bbc Port Hope General Hospital. OBITUARY MRS. COSY COCHRANE A bnagic accident abaut 9 p.m. Saturday evening, in Oshawa, claimcd the life of Mns. Cosy Cochrane, agcd 54, R. R. 1, Osh- awa, when the 1948 coach madel Englislh automobile she was dri',- .ng cahhided with the mear of an auto transport trailer on Simcae Street North. The automobile, almost com- pletely wrecked in the collision, had oniy been punchased a few hours before th accident. Mrs. Cochrane was bbc former Cosy Davidson, daughter of the ate Mn. and Mrs. William David- son. Barn at Part Penry on Oc- aober 14, 1896, she was marricd1 at Part Penny on February 23,1 1915, and bad lived iu the Osh- a\wa district fan 31 years. Predeceascd by bier husband, Milton George Cochrane, on De- cemben 26, 1950, Mrs. Cochrane caves ta maurn lber passing bwo laughbers, Mrs. Thomas West-t lake, (Giadlys) of Hampton, and1 Miss Imene Cochrane of Oshawa.. and four sons, Edwin of Raglan, bi-chie, Alfred and Marris of Osh- a wa. Aiso sunviving anc bhnee sîsters, /Mrs. A. Shacklady of Los Angeles, Mrs. Ben Huhbard of Bunketon nd Mrs. Russeil Dermilie of Osh- wa; two brothers, Russell of Rag-f lan. and PencY af Taunton: 10 grandchiidren and il great grand- Rev. H. A. Meilow. minister off Northminster United Cbumch con- *ucted thc funeral service froom th Armstrong Funcrai Homo. Oshawa, Apnil 3rd. lntci-ment 'as in Mount Lawn Cemetcry. Canada bas bad a diplomatiec ?rvice-The Deparbment of Ex-c You can cook FASTER, EASIER, BETTER with the new FRIGIDAIRE Electric Range Model, for ery kitchen end budget Corne ln now for a demonstration 40 Ted Woodyard Corner of Kinir and Silver Streets, Bowmanville, and at Orono The Orono News Mrs. R. E. Logan t Mm. and Mms. Charles Walker -and daughtcrs, Frances, Barbara -and Nancy, Camp Borden, visît- 1cd ber parents, Mm. and Mms. C. 1Cooper. 1 Mms. Roper, Toronto, visitcd Mn. iand Mms. Cliff Gamey. Mr. Cliff Hancock, Peterbar- iough, and daughter, Mms. Lyle Bristow and cildren, Clifford and Margaret, Gardon Hill, visitcd iMm. and Mrs. Edgerton Hancack. Mm. Milford Shenwin is naw a 1patient in Toronto Generai Hos- pital w-home ho is having breat- monts. His many fricnds are hoping bis condition will im- prove. Mr. Jas. Lowery bas boughb the farm of Mr. Wm. Rutherford at Kimby and will be taking posses- sion next month. Mm. Glen Tamblyn, Belleville, spent thc wekend with Mm. and Mms. M. J. Tamblyn. Miss Shirley Porter and Miss Laura Bcglcy, Oshawa, spent the weokend with Mm. and Mms. N. 1'. Porter. Mms. Fred Green and childmon moved iast week ta Holland Landiiig where tbey will make their home. Congratulations ta Mm. and Mrs. James Linton, Ton-onto, on bhc birth of thoir daughbor, Caral Elizabeth, on Mamcb 20 at Burn- side Hospital. Joan and Elva Reid, Cmooked Cmeck, spent Easter bhidays with their gmandparents, Mn. and is. T. A. Reid. Congratulations ta Mn. and Mms. Hamilton Boyd, nec Grace Gam-sby, who xvere married in Bowmanville on Marcli 31. Visitons with Mr. R. H. Wood and Allie werc Mr. and Mrs. George Armour and Mrs. Herb Rundie, Hampton; Mms. W. N. Hoskin, Oshawa, and Mn. Lamne Hoskin and son Ailyn, Bunketon. and Mrs. Sidney Cornish and Germy, Bowmanvilie. Mrs. Evelyn Hall, Anna Marie and Bob have movcd ta Port Hope whome Mrs. Hall lias accepbed a position. We arc sorry ta lose the Hall famiiY but hope they wiil like their ncw home, Mn. and Mrs. Harvey Morgani have sold their famm ta Mm. Evan Quantril of Kcndal, and will soon be moving ta their home in Orono whicb. they bought fromn Mrs. Luella Bostock. Miss Gwen Pbasey, Oshawa, spent the weekend at hem home bore. Mrs. C. Wood was in Toronto on Tucsday and visited Mrs. Hoidgc and Marjanie. The United Cbumcb service on Sunday manning was a speciai Woman's Missionary Society ser- vice. witb the membens sitt ing in thc centre of the chLirch. Rev. Eustace conducted bbc service. The church xvas dccorated .vi'li standards af pink snapdmagons lending boauby ta the service. Members of the Evcning Auxiiiary'% wemc in bhe choir loft and led the service of sang. A beautiful trio was sung by Misses Joyce Sut- ton, Betty Chapman and Jean Rainey. Rev. R. R. Nicholson of Bowmanville, bnougblt a stinning, missianary message. taking as bis tcxt, 'Go Vo Into Ail the World and Preach the Gospel." His inspimîng words will long be nemcmbered by thc congrega- tian wha wcre very grateful ta Rcv. Nicholson for coming tao Omono for this special occasion. Miss Connie Tyreli spent sev- oral days visiting Joy Cooper lu Osh a wa. Mrs. M. H. Staplos îeft this week for Erie, Penn. wheme she will visit relatives. Rev. and Mns. A. E. Eustace and famnily spent Easter bol idays visit- ing friends in Lockport. N.Y. Mr. Jas. Gilfilian, Montre-il, visited bis auint, Miss Viola Gil- fillan. Mr. and Mrs. Giffen, Toronto, are visiting their daughitcr, Mrs. Gordon Winter. Card of Thanks Mr. Clarence Aluin takes thiis opportuniby ta express bis sin- cere thanks toalal fi-iends and or- ganizations for thein kindness and consideratioîi during bis mer-ont Me 5th iilness. Ib was mucb appreciatcd. Mr. Fred Duncan continues ta be very il]. His daughters, Mrs. R. Ransberry of Montreal and Mrs. Cann of Gardon Hill are witbhlm. Miss E. Holmes, Oshawa. is with ber sister, Mrs. H. Rowland and Mr. Rowland. Woman's Missionarv Societv xvas well epresented at New- castie W.M.S. Eastcr Thankoffer- ing service on Wednesday alter- noon. A v-er 'v profitable after- noon was spent and a social boni- eniayed at bbc close. Mr. and Mrs. Black, Campbell- Chumch St. South. 'j SPRINMG ROSIER Y r) Ar Dazzling, Sheer, Nylon Tlosiery for Spring in a orizorious array of colours and shades to suit your every costume. Sheer, xisty Iovelincss of the 60 gauge, 15 denier liose by Kayser and Phantom In al] thc beautiful shades of Spring.$2 5 Sizes 8ýj to 11. - -___05__ Opring in ail its giory in 51 gauge Nylons for street or cvcning m-car. Plain or picture frame heel. Sizes 8!2 to Il. --- _ $1.95 Beautiful 45 gauge hose by Kayser Phan- tom, Mercury, in the iatest Spring shades. SPECIAL Sheer loveliness in Nylon with a diamond shaped outle hbcd for 9 that slimming effect at the ankie. First quai- ity, 45 gauge bose inm ail the latest shades. 1 Sizes 9 to Il. $1.59 If vou have been baving bose trouble rememnber that bbe Glory Ann Shoppe carnies stretch top, long and short icngth bose and bias a trained sales staff ready to offer you advice on the bose hest suited ta you. - Ail hose is guarantced against a dlean run or break - or replaced FREE of CHARGE. Glory Ann Shoppe 57 King Si. W. Bowmanville NULTY'1S ANNIVERSARY BAGAINS Friday and Saturday Only -See Our Window Display for Merchandise on Sale ai "B E LO0W"" Cosi Price. We lhank you - our cusiomers - for enabling us fo have a 51h Year in business. 4' 9il SPORTS 6 Ring Si. E. BD WMAN VILLE Phone 3531 SPECIAL! A beautiful 45 gauge hase in an ex- cellent assartment of Spring 'hades. Sizes 9 ta 11. AGlory Ann Special at __$.4 ,,H îggon Electi Vour General Electric Appiiance Dealer Phone 438 Boxwmanville 42 Kin, Ig St. E. 'Phone- Office 681 . TEE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVMLE, ONTARIO *5 ford, visited Mr. Robert and Miss Edith Shcrwin. Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Warner, Hamilton, and Mr. Jay Mason, Truro. N.S., were guests of Mrs. Jas. Dicksoni. Mr. and MÇrs. Lawrence Hooey have maved into their new borne which has just been completed in the norbh end of tbe village, and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lycett bave taken possession of bbc borne formcrly occupicd by Mr. Hooey which they boughb. Miss Jean Buchanan, Toron. ta. visitod ber sister, Mrs. A. A. Drumntond. The plastorers have arrived at tbe cbumch and arc e v busy. It is hoped that thechcurch will-be finished in ear-l,-' suinnior. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Burgess and family bave maved fromn uptowvn ta Mr. John McCrac's bouse on PAGE ELEVEN 1 ente ,Wûhether youie Pei inq